Learning how to run without chicken wing arms.

Me + Bangs Friend + talking on the phone for 33 minutes during the afternoon = felt really good.  You know those friends that you feel like you are actually really sisters but technically you aren’t….that is Bangs Friend for me.  PS 14 days until she is coming to visit!!!

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I finally got to meet my running coach in real life!  Kara (his wife) and I have been emailing friends for years now (I was ecstatic to finally get to meet her) and she is the one that had me start working with Dave as a coach!  They are absolutely amazing people.  

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Added bonus was that it was Kara’s birthday yesterday.  I strongly believe that everyone should eat Birthday Cake Oreos on their birthday.  It should be a requirement.

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I met them in Park City (they are on vacation here from Florida) and we went to a huge park where Brooke could play on the swings and play around while we worked on form drills, cadence and helping me to learn how to run without chicken wings (my arms do weird things when I run).  I also tense my body up a lot when I run so I am definitely going to start working on that.  

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Dinner on Main Street in Park City was next on the list.  Brooke was thrilled.  Does anyone know when kiddos grow out of the ‘refuse to keep both shoes on at the same time’ stage?

If you have never been to Park City you really have to put it on your bucket list.  It is the most beautiful city with a huge variety of things to see and do.  

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Fried zucchini and onion rings with a berry ketchup (I was freaked out by the berry ketchup at first but it was actually really good).  

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I am guessing there was roughly 1/2 a cup of butter used to make my salmon because each bite was so good and so full of flavor and buttery goodness.  I cleaned my plate.  

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I get along really well with people that all want to get their own dessert and not do the ‘let’s share a dessert’ thing.  I had the cream puffs with fudge sauce.  

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Anyone reading from Florida?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?

Do you have good running form or are you working on it?

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I totally need to try those birthday cake oreo’s. I’ve seen several people talking about them this week.

Plans for this weekend are getting ready for my son’s first birthday party in two weeks. Eek!


Mouth…watering… That food looks amazing! And you’re making me want to go back to Park City. Haven’t been there in forever. We use to go just for the outlets.


I am headed to Minneapolis today for HLS so I’m super excited to meet other bloggers and to give a presentation! Also pretty nervous! I have pretty terrible running form also… but it works!


Ahhhh my boyfriend (also my personal trainer/makeshift running coach ;)) is always lecturing me about my chicken wing running style. He always says “why are you sticking your elbows out and swinging your arms across your body? Why are you creating SIDEWAYS momentum?! Aren’t you trying to run FORWARDS?!”
hmm good point. haha. Anyway, working on it but it’s HARD… my arms get so tired swinging them straight.
Also I’ve discovered a kind of humiliating habit I’ve developed somewhere along the line… on hard runs (for instance, going uphill) I have taken to holding my own hand. Whaaaaaaaaat. It’s kind of sweet and adorable and kind of ridiculous and I can’t help but think it’s probably not great form ;)

I need a) birthday cake oreos and b) those onion rings in my life. Also probably an adorable one year old but hey… ya can’t win em all ;)


I love this so much. It made me giggle. Thanks;)


I do the same exact thing when I run. I am not even aware of it until I see ugly race photos, ha. Let me know how it works out for you!


I refuse to share desserts unless everyone gets their own and you share that way.

I’m most looking forward to seeing my friends’ new house and helping them paint.

The last person I talked to on the phone was either my mom or husband. I think.

I have decent running form. Sadly, it doesn’t mean I’m fast.


I am attending a good friend’s wedding this weekend and going for a run with a friend I’ve not seen in too long. The last person I talked to on the phone was my mom, she pretty much the only person I talk on the phone with. I think running form is something that can always be improved. I am currently focusing on cadence and running listening to a metronome.


I had a student in grade 1 who didn’t like to keep his shoes on and would walk around with them on sideways. Then, when he’d get angry (which would happen whenever anything unexpected happened) he would throw them. Dangerous at the time, perhaps, but kinda funny now looking back on it!
Last person I talked to on the phone: my boyfriend to tell him I found a new suite to move into! (Currently am living with my parents)
Looking forward to this weekend: Getting myself organized! I’m going to make some crock pot soups, do some unit planning for my class, and spend some time with family and friends! :)


The last person I talked on the phone with was my sister. We try to talk every other day and it’s usually for about 30 minutes. It is therapy really for both of us! Family matters! :)


I’m running a race this weekend that I’m looking forward to. It’s a big race here in Milwaukee. Everyone I’ve talked to about it said its their favorite race. I hope I enjoy it as much as they do!


