I like to copy people…

so I am going to copy Skinny Runner’s Phone Dump posts.

Lots of pictures from my phone and heaven forbid I don’t show you every detail of my life.

I think Brooke is going to grow up thinking these two are her older sisters.

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Saturday night I went out to dinner at 10 pm with a good friend after Brookers went to bed. I did something dangerous and ordered a shrimp salad instead of the normal pork salad, I won’t be able to go back. I am really living on the edge lately.

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For Sunday night dinner we had a salad bar at my sister’s house. I don’t think we were supposed to use every ingredient that was out but I did. Black beans, rice, veggies, craisins, feta, chicken, grapes and bread.

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After our salad dinner my mom and I took care of this red velvet cake like it was our job.

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I told you she fed me cake before she fed herself any at her party (thanks Megan for the picture):

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Living the dream.

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I just got a new RaceDay Book…the best way to store your race memories/bibs/pics! Added bonus is that it is pink.

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How is this happening? She all of the sudden looks like a 5 year old.

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The next two aren’t from my phone but I still want to share them with you.

Brittany sent me a picture of her dog Spaghetti and he actually is the cutest puppy I have ever seen.

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AWESOME read if you want to check it out HERE

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What has been the most excited/fun/awesome part of your day so far?

What breed of puppies do you think are the cutest?

Current favorite salad toppings?

Seafood= YAY OR NAY?

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LABS are my absolutely favorite puppies!!! I just LOVE them.

Current favorite salad toppings? Um, everything? I like it all pretty much.

Aaaand a big huge YES to seafood! Love it!

That Brooke… Can I say it enough? She is just too adorable for words.


We recently got a spaniel dog. She’s cute but dumb as bricks.

Best part of my day? Probably the speed work that hasn’t happened yet! I’ve spent my entire morning canning tomatoes, which is far from my favorite activity.




YUM that salad looks incredible. I would have done the same. The more toppings, the better!! I always pile them on! The picture of Brooke and the ball sprinkler needs to be framed. SO MUCH CUTENESS!!!



Yay for Kristin Armstrong – she always writes what I need to read as well! I’m so much nicer a person because I read her stuff :)

Pretty much all puppies are adorable – but spaniels are pretty much perfect because of their crinkly ears!


love Brooke’s little bath suit!!! too cute :)



What music have you been running to theses days? I totally need a new playlist and want desperately some music the pros run to :)


Ooh, Brooke is so adorable!!!

I love salads; anything that is around I’ll put on it. I do like oil and vinegar dressing with it though, it may be a slightly unhealthy addiction. :-)

Originally from MD so I love seafood, especially crabs and shrimp.

Hope you’re doing well, Janae!


Janae, I’ve been reading this masterpiece that you call a blog for ages now, but this is my first comment ever. I just started my blog, and as my blog idol, I simply had to come comment here and let you know how much I look up to your spirit. I’ve learned so much from the HRG, you expand my vocab, and pretty much give me reasons to smile everyday. So thanks. PS – cavachon puppies are the cutest/sweetest/most loving/neediest/but it’s so worth it puppies in the world :)


Brooke does look so grown up! Crazy!
I also am in love with that salad, I adore salad bars. I can seriously just pile an insane amount of greens into a bowl and be content.
And that puppy is too cute!


One of my brothers-in-law and his wife have a Great Pyrenees and Burmese Mountain Dog mix. At almost 2 yrs, Huxley is the most amazing and adorable 110 pound dog I’ve ever seen. Plus his voice is just handsome! Total puppy crush, but don’t tell my husband! Please!

Our daughter loves her uncle’s dog and that makes us all happy- as she’s less than 1/5 his weight!

The best part of today was being ditched by our daughter to play with her Grandma. It’s one of the many blessings of living with my hub’s parents- for now!


Feta or chickpeas are my favorite toppers this week. oh, maybe roasted brussel sprouts.

Kristin Armstrong, love her, do you think I should bring the red velvet with 3 spoons?


I have a thing for beagle puppies.


Your salads always look so so good! i like putting pretzels on my salads and I loooove seafood


Today was my first day back at school! So fun and I am a freshmen now – the upperclassmen actually do make fun of us, and one guy actually told my friend that you could find anything if you went by the pool (luckily, she was smarter than him and knew there wasn’t one)


I don’t know that my day has been too exciting yet because I’ve just been at work, but I have a tempo run on the schedule when I get home, so that should be thrilling in this heat.

