Doing things differently.

First, as I was writing this post Bangs Friend wanted me to tell you hi.  Hi.  

I did things a little different yesterday.  Instead of me going for a run and then eating something really sugary I ate something really sugary and then I went for a run.  

We took Bangs to go get french toast at kneaders.  The syrup is pretty much pure butter and the line to get this plate of goodness was out the door.

IMG 1886

We put Brooke down for her nap and we were out the door running our 6 miles within 30 minutes of finishing our french toast.  Not the best idea but we still had a good time together.

And then we came home and did planks and push-ups.  It must be fun to be friends with a blogger that documents every second of her day.  

Photo 2

Sundance ski resort is approximately 16 minutes away from my house so of course I had to take her up there to see the mountains and changing leaves. We lucked out and there was a huge farmers market going on while we were there.  

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Me and Brooker by the river.  

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And Brooker found her best friend.  I really am thiiiiissssss close to getting us a little dog.   Brooke pretty much jumps out of her stroller anytime we walk by a dog. 

DSC 6598

Fast forward through a delicious turkey salad and time chatting with my aunt at home…

My cousin and Bangs were finally able to meet up in SLC for a women’s conference.  They clicked just like I knew they would.  It was the best way that I could have spent the night.

Photo 3

The Dodo.  I will be back for more of you.  The bruschetta and cobb salad were meant for me.  

Photo 4

Once we got home we polished off the chocolate cake from Friday night and watched Netflix.  I may have to cancel her plane tickets back to California.  


What are your Sunday plans? 

How did your Saturday/Sunday long run/run/race go?  Details please!!!

What is your favorite season?

Push-ups:  on your toes or on your knees?


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It’s my son’s first birthday today!! We are relaxing (aka: de-compressing after his party yesterday) and loving on him. I can’t believe he’s a year old. Wahhhh.


Pushups on toes and you should definitely get a dog! :)


Hi I am a new follower.
That cobb salad looks amazing as does the bruschetta! Your daughter is so adorable!!


Wow that sounds like an awesome time. I’m actually just wasting time before my long run today. I think you should get a little dog. Brooke would seriously love it and they would look cute together.

I had a nice 85 degree race yesterday. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a 10k to be over as much as that one. Since my summer ended up being roughly 6 months this year I’ll say between summer and arctic tundra NY…summer wins.


I can do maybe one push-up on my toes, the rest are all knee. I’m starting a new to me weight lifting class this week so hopefully that will change. I love the fall. It is hands down my favorite season.


I did long run after a large breakfast as well. It actually did not go too bad I just commuted from the beginning to it not being a speedy run.

FT looks amazing. I need to go figure out breakfast.


Dogs are great but remember…..they poop, pee, bark, chew, need shots, get sick, *walk me please*, well~its like having another child ~ but I am sure you know all that….and then everyone else gets sick of it and MOM is stuck doing all the work….

Oh, sheesh~maybe that just happens here~ hahahah!! Enjoy what ever you decide to do. ;-)


PRed in my half yesterday! Long drive home = laying around all day.
I can’t do push-ups at all, so neither knees or feet for me!


Looks like a fun day for sure! Fall is definitely my favourite season…the fashion is cute (I love me a scarf and leather jacket) the weather is nice, the leaves are pretty, and there’s Canadian Thanksgiving, my birthday, and Halloween. What’s not to love?

I’m heading to the gym for a boxing class this morning, making soup at some point today, and my mom is coming over with her dog and we’re taking both of ours to the dog park. A relaxing Sunday!


That scenery is gorgeous. Wow. I live pretty close to Mt. Shasta, but that mountain is breathtaking!

Summer is my favorite season as a perpetual student. No school, yay! And I force myself to do as many pushups on my toes as I can, since I gotta work on improving my upper body strength.


That resort looks BEAUTIFUL!! And if you posted pictures of a little puppy AND of Brooke every day, I’d be way too distracted by this blog at work!

Had to skip my long run because of IT band pain, but finally got a foam roller yesterday…hoping it helps.


aww, def. get a little dog! they’re work, but so worth it!

My favourite season is fall, I love everything about it. That cobb salad…I want it for lunch.


Pleeeease get Brookers a dog! I really don’t know what I would do if I didn’t spend 75% of my blogging time coming up with doggy captions.


