Running from July 28th-August 4th

As I mentioned in the last post, this week’s running was definitely not my favorite.

At least one day I wore an awesome complimentary colored outfit for my run.  Purple and orange, I think it’s cool.  

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8 miles @ 7:45 average pace with no music.  


4 miles @ 7:07 average pace.  7:14, 7:12, 7:09 and 6:52.  Ran in the afternoon, no music and in a new to me area so it was fun to explore.


Rest day!  Not scheduled, just happened that way.


7 miles @ 8:18 pace.  Super relaxed run, no music.


8 miles @ 7:41 average pace.  Felt hard mentally for some reason.  


Morning run- 4.5 miles @ 8:50 pace.  (Felt harder than my night run because of the heat)

Night run- 3.1 miles @ 6:33 pace and focused on negative splits.  Total time—> 20:20.  

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We all have weeks that we slow down a little bit compared to the previous week or mentally we are just not in to it.  It’s normal.  Just accept it and move on to the next week.

Do you ever do two runs in one day?  What was the best run of your week?  The longest run of your week?  The hardest run of your week?

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Some weeks running is just plain hard! Good job powering through speedy.

I love the orange and purple combo!


Thanks Amy!


I definitely go through weeks where exercise and me are just not on good terms. When that happens to me – it’s usually a sign I need to back off a bit from intensity and do some low key workouts instead.
Hopefully this week will be better for you!


Thanks Lisa! You are so right…usually you just need to take a little time to back off!


I loooove your purple shoes!!! I am just a beginner runner, so I haven’t ventured into the two runs in one day thing… yet. :) I have been making sure to stretch a LOT though, and I can tell it helps so much!



Purple and orange are the colors of Clemson University in SC. I see it everywhere where I live. You’d fit right in! :)


Well now I just have to go run around their campus:)


As Clemson alum I fully support ALL of this! <3 go tigers!


Sorry it wasn’t your best running week- at least you have cute clothes?

I haven’t had the best runs lately either. I’m thinking about taking a week or so off to refresh. The last time I did two a days was back in high school at running camp- I could never run that late at night like you- you’re a trooper!

Hope this week is better Janae!


I love the purple and orange!
Hardest run this week was 18 miler. I could tell by mile 6 it was going to be hard and almost had an emotional breakdown at mile 15. Finishing those hard/ bad runs gives you a sense of power, though! I’ve never done 2 runs in one day. I don’t know where people find the energy to do that!


Jessica, way to go on finishing that 18 miler…make sure to remember how you pushed through that when you feel like you want to quit during your next race/run!


Your paces all look amazing to me – you are super speedy, even in your “off” weeks!!

I definitely go through those times, too. I’ll have weeks where I get what I call “tree trunk leg syndrome” and no amount of carbs seems to help me feel better. My 16 miler this weekend was kind of like that…I’m taking a cutback week next week and then will go for 18 (hopefully minus the tree trunk legs) in two weeks.

I hope this week is an awesome week of running for you!!


How do you run so fast?! I’m jealous.


Lots and lots of candy….sugar is an amazing thing ha…jk. Hope you have a great day Ashley!


Mentally tough weeks are what makes the love of running so great! (We just dont appreciate it until after ;))As a runner being in a mental funk allows you to push through and fight in some sense. It allows us to practice to fight through in life, too :) you got it girl, way to get push through. That’s what makes us better!! P.S the scenery in the background is amazing! You don’t need music with that view :)


Thank you for the pep talk. Seriously. That helped a lot!


Anytime, girl! Run your heart out this week, you’re stronger than you think. We all just need reminding, thats why I read your blog! Lol


The hardest mentally and physically has been mile 1 of every run week. I cannot place my finger on a why so I am just going to take your attitude and know next week has potential to be better.
Longest run was 8 and the fastest I have ran 8 this summer, so that’s a highlight seeing mile 1 was s.l.o.w!


Seriously…why is mile 1 so hard sometimes!?!? Way to go girl on your fastest 8 miler of the summer!


i have a bumper sticker that says “running doesn’t build character – it reveals it.’ i think that mile 1 is the hardest and yet we don’t quit is proof of that – such a metaphor for life.


i love that you’re keeping it real… just like in life, some weeks of exercising/running are better than others. i’m sure you’re going to have an amazing week of runs to make up for this week :) and i looove the purple and orange! i always wear the brightest nike tempo shorts to get me excited for a workout :)


Thanks April! You are so right!


Your purple and orange color is like my purple and green color. Barney!!!


Speaking of tough runs…today’s 12-miler was pretty awful both physically and mentally. My legs were SO, so tight and I kept wanting to quit, but I pushed through and ended up with a (surprisingly) decent overall pace. Best run of my week was at the track on Friday, when I ran barefoot on the football field after my speed session. Felt amazing! Hope this coming week is better for you running-wise!


