3 Random Things and a Jetflow Hydration Pack Giveaway

1.  Before I left for the airport Brooke wanted me to read to her the Summer Sanders article in Runner’s World and tell her all about our race together.  I gladly went along with it.  

Can we talk about how all of the sudden Brooke looks like a five year old.  

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2.  So Fun Yogurt in Pennsylvania had quite the assortment of sprinkles.  Their peanut butter froyo is actually the best froyo flavor I have ever had  (I have others that agree with me on this one).  They also had chocolate Magic Shell… how did I forget about how good that stuff is …. Magic Shell got me through many hard times in high school:)

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3.  Last night I was standing in line to get a chicken wrap in the Chicago airport for dinner and then I looked to the right of me and saw deep dish pizza.  I wondered why I was making such bad life decisions in choosing a wrap over CHICAGO deep dish pizza and then went on to make the honorable decision.   (ps I know that pizza in the airport doesn’t count as the real deal but it was still pretty good)

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Jetflow sent me one of their awesome Hydration Packs (in pink, which I love).

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These people are brilliant.  They have made a hydration pack where you simply just attach your water bottle/gatorade etc to the pack.  You don’t have to use the same ‘bladder’ each time like the other hydration packs require.  It simply connects directly to your bottle.  This makes life 1 million times easier because you don’t have to take the pack apart each time to clean it out.  

This is how it works.  

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I really and truly like running with this pack.  I sometimes forget that I am wearing it (because it is so comfortable and lightweight) until I feel thirsty and remember how awesome it is to have my water right there waiting for me to drink.  It is dishwasher safe and easy to clean and you don’t have the weird plastic tastes from the bladder (because there isn’t one:) It has a great pocket to store things like keys, your phone, gloves, two additional water bottles etc.  

It is a winner in my book.  I may even use it on my treadmill during the winter months… that is how cool it is.  

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Enter to win your very own!  Giveaway ends on Friday (10/25/13)

To enter to win a Jetflow Hydration Pack leave me a comment telling me your favorite drink or your favorite ice cream flavor.  You choose.  

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My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, and my favorite drink is Mountain Berry Blast Powerade Zero.

That hydration pack looks sweet! I could really use one :)


My current favorite ice cream flavor is sea salt chocolate covered pretzels (target brand!)


I made some ice cream last summer that had home made Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in it along with chocolate sauce, it was amazing! As for drinks, I love Dr Pepper but a Gin and Tonic also hits the spot, neither whilst running of course!


My favourite drink is water and my favourite ice cream flavour is c00kies and cream:)


My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip! :)


My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. yum!!


My favorite drink is water (although, a big fan of wine too) and my favorite ice cream is…peanut butter…no, mint chocolate chip…no, mackinac island fudge :) Just ran my first half-marathon on Sunday and can’t wait for my next one!


Coffee ice cream, although anything containing miniature peanut butter cups ranks way up there. I may just have to make a batch of coffee ice cream with miniature peanut butter cups!

And while we’re on the topic of favorites, cherry limeade Nuun (if we’re talking beverages that we’d use in the pack) and an extra hoppy IPA (if we’re not)!


Tillamook Mudslide!


Moose Tracks!! Always has been.


Drink: water + pink lemonade Nuuns!
Ice Cream: Adirondack Bear Paw… (A specialty made by Stewarts Ice Cream in Northeastern NY!!)


Fav ice cream is cookies and cream….I don’t let my family know that i secretly look for all the big chunks of Oreos and eat them before anyone else! My fav drink is red powerade


My favorite ice cream flavor is MooseTracks!


Favorite ice cream flavor is birthday cake. :) and favorite beverage is dr pepper. Mm mm


cookies and cream is definitely my favorite ice cream!


My favorite ice cream flavor is pistachio!!!


My favorite ice cream flavor is green tea! And favorite drink is, no surprise, honey green tea.


My favorite ice cream is vanilla, but only because I can put anything and everything with it!


Cookies and Cream ice cream is my favorite!


My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper and I love peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. And talking about it makes me want ice cream right now, even though it is breakfast time!


My favorite ice cream flavor is the Cotton Candy from Ben and Jerry’s. I think it’s a new flavor, cause I just saw it for the first time about a month ago.


I love regular vanilla. Then I pile on the candy!


Igot a new ice cream flavor that is pretzels chocolate and caramel. It is delicious.


I love mint chocolate chip ice cream!


Chocolate chip cookie dough is sooo good!


How about both?

My fave beverage is Dasani water with a scoop of Mango Strawberry Spark Energy Drink in it.

My fave ice cream? Let’s be honest….Reese’s Blizzard from Dairy Queen (with an extra scoop of stuff)


I had a salted caramel popcorn fro yo a month or two ago. it was od for me since im a chocoholic but it was SO good!


It’s all about any kind of chocolate ice cream and anything to do with cookies (cookie dough, cookies n cream, etc.)


I love tea in all forms! Also I’m lactose intolerant :( so ice cream is few and far between; only when I know the pain is worth it! aka mint chocolate chip :)


Hands down my favorite drink is Diet Coke. I try to give it up, but it’s so good!


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