The way that every girls night ends:

Turns out that Brooke really likes hotels and jumping on the bed. 

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This weekend trip was all about laying around at the hotel, eating food and spending as much time as possible laughing and talking with my college bffs.

Room service is a very very good thing.

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I am used to getting up early on Saturday mornings to run so sleeping in until 9 (Brookers even knew that we were on vacation and slept in), eating breakfast and going straight to the pool felt really good.




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While at the pool there was a lady dressed up as a mermaid swimming around the pool.  Oh Vegas. 

Driving somewhere to get lunch would have taken way too much effort so chicken fingers were ordered to the room, at least we had celery and carrots with them.

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While at the hotel we threw this gorgeous pregnant girl of ours a very classy baby shower.  Streamers, balloons, presents and candy…we have got to stop being so fancy.

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We decided that two meals in the hotel was probably enough so we hit up Delmonico for dinner.  All rolls should glisten with butter. 

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Our reservation wasn’t until a little later and so when our food came out Brooke had fallen asleep in her carseat on the other side of me and I still feel bad that she missed out on the deliciousness that we had.

Ribye and my homies that make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

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Au gratin potatoes, creamed corn and cheesy grits.  The creamed corn was by far the best.

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And the way that every girls night ends:

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 Tell me five things you are doing today?!?!

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That looks like such a fun time!!!!! :) All that delicious food and spending time with family.

A few things I am doing today: well, it’s raining here so that changes my running plans. I am starting a new 2 week long series today that involves a lot of vegetables. So that is pretty exciting! :)


Running, eating, shopping, driving, unpacking a full car, moving my daughter into college 3,000 miles away from me :(


Hey- Do you have some tips for getting Brooke sleeping while away from home? We’re taking a vacation soon and I’m terrified ours won’t sleep! Then again if she falls asleep in a restaurant I guess you might not have the same problem, hah!

No big plans, baby b day party this aft after church.


Sorry to hijack but We just took a holiday with our 8 month old and I took the sheets from her cot to use in the portacot so it smelled like home and then tried to keep to the same bedtime routine as much as possible if we could… (Story, song etc…) as well as making sure she had her cuddly. Also tried to have one nap a day in the prtacot and the other could be on the move…. My main advice would just be to try and not worry too much! The sleep won’t be as great as it is at home but it won’t necessarily be terrible either :) she settled back into her normal routine within a day or so when we got home. Hope that helps!


Thanks! hijack appreciated!


That looks like a blast! 5 things today: church, going to the lake, and probably watching a movie today. I know that’s only three, but the lake will take all day! :)


That food looks delicious, and I LOVE chicken fingers. I woke up early today (surprise, surprise) so I’m reading blogs until my friend wakes up, then we are going to the museum of play and running around!


The way that every girls’ night ends? That’s how a lot of my nights end regardless of whether or not I’m with my girls ;)

5 things today: going to church, meeting a friend for coffee, going to the lake, stuffing myself with grilled corn on the cob, and [hopefully] roasting marshmallows.


So happy for you and your weekend of fun! And I agree, room service is the best!

1. I was going to run this morning but woke up to a thunderstorm. So instead I am watching it.
2. I am working on our mountain bikes to go for a trail ride tomorrow.
3. Exploring a new park trail system on foot today.
4. Trying to type this as a cat sits on my lap between me and my laptop massaging my belly with his claws and paws.
5. Laundry. Oh so much laundry.


Brooke has the good ideas down! I always loved jumping on the beds in hotel rooms and doing flips on and off them…even while my mother cringed that I wouldn’t get hurt!


Well now I’m hungry :-)

Sounds like a fun weekend!


That food looks awesome!!
1. Recovery Run
2. Hot chocolate
3. Watch husbands Downhill Race
4. More hot chocolate
5. Liverpool vs Manchester Unied….liverpool 1 up already!

Enjoy your holiday!


Who doesn’t love jumping on beds at hotels!!!!!
5 things on a Sunday is hard!!!!…but let’s see, 2.working on my blog, 3.getting some papers ready for school next week, 4. hopefully setting up our new computer, hmmmmm…let’s see
5. looking foe some new yummy recipes!!!
Way to relax on vacation!!!! Good for you!


1. Recovering (I’ve been sick – BOO)
2. Eating ice cream
3. Barbecue with the fam
4. Making dog biscuits
5. Sunday cleaning


Those rolls look decadent! Yum!


I love a good girls’ night! Five things I’m doing today:
1. Blogging
2. Going to church
3. Cleaning the house
4. Yoga
5. Seeing a movie


3 chatty miles with a friend
Starbucks pumpkin spice latte
Driving home
Wishing baby girls first birthday wasn’t today :/


Phish food is my favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor. Your trip sounds so relaxing and so you! This trip to Vegas has all the most important things- food, friends, hotels, and pools. It’s like an upscale sleepover party! After my long run today I am laying on the couch and not moving for the rest of the day. And I’m totally okay with that.


