My name is Janae and I am addicted to my Garmin.

I really do love that little computer on my wrist that constantly feeds me information about how fast/far I am going while I am running. 

(the first thing I did after my last half-marathon…plop down on the ground and go over my splits)

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Another great trait I have passed on down to Brooke.

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Today I didn’t rely on my Garmin for the first time in forever and used my phone stop watch instead to track my splits for speed work since I was at the track and didn’t need to record my distance.  I did the same track workout that I have been doing for the last few weeks although today felt harder than last week which obviously means that next week will feel really easy.

1.5 mile warm-up, 400 m, 400 m, 800 m, 800 m, 400 m, 800 m, 400 m, 400 m, 1.5 mile cool-down and 2-3 minutes rest in-between each interval.

Times for the 8 intervals:

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Too bad the scenery in Utah is so awful.

After a quick shower and breakfast Brooke and I drove down with a friend to a berry farm to pick blackberries and raspberries…$2.50 a lb.  Yes please.  The best part is you get to eat as many as you want for free while you are picking.  It got a little out of control.

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The girls were actually quite helpful.

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When I got home I sat down to eat a boring lunch of a baked potato and a chicken breast when my brother sent me a picture of his lunch.  It was not very good timing because all I could think about was eating this sandwich so I want to apologize if I have ever posted a meal that you really wanted to eat when you were eating something boring.  It is very insensitive of me.

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At least my dessert was not boring.  Peanut butter and chocolate, the best combination.  

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What was the last food/meal/dessert that you had food envy over?

Who has done (or is going to do) a speed workout this week?  What was it?

Do you look down at your garmin often when you are running or just mainly at the mile or at the end?

Can anyone think of a better food combination than chocolate and peanut butter?

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That dessert looks SO tasty! I want.
Peanut butter and chocolate are always a match made in foodie heaven.
I do have a heart rate monitor, that I typically check frequently (especially if I’m not in the working out zone), otherwise I can usually keep going and before I know it my workouts over. I guess it depends on the day and my mood.


the gelato on the bottom of my post.

It was dreamy.


I’m a little mad at your brother right now. Where did he get that?! ;)


My mom sent me a pic of lasagna she made last night. I told her I cried. She thought I was kidding…


Bahahahah! I would have cried too!


I’m pretty envious of those peanut-butter/chocolate bars!!! I look at my Garmin WAY too much. On my easy runs I don’t even bring it now because I know my legs won’t get the rest they need. It’s a big issue for me…hopefully I grow out of it or something!


Yep. Utah is hideous. Good thing reading this blog doesn’t make me want to visit there. Ever. At all.


My vote is for chocolate and mint




I am loving Brooke’s ponytail, she is so adorable…just want to squish her!
My husband had a bowl of Reese’s Peanut Butter cereal and I was so jealous! I have no speed work on my schedule, but I’ve been cleared to run again. If I’m wearing my Garmin I am constantly looking at it, I just can’t help it.


My hubby got chocolate cookies with this amazing secret recipe chocolate frosting between homemade cookies at a work meeting. I was so sad :(

I will probably do speed Friday. I’m not sure how I want to do it yet.

I typically look at my Garmin every few miles, unless I feel myself majorly slowing down or speeding up. I look at it more frequently when doing a sped workout.




Um those bars…that’s my food envy at the moment. PB + chocolate never fail me!


Yesterday I did hill sprints! It was really hard. I don’t have a garmin, I use Strava: I can’t bring myself to spend the money on a garmin when Strava was so cheap!!

Last desert I had food envy over = chocolate pop tarts! They are SO expensive here that we only get them when it’s our birthdays. It was someone’s birthday in our house…. And it wasn’t me :(

Well done on your workout!


Do you upload to Garmin connect? In my mind, that is the major advantage to using a garmin even at the track. The other big advantage is heart rate data, but I don’t think you monitor that. My preference for wearing the garmin is because when it uploads, I like being able to see the same workout easily on one screen and compare all the times I’ve done it (I’m sure you could go through blog archives since you preserve the data here, but that seems more difficult).