I am so sorry about your awful 12 miler. AWESOME job pushing through it girl. I want to run barefoot on the football field, I have to copy you!


Nice double day on Saturday!
I also love orange and purple, and actually have a great pair of Nike shorts that are those colours!
My hardest runs were yesterday. I did a bike, run, bike, run, bike run triple brick. The last run was completely a mental game!


I used to do double run days once a week because I liked to get one slightly higher mileage mid week day in and couldn’t do it unless I split the run up due to time constraints. One before work (I’m a teacher, theres no way I could get up early enough before school to get in a long run!) and the one in the evening.

Pretty much every run I’ve had has been slightly hard this week… first running week back after an injury, and mentally its so hard to see how hard just a few miles even at a slower than usual pace is now! I know its the result of the pain and the time off, but it still is mentally difficult!

Also, I love the color combo! I buy lots of bright colored running clothes and then none of them match so I normally look like I got dressed with my eyes closed. :) DOn’t worry about the hard week of running… it just happens! Your body and mind aren’t always in sync so sometimes they just have an off week… next week will be better!


Did you run up that hill?!!

To see purple and orange together just makes me happy.
They remind me of fall. The cooler season/runs – and lots of food.


Definitely walked up that hill (aka MOUNTAIN HA). Hope you are having a great day Christina!


Ok. Good! You had me worried for a second. Hahaha.

I did! (It’s already 12.40am here!)
Happy running!


PLEASE tell me how to get the backlight on the Garmin! I run at night a lot and have to wait til a strret light to see my data bc I can’t figure it out!


Hey Bakah. On my garmin I just pushed the top left button and it turns on, I push it again to turn it off…does that work for you?


Bahahahaha! Thanks! Definitely one of those things I tried to overthink! I guess I never thought to push the power button!


That looks like a great week of running to me! :0)


Bahahahaha! Thanks! Definitely one of those things I tried to overthink! I guess I never thought to push the power button!


I’ve literally only ran twice in a day once — before work and then right after. I dont know what crawled into me, but I just had the extra motivation that day. I could use more like it!


I have done 2 runs in a day but it has been a long time and i have not done it many times. My best run was my long run. 13 miles 7:52 pace and it felt easy (always nice when that happens).
Are you not running with music because of rules for races. I was just reading about my upcoming marathon and to be eligible for prizes you cannot have music. Last years 3rd place girl was 3:15….it makes me really wanna go for it….
The hardest run was Thursday…went too late and had a bad cold….just a bad run…but it happens!


I’ve had a few double run days in my past. Sometimes you just need them! Love ya bunches girlie :-)


I haven’t done a double day in a long time, but I used to do them quite a bit in college when doing higher mileage and also on occasion when I was training for my marathon. I kind of miss it in a weird way, but nowadays I am just lucky to get out the door once every day. I just moved to Connecticut about a month ago and am trying to get used to a new place and a weird new schedule.

Best run of my week was finding a new trail by my new apartment. Parts of it were beautiful and it was so fun to explore! I also ended up going further than planned, which I secretly liked. No idea what my pace was, but it felt good.

Longest and hardest run this week was an 8 miler in North Carolina. I felt so tired from the start and it was so tough. I ran a ten-miler last week, so it wasn’t the distance, and I have run in hotter recently, so it wasn’t the heat either. It was also super slow (no idea what the pace was but I felt like I was crawling). Just one of those really “off” days for some reason. At half-way, I just wanted to be done. It took all my mental strength to make it home. I told myself it is the runs like these that make me stronger when I push through (although I was thinking around mile 6 that I probably would have accepted a ride home if offered)!

I totally know what you mean about those slower/harder/lower mileage weeks. I hate when they happen, but try not to dwell on them either and focus on doing my best the next week. Sometimes are bodies are just tired and need a little break. It seems like sometimes after having a week (or two) like that, I come back with a great week and realize that even though I may not be getting faster every single run or every single week, I am making gradual progress and that my hard work does pay off. Looks like you still had a very solid week and still had some fun runs – and having fun is what it is all about, right?? :)


Your so-so running weeks are still pretty darn amazing! Love your attitude to chalk it up to an off week and keep on keepin’ on. I’m sure the altitude and different schedule have an impact too.


Haha! I only dream about being as fast (on fast runs) as janae is on her slow runs!


I just absolutely LOVE your blog. Just started following a few weeks ago. I love that you are not too hard/too serious on yourself with less than optimal weeks. That is AWESOME! I have learned that running is a HUGE part of my life, but NOT my life. Thanks for being such an inspiration! You and your family are soooo adorable. :)


I can totally relate to the “off” week of running! Lately, I’ve been struggling with most of my runs. I even took a little running break to see if it helped – it didn’t so I’m just trying to cut myself some slack and not worry about my pace so much. I never want to hate running so I’m trying to get back into my groove and then I will work on increasing my speed again.
I hope next week is a better running week for you!!


