I can’t even begin to tell you how much your comments, emails, Facebook messages, tweets, texts and calls have meant to me.  

I stayed up late last night reading each any every comment and feeling the virtual hugs, prayers and love from you.  Thank you so much for your friendship, support and incredibly heartfelt words.   My online bff’s mean the world to me.

So far today I have ran, snuggled Brooke, gone to Costco and eaten salad and ice cream…  My perfect equation for healing.  

IMG 0312

We are working hard on getting the blog working back to normal and hopefully it will be running smoothly in no time.  

Thanks again.  

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I have been a reader for a little over a year and like everyone else I was sorry and sad to hear the news, my prayers are with you and Brooke, you are one of my favorite bloggers and I can’t wait to hear what adventures you two have next!


Stay strong beautiful! You deserve only the best.


I’ve been a long time reader and have probably only commented a few times, but please know we are all here for you. And we all understand any time you need to take for yourself. Honestly, I’ve been heartbroken for you and brookers since yesterday but I know you are strong and I know with time you will get through this. Praying for you and Brooke and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you guys. God works in mysterious and sometimes challenging ways but he always has a plan for you. It’s sad I feel so close to you because of your blog yet I’ve never met you! Stay strong janae we love you!


I didn’t have a chance to comment but I want you to know that you and Brooke are in my thoughts and prayers. Hold her tight and hang in there, ok? Things will be brighter in time.


❤ From Canada ❤ I was and still am so sad for you but I know you will get through this hard time. Love to you and Brooke!




I have read your blog daily since before Brooke was born, but I rarely comment… I have been thinking about you a lot lately (which is weird since we haven’t ever met).. But I just wanted to join in and let you know that you are honestly one of the most inspiring, positive, talented, and admirable people I have ever encountered! Despite this tough time, find peace in the love and support you have from your incredible family, and know that you have positively affected the lives of so many people! The few minutes that I spend reading your blog each day are always so uplifting, and I’m sure that I’m not the only person that feels that way. Take all the time that you need, eat all of the ice cream in sight, run as fast as you can, and continue to see the light through the darkness. Brooke is so lucky to have such an incredible mother, and we all love you two to pieces!!!!


Took the words right out of my mouth! Well said, Brittany. Hang in there Janae. Take whatever time you need…we will all be here for you when you are ready.


Sending continued good thoughts your way. Take it one day at a time and focus on that beautiful little girl of yours. <3


The outpouring of support that you have received over the past few days is absolutely phenomenal. It really is a tribute to how deeply you touch the lives of all of us on a daily basis. I know you are going through a terribly tough time right now and my thoughts and prayers are with you, that you should find strength and peace through all of this. I’ve never even met you and yet you too helped me through a difficult time in my life. I was living all alone in a new city 5 hours away from everything that was comfortable to me, my family, my friends. Everyday like clockwork I would read your blog as I ate my oatmeal in the morning and at 4:00 in the afternoon when I knew that a new post would be up. For just a brief moment each day reading your blog made me feel as though I wasn’t so alone. And for that… Thank YOU!


Wow that was beautifully said. So true. My heart breaks for you Janae, but you WILL get through this. Just like you say, “take it a mile at a time.” <3


This is so true. Thank you for touching our lives, Janea, and even more so to think what you’ve been going through privately (yet continuing with a brave and smiling face). I admire you in so many ways. Thank you.


I have loved getting to know you through your blog. You are a positive inspiration who has pushed me to run harder but most importantly to have a little bit more fun while running :) Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and Brooke!


Thinking of you janae! You are an amazing inspiration and I love reading your blog everyday :) I feel like I know you and care about you and your family, I hope you are taking care of yourself!


So sorry that you’re going through this. You are an amazing girl, with an awesome support system in your family and friends. Thanks for bringing us into your world with your happy, positive, & encouraging blog. It’s always a bright spot in my day when you post! Hugs and peace be to you and your family.


Since reading the post yesterday I have been thinking so much about you, which is kind of crazy because I have never met you even though I do feel like I know you! I have been reading your blog for about a year. I read your blog because you are filled with joy. If you were ever having days when you felt like your joy was all washed away you would never know. Your smile and love for your daughter will help you get through this difficult time. Know that a lady in Connecticut who loves to run is thinking about you and wishing you the best.


