3 Incredible Athletes

Did you hear about the incredible woman that was planning to run the Run for Heroes half-marathon but she took a wrong turn on the course and ended up WINNING the full marathon?!  The most she had ever run previous to this race was 20 miles and she finished with a time of 3:11.  Her half-marathon training plan must have been pretty awesome.  

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Speaking of incredible athletes….  Brooke rocked the balance beam last night.

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And I am positive that Curly can hold on to the bar at least 5 minutes longer than I ever could.  She even points her toes when she is up there.

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Brooke’s absolute favorite event of the evening was the trampoline.  I wish you could have seen her.  Next time we go to the gymnastics gym you should just come with us because Brooke jumping on the trampoline while giggling and speaking her own language is the best thing you will ever see.   I guess I will just have to record it.  

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After the gymnastics gym I got to steal my older niece away for a while so the three of us could hang out.  PS Brooke is getting her top teeth in as we speak.  PPS my niece’s hair is almost long enough to cut it for Locks of Love again… she came up with the idea of doing this all on her own, that should give you an idea of how great she is.

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It is a miracle.  I didn’t eat out for dinner.  My parents usually do their own thing for dinner (because of my Dad’s diet) and cooking for one isn’t very fun so when I do eat dinner at home it involves cereal and or a sandwich which is actually a pretty delicious dinner.

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Once Brooke went to bed my mom and I went out to the Slurp (she saw it on my blog and wanted to try it out so I was selfless and went with her).

Diet coke and ice cream (with a brownie at the bottom.  Not just any brownie, a brownie with frosting and no nuts.  The best kind.)   

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I am running on a treadmill this morning because it will be too dark to go by myself and it will force me to stay slow because I really need to be smart after doing my 18 miles yesterday!  Enjoy your Friday!  

Check out Monica’s awesome 5k and 10k training program for upcoming Turkey Trots!


Any gymnasts reading?  Anyone take gymnastics when they were growing up?

How many nights a week do you cook?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Anyone else running on a treadmill this morning?

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I run on a treadmill mon-fri because I always have the kids. I was in dance class when I was little but I can’t wait to get my daughter in something!
Brooke would be an awesome gymnast!


My husband and I have gotten into a pretty good habit of cooking at home 4-5 nights a week. Sometimes more, sometimes a little less depending on the week but I’m enjoying being at home more (and saving some money).

I’m most looking forward to my son’s first birthday party which is tomorrow and his real birthday which is Sunday! Crazy how this year has gone by so fast!


I live in the middle of nowhere with only a couple of restaurants in our town–so I cook probably 6 nights a week and save money that way too! I’m looking forward my birthday this weekend. :) I hope your weekend is fabulous! p.s. Brooke is so precious as a gymnast!!!


I loved that she ended up winning the marathon. I know there is a ton of controversy about it and technically rules say she should have been disqualified. Personally she ran the entire race, didn’t take any short cuts, and it wasn’t a huge national championship. Could you get away with that in a championship? No of course not, but my guess is the course is much better marked and they wouldn’t have that problem to begin with. (Not that they really have two races on the course). Anyways people just like to get their panties in a bunch. Good for her.

I’m going out of town this weekend so that is my excitement. :-)


Yay! I am glad you liked the story about the woman who ended up accidentally running the full! So happy you put it up on the blog!

I usually cook 4-5 times a week with eating out or eating leftovers on the other nights.

I think my husband and I will go for a long drive in the country tomorrow to look at the fall leaves and have lunch in a quaint little village. Perfect for the fall!


My family always eats the same meals for dinner but when I’m at school and cooking for myself, the most elaborate it gets is tortellini. That’s fancy for me. Frozen pizza is another one or premade salads. I loved gymnastics growing up except I was terrible at it so eventually I stuck with swimming because it required less coordination. Good thing. A brownie with frosting sounds absolutely amazing right now and I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.


Check out Curly on that bar! A natural! I did gymnastics when I was a child! I loved it. I owned the pull ups when I was younger – but now I put myself to shame!

We usually eat in about 5 times a week. But usually after we go to running club, we get lazy and feel like we deserve to eat dinner out :)

This weekend I’m looking forward to….. washing all our clothes after our holiday. We just went to Turkey, which was amazeballs, but now I have a huge pile of washing.

