Eating my feelings and those feelings are carbs.

Yesterday’s run: 7 miles at a 7:26 average pace. 

Splash pads.  

I need to figure out a way to convince my parents to install one of these in their backyard for Brooke because she was pretty much obsessed with it.

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Painful.  PS That is not 10.4 degrees.  

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We went to the pool with my SIL, her kids, her friend and my best friend from high school and her daughter.  

There was plenty of time spent in the shade eating snacks and this is the one and only photo on my blog where I am not wearing 10 layers of lip gloss.  I had forgotten it at home and it hurt.  

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I don’t know what I am going to do when Brooke grows out of this swimsuit. 

My SIL and I are super classy and had a strong craving (she is pregnant so she at least has an excuse) for soft pretzels from the gas station on the way home. 

This is kind of our thing.  I always get the parmesan pretzel with marinera dipping sauce. 

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And then when the kids went down for their naps I took a nap on my favorite nap couch ever.  Back in the day I lived with my SIL (I set her and my brother up…the biggest accomplishment of my life) and she had this couch at her condo.  I lived with her when I was student teaching and after every work day I would come straight home, lay on the couch and take a 30 minute nap after school and before my waitressing shift.  

We go way back:

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For dinner we made pizza with the pizza dough from Trader Joe’s and then cookies for dessert.  Carbs.  They just make you feel a better:)  

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Say hello to Almond Joy cookies.  We used my SIL’s favorite cookie dough recipe for these and they were perfect.  I think the magic ingredients are oatmeal and Bisquick. The oatmeal makes them perfectly chewy.  

I found my go to cookie recipe. 

1 c. butter

3/4 c. sugar

3/4 c. brown sugar packed

1 t. vanilla

2 eggs

2 1/4 c. flour

1 t. baking soda

1 t. salt

1/2 c. Bisquick

1/2 c. oats

As many chocolate chips and Almond Joy pieces that you want to add (the more the merrier)

Cream well the butter, sugars and vanilla.  Add eggs and mix well.  Add dry ingredients and mix throughly. Place spoonfuls on sprayed baking sheets.  Bake at 375 degrees for 9-12 minutes.  Transfer to cooling racks.   Eat a lot of them when they are warm.

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And another late night of chatting with my brother and SIL.  I like them a lot.

PS remember Phoenix people…let’s go to Kiwi Loco in Chandler for froyo at 7:30 tonight. 

Tell me what you are up to today!!!

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I am working today and did not get out of bed to run beforehand like I was supposed to. Ooops! I’m hoping to get one in after dinner :-)


I just love that picture of you and Brooke, it’s super cute!! Omg, those cookies look super good!! I may have to make those for my mom for her birthday now (I always make food for people’s birthdays, who’s going to say no ;)). Going to run a 10k today, and run it at race speed. Just for fun :)


Great run–you are so fast and that’s inspiring! Those pretzels AND the cookies look amazing!!! I eat my feelings in carbs and sugar…this week I have been eating more veggies and it is definitely difficult. What am I up to today? Went for a run this morning, working all day, hoping to go to the grocery store, walking my dog and watching an episode of Breaking Bad. Exciting, right? hehe


Those cookies. I die. They look freaking awesome!


I wish I were in Arizona! The meetup sounds so fun! If you ever come out east, you have to do one while you’re here too!


That makes me laugh that the temp is 104. I was amazed that our temp at lunch time was 77F. Crazy warm for England– but I suppose it’s cold elsewhere. I will have to make those cookies for our next Linger Longer. Mr J would die for them (I don’t like chocolate, so it’s not my thing!) I agree– when Brooke outgrows that suit, it will be a day of morning for all HRG Baby fans…


Working :( But tonight I get to pack because me and my daughter Annabelle are flying to North Carolina to visit my bff for the weekend :)

Carbs really do make things better.


I so wish we had a splash pad nearby – I think my son would LOVE it. For now he just tries his best to play in the dog water.

So glad you are having fun with your brother and SIL. It is always nice to hang out with family you don’t see often. Family really is the best!

Happy Friday!


Oh, and today I am working but I am super excited because my parents are driving down today (from Vermont to Maryland) for my son’s FIRST birthday tomorrow. I can’t believe he’s turning one tomorrow! How did that happen????


Love your blog, it inspires me to get off my butt and run! But I had to comment today because carbs actually do make you happy. Tryptophan (in carbs) competes with other amino acids to be transported into the brain where it is used to make serotonin (feel good neurotransmitter). Sometimes, like when you eat a high protein diet, tryptophan is out competed at the transporter and so you have less serotonin. However, eating carbs ensures that tryptophan will make it through! Tryptophan supplements are even sometimes prescribed with anti-depressants. So now you know :)


carbs DO make everything better!!

that is all for today :)


Your brother resembles your dad! Arizona weather looks like Houston… we are ready for the change! Unfortunately it probably won’t come until after Christmas.