Janae I think you’ve handled this whole situation with so much grace. I know you and Brooke will be just fine, but I’m sending you some virtual love and support anyway. Hugs.


Janae, I hope you have some inkling just how much you have helped all of us through tough times over the years and I hope you know that all of us are now sending our love and support right back to you. You have been such an incredible source of inspiration to me in so many ways and I just want you to know that I’m sending you so much love and positivity from afar. I only wish I could do more!!


I am so sorry for you and Brooke. My heart aches. You are an amazing woman filled with strength and determination. I recently found your blog and have been loving it ever since. I look forward to your future posts and continuing to follow you and Brooke on all the new and exciting adventures the two of you will have together. Sending prayers and hugs your way!


Along with everyone else, I am terribly sorry that you are going through this tough time. Although I cannot take the pain away, know that I love you dearly and will be praying for you! You were just the support I needed when I went through a tough time last semester, and I am here for you in whatever way you need!


I’m so sorry you are going through this, you are such an inspiration to many of us. You gave me the support I needed last year and I will definitely praying for you and Brooke during this tough time. You are so strong and an amazing person.


Oh, thank goodness! I was afraid you were taking a blog break or taking it down for awhile. I don’t know if any of us could handle that! Like so many others, I feel very connected to you, and care very much about your well-being and happiness.


Hi Janae,

Not sure if my comment went through yesterday or not, but sending you and Brooke lots of love and prayers. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be, and you’ve handled it with such grace, dignity and strength. I’ve been reading your blog for over a year, and while I’m not naturally a “unicorns, glitter and rainbows” type of person, I LOVE the tone of your blog. It inspires me to not only improve my running, but my attitude as well.

(On a side note, I will eat a bowl of ice cream on your behalf :) )


Ok, this is my third time trying to leave a comment…I hope this one will go through!!
I have been thinking about you and praying for you NONSTOP since I first read your post yesterday morning. My heart is with you and I’ve never even met you!
I’ve been reading your blog for the last few years when I’m on the DC Metro going to work in the morning and then during the afternoon when I’m dealing with all the work stresses, etc. Your posts are like these bright spots in my day of positivity, motivation, and inspiration. I am just so sorry you are suffering but I know that you will get through this and that in the end all this will have purpose and meaning. You are so loved…by all those who’ve met you and all of us who you’ve never met! Keep shining your light girl. XOXO


I echo every comment that every one else has left. Though we may have never met you, we feel we know you & feel your pain as well. We are all here for you and can’t wait to see how you rise above this & inspire us all on a whole new level! Thank you for being you & encouraging us all daily with your posts. I only hope each comment left gives you even half the positive vibe that we all get from your blog daily. I sent you the new Pandora lists recently, so I hope that you can use some of the angry ones to rock out a run :) That always helps me through anything! Lots of love and prayers are being sent to you & Brooke!


Exactly. You can make it trough this Janae, and there are far better times ahaed. Praying for you and Brooke. Lots of love and hugs!


My husband James Chapman knows you & I have been following your blog for about a year or more (I love it!). We both want you to know we are praying for you & Brooke in your time of need.


HUGS <3 my heart hurts hearing this news. You are such a positive inspiration to all your readers and I hope to be even half the mom you are to your lil one!!


Janae- I have been reading your blog now for a couple of years now and I so admire you and your spirit. Sending love and positive thoughts to you and Brooke!


God bless you, sweetheart. Sending a big hug. You’re in my thoughts and prayers.


I was so sad to hear what you’re facing. I’m praying for you, that God would continue to strengthen and heal you through his strength and the people in your life who love you.

Love and hugs from Canada,


Much love Janae. Hang in there.


Tried to post yesterday but I don’t think it worked-anyway just wanted to say I’m holding you in the light.Take care!


Because what everyone else said just isn’t enough, I have to break my silent stalking and tell you indeed, I have no doubt that you are making the right decision for you and that you will get through it with your strong sense of self and strong community around you. Your blog was the first I found when I started running 18 months, 10 races, and 55 lbs ago. I’m not Mormon, I don’t have babies, and I don’t really like gummy candy, but I love your blog, and it has been nothing short of amazing watching you transform through pregnancy, motherhood and into your new chapter as a runner and person. Out of every runner and blogger I know, I look up to you the most (and not just because you run disgustingly fast and have an adorable but mystifying obsession with lip gloss) because you’ve made me less afraid of being a happy person (I always felt that to be so overtly positive shows weakness?) and less afraid to be a mother one day (without losing the title “runner”) . I ask that you stay positive, but don’t be afraid to write when you don’t feel so positive; even if you never publish it, it’s important to process the events and emotions like you’ve done for so long.


