The last few days…

PS (that’s weird, I’ve never started a post with a PS) I am definitely going to keep blogging during this time (maybe not as frequently) but I love blogging and I want to keep doing the things I love to do and I really really like you guys.  Added bonus:  it gives me something to do when Brooke goes to sleep to keep my mind off of everything.

Thanks again for all of the support.  Every comment means the world to me.  


Turns out that my body wasn’t really ready to run a 1:25 half-marathon this last Saturday (probably more of a 1:29).  My mind sure as heck was ready to run that time but my body not so much.  No injuries but just really sore so I have taken the last few days easy with just 5-6 miles at about an 8:45 pace…that pace feels like a 5 minute mile with these current quads of mine. 

Sissy joined me (ps she isn’t flexing in this picture, she didn’t know I was taking it, those are just her normal ripped arms) and I want you to get to know her better because she is hilarious. Throughout our run if I say anything ridiculous that she doesn’t agree with she simply just sits on the ground and won’t move until I take back whatever silly thing I said.  

The people that run past us during these times are rather confused about the situation.    

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Just to catch you up on the last few days.  

We hit up 7 Peaks water park on Monday.  

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Followed by a Cafe Rio and a Menchie’s date with my cousin (she even paid and opened my doors;).  Cafe Rio next to a froyo place?  Prayers answered.

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Rewind to Sunday:  Brooke has a little purse that she carries everywhere.   

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And after dinner we ate brownies and ice cream. 

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Speaking of ice cream, Brooke was a little possessive of the 1/2 gallon I picked up at the store today.

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And her favorite thing to do lately is to hold on to one of our hands and try to find Maggie (my parents’ dog). 

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Nothing like a Utah sunset.  

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What has your running been like this week?  What is your run today going to be?

What are some things that you have been doing the last few days?

Who was the last person you ran with?  Anyone else get to run with their sister?

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Running this week-well, so far-
12 miles on Monday in the crazy Miami heat-9.5 min/mi pace. I am not EVEN going to push my luck with anything over 10 miles. If I only run 8 or so, I can keep it at 8.5 min, but that’s about it right now. I am waiting for “winter” to improve my time.

Biked 14 miles yesterday.

“Speed”work at the track this morning. The humidity is killing me. 3 miles- avg. 7 min/mi.

But I tell you what- none of that was happening 2 years and 60 pounds ago! So, I’ll take it!

This week is filled with back to school activities for my son who will be a junior this year. Lord, where does the time go? My son is the most awesome kid ever.

Have a super day!


Oh, my goodness, where are my manners? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS BROOKE!! Most adorable little girl evah.
I assume she will reign at dessert queen tomorrow?
Give her a nice, big birthday hug from all of us.

What a lucky, lucky almost one-year-old. She has the sweetest, kindest, most lovely Mama in the world.


This morning I did my last speed intervals run before my 4th half marathon that’s coming up next weekend. I’m starting to get to that point where the nerves are outweighing the excitement.

I know I said this yesterday too, but just remember that we’re all here to support you! I’m so glad you get to be with your family during this time!


Hi Janae, I was shocked to see your recent divorce news. I’m so sorry that you are going through this time. My husband and I recently went through an extremely difficult time in our marriage and we are in counseling trying to regroup. We also have a child just a few months older than Griffin. I found that so many people have been weighing in and trying to give me advice and bottom line was that I had to be around people who supported me no matter what I did with my marriage and ultimately I had to make my own decisions and follow my heart. Just take it day by day and remember “this too shall pass”. And my favorite “the sun will shine again”. I repeated this over and over during my darkest times. Xoxo


THIS. I went through a divorce almost a decade ago, when I was 24. There were SO MANY people, friends especially, who wanted to give me advice about what to do. I found that getting divorced– particularly so young– really made it clear which people in my life were there to support me no matter what decision I made and trusted that my decision-making would be the right decision for me (rather than trying to push me one way or the other… and the people who pushed me to stay married without knowing the full story about what was going on were totally the worst of all the people with all the opinions!). Trust your heart and rely on the people who care about you and your long-term happiness. And things work out in the end: 9 years later, I am in a MUCH happier relationship with someone who is a MUCH better fit for me. You’ll get through this.


I want to first thank you for all you honesty and bravery in sharing your struggles the last few days, it’s admirable!
On a lighter note, could you share a week of workouts your sis does for those arms? I know you have shared some of her workouts but wanted to see what her routine looks like consistently because those arms are amazing!


My running this week has been so so bad. I nailed a personal worst at the weekend at a half mara. My legs just weren’t having it.
I ran fartleks yesterday and they were way off pace too, like running thro treacle.
I have an easy run today so I am going to take it super easy!

My sister made a New Years resolution to run this year. She didn’t get too far, she said she injured her leg. I asked her what trainers she was wearing and she said “I’m not I did it in wellies when walking the dog”. Ha I couldn’t believe it :-)

I knew when I saw your race pic your effort at the weekend came from something. I bet your family is already on to you, but your training and stretching, core work has been so good, don’t let the headstuff override your running common sense/pain threshold. I have been there and done that, got the t shirt. I hope that makes sense.

