My absolute favorite running shirt and the best part about the cooler temperatures.

Welcome to Utah where it is only Sept. 19th and we are already into long sleeve running weather (I only run with pants/capris when it is actually snowing because it feels really weird to me to run in them so I try to avoid them).  

It was 40 degrees when I left this morning.  Now I remember why I was obsessed with my treadmill during the Utah winters….somehow living in California for a year made me weak sauce when it comes to the cold. 

Luckily I have the Equilibrium Base LS from Brooks to help me through this adjustment period.  

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This shirt is pretty incredible because it is designed to block external conditions (hot and cold) while also allowing your sweat to move away from the skin and out.    This probably isn’t going to make sense but you know when you go camping and you are sleeping in your sleeping bag and your body is really warm because of your sleeping bag but the cold air breeze feels really good on your face and it just feels perfect?  That is how I would describe this shirt….it kept my upper body really warm yet the mesh pockets allowed the cool air breeze to keep me nice and cool and feeling good.  I will pay you a dollar if you tell me that made sense because odds are it didn’t.  

I think my mom told me at least 3 times how cute she thought it was and she has very good taste.   No joke…I promise I am not just saying this….but this is my new favorite running top.  It will also make a great baselayer (a second skin) for when it gets even colder outside and I loved the long length of the shirt.

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My garmin, headphones and iPod all ran out of juice while I was running so I have no idea how far or fast I went this morning but I stuck with an easy pace for about 45 minutes.

The absolute best part about the cooler temperatures are: 

1.  I have more excuses now to get right back into my pajamas after a run so that I can warm up.

2.  My new blanket.  I might try to sew an outfit out of this blanket so I can just wear it all day long.

3.  Hot chocolate after every meal.  

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Brooke and I went with my mom to an outdoor shopping center and Brooke is much too cool for the stroller these days, she has to walk everywhere.

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We dropped off my mom at home and then went to the park with one of my old college roommates and her two little girls.

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Lunch.  You see, I have 16 miles on the schedule for tomorrow morning so that means I have to carb load all day long and eat as many slices of this homemade bread (thanks Susette) as possible.  Homemade bread > pretty much every other food out there.

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And for the daily random:

I was using my sister’s computer last night and almost had a panic attack just looking at how many unopened emails she has.  

Man, she is popular.

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Hope your Thursday is going awesome!!! Fill me in on what you have been up to today!! 

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I love, love, love the shirt! So cool! that bread looks so yummy! I finally learned how make bread and its is quite a temptation!


That shirt is super cute! I agree, home made bread is the best! I finally found a recipe that I like, too.


Can you share the recipe with me?


Absolutely. It is on my blog: There is a link in my blog to the original recipe where there are some other options, too. It takes forever but you don’t have to knead it.


Thank you so much!!! Can’t wait to try it!


Cute shirt!!! 16 miles…. I’ve never done that in my life!


today i had 10 miles on the schedule…messed up my route and accidentally did 9! But it was just as well because my iPod also ran out of juice.


That shirt is so awesome!!! Highlight of my day was finding Hershey’s caramel chocolate frosting at the store. I am way too excited to try it!


That’s a lot of un read emails! :(


I love this post, but oh my gosh those emails–anxiety!!!!



That shirt is too cute!! My hubby is totally like that when it comes to emails too, and I can’t stand for there to be even one un-read email. I totally slacked this morning and slept for an extra hour. It was kind of nice. Now to run tonight, blech! My favorite long sleeve is the the turquoie Lulu you had on the other day. I absolutely love the fabric. I’m still in tanks and shorts in central Cali.


Yes that shirt is awesome. We sell it at the running store where I work and its amazing how warm it is for such a thin fabric! The fact that its hot pink doesn’t hurt either.

Today has been so. lazy. Which is ok I think! I woke up super early (4:15! thank you pregnancy insomnia) so I worked on my blog, editing photos and what not. When I felt like joining the real world I ran some errands. I also made a super yummy pumpkin pecan butter – may I suggest eating that with any form of bread?? There has been an embarrassing amount of time on Pinterest between the other activities today! Headed off for a walk as soon as I pry myself off the couch.

Have you gone to get froyo yet?? :)


love that top! so so cute.


Adorable shirt! I will have to see if I can track that one down. Totally love new running clothes. Happy “talk like a pirate”day!


Way cool shirt! And I love Brooke’s outfit, it’s too cute!

Nothing terribly exciting today, the same old shuttling kids around. Looking forward to my fish tacos for dinner tonight!


Oh how I love bread!!!! I have almost as many emails but mine has nothing to do with popularity…just sheer laziness and disoranization to go through them!!!


You are the CUTEST! Love that Brooks shirt!

What I’ve been up to today… Went on walk/jog with a couple friends along the Jordan River for a couple hours this morning, and the rest of the day has consisted of me fighting Hunter with naps. Fun, right?


My dad makes homemade bread around christmas every winter and it’s seriously my favorite part. I can literally eat an entire loaf in a day and then ask him to make me more for the next day. I love love loveeee that shirt. Even though I’m a die-hard mizuno sneaker wearer, I think Brooks has by far the best running campaign I’ve seen of any brand. Run Happy is exactly what we all SHOULD be doing each time we lace up!