I love this comment.


And I love this comment. I am so sorry for you, Brooke and for Billy.


This comment is great.


Love this comment.




I hope you feel the love I am sending you from Florida…

…frankly, I’ve been on edge for the last week (stressful work stuff) and have been snapping at people. Today, I focused on being kind because you just never know what someone is going through. I hope kindness follows you over the next few weeks.


“Don’t look back….you’re not going that way.” is a quote that has always helped me when faced with difficult changes.

Peace, love and light to you and your family.


What a great quote, Karen. I’ve heard many quotes with the same sentiment, but that one is definitely my favorite!


I am praying for you. I wish I could do or say something to help you besides just saying I’m sorry, but if you ever need to talk to someone, you can email me. All of us are here for you.


I feel the same way that so many of your readers do. I have never met you, yet, I have been thinking about you and Brooke ever since I read your post yesterday. You have been an inspiration to me since I started reading your blog a few years ago. I admire your positive outlook and you seem to truly have a beautiful heart that shines through on your blog. I am so sorry for what you are going through.


Allow all of us who have been buoyed by your wonderful positivity to lift you up and hold you high whenever you start to feel low. You are so deeply appreciated.


Janae- I have been reading your blog for about two years now and like many others, have rarely commented. We met once when you were in NYC and I can tell you are truly a genuine person. I really don’t know what else to say except keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time.


I think now is a fabulous time to remind you what a positive influence and light you are in so many lives. Even as you go through this rough time, you somehow manage to remain so funny and upbeat! I am so glad you are surrounded by your family and are continuing to do what makes you (and Brooke!) happy. Keep on keepin’ on girl, you deserve amazing things and I have no doubt they will soon come to you!


Thinking of you and sweet Brooke and sending love your way. You WILL come out of this even stronger. I have a decade on you but I love your blog and look forward to your posts everyday. Stay positive!


Love and hugs. Hang in there. Everything will be just fine.


Oh, Janae, I think it’s clear from this outpouring of support that you have truly inspired so many of us. For me personally, I love coming to your blog each day, reading about your shenanigans, and looking at pictures of the most adorable baby in creation! Even from thousands of miles away and a connection that is only through this mystical blog world, you have not been far from my thoughts these past two days. As a child of divorce, I know how truly devastating this situation is (although I can’t begin to imagine it from your perspective), and I am heartbroken for you and your family. I want you to know that you and Brooke were lifted in prayer as I lay down my head last night, and I’ll remember you in my prayers this evening as well. Please know that you have thousands of friends out here in the world that are standing with you during this terrible time, and we are all here if you need us. *Big, Big Hug*


Dear Janae (and Brooke!)

These comments are a testament to how much your bright positivity and courage have touched so many of your readers. I’m not even a serious runner, mom or teacher, but I check in every day simply because you provide a spot of happiness to my day. I actually can run a whole 5k now, since you gave me the inspiration to try. You are both in my heart and although what you’re going through right now is the worst of the worst, be excited for your new life and new adventures. You have all of our love and support, and especially mine!

xx Kate


{HUGS} I was having trouble commenting yesterday, but I really want you to know how amazing and inspirational I think you are. I truly admire your strength and courage, and your positive outlook on life. You are an amazing woman, but more importantly, an amazing mama to Brooke. She is lucky to have you, and she will help you through this tough time. You are such a great role model for her to look up to.
Like you say… one mile at a time. If you want to keep blogging, I will most definitely keep reading. But, if you need some time off, I will certainly understand that too. Bless you and your family.


Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you. I, like many others, have never met you. But I feel like you are one of my greatest friends. Your hurt and sadness is felt by all. My heart is hurting for you. You are in my thoughts. Hold Brooke extra tight because she is what matters! We all love you and your positivity! Stay strong Janae!


Just commented on your other post but wanted to leave you with a song that has helped me so much through the post-breakup recovery… “Strangely Dim” by Francesca Battistelli

God has great things in store for you!