Your pictures are so cute. Your sis should say hello in a guest post :-D xoxo


I just have to say I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE GOING TO STILL BLOG!!! When I was looking for a blog to follow when I first started running a few years back I searched and searched and searched ,then I found you!! I have read your entire blog from beginning to end and just love your positive attitude and how you are just so real!!! I was so sad to hear the new the other day, I thought for sure you weren’t going to blog anymore!! You have been in my prayers for the last few days and will continue to be for awhile! It’s not going to be easy but I truly believe you will get through this and your family will help you every step of the way (I Love your family, they remind me of mine, we get together as much as we can) because you have an amazing support system!!! So excited to get to know your sissy better and I’m so looking forward to continue stalking you weekly, lol!!! Maybe the blog should be The Hungry Runner Girls!!! Just saying!!! You are strong, beautiful and are so inspirational to me!!!!! Thank you for being just YOU!!!!!!!


Still no running for me because my 7 year old is too big and heavy to push in a stroller and he bikes too slow to take along while I run pushing the younger one. BUT- school starts next monday!!!! Yay! I can start running again! I’ve been HIIT training at home and using our spin bike but it just isn’t the same as a good run.


You might consider getting your 7 year old a lightweight bike. My 6 and 5 year old both have Specialized Hotrocks. They are pricey, but you can find them on Craigslist too. So light and so fast. They bike way faster than I can run on everything except steep uphills. ;)


Running this week is still coming along slowly, pretty much trial and error working back after my IT band issues but ran a good 7 miles yesterday and didn’t feel like I was going to die.


I just saw your news and am super sad for you. I hope that this blog, your family, and runnning will help bridge the new gap that you have…

Sending hugs and good thoughts to you & Brooke.


I am counting down the days until I come to Utah in April so I can go to Cafe Rio again. I miss that place so very much. Maybe even more than my family (because they come to visit me all the time).

Of course your legs are tired after a PR effort! Listen to your coach and make sure you’re recovering well! It’s worth it to take time off for a good recovery!

Brooke, as always, is absolutely the most adorable little girl.


Running has been going well this week. I have speed work on the schedule tonight and I am actually looking forward to it. I haven’t pushed myself hard in a run in over a month, so I am looking forward to seeing what I can do.

My family lives 7 hours away, so I only get to run with my sisters on holidays, but man those runs are so much fun!

P.S. I LOVE Brooke’s hair at this age. It is so appropriately crazy and fun! When my son was her age (he is almost 20 months now), I refused to cut it because I just loved the baby mullet. :)


Oh goodness. Brooke’s little fishy outfit is just too much. ADORABLE. :)


That sunset is beautiful! and I LOVE Menchies! I’ve only been to one in Denver but it’s my favorite frozen yogurt place (close to yogurtland but juuuust a bit better I think)



I, too, am going through my own breakup that came as a total shock to me. I have never felt so alone, and now I feel like I can completely relate to someone else in this world. You have always been such an inspiration and a role model, and I only pray that you will come out of this stronger. PS (just wanted to copy you!) thank God for the beauty of running in the midst of tragedy– run happy!


‘Run happy’ gave me chills! We can do this girl! Keep in touch!


Praying for God to send you some strength!


No running for me lately. I’ve been housing my parents’ elliptical in my basement while they have been house hunting. They’re closing on their house next week and I’m sure I will miss it! It has been great for the super hot days or rainy days. I’m looking forward to getting back outside and running.
The last couple days have been all about school. My son started kindergarten yesterday. That day sneaked up on me way too quickly. He had a good day. I don’t think the clock could have moved any slower yesterday!
Happy (early) Birthday to Miss Brooke! She is so adorable and it has been so much fun to watch her grow this last year.


Running has been pretty bad this week. I had a strong run on Monday, but I think I strained a muscle in the shin area during yesterday’s run. It hurts really bad. I’m icing, Advilling, and resting, but I’m so afraid I’m going to be out for a week or so because of it. Injuries are no good!


Your sister needs to share her arms routine!


My running has not been going well this week at all. I am having some very suspicious pains in my right thigh — deep kind of aching pains. And it actually feels a bit better while I’m running but when I stop it aches like a mother. Whelp. I have my first 20 miler on the schedule this weekend and I’m really hoping I can do it!

I love running with my sister but unfortunately she’s too far away in Australia. Running with sissies is the best running!

So glad you’re going to keep blogging, we would all miss you if you stopped! That being said, any time you need to take some time away, you absolutely should.

Happy almost birthday Brooke!


Now I really want brownies and ice cream! Your blog is my favorite! I’m praying for you and Brooke! Even though we don’t know each other personally, I still feel like blogging makes us family!



I think this is my first ever comment?! Coming out of lurkdom to second, third and fourth all the amazing sentiments left here the past few days. You are an inspiration in so many ways. You and Brooke are in my thoughts. So grateful that you will continue to blog. You are a brilliant glowing light of a person!


I love sunsets in utah too!!!

Isn’t Brooke’s birthday like tomorrow?!? Happy birthday to her!

I haven’t been running….but teaching fitness classes like cray–and I am sore. Yowzers! xoxo


I’m thinking of doing a long run of 18-20… but I’m going to take it super slowly. It’s going to be pretty hot in the afternoon, so I’m not going to get all crazy with the pace.


