My sister’s arm routine that made me sore for 3 days

This is the routine that my sister does every other day to get her killer arms.  Warning—> I was sore for a long time after doing this with her.  

Warm-up=  Start in a standing position and bend down to the ground and walk your hands forward 

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walk them all the way out and then walk them back towards your feet and then stand up.  Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

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After the warm-up we hit up the pull-up assisted machine.   

3 sets of 8 pull-ups with about a minute recovery in between each set.  

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I am just going to say it, these videos are a little awkward but they are the easiest way to show the different moves in each set.

******In the videos we are only doing each move once before moving on to the next move (because it would have been even more awkward to film ourselves for any longer).  

In real life we do EACH MOVE 12 times before moving on to the next move.  We take a 30-60 second break in between each set and then repeat the set for a total of 3 times and then we move on to the next set of moves (aka the next video).  

PS I know my form isn’t the best…I run in straight lines and attempting to do weights is just something I am trying to do and get better at to make me a better runner.   







And if you want to be really hard core you can do jump squats in between each set like my sister does.  I do not want to be hard core.  

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Just ONE more picture from the party because I think her legs will make you smile.  She is in a pointing phase right now.  

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 How often do you lift weights?  

Where do you get your routines from?

Do you like video blogs or should I just stick with the normal ‘take a picture of everything I do’ theme?  

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Love this arm workout! Pretty intricate moves but I can see how the combinations would really help to build muscles. The videos are actually very helpful :-)


holy moses your sister really is jacked. I’d probably actually lift weights again or do arm work if I had someone to go with me. The only person that really works out with me right now is my dog, so I don’t see that happening.


Love the videos, they are awesomely awkward. :-) and Brooke’s little legs are the cutest! I lift weights about four to five times a week. I get a lot of my workouts from (I’m not a bodybuilder, but it’s helpful). Plus, my hubby was a ranked pro athlete in the 90’s and I use his training.


Hi janae-

i love the videos! can you have your sister explain #2 better? i’m just confused. but if it was step-by-step i think i would be less confused.

i try to lift weights a lot, 3x a week with Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp and the occasional plank/ random thing in between.


The videos are so helpful. I really like doing new arm workouts. Thanks


I’m excited to try these exercises! I’ve been looking to add a new arm routine! thanks!


Brooker! Those eyes!


I never lift weights (BAD!!!). I do not have a gym membership. I have been doing push ups though. The videos make it easier to do because you have an example.


You & your sister are too cute!

I do weights 3x/week when I teach BodyPump :) And some of these moves you’re doing we do too. They are killer!

squeal at Brooke’s legs!!! LOVE.


Wow, that is a very complete workout? How many times a week does she do it? I keep meaning to do better with my weights….oh well. Your sister does have killer arms!

Brooke is ridiculously cute. Seriously, every picture where she is wearing that pink bathing suit is completely adorable!


Hey!!!! She does it usually twice a week!




Loved the videos.
I just started with the school year to do 3 days of weights. Chris is doing it with me, so I hope the habit sticks.


Question > what lbs of weights do you guys use? I notice you start with a certain dumbell, and then you switch out? 5 and 8 lbs? or 8 and 10lb? Or doesn’t matter? :)

It’s a great arm workout! Love it!


For me 5 & 8 and my sis does 8 & 10!


Thank you so much! Hi from up here in Logan, UT :) I feel so ISOLATED up here!?!?!?


It gets sooooooo cold there!


I am obsessed with Brooke’s bathing suit!


Oh my gosh, my arms would fall off if I did all of these! But, I know I need to re-add some arm moves back into my routine(so to answer your question, never haha)… so I’ll try the free weight ones! (I don’t have access to machines at the moment.)

I’ve gotten super bad at strength training, so right now all I’m doing are planks a few times a week and yoga from Yoga Journal.

Also, Brookes’ legs <33333

Oh, and totally random, but I thought you'd appreciate it :) My sister and her kids were visiting last week, and my two year old niece was in the room when I was stretching after my run. She seemed quite interested, and all of a sudden came over and sat down on the floor and started copying me. I about died from the cuteness.