Not sure what to say but feel like you need to see yet another stalker that has been influenced by your positivity and LOVE for life! I am glad you realize you don’t have to always act like life is perfect…we are all far from that and actually those imperfect, hard trials that come our way make us the people we are today! I pray that you will find peace and comfort in knowing that our Father in Heaven is by your side EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!! Your family is pretty amazing too! :)


We all love you SO MUCH!!!


Janae: You are my running hero and one of the best parts of my day is reading your blog and soaking up your positive energy. Brooke is the most adorable little baby and you can tell your light shines through in her. Don’t worry about taking time to recouperate. Take each day at a time and know that we are all praying for you! Eat lots of chocolate and watch plenty of chick flics. You got this!!❤


Janae you are just the cutest thing in the world! I love your blog and hope I have a little girl as cute as Brooke someday :) you are truly inspiring and incredibly optimistic and for that you are a role model to me and women everywhere. Stay strong during this rough time and just know we all love you!


You are an amazing woman Janae! I love reading your blog everyday and you have inspired me to run better, faster, stronger, and smarter. You will make it through this!! You are loved and admired world-round. Sending you thoughts and hugs from a fellow Utahn. :)


My words are few, but my prayers are many. God bless you and that sweet girl of yours.


Janae!!! I’m a longtime reader and your blog is undoubtedly my favorite! Just wanted to write that I am thinking about you and Brooke – stay strong!


I have been thinking of you since I read your post yesterday and you could not be in a better place than with your family right now. I am sure your world seems shattered but you are such a positive and independent woman that I know happiness awaits you. Hugs to you and Brooke.


i’m glad you’re in the process of healing, but if you’re feeling down, just remember that you’ve got a ton of support from your readers! you have inspired me in so many ways and i know you’re SO strong and brave. saying prayers for you & brooke <3


You and your blog are such a joy and inspiration to read. I know there is a sadness trying to steal your light. But lean on your family, friends, and online “family.” We all believe in you and are sending you prayers and love in the world!


I cried when I read about it today. I’ve never met you but I love your blog. Prayers and lots of hugs! Lean on your amazing family and focus on your daughter.


You are an amazing woman and you are WORTH the VERY best! I know that you will come out from this stronger and find more joy in your life than you ever imagined! Wishing you and Brooke peace during this tough time.


We are all here for you!!


This too shall pass. Be strong. ;)



You have been on my mind ever since I read the news yesterday. I am sure you are in a lot of pain right now, and that pain comes in waves. Please know that you are loved by so many and there are prayers being offered up for you and Brooke all over the country – and probably even all over the world – because of the kindness and inspiration you have offered to your readers. So glad you have your family by your side. Hugs to you and Brooke.


Christopher Robin once said this to Winnie the Pooh and now I would like to say it to you:

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”


That has now become my favorite quote. Thank you!


Janae, I hope you can see that the outpouring of comments is a reflection of you as a person. Very few of us have met you in “real life”, but we consider you a friend. Your positive attitude shows the world that you will come out of this even stronger than you already are.


I am not sure if my comment went through on the other post, but I just returned from a trip where I had no internet for 11 days. Yours was the first blog I went to read and my heart completely broke. I know we don’t know each other in real life, but the way you write makes everyone feel as though you are their best friend. I have been thinking happy thoughts for you and Brooke since I read that post. Luckily you have running, which is what got me through the toughest break up of my life. You also have an amazing family and your beautiful daughter for snuggles. You are awesome and such an inspiration. I will keep sending you happy thoughts!


Girl….you are awesome!!! You inspire so many with your positive attitude and uplifting spirit! Stay strong and know that you have so many people that care about you! You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer and I know you will find it!
Hang in there!! :)


I wasn’t able to comment yesterday but I wish you the best during this difficult time. I am so sorry that you are going through this but I am sure you made the best decision for you and Brooke. ((Hugs))


Janae — like many others, I am a long time reader but first time commenter! Despite the fact that I have never met you, I have not been able to get you and Brooke out of my mind since yesterday. Your strength and class shine through in every post, and I have no doubt that you will get through this! Keep your head up…you will be in my prayers! Xoxo


If it is because he cheated if I ever see him I will walk up and punch him in the junk. I am so sorry you are going through this. I was shocked when I first read it. I thought it had to be a prank. Lot’s of prayers for you.


Please reach out to those you feel you can connect with and pull strength from when you need it. We all love you guys.