I love the Phish Food from Ben and Jerry’s! YUM!
And Vegas is the bomb! I love it there!


I’m so glad you’re having fun in Vegas janae!


9 miles already done, maybe a body pump class, cleaning house, blogging and hanging out with the fam! Glad you’re having a great weekend. You totally deserve it!


My little ones love jumping on beds too! We just did our weekend away last weekend & there was a ton of ordering in, eating out, chillin’ at the pool and of course, jumping on the bed! ;) My 5 things today: 1) long run 2) church 3) reading with my kiddos 4) grading papers 5) lesson planning [does 3-5 prove that I’m a teacher?]


Oh my goodness- that food looks amazing right now! I’m ‘fasting’ today!


“All rolls should glisten with butter.” Epic.


Janae- all that food is making my mouth water! Looks like such a good time- Brooke jumping on the bed is too cute.

5 things for today:
1. elliptical workout
2. take my dogs to the lake so they can swim :)
3. grilling out tonight
4. reading
5. farmers market.


That’s such a fun trip! today hmm…
1. grocery shopping
2. meal planning
3. playing with my cat
4. cleaning my house.
5. blogging!


How fun!! I’m so glad you’re getting to spend time with some of your girl friends! And the food looks amazing!


Wow what a fun getaway! You and Brooke totally deserve it!
So today I’m working for a few hours, doing a brick workout, buying new running shoes, eating ice cream and having a Sunday Funday date! (Which includes the stop at the running store and the ice cream, obvs :-))


1. Relaxing!
2. Preparing for teaching next week.
3. Celebrating my birthday my mom’s house.
4. Chores around the house (boring!)
5. Stretching and foam rolling…


Ashton! Pretty sure I’ve commented about this before, but I’m friends with her and therefore should be friends with you? Done deal? Okay that was creepy. Looks like you guys are having a blast!


That makes me so happy and really we should be friends!


1. It’s my cousins wedding today!!!!
2-5. Nothing else matters

Haha I’m so excited!!


Enjoy the rest of your trip! 5 things:
1. Going to church.
2. Driving to College Station to celebrate my sisters birthday.
3. Going on a walk with the family.
5. Enjoying a maple bacon cupcake from sprinkles!


Wow! Looks so much fun :D
I love how much Brooke is enjoying the hotel stay!


Yay Vegas!!

1. Long run
2. Reading (homework)-boo!!
3. Laundry
4. Relaxing
5. “The Office” Marathon on Netflix

Enjoy the rest of your trip!!


1. going for a run finally!
2. drinking lots of coffee
3. cleaning my house (I know so much fun!)
4. Go grocery shopping.
5. Doing the laundry

Aren’t you so jealous of my day ;)


I have to admit, I’m not a fan of the Phish Food Ben and Jerrys but hand me over half baked and we’re good to go!

Five things I’m doing today: Going to Target, Baking some kind of zucchini dessert, (hopefully) going to the outlets, getting a PSL from Starbucks, and enjoying time with family for the weekend!


1. Church
2. Baking chocolate chip zucchini cookies!
3. Going to Target! (I live an hour away from one, so this is real exciting!)
4. Watching Gilmore Girls
5. Cleaning (maybe…)


Drive to race
Half mara @ goal mara pace 9.09mm (nailed it!)
Drive home smiling
Eat lunch & ben & jerrys half baked yumminess

:-) :-) :-)


Sleeping in (check), Church, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing :) It’s going to be great. My body is tired from my 20 miler yesterday. I finally did it! Woohoo!
Looks like you’re having so much fun!


I ran the longest run of my life so far yesterday so I hope I’m not doing 5 things today!
I have to work so I will be spending most of the day behind a desk in a chair I believe. I work at a gym so I may bring up the balance ball to strengthen my shins a bit!


Hotels really are the best. I have to bounce on the beds even at my age.
1. Bike ride
2. Buy a tree for our front yard.
3. Watch Chris plant it while I eat candy and drink DMD.
4. Read
5. Try a new recipe for dinner.


Those room service fries look DELICIOUS! Why don’t apartments have room service? Someone should get on that, don’t you think?


Awesome! Brookers is adorable as usual <3 Jumping on beds is still something I love to do – and I may or may not be 13 years older than her :)


Today I am:
1. packing healthy lunches/snacks for the week
2. doing 3 sets of 15 squat jumps
3. cleaning
4. Watching a cheesy chick flick
5. Listening to the rain fall

Janae….you are an inspiration to me (a novice blogger) and I have nominated you for the Shine On Award. Check it out at Keep on blogging and being the fantastic person that you are!!!


1; run
2: church
3: watch the tigers
4:go grocery shopping
5: enjoy my last weekend before school starts!!