What are you doing this weekend?


I think that’s so neat she ended up winning the marathon. I know there’s a lot of controversy around the story but oh well.
I used to be a gymnast when I was a bit younger, that is until I broke my foot and I had to quit. That was a sad time.
I try and cook every night, but it doesn’t happen all that often these days.


How crazy??? A wrong turn! I love it. That is so nutso. If I took a wrong turn I would pout and run back to the half marathon end haha.


I or my fiance cook pretty much every night. I feel so much better after eating at home than when we eat out. This weekend I am looking forward to Fall weather, a few DIY projects and some new fitness classes! I’ve already decided that this will be the best weekend ever.


That is an incredible story! I am going to the beach this weekend and I am looking forward to running next to the ocean while pushing my 8 month old. :-)


Wow, your niece is such a wonderful, kind, caring little girl. Such a touching story (read the older post too when she did it on her 5th birthday)- you can tell she has been raised right. Your sister should be so proud!
So Curly is the next Gabby Douglas, huh?! ;) Love it!!
& Brooke must be following in her footsteps too!!


I cook most nights. We have been in super debt repayment mode for about 2 years which means we don’t eat out much. I’m also super picky about what goes into my meals so I can control it this way. We are 100% debt free in about a month, hopefully we don’t go back to eating out constantly!


Curly is getting SO big! Those sundaes look delicious! I took gymnastics when I was younger as part of an after-school program, I really enjoyed it. I usually end up cooking about 4 nights a week. The other days we usually have left overs or eat out. I’m attending a bachelorette party this weekend that I’m really looking forward to.


I can not even imagine running 26.2 miles when I was only prepared to run 13.1!!!! Just mentally that would be so hard!!! Before my 1st marathon I had only run 15 miles as the most!!!
I did gymnastics from like 2nd-4th or 5th grade. I loved it but it started getting too expensive.
We live by the gym where Shawn Johnson and Gabby Douglas train and my kids took some lessons there! It was neat to see them training!!!! My kids like it but not a ton, so we stopped after 2 sessions.
We almost never eat out so I cook quite a bit!


I always wanted to do gymnastics, but it never worked out that I could take classes. Oh well! I think now that my build is all wrong anyway, so I probably wouldn’t have been any good, but man did I love that trampoline! My friend had a giant one in her backyard, and we would jump for hours on end.

I try to meal prep and plan so we don’t eat out unless it’s planned ahead of time, but last night we wound up getting In-N-Out because it was just too late and too tiring to think about cooking, plus I’ve been studying for a test at eight this morning! After school, I plan on relaxing, hanging out with the kiddos, and maybe getting my treadmill on.


I also struggle to cook when it is just me. My husband was gone on a work trip this week and I mostly just snacked on various random things in the evening for “dinner”. I need someone else to eat with me to make cooking worthwhile :-P
I’m headed to a spinning class this morning so no treadmill for me!


You definitely have to get video of Brooke on the trampoline.

I will probably end up running on the treadmill today out of pure laziness. If I run on the treadmill, it’s flat and I don’t have to deal with the millions of hills by my house.

I cook most nights around here. Mike sometimes makes breakfast for dinner, but other than that it’s me or PB&J.


I try to cook 3 nights a week and what we don’t cook we buy good quality things from the butcher etc. so trrrry to eat the healthiest. Go cave people!


I take my daughter to gymnastics and she absolutely LOVES it! We are getting ready to start her on the competition team! She has such a blast and wants to continue with it =)
I usually cook at home every night…unless it’s a special occasion! We totally live it up haha!
Hope you have a happy weekend friend!


I usually cook every night, unless I force my husband to make something. :) He is not good at all in the kitchen, so that is a VERY rare occasion.

I took gymnastics when I was little, but not for very long, and I don’t remember much about it.

This weekend I’m looking forward to a tri in the White Mountains!! (my first! eep!)


WOW!! that woman is incredible!! :) YES, I agree her 1/2 marathon training was superb.

That’s so great of your niece to be so self-less & think of donating her hair. :) Happy Friday my pretty, speedy friend!! ;) xo


That would definitely be the best kind of brownie I agree


I love seeing little kiddos doing gymnastics — so cute!