Great job! We all have tough weeks but those are the weeks that typically will make us better runners! This week my personal life was a mess, but I stuck to my running and actually set an PR record for distance in one week. I am hoping to have a better this week all around! Hope yours goes better too! That’s the great thing about new weeks – a fresh start!


Great job! You look great in those colors :) Purple and orange totally match


Hi Janae! I love reading these run recap posts. My best run of the week was Monday definitely – 5 mile tempo run at 7:40 pace (fast for moi) and my worst run was probably on Friday – a tight 3 miles then had to stop. Today was a total rest day so I’m hoping tomorrow is good again:)


GIRL!! Awesome tempo run, you rocked it! Tomorrow will be awesome:)


My longest run was a 15k race yesterday! It was a trail run and I really enjoyed it. So that was my hardest/longest/best run of the week. I’ve never done two a day’s, but I’m going to start when cross country starts on the 12th!


btw, today at the store I saw chicken and waffle flavored chips! It reminded me of when you had that for dinner!


My best run of the week was my long run yesterday… 14 miles! That is the longest I have ever run, it was hard and I wanted to quit, but at the end it was all worth it. The hardest would be a toss up between my 14 miler and my 6.5 mile run on Wednesday. It was supposed to be 7, but it was rainy, humid, and I just was not feeling it, so I called it quits a little early. It makes me feel a lot better reading about other runners having not so hot runs as well!


So funny. My hubby and I were both just talking about how this week was really hard in the running department. Ironically we had some pretty beautiful weather ( mornings only 60 degrees and daytime 78 degrees). I am hopeful this week will be better. PS you are such an amazing motivation. I dream of being able to do some of your workouts.


Today I ran 4.5 miles. I am really slow, but I did it and I thought I was going to die at mile 3, but pushed through and it was worth it! Love your purple and orange combo!

PS, I just picked up the Honey Mustard Wheat Thins and am in LOVE. I love honey mustard flavored anything, so when you posted that I had to try them out! :)


Your slow-down week happened at the same time as mine. I appreciate your “accept it and move on” attitude. I’m struggling! But I’m going to hop back into next week and call it fine!


I’m doing C25k with my older kids (9 & 5) 3 days a week, as well as running myself 4-5 days. So, usually once or twice a week I have my run in the morning and then run with them in the evening. I try to make it only once a week, but sometimes life happens.

This week my long run was 7 miles. 1:05:14

My best run was my sub30 3 miles on Wednesday (first ever). I was feeling proud :)

My hardest run was Friday, speed work. Mile 1 was 8:50, then walked .25, ran .25 in 1:53, walked .25, ran .25 in 1:57. And that’s all I had time for, since stinky hubby has to get up for work earlier on Fridays.

I’ve been fighting a cold and this morning I decided to stay in bed an extra hour since I felt like death. Hoping I feel up to 7 miles in the morning. :/


Hope you feel better soon Danielle. Great job on the sub30 for 3. I remember my first one too and it is quite a proud moment. 2 runs in some days with kids, you are awesome. I think about it and can’t seem to manage it. Life happens here a lot. lol.



I feel better this morning. Mostly. Still a stuffy head, but my nose isn’t running uncontrollably.

PS: last week was 6 miles, not 7!


I haven’t done two-a-days in almost 20 years…except for running in a couple of distance relays over the past few years.

Great job in the 5K workout!


We all have weeks like those, but luckily tomorrow is the start of a new week where you will do amazing! (If not, do what I do – blame the heat or your runners knees ;) )

Love that you’re reppin’ the Clemson colors. Purple and orange look great on you.

Oh and you already know this, but Brooke looked adorable in that swimsuit a couple posts ago. Seriously, she should be a baby Gap model.


I tore my calf muscle 2 weeks ago, so I am not running at the moment, But it sounds like you are running well enough for the both of us!! :) I wish I did more night runs, I use to. I do always feel faster during them. I say it is because I am exceptionally warmed up! :)


Sorry for the hard workout week. I had one too. The hardest part was starting each run, but afterwards I was glad I pushed through. Managed to do a 10 miler on the treadmill this week and a 5 miler in 33 minutes. Seems like I can only do speedwork on the treadmill with this heat and humidity. ‘

My favorite run was with my sweet Kelly. We have lots of stops to see ducks, run down the hill, play at the playground, but love running while pushing her. She just figured out how to lean foward in the BOB and grab on to the carseat adapter (never put the cup holder on). She looks like she is having a blast, with the wind in her hair. Cracks me up.

Cheers to a better week next week.


I had three tough runs this week but by far the hardest was the half marathon I ran this morning. my Garmin and iPod died and the MapMyRun app I had to use was wonky. Ended up running a lot faster than I ever thought I could and took 2 minutes off my previous PR. A good end to a tough week 4 of marathon training.