Dogs are a lot of work at first, but they’re absolutely worth it!

Sunday plans: get in a workout, go to church, do some baking this afternoon (pumpkin bread!), and then watch football and the Breaking Bad finally with my husband and some friends tonight :)


I’m so glad she was able to come out and visit you :) You can tell you are so happy! I am building a desk for my office today, funnnn haha my run yesterday was good! supposed to be 7 miles but my math while running didn’t work and it was closer to 8, ha. Favorite season is summer for my boat, but I like fall clothes!

Push ups on my knees. I have the upper arm strength, but I just stink at push ups on my arms!


Just doing a push up is cool enough in my opinion I don’t care what body part you’re up on, kneeling on, etc.

Sunday= a huge bowl of cinnamon life cereal and pj’s all day since I ran 23 miles yesterday. However, I do want to do some more fall decorating :)


On tap today: church, some errands, ironing, resting, and cooking dinner for my daughter and son-in-law. Ran eight miles yesterday and it was great! Fall is definitely my favorite season. Cooler temps=easier runs. :) Push ups on my knees, at least for now.

Have a great Sunday!


We got a dog (shih tzu) at Christmas, the highlight of my year, he is so cute and good with the kids. My cats don’t like him so much….though it’s better now that he’s fixed and not constantly trying to hump them lol!

Sunday plans include meeting my friend for a run, we usually go early in the morning but since it’s raining, I’m enjoying breakfast and a leisurely morning before meeting up.

Pushups – knees though I can do a few on my toes.

Favorite season – summer, although I live in Northern Mich so fall is very pretty.

No race this weekend, taking it easy for a Half I have next Sunday


Northern Michigan? Like the UP? That’s where I live! And I agree – fall is so beautiful!


I live in lower Michigan: but make it a point to be in the UP every summer!


Hey Leigha! I am in the Lower Peninsula – I bet it is just gorgeous up by you. We probably have a week or two for peak color. I’m going to Traverse City next weekend to visit my mom and run the Sleeping Bear Half, should be awesome foliage.


Traverse City! I LOVE it there, I met my hubby there at school! I’m in Canada, not too far from there.


Today is church, stop for a donut, a run and not sure what else.
My favorite season is summer. Then spring, fall and winter.
Push-ups on my knees and I’m okay with that.


Yum I would love some French toast! I’m glad you guys had fun!!! Yesterday we had my cousins birthday party but Noah and I are both running fevers and sick so today involves trying to get well! Have a good Sunday!


THAT FRENCH TOAST. I need!!! Do you have to slow down for Bangs Friend or is it normal pace? When I run with my cousin I have to slow way down but it’s okay because we have such great talks!


A farmers’ market up in the mountains? Swoooon! That sounds (and looks) absolutely perfect. And I definitely think you should get a little dog for Brooke if you’re ready for one. I never had a dog growing up and I still bug my parents about depriving me ;)


Push ups on my knees. My upper body strength is nonexistent. As for my Sunday plans…I’m heading to work. Puppies and kitties don’t take days off!


I try my best to do push ups on my toes. I made it to thirty once! I usually get to 15 though, and then get on my knees, especially if I’ve done other weights/moves before them.

Sunday is my rest day! Shopping, cleaning and baking carrot cake cupcakes:-D


Favorite season – definitely fall! I missed it so much when I lived in Texas!
Did an easy run today – felt so good!
Push-ups – on my knees for sure!


Today is going to be made up of a whole lot of relaxing!! I need it this has been a stressful week! I didn’t do any running this weekend due to a very annoying femoral stress fracture, but I did enjoy supporting my husband as he ran and is getting ready for his 2 upcoming marathons!


I used to be able to do push-ups on my toes, but since getting pregnant and having Addie, I have become a total softy. It’s knees all the way, and even those are really difficult!

I hope for Brooke’s sake you get a dog, but I also know that they’re a lot of work!! :) So think hard before you make that big decision haha!


Push-ups on my toes and I had to skip my long run because my husband is out of town.
Today is a run and church and some baking :)!!! Cinnamon Banana Bread!!!
you totally should GET A LITTLE DOG!!!! :)
Believe it or not summer…I am sure everyone who runs says fall…but I actually love summer :)


I miss Utah in the Fall!! When I was at BYU we’d always go up and hike in Sundance and then head over to Heber for a Granny’s milkshake. My husband, Mr J, is from Heber and I told him that I only married him for the Granny’s shakes! :) Glad that your bestie is there to hang out with you. I hope that you know everyone wants to hang with you and give you and Brooke a million hugs!


