Getting sentimental about food and guilty.

Let me hint you in on a secret.  If you make the really good decision to take yourself out to dinner then you should go to Baja Fresh for one reason:

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That salsa bar (it is all you can eat:) is made by angels in my opinion.

Brooke and I took my salad to go (along with half of the salsa bar) and I have another picture of Brooke’s guilty face to share with you.  By the time that I had simply locked the front door and bent over to take off my shoes Brooke had gotten in to the bag and stolen a chip.  

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Now she figures out how to use a fork.  All it took was a little motivation.   PS I was secretly hoping she would be a lefty like me but I don’t think that is going to happen.

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The shrimp salad before 3 cups of pico and mango salsa added.  

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And after the three cups of salsa was added.  

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And now I am about to get all sentimental on you guys.

Every time I eat my Red Velvet Blue Bunny ice cream I get a little teary.  This ice cream reminds me so much of my sister.  A direct quote from my sister, “This is the best ice cream in the world because it is like you are eating cold baked goods (she is a baked goods lover).”  I remember when she first got it she called me to hurry and come over to her house because she had made the perfect bite for me of the right ratio of cake, frosting and ice cream.  She is an extremely thoughtful person.  

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And for some Fun Running Reading (and the knee one is a movie):

Lauren Fleshman Goes Into Labor:  She is absolutely hilarious and tells it how it is.  I can’t wait to watch her make a huge comeback to running!

The First Step in Building Confidence—> Written for high school athletes but it helped me:)  “LISTEN TO YOURSELF.  You can easily ‘get in your own way’ and talk yourself out of a good performance.”

Six ways to help prevent KNEE PAIN!! 

How to Breathe Easier During Hard Efforts—>  You should have heard my breathing during my last 5k….hence why I needed this article.  


Left or right handed?

Is there a food or treat that reminds you of your family?

Last ice cream flavor that you had?

What are your 4th of July plans?

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Thanks for the good reading. I obviously need to try this fave restaurant of yours. And my G has an equally as good guilty face ;) happy 4th tomorrow!


Great articles!
And my husband loves Baja Fresh. We don’t have one in Louisville so he stops in Nashville to eat there when we travel.


Red velvet ice cream?! That looks delicious!!


I needed to read that knee pain article. And the mental barrier one. Okay so all of them… Brooke is going to be stealing foot all the time now! This was the first step of many. Better watch your ice cream next! That’s not meant to be shared.


Stop it. Red velvet ice cream. Now that sounds awesome.
Mmm…that salad look so good right about now. You know since it’s 5 in the morning but besides that because it’s so darn hot.
I’m a lefty too!


Rightie over here, but I always wanted to be a leftie… for some reason they just seem so much cooler lol. And chocolate chip oatmeal cookies always remind me of my mom… probably because I have so many memories of baking them with her when I was growing up, and being ridiculously impatient as I waited for them to come out of the oven so that I could have one with a cold glass of milk. These days I usually have them with some vanilla ice cream… which is actually what I had last night :D


salsa bar!? i want one of those in boston!! omg brooke’s guilty face is SO cute! last ice cream flavor- mint chocolate chip, it’s my favorite, especially in the summer!


LOOOOOVE baja fresh! That salsa bar is amazing. The BF and I always go when we have a “save $5 on $15” coupon… which normally means we both eat (and have leftovers!) for around $11 :) best restaurant ever!


Hi Janae!!
I just did my first set of speedwork! And thought of you of course :) now i’m reading your blog while stretching!

brooke is so cute!!! Her Lil face makes me smile :)


Meatloaf and lamb chops always remind me of family. I’m not sure what I’m doing for the 4th yet. I never really think about holidays then they creep up on me. I’m sure I’ll be doing a family barbecue though and maybe fireworks with some running gal pals!

Last ice cream flavor I had….vanilla ice cream bar in a crunchy chocolate crust. So good!


I LOVE Baja Fresh Salsa Bar. I usually ask for two water cup with a lid and fill it up with salsa instead of the little cups!!