As far as salad toppings…all the “bad” stuff – cheese & bacon … I’ve also become a big fan of hard boiled eggs in my salads. And something most people don’t think to put on a salad – GOLDFISH…they are like crunchy croutons, except even better.


Ahhhh she does look 5! Crazy! My favorite salad toppings are bleu cheese, jalepenos, and sunflower seeds. We have that ball that hooks up to the hose… so much fun :-)


LOVE LOVE seafood :) Shrimp tacos/salad/anything is my biggest weakness.

The most awesome part of my day was when I decided to buy the TJ’s dark chocolate pretzel crisps. Fantastic Monday decision.

Oh man. Puppies. I love ALL puppies.


Labs have got to be one of the cutest puppies.
Favorite salad topping is cucumbers. But rice and black beans sound very good. I might be trying that this week. And salad bars are such a great idea. My 3 yr old only likes taco salads but I think having a salad bar would make him try new things.

Best part of my day will be coming up after dinner. Yoga and a run if I’m lucky ;)


I am a nay to seafood– I have eaten it exactly 3 times, and for some reason I just don’t care for it I guess (mostly shellfish I don’t like).

I think pugs and bostons, or any smushy faced dogs are adorable! I know that’s weird, but the eyes make them have this “oh crap, I left the coffee pot on!” expression all the time! :)


I love cocker spaniel puppies and golden retrievers! I love dogs in general though. My favorite salad toppings are craisins and avocado. Love seafood too. I try to order it when I go out to restaurants as much as possible.

The best part of my day has been unwinding on the couch and catching up on blogs and my fun reading.

PS – Brooke is sooo sweet!


Awwww that puppy is so cute!

And I love that pic of Brooke feeding you. So adorbs.

Current salad topping: hmmm feta!


I think all puppies are precious!!


The most exciting part of my day was how productive it was. I got a LOT done in a very short amount of time! Good coffee always helps!

Brittany’s are definitely the cutest puppies – mine is the cutest!

Can you believe I had a bad salad today – I didn’t think that was even possible. Never get a salad from Panera – you will be disappointed! :(

Seafood= YAY!


Awww so many pictures of Brooke!

Love this post.

P.S. That shrimp salad looks D-Vine.


We took the younger kids to the pool, kindergarten starts for real tomorrow- he went Friday but had today off for the 3rd group to go. It was the babies first time. Bittersweet excitement.

We have a lasa opso, their pretty cute. Except ours isn’t. She’s old.

I’m loving avacado or guac, red peppers, banana peppers or jalapeños, spinach, ham, sunflower seeds, bolthouse ranch is my fave.

Yes to seafood. We have salmon once a week. Shrimp a lot. Grilled Shrimp pesto is on the schedule this week. I love lobster ravioli.


oh my god, they named their dog SPAGHETTI!?!!?!?! That is too cute. And hilarious.


Well, we had to. Our cat’s name is Meatball. (Go ahead and imagine me yelling “Spaghetti!!!!” at the park/beach/all the public places. It’s quite a sight.)



Haha you might sound silly yelling that, but think how many people you make smile! I love it!


I absolutely LOVE your blog! You have inspired me to want to start my own! I particularly love how much you eat and your love of ice cream but still happen to maintain and amazing figure! P.S. if you haven’t tried Private Selection “Sea Salt Caramel Truffle” you are REALLY missing out!


The most exciting part of my day was running this morning!!! Savor every minute now! Cavapoos but it’s not because I have one or anything ;) Actually, I really love labradoodles! Favorite salad toppings blue cheese > everything else!

Seafood is a BIG yay. Sushi all the way!


Ahhh golden labs are my FAVORITE kind of puppy! I would choose a golden lab over almost anything else, EXCEPT maybe a golden doodle. I really want to get a puppy, but I just don’t feel like I have enough time to take care of it.


That salad looks good. I love that seeing how many toppings I can get on my salad, but rice I haven’t ever tried.


Best part of my day: my sister is in town until Thursday and we are going to my favorite restaurant for half-price burger night!
I am partial to pomeranians (I have one!).
My favorite salad toppings right now are beets and sunflower seeds.
No to seafood to me (only because I am allergic). Allergies suck!


The most exciting part of my day was that it was the first day of school with students! I’m exhausted now, though! We have mutts, but I think bulldogs are just the cutest. I like dried cherries on my salad-sooo good! I like most seafood, but am picky about my shrimp!

Brooke is so stinkin cute! She does look a lot older in some of her pics. That’s awesome that she will grow up so close with her cousins.