Last night I ate undercooked triple chocolate Ghiradelli brownies with added white chocolate chips, reeses pieces, and m&ms out of the pan with a fork. I don’t even feel guilty about it!


I know what I want for dessert this weekend – that sounds awesome!


Hi Janae,

I don’t believe I have ever commented on your blog before, but I have been reading for some time. I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that you are beautiful. Inside and out. Your daughter is the sweetest, most precious little thing ever.

Hang in there. Whenever things are rough, I am sure you look at that baby girl and remember that no matter what – her little face will always smile back at you.

Stay strong! :)

Sarah Beth


Don’t you love the murdock canal! Talk about long runs! I love running with my sister but she moved out of state so we only get to do it occassionally. Nothing better than running to cure all sorts of heart pains.


I look forward to reading your blog everyday, because of your positivity and general happiness that shines through your blog. I’m so sorry that you are going through this, but certainly happy that you are going to continue to blog. It’s definitely a good creative outlet to put some of your energy into! You’re definitely in my thoughts & Brooke is lucky to have a mom like you!


You’re an inspiration Janae, as always. You have a positive radiance that I’m certain will help your wounds heal quickly. You don’t deserve any of this pain, but try to remember that it’s the hard times that make us stronger. Brooke is a lucky girl to have you.

Have you heard the Katy Perry song “Roar” yet? Seems very fitting for you right now. Plus, it’s a killer running tune :)


I ran a half marathon on Saturday too and it really kicked my butt! My quads were on fiiiiire. I have a 3-Day Rest rule after a half, so I’m due for a run today. Probably 4-5 miles at an easy pace.

Still sending big hugs and positive thoughts to you and Brooke!


Janae, As said by hundreds of others who have commented here, I am so sorry to hear of your heartache. Divorce is a tough experience and unique to anyone that has to go through it. The range of emotion can surprise the best of us and sadly come out at the oddest of times. There is so much to process, but in most cases the change gives us perspective and teaches us what we value. You are a beautiful person (and I am talking the inside as well as the outside) and I have no doubt you will be OK. This will take time, but you have a wonderfully supportive family (Would love to meet and be friends with you all!!) and network of friends. Lean on them and let them and your faith guide you. All the best to you. Hugs from CO.


I’ve been at soccer tryouts this week (twice a day 2 and 2.5 hour sessions), so that has been my running. I have 9 miles on Saturday.
Playing soccer and sitting the rest of the day, reading blogs :)
I last ran with one of my youth group leaders – and my twin sister has arthritis so she doesn’t run. :(


I love you!!
& I’m so glad the outfit fit. I wasn’t sure if it was too large. Hope she can wear the 12 month one too :D
Happy Birthday Eve, Brooke!! <3


I rarely comment on any blogs but I just had to take the time to say, you are amazing! Brooke is gorgeous and such a sweet girl (happy birthday!!). I’m so glad you have each other to lean on during this difficult time. You are both in my prayers.


Oh my gosh her little leg rolls get me. She is so going to be a runner just like her mama :)


Courage, girlfriend! Just do what is right for you and Brooke right now and listen to your heart. You know what’s best for you, so strength and courage to you for the days and months ahead.

Stay healthy, stay positive. It will all work out in the end.


Brooke is SO adorable. The cuteness is too much. You are truly blessed to have such a sweet girl. I hope you have fun plans for her 1st birthday!

My heart really aches for you. I am about 16 months removed from my divorce. I spent 17+ years (he was my first boyfriend) with him (almost 10 of which we were married). It never even crossed my mind that we wouldn’t be together forever. He was a constant in my life for so long. Never did I feel so broken, lost and alone as I did 18ish months ago. Running was the only thing that kept me remotely sane. I had to keep a brave face for my 2 kids (6 and 9 at the time) and the best way for me to process all of the hurt and pain was to run. Physical pain was so much easier for me to handle than the heart break. Thank goodness you have the support of your loving family! I did not have that right away. It was a complete and total nightmare. I was so alone and terrified of doing the wrong thing. However, a year later life is MUCH brighter. I am markedly and noticeably happier than I have been in years. My kids are wonderful, happy and so well adjusted. We really do not know how strong we are/can be until tested. One day at a time and I promise you and Brooke will get through this. My prayers are with you and as many have commented before, you are not alone!


I’ll give you Cafe Rio next to Menchies, but in my dream world there would be a Costa Vida next to a Yogurtland! Maybe I should start working on that…

I wish you the best in UT and going forward. I’m going to miss Bangs Friend, though. Can she make some guest appearances?!


Hi, Janae! Like so many others, I find you to be such an inspirational and positive influence. While I know I will never be the runner you are, I do hope to one day be as great of a mom as you. I hate to see someone who seems so sweet and good natured going through such a tough time. But, I think it is clear that with your strength and the support of your family, you will be just fine.

My yoga class today ended with this quote, and it made me think of your situation:
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power (Alan Cohen).

Happy Birthday to Brooke! I just can’t get over how adorable she is, and am constantly showing her pictures to my husband. :)


Thanks for catching up with us, you are such an inspiration!

My running has been so/so this week- lots of little aches and pains but I’m powering through for my very first 10k in a few weeks!