I split a lot of my runs in two when my husband is away at work. I’ll do one on the treadmill usually while the kids are sleeping and one in the afternoon with the kids in the stroller. Too much stroller running starts to bug my knees! I tried Swedish Fish today – I’ve never seen them before and assumed they were a US thing. Every bit as delicious as you made them out to be and my daughter definitely approved as well!

Longest run was a double which ended up being 10 miles. Hardest run was this evening, I’m so not used to humidity!


my best run of the week was today (well, technically yesterday – east coast time) – 5 miles in under an hour. i’ve only been running since january and have never, ever been an athletic person. today was huge for me. looking at your week i can only dream to be at your level in a million years. take this comment as a little perspective – you’re awesome :)


Luckily tomorrow is Monday, the perfect day to start fresh! :)

I had a hard run in the heat earlier this week…6 miles with no breeze and pounding sun is definitely NOT a fun time.


My best run this week was my PDR since my ridiculous college running days…16.3 with a 7.20 pace and only 2 um, emergency stops. I have only run twice in one day a few times and it’s usually when I do my own workout then have some other obligation, like PT testing for work or the Special Olympics LE torch run. Despite you slowing down this week you are still speedy. Perspective is everything. I bet this week will be amazing for your training though.


I went to Clemson so I frequently rock the orange and purple combo, I promise they match :)


As a Clemson alum, I am 100% in favor of your orange and purple!


Great week! I really agree with your mentality, some weeks are hard and some are not. we can fuel properly, stay positive, and push harder but sometimes things feel tough even when they’re not. it’s all relative! sometimes i compare other things in my life to running- like, well this week at least i did a great job with being organized with food/ staying under budget and feeling satisfied with that organization. it’s ok not to be fantastic at everything.

no i can’t say i’ve ever run 2x in one day but today i did a circuit workout this morning and am off to run 6 mi after work!! best run was definitely saturday by far. it was an eh week, and saturday i procrastinated until i HAD to have a progressive run. it was awesome, i just zoned in and got it done. i also tried a new strategy of mentally checking off every half mile, that seems to be a short enough distance for my brain to work with- so for the 3 miles i had six fingers up in the air and would triumphantly put them down! longest run… supposed to be on sunday but didn’t happen! hence the 2-a-day today. hardest run was definitely friday. i woke up and lazed around but finally got my run on. i wasn’t focused and just dawdled and it took longer than it should. i was also stiff which didn’t help and i felt frustrated by that. but the awesome time on saturday definitely made up for it!


Agreed-we all have weeks when we slow down a bit! Running is a very important aspect of my life but it’s not my WHOLE life and sometimes I have to give space to other priorities. However, until November, I won’t be able to slow down too much or bye bye marathon!

Best and hardest run of the week: NYRR Team Championships 5 miles race in Central Park last Saturday. I PRd by almost 3 minutes and I still don’t know how I managed to do that =)
Longest Run: 14.6 miles in Central Park on Sunday


I run early in the morning and sometimes my husband wants to run at night so I run twice on those days.
My long run of 10 miles was my best run. This week was a drop back week which was nice and the weather finally cooled off enough to make the run pleasant. My hardest run was every other day due to unbelievable heat and humidity. This week was definitely one of those harder weeks.


I never use the light on my watch, even if I go at night at it starts getting dark. I actually think I forget how to turn it on. I’m priceless ;)


I used to do 2 runs a day 2-3 times a week. I think that’s one of the main reasons I overtrained and had a minor overuse injury in my left piriformis.

I’ve since cut back a lot. I do miss the double-run days, but I will get back up there soon. And be much smarter about them this time! Maybe only one a week :)


I sometimes do 2 runs a day but not too often, depends on the schedule I am carrying that week.

Longest run this past week was 16 which isn’t that long but it was my hardest of the week. I had a really emotional week last week and it made that run mentally and physically hard. I hit the marathon paced miles like I was supposed to but I definitely had to force myself… sometimes you just gotta “get it done”.


my best run was my saturday run. It was 8 miles and the furthest I’ve run since my IT band issues and the first time I didn’t feel like my legs weighed a thousand pounds while running!


Bah! Why doesn’t my 305 have a light? Now I feel like I’m missing a key component of my old watch haha


I like to purposefully take a “down week” where I make sure to give myself a little break after increasing mileage and intensity. This week is going to be one. I will run fewer miles by making my workouts a little bit shorter. :)


You look like Halloween…its one of my favorite holidays! :)

XO Lauren


Hi! So I have a question. I am really into running….but I was wondering if you do any weight lifting? And if you do how many days a week and what do you do?


Love the purple & orange combo – go Clemson Tigers!! (ps you would totally fit in w/o a 2nd glance there on gamedays :)

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