Glad you’re having a great time! I’ve never been to Las Vegas but I’d like to someday – after your trip you should post about your favorite restaurants and places to visit/stay!


What a fun trip! Five things:
1. Church
2. Bake a carrot cake
3. Go to a picnic
4. Do laundry
5. Lay around!


Wow! That looks like an amazing day. The food has made me so hungry, too! Yum.

My washer died this morning (RIP) and with a family of 5, we are desperately looking for another. Not entertaining I know, but what I’m doing today! ;P


Yum best end to any night, ever. Phish food is my favorite ben and jerry’s flavor!! Looks like you had a blast! So fun!



– 11 mile country -dirt road bike ride
– Farmers Market in St. Paul
– Breakfast at our favorite place all homemade foods
– Celebrate my 45 th birthday with the family
– Blogging, Internet news catch up and recovering from the weekend at the lake


1. Ran Disneyland half marathon
2. Taking a Nap
3. Going to the beach
4. Eating a burger
5. Drinking wine

What a great Girls day!!


Oooh, room service — fancy!!

Today at a glance:
1- Running
2- Relaxing
3- Farmer’s Marketing
4- Reading
5- Snuggling with my dachshund!

Have a good one!


Running, going to the beach, and lots of eating! I love Vegas! I’m glad you are having a great time!


I still like jumping on hotel beds too. Brooke and I have a lot in common! ;-) I’m glad you are having fun and laughing. That’s always so good for the soul.


How fun! Girls weekends are the best. I need to plan one with my gals.


1. Church
2. Nap
3. Tacos
4. Movie night with family
5. Dessert


Looks like soo much fun! Today was filled with working on wedding invitations and hopefully in a little bit a GOOD dinner!


What a wonderful little get-a-way!! Brooke is such a cutie! She’s going to grow up to be beautiful just like you!


1. Costco
2. Run
3. Clean
4. Cook
5. Blog


This literally is my dream day. Jumping on a bed, multiple orders of room service, an awesome dinner out, girlfriend time, and icecream?! Hope you had an awesome time, it looks like Brooke did!


Sounds like a blast! Brooke is beyond adorable! Glad you’re holding up, I know this time is beyond difficult for you but you have no idea how much I appreciate your positive attitude. Reminds me that we all go through hell, but life goes on and there are still great things to come. Keep smiling :)


Phish food is by far my favorite B&J ice cream flavor (although I do like the chocolate therapy in small doses).


. Janae I just love reading your blog.
1. We are having a Back to School Party tomorrow with Bingo.
2. I made chocolate peanut butter fingers for the party. Don’t they remind you of Elementary?
3. I talk about you to friends and family.
4. Sunday nights are always spent at Grandma’s
5. My sister is learning how to drive…wish you were able to be her driving coach. She is a little sassy sometimes.
Have a great rest of your trip!



I was just in Vegas for the first time last week! I don’t know the full layout of the city, but we stayed in the Paris hotel and while you are on vacation, take your friends to the Paris and *go to the crepe place* on the ground floor. You will not regret it! They have savory crepes and dessert crepes, and between me and my two girl friends, we split two crepes one day for lunch and they were awesome! A little pricey but totally worth it. We had the nutella crepe (which judging by the food you posted, I think you’ll love) and the fresh berry crepe! Let me know if you make it over there! <3

(And be careful if you do any of your runs outdoors…the strip can be a dangerous place in the early morning.)




Sounds like an awesome girls w/e! Today I did my long run (18), took my girls to pool, did laundry, took a long nap (so nice!), and ended day with big bowl of ice cream. Yum!


1. 13.1 mi run this morning (which royally sucked and is making me rethink my marathon training schedule)
2. Church
3. Mani’s with my best girl, my 9 y.o.
4. Weekly family dinner – food for my soul!
5. Camp out in the back yard with my 3 monkeys.


What a fun trip!
5 things about my day today all surround around traveling from up state New York back to Denver. My GOODNESS that’s a LONG day of travel. But so worth it to be home with the furry family and boy! :)


It’s now Monday by the time I’m replying but today:
1. I’m headed to the beach
2. Going to run 10miles once I get there
3. Hanging out in the sand and surf with friends
4. Going fishing
5. Taking a nap in the summer sun
Looks like you’re having a blast in Vegas! Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend :-)


Will You Ever talk about what happened in California


1. Catching up on blog reading.
2. blogging
3. Ellipticaling (?)
4. Bathing our 3 dogs
5. Showering (yeah it’s been a couple days, don’t judge)


That looks like a great vacation and a very classy baby shower :).

5 things I’m doing today:

1. Working
2. Going to the post office
3. Going for a run
4. Hanging out with my dog
5. making dinner…maybe


What a fun day! We did something similar for my best friend’s bachelorette in Atlantic City except it was lingerie being hung up on the walls haha

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