I LOVE Brooke’s top knot hairdo. She looks so dang cute! And I think I’ll cry when she grows out of that swimsuit.

Wish I could go with you to your FroYo meetup… I guess I’ll just stay here in UT and continue being PREGNANT. ;)

Miss you girl!


Oh 104 is just brutal. I’m pretty sure I’d melt, but us Canadians aren’t made for that kind of weather… And carbs making you feel better is a well-known fact that’s been proven time and time again.

Happy Thursday, Janae.


I am making those cookies…like tonight!
Carbs…oh, how I love thee, let me count the ways :)! I am a total carb addict and I have no idea what my excuse is :)


What a fun water park! I think my girls would live at a water park if it was allowed.

I need those cookies in my life!

Today will be a gym &/or run day! This has not happened the past couple of days. It’s been a bit nuts with a new niece and a new dog in our lives.


That cookie recipe is genius. I’m going to be trying that as soon as I get back from my trip. Thanks for sharing!


I feel like I have been going non stop the last two weeks and my BF is going out of town for the weekend today so my plan is to be a hermit and do lots of walking. Lame I know but I have been camping for the last two weekends at out of the house every night after work. EXHAUSTING.

Those cookies look awesome. I strategically don’t keep flour at home so my baking is non existent. Probably for the best : )

And chocolate does wonders for the heart.


Hey there!! I love reading your blog! I just ran my first marathon with my brother and wrote about it on my blog… come check it out!! :)


Soooo those cookies, minus the almond joy, are right up my alley. But I’m more amazed at the fact that they have gas stations with soft pretzels at them! Why do I not have a place like that here?! No running for me again today- injury number 2 here we go. Carbs are the best way to make yourself feel better. But seriously…


I have a very busy day ahead of me with lots of meetings. It’s a good thing I have 4 coffee shops within a block of where I work. That’s right four….I’m a lucky girl! Tonight I have a 6 mile tempo which in excited for!


Carbs are a miracle worker for me too, haha go for it. You run a zillion miles a week so its guilt-free as far as I’m concerned :)

I’m hoping to do some major Fall baking this weekend and make pumpkin-spiced everything. I might throw some pumpkin spice in your oatmeal cookie recipe and Fall-ify it! haha

Today I’m heading to work and then coming home to fold laundry and hit the gym. Typical weekday, nothing too thrilling.


That first picture of Brooke is a framer. Her itty bitty top knot! Oh my heart.

Today is insane. Actually this whole week has been? Hoping to squeeze in a workout tonight. Sweat cures most things.


Carbs are basically essential for happiness ;-)


That temperature is painful to me! Holy cow!

Those cookies look delicious! Can I come visit? Or do you want to visit WA?


You are making me a little jealous with all the yummies you eat….and you stay so slim. (I mean yes, you workout a ton more than I do but can’t I just WISH that in my perfect world I could enjoy every sweet treat I wanted ~ never gaining weight~ while only working out here and there)

Ahhh…dreams….love them! And yes, I will be keeping the cookie recipe. ;-)


Love the splash pad and seriously, Brooke is so freaking cute and I love her swimsuit. Fashionista :)


Splash pads are fantastic. I’ve spent lplenty of time there and at the pool this summer with my nanny kids. So much fun.


pizza and cookies sounds like my PERFECT night :)


Carbs do make life better, don’t they?! Yeahhh I definitely don’t miss those 100+ degree temps, that’s for sure. Glad you were able to enjoy it poolside at least! ;)


Blogging, running, figuring out some repairs for my car, work, then a movie with my bestie. Then I have to get to bed early! I’ve been going to bed late and it’s wearing on me. haha
Looks like you’re having a great time. Seriously Brooke’s swimsuit is so adorable. As is her little bun on her head.


Your gloss-less lips are gorgeous and I would giv anything for a gas station pretzel right now.


My feelings are carbs too :)

Looks like a great day! Love Brooke’s swimsuit — too cute!


That first picture of Brooke at the splash pad is the cutest. I die over that swimsuit every time you post a picture of her in it. I need it in my size.


Today, I have classes, studying, a short run (maybe around Lake Merced), and then a 7 year anniversary celebration.


Those cookies look amazing.
Carbs are always a must for instant happiness;)
And I’m loving Brooke’s adorable swimsuit.


Those pretzels look amazing. And the cookies too. Wow. Carbs = lots of serotonin rushing into my brain.

Today i am off to work at 12:30 til 9. Then maybe gym for some light cardio. I just finished Level 2 of Jillian’s shred and I’m exhausted!!


Bisquick in cookies? Sounds interesting!! You have never steered me wrong with a cookie recipe before, so I am totally going to have to try that! We need splash pads in MN – but you can keep the 104 degree weather. And I wish they made Brooke’s swim suit in adult sizes, however, it wouldn’t be as cute!!