I am from Florida! SLC is definitely on my Bucket List. I’ve heard so many great things! This weekend I am looking forward to enjoying some gorgeous weather and lots of football tailgating :)


I like that you have Bangs friend in your phone as Bangs.


Amen to not sharing desserts! They are really never big enough to share :).

Now that I’ve seen your pictures of Utah, I definitely want to visit someday. So beautiful!

I am running a 5k tomorrow morning and I hope to finish in less than 22 minutes :).


I get along really well with the people who say let’s everyone order a dessert and we can all eat each other’s!

I am going to New Orleans this weekend for fun and work, and am so excited. They have a beautiful park that I am looking forward to running in. If you have never been, you should go! The food is incredible and the city is just amazing.


I’m from Florida! I live in Jacksonville, FL!


I’m looking forward to watching my hub recover this weekend and taking care of him. He just had 2 titanium plates and a whole slew of screws removed from his ankle two days ago.

Three years ago when he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle and training for IM Kona, that hardware attached his foot onto his leg. Yet, it’d been bothering him for a while, so it’s gone now.

Beyond that, I’ll just be enjoying whatever life brings.


I’ve still never tried birthday


Cake Oreos. I


Don’t ever try blogging from your phone. Anyways I need to visit park city one day. It’s supposed to be gorgeous and it’s nice to meet your coach in person So he can give you real life advice!


LOL. Thanks for the giggle!


It’s kind of my favorite thing to see Bangs friend is actually listed as Bangs.
All the food looks so good there.
And sounds like such a fun time, so cool you finally got to meet your running coach.
I’m looking forward to a few things this weekend. A friends birthday, another friends going away party, and then I have a shopping date with my Sister.


I want to visit Park City so bad! In fact, I just want to go to Utah and experience a winter…I know, I know. It’s on my list of places in the US to visit before I’m 30. I’m looking forward to helping with Habitat for Humanity with my law school in the morning. Should be fun, and even if it’s not, I know it’s good :)


I attended a workshop this spring and got filmed while running. (The slow motion looked scary.)
I was told that my running is actually a sped up version of walking! I’m overstriding. Heel striking. My torso is too stiff.
I need to work on my cadence, the lean, the rotation of my pelvis, my posture, and so on. I’m not sure wheter I’ll manage all this within the next 50 years.
My arms however look okay, but that doesn’t help at all…


I haven’t tried the birthday cake oreos yet! I might have to get some for my fiance’s birthday coming up and make him share :)

I can never tell if I have chicken wing arms when running (or if the rest of my form is good). When I start *thinking* about my form, everything seems to feel wrong and uncomfortable. I always wonder what I look like running though! Maybe I should get someone to video tape me?


I am looking forward to my birthday brunch with my family.
That would be my Mom! We talk every single day.


I grew up in Florida!! Bit I haven’t lived there for a really long time :-) and I actually talked to one if my good friends for three hours the other night…. We don’t live in the same place anymore and I guess I really miss her :-)


I’m looking forward to spending the weekend with my boyfriend, especially since it’s his birthday weekend!!! But more importantly, I’m excited about making him dessert :D. I’ve always had pretty good form, it was one of the reason my mom made me do running hahaha except I sometimes raise my shoulders up, A LOT, so it looks like I don’t have any neck hahaha, so I have to remember to relax and keep them down. Those cream puffs look so bomb.com!! If they are anything like Eclairs, I would be in heaven :)


Thanks for mentioning running form. I tense up too during a run and my neck and shoulders get so tight. Could you pass on some tips to ‘ out’ while we run as fast as we can? As for Brooke refusing to wear both shoes….my mom has a saying “this too shall pass and something else will take its place”. In raising kids, nothing could be truer!


Park city is one of my favorite places in the country!!! gorgeous! Jealous you get to live so close to enjoy it!!


Besides work, the last person I talked on the phone to was my sister!!! This weekend I’m looking forward to running on the Appalachian Trail with a friend! I’m kind of also dreading it though cause I’ve had a cold all week and feel awful, and I’ve got sore muscles still from a workout I did earlier this week. :/ Hopefully the fun will outweigh the misery! :)


I am totally with you on the dessert thing – I never want to do the let’s order and share – I want my own and don’t try and share with me. In fact, I once wrote a whole post about my dessert has rules lol – my son gives me such a hard time about sharing with me, I have actually created a monster out of him because now he takes dessert so seriously and won’t give me a bite. …Next time you are in NY, please come have dessert with me! We can both be selfish and order our own thing and eat happily together.