Ha I love this comment! My 2 year old asks “Mama, you work out” when I come home from the gym in the morning, and she imitates some of my stretches too. Good habits start early!


Wow that’s an intense arm routine. I do weights 2-3 times per week but not that many exercises


I used to lift weights when I cross-trained but my form was SO wrong in so many ways. I really like to use the Tone-It-Up girls routines or just ones I found via Pinterest! Thanks for posting your sister’s arm routine! I can’t imagine how ridiculously awkward I would feel doing this myself. LOVE Brooke’s thighs!


Holy cow. Arms are something I’m really trying to work on right now. I lift weights twice a week in my weights class. I’m really enjoying it more than I thought I would! I do running from my own head and then weights from the trainers because I would NEVER do it on my own. Love Brooke’s thighs :)


You are adorable on video. I do arms once a week on my own and once a week at barre class but I’m going to try and add some of these in!


Once my elbow is fully healed I’ll need to get ripped again and be just like you. Therefore I’ll actually need to go to the gym LOL.


I usually lift weights 2-3 times a week. This is something I have only been doing a couple of months, but I can already see improvements. Exciting stuff!

My trainer came up with the routine I do at the gym. And I have a couple of videos I do at home.

Take videos! They are fun.


Thanks for the videos, I’m gonna try some of those moves! Right now I do weights about 4 times per week, but my arms look nowhere near as nice as your sisters!!


Videos are fun! You should do more!

No I don’t regularly lift weights even though I know I should


Great workout! You and your sis are too cute! I really love weight lifting – especially lately. I’ve been lifting heavier, and I feel stronger and more toned than ever! I usually do strength training 3x/week. Sometimes I make up my own workouts, and other times I’ll follow someone else’s program. Right now I’m finishing up Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp and loving it! It’s been giving me some new exercise ideas!


I definitely need to add more strength into my training but I just don’t like it! It is one of my goals to get better at it!


I loved watching the videos! You should type the whole workout out too! I take BodyPump 2-3 times a week and I’m getting certified to teach it :)


Not a fan of videos (because I’m usually reading at work or something). Some people like them, so if you keep them maybe just give also a list of the exercises so that we can see them without having to watch the videos?


That is a great idea!!!! I will have to add the names in when I get home (typing this from my phone)! Thanks so much!


I totally understand not being able to watch videos at work (I have the same problem when I just can’t wait to see Janae’s next post!). But I do really like the videos for showing how to do the exercises…. Thank you for including them in the post. I’m sure it took some extra work to demonstrate all that and video it!


I try to do weights twice a week…body pump classes or other strength type classes. I’ll try this one out!

OMG, I looove baby thighs. Brooke’s are adorable! I squeeze Annabelle’s every chance I get. :)


Loved this post! I think a post on legs would be awesome!! Your Brookalicious is such a cutie!


You two are so funny! I cannot imagine doing that many arm exercises. I do about 3-4 and I get bored or don’t know what else to do.

Baby legs are the best! So adorable!


I love videos, but I just have to remember to watch them after work instead of at work ;-) And currently lifting weights 3 times a week!


I agree with garymar: crioelatron does not mean causation! It may be that people who do resistance training care about their health more generally and eat a healthy diet, watch their weight etc. These factors may be responsible for the reduction of metabolic syndrome in these individuals rather than the resistance training. I don’t think this study has proved things one way or the other. Then again the Science Daily may not have reported the findings accurately – just picked on a headline soundbite!


That hits the target perfectly. Thanks!


I love new arm workouts! And the videos are awesome! I am going to pin this so I remember where it is.


Great videos! The picture of Brooke at the end is adorable! I love her cute little swim suit!