LARGE PRETZELS… My absolute favorite! I always loved getting them at football/baseball/any kind of games. Her swimsuit is adorable by the way! My heart is melting.


Loving Brooke’s top knot. She’s so chic!

Guess what I learned yesterday?! A YOGURTLAND opened up on the UWS in NYC!! I was hooked on YL when I lived in LA and now they are near me. YAY!


Today is one of my longest days of the week. I gym, work/student teach, then go to class. Then I promptly come home and go to sleep.

I would definitely die in 104 degree weather. It’s been in the 70s here and I ran in it yesterday. I had to lay on the sidewalk for 15 minutes. I’m such a coastal girl.


that swimsuit is super adorable- but you’ll find even cuter ones next year I’m sure. Those pretzels look awesome! Love huge soft ones like that.. you’re excuse for cravings can be carbs=faster running!

Today I have school and errands.. not so fun but at least it’s a pretty day outside.


I have the day off and am babysitting my 2 nieces and 1 nephew! Lots of work, I tell ya:)

I love those pretzels from QT, they are amazing and cheap!

Ok, might run to store to make those cookies….i am an almond joy lover and you haven’t steered me wrong yet in your desserts. Those s’mores bars I made last week were a HUGE hit with my family!

Have fun tonight! I would love to go but its 45 min away and just too far:(


Seriously, Brooke is so cute! I think I need a pretzel. Those look awesome! Hanging out with my daughter today while my son is at school. Thinking lunch at the park sounds like a good time. I’m hoping I can meet up with my mom and sister for a Zumba class later. If not, I’ll hit up the elliptical. Although now I’m thinking about pretzels again and may need to find a recipe to make them.


Brooke and I are twinsies. My hair is in a top knot right now because I got so freakin sweaty during my workout this morning that my hair was sticking to my back neck and face. It was so gross I had to pull it all up. I will be sad when she grows out of that swim suit as well. I would have bought it in every size they had if they would have had others! I will just have to keep my eyes out on another fabulous one for her next summer;)

Blerg, 104 just sounds miserable. Yet you still look fabulous. It must be those carbs! Can you send me some of those cookies? They look yummy.

Today I think I might take the kids to a movie after Anna gets home from school…and perhaps attempt to take a nap through it myself. Ha! Hope you get another nap on that couch today. Naps are the best.


I live that bathing suit of Brooke’s!
I had work (last day if the working week here), ran 8km, did some laps in the pool and now I’m watching Seinfeld… Think will collapse in bed shortly!


It is going to be sad when Brooke outgrows that bathing suit! So cute! Way to rock your run in the hot temps. My youngest is home sick today, and I’m down for the count with a sore throat. Guess it’s going to be an off day for me. Boo!


Eating your feelings in carbs is never a bad thing. Cookies never disappoint or talk back so they’re good companions ;-) It’s so cool you set your brother and SIL up together! I know my brother wouldn’t be dating the girl he is dating now if I hadn’t told him to take a chance. I’m so glad I pushed him to give it a go because I’ve never seen him so happy. They dated in high school and she randomly showed up at our front door to say hi. You never know what can happen :D

PS. You have the best lips ever. Sounds super creepy, but mine are barely visible and I wish they were more voluminous lol


you always have the BEST cookie ideas!


Almond joy cookies! That is seriously the best recipe/idea I’ve seen in my life. My entire life. So simple.


Your blog always makes me SO HUNGRY! And the pizza dough from Trader Joe’s is def the best!

Today I have 6 miles at marathon pace in Central Park on the schedule. The weather is cooler here in NYC and I’ll be running with my girlfriends so I’m really looking forward to it!


those cookies look f a n t a s t i c- why didn’t i think of adding my favorite candy to cookie dough? you are so smart


Okay, I am definitely making those almond joy cookies. YUM!! Brooke’s bathing suit is the best, does it come in adult sizes??



I so wish I was in Phoenix today!!

Thursday plans: Make those cookies, whole fam over for dinner :) which makes my heart very happy and a rest ay tomorrow = sleeping in until 6!! Holy cow, that’s a huge difference from 4:15!


oh yeah, carbs are the universal cure-all – duh! :) which one of you geniuses thought of throwing in the almond joy pieces into the cookies?

Today I am working, going for a 5ish mile run after, grocery shopping, and hopefully making it home in time to watch some football!


ALMOND JOY PIECES????? How come I didn’t get that memo? That is one advantage to NOT shopping at TJs…mainstream brand name candy. Note to self: Safeway.

You don’t need the gloss…you are stand-alone shiny :) I mean that in the best way.

And I can match your classy pretzel act….buying them at the bottom of freeway off-ramp from scruffy seller wielding paper bags o’ pretzels. But then there’s no sauce :(


Carbs are my feelings, too. Some days I just love living in carb city.