I’m looking forward to lots of family fun this weekend. Tomorrow is my daughter’s 4th bday, so all of the grandparents are coming into town. Yippee! And free babysitters mean that my husband and I can run the same 15-mile trail race in the morning. Grueling hills in the morning, party in the afternoon. Sounds like the perfect day!

Oh, and boy do I ever need to work on my running form. My shoulders always tense up and I end up with T-Rex arms. Not pretty!


i STILL havent tried those birthday cake oreos. i really need to get on that. and yay for good friends! those cream puffs look delicious. the last person i spoke to on the phone was my boyfriend :)


This weekend I am looking forward to not having anything planned for a change! Life has been way too hectic lately so I am looking forward to relaxing! Last person I had a long phone chat with was my BFF Laura (www.liverunsparkle.com) who moved far away to Vancouver. She was kind of that friend who is more like a sister to me.


I don’t share. I’m hard core. But I’m pretty honest about it and lighthearted. Plus everyone that knows me, knows I’m all about the sugar. I order dessert and I usually eat it first before the meal.


This weekend I’m looking forward to hanging out with some new friends! We’re going to have apperetivos (fancy way of saying tapas, which is a fancy way of saying appetizers). The weather is supposed to be GORGEOUS here, so I’m looking forward to that. I want to try birthday cake oreos. Have you had birthday cake froyo? Because it is so good.


I’m really making an effort right now to work on my running form bc my glutes don’t engage so it causes back and knee pain for me. My cousin told me that if you tuck your lower abs in it forces your glutes to engage so I tried that yesterday and had no back or knee pain!! And last person I talked to on the phone was my mom last ngiht

Your dinner out looked so good! I’m intrigued by the berry ketchup. I’ll have to try it sometime


Ehh i Like to have to good running form but I have a ways to go there are some things I Need to work on! Glad you were able to finally meet your coach!!


I’ve always wanted to go to Park City.

I have a packed weekend of bike riding, brewery turning in to a bar fun, working on my bike, sending out a Foodie Pen pal package, and a party. But I’m most looking forward to Tuesday when my boyfriend gets in to town for a week and then we head to San Francisco. Weee!


haha i also love not sharing desserts. so funny! that’s great that you met your coach in real life. after reading about yours, i finally decided to hire one too, about 3 months ago. it has been life changing — thank you!


I am running a 20 miler tomorrow! eek. I’m excited/nervous. I also can’t share desserts. Well, I can share other peoples… just not mine.


I love exploring park city, so pretty. That dessert looks good but that salmon looks better!! Have a goo weekend!


Yes! I am a Fl blogger & read all the time!


I’m not too sure about berry ketchup… But I guess I’ll take your word for it :)

Have a wonderful weekend Janae!


I’m looking forward to my marathon tomorrow!! Yee!!!!

I could definitely work on my form, especially my arms.


I have such happy memories in Park City! My husband and I moved from Mesa to Provo our first year of marriage and we would drive up to Park City all the time. Our tradition always included stopping at Harry and David’s at the outlet mall…their truffles are the best we have ever had before or since! Ooh and their chocolate covered blueberries!! (I’m cursing AZ right now because they took it out of Chandler Mall!) trust me-you’ll never go to Park City without it again.


I’ve never tried the birthday cake oreos but birthday cake ice cream is a must!! LOVE that stuff!! :) I hope you had a great week Janae!! Also… I work in a preschool and some of my kiddos still refuse to keep their shoes on! (3-5yo) lol


I’m looking forward to my friend’s baby’s 1st birthday party this weekend! It will be fun to celebrate with her. :) Hope you have a great weekend, girl!


I have T-Rex running form and have been trying to work on that as of late. Usually mid-way through my halves, I have to stretch because it’s too tense on my neck. Plus, I need to work on my form when running downhill. I strike the back of my feet more, where I should probably strike the mid-sole.

Wow, I sound like a hot mess.

But, hopefully this all takes care of itself before this weekend’s Big Cottonwood Half?! Well, at least I can hope.


I’m looking forward to eating at a Mexican restaurant on Sunday night. They have the best margaritas.


So glad you got to meet your running coach and hang out in Park City for the day! It’s one of my favorite places too – so beautiful and lots to do!

I’m looking forward to my in-laws coming to visit, Cody’s birthday, AND The Dirty Dash this weekend! Lots going on!


I have dinosaur arms when I run. I hold them next to my chest and they flop around. It looks like the Rex from Toy Story LOL


My husband and I are going to some sort of observatory out in the country to look at planets- I’m really hoping it’s more cool than scientific and nerdy.