That shirt is soo cool!! I love it. I am enjoying the cooler weather for my heated blanket! Ha I miss it so much in the summer. My thursday consisted of a 38 minute tempo run (got a little carried away from the 35 minutes) and hanging out on the couch, ha. My night will consist of chilling with my kitty on the couch. Tough life I lead, right?


Oh my gosh, I love that shirt! I like the Swiftly LS from lululemon, but now I REALLY want that RunHappy shirt. LOVE :)


Love your shirt and your Tory flats. I’ve been eyeing those for a while now and just haven’t quite wanted to pay the money. Are they comfortable?


They weren’t for the first few days but now they are extremely comfortable!


I’m loving that shirt! And your description absolutely made sense. It sounds like every morning during PA winters that made me want to stay in bed all day, but you can keep the dollar…put it towards some flowers for yourself. <–Seriously. It's my favorite thing to buy on a mundane grocery trip. Always makes me happy.

Homemade bread is AMAZING! My grandfather used to make it all the time and it was so delicious. I've been debating on purchasing a bread maker for a few months.

Question for you: I just started running about a month ago, running about every other day roughly 1.5 miles, and my knees and ankles are really sore. Is that normal for just starting out? Or do I need to change something?


I’ve been looking at that shirt reminding myself that I already have a gazillion running shirts and I don’t need one more, but then you talked it up and now i need it.

Will you please talk to my husband and convince him this is a need not a want? He doesn’t trust my judgement since I bought cross country spikes this week because I “need” them for my 3 cross country races this year. :)


Hi Janae!! How are you? Your outfit is so cute and classic in the picture with Brooke :)

I had kind of a funny day, I work from home on thursdays so I can be really flexible with my schedule. I left to take the college shuttle to my favorite hot yoga place, but just before I got on, I realized I had signed up for a class at another studio…! So I ran home and drove to the other studio. But i was late and couldn’t really find it, so I ended up skipping it altogether :( kinda bummed. on the bright side, I have a lot more time now than I would have before and I’m switching today and tomorrow so today is now a rest day. nice in a way :)


It’s fallish- here in Iowa too. Which has been great for the morning runs! And that means pumpkin baking season!

* is where I’ve been getting great new running gear for fall!


I got offered a job today so this Thursday has been fabulous! That is one of the cutest running shirts I’ve ever seen!!


I went to Costco today & they had the same blankets!! I HAD to buy one even though it was 86 degrees today. You are right, it is amazingly soft!

Had to drop off my orthotics to be redone today. No running for at least a week until they are finished. Boo!


Love the running top I want it!! Bread is the best, love bagels too


I cleaned house today ( not my fav but its gotta get done!) My daughter and I took a long walk around our farm. Then later my momma came over and I ran six miles. Ohio is beautiful this time a year…it was a good run! I love the shirt must try one!


Love those jeans! Where are they from?

Homemade bread looks amazing!


I am in love with neon running clothes. I pretty much have every neon color in my running wardrobe. So, naturally, I love your running top!! So cute.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shirt – $75.00 ouch – any Hungry Runner Girl coupon codes for this one?!


Today consisted of a fast (for me) 3 mile run, some squats and then a looong day at work. So happy tomorrow is Friday :)


Adorable top! You’re Mom wasn’t lying…you look WAY cute in it!
Aww, look at little Brooke go with her walking skills!!! Are those little Toms??


I’m going to have to get that shirt…and seriously, Janae–you are so stinkin’ beautiful!! it is pretty clear where Brookster gets her looks!! :) If I ever see a toddler shirt that says ‘i got it from my mama’ I am sending it your way!!


I’ve had my eye on that shirt for the last week. I’m thinking that means I must order it!!!
Today was my bday and I didn’t do anything much except work. (and eat about 8 butterscotch blondies ) #miserablenow


I LOVE that shirt and will now be buying it!

Today I got in a 5mile run on my “lunch” break between teaching and coaching. I felt so accomplished !


LOVE the shirt (heading over to the Brooks website now!). Also, it is kind of crazy weather we’re having here in Chicago so yesterday when I tried to go out and amp up my speed during a six miler, I roasted having dressed for 60degrees and not realizing it was actually 80. Ick, I hate being overdressed for a run! I am not ready to give up my tank tops and shorts, but I wish the weather would make up its mind about Fall or Summer.
I also have delicious bread, but I didn’t make it. I got it at the farmer’s market and its Cinnamon swirl… makes the BEST french toast you’ve ever eaten. I buy a loaf every week from the same guy at the market and tell him I should advertise for his bakery.
Enjoy your day! The smile you are sporting with that long sleeve shirt is even better than the shirt itself. Thanks for being an inspiration Janae!


I LOVE that shirt!


I must buy one!!

