I am doing some blog maintenance over the next few days so the blog may be down for a little while.  Don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me for too long:)


Somehow I survived running up a mountain.  

Today was a recovery day for me so I made sure to take it slow but we still ran up a mountain.  I am so glad I have found some trail running friends because it feels so adventurous and running on trails makes my legs feel like a million bucks.  I am also very glad that when I fell (we all knew it was bound to happen) I was in the back and luckily no one heard me so I could bounce back up without any embarrassment.  

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When we first started the run the moon was so bright and everything was so peaceful.  This world is pretty darn incredible if you ask me and what better way to see it than with your running shoes.

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The gym is right by my house so I just stop there on the way home to do some core, squats/lunges and a little bit of arms (For some reason I am not motivated to do core at home anymore and get back in bed instead of getting it done.  The gym is perfect for me right now because people look at you funny if you just lay there for a while so I am forced to do these necessary evils).

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I get a little high from getting a run and weights in all before Brookers wakes up because her happiness levels in the morning are through the roof and I cannot miss out on that.

Here she is jumping and squealing at the same time…it makes you feel pretty cool when someone does that every morning when you come in to get them:)

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I am working really hard at insuring that the two huge boxes of peaches that we have get eaten up long before they go bad.  Somebody’s got to do it.

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And the t-shirt of the month that I am living in is from I Am Funny Shirts:


Just one more random thing for the day, I saw a drivers ed car this morning and had a lot of scary memories come back to me from teaching teenagers how to drive for three years.  It truly is a miracle that I am still alive.

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Do you have a gym membership?  Where to?  Do you like your gym?

How many easy/recovery days of running do you take a week on average?

How old were you when you got your license?  Do you like driving or not so much?

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When you are doing your site maintenance, do you think you could look into your advertising stuff? Recently the ads on your page have gotten really disruptive i.e. flying across the page to the center before you can close them or a huge downbar that scrolls down the page as you read and can’t be closed. I know you probably make a lot of income from advertising and that’s fine, but I just wish the ads didn’t have to be so in your face.


Sam, this might have to do with your settings on your PC. When I visit this blog the ads are all on the right side and never come into the center of the screen. I don’t know what others experience, but you might look into it. Hope that helps because when ads do that, it is very annoying!


Try clearing your computer’s cookies – that may help.


No, I am a Mac user and I know what she is talking about. The ads fly over to the center of the page and then they sit there until you close them. It’s kind of annoying but I’ve seen it on other sites before, not just this one.


I go to FFC, it’s the local chain in Chicago. I LOVE it….except for the fact that I’m there a few times a week. I’m getting a bit burnt out but after the Chicago Marathon’s done – I’m going to take a good 3/4 days off!

I usually do 2 recovery days, 1 rest day, and 4 quality days including 2 tempo runs and my long run (more medium hard lately)

I got my license when I was 17 and was horrible at driving for the first few years. I can’t believe you were brave enough to teach drivers ed. KUDOS!


I do not have a gym membership and that’s not by choice. haha–I live in the middle of nowhere because my husband is in med school at the moment. It’s a small town in the mountains with no gyms. I miss my old gyms and going to group exercise classes! However, I get creative as I can and also have learned to love hiking. :)


I have a gym right by my house which I go to with a group of mums from my kids school. That trail looks beautiful- how gorgeous to run in the moonlight! :)


You crack me up. Your recovery day was to run up a mountain. I love it.

I used to belong to a gym, but when we got a dog and I started running a lot further, I gave up my membership.

I got my license when I was 16 and a half. I LOVED driving so much. Now I’d rather be the passenger.


I have one easy day and one rest day. I can’t wait for fall to go hiking!

I work at the YMCA so I get a free membership and I go every single day! I love it and Scarlet loves getting out of the house and playing with the kids.
It’s funny because a year ago I have NEVER stepped foot in a gym because I was too self conscious…. then I started going but didn’t say a word to anyone…. Now people ask me where I was if I miss a day, I know everyone by name, and I’ve made some great friends!


I switched gyms a few years ago to go to a gym that offered classes. I took my first BodyPump class 2 years ago and I have been addicted ever since!
I got my license the day I turned 16 – I was a little excited which is funny because now I hate driving!


I have the same “Every day I’m hustlin” t-shirt! I just got it the other week and LOVE it – it’s so soft and comfy! On a different note, I hate to say it, but the Microsoft ad was pretty in your face today – side, bottom and top of screen on my computer. I love your blog and think you totally deserve income from all the hours of work it must take – but darn you, blue microsoft ad – I just want to read HRG’s post!! :)


I have not driven in about 10 years and I don’t miss it at all. A year after I graduated I moved to NY and have refused to live anywhere I need a car.

And I have no gym membership because I’m cheap and I just generally prefer to work out outdoors! Even though I’m not a big a nature person. Go figure.


OMG what a GORGEOUS view!!! i would run mountains everyday if it looked that good!

your tee is too cool. you are SO baller. xo!