PS I’m obsessed with Brooke in her fishy outfit, how cute is that?!?


It kinda looks like you guys were running through a prison! Probably makes you run a little faster huh!


I moved out to Boise, ID this month, and tried Cafe Rio because of your obsession – YUM!! I got the vegetarian salad and it was so delicious! My fam has been back 3 times already – love how kiddos get a free cheese quesadilla :)

Hope your recovery is going well, and I’m so glad you get to spend time with your sister now – mine is 2k miles away and I miss her!


My run today will hopefully be at least five miles on the tready.

The last few days, been trying to get through work without pulling my hair out….I also went and saw “Elesium” with the BF last night then went to PF Changs for dinner. Thank god I’m not talented with chopsticks, or I may have inhaled all his food, too.

I took my first Cycling class this past Saturday (before I taught BodyPump)….holy moley – it kicked my butt!! ….but I can’t wait to go back this Saturday! I know why you teach it!


Can you believe there is not a single Fro Yo place near me? Get it together Michigan!!

My run today was a crappy 8.25 miles @ an even crappier 8:43 pace. I have a hilly half marathon on Saturday. Plan to push the pace but I know for sure I won’t PR! I need a 1:35 to PR and it ain’t happening! lol


Every time I see these rolls on Brooke’s legs I think about what Phoebe said about Rachel’s baby “I wanna bite them! But don’t worry I won’t do it” :)


Look at what a big, grown up lady Brooke is becoming! Wow :)

As painful as it is, keep rolling your legs! I’ll bet you’re sore :)

Another month or so before I give running a try again. And I’m already kind of scared :(

The last time I ran with someone I ran with two other blogger…the fabulous SFRoadWarrior and the delightful RoseRunner. We had fun and there were donut after.


Brooke is precious – love her outfit and jelly sandles!

Praying for you and glad you are keeping up the blog – look forward to reading every day!


I don’t know how you do it- you’re the one going through difficult times, yet here you are cheering all of us up as usual and making us giggle. Gosh, all of us are so stinkin blessed to have your blog to read and to be able to share in your daily life. Big hugs to you today.


I wasn’t going to comment because I felt like hundreds of others had already said exactly what I wanted to say. However, my mom always says, “there’s power in repetition” and I feel like this is especially true for you right now. So, just know that although I don’t know you, you have inspired my running as well as the way I look at life, food and my body. Also, I am often off-put by exuberant optimism, but somehow yours seems to be so genuine (and for your sake, I hope it is!!) and it’s a breath of fresh air. You are in my thoughts, and I sincerely wish you the absolute best, you deserve it.
p.s. Whenever you feel sad, just look at Brooke’s adorable, chubby little knees – that will surely spread a smile across your face!
Take Care.


Oh Janae! You are one of my favorite bloggers. I have been thinking about you all this week. You are an inspiration to so many. Have you made the chocolate cookies yet? Sooo good. I find they are great to make just before bed and then enjoy them for breakfast haha! Glad you have a wonderful supportive family. It’s very important!


Im glad youre still blogging. Whenever I go through a difficult time I use running as an outlet and picture myself stomping whoever made me mads face… I sadly can never run so fast or hard or long in happy times haha. We love you and support you. Its good to know youll continue.


My running this week has been in the form of games… the Salt Lake Corporate Games! Our company is playing for the Gold tonight in Ultimate Frisbee, so that keeps me running for a couple hours. The Corporate Games are also what I’ve been up to the last few days (taking the silver medal in Volleyball).

I don’t have a sister :(, but I do have a best friend that I go running with often, she’s the one that encouraged me to do my first half June and it was great.

Speaking of running… you should come run this race in my neck of the woods. It’s a cheap entry fee, a good cause, and it would be fun to meet you! Bring sissy for some good times. ;)


Just wanted to let you know I’ve been reading about what happened and I’m so sorry Janae. I know you’re a strong women and you’ll pull through, especially with that beautiful little girl there to keep you smiling every day. I’m glad to hear you’ll still be blogging and if you’re anything like me, you’ll use it to help you get through the hardest times. Hugs beautiful. Always here for you!


Janae, from just another online friend, avid HRG reader, fellow mommy/runner…i ache for you right now. It is very clear that you have a MASSIVE support system…I hope you are able to lean on so many all around who love each of you very much. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and pray for healing and happiness for you.


Can I just say how adorable the fabric on Brooke’s dress is? ok, ADORABLE!

This week, I ran 4 miles on Monday, and tonight is intervals on the dreadmill with core work after. (I swam yesterday.) I run with my dog :)

Families and endorphins are the best at keeping sad thoughts away. It looks like you have an awesome fam for sure! Hang in there, one day at a time. Sending prayers your way!


Ran 4 miles today with some hills thrown in. It was a hard run in that I couldn’t get “comfortable” until the second mile. I’m still happy I went and powered through. I know my next run may be much better. I’ve been getting back into tennis lately (played in high school) and having fun with it.


Still praying for you! Keep those cute pictures coming!!!! I’ve been training with an amazing 16 year old girl! If you’d like to read about her go to

She’s SO INSPIRING!!!!! We all need a little encouragement!!!


I am so glad you will still be blogging! I can’t imagine my mornings without reading your blog and getting updates on the adorable Brooke. Your sister’s arms are amazing!