Looks like a great day!

My Sunday plans include going to the Farmers Market, a workout, and the a baby shower for a friend. Should be a good one!

Happy Sunday!


Man, I missed yesterday’s Farmer’s Market. I’m so jealous. PS: your farmers market shot totally reminds me of Switzerland….I need to go back :(

I just did a 4 mile fartlek yesterday after a few days off, my IT has been acting up and the Chicago Marathon is two weeks from today! Uh-oh.


What are your Sunday plans?
-Run, ab workout, laziness.

 How did your Saturday/Sunday long run/run/race go?
-I did 19 miles on the trail. I tripped over a tree root and banged up my knee 10 miles in. All I was worried about was bleeding on my pro compression socks. But I finished, just not gracefully. I did get Chick-Fil-A and a proposal from my boyfriend…err…fiance…. afterwards.

 What is your favorite season?

Push-ups:  on your toes or on your knees?


My sunday plans are to watch the Eagles’ game and celebrate my brother’s 30th birthday! I made him a homemade funfetti yellow cake so I hope it’s a hit!

The day I can do a push-up without being on my knees is going to be a proud day.


Beautiful view! Fall is by far my favorite season!


Today will be spent luxuriating in my two-man Coleman tent atop my awesome self-inflating air mattress from Costco in MY BACKYARD. Yeah, our camping trip took an interesting little twist :P Later, I’ll go look at some possible new places to live and to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. And eat about a billion if the most amazing cookies I’ve ever made. No running yet. I can’t believe it’s been eight months :(

So glad you and Bangs are getting to hang out :) Good friends are invaluable.


OK that French toast looks so amazing that I would totally hop a flight from NY to Utah simply to try it. I love a good road trip adventure that is based upon food.


You didn’t get the Toll House pie at the Dodo?!


i agree with everyone’s comments…that french toast looks ridiculously amazing!!

ahhh brooke would love having a dog. i have two dogs (a dachshund and a lab/terrier mix puppy) and they seriously bring so much joy and love into our house. if you do get a dog, please get one from a local rescue or animal shelter. that’s where we got ours and they seriously make the best dogs :)


I agree on the shelter! I have 5 dogs and they all came from our local shelter and they are all so wonderful! I could not imagine growing up without dogs in the house. They seriously make the best companions :)


I loveee your boots! And that grey sweater looks SO comfy and fallish. Love that you take pictures of all the aspects of your day! #BloggerProblems!


I ran the women of steel relay in midway yesterday. It was my friends birthday (who was the team captain) so it was fun celebrating it by running. 6 runners doing 3 5k’s even though it really wasn’t all 5k’s based on where they had the runner exchanges. I really like the day relays much more than the 2 day relays where you have to run in the middle of the night.

I really love fall and spring. But I love how we get so much more sunlight in the summer.
My Sunday plans are going to church and vegging the rest of the day because let’s be honest I hurt!! :)


If I want to be able to do more than one push-up I need to be on my knees. Zero upper body strength! My Sunday plans include my first ever hot yoga class. I’m sweating just thinking about it!


I am currently pouting. I may take a break only to stuff my face.
The runs yesterday and today did not go well. They hurt, bad. The kind of hurt where I know I will need to stop running for longer than I would like. The elliptical and bike were the same issue and to make a long story short I left the gym in tears.
I do this silly thing where I throw my self esteem in the trash when I can’t work out and it brings up all these old demons of the OLD me that I can’t help dwelling on. I am searching for some positivity (is that a word?) but I just cant find it today.
Sorry to be a downer, but I my friends arent runners and they dont get it..


I LOVE my dog. She is so sweet! Just make sure you find a gentle breed that’s good with kids :)


Sunday plans are catching up on the DVR. I still have not watched Grey’s Anatomy and football.
I had 12 miles to run today and is did not rain! Next Sunday is the Portland Marathon.
Favorite season Fall!


I ran 14 miles yesterday and my marathon is in 2 weeks. It has been feeling like fall here in Baltimore which is my favorite running weather!