Spoke with my mom last night for a good 30 minutes or so.

I think I have decent form, but I have a feeling I carry my arms too high. I really try to focus on leading with my elbows, keeping my hands loose, and not letting my arms cross in front of me but I’ll often get shoulder pain on longer runs and I wouldn’t be surprised if I was super stiff.


I definitely tense up when I run! I don’t know if I have chicken wings, but I know I tense my shoulders up. The day after my half marathon, my whole back was so sore that it hurt to lift an arm. Yikes!


berry ketchup?!! whooooooa. i definitely tense my arms/shoulders when i run long distance. i don’t really move my arms too much i guess? oops. oh well :)


I’m actually originally from FL (and if your coach is visiting PC, probably around from where he is – it’s the only place ppl from South FL visit in Utah! I’ve lived here for 9 years though, since coming to college here. I’m pretty sure my running form is atrocious, and I should work on it but money/time for a running coach, not so much.

This weekend I’m moving from downtown SLC to sugarhouse area so looking forward to a new home, but not to moving!


I have had my running form analyzed a few times(whenever I get injured) and I heal strike and am an upright runner. I am constantly trying to fix those. How awesome to finally meet your coach and have him help in person. I am sure that is immensely helpful.

Last night was book club where 2 of the 12 of us had read the book. Ha! We should just change the name to get together to eat and talk club. I think ross already calls it that actually;) Didn’t get home until midnight. Oops. And I was looking forward to camping with friends this weekend, but I think that is out the window with all this rain. Boo.

Either my mom, one of my sisters or ross. Those make up 97% of my phone calls.

I am jealous of your salmon. Looks and sounds delicious. Butter makes everything better.


I call my mom in Italy every morning and she’s the last person I spoke with over the phone ;)

What I’m “looking forward” to this weekend is my 20 mile-run on Sunday. I know it’s not going to actually be fun but it will be my first time hitting 20 miles and I really want to see how my body will react to it! Oh, and my running form totally sucks-I tense up, I overpronate, and at the end of a race I usually do all the wrong things, such us over-striding or “sitting” rather than standing up tall! I know, I’m a total disaster…


In the past I had decent form. When I started running after my long injured hiatus I ran a little different. It looked like it hurt…because it did! I wonder what it will be like when I try again at the end of the month? Prob not pretty :/

I really don’t like to share dessert. Sometimes I am shamed into sharing.


Props to you for working on your form! I run super straight (yet I slouch in real life – don’t ask me how that works) and have been told to lean forward dozens of times. Making those changes is so hard, yet beneficial in the long run. Hard is sometimes good though, right?:)


I had no idea they made birthday cake oreos. I am now on the hunt. :)
I have OK running form from years of cross country but I too need to work on not tensing up while running.


Oh my goodness that food looks amazing! What restaurant on Main Street was that?! I might have to talk someone into taking me tonight haha


I spent so many years turning my feet out to dance ballet and now I’m spending a lot of time learning how to not do that. It’s hard to retrain muscles! Nothing like working with a coach in person to realize that you run like a crazy person.

That dinner looks delicious!


My running form in atrocious (think: Phoebe from Friends) but it feels so good and I am so slow anyways that I just kinda go with it.


I’m going to the renaissance faire with my BF this weekend! I’ve been working on our costumes for months now and finally finished last night! :) Super pumped!
My Running form is probably not great, but I find when I try to run the way you’re supposed to, I end up hurting myself…so I just run how I don’t get hurt!


I also need to work on my form, I think arms are the hardest!
I’m looking forward to a long run tomorrow morning and a 10k on Sunday!


I have amazing running form, in my mind I’m a graceful gazelle swiftly gliding along. In reality I’ve been told I look like I’m in pain by people saying, “Are you okay?!” I’m kinda looking forward to my long run tomorrow, it’s supposed to be beautiful weather and I’m spending 12 hours of Friday in an office with no windows.


I’m headed off to Colorado to go whitewater kayaking for 5 days! Super pumped.


I wish I was from/living in Florida…does that count…lol


Birthday Oreos are dangerously awesome!!


OMG!!!! One of my nicknames in our running group is Chicken Wing! That is how I’m easily identifiable by others while running in the dark or from a distance. I just looked at some pics from a half I ran a few weeks ago and I really think they are getting worse instead of better. =( It’s strange though, for me it’s takes more energy to keep my arms closer to my body while running that to let them flare out. Also……..I keep my entire body very tense while running.
On the bright side, I’ve become more of a mid-foot striker as opposed to a heel striker which my IT bands definitely seem to like better. Oh well….always a work in progress I guess.