The only person in my family who likes to run is my dad, but since he’s had knee surgery he runs only on the treadmill, so that leaves me to run by myself. My running partner is now 6 months pregnant, but I cannot wait until the baby arrives and we can start running together again. I have just begun training for Ragnar in November and my run today was HARD. I had to pause approximately 3 times in just a simple 5k run.

I hope you are doing as fantastic as you possibly can. Your positive attitude is inspiring.


I havent ran/worked out since Saturday! Just a really exhausted, lazy feeling going on the last few days for me. I felt better today so i walked around NYC for a couple of hours. Your dedication to fitness even during th hardest time of your life is really making me kick myself in my butt! You are my hero.

Last few days ive been working.. Sleeping.. Eating a lot of pizza and being lazy. Sometimes we just need those days once in awhile!

No sister and my brother lives hours away, but he has started to run a few times a week on the tredmill to lose weight! Very proud :-)

Sending you positive thoughts every second. Xoxo


I can’t stop thinking about you and Brooke. You both seem so loved and supported, and though I can’t imagine the pain and heartache you’re going through, I can’t wait to see all the things you’ll accomplish and write about in the months to come. You’re unstoppable, Janae. All the best


Your sister seems like a good one to keep around!

I love running with my sister. We don’t get to very often, but whenever we run a race together, we both PR! It’s like magic.


Hi Janae,

I just went back to read your post from a couple of weeks ago, when you posted the picture of you and your friend skydiving. Then, you said that you dont have the courage to do things like that anymore, but I think you are absolutely wrong. In my mind, you are even more courageous now!! Because now, you are having the strength to go through all of this for you and your little girl! I can’t even imagine the energy that the past weeks have cost you, but I am sure you got this and you will come out strong.
For those moments that are the toughest, I am really happy for you to have an incredible family that catches you.
And your dad – he is just the sweetest to comment here and reach out to your readers!
Big hug from Berlin!
You are terrific!


You are so right. Thank you!


You’re the absolute best, Janae.

I tried to comment a couple days ago on your first post, but like so many others, it wouldn’t go through. But really, it’s pretty incredible how many people were trying to reach out to you. Every single one of the people who have commented genuinely care about you (and Brooke!), and like them, I want nothing but the best for you. The outpour of support says so much about who you are and how much people are inspired by you every single day. SO glad you are continuing to blog through this difficult time, because I’m not sure we could all live without you! And I hope that by doing so, you are able to gain some comfort in your readers as well.


My running this week.. Um zero… BUT I am totally rocking it later today! My prep for the 1/2 starts today! I am running 5 miles.
The last few days have been kinda sad. My husband lost his Gpa, so we were in Indiana for his funeral. We returned last night. Today was a good day though… I went to LULULEMON and bought some new shorts! Yeah.
I usually run with my big sister. She is super fast but I am starting to catch up to her. She reminds me of your sister, she totally has killer arms like your sister and a blond too! I am very blessed to be BFFs with my sister. We work together as nurses at the local hospital too!
Stay strong Girl!


i had a toasty 2 mile run in the hot, muggy houston sun! i am someone that has to run alone because i can’t really breathe when i run so there’s not conversing of any sort.

this week i have decided that i am going go to see a therapist to help deal with some of the anxiety i’m experiencing because it’s effecting my marriage. woohoo! not but seriously…it will be a good thing. continue to send happy thoughts your way!


I’ve done 26 miles so far this week, but I’m pretty sure I’m getting shin splints :( I run with a few girlfriends, but no sisters (I’m jealous). PS I’m pretty sure Brooke is the cutest baby ever.


I’ve had to decrease my training, and hence pull out of my first 1/2, due to ITB pain. I just cannot shake it and am jealous that you have!

Brookers is getting so big…she is gonna be running around everywhere so soon….and those cheeks…I just want to eat her up! And I love that you’re sister does that….stop saying silly things girl….you are AMAZING!!!!


I don’t think I’ve ever actually gotten to run with my sister, which is very silly since we both run all the time and live like a 5-minute walk away from each other. I’ll have to remedy that when I go back home. :)

Glad to hear you’re still going to be blogging!


The last person I ran with was about 1100 other people in a race on Sunday :) Usually I run by myself. I’m a loner runner. Been taking it easy this week. The race course was extremely hilly and my quads and calfs (calves?) are feeling it.

Brooke is absolutely adorable! Love the little rolls on her leg. My niece is turning into a little girl (she’s 2 1/2) and I kinda miss the baby stage :)

Just want you to know you have been on my mind all week. Though we’ve never met, my heart hurts like it would for one of my friends. Keep strong and know you have a whole bunch of Internet BFFs out there thinking and praying for you.


If that is Red Velvet cake ice cream, you will loooooove it!

PS- Just want you to know that we’re all thinking of you & Brooke! You are such an inspiration, and I know you will come out of this even stronger than you already are. HUGS!


I did my first hills, stairs and sprint session with my running group yesterday! 2 hours!!! Was so hard but worth it. CrossFit today and then a rest tomorrow as I am doing tough mudder on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia! Eeek!!! Your sister sounds funny! You’re lucky to have a great friend/sister. Happy running!