I love this garlic oil dressing for salad that I newly found out in Kroger! So so so good! :)


I need to do one of these posts! I love all the peaches in the bottom of the fridge;) The best part of my day was taking a shower. I haven’t been that sweaty in my LIFE. Lately I’ve been eating this salad with avocado, chicken, feta, and tomato and it is heaven.


Seafood, HECK YEAH!

thanks for the shoutout girlie!


Yay for seafood and keep running xxx


I had a really great 7 mile run this morning and it was one of the highlights of my day :)I think dachshunds and corgis are the cutest puppies ever! I love cottage cheese and Bolthouse dressing on my salads lately. Can’t live without them! Seafood is a yay for me if it’s sustainable…so most times it’s a nay.


Okay, this isn’t one salad topping…but I have been LOVING apples and craisins. It’s just the greatest combo, and then you add poppyseed dressing. I would gladly eat that salad for every meal of the day!


ALL puppies are cute! And I love the name spaghetti, adorable.
Fav salad topping currently is hard boiled egg.
And I like seafood but not too much of it (since it’s pretty rich usually). Not a fan of lobster though!


Awesome pics! :)

Favourite salad toppings are avocado, feta and sundried tomatoes!


You want to know how completely obsessed with peaches I am right now? My eyes immediately made a beeline for the peaches in the fridge in that picture of Brooke reaching for the juice.

As or puppies, I may be a little biased here, but I think Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are just the cutest things ever.


My most awesome part of the day was getting to come home and spend time with my new kitten! He always brings a smile to my face, especially as he snuggles. My favorite puppy is a Shiba Inu. My brother got one and it was just the cutest thing. He doesn’t get huge so I really like him! I’m so plain with salad. I really don’t like it, but I’ll add croutons and cheese which makes it doable!

Love the photodump idea!


Hi Janae,

I too am salad-obsessed and am always looking for good combinations to bring with me to work. I have to be honest, your black bean, grape, chicken rice combo looks sooo yummy. Brooke is the cutest and she looks so happy with her cousins.

I also love that you are staying injury free during your training, that’s what I’m working on now too :)
xo Lauren


I love that the puppies name is Spaghetti! How cute!

Brooke looks so much like you – just so pretty!


I love ALL puppies. I’m having major puppy fever so all and any and I can’t choose!

Seafood = a yes. Especially in the summer.

Loving the photos! Brooke is a cutie!


I think Basset Hound puppies are the cutest! I’ve always wanted one.

Current favorite salad toppings: pickles (always) and grapes.

Big yay for seafood!


Alright Janae. I blame you. I just signed up for my first marathon. in less than 2 months (Detroit!)!! I am generally in good shape so I am sure I can do it, but gosh I am nervous already! Any advice for a first-timer is 100% welcome!


Long haired mini dachshunds are the cutest for sure!! (And also the sweetest and most fun, but I might be a little biased). Heck, who am I kidding, I think all puppies are adorable. I would have 10 or 15 if my husband (and bank account) would let me


Growing up with cousins is the BEST! My kids have cousins to play with and it is seriously friends for life!


I have to say that pugs are the cutest breed…but my puppy might make me a tad biased in that area ;-)


Pugs are awesome! Not smart, but awesome in every other way!


It is so much fun to copy other bloggers!!! ;-)

Puppy cuteness? Leonberger.
Seafood? Yay… But just found out I’m “sensitive” to it which is kind of crushing :(
Salad toppings? Avocado and cucumber and champagne grapes.
Excitement/fun? Picking my son up from soccer…he was beaming :) Well, Costco as pretty fun too :)


Brooke is adorable and I just love that photo of her by the fridge ..she does look a little older there. The party looks like it was lots of fun and the cupcakes look sooo delicious. I am glad that she had a good time. The fact she feeds you first is just precious.

I have Pembroke welsh corgis so , of course, my favorite puppy is a corgi, soooo cute, but I also think beagle and Bassett hound puppies are super adorable, but not a good fit for our family. Who am I kidding, all puppies are adorable. By the way, spaghetti is very cute and looks so sweet. I love puppies.

I love seafood. Fish, clams, crabs, lobster, oysters, shrimp, i love it all. I am lucky to live in New England where we have some of the best clam chowder ..oh and great lobster, too

Best part of my day was definitely NOT my really tough 11 mile run this morning, I have a nagging hamstring issue that I am in denial about ….basically running through the pain, stretching, icing, and rolling. the best part of my day was when I finished my run and knew I have a rest day tomorrow… Lol

Favorite salad topping right now is the Santa Barbara garden veggie salsa from Costco. I add it to my salad plus grilled chicken, avocado and sharp cheddar cheese. Sooo yummy. Definitely my favorite salsa ever.