HYSTERICAL that you said you like people that want to get their own desserts and not do the whole “share” thing. I am ALL about family style dinners . . . love it because I get to try a bit of everything. But when you start stepping on my dessert, that’s when I get real.


I look like I’m doing upper cuts when I run. I’m going to buy these things that go around your shoulder and wrists to help with form. Oh, and I totally bogard my desserts.


Park City is so lovely! When I went there for Blend, not that many shops were open though :(

Weekend plans: 13 mile run, painting, Hungarian dance show and watch the 49ner game.

I’m trying to extend my legs more when I run. I tend to shuffle along.


haha! I love you… i hate sharing dessert, too. i also hate when my boyfriend claims he doesnt want dessert so i get one for myself and then he starts to eat mine…ummm you said you didnt want dessert, buddy…if you want some, get your own! hahah im mean.

this weekend I am going home to see my sister and parents…looking forward to that :)
and i last talked on the phone with my boyfriend harry….he is moving tomorrow :(

meh im a heal striker…but i dont work on it. it hasnt injured me yet so i figured im okay to keep on strikin.


I got me some WEIRD running form, mostly when I try to run faster. I never knew until I looked at pictures from races. I do the chicken arm thing, and my feet start to do funky things, too.
Hmmm it would really be cool to get a running coach! So you guys did all the communication and planned workouts through email?


This weekend I get to go up to Michigan to visit with my cousin, his wife, and their adorable 3 children! I haven’t seen them since Christmas so I can’t wait!

I talk to my friend Angela on the phone all the time and I love it…lately it’s all been talk of our upcoming marathon! It’s so great to have friends to share the experience with.


I’m looking forward to fall weather rolling in just in time for my long run tomorrow!!


I’m going on a marriage retreat with the hubby this weekend.

The last person I talked to was my BFF who was encouraging me through my 20 mile treadmill run (Ah!!)

I definitely need to work on my form.


I’m trying to run a marathon next spring…hopefully.

*http://expertbrand.com where I get all my running gear! For women of all sizes!


Temporarily reading from Florida while I’m here for med school :)


I’m a native Floridian but lived in Colorado off and on for 20 years (taught snow skiing). One thing I love about your blog are the shots of the mountains. I miss the Rockies!


I definitely do weird things with my upper body too. Sometimes my right shoulder starts pinching! I should work on that…


My arms do funny things when I run downhill…no idea why!

This weekend I have a half-marathon…can’t decide quite how to race it as my ‘goal race’ is two weeks away, so prob just a tune-up. Excited! Happy Weekend, Janae.


We are celebrating my good friends birthday this weekend with a nice steak dinner and it will be adults only, so I don’t have to worry about my food getting cold!

I talked to my BFF this morning as she ran her 20 miles. So proud of her!

I definitely need to work on my form!


I’m from Jupiter, FL. It’s in South Florida near West Palm Beach.

I’m super excited to run today after two weeks out due to a labrum tear in my hip at a bad time as Chicago is one month from today! I’m working with a PT and crossing my fingers the pain doesn’t come back with such force and this race actually happens.


I’m game for the sharing desserts if it means each person gets one and that way I can try them all. But then I secretly hoard my own after everyone else gets a bite.

That’s cool that you finally got to meet your coach and his wife IRL, must be weird to talk to someone so long and then finally meet them!


This weekend, I’m looking forward to celebrating a friend’s birthday with a bowling party! I haven’t been in YEARS!

I think I have good running form – I’m a midfooter. Friends of mine are raving over changing to forefoot.
Ummm…I think you are probably the only other person alive that wouldn’t’ judge me for talking about footstrikes with friends. :)


I think my form is terrible!


I don’t know what my running form looks like – I should probably work on that when I start running again :)


I’ve never heard of birthday cake Oreos but now I’ll be on the lookout! Yum! Did you try the watermelon ones? I love Oreos (my favorite are the mint ones) but the watermelon didn’t appeal…jw your expert opinion. :)

Being a new runner, and not being coached, I’m sure I have serious form issues. I always feel my shoulders tense up so maybe I have wings too?


It’s my Irish Twins birthday party tomorrow…kids galore :)


Oh man, that food looks so good! I love reading your posts. They always make me hungry. :)


Park city is so fun, agreed!!

And AMEN to NOT sharing dessert with others. ALLLLLL mine, baby.