Hot chocolate is an everyday staple for me come winter… but in the fall, i have hot tea (sometimes multiples cups) everyday! :)

Lately… I’ve been working crazy hours and trying to workout 4 times a week and get my knee strong so i can start running again… slow going… i miss running :(


Okay, that shirt is SO cute!!!! I loooove the hot pink color! I want one :) I’m also loving Brooke’s outfit. Adorable.



OH MY GOSH I FORGOT TO SAY WHEN YOU FIRST BOUGHT THEM I have one of those blankets from Costco, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever loved a purchase more than that one. Last year I lived with one of my best guy friends from college and he’s a huge environmental/sustainability freak and so our house was always freezing and I wasn’t allowed to turn the heat up and so I lived in my blanket and didn’t even care about how cold it was because my blanket made me so happy. (ps I live in Michigan, so it was really cold) My roommate was so jealous that he made me buy one for him the next time I went and we had matching fuzzy best friends and were the cutest. Seriously. Obsessed


I love that shirt!! The color is so pretty on you, too!


I want that shirt! The brad too…I realized today that mine had molded, AFTER I had made my sandwich…total fail.

Today I did a track workout. Two broken miles (600, 400, 600)


Love the shirt! I’m just up. Off for a 16km long run . Not really feeling it.


Ahh, this whole blog post just makes me want to come back from a chilly run and to cuddle up in front of a fire place with hot chocolate – I’m excited for fall!!!


As someone who routinely backpacks, I know exactly what feeling you’re talking about with the sleeping bag. Love the shirt!


I’m pretty excited about this shirt! It looks so amazingly cute plus from the sounds of it, it’s super functional. You look deadly in the neon pink.

Today I had a 4.5 mile easy run on my schedule because I have a 5km on Saturday that is freaking me out. I’ve only ever run that distance once and I was 5 months pregnant. Short distances = scary.


I want that shirt! So adorable!


I almost bought that shirt at the RnR Philly Expo on friday!!! Eeeek I REALLY want it now!! Too stinking cute!


Those Costco blankets ARE so cozy…and affordable! All of my kids want one of their own for Christmas…seriously, it’s a topic of discussion! I love that stage where they get soooo independent and just do NOT want to be strapped into anything and want to walk and run everywhere. It’s nerve-wracking and kind of freaky depending on where you are, but at the same time it’s super exciting and adorable. Your new top is very cute :) Today we went to my new high schooler’s Back to School Night. He has ALL amazing teachers!!!! We super scored on the school :)


I need that shirt immediately. It’s totally freaking awesome…
I am currently studying for the German equivalent of the USMLE, trying to run a lot to clear my head but failing and running hard. Not so much fun right now.


This is the cutest running shirt I’ve ever seen! It looks perfect on you Janae!


I love that shirt! I always tend to bundle up a little too much when it’s cold. It’s not nearly as cold in PA as it is in Utah but I am already bracing myself for running in colder weather.
You shoud make a “slanket” with your blanket! :P
I must give homemade bread a try! I am a carb monster :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


I love that top from Brooks – I think I need one! It has been chilly here in NY too and so far I am loving it. Remind me of this as it gets colder and colder and colder..and the fear of frost bite sets in when out for a run longer than 4 miles.


My Thursday consisted of grocery shopping, laying around home with a sick 9yr old, and open house for my two high school kids.
We were given a test at open house to draw a map of the world from memory. I failed!
I ended the night by making overnight French toast. It was amazing this morning. Nice to send the kids out the door with a hot breakfast.


I have a dough recipe that’s used for cinnamon rolls, but makes great bread and even better pizza dough!!

But yesterday I worked, then after picked up my little man (who’s officially 2 months old today) then met a friend for dinner at Pot Belly’s sandwich place, first time I had eaten there and won’t be the last!


hahahahhahahah i laughed out loud imagining you in an outfit sewn from the blanket material. so hot… in the wrong way :]

love how curly is staring at the ominous unopened e-mails. yeah, >4,000?! insane in the membrane.


That shirt looks awesome on you, that’ll cheer anyone up on a run!


I LOVE that shirt!!! Great color, too!!


That is an awesome t shirt. I just made a Brooks purchase this week. It makes me happy!


Homemade bread is the best! My parents used to have a bread machine, and the hot, soft bread that’d come out of it would be AWESOME.

Cute shirt!


OH my goodness I love that top it is so cute!!! I need one asap. I wonder what I can sell to get one…
It is dropping to the 90s here in AZ!! That is no 40 that is for sure.


I love the shirt and I love reading your blog even more


I LOVE the shirt! I will have to copy you and find one. And your explanation made total sense!


I love this shirt! What size did you get?


Hi Janae :) inspired by you I’m now a happy owner of the lila running shirt and the new Brooks jacket which you have (yours is in black with white horizontal and vertical stripes – I got mine in lila)! I put the two items on my list and was lucky to find them in my country (Slovenia) – yesterday when I picked the numbers for today’s half marathon I found both items 30% off :)


I just got my RunHappy shirt today in the mail from REI. It was 50% off so I had to buy it!! My husband and daughter thought it looked funny but just wearing it around the house I was getting warm. Totally ready to try it on a run!


Je iniraі de jeter unn coup Ԁ’oeil à ça ce soir

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