I’ve been doing Jillian Michaels’ DVDs. I’m at level 2 of her Ripped in 30 one and am experiencing some serious DOMS but I kind of like it :)

Every time I see a picture of Brooke it makes me want to run home (or to the babysitters) and snuggle my daughter – they’re are only 2 weeks apart in age and their mannerisms seem so similar. My daughter seriously cracks us up on a daily basis.


There is nothing like the rolls our babies have in their arms and legs when they are little! She is so so so so adorable – I love seeing pictures of her!


:) Brooke’s legs did make me smile :)
Once I have weights/gym equipment (aka joining a gym) I will definitely do this workout! :)


Your sister’s arms are insane!!! I am so doing these moves- thanks for posting them! :)



That is a serious workout! You and your sister’s arms are amazing! That exercise when you are sitting at the machine and pulling your arms out laterally-that is the weakest part of my arms. I have such a hard time with that move. I do weights 2-3 times a week. I started taking a muscle conditioning class at the Y and I love it.
You know I have a few dimples in my legs like Brooke yet they are nearly as lovable :)
When my son was that age (or a guess a little older) he would point and say “ook, ook” it was so adorable!


you are so tiny and cute!! i can’t believe you had a baby a year ago. incredible!

i lift weights 3 times a week :) i’m not a runner but i still like your blog a lot.
i got some weight routines from books from the library, and the rest i made up on my own depending on what equipment i have available.


Love new workouts!! i lift 3x/week and at least 2 are arms. i need to try her routine! sometimes i come up with them and sometimes i see them on other blogs


I need to get back into the habit of lifting weights – I’ve been slacking lately for sure. I find that I actually love lifting once I start it, but it’s finding that initial motivation and initial routine that’s the hard part.




Haha I need to adopt this routine. I lift weights about once a month, but lucky for me my arms pick up muscle VERY quickly. (not that they get strong, they just look decent) I want to get into the habit and actually get STRONG.


That is a KILLER workout! I am positive that I’d be sore even if I only did one set of everything!!!

I really like videos because it’s easier to figure out what the exercise is supposed to look like. It would be even better if all the exercises were on one video, but that’s ok.

And just so you know, I am eating jelly beans while I catch up on your blog–I thought you’d appreciate that. :)


I am so envious of your sister’s arms!! I wish I was better at weights – i did them extensively for a while but now with running so much I just get so tired and don’t do them like I should! Thanks for sharing this!!


?Does your sissy have kids


I don’t lift. Yet. This winter I plan to start- this is the time period I’ve convinced my husband I need a gym membership to keep up my running. Then I’ll just have to convince him I need to keep it to keep lifting. Ha! There is a method to my madness.

I prefer pictures. Because in my bloglovin’ on my iPhone, unless you tell me its a video I don’t know, it just looks like a picture.


Wow, great arm workout! I do a lot of similar stuff in crossfit and then I swear I can’t even lift my water bottle after :)


Looks like a painful routine! But in a good way haha. I try to lift weights at least 4x/week, but some days I just say what the heck and do cardio and call it good.

Also, wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration for me! I used to read HRG every day during my first or second year of college, and then stopped reading blogs when life got in the way, and now that I graduated I’m back to reading (and writing my own!) and seeing all your crazy runs has made ME want to run….and I am not a runner at all. Last night I was reading about your track workouts and got so inspired I decided to run this morning! And guess what, I ended up running farther than I ever have in my life!! Sure it was only 4.7miles at a 10:00 pace, but I had only gone on one (3mile) run in the past 4 months, so to bust outta the gate with this made me feel like a champ.

So thank you thank you thank you for inspiring me to run!! You are such a strong lady- in running and in life (been reading and catching up and can’t believe how resilient you are! definitely praying for you and the beautiful Brooke)- and I am so glad that I’m able to follow your blog again!


Those legs are definitely the cutest!!!

I lift weights a couple times a week – and yeah, the videos are fun!


Thanks so much for posting this! I have been waiting for it. I LOVE to workout my arms. I normally do lifts for my arms 2x a week. I am so bored with my routines though. I can’t wait to learn your sisters routine. I do have a question though. In each video are all the moves you do one after the other and then move on to the next video? I am a little confused by it. The videos are great, but words would help too! :) Did she make this routine herself?