I usually have about 4 easy/recovery days of running every week. It’s hard to force myself to run easy but I’ve found out over the years they are in fact necessary.
I don’t mind driving but despise riding. If I had the $ I would fly everywhere.
Brooke is soooo happy!


Yes..I work part time at my Y and go there part time. ;-) (I have been really bad lately with working out..either I am “into it” or I am not….time to get back into it!!)

My oldest daughter just started driving THIS June….honestly, she was not that great of a permit driver and I am praying she is better not that it is REAL! I haven’t had to drive with her much to see but so far so good…no tickets or accidents! ;-)


My gym membership is actually paid by my employer, and is only 5 mins away, but I always seem to find “better” things to do on my lunch hour (grocery shopping, running errands). I have been running/biking before work, I don’t feel bad about it. But I’d like to get back there since it’s free!!
I ran a 50K trail race and had never run on a trail before… and I did 4 face plants during the race. I was so frustrated by the falls I was in tears one of the times! It’s a whole different thing indeed.


I miss living out west and running up the mountains. :( Run Eat Repeat just posted a recipe for peach pie for one! Yep, you better check it out to make with all of those peaches!


I wish I lived closer to mountains so I could do trail runs, they sound incredible!!!
Ps I’m going to buy Fmw and some peaches to try up this fantastic looking meal of yours!!


I would love to do some trail running. It looks like you’ve really gotten into it. I have been away from blog land for a long time now but it’s nice to see everyone still doing there thigng


Those peaches look delicious on your cereal!

I taught high school driver’s ed, too! In college when we were learning to teach driver’s ed we taught a lot of the foreign college professors who didn’t have driver’s license yet. My “student” was my boyfriend’s (now husband) professor! HaHa!


Love the squealing, you should get it on video and let us see…Please! We have a gym here on post and I really like it, if you’re a Military family member you don’t have to pay fees to use the gym but if you want to do a class it’s $2 a class or you can buy bulk and there is a discount. Great deal if you ask me.

I drove without a license from the time I was 15 until I got my license at age 21 :0! I know right!!??? I got so lucky I never got pulled over.


I was scared to get my license, but boy, when I did I wanted to drive EVERYWHERE… now? I’ll do whatever I can to avoid driving :) Just leave me at home


no gym membership for me…it’s outside and my living room for this lady! i recently (and temorarily) just moved to houston and it’s taken a lot for me to figure out how to run in the humidity-it’s like chewing your air before it goes into your lungs!

i like driving and i get real panicky when my husband drives (he says i tend to be a less-than-helpful passenger driver)! love the jumping photo of your little one! so sweet :)


Favorite Janae quote ever: “This world is pretty darn incredible if you ask me and what better way to see it than with your running shoes.”


That first photo – beautiful! I LOVE going away to the mountains for a great hike/jog. I go to the gym twice a week for upper/lower body strengthening. If it fits in my schedule I take a spin class. I generally allow for one recovery day a week (that’s no working out at all), but I generally run 4 days a week, and then work on strength for 2. Glad to see you are doing better Janae! You look great!


OH I got my license at the age of 26 …. yeah.


Ahhhh what a lovely/fun morning! Glad you didn’t injure yourself too much though ;) Yay for gym time. I love the gym! (Duh).

You should come to one of my classes soon-that’d be a blast!


I love that t-shirt! I don’t have a gym membership now but I miss it! My fav gym of all time was Gold’s Gym because they had the best kickboxing class, followed very closely by Lifetime Family Fitness in FL.


“this world is pretty incredible and what better way to see than with your shoes?” Me gusta, muy much. Also your shirt is off the hook!


I just got a gym membership this week in my new town and went to Body Pump yesterday. I had not done that class in a few years.


Still jealous of your views and I LOVE. THAT. SHIRT!!!!


I love the mountains. There is nothing better than waking up and getting a good run in and seeing the beauty. Don’t forget that on the run we also saw a good sized buck that we spooked. It stopped and looked at us as we ran by, probably wondering how it can be as cool as us. Too bad we all want to run like deer/antelope. It’s a funny world.


Wow, what a stunning view from the top of our mountain!


Just this morning when I was leaving for work, it was dark out and I saw two people running and I thought, those crazy people for getting up at 5am to go running. Then I read this and you’re out running up a mountain in the dark. All I can say is that I drove the hour into work before the sun came up.

We go to 24 Hour fitness, when we go, and does my Stroller Strides count? I haven’t done it in a while, but as soon as baby comes, I’m all over it! Love Stroller Strides, connecting with other moms and getting a butt kicking workout with the babies everyday.

Brooke is so cute, jumping up and down. You need to take a video of that cuteness.


That mountain is beautiful! I bet it was an awesome run! I love trail running! Having that smile to see every morning has got to brighten your day! I love the shirt too!!!