Ps since joining my running group, I’ve been running with no music. It is weird hut have been enjoying it too



I’m going out of town, so wanted to say it today. Enjoy every minute.

Thinking of you and praying for you often.

Kelly in Michigan


How come you think your time was 1:29 not 1:25? Just curious! And I can’t wait to get to know your sister better, she seems like a gem :)

I ran 13k today- the farthest I have ever ran! And I didn’t feel horrible near the end! Yay!

The last person I ran with was my mom last week when we were at the cottage, I almost always run solo. Well unless my dog counts, I run with him all the time.


Just according to my training I was ready for a 1:29 time… I was surprised that I ran it faster!


~gasp~ Oh my gosh… is Curly becoming…not so curly anymore?! I’m heartbroken! Can we still call her Curly? Hehe. All the kiddos look as adorable as ever, especially Brooke, she’s cute as a button like her mama!

I’m glad you are getting some quality family time in before summer is over. Sure did blow by fast, didn’t it?! Thinking of you and hoping things are getting better.


Oh yeah, your questions! I have only ran twice this week, unfortunately. I have been busy working (boo!) and my nasty yuck sinus infection made me quit at 2 miles today. It was a total bummer since it was perfect running weather today. BUT no sense moping because I KNOW tomorrow will be better! No running buddy for me, I usually have to bribe and occasionally threaten people to get them to run with me (kidding, kidding…not about the bribing though ;)). Much love from Maryland!


I got to do a 14km race with my sisters on Sunday called city2surf(it’s an iconic Australian race every year from sydney city to Bondi beach & this year there was about 85,000 runners!) It was so much fun to do with my sisters & the views were amazing :) we raised money for a charity called compassion which aims to alleviate child poverty which made it extra special.
I am keeping you and your family in my prayers during this tough time. Praise God that he is the god of all comfort and that his love for his children abounds, seek him first and rejoicing in the hope found in his word. Romans 5:1-11.


Janae- I’m also a long time daily reader who never comments but I wanted to add my name to the long list of people who are out here sending you strength and love. Happy early birthday to your adorable daughter. In my opinion you are handling the ‘public’ aspect of your very private situation with dignity and grace. You are a classy and amazing woman.


Okay ~~~ I want to have your sister’s arms! I guess I could too if I actually worked them out as much as I dream of having toned arms :) Since my wonderful awesome sister lives on the west coast (I am on the east coast) we have been doing work outs together by monthly challanges and then texting our accomplishments to each other when completed. And the other day I bought us matching work out shirt so we really can be working out together :) Happy to see everyone having a great time together. You all are an inspiration to so many!


Oh my gosh! I’m dying because I’m pretty sure Brooke is wearing the swimsuit I got her for your bridal shower and it’s so stinkin cute! That little thing. She’s such a beauty!


Baby shower!!! Pregnancy brain!!!


So glad to hear you are keeping the blog going. I look forward to reading your insights and stories every day. You have inspired me to overcome my own body issues and get healthy instead of just worrying about being thin and keeping my weight down. Thank you! Plus, ice cream tastes so much better when you know you worked hard that day. ;)

I have reminded myself of this more times than I can say, but it’s always darkest before the dawn. You can do this.


I am sending you lots of love from across the world – I’ve been thinking about you and Brooke every hour of the day since you posted the news. I know you will get through this with a help of your family. You simply deserve the best in life and it just wasn’t.

Please keep blogging. It is such a therapy. You have no idea how much you helped me 2 years ago when i was going through a very difficult time in my relationship. EVERY morning for the past 2.5 years your blog has been the first one to open and make me smile. Love you Janae!


Janae, I’ve never commented on your blog, but have been reading since Jan. 2011 when I was facing some tough times and needed someone like you to cheer me up. I saw this in one of your old posts that you wrote and wanted to show it to you:

“And then I remembered the definition that I use to teach my health students what optimism is……..
“”My definition of optimism is simply the belief that setbacks are normal and can be overcome by your own actions.”” -Martin Seligman.
I don’t think that you have to be happy and cheery all of the time to be an OPTIMIST.
Bad things happen. There is nothing we can do to prevent those things from happening. We have to realize that is part of the human experience to have trials, setbacks and crappy things happen.
The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is what they CHOOSE to do when a setback comes along.
It is okay to be sad, to feel emotion and to cry, it would be weird if you didn’t when something bad happens but………..
We have the power to take our circumstance and choose where to go from there.”



This week I have been fighting plantar fasciitis. It does not kill, but I have to heal for a South Davis Tri that I am signed up for in a month. So I have spent my time, just like your sister, sitting on my butt looking at my muscles as others run me by :)


Brooke always looks so adorable- and that last photo of her with her little thigh roll..sooo cute!!!

This week is my first week back to marathon training after being side lined the last month- so far, so good!!

I ran with a friend last week and am running with another friend tomorrow and possibly Saturday.


Hello! I nominated you for the sunshine award! Check out my blog at


Janae, thought of you these past few days, even though I don’t know you. You are such an inspiration to so many, even strangers like me. You will come out of this a stronger, better person. Even though you seem pretty darn strong and amazing already. Hang in there. Sending love and prayers from NYC.