I love chocolate with pretzels and/or caramel. Such a good combo!

Nice work at the track!


I also love chocolate and peanut butter. Sometimes I use peanut butter as frosting on brownies. So good! This week I’m planning on just enjoying my runs and not even wearing my Garmin. I think it’ll be tough though because I look at that thing all the time!

I’m getting excited about my sister’s wedding cupcakes! Only a week away!


I obsessively look at my garmin, and I know it’s something I should work on. That peanut butter/chocolate dessert looks heavenly. You did that thing that your brother did to you. Now I MUST have some amazing dessert like that, ASAP!!



I actually never wear a garmin. I know how far the loops I do are so ill time myself sometimes and then calculate my average pace. My coach doesn’t let us wear watches for workouts so we rely on him calling out our 400 split for every lap which I find to be so much less stressful. I guess I’m just too intense of a person o wear my garmin or id probably get injured immediately from trying to always beat my pace.


I just did speedwork yesterday! I try to do one a week.


Omg that dessert! Recipe please!??


Where is this berry patch? I need to go there?


Peanut butter and chocolate is pretty much the best combination ever.

No speed work for me this week, I’m taking a week off from running – I’m mentally and physically drained.

I’m a garmin stalker, I watch it constantly.


Yeah, I get jealous pretty much every time I see your food pictures, but I’ve pretty much come to terms with the fact that all I can do is live vicariously through you. :) We are going away this weekend though, and I have plans to go to one of my favorite places and eat a cinnamon roll the size of a dinner plate. :) I’ll have to take a picture and post it for you! ;)


I can’t run without my garmin. I feel like I’m naked and feel lost without it.


Where is that berry place? Picking berries is on my Utah bucket list and I’m thinking I need to go to that place on friday! By the way, have you had Taco Amigo’s peach shake? It’s so so so good…


Nothing better than chocolate and peanut butter! Nothing at all. Well, except maybe chocolate fudge cake topped with ice cream.


We went blueberry picking with my 3 year old niece when I was visiting Atlanta a couple weeks ago and it was the best thing ever. You better believe I are while I picked too, I mean that is hard work! The best was making homemade blueberry muffins with our harvest too!


I hate chicken breast! I definately love chocolate and PB


Every time you post about cafe rio I get food envy. Big time.

I check my garmin on things like tempo runs, but I’ve been working really hard to not check it during easy runs or when I’m stressing about pace. I’ve let my garmin tell me how to feel about my run too often and it messes with my mind.


Um chocolate and caramel for me! I am not a garmin person at all. I just like running to run and when it’s fast that’s bonus for me :-) I think so many years of racing, splits, times, intervals etc. and I just need a good ten year break or so. I’ll be back! Enjoy your night!


I love that dessert! that is what is so hard about instagram. . . you see something you like and you cant stop thinking about it until you get it! real life problems right there


I try not to look at my gps at all while running. Not until the end when reviewing the run! I like to run on feel and not by the #’s!!

those pb/choc bars are just about the !!!– and no.. no better combo. ever.

I just ate chicken/squash casserole for dinner :)


I am envying your food right now actually. That sandwich and desert look divine…


Has Brooke been doing CrossFit, because she is demonstrating some pretty awesome squat technique/form while picking her raspberries. Go girl!


My run the other day was on a trail that has a nearby pizza place. The smell of pizza was wafting over to me and all I could think about was pizza from that point forward. Right now, I am jealous of those pb/chocolate bars.

I am obsessed with knowing my times and splits, but when I know I’m supposed to run easy, I tend to leave my watch at home. If I see that I am going slow, I tend to speed up!

BTW, the background in your pictures is absolutely beautiful. Can I please come visit? I’ll bring a friend for Brooke too. :)


Three (four) words: Chocolate and Almond Butter


You are like a metronome :)

I have chocolate and some sort of nut butter pretty much every day. At least once. And I feel food envy pretty much every day, too.


I pretty much only look at my garmin when it beeps at the mile marker. Of I ever actually do speed work I will probably be more aware of it. For the most part I go by effort so it’s not terribly important that I stare a my watch every second. Going berry picking sounds fantastic. We had a raspberry bush one season when we first moved to Spokane as a kid. I don’t think it lasted after that.