I learned to drive in our High School Driver’s Ed class, so I was 16. I enjoy driving so much, I rarely ever let my husband drive our family car. ;)


I don’t have a gym membership anymore, I have a Crossfit membership, which is sort of the same thing. I swore I’d never give up my gym membership, but then I tried Crossfit, bought a treadmill and ditched the gym like a bad habit!


I learned to drive at 16 and I was a very scary driver. Confession:……I made my drivers ed teacher throw up. Yeah. I was bad. Thank goodness I’ve gotten a LOT better. I think you’re a very brave person for having done that.

I have a gym membership but I need to get a new one now that I’m moving!! I love having a membership. It’s very motivating for me.


I was 18 when I got my driving licence (you have to be 18 in Italy in order to be allowed to drive). I’m an horrible driver and haven’t touched a car ever since!


No gym membership. My company has a wonderful wellness center/gym that I can use for free.

I’m not training for anything right now, so all my runs are easy!

I grew up on a ranch in the middle of no where Nebraska, so I was driving very early…maybe 12ish? I was a pro by the time I had to take the driving test and get my license.


That picture of Brooke is ridiculous!! She is so cute, I can’t handle it.


I loooooove your shirt!!!

I teach classes at 24 hour fitness but other then teaching classes I haven’t been going to the gym that much. 24 is great because there are locations everywhere.


Congrats on the mountain…looks amazing! And that shirt is fantastic, I love it!

I don’t have a gym membership and there are many reasons. The main 2 reasons though are the prices and the social anxiety of people watching me work out. I used to work for a fitness company though, so over time I built my own “mini gym” in my basement with kettlebells, dumbbells, balls, etc. And we have an elliptical.

I don’t really do “easy” or “recovery” days. My goal at this point in my 10k training is being able to finish the distance indicated for any given day without taking any walk breaks. For me, that’s a good day. I run 3 days a week in general on the program I’m using.

I was exactly 16 1/2 when I got my license which is what you needed to be in MA where I grew up. Unfortunately for me, I was young when I started school so I was one of the last people in my class to get it and it wasn’t until my senior year. I absolutely love driving and when I was younger (and gas was MUCH cheaper) I used to just go out for drives, jamming out to my music and see where roads took me. I learned a LOT of shortcuts that way…you know, before everyone had GPS on their phones.


So jealous. I would love to run there.:) I have two gym memberships. One at Gold’s (I work there so its free which is AWESOME) and the other at Planet Fitness! I normally have two easy/recocery days a week. BTW if you are ever in Austin, TX we must run together!
I sorta dislike driving..traffic here is kinda sorta Horrible. I tend to panic at times and would much rather have someone else drive or possibly run every where!


I belong to my gym at work, which is reimbursed by my company and AMAZING. The gym has everything I need, plus they offer classes! morning, lunchtime and even after work on some days. I love love love the classes and occaisionally they do fitness challenges and competitions to win points that you can trade in for gear. Right now we are on week 3 of a 4 week challenge. This week’s workout was 50x jump rope, 15 thrusters (15 lb weights in each hand for women) and 10 box jumps onto a step on 8 risers, as many rounds in 20 min. So far I’m tied for first for women who did it unmodified (you can modify with less weights, less risers, or do step ups instead of box jumps). Whoo hoo!! The challenges are kicking my butt!

I only run 3x/week and typically 2 are at easier pace. I’m still sort of a newbie :)

I was almost 17 when I got my license and I don’t mind driving but it took me years to admit I’m not really the best driver!


Beautiful picture!!!! The best view is always at the top of the mountain!!!
I work out 6 days a week and always take 1 day off!!! But I also cross train with swimming, biking, and running so I never do two hard runs in a row. I’m in week 8 of 20 for my next Ironman. It’s starting to get busy!! But its purposeful pain. I try to raise $10,000 for every Ironman to help kids get adopted out of orphanages. 100% of what we raise goes to grants for people who want to adopt but need financial assistance. On team orphans facebook today, I posted the picture of 3 kids that just came home because of our grant money! They are SO CUTE!!! Orphans no longer!!!


I got my license when I was 14. Brooke is so adorable


What gym are you at???? They have Les Milles smarts bars!!!! They are amazingggg!


Wow, what a wonderful picture from the top of the mountain! I love running in mountains, in my opinion it helps a lot when it comes to running, it really improves stamina.
Same with gym :) I workout at least 3 times a week, since I’ve started doing so I can’t complain having any injuries.
Usually I have 1 or 2 days of recovery.
I did my driving licence as fast as I could, so in Poland it was when I was 18.


Haha I love Brooke’s waking up face!


Just found your blog – love the pictures of your beautiful daughter! And your running story is truly inspirational!
I do have a gym membership and it thankfully is close to home. I use it more for group classes and strength training. I recently went to my first Insanity class and loved it!
I’m still recovering from knee surgery so I am only running twice a week right now – one 3 mile maintenance run and another longer run, usually around 4-5 miles. I have one true recovery day where I don’t do any cross training.
I like driving but can’t stand traffic. Unfortunately where I live, they go hand-in-hand… :)

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