Happy Friday!


I just love pictures of Brooke-she is a sweetheart. Please video her jumping on a trampoline!! That is pretty awesome of your niece-your whole family is amazing. I think I’m going to elliptical this evening after work, run in the morning with a training group, go to a thirtyone/sangria party in the afternoon, then watch one of the doctors I work with swim across the Ohio river Sunday. Busy weekend! Have a good one!


Wow, that is amazing about that woman running that full marathon!

We cook almost every night. I am not a big foodie to be honest so going out to fancy dinners or restaurants really doesn’t appeal to me that much. My husband loves to go out but I think it is the convenience factor that appeals to him.

Have a great weekend with the family!


I would give anything to be treadmill running this morning but unfortunately I am sidelined with a stress fracture in femur! :( :( BUT I have been starting to cook a lot more and right now cook about 4-5 nights per week. This weekend I look forward to some down time with the husband before the craziness begins the next few weeks!


I remember the joys of gymnastics parties and I had a special leotard with hearts on it and it blue swishy skirt that I thought was amazing and when I wasn’t wearing it at said parties I wore it around the house singing New Kids on the Block… Good times.


I took gymnastics for 4 years when I was growing up, to this day, I still point my toes all the time. I try to get the bulk cooking out of the way on Sundays, like my meat and breakfast. Then vegetables are easier and take no time during the week :) No run for me, but I’ll be on the treadmill tomorrow morning!!! Looking forward to seeing my boyfriend this weekend, and just relaxing :)


Wow- your niece is one of a kind! <3


Not a gymnist here, but my daughter loves it. I try to cook as often as I can, most weeks though it’s only 3-4 a night. I am excited about the warm weather this weekend. There’s an apple fest going on in a small town close to where I live that I may have to get to for some apple pie. No running on the treadmill lately. I have been running outside a lot more. but with it getting colder that will change quick. I was just offered a free treadmill here at work today! I have to figure out how to get that sucker home and where it will fit in my 880sq.ft apartment.


I was a gymnast, and I love seeing you all at the gym! Brooke owns that balance beam and Curly has great form on the bar! Keep it up! Gymnastics was such a good foundation for life, similar to running. Takes a lot of dedication, strength, and hard work…with great rewards on the other side!


I heard about that lady winning the marathon- craziness!!

We cook most nights, I’m feeling going out for supper tonight though.

I ran outside today!! I finally got a running maternity belt and it was awesome! I’m ridiculously happy about this:D


I was a pretty serious gymnast as a kid, and then did varsity gym again in high school. I LOOOOOOVED it. It’s so fun! I cook usually twice a week, but I do food prep so I cook enough food for lunches and some dinners during the week, then I let myself have a few treats by going out to lunch or dinner. Cooking in bulk eliminates the whole “what do I do only cooking for one” thing, so it serves multiple purposes!


My daughter did gymnastics for about 3 years and now we’re moving on to volleyball for a while. It definitely helped with her coordination.
I did a speedy 5.5 miles this morning. I usually cook about 3-4 nights a week and we do a lot of left overs. I think we’re going to take my niece and our kiddos to Disney this Sunday and I am most definitely looking forward to that!


That story is incredible about the woman accidently running the marathon! Amazing! I have dinner with some good friends tonight and tomorrow I am not sure yet. We cook most nights and usually go out once on the weekends for dinner as a treat.

Have an awesome weekend with Bangs!!


I did gymnastics in Korea until I was 6. LOVED IT! I don’t think I was actually that good, but it was so much fun :)
And for this weekend, I’m looking forward to going to Lake Tahoe with my church young adult group!


I took gymnastics lessons growing up at my local YMCA. I probably wasn’t as cute as Brooke though, she’s so adorable!!
I’m running my first full marathon this weekend! Definitely won’t be as fast as the amazing woman at the top of your post, I’ll be happy just to finish!


Little Brooke is too cute on the balance beam! She does better than I would!

I typically try to cook about 5-6 nights per week, mostly just because we don’t have the money to eat out all the time. And when I say “cook”, it could totally just be PB&J sandwiches. ;)

This weekend I’m most looking forward to going to California to go to a friend’s wedding and take a little family vacation!