Lol I’m been documenting my day since I’ve started my blog. As someone who finds food near and dear to my heart I love to see all of your pictures of food. I really love to eat out and try new resturants too!


Sunday = church, running, and school work!

You definitely need to get Brooke a little dog!


I did 11 miles this morning and it felt great….plus I saw the cutest little family of prairie dogs. I soooo want to get a little dog too….a dog dog, not a prairie dog!

Next in my day is doing my own blog post and getting my hair cut. Hopefully there’s some froyo with sprinkles in there somewhere


Sunday: church, Chinese food, nap, and family BBQ
Run: My longest run yet: 22 @ 8:43 :)
Favorite season: Summer
Push ups: 90% toes :)


You always eat such delicious food!!

I ran a 10k after having fallen off the running wagon for the last few months…it wasn’t easy, but I figured I had to at least get in enough running effort to make up for the registration fee!


Today I went grocery shopping and after I eat lunch I am doing food prep for the week. Chicken stir fry for lunches and things like pulled pork, chciken with chipotle green onion sauce, and home made chipotle bowls for dinner.

I haven’t done my run yet, but as I’m not training for anything specific, I’m going to run intervals, they are my favourite type of run.

I always do push-ups on my toes, greater fulcrum makes them harder (obviously).

Hi Bangs friend! We are so glad you are visiting Janae :)


OMG…How do always seem to eat the yummiest food?! Totally unfair! I definitely think Brooke needs a little puppy of her own :) So precious!


I love fall so much and am soooo gorgeous of your views!

I used to be able to push up on my toes, but now I am all knees all the time.


That is one serious Cobb salad!

I ran my first ever 5k. this morning…I am a gym junkie! It was for Race for the Cure, and my Mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer this week so I decided it was time to head outdoors and give it a shot! I finished in 23:52…pretty happy about that for my first try.

And, I love fall. Gorgeous….and honey crisp apples!!


You should definitely get Brooke a dog, although I think we might all die of cuteness overload. Also, Bangs should probably just move to Utah with you.

I ran 10 miles this morning and this afternoon I have a baby shower for my best friend. Then I will come home and curl up in bed because it’s storming outside and all I want to do is lay around.

Push-ups on your toes. My circuit trainer wouldn’t allow us to do them on our knees, so I can do quite a few on my toes now.


I am telling you if you get a dog you need to get a pug!!! they are the cutest and sweetest of them all!!

I love fall because of the crisp mornings. It is the best. And you always feel great running.

I am for push ups on my knees, sometimes I will vary between the 2 versions but a majority of the time I am on my knees!!!


Oooh I need that French Toast in my life. And I went running this morning, too! The weather was just perfect for it. I’m soaking it all up before it gets cool (which will be another month since I’m in California!!!) Just how I like it. :) My run was easy and we were talking half the time- best kind in my opinion. I like to do push ups on my toes, but sometimes if my arms are super worn out I go to the knees.



That salad is huge!!!
I’m tapering for my half next Saturday so short run this weekend. I did 30mins of weights and a 30min bike ride this morning though…

I do push ups on my toes. Took me awhile to get there though!! Basically I had to just stop the knees and do half ass ones on my toes until I built up strength to do full ones. Not sure if that’s the proper way to progress but it worked for me haha.
Fall is my favourite season. Love everything about it!


ok i married a man that was not a cihistran, we were not equally yoked. i knew that this would mean problems. but i prayed for him. and left him to God. you have to be strong with your faith, but i loved him. i continued to pray for him and never gave up on him. he is a good man. we have 2 wonderfully beautiful children. sometimes even tho we may pray to God he will allow things to happen to us for us to know that He is God and that has happened to us. my husband ran into some trouble. but before the police took him away he gave his life over in our bathroom. he told me he felt a heat leaving his body escaping the top of his head and his hands and feet. God moved. and we prayed and asked God for guidance. my husband is not serving time but he is learning and witnessing to others that have walked the road that he has. when i see him he is peaceful, only the kind of peace that God can give in his situation. he knows that God put him there so that he can be a witness and strengthen our marriage. that is my story. i hope that it helped. just continue to pray for him God knows the desires of your heart. and remember no matter what. Gods will.. WILL BE DONE. if it is meant to be it will be. there is not changing that. I hope this helped you. please be blessed


Awe! Nothing like your BFF visiting! Glad you are having a blast. I vote yes on the little dog ;-) I am in rest mode for my tendonitis. Reading, thinking, and talking about running are getting me through it. Push ups on my knees… One day I hope to be able to do “real” push ups, ha! Have an amazing rest of your day.