That sandwich looks delicious…I usually have food envy if I’m on Pinterest while I’m eating. I don’t have a Garmin, just a stop watch and I try to look at it every mile or sometimes half mile.


Where is that berry place?? I want to make jam!! I have to go there now.


Phelps berry farm in payson!


I so understand your Garmin love! I never leave for a run without it and always check my splits when I’m done.

But sometimes I am too dependent on it. For instance, at the beginning of the month I ran a half marathon and my Garmin would not turn on at the start line. I nearly hyperventilated, especially because I was going for a PR. I ended up downloading and using an app on my phone, but hated it. It was telling me that I was running a pace I knew I wasn’t (at least 10 second faster), the distance was off big time, and just irritated me. I did PR at that race, but I wanted accurate information both during and after the race.
Garmin addict


I look at my Garmin way way way too much when I run with it. I just started using it a few weeks ago though, so I’m still getting used to it. Hopefully I’ll just learn to trust myself and my pace soon like I did with a regular watch. It is cool to go through and see exact mile splits though!


My partner often goes away for work and eats at a seafood restaurant in the town he goes to in North Queensland, Australia. He often sends me food photos of oysters and shellfish and amazing desserts. I get the biggest food envy.

Even when out to dinner I have to know what everyone is ordering before I decide in case I get menu envy.

I did make an amazing Mexican pork salad last night though! I’m sure people would have envy over that!


Ahh I am also obsessed with my friend, Garmin, but it all of a sudden stopped connecting to my computer?! It says it can’t recognize the software or something or another. I’m freaking out a little more than I care to admit…


There is NO food combo better than peanut butter and chocolate-The End. lol! I constantly look at my Garmin when I run, I wish I would stop it. That sandwich looks really really good-it gave me food envy. We ate at a new place today and it was just so-so. I hate that. I’m going home to Louisiana for Labor Day and I know every morsel of food I put in my mouth is going to be amazing. That like Brookster is just too cute for words. And there she is doing her squats again.


I just go a sports watch, Nike not Garmin, (I’m not sure if I’m grown up enough for that yet) but I love it. I only really looked at it a few times during a six miler.
I feel like if I was doing a speed workout, (I’ll test it out tomorrow on that) that I would peep at it a little more!


Can you tell me where this berry picking place is? I need to eat my weight in raspberries!


Yes!!!! It is called phelps berry farm in payson!


Thank you so much!! I just looked it up and I’m going to take my 2 year twins there. Great idea!


Have a blast and you have to try their peaches too… Amazing!


Janae, you taunt me EVERY DAY with your delicious food. There is no combination better than chocolate and peanut butter :)


I don’t think anything beats chocolate and peanut butter. That will always be the best combo ever.


My husband goes to dinner once a month or so with work at nice steak places and I have food envy every time he goes (plus he’s out and I’m left with bedtime on my own…). And really, I’m not really a steak gal, but I’ve never had a goooooood steak either. He says he’ll take me to one for my 30th birthday.

Peanut butter and chocolate are up there for sure. Chocolate makes anything better.

I don’t have a garmin. Maybe for my birthday…. But I do use runkeeper on my phone and I don’t look at it until the end since I keep it in my spi-belt. I kinda feel like I would look at it and it would make my run seem like forever…. I have mixed feelings. Higher on my list is a wahoo blue heart rate monitor. I think it would help me more in training for my 2nd half marathon in April, gonna train for sub 2. Oh and headphones like you. And a new camera body…And a new lens…And…

I’ll be doing speed on Friday. 1 mile in 8:30, 8×400 in 1:45 with 2 minute recovery in between. And yes, don’t laugh, 8:30 is speedy for me. I’m slow…


Nope…nothing is better than chocolate and PB well except chips and salsa but that’s a whole different category, its a salty treat:)

I’m number obsessed! I am constantly looking at my Garmin. I love it and I admit I can’t run without it, I feel naked LOL.

Nice work on your speed workout.