Dang, you AND your sister have AMAZING arms!
Thanks for posting this video!! I do weights all the time but my arms have never looked like I actually work out!


PS you are so adorable in the videos! Flashing us a smile now and then haha.


My running coach is having me do kettle bell workouts while my torn meniscus heals. I’ve been using a 7# because everything else is way too heavy. We are working on getting my whole body stronger before we conquer running again. Apparently I have very weak arms, core, hips, quads, and knees. I was informed that running alone will cause injuries, hence me not being able to run for a very long time! My ETA of running is October 1!


That is some pretty hard core arm work. I’m good with my 10 pushups every night and morning :)


I have been waiting for this since you mentioned it last week! =) These moves are awesome, the videos really helped.

Like mentioned in a few other comments, if you can write down the moves that would be AWESOME! I would love to do this a few times a week.

Does your sister do cardio with this too? How long does it take to complete the entire workout?

Thanks for sharing!!


Janae-first of all Congrats on making the 1 year Birthday mark! Not only is it a big day for Brooke but also for you!! I remember thinking with both my boys ” holy cow we made it!” It’s a big milestone for everyone;)
You and your sister look great! I would love to hear how your sister finds the time with THREE kids. Thats nuts and quite an inspiration like you!


Each of the videos are ONE move?!? They are so great looking but I doubt I can remember!!! I neeeed to do these for my wedding in 32 days!!!


lol how cute are you. i love how you are smiling through the workout demos in the video ha


Love Brooke’s legs! I think the videos were good for this type of post, but I like your usual pictures. I just finished 1 set of each move and will work up to 3, let’s get these arms looking good!


Love the videos! I try to lift weights at least twice a week and yes Brooke’s legs made me smile :)


You’re sister is an arms beast!!! That workout is insane!


Whoa. I think if I tried that my arms would fall off. That looks awesome! Your sister is hard core! and you of course too for doing the workout with her!
Brooke’s leg rolls are so cute! Lucky babies. Nobody would think it was cute if I had leg rolls ;)


I need to start focusing more on arms and do some of these exercises! Thanks for the videos and tips! It’s nice having a workout buddy huh? Now that I do a lot of group classes (outside of running), I hate working out alone!


I recently started doing something similar to this. Hopefully my arms will start looking like your sister’s soon! Also, the inchworm warmups are my new favorite move.


I think I’ll do this tomorrow! I bought a really cheap adjustable weight dumbbell set online last year (It was $20 from Walmart, free shipping) and I swear it has changed my strength training. I won’t drive to the gym for strength work, but I’ll do it at home anytime!


videos are fun thanks for sharing. i lift weights very regularly and have ever since i started running 13 years ago. i knew they should go hand in hand and i have picked up quite a few moves over the years. there is a youtube video series called charliejames and they are definitely hard core. i’ve also gone through personal training certification and learned a lot there. books, magazines, bodypump, etc. i’m always on the scout for something new to do in the weight room. and those legs did make me smile.
this my be prying but i am just wondering if billy is planning to be a part of brooke’s life. do you think you’ll be up for a post about that? it’s none of my business i know so you can ignore me if you want.


Videos!! I like to explain my workouts on my blog in long, drawn-out sentences that make sense to nobody but me. I need to hop on the video train to show off my mad skillz to my readers (aka mom).

Btw, that workout would’ve made me super sore too! However, I prefer weight training over running. I’m not as sweaty nasty afterwards like I am when I run, and I love the feeling of barely being able to reach my arms up to wash my hair from sore arms/sit down on the toilet from sore legs. I really like that and I know that’s really weird….will you still be my friend?


The videos are great and help show your form so much better than photos. I try to lift three days a week and design my own workouts. Your sister’s got some great moves and arms!

Brooke’s little legs are too cute!


I love the videos but I love Brooks legs more!