I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time. I know we don’t know each other but I know you are a strong woman and will get through this!

One of my favorite quotes that makes me smile, even during hard times:

“The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” -Alice Morse Earle

Sending lots of love :)


Sweetheart, I don’t think there’s a thing I can say that hasn’t already been said. So just…. ((((HUGS)))) And when you’re ready, I know LOTS of good lawyer jokes. :)


Love your blog sweet girl! Your heart and your sweet personality shine through every post. My prayers are with you, your little one and your family as you walk through this difficult time. Keep your chin up and look for the rainbows in each day… One day at a time :)



As so many other have stated, I have been thinking of you since reading your post. I do know that God works in mysterious ways and often we do not see why He is giving us the challenges he is giving us until long after the fact. I read this quote yesterday and thought of you “Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy now doesn’t mean that you aren’t headed for sunshine.” Hang in there and continue inspiring all of us and your beautiful, amazing daughter.


I had to read your post twice because I thought somehow it must be a joke I have been a faithful reader for 1.5 years and love your blog. Best of luck to you and I am glad you are able to be with your family.


I tried to comment yesterday but wasn’t sure if I made it through. I wanted to just say that I am thinking of you – and I most sincerely wish you the best. I love visiting your blog for an always positive view and the joy you have for life really comes through. It may not feel like it now, but that joy comes from inside you, and nothing will keep it down. :)


I don’t usually comment, but I just wanted to let you know that you’re in my thoughts this evening. I also wanted to make sure that at least one person stopped by to say that if this is what you need, then you absolutely do whatever you have to. I know that a lot of families and churches and friends aren’t enthusiastic or supportive of divorce, and I am so glad that you have found yourself in such a fabulous support situation during such difficult times.


Yet another long time reader who doesn’t comment much, here. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Doing what’s right for yourself is one of the hardest things to do. I am also so glad that you have such a fabulous support system in a world where so many different people and organizations find ways to frown upon the things that many of us need in order to be happy. Take care of yourself and Brooke.


Virtual hug to you, and hopefully that is not too weird since we haven’t met! But I have been a follower of your blog, which I love, for the last year and wish you all the strength through this tough time.


So so sorry:( My sister is going through a divorce right now to, and it’s so hard to know what to do or say to help her. Hang in there!


This feels like such an impersonal place to write you…but I just had to say I’ve been thinking of you and Brooke all day. I wish all these other people who read your blog and have never met you knew how incredibly genuine and sweet you really are. You are a gorgeous person both inside and out. People! This girl is the real deal. Hang in there. I promise I’ve been prayin for ya.


I don’t usually comment, but have been reading your blog for almost 2 years. I have been thinking of you and am sorry you are going through this. I think you are an amazing person!


I have read your blog for a long time and really enjoy it. I was shocked when I read your news. I hope everything works out for you. Wishing you lots of strength!


I don’t think my comments went through yesterday, but I just wanted to say – you are a really wonderful person. You care about your readers, your family, and your beautiful baby with sincerity and love. You’re beautiful, a clever businesswoman, and a talented runner. It’s terrible to me when bad things happen to good people, so this saddens me greatly. But you have handled the situation with grace, poise, and maturity. You’re a great example and Brooke is lucky to have you as her mom!


We’re all here to support you!!


Sending all the love in the world to you! You are an inspiration in so many ways. Keep your chin up and your beautiful smile bright. Take care of yourself! XO


just no words. you are such an inspiration and our hearts ache for you. you are so loved!


Another long time reader who never posts just here to offer support and love. Shocking news, been thinking about you and wish you all best. Hugs.


I read your blog every day, but have only commented a handful of times. Just look at all the support you are getting. You are an amazing woman with such a beautiful child. You are in my prayers, and I just know you will get through this, better and stronger than ever. I, and so many others, am rooting for you. I look forward to reading your blog as you embark on this newer and greater chapter of your life. We all love you!!


Sitting here reading all the comments on this post and tears are just streaming down my face…I feel like “It’s a Wonderful Life – the Janae Version” :) How much you have impacted so many people by just being the sweet, genuine person you are. I know it has to be difficult to share something so personal, so soon, but maybe that is actually a gift to you…to see at such a low point in your life how incredibly loved you are.

God is not “fair” but he is just. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for you.