I ran my second (and fastest) 10k today, with a 7:45 pace. Way faster than I thought I could! My first thought was how you would have finished 20 minutes before me. ;)


Ran the Brewers 10k inside Miller Park! The race went well and it was a blast!! Definitely on the toes for push-ups, none of that wimpy girly stuff!


Sunday plans are pretty much always early morning long run/race and then football the rest of the day. I love to chill on the couch and watch football, which is why Fall is my favorite season! Plus, it’s my favorite running weather.

Ran my 3rd 1/2 in 74 days, goal was to qualify for Half Fanatics this year, and I finished strong. Was a very hilly course, challenging with the wind and some rain, but I got it done and felt really great. It’s a really fun one too, all the HS teams and cheer squads come out along with all the military in the area and the whole course is lined with people cheering for you pretty much the whole time. Makes it go by so fast.

Pushups – I start on toes and then when it’s too hard to have proper form I drop to the knees.


Today was a super busy day-I got up early to watch a friend swim the Ohio River then back home to make breakfast, then we went to see Rush (which was amazingly good), then we went out to eat-now back home to do laundry and get ready for the week. We’ll end the day watching the series finale of Breaking Bad.
I do push-up from my knees, fall is my favorite season and it’s starting to peak through here in Ohio, yesterday my ‘longish’ run went great!! Glad you are having fun with Bangs, I know you are going to miss her when she’s gone. And tell her hi for me :)


Yay for your friend Bangs being in town! I did my long run on Friday since I was going out of town for the weekend for a wedding! Oh, and I do push-ups from my toes!


Ran the world record Berlin marathon today in a new PB! :) 3:19:01 … Unfortunately my corral was very crowded so couldn’t go as fast as I wanted, but I now know I have those 7:14 min/miles in my legs! Also decided to do NYC in 2014 again!!! ;) Hope you had a great Sunday!

PS: If you decide to get a dog, you need to get one that can RUN with you!!! My dog is my best running buddy ;)


Sunday = run day= 20 miles.. started out great, ended with me just wanting to get home… ING NYC can’t get here fast enough. Iced and showered up… spent the p.m. with family :) Favorite season, the fall. Push up on knees– for now ;)


All push-ups on my toes!!! Glad you have had so much fun with your friend!


I ran a 10K today, went to the Andy Warhol Museum, then stopped by the mall… so fun! I ran a 53:40 so I can’t complain!


Do you really have a link on your page to The show Betrayal? Wow. I never thought monetizing could stoop to a new low.


I have no control over what shows up. It actually correlates to what has been searched for on your computer.


Yes you do have control over this and I am offended you would suggest I brought that smut upon myself. I cannot continue to support a blog that claims to have no control over their advertising. Shame on you!


are you literally on crack cocaine, runner77?? or have you never been on the internets? pretty sure that show premiered last night and abc has done a huge advertising push for it. or maybe you are trying to read things into the blog that aren’t there. either way, betrayal never showed up as an ad for me here. must have been what you were looking at.


seconding k2c’s comment. pretty common knowledge ads are based on what you’ve been interneting lately … ever heard of cookies, runner77??? and no need to be rude and negative about it … if you have a serious problem, don’t put your misguided issue(s) on blast for everyone to see esp when you’re dead wrong. ps my ads have from the USPS because i’ve been tracking a few packages lately.






I love Kneaders! I used to go there for lunch every day in high school. I’d get a half a roast beef. It was delicious. I miss that place.

I’m jealous you got to go to women’s conference. It was such a phenomenal meeting!


I wish we had a Kneaders near me.
How did your Saturday/Sunday long run/run/race go? Details please!!!
6 mile tempo in the rain and it was glorious. Fastest pace in a long time. Good thing because my first half is in two weeks!

What is your favorite season? Fall. Hands down.

Push-ups: on your toes or on your knees?
Knees lately.