Love the videos! I like being able to see exactly how each move should be done, and that looks like a killer arm workout! You and your sister are in such great shape. Fitness inspiration for sure!


Just did all the free weight ones (though I only did 2 sets of 10 reps of each)… Wow I am sore. Thanks for posting these!


Thank u for this post!!! Arms are definitely a top priority for me right now (along with running faster) so this post helps alot!
The videos actually made me laugh bc I would have felt super awkward doing them but they are extremely helpful so thanks ;)


Brooke’s legs!!! Oh my goodness!!! My niece had her legs out of her pjs yesterday and I just could not get enough of the baby legs.

I love the videos. They’re super awesome. How do you remember all of those moves 12 times in a row? My brain doesn’t function very well while trying to workout and count. :-D I’m definitely going to try them.

I lift weights 4 times a week. I do a 2 day split, so I lift Monday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday. I still get sore most days.


What a great arm workout! I was really looking forward to you sharing this too, thank you! And thank your sister too! :)
I have been doing Pump for a couple of months now and love it.


Your sisters arms are amazingly toned for sure! Thanks for the videos! I plan on doing a lot of videos on my blog… all in good time!
I used to be afraid of weight but now I do them about 3 days a week.


I do weights once a week..though I know I need to do it more.

Brookes thighs are just like my little girls..though my lil girl just turned 2 and is running around so the rolls are disappearing:-(


You are getting some guns girl! I just started lifting weights every other day and I love them. Honestly, I check out blogs and see what other people are doing and incorporate them in to my routine. I like dumbbells and veer away from machines.



BTW, is your sister chewing gum? Just lifting weights, chewing gum, hair in perfect condition no biggie. haha. when I do weights i’m drenched and gasping for air and making sounds like the dudes that strap a truck to their back. That was awesome. Go her.


Am I the only one who keeps thinking about the Ron Burgundy gun show? Because her arms are insane.


I wanna try the almond butter Monica talked about!


LOOOOOOOOOVE video blogs!!! please keep ’em up! =]


Great looking workout-how long does it usually take her to complete? There are alot of moves there, so I am guessing 45 min workout?


Yep, usually 30-45 minutes!


Great, Thanks! I can totally do this in the AM while watching the news, ha (most of the moves). Saves time from driving to/from the gym when I am rushed (read: lazy) in the AM!

You two are adorable, I am so happy for you both that you are back home : )


This is a SUPER random question but….

How much sleep does your sis get? You? One of my issues is that life gets so busy… I put in the time to run but have difficulty getting up extra earlier to lift weights consistently (I know I should). It’s exhausting!


I have been wondering how she got those killer arms… makes sense now!

I go to a bootcamp class 2x/week (trying to make it 3-4x/week after marathon training is over!) so the instructor comes up with all of my workouts. This is just easier for me because I am horrible at remembering multiple sets of stuff like that and need someone to just tell me what to do each day.


Love the workout!!!


You both look great! I’m a personal trainer and I do many of those exercises. :)


I love the workout videos, you guys are awesome!


Awesome arm workout! Your sisters arms are killer!! I can’t wait to try this. Thanks for doing the videos- very helpful.


I just love Brooke. I don’t even know her, but I can imagine she is the sweetest thing ever!
I try and lift weights a couple of times a week, and I love the videos! They definitely help me to understand better what you’re doing!


Thanks for the vids! I am totally going to start doing this workout. My arms could use some serious tough love.


Oh my goodness those baby rolls. Is there anything better?

And I actually like the videos as a point of reference, but to be honest I don’t always watch them. . . When I do are the times I’m looking for new workouts. Then the videos are PERFECT because I’m not left guessing what to do.


I’m confused, and am probably the only one who is…happens often :)

So you complete EACH VIDEO 12 times before moving onto the next video? Or each move in the video, so for example is video #2 just one move? Or is it 3 moves, done 12 times each? I hope I’m asking this in a way that makes sense!