I’m new to your blog. (2 weeks) I love it and have been reading as much of it as I can. Your blog is my new morning ( afternoon and evening) fix. I’m an early morning treadmill runner since I have 4 little kiddos and cant leave. Thanks for all your inspiring, fun, uplifting and yummy posts!mI’m kinda jealous of all the yummy utah food that we dont have here in so. Ca! I get my fix when I visit my brothers in utah county every summer though! Have a great day!


I cook most nights. Sometimes my husband will cook. We rarely eat out because it’s cheaper to eat at home. I’m looking forward to this weekend for a few reasons. We’re going apple picking tomorrow with friends and family. Afterwards we go to one of our houses to make apple pie. We go every year together. On Sunday, we’re going to Disney on Ice with the kids. They love it so much. I love watching them get so excited to see their favorite characters and they wave to them. Makes me so happy to see them so happy.


Most looking forward to camping! I was a gymnast through high school. It got a little tough when I suddenly grew 6 inches and gained 25 lbs and got boobs. The last two years were pretty much a joke from being totally in denial. Did you know bouncing on a trampoline (or jumping on a bed or other springy surface) is very healing and an anxiety and depression alleviator? Fact. When I was your age I hardly ever cooked…but I had no kids and was training ever spare moment. I hardly ever even grocery shopped. Now I cook (using the term pretty loosely) almost every day.

Brooke is really IMPOSSIBLY CUTE!!!


I really want to go to Slurp – in fact I looked up their website to check and see if they are heading to NY lol. No such luck. I cook dinner 5-6 nights a week but lately I am not so interested in preparing meals…enjoy the treadmill!


Ha, I took gymnastics for about a month when my mom pulled me out. It was just too far away for her to drive, which is understandable with 3 kids doing all different activities. Although, it was probably because I couldn’t get anywhere near doing the splits… (still can’t).


I try to cook 3 nights a week. Try lol!


Me + gymnastics never got along! The only 2 bones I ever broke I broke while doing gymnastics. HOWEVER, the trampoline is a totally different story ;)


Brooke is too cute! No gymnastics for me, I’m sure I couldn’t even do a cartwheel right now!

I generally cook 5 nights a week and take the weekends off. So I guess I’m looking forward to having tomorrow off and going out to eat!

No treadmill for me today, I did that yesterday. Today I’ll be hitting the trail with the jogging stroller.


ugh I want to eat what you eat everyday!!! Everything looks so darn good. Icecream is my favorite food in the whole wide world!


loved gymnastics as a kid! remember doing somersaults down that triangle thing that they called the ‘big cheese’- probably excited me so much because it was named after food. have a great weekend Janae!


I heard about this on Kelly and Michael! I couldn’t believe she ran the entire marathon AND got first place. It’s seriously a miracle for her. And amazing, just amazing.


WOW! your niece is probably stronger than I am…*shrugs off to gym guiltily*

I’m looking forward to finally getting a haircut this weekend- its been way way way too long – and they always give you a great neck and scalp massage…its a win win.

I usually cook about 4 times a week…the other days are usually leftovers, eating out/ at family’s home, or cooking myself eggs (I don’t count eggs as cooking “dinner”).

Also, I’m pretty sure Brooke and I make the same expression on trampolines – LOVE THEM


I try to cook most nights – really just bc I live in a rural area so I can’t eat out much even if I want to!!

Treadmill – I don’t use it much outside of the wintertime, but I have started using it lately for speedwork (intervals, sometimes tempos) because I’m pretty much a novice with speedwork and it helps me hit/maintain my target pace.


I cook dinner 6-7 nights a week. 90% from scratch, I have a few exceptions- I buy spaghetti/pizza/anything else sauce from a local restaurant because it’s better then everything. And applesauce in a tube, because it’s awesome.

If I had a treadmill, I’d be running on it this morning. I’ve woke up the last 2 days with a horrible pain in my neck (litetally) and don’t want to get out with the jogging stroller because I’m afraid the extra weight and different stride will make it worse. Plus I have 13 miles tomorrow that I really need to do.


I was a gymnast growing up, but I stuck with tumbling primarily. I have a feeling if I had been introduced to the trampoline like that I may have been singing a different tune! Brooke looks like the happiest little girl ever!