:) Brooke is adorable when she is concentrating! :)


Nope, nothing better than choc/pb! I use a Nike sportwatch. I TRY not to keep looking at it, but I like to check my pace to make sure I’m on track. So ya, I probably check it alot. Unless I’m running with my buddy, then I just run!


i actually like frozen banana slices +pb combo better than chocolate+PB!


I am addicted to my garmin also. I use mine for every workout (indoor,outdoor,yoga, you name it). I use my heart rate monitor that came with it which allows me to keep track of my heart rate , calorie burn, intervals I do and time or workout. I used my
Garmin for a 90 minute Bikram yoga class today and it felt as if I was running a marathon it was so tough!!!!

Peanut butter and chocolate is by far the best combo :)


All you can eat berries?! Oh dear… that definitely wouldn’t go over well with me. I’d probably walk out of there looking like Violet Beauregarde from Willy Wonka. And I most definitely can think of a better combination than PB and chocolate — AB and chocolate… buuuuut I might be biased because I’m allergic to peanuts ;)


If I’m wearing my garmin I’m looking at it. It can be distracting, sometimes during my last mile I try to tell myself not to look at it until I hear that beautiful beep at the end but I almost never make it.

Right now I have food envy over the froyo my husband has in the fridge, he didn’t eat his when we got it last night. What is wrong with him???


My boyfriend always gets to go out to eat at chipotle when hes working. I still haven’t been there! He works an hour away so it’s kind of a far drive on his off days.


I just did a speed workout this morning on the treadmill. 8 x 400 and then did 6 strides (30 sec on, 1 min off) at the end. total of 11 miles


Everyone had food envy over my Jason’s Deli smoked turkey panini. I ate it with smile, normally I’m jealous of their delicious salads from Whole Foods.


I am pretty sure you would have to roll me out of there if free berries were totally acceptable. Orrrr I could just set up camp and stay there for a few days ;) Either way!


I am also obsessed with my Garmin! I don’t know my running self well enough to gauge a pace so I look down at it often (unless I’m running for miles and not minutes…).
I need to work on speed work- I hate to love it and love to hate it!
There is NO better combo than chocolate and peanut butter.
Karen @karenlovestorun


Brooke has perfect squat form! I need her to teach me some things.

I picked blackberries on the island I stayed on for two weeks at the beginning of the month. We had to pick 15 lbs, but got to eat as we picked. I think I ate 15 lbs as well. It really got out of control.

I am obsessed with my Garmin as well. I look down at it every 4 seconds. It’s a problem I need to work on.


ahhh i love their little baby squats :) i want to find a pick-your-own farm but i haven’t been able to find many in northern VA! gotta drive a little farther out into the country I guess. maybe i’ll do that for apple picking season!


Umm, getting food envy over your dessert. We’re moving on Saturday so I’ve been emptying our cupboards…and we’re out of chocolate. It’s a pretty dire situation.


I pretty much don’t run without my Garmin, my last half marathon this past March, right before the race, it wouldn’t turn on and I pretty much thought I was going to have a meltdown! I depend on that baby to get me through my miles and my run/walk minutes.
Luckily I quickly downloaded a timer to my old phone and used that instead but what sucked was that it was my fastest half marathon and I have no idea what my splits were because my Garmin not working! That pretty much drove me nuts!
It’s my most important running gear besides my shoes lol


You forgot about the milk to make that THE best combination!


APPLES and peanut butter or
guacamole and EVERYTHING :)


PB and chocolate is the perfect combo!

I only look at my Garmin when it beeps at the end of a mile. I’ve been doing speedwork once a week and my splits end up all over the place, so maybe I should look at it more often!


Lately I have to actively stop myself from looking at my Garmin. I start to check it too often and get disappointed when I haven’t covered very much distance (because it’s been .01 seconds since I last looked). I’m working on it :) But yeah, that little watch is amazing. Love love love it.


I don’t have a Garmin, but I like to use the Cardio Trainer app on my phone.

I have to agree with you, peanut butter and chocolate are pretty awesome together.


Hi Janae! Long time reader, first time commenter (cue laughter). This might be an obvious question – but I have never known what it means when you have 1-2 min recovery. Are you jogging/walking/resting?