Last ice cream flavor I had was Chocolate/Vanilla ice cream cake at a birthday party. However my favorite ice cream choices are Carvel Cake and Vanilla softserve with sprinkles.


SUCH a good idea! I am a salsa-addict. Not ashamed.


I love almost all ice cream. The last kind I had was peanut butter with caramel and chocolate swirls. Not at good as my sea salt gelato I had before that.
Thanks for the articles, I love reading anything about running!
I focused on my breathing on my run yesterday (Belly breathing instead of chest breathing) I’m not sure if that’s what helped me but my pace for 3 miles was 8:30 when it’s usually a little over 9. I was so excited!!


Right handed and you really can not predict hand dominance until 18 months to 2 years, sometimes longer. I am an early intervention teacher and some of my 3s still switch hands. So you can still hold out hope!

I can not think of any food that I currently eat as making me sentimental. I used to have pecan twirls every morning in elementary school and perhaps beyond. We got them from the “bread man” who delivered our bread. We would go in the truck and pick out a treat, always pecan twirls. Now I see them in the store, look at the crap in them and shudder. I should cave and give my girls a treat!!!

Ice cream was plain old vanilla

4th of July we are going to our local Good Neighbor festival and then to our pool in the evening for a swim party and BBQ. I am toying with still signing up for the Good Neighbor 5K but I likely should not. I just hit the 3 mile running mark with no knee pain and actually today my knee was very stiff after my run so I do not want to push it!


I haven’t had ice cream in a while! I usually choose cookie dough when I do have it… I’m also a baked goods lover :-) that salad looks incredible btw!


Right handed! And my family always has dips! Anything with a chip works!


That salad looks delicious!

I’m sort of ambidextrous. I write with my left hand, but do everything else with my right, including using scissors and throwing. I have no idea how that happened.


Right handed. Chick-fil-A makes me think of my family because we don’t have them up in the northeast and I can only get them when I go home WHICH I’M DOING TODAY!!! Love chocolate chip cookie dough!


Leftie! Not like it’s done much for me in life besides smudge pen/marker ink :) I actually like being left handed, although it’s sometimes obvious that things were designed for right handed people.

Last night I had a blizzard with Reese’s Pieces. It was delicious! Tomorrow I will be heading to a friend’s for a cookout, and then hopefully catching fireworks somewhere.

Brooke’s guilty face is so cute I can’t even handle it!


I am a red velvet junkie so red vevlet ice cream is my idea of heaven on earth. In my fridge I currently have black raspberry cheesecake ice cream and yes, it is as delicious as it sounds :)


Have you ever had Banana Pudding ice cream? Oh my goodness it is out of this world! For the fourth we’re planning to attend a local parade, swim and watch fireworks. I’m sure you have something fun planned. I bet Brooke will enjoy watching fireworks this year!


That salsa bar looks like my idea of a good time! I judge the quality of Mexican restaurants by the quality of their salsa, and I try to only frequent the ones with good salsa. I might be turning into a salsa snob. Love the look on Brooke’s face as she’s munching on that chip. My plans for the 4th include running 11 miles and working, so not a lot of partying for me. I do have Friday off, as does my fiance, so I’m hoping we can do something fun.


That salad looks like the best salad ever! Good job Brookers for getting a chip!!! Lol. I had ice cream last night…Ben and Jerry’s fudge brownie. So good! We’re staying on post and enjoying the Military activities and fireworks.


Right handed! Cottage cheese reminds me of my sister because she used to LOVE it when she was little, but now she doesn’t eat it anymore. I eat it all the time. Last ice cream flavor I had was Caramel Praline…so delish. Fourth of July plans involve food, booze, and fireworks!


We’re having people over for a bbq for the 4th. Should be fun!


Salsa bars are the best! If I can find a salsa bar that also has cheese dip, I will be one happy girl! My husband and I are both righties, and it looks like our girls are following in our footsteps…or handprints in this case.