I have been reading your blog for a while, but this is my first comment :-) Just stopping by to say hi and show some love.


I vote for the dog! ;) We only had a dog for a couple years growing up, and I still give my parents a hard time about depriving us. :)


Shoot. I was at the Conference Center too! I could have seen you AND met Bangs Friend. and your cousin. That would have been epic.
Looks like you ladies are having a blast!


We went to a national park and did a lot if hiking yesterday, it was a beautiful day for it. Glad you are having a lot of fun with Bangs Friend.


Definitely on the toes! That palace behind you reminds me of Disney World – as do the waffles. Oh Disney!


Doing things differently.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2013
First, as I was writing this post Bangs Friend wanted me to tell you hi. Hi.

I did things a little different yesterday. Instead of me going for a run and then eating something really sugary I ate something really sugary and then I went for a run.

We took Bangs to go get french toast at kneaders. The syrup is pretty much pure butter and the line to get this plate of goodness was out the door.

We put Brooke down for her nap and we were out the door running our 6 miles within 30 minutes of finishing our french toast. Not the best idea but we still had a good time together.

And then we came home and did planks and push-ups. It must be fun to be friends with a blogger that documents every second of her day.

Sundance ski resort is approximately 16 minutes away from my house so of course I had to take her up there to see the mountains and changing leaves. We lucked out and there was a huge farmers market going on while we were there.

Me and Brooker by the river.

And Brooker found her best friend. I really am thiiiiissssss close to getting us a little dog. Brooke pretty much jumps out of her stroller anytime we walk by a dog.

Fast forward through a delicious turkey salad and time chatting with my aunt at home…

My cousin and Bangs were finally able to meet up in SLC for a women’s conference. They clicked just like I knew they would. It was the best way that I could have spent the night.

The Dodo. I will be back for more of you. The bruschetta and cobb salad were meant for me.

Once we got home we polished off the chocolate cake from Friday night and watched Netflix. I may have to cancel her plane tickets back to California.

That French toast looks fantastic!

What are your Sunday plans? my sister got married yesterday! So today I was pretty hung over and spent the whole day eating… cracker barrel, pizza/salad, you name it! oh well.. haha

How did your Saturday/Sunday long run/run/race go? I was sick at the end of the week (thank goodness felt better for my sister’s wedding) so I didnt work out then so I would be rested for the wedding and then with the weddingon the weekend I didnt workout either– so its been 4 days…yikes! that hardly never happens. but I think everyone needs a breather now and again. back at it tonight after work!

What is your favorite season? Fall for sure!

Push-ups: on your toes or on your knees? on my toes!


OMG how did I copy and paste your entire blog post I am so sorry- didnt meant to do that! haha

That French toast looks fantastic!

What are your Sunday plans? my sister got married yesterday! So today I was pretty hung over and spent the whole day eating… cracker barrel, pizza/salad, you name it! oh well.. haha

How did your Saturday/Sunday long run/run/race go? I was sick at the end of the week (thank goodness felt better for my sister’s wedding) so I didnt work out then so I would be rested for the wedding and then with the weddingon the weekend I didnt workout either– so its been 4 days…yikes! that hardly never happens. but I think everyone needs a breather now and again. back at it tonight after work!

What is your favorite season? Fall for sure!

Push-ups: on your toes or on your knees? on my toes!


I was sick on Sunday, so definitely not as fun as my lazy Saturday.

I usually try to start my push ups on my toes and then quickly change to my knees. Then again, I also try to avoid push ups altogether.


I can do about 10 push ups on my toes and then I switch to my knees.

Sunday was a gender reveal party for my sister in law- it’s a girl!!!


Fall is my favorite!!! I love the crisp air, changing leaves and cooler weather!! Plus it means ski season is coming, which is my second favorite =).

I do as many push-ups on my toes as I can and then switch to my knees. Usually I can do about 15-20 regular ones, but I really need to get working on some strength training.


What a great day! I love coming across farmers markets unexpectedly – so many good samples ;o)


Just hung out with the husband on Sunday.
Fall is my favorite season…so crisp and cuddly!! performance apparel for all activities and lifestyles


I’ve been trying to tell myself I’m a beast lately and doing push ups on my toes. Seriously — do it and try NOT to flex and look at your awesome muscles in the mirror after. It’s impossible…

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