Keep staying busy – it really helps.

I always run by myself. The only other person I know who runs lives a bit of a hike from me. We’ve done a few races together but for just regular runs – I go solo. (Well, me and my pepper spray!).

I took off running today b/c I watched my niece and nephew for 12 hours! I knew how tired I’d be without running, but I’m doing 6 miles in the morning! We also all went to Idlewild (an amusement park) yesterday so that was a long, active day too!!

Thinking of you, keep your chin up. Brooke is so cute!


Janae – I think you are awesome and Brooke is adorable, so glad you are with your wonderful family at this time. Thanks for inspiring so many of us!!


I’m so glad you’re going to keep up with your blog!! Yours is the first running blog I found and is (and has always been!) my favorite!! :)

I also second (or probably 1342nd…) the comment about what your sister’s arm workouts are. I could definitely use any advice/tips/tricks for good arm workouts!

Happy early birthday to Brooke!! :) I can’t believe she’s 1 already!!!!


I’m having the worst run week! I can’t make myself run to save my life! Half training isn’t going great. I don’t comment alot but stay strong! Your family is adorable!


I’ve been following your blog for a little over a year now and I just felt the need to add a comment after catching up the past few posts. Your blog helped me through the past year, the most difficult one of my life when my husband was deployed and I was left alone with two babies, after battling postpartum depression. Your positivity is so inspiring and uplifting, and reading your posts every night would not only make me want to be a better runner, but a better person. It’s truly amazing to see all the comments from your readers who care so much about you and sweet baby Brooke! Thank goodness for babies and running :) You will gt through this and will come out stronger than you ever thought you could be! Praying for you and your baby girl


You are an inspiration. I hope you know that all your blog readers love you. We will support you and be here for you through all of this. You have inspired so many of us, I hope you know that. Hang in there.


This may sound creepy but I feel like we are friends bc i have been reading your blog forever and you are a lot like me which means you’re super cool haha jk. Anyways I have been thinking about you a lot lately since I read the news and I just wanted you to know that you have a Vancouver girl sending love from Canada to you and Brooker. I’m glad you’re hanging out with the fam jam and eating brownies, those are the best things you can do to heal your heart. Take care girl! Xoxo

Ps can your sister share her arm workout sometime? She looks amazing and I could use some help with my arms, they always resemble sausages lol.

Also, another Ps. Brookes outfit in this post is one of my faves, super cute!


Since school has started this week, I am in transition mode and trying to remember how to fit my running into my evenings without taking away too much time with my family! :) The last person I ran with was my sister! She lives an hour away, so we try to do our longer runs together and it is great! Last year, we both did our first marathon together!


I’m not the happiest camper at the moment because I had big plans for a 14 miler this week and since I’ve been sick, I’ve been too weak to run! Booo hooo. And coughing up a lung isn’t helping either…I’m hoping to get a 14 miler in THIS Sunday instead! Cute Brooke pictures and I’m glad you get to run with your sister! And man you have some gorgeous views out there! You and Brooke are in my prayers daily by the way! This may be one of times where, down the road you look back and see only one set of footprints in the sand, so stay rest assured that He’s carrying both you AND Brooke! :)


I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Your blog has carried me through the darkest days of my eating disorder to the brightest of my recovery. You’ve been a hero to me for a long time now. I look up to you. Never forget how truly lovely you are.


Did I miss Brooke’s birthday??? I don’t have a sis, so no running with her.


janae, you were meant to have brooke. i hope you look at her everyday and always remember what a special and happy little girl you have and ALWAYS remember how lucky she is to have you as a mom. SO lucky. things may not have ended they way you had hoped, but in the end, i know you would do it all over again in a heartbeat because once you have the unconditional love of a child, your heart is forever changed. hugs, prayers and thoughts to you. you will get through this, with the best little one year old side kick ever. happy, happy birthday brooke ; )xoxo.


Yay! So glad to hear you are continuing the blog!!!


Janae- I’ve been a little behind on the blogging world and when I read your post from a few days ago I felt awful. I am so, so sorry for what you are going through. Your blog really is inspirational. YOU are inspirational. As a faithful blog stalker of yours who never comments, I just wanted to throw this out there. I know you’ll become a bigger stronger person through this trial and I’m sorry for what you are going through. You are amazing and I just think the world of you. And Brooke— she is adorable!


I love Brooke’s little fishy outfit. I have an 8 month old boy, and he is awesome, but his clothes are not quite as fun!

I also want to echo what everyone else has said. You are beautiful inside and out, you seem like such a great friend, sister, daughter, and mom, and I’m sorry for what you’re going through. There are so many people who love you, and also lots of blog readers who don’t even know you in real life but love your honesty, humor, and sweetness, and we love you too!


Keep your head up Janae. I’m not sure what you’re going through, but I can only imagine how tough it is. Your bravery in sharing this with your readers is admirable and “we” are ALWAYS here for you and totally understand if you need to take blogging breaks. I feel like you have become a friend reading your blog for the last couple of years and am giving you virtual hugs. With that said, Brooke is adorable as always and she is lucky to have a mom like you. :) Not really sure where I’m going with this comment….main point is, stay strong, you are a wonderful person inside and out!!!