We’re heading to Atlanta this afternoon to spend the holiday weekend with family. Hoping the weather is nice so we can enjoy lots of trail running & pool time! My MIL always has about 5 different kinds of ice cream in her freezer, so who knows what flavors I’ll be enjoying this weekend!


I actually like to listen to my ipod even when I am doing speed just so I don’t hear myself breathing. When I hear it I think I am doing worse than I am or something. :)
Right handed, my husband is left.
Favorite ice cream- please don’t ask me to choose!!!
4th- we are doing an awesome float in the parade that we have been working day and night on! My sister and law and her kids are visiting and we will watch some fireworks with all the kiddos


Fellow leftie here! :) I’m the only one in the family, or my husband’s family for that matter, so I’m the resident odd one.

Eating a big breakfast (bacon, eggs, grits etc.) reminds me of my sweet grandparents. They always did “country breakfasts” on weekends and it was their favorite time with family.

We keep our favorite ice cream/ sorbet is smaller containers (I can’t find a big tub of my favorite!)– Blood Orange (sorbet technically) for me, and Tiarimisu for the hubs.

Plans for the 4th are a pool party/ cookout, and cross training day! We have another BBQ in honor of the 4th on the 6th (Saturday), and our long run that morning.


Last ice cream was mint chocolate chip and it totally reminds me of my sister.


Right handed.
Homemade chocolate chip cookies and banana bread reminds me of my Mom.
I cannot remember the last ice cream flavor I had! How horrible!


I’m a lefty too :)


I need to track down a place like Baja Fresh for lunch today. I just landed in New York and while there are plenty of other options here that sounds fantastic for my day on my own in the city! If only they’d let me off the plane.


Brooke is absolutely hilarious. Her expressions seriously have me rolling on the floor sometimes!

I’m a righty! The last ice cream flavor I had was Ben and Jerry’s Half baked, SO good, and now they have a frozen yogurt one, so it’s a little less calories which makes me feel less guilty about eating the entire container ;)

Oreos are sentimental for me. When I was a kid, my mom and I would stand at the kitchen counter and think of all the different ways we could eat Oreos!


I can’t wait to read these articles!!!
July 4th plans – Do 4 miles of hill work :) and then spending the day with my family who traveled across the country :)


Pico and mango salsa sounds DELICIOUS. I once bought a peach and mango salsa, and it was SO good.

I’m a lefty too!…although the only things I really actually do with my left hand is eat and write. Everything else is with my right hand/right side–playing tennis, kicking a soccer ball, even brushing my teeth…


Thank you for that egg in a hole recipe. I made it this morning – amazing!


LEFTY HERE!! I have 3 boys and my middle is the only lefty. I love that he is lefty…I may love him more then the other two. j/k. He brain works so different, whether it is him being a lefty, or a middle son, or our redhead, I don’t know. But he is different. I love it.

Last ice cream – Homemade Vanilla Bean last night. Making batches of ice cream for our family get together.

My favorite ‘family’ memory food is my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. I am making a double batch for my family party tomorrow!!


Righty to write… lefty for everything else! That picture of Brooke and the chip is beyond adorable. I’m not a huge ice cream person (weird, right?). Velveeta mac and cheese reminds me of my family!


HAHA oh my gosh I LOVE THE SALSA BAR! I go to TOWN. TOWN I tell you.

Mac and cheese- Kraft= childhood! I would always have it when I had a babysitter… not sure why, but hey ho!


Lefty and Heath Bar Ice cream is my favorite these days!


I’m right handed!
My family went through a phase where we had grilled chicken and rice all the time. So that reminds me of them.
Yesterday I had froyo. I had toasted marshmellow, cake batter and irish mint. Yes, I’m 12.
I’m running my first 15k tomorrow!


I’m a long time reader and LOVE your website, but I just have to say that the Brooks shoe ad at the bottom of the page is extremely irritating. I know you have to make money, but this annoying ad really detracts from your page.