And I’m a little concerned my long run tomorrow could be on the treadmill thanks to Denver and mountain weather — but hey at least I can run, right?


I take my daughter to open gym at the gymnastics academy each week and she LOVES it. The trampoline is her favorite too.

Being a family of 4 (although only 3 eat regular dinner since my son is only 9 months), I cook 5 nights a week. The other 2 nights are leftovers. We rarely go out to eat, maybe once or twice a month.


I am usually 100% with you on the food posts, but I have to say… I’d take a brownie with walnuts (and no frosting… never even heard of that) over one without any day!

I cook 4-5 nights/week. We are usually out somewhere on the weekends so we tend to eat out more but I try to keep us eating at home as much as possible during the workweek.

This weekend I am running the Ocean City, NJ half marathon! It’s more of a training run for me, but I’m hoping to help my friend snag a PR :)

Have a great weekend!


First of all I think Dannon needs to pay you for advertising, because after seeing this post I went and bought some Activia, (peah) to eat with lunch!

Second, I am looking forward to making apple chips and talking my daughter to Barnes and Noble storytime tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Oh you DEFINITELY need to video tape Brooke on the trampoline! You can just tell how excited she was from the picture! :) I’m sooooooo looking forward to being allowed to start being a little active again and I figure spinning is the way to start back at it. SO EXCITED! Then my Saturday evening is girls wine night! YES!


i love the story about the woman “accidentally” winning the full marathon. that just goes to show that runners are capable of anything!

wow, your niece is amazing. i can’t believe she thought of that all on her own. such a sweet idea! =)

have an amazing friday!


The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt dipapsoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could fix if you werent too busy looking for attention.


That ice cream brownie looks amazing!!!
My nephew has been begging my sister to take gymanstics.
I always look forward to my long runs and yoga on the weekends. So much fun.
The heat finally cracked in AZ so I am soaking up all this lovely weather outside. :)


Thanks for the reminder to call and get my girls signed up for gymnastics again. I did my 20-miler today, so I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend! That brownie looks amazing!


Saw you at the gym running this morning. I should have come and said Hi. I feel like such a stalker. Haha! Maybe next time. :)


Ahhhhhhhhhh you should have. Seriously. I almost died of boredom on the treadmill today ha… I think I took five breaks! Hope you had a great workout!


I cook anywhere from 3-5 nights a week. Other nights are filled with leftovers & Chipotle.

Amen to no nuts in brownies!

Looking forward to moving home this weekend!! :)


My sister was a gymnast and was absolutely insane! She could climb a rope with no feet in 9 seconds. It was like 20 ft tall. Unfortunately, she had to stop because of an injury :(


I try to cook most nights of the week, but there are usually a lot of events going on for my husband or I. If I don’t cook, I at least have soup on hand or burgers with rolls in the freezer. It makes me feel better to save the cash rather than takeout. I love going out to eat though, so I usually save that for Fridays or Saturdays if I can and make a bigger Sunday meal. I’m thinking turkey chili in the crock pot now that it’s fall!!
Do you think the lady realized it right away or when she got to the 18 mile marker, like, “oh no! Oh well, I’ll just go with it.” :)
I am looking forward to going to a grape-stomping fundraiser even though I can’t drink wine right now (for the best reason…!!!)


I was a huge Mary Lou Retton fan growing up and I still kind of imagine myself as a gymnast. Too bad I can barely touch my toes.
Lately I cook maybe twice a week. It’s so bad. My resolution for this week is to have a decent dinner on the table for my family every night.
I did speedwork on a treadmill today – too tired to get up at 4:30 and train with my group.
My son is doing his first triathlon tomorrow and I’m so excited to cheer him on!


I cook Monday-Friday. No cooking on the weekend. Looking forward to running with friends on Sat and Sun morning. And catching up on my DVR with all the new shows.


Brooke’s legs in those leggings kill me! Love her.


We cook almost every night! Eating out is too expensive :) Plus, it’s really fun making stuff and being forced to be creative! You definitely need to record Brooke on the trampoline- I bet it’s adorable! And I am with you with the brownies- no nuts allowed.