I ran today for the first time since Thursday. I’ve had a crazy sinus thing going on so I took some time off. 4.6 miles up to UCSC training on hills for Ragnar Napa!! P.S. I’m the team captain and we have one spot open…wanna run with The Wet Bandits?! :)

Hubs & I have been cleaning out our house like crazy. Donating clothes and doing things that have been on the to-do list for years. Feels good to get it done!

Happy Birthday Brooke!!!!!!


Running this week – 4.77 on Monday and 6.26 today. Just got a free entry into my FIRST half marathon in like 3 weeks and am kinda freaking out. Haven’t exactly been training for it, but hoping my mental strength and don’t quit attitude – and 3 strong weeks of pushing a bit farther on my runs – will get me through it! And my runs are always alone. Usually on the treadmill, but today was outside.

Your strength in these trying times is so inspiring. You really are awesome, and not just because you are a lightning fast runner! :) I can’t imagine what you are going through, but I am sure that when you look into your little girl’s beautiful eyes, it makes it all worth it because no matter what has happened, you have her. I cannot wait to read about her 1st birthday tomorrow!


Janae, I’m shocked and saddened to hear of your divorce. I can’t imagine the range of emotions you are feeling. I’m so happy to see that you are continuing to do the things that keep you busy and feeling like YOU! You are being the best mom to Brooke as you work through this and stay true to you! How wonderful that you have such a strong support system with your family and friends. Keep smiling…you inspire so many including me.


I havent been running much this week at all. Mostly biking. I have a triathlon on Saturday so I didn’t want to risk getting sore from running right before the race. Hopefully, next week I’ll be back at it!


keep blogging if you can! Your posts have been an inspiration for me during a VERY tough transition year. I know what it’s like to have a lot of things taken away from you all at once. I get ferociously protective about the things I have left! Your blog is yours. :)

Also, you are the best pregnancy runner on at least the first several pages of Google. I’m pregnant with my first and I just have no idea what’s normal. I re-read all your pregnancy running posts and they have gotten me to the gym for the past 26 weeks. Still running, albeit with a belt and a lot slower!

To other commentators: be warned–those arms are partly genetic! I have them and honestly, I don’t do much for them (though her sister might).


You amaze me ;-) Continuing to do what you do best, even through tough times! I have run a 4 and 5 mile so far, tomorrow is 7. Have my longest run EVER on Saturday (17 miles). I am getting nervous/excited. I finally convinced my sister to run her first 1/2 marathon with me (next February), so I can’t wait to visit her and make her run with me!
Have a great rest of the week with your adorable little girl!


Have found your blog recently and become addicted to it in a good way…my working day cant start without checking the latest post. :)
I’ m beginner in running, but it helps so much in hard moment in life…last few month, since my husband was diagnosed cancer, have been very hard in my life, but running helps to get through it!
All challenges, bad things need to take as exam to get in a next level in life…after rain always comes sun and sometimes even we get rainbow…we never know!

Thanks for inspiration and positivism you give.

Best regards from Latvia,


Brooke is so freakin adorable! Can’t believe she’s a birthday girl already! :)

My week has been boring, just work and sleep. I need to get off the couch and run/walk, but it’s either been too hot or rainy. Mostly hot, lol.

So glad you’re continuing to blog! You were the first running blog I ever read, and continue to read on a regular basis. It’s one of those morning routines, along with my coffee. :)


Running? HA! I’m lucky to get a mile walk each day. I was doing pretty good until I spent a week in the hospital (early June for a massive pulmonary embolism) so it’s back to square one just trying to get my endurance back. The good news is that my mile is at my training pace.

Recently started reading the Jack Reacher series…just finished book 5

My walk last night was with my son because it passed my husband’s bedtime. I don’t have any sisters, and the SIL that runs is too fast for me and the others are too far.


I keep coming back to look at the picture of your sister sitting on the ground and just LAUGHING. Sisters are awesome, aren’t they? No baloney allowed!! Love it.


LOL your sister sounds hilarious!!! You both are great!


I am late on commenting, but want to say that I am so sorry you have to go through this. I, like so many others, find so much inspiration in your strength and optimism. You are obviously a great person and an outstanding mom – Brooke is so lucky to have you! My thoughts are prayers are with you right now.

P.S. Sisters are the BEST, right?? And Happy Birthday, Brooke!!!


You inspire me so much – just wanted to put that out there!!

My running has been awful. I was in Baltimore working a convention last week and, as I didn’t want to miss out on my marathon training (my first – eek!) I signed up for a 12 mile race. Well, the day before I got really sick and couldn’t eat, let alone look a food so I wasn’t sure I would run. The night before I ran 5-6 miles at the gym staring at my own reflection because the tv didn’t work and that was fine! I felt good for the first 6 miles but then my entire lower body got tight/sore and I found myself walking – which I never do in a race!! It ended up being 3min slower than my first 1/2 marathon but considering how sick I was, I’m perfectly fine with that. I took 3 days off and was supposed to run 7 last night but only got to 5.85. I feel like my shoes aren’t working, my body is revolting and I don’t know what to do. I’ll jut keep plugging along for now, though since it means I get to see my best friend next month for the Rock ‘n Roll half in Philly.


Brooke has the fingers of a pianist!

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