Yours is the only blog that I read everyday. I started reading it because we were/are both teachers (I still teach). Also, you have been and will continue to be a positive role model in my life (even though you don’t know me) because you have written about earlier possibly being restrictive/limiting to now living a healthy, happy, active life. Thank you. I don’t have a big sister, and it seems all of my friends are now starting families, and I am just alone. But everyday, I know I have your wisdom and experiences to read about–even though I focus on being active and cannot claim to full-out run. You are more than just a role model for your daughter; you are a good force in the lives of so many.

I hope you can tell how much you are loved–by all of us readers. And don’t forget to treat, serve, and respect yourself at this time. We understand if you need to pull away and breathe for a bit. –Peace be with you.


I don’t have much original to say that everyone hasn’t said but I just want to say thank you for always being inspiring. I love hearing about your day and your runs and foodie fun with friends. Fingers crossed for a healing heart.


Hi Janae, I’ve been thinking about you so much since your post yesterday and tried leaving a comment but it disappeared. As you know, you have hundreds of loyal readers and online BFFs in your corner, ready to offer you whatever you need. I am so blown away by all the love shown here, I can only imagine how it must feel for you on the receiving end. I sure do hope you to know how much you are loved and that it helps just a little bit in the healing process.

I’m a longtime reader of yours and even though I rarely comment, I still remember our email exchange from almost two years ago of YOU encouraging ME after all my running injuries. We joked about you moving to Maui and us grabbing fro-yo together. If you’re ever in my neck of the woods, let me know. My treat. :)

Chin up, sugar. You’ll get through this. Much love to you! xoxo


You are an amazing inspiration! Your daughter is soooo beautiful and will learn so many lessons from your strength thru this and other challenges. You are an excellent role model for women and girls. Keeping you in our thoughts :). I truly believe that you are doing what is best in the long run, however difficult it is to see in the short term.


JanaeSo many have already said it so beautifully and I will repeat it, but probably not so eloquently… you light up so many lives on a daily basis. The outpouring of love and support in all of the comments is a testimony of how much you are loved and respected by your readers. We love reading about your speedy runs, first place finishes, amazing salads, endless froyo treats, and of course we love the adorable pictures of Brooke. I think yesterday’s and today’s posts are the perfect example of why we love you; you are staying positive a remaining a true lady in a difficult time. Please keep your fun posts coming, but only as you feel like it. We will be there for you. Sending healing hugs to you and Brooke! xoxo Debbie



I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years so much! You are so beautiful and so talented. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs ❤


there isn’t much that i can say that hasn’t already been said so instead here’s another virtual ((((hug)))) from me to you and brooke. <3


Hang in there!! You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways. You’re blog has helped me through some difficult times, so I only hope you find comfort in these comments when you need it most. We love you!!


I rarely comment but I just felt the need to tell you how much you have been in my thoughts since reading your post yesterday. You are such an inspiration for so many of us! My heart breaks for you during this difficult time and please know that you and Brooke will be in my thoughts!


Stay strong! Keeping you in my prayers!


i tried to comment on your last post but it wasn’t loading. i am so sorry to hear about your divorce. i can’t imagine what that must be like. but i do hope that it will be a better decision than if you were to stay together. and i hope you are able to find comfort in your wonderful family and friends. you are an inspiration to so many women around the world and we are here to support you.


I tried to comment yesterday but I don’t think it would load.
I have read your blog for years now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it (sorry for never commenting :) You will be in my prayers, and I will continue to look forward to reading about the positive parts of your day and your PR’s!


[Whoo! Comments restored!!!]

I’m relatively new to the blogging scene – but it seems to me that one of the reasons that so many people identify (and adore!) you is because you share a pretty big chunk of yourself and your life with your readers. This is a beautiful thing…

…but it comes at a high price when you’re going through a rough patch. Not sharing seems not quite fair to readers, but being honest is painful, humbling, and/or dangerous. You are doing a beautiful job so far; and your Commenters seem to have followed suit. Stay true to yourself moving forward, and remember – there is a light at the end of every tunnel!