Today, I have school and work and a job interview :) Then it’s time for a night out with the girls because it’s the weekend already! Have a great day :)


Mmmmm soft pretzels are the bomb! I need to get some. stat!

Today I work & then teach BodyPump and CXWORX!


Did a 6.5 mile run with the kiddo in the stroller. I haven’t done much of those lately and it kicked my butt!! I need to start pushing him more often cause I think I was stronger when I did.

Those cookies look delicious!!


You need to go buy that swim suit in the next few sizes and put them away for next year.


that suit that brooke wears is so adorable! you are such a speedy lady! 7:26/mi in that heat? impressive. well i know it was cooler than 104 when you ran but it had to still be pretty scorching when you ran!

tonight after work im going to my first group run at this running company in town. im new to the area and trying to find good running routes (and friends! lonely pathetic loser haha)


104..I’m sweating just thinking of that!


Well, I was going to run but now I’m just going to look for soft pretzels…


I am working all day. Tonight is a rest day workout wise for me. I am planning on curling up on the couch with my friend the blanket and watching one of my favourite shows.


Those cookies look simply amazing! I was a bum and slept in today so didn’t get my run in but hoping to after work. Hoping it helps my poor attitude.


I’m working all day, but at lunchtime, I made two loaves of zucchini bread. It was definitely the right decision.


I just moved to Colorado from Mississippi so I will be hiking and exploring today!


Can you please some of those amazing cookies tonight? I just drooled on my keyboard.


Carbs absolutely make everything better! ;) Hope you and Miss Brooke are having a wonderful day!


Today is even hotter!! My phone says 109 in Tempe. It is brutal. All the kids I work with talk about the splash pads around here in AZ. That sounds like a perfect activity for days like these…. or just laying around in the AC all day! :)
My plans for the rest of today = work :(, I already cross trained today.


I go to that pool all the time! How funny!


You should come to froyo tonight!


i kind of want to cry from happiness right now. i have a bag of those almond joy pieces that i wanted to bake into oatmeal cookies because DUH and WHAT DO YA KNOW YOU IMMEDIATELY POST THE PERFECT RECIPE. INTO THE KITCHEN I GO. THANKS GURL.


I am so jealous of your speed. I kind of need you to come to PA and be my running coach ….
Brooke in her swimsuit is probably the best part of my day so far. Thank you for posting cuteness overload on your blog :D


Man, those pretzels look gooood!

I’m de-lurking because I just really wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and Brooke might just be THE most adorable little girl on the planet.

I hope you have a great time in Arizona :)


Warm cookies are the BEST! Girl you are speedy. Eating really is the best remedy! Today I had xc now I’m going to my dad’s for dinner!


I love how you guys classed up the pretzels by putting them on fancy plates. :) I’m totally obsessed with pretzel buns at the moment . . . The Wendy’s burger is a winner!


You need a splash mat!!! My sister bought one for my niece (19 months old) and she LOVES IT! Just hook it up to the hose. This isn’t the one she has but the idea is the same. And cheap!


Oh yes, Arizona with the triple digit temps. But it’s a “dry heat”. LOL!
Here in NYC We’ve had our fair share of the most humid days ever. We look at the dew point for our guage. They say dew points in the 60s are uncomfortable. Lately it’s been 72! In other words, the sweat can’t evaporate and my lovely wicking running gear gets so heavy from holding all the sweat. But tonight we’re getting a fall preview!
I did a 5 mile run today and a lot of freelance work. I also spent lots of fun time with my dog.


can you order a new swimsuit for next year in a dif color??


I love this post. I love soft pretzels. I love pizza. And those cookies look like they are to die for! Carbs DO make everything better. Except my waistline. Thank God for cardio right?! I vote YES on campaign ‘put a splash pad in your parents backyard for Brooke’! ;)


Never thought of using those candy “pieces” in baking but why not? Up to doing nothing today! Tomorrow will have to be more productive for me :)


I have to say I’m kinda jealous of your hot temps since here in NH it already feels like Fall and I am bundled up in a sweatshirt. I am not a fan of the cold, and would take the hot temps any day.

Also, I’ve never heard of putting bisquick in a cookie mix, but will have to give it a try. I usually add a package of vanilla pudding mix to mine for my ‘secret’ ingredient. Well I guess it’s not so secret anymore. Thanks for sharing!


i wish i could eat like you and still look like you!


Is the trader joes pizza dough frozen or in the bread section? I can’t find it anywhere!!


Hey!!! It is kind of by the cheese section over by the produce!


Yum, the cookies look great! I love the TJ’s pizza dough too, so easy to make a great pizza!


Mmmm…those cookies look amazing. Gluten…not eating gluten. Oh so good though.

Today…off to the river to stay cool with the dog.

* where I get all my running gear! For women of all sizes!

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