Hey! It is 3 moves! You do each move 12 times and then move on to the next move! Do that three times and then move on to the next video!


wow that looks intense!! would be great if you could put together a little guide with pictures for taking to the gym!


this is my kind of post :) can we lift together soon?


Okay I am going to take this as a personal challenge. Challenge accepted. Can’t wait to try this!



The videos are awesome! KEEP’EM!


I need this workout in my life. I want buff arms!


Thanks! Does your sister have any other secrets about how she stays so fit after having her children and caring for them?


I will have her write a blog post about this!!!! Great idea, thank you!


Luh-huv the videos and the workout! I have been feeling so down in the dumps because my baby has been sooo very sad at the childcare at the gym so my workouts have been dwindling. But I saw this video and I was actually able to do it at home while my little one crawled around playing and m four year old watched a show(while occasionally trying to join in with me, hah!) thanks so much for this! Won’t be able to wash my hair by myself for a few days but shredded arms will be worth it, ha!

I saw that you said she does this every other day. Does she do cardio on the other days? Or does she do it everyday like you do? I would so love some more workouts! Keep me coming!! PS- loved that the videos were so short and to the point so I could just hit play real quick and have my next set without losing momentum. Great idea!!


Oh one more thing…any chance you could give suggestions for doing some of those machine exercises at home without the machine?


Boy does this make me feel lazy. I knew I needed to do more weights but holy camoly…. I think I need a drill sergeant to MAKE me do it.
Ya’ll are going to have such good bone strength! No osteoporosis in your future!


And PS THANK YOU to your sister for letting us be so nosy about her life/workouts/etc (I am guilty of it too). If my sis were a blogger I dont know if I’d let her post about me (well maybe if I were in baller shape too I would….). Maybe I should stop internet-ing and go do some arms. ;)


Wow! That’s a lot of arms! I’m impressed that she dedicates so much time to just one body part. I really only lift weights once per week, but I like to think I do other things (quick 10-minute interval workouts from pinterest, yoga, barre, etc.) that will tone other parts of my body besides my running muscles! That may be wishful thinking :)


I loved this post. I never know what to do in the gym beside cardio machines, their my comfort place. Please do more, or have your sis contribute some gym-buff posts!


I love the videos.
I am not going to lie, I am amused at how awkward and shy you guys are.
Seeing this makes me wish I lived closer to my family. Please keep the great moves coming and I would LOVE it if you did a detailed breakdown as some of the moves are a little fast and hard to follow in the vids.


Love the videos. Your gym sounds so quiet too haha. I bet those guys in the background didn’t know they’d be making their debut on HRG ;) haha


I teach BodyPump at my gym so I’m always trying to keep my arms in shape, but whoa….this arm workout is AMAZING and totally impressive! I’m pretty sure I could only get through this routine if my sister was there motivating me and unfortunately she lives far away. And, I think I’d be laughing too hard with her to even get through the warm up :) How on earth are you able to do that many pull-ups?! Seriously, thanks for posting if nothing else then to at least motivate me to kick my arm workout into high gear :)


I lift 3 times a week- upper body & hiit, lower body & abs, and full body. When I started lifting about 14 months ago, my running improved A LOT!


Great workout, thanks for sharing!! Would love a post on how your sis eats. It looks like she follows a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies. It’s fun to get a glimpse into how other people do things/ get such fabulous results! Keep up the great work, I LOVE your blog and get inspired to get out there and live and move when I read your workouts and all the fun things you do each day!!!


That is such a great idea!!!!!!


Those videos are very helpful. I love your blog and your sister looks like she is in great shape. Tell her I would love abs or legs workouts. Thanks!


This is cool! I am considering in using the same techniques too!


very nice work out videos and pictures thank you for shearing keep it up.


And PS THANK YOU to your sister for letting us be so nosy about her life/workouts/etc (I am guilty of it too). If my sis were a blogger I dont know if I’d let her post about me (well maybe if I were in baller shape too I would….). Maybe I should stop internet-ing and go do some arms. ;)

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