I cook probably 5-6 times a week. I just love home cooked meals and they’re so much more cost effective!
I’m most excited to be part of a friends surprise engagement this weekend. Let’s just hope she says yes!!


I cook at home nearly every day! My sister and I live together and we make cooking dinner a “thing”. It’s fun. She’s a super healthy eater so it works out well.

Just finished a 7 mile tempo on the treadmill. I have too little kids and it’s the easiest way to get my workouts in! I have my long run on Sunday, and aside from that maybe a trip to the pool with my kids and an ice cream date.


I used to LOVE the trampoline when I was little. Now I’m pretty sure I’d just get nauseous.


I need to go to Slurp!!

And gymnastics/trampolines are so so fun!


I did gymnastics for about 18 years…a combination of recreational, competitive, and coaching. I think it’s one of the best sports for toddlers so they learn movements and balance…all the time having fun.


I cook anywhere from 5-7 days a week. I mean sometimes it is French toast, sausage, and fruit salad like last night but still homemade so I consider it cooking.


Me? Cook? ha! My husband does most of the cooking and I do the cleaning which I think is a fair deal ;)

I am stoked to pick up my new wheels (well, new to me, it’s still a 1999 vehicle!!) this weekend and go for a hike with my boys.


I started doing gymnastics when I was six and ended up competing in college. Just looking at your photos of the girls in the gym makes me miss it!


I love how you eat dessert every night :) you remind me of ME.


This weekend we’re taking our kids to a Mariners game, so that’ll be fun, and wet, but mostly fun.

I’ll probably end up doing my run on the treadmill because my weekend is so crazy busy. Lame. I don’t like running on the treadmill.

I cook dinner more often than I want to but not as often as my husband wishes.


I was floored by the story of Meredith running that full marathon! It really inspired me. I am in the process of training for a marathon. I am doing my long run of 19 miles tomorrow (scared). The most I have done is 23 and that was waaaay back in March. So I am keeping Meredith in mind for tomorrow!


Yes! I did gymnastics as a kid and through high school. I still love it and taught little kid gymnastics. I might be helping out at Cal (Berkeley) gym soon too.


I was a gymnast growing up- I ended up in it for 8 years and I lived and breathed it, I was obsessed! I went as far as the Canada Games before finally calling it quits. It’s funny how much it stays with you though! I have a hard time NOT pointing my toes during yoga, and I still think the curb = balance beam :) Seeing Brooke & Curly in the gym made me very happy!


I want your sandwich. I miss turkey/chicken sandwiches so much since becoming a vegetarian. Tofurky just ain’t the same.
And yes brownies with frosting and no nuts r the best kind of brownie.
I picked up my race package today! So excited. Last half marathon of the year for me :)


I was at that Race For Heroes with my speedy boyfriend. He ran the full too and achieved his first sub 3 hour marathon (blogged about it here: http://www.spiffykerms.com/2013/09/that-time-i-got-in-trouble-on-the-border-crossing/ ). I heard the announcer at the race say something about that woman missing the turn-off for the half, but I didn’t really think anything of it and now it’s all over the news… including the USA where you are! lol! So awesome.


wow Brooke’s toes look super long, maybe mine are super short, which explains why I am super slow at running ;)


I maybe cook once a week. Maybe. Haha, I typically make a giant batch of something in the crockpot and eat the same thing for a week. Or I just go to subway multiple times a week ;) I’m looking forward to my long run!


I just can’t make myself use the treadmill. I really only run outside. If the weather is insanely nasty, I’ll do intervals or something on the treadmill. As far as cooking, I only cook twice a week, but it’s always big meals I can have leftovers from!


Ewww treadmill running! I can’t stand it! Your niece is so amazing. I wish I wanted to cut my hair. My mom cooks mayyybe once a week. Most of the time I’m on my own. I used to be in gymnastics- I could do a back handspring and a back tuck! (actually I still can) This weekend is going to be super busy because it’s Homecoming Weeks next week, so I’m decorating my classes halls!


This is an awesome post. I just launched an app to help women runners find safe routes when they travel. Feel free to sign up for the free beta. Thanks! bit.ly/saferoute



Oh man that brownie sundae looks awesome!


Husband and I take turns cooking every night. Too many food sensitivities to really eat out much :(

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