Labs. Of course. :). Goldens, Huskies and Weimaraners (spelling?) second.

Love the wave book. Is it worth the price?


The puppy looks just like my dogs did at that age, so obviously my favorite is also golden retrievers! There’s a reason they put them on all the products – they are the cutest things EVER! :)

I’ve been obsessed with SW salad lately – baby spinach, diced tomatoes, black beans, shredded cheddar cheese, some avocado if there’s any handy, squirts of both chipotle and ranch dressing, and then topped with crumbled Taco Doritos or Chili Cheese Fritos in lieu of croutons.

Seafood – YAY … salmon and shrimp especially.


All puppies are cute—but I’m partial to Newfoundland’s—cute as puppies and dogs!


Pug puppies are the best!!!!


Totally agree!


best part of my day….the ridiculously good store bought chocolate cake i just ingested. i think beagle puppies win for the cutest puppies ever and NAY to seafood. ew. LOVE the picture of brooke feeding you cake-how selfless of her :)


The best part of my day was getting to eat chocolate in bed now as I wind down for the day :)

You’re making me want a puppy so bad!


Love photo dumps. Love writing them, love reading them. :) And Brooke’s party???? Really? Amazing! You do not mess around. Oh, and Brooke, she is getting BIG!!!! I love her. It goes by so darn fast. HUGS!


Google German Wirehair Pointer puppy – ours was born on Tuesday! I am going to have a tough time waiting 7 more long weeks to meet him!!


The three “sisters” are BEAUTIFUL!


I love shell fish but I’m not huge on fish fish. Brooke looks so adorable all of the time but that blue dress is just to die for! My kids also had one of those sprinklers and loved it!


Labs and goldens are definitely the cutest puppies, but really most puppies are adorable.

We put all kinds of stuff on salad, but there always has to be avocado.

I just got up, so I’m not sure I’ve had a best part of my day yet.


I’m partial to my dog (obviously) and he’s a teddy bear pup (1/2 shihtzu 1/2 bichon). He’s still adorable and isn’t technically a puppy anymore. I love just throwing whatever veggies and nuts I have on my salads. YAH to seafood!!


Lab puppies are super cute but nothing is cuter than a labradoodle. I want one sooooooo badly! Brooke definitely looks like a little girl now. Where did baby Brooke go?! Seafood: So many yays.


I try but I just do not gravitate towards seafood at all! I just dont know why. Now salads that is another thing :) I love just about anything on a salad from steak, garbonzo beans, beans, cottage cheese, sunflower seeds and so on and so on.

Brook is just a beautiful baby! There isnt one picture where she doesnt melt my heart!


That is an adorable puppy! I’m not sure I could choose a “cutest puppy” they’re all so dang cute. :)


Best part of my day so far: Swimming before work! I think Pugs (even though they are really not smart) are the cutest sweetest dogs on this earth. Their goal is to love and be loved by all people.

Current fav salad toppings: strawberries, sliced almonds, and feta.

I love shrimp salad and shrimp tacos!


YAY to seafood! i had salmon for dinner last night (my FAVE!).

brooke is too darn cute! i just love her blue dress in the picture of her standing next to the fridge. you’re right – she’s starting to look like such a little grown up, ah!


The best part of my day so far is definitely the fresh peach I’ve got at the moment :). I skipped my AM run and will be doing it after work, otherwise I’m sure that would be the highlight (I hope at least!)


SHUT UP?! THE DOG’S NAME IS SPAGHETTI??? love love love love


I think all puppies are adorable and am pretty sure God made them so cute because they are SO EVIL for the first 9 months of their life.


The best part of my day so far is the peanut butter & banana I had for a snack. Oh yes.

Beagel puppies are adorable!

Salad topping: raw broccoli florets and yellow peppers

Seafood…..YES! I was on a smoked salmon kick awhile back (thank you Costco)….I think it may need to return. :)


OMG this picture of Brooke is THE CUTEST!!!!!! :) Seriously!! She is getting so big!!!


OK – I think it’s unfair to post cute babies AND cute animals in one place.

My day…hmm, nothing excited. Terrible work day, but my run helped erase some of that!

Cutest breed of puppies – maybe corgis. I just love their stumpy legs!

Fave salad toppings, I’d say goat cheese and walnuts. I don’t usually keep the walnuts in the house though.

Seafood is a big NAY in my book. I know, growing up in New England, you must be crazy you say! Yup – just don’t like it.


I love all of the photos, and that cake looks delicious!

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