Hey!!!! For me I walk or sit!! Too tired to jog:)


that dessert looks good! do you have a recipe for it or was it bought???


Hey! It was brought over so I will try to get it from them!


Thanks a million!!! ((:


PB + Chocolate = Marriage Made In Heaven.

I might not (or might…) sometimes dip a spoon into the Nutella jar…then directly into the peanut butter jar…then directly into my mouth….

I had food envy when my husband was back in the US eating Chipotle, and I…wasn’t.


Yes u give me food envy everytime u post from trader joes (don’t have one where I live) and cafe rio. the salads u post look so perfect and delicious.
I always keep mini peanut butter cups in my fridge and eat one (or 4) a day as a treat. I do love chocolate/mint combos though.

I look at my garmin usually only when it beeps per KM but more frequently when I’m doing tempo runs so I’m sure I’m keeping pace.


I definitely a little envious over your brother’s sandwich and those chocolate pb bars!! And like someone else said your cafe rio posts. We don’t have anything like that in NC. we have chipotle, qdoba, and moes. Are any if this like cafe rio??
There is no better food combination than pb and chocolate. Ok may e guacamole and chips.
I’m obsessed with looking at my Garmin. Which has actually been good lately because I’m trying to learn how to pace myself aka don’t run a super quick first mile a s then be burnt out for later.


I probably should start paying attention to my splits. Nice job on that workout friend. I’ve never done a track workout. Um….. berry picking? Take me with you!


I don’t ever really get food envy because I usually eat pretty well. However, there was a delicious salad on one of the blogs I read the other day and now it’s all I can think about. I’m going to do speed work on Saturday…but I haven’t thought of a plan, yet. I’m still relatively new to speed work so I just kinda do whatever. Hopefully it makes me faster. I JUST got a Garmin on Sunday, so I’m still getting used to it on my wrist but I look at it a couple times I think just to make sure it’s functioning haha.


I try not to look at my garmin as much as possible. Mine tends to be off anyway, so it’s usually pretty discouraging to see what it says until the end.

I have food envy about your dessert!


I look at my Garmin way too often like it’s crack! It’s bad, I know but I can’t help it.

No speedwork this week. Still recovering.


Well, I just had food envy over that sandwich photo. Guess you and I are on the same wavelength. I try not to compulsively check my watch. Usually just a few times a run when I feel like I might be losing a sense of my pace (aka I am going way faster than I should be). I did a tempo run yesterday morning and my legs are still le tired.


The problem with my garmin is that I look down thinking the mile should be over already only… I just got to 4.05 or 2.13 so obviously my garmin doesn’t know how short a mile is in my mind.
I treat every run like it should be a PR. I’m a really responsible, mature person like that.


Mmm, peanut butter and chocolate!

I just saw this recipe – pb/Nutella/Oreos = my dream!


i’ve always wanted to go berry and/or apple picking. it looks so fun!

i agree…chocolate & peanut butter is absolutely the best combination. i used to love getting the chocolate & pb ice cream from baskin robbins when i was a kid :)


chocolate and pb is sooo good… but pb and grapes is ahhhmazing too! favorite way to eat pb other than straight from the jar. I only look at my garmin to see my distance, otherwise I avoid it because I hate when it yells at me telling me i’m behind pace


yep, peanut butter and chocolate is the favorite. never tried candy corn & peanuts, but i might have to design up a trail mix around it~!


The last dessert I had envy over was a couple next to me at an Italian restaurant who got the “dessert sampler” – flourless chocolate cake, tiramisu, crème brulee, lemon cake, and gelato scoops. They only finished half. I was calling them “QUITTERS!” in my mind.

I did some speed work last night – 5 miles at goal marathon pace (7.6mph).

Chocolate & PB are always a winning combination. I’m wracking my brain trying to think of anything better!!


I am so addicted to my Garmin. I do love all the Garmin Connect features. I love being able to see my progress by week, month and yearly :) and the player to relive your run is just genius! makes me smile :)


Where did you get your leggings? They look so cute and comfy!

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