I read your blog everyday and anxiously await each new post. Your stories and the pictures you share always brighten my day. So hopefully this comment, helps you in a small way. My heart aches for you and Brooke. I’ve been thinking of you both since reading your post yesterday. I’m in awe of all of the comments and support you’ve received! What a sign of the inspiration you are too so many!! You’re working though this time with such class and grace – keep your head up! Will be thinking of you often! Xoxo


Dear Janae,

I am seriously heartbroken for you. Stay strong.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Lots of love,


I just read yesterday’s post about your pending divorce. I am so sorry that you are going through this. If I remember correctly, Billy is in law school, which brings its own personal hell to a relationship. I am finishing my last year (will be done in December) and can tell you from personal experience that this has been very hard on my relationship with my hubby. We have 2 kids that are 10 and 12, and I try to study, help with kiddos homework, be the bus driver for a wide variety of activities, clean the house, do the bills, etc. you get the picture…..do everything and still try to get decent grades, all while hubby travels all over the world for work. Law school and his travel schedule has been hell on us and most days I’m too focused on school to even bother bringing up issues that we should talk about.
The reason for my long post is twofold: 1) lawschool is hell on any relationship but more so when you factor kids into it, 2) all of us that read you blog support you and hopefully knowing that we care will in some way help to ease your burden.


Love you love you love you times a MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are a babe, and I love you to pieces! xoxoxo


Janae~ I wasnt able to comment yesterday but i want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I havent commented much, but know you are a light in my life and have inspired me daily to be positive and run my best. You will get through this! hugs and love sent your way~


Dear Janae,

like so many others I want you to know, that I’m sorry and that I wish you a lot of energy, strength and hope.
I’m an old lady (48) and a lousy runner but you and your blog inspire me so much! I can’t find the right words to thank you for that.
You are a wonderful woman.
I am from Austria (Europe – no kangaroos!) and we have the most delicious cakes you can imagine! If you come to visit one day, I’ll bake one for you, promise!!!



Good Morning Janae, Brook, and rest of wonderful family! Just checking back in with you today to give more hugs and try to give you what you have given me daily since I have read your blog ~ a spot of happiness in my day. So today’s ice cream recommendation is one of my favortites ~~ vanilla/orange sherbert. A refreshing treat on a hot day :) I am on my way to Costco today too, cant wait to find out the samples they have for today:) Take care of yourself today and even if today isnt a run day you, Brook and the rest of the kiddos should go for an awesome walk today.


My comments didn’t work yesterday either, but love reading, and know you are a strong woman who will just get stronger through this!


I admire you so much. Stay strong. We’re all here for you and Brooke.


I don’t know if my comment made it the other day, so I just want to mirror what everyone else is saying and let you know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Take the time you need with your beautiful daughter and family – we’ll all be here when you’re ready. Keep the faith!


I too have been a long time reader and fellow runner ( on the east coast though). I know you will get through this- and you seem to have a strong bond with your family for support. Thinking of you!


I haven’t been able to comment over the past couple days, as your site was so busy with everyone trying to show their support! My friend and I read your blog every single day, and we wanted you to know that you have been in our thoughts and hearts. Even though we’ve never met, we feel as though you are our friend and wish you all the best. We know your strength and positivity will carry you through this rough time. Love, Cait&Jess


Janae, I cannot stop thinking about you and sweet little Brooke the last few days since you posted your sad news! You do not deserve to go through something like this. That being said you are one of the most admirable and strong people I know. I love to read your blog because I now that in real life you are the sweetest, friendliest, and most positive person. Your blog is so positive yet real and relatable. Basically I think you are the most amazing girl ever! My thoughts and prayers are with you!


Janae- I’ve been thinking about you and Brooke a lot over the last couple of days and sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts. We’ve never met in person (yet! NY is fabulous in the fall!), but I look forward to reading about you every day. You give off such a positive energy and you make me laugh every day. I totally wish we could be friends in real life :)

I myself have been through a divorce – it sucks – and is definitely one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to endure. But in the end, you will come out so much stronger. I really found myself while I was going through the healing process. So on those dark days (actually usually nighttime, for me) – remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Plus, your readers have totally got your back – and I’m so glad that you have good friends and family to rely on. Just keep swimmin’ girl.

Thinking of you lots.


I tried to comment the other day and couldn’t – too much love happening on your site to be able to get through! As a long-time reader of HRG, it’s easy to see that you are a very strong, independent person, and I know that you will get through this tough time and come out on top. Sending positive energy and happy thoughts to you & Brooke – you are very loved!