I talked with my bestie last night for 3 hours. Sometimes you just have to have those conversations to vent, laugh, and plan revenge on those that have crossed you :)
I don’t like to share my desserts either. I mean I share if everyone wants to try the desserts, but they better each have their own.


I think I actually have really good running form! I’ve always wanted to go to Park City. Looks so beautiful! Tomorrow I’ve got a xc race so I’ll be gone all day- it’s 2 hours away. Then we’re going to OLIVE GARDEN and going shopping!!


I’m in Bradenton, Florida (near Sarasota)!


So cool that you finally got to meet your coach!!!! Adding Park City to my bucket list right now. MISS YOU!! Can’t wait to hug you in PA (If not before).


I’m in Naples, FL and it is super hot so I dream of living somewhere like PC! I lived in Jacksonville, FL for 5 yrs prior to moving here 4 yrs ago.
Have a good weekend!


So fun! And those desserts look amazing! Park City looks so cute :)



I’m reading from Melbourne, FL :) The weather is still so hot and lovely here. I’m running a 5k tomorrow and hoping to race well :) I last talked to my mom on the phone…and I’ll probably call her right now. I was supposed to call someone else today but I forgot and now it’s past business hours so…oops. I’m working on my running form…I’d like to think it’s getting better but I’m not sure.


I really want to see a visual of “chicken wing arms” now!!


I’m from Florida! Living in Tampa and hungry runner girl you should REALLY come visit! I can’t offer you any running advice, but I will gladly take yours. :) lots of good fro yo here I’mjustsaying…….


I’m from Flo-rida! Born and raised here, love it!!


Yep! In Orlando! :)


My friends always used to make fun of me and say I look like a dinosaur when I run… My pinkies curl in the weirdest way haha!


I don’t know if anyone else has told you, but there are starburst candy corn. The bag says they are fruit flavored, so I am guessing they taste like reg starburst but look like candy corn.


so much joy from the picture of brooke swinging! made my day :D
how’s the birthday cake oreo? worth trying?


Janae – I know I have mentioned to you in the past that I am also working with a running coach! I just mentioned to her recently that I want her to examine my form. I haven’t met with her yet, but I am very curious to hear what pointers you received from your coach on that topic? I feel like I also run with a very stiff upper body! :P


I’m reading from FL! I am actually from Jersey but have lived in south Florida since 2010 for school :)
Tomorrow I tackle my longest run ever at 9.5 miles! I am nervous because I have been having shin pains (lots of ice happening), but am looking forward to another long distance run!
Every time I run, I always think of what I could do better. Lately it’s been foot placement. If I don’t think about it, I am a big heel-striker. But I have bumped up my cadence and I don’t think my arms are too crazy when I run :P


It’s so cool that you finally got to meet your coach! I’ve never been to Park City. I lived in Utah in the ealry ’80 and I remember it was advertised on TV all of the time. I think it was in the process of being built then, and maybe some of the slopes had just opened.

I’m running in the Hokie Half Marathon this weekend!


Girl! With the pace you run, I say those chicken wings are working for ya ;-) I doubt I have “good” running form. I just remember my track coach yelling at me in his Swedish accent “lower your shoulders!!!” ha! I had a long phone convo with my Mom today, which always make my day! HAPPY WEEKEND to you and adorable Brooke.


I am running my first full marathon in the morning and seriously I owe a huge part of that to you and ideas and inspiration I have gotten from your blog, so thank you! (We’ll see if I am still thanking you around mile 22 :)


Ahhhhhhh I am so so excited for you! You are going to rock it!!!!! Let me know how it goes!


I’m reading from Tampa, Florida! Where abouts in FL is your coach from? I’ve been going back and forth about getting a coach and after seeing, err, reading about your success, it makes me want to look into it more :)
Speaking of Birthday Cake Oreos… did you ever try the watermelon ones? I’m hoping they come out with pumpkin flavor for fall!
This weekend I have a 19 miler with 4 x 1 tempos and a 3m tempo mixed in… should be interesting, haha. Hope you have a great weekend!


Those desserts look amazing!!! YUM!


I’m reading from Florida! Just moved to Clearwater 2 months ago :)


Your blog BFF reads from Florida :D

I’ve very intrigued by the berry ketchup…sounds strange, but good.

Must visit Park City one day- looks fun.


Sebastian, FL here!


Northeast Florida here. Love your blog!


If you’re me then you will never grow out of the “refusing to wear two shoes at once” phase. Unless they are running shoes I would rather be barefoot!

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