“dont look back…you’re not going that way”

Your grace, positivity and perseverance will bring you much happiness :)
Hugs for you and Brook<3


Not sure if my comment went through yesterday. Sending you many hugs! Keep doing what you’re doing — focus on the positive! So glad you are surrounded by family right now. Know that your readers are here for you, too!


I’ve only been a reader for a few months and a runner for 6 months but your words are so inspiring which is just what I need while I tackle this new thing in my life (running).

With that said, please keep in mind how many people you have helped along the way and made smile. You are a very special person and the saying “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is very, very true. You WILL get through this with the strength of your family, your daughter and mainly yourself. And remember to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. It will make all the difference.

Happy thoughts coming your way from Upstate NY,
Megan :)


The tenacity you have shown to continue to write through what I know from experience is a very difficult time is testimony to your character. I could barely scrape myself up off the ground, let alone care for a child or write when I went through my divorce. You are an amazing woman.


Sweetest Janae, hang in there. You are stronger than strong and you’ll get through this, no doubt. Much love to you from North Carolina.


My pastor gave an example this past weekend that fits…. God has a plan for each itty bitty small acorn to grow into a 50 foot tree- so he has plans for you and me. We don’t always know them or understand them but we have to trust his plan and focus on that.
I love your blog and you are an inspiration to my running and journey in life.


You are my absolute favorite blogger and I hope that your readers can help bring you the joy that you bring each of us every day!


I hate to think that you and Brooke are going through this- prayers for you. I have only read your blog for a short time but your positive attitude is so motivational and I know you have the strength to come through this- I mean anyone who can run 20 miles on a treadmill is a rockstar.


You bring such joy to so many of us and I hope you find comfort with family and friends. I’m sending hugs and prayers your way!


I’m so sorry this is a struggle that you have to go through but you are a very lucky girl to have such an amazing and supportive family, and Brooke! I’ll be praying for you!


I’ve tried so hard the last couple days to put in my comment, but too many others were trying at the same time! Now is my chance….

I just want to let you know that your blog is such a source of inspiration and motivation for me, and it’s clear that many others feel this way. We’re all here for you, to support you and root for you. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us and opening up in this way.
You have been in my thoughts this week, and I hope you feel ALL the love your readers are sending your way. You’re one strong chick, and like you said, you WILL get through this!


I was shocked when I heard the news and been thinking and praying about you ever since. You are a strong person and will get through this. Hard not to when you have that smiling little one all the time!


Hi Janae,
You maybe don’t remember me but I’m a long time reader and I used to blog at (ref my email address).  When you came to Vegas for the Rock’n’Roll Marathon in Dec 2011, we were planning to meet up but it never worked out.
Anyway I just wanted you to know my world feels “off” today after reading your news, so I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.  Echoing what several commenters said on the blog today, you and Billy always seemed so happy and like a “perfect” couple so I am completely 100% shocked to read that news!  I’m really sad for what you’re going through.  I’m glad you have your family to lean on in this difficult time.  Blogs are an interesting thing because I feel like we’re friends b/c I read about your life every single day, even though you don’t know me, which is kind of sad.  But I’m here if you need anything.  Sending prayers and positive energy to you and your family. You’re strong and Ihave no doubts you’ll be back on your feet in no time.


Thank God for Brooke. She truly is an angel and I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say I am so happy you have her.

Sending you infinity hugs!!


Praying for you. You deserve all of the love and support in the world. You inspire me and brighten my day with every new post. Sending you hundreds of virtual hugs!!


I don’t comment often, but I’ve been obsessed with your blog for months. I love all of your posts, pics of Brooke, running advice, everything! I look forward to your posts, they always make me smile! You are a huge inspiration to me! I was heartbroken for you when I read your post. You are such a beautiful, talented, strong woman, hold your head up and your beautiful baby girl close. You have so much love and support!


I’m so sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time. You are a strong person. Good for you for focusing on the positives in your life. You have lots of people who care about you.

Take care.


So deeply sorry to hear of what you are going through. I have been a faithful follower for a couple of years now and love reading your blog daily. You and sweet Brooke are in my thoughts and prayers daily as you start a new journey.


Janae, I always read your blog and I am so sorry that you are going through such a hard time right now. I hope you and Brooke are ok!!


Lots of love, strength and prayers to you, Janae. You are a beautiful, inspiring person which is easy to see by all of the people reaching out to you. We all have been touched by you and wish all the best for you. Take comfort in that God has another plan for you and it will be wonderful.

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