Thank you so much! I emailed them over the weekend because it has been driving me nuts too and I am waiting for the response. Give me a few more days! Thank you!


-Right handed
-Waffles always make me think of my grandma because she has an awesome recipe for them, and no matter how many times I try to make them like her, she still makes them the best.
-I don’t eat ice cream often but the last froyo flavor I had was monster cookie (hooooly delicious.)
-4th of July plans include a big family picnic at my in-laws’ lake cabin!

Reply that ice cream!!


I’ve never had that type of ice cream it looks delicious. As for the salad that looks amazing I’d eat there every day!

I’m heading over to Lauren Fleshmans run read she is hilarious!


Right. Boring.

4th of July will be filled with three Fs- food, family + fireworks!


Right handed, but all my life I’ve wished I was left lol.
Corn bread and fruit salad, my mom use to always make me corn bread, and fruit salads always happen at family gatherings.
Strawberry, last Sunday, made from coconut milk, the best stuff on earth in my opinion :)
No plans for me, I get to babysit the animals for my parents lol.


Yep, I needed that knee video….been having knee pain for the past week or so!


I am left handed and none of my 3 kids are :( I was really hoping. Vanilla wafers remind me of my grandma who passed away when I was 5. I have three vivid memories of her: dolls, camping, and vanilla wafers. The last ice cream I had was homemade lemon sorbet and it makes my mouth start to water just thinking of it. 4th of July we are doing a bike parade around the neighborhood, swimming, and bbqing with my BFF who is driving from TX to hang for a week. Woohoo!


I’m a lefty, too! If I had kids, I’d secretly hope they were lefties, too. Both of my parents are, but I’m the only kid that is (out of three). That doesn’t give me good odds what with being married to a righty.

The last ice cream flavor I had was nutella chip. It was incredible! Our local ice cream place makes it. I want to get an ice cream maker and try to make it myself.


I love Lauren Fleshman! Can’t wait to read that article :)

I am right-handed. Stuffed green peppers and strawberry-rhubarb pie remind me of my mom :) Last ice cream flavor was Ben & Jerry’s Blueberry Graham Cracker frozen Greek yogurt. Mmm…

The hubs and I and two of our friends are going to the shore for the long weekend! Woohoooo!! :) Have a great holiday!


I loved Lauren Fleshman’s labor article. She is pretty funny! And oh my goodness, I’ve never had the red velvet cake ice cream but now I must find it. Thanks for the tip!


Right handed but my daugher seems like she might end up being a lefty….I think it’s too soon to tell though :).

Last ice cream flavor…well it was actually Carvel ice cream cake. There was only one piece left last night (ok, it was probably more lik 3 pieces) but I decided to just dive in and finish it off!

Lots of BBQs this weekend! I’m going to need to burn some major calories between all of the eating :).


Red velvet cake ice cream?? YUM. I had no idea that existed….I know I would be a fan because my fav dessert is red velvet cake cheesecake.


The high school article reminded me a lot of the book Running Within which is all about the mental side of running. I loved it so much. Every page has highlights and notes written all over it. So good.

I want to go to Baja fresh now! That looks so delicious!

My favorite kind of ice cream – Tillamook’s Peanut Butter is the best.


vanilla with hot chocolate sauce. boring but yummy.


HAha, that birth story was awesome! Thanks for the read.


I’m a righty, the hubby is a lefty, and the babe is showing strong preference for his left!


WAIT – a salsa bar? I think I need to move to Cali! I am a salsa fanatic!!! The salad looks delicious! Thanks for posting the knee pain video :)


Righty…thanks for sharing the articles…I need to go read the one about knee pain…STAT


That guilty Brooke face is so adorable. Love love love it.


I’m a lefty like you!

I’m pretty sure mint chocolate chip was the last ice cream flavor I had. Is there any other kind of ice cream? :-) Chocolate eclairs reminds me of my family because my mom used to make them when I was little.

My family is running in the local Firecracker 5K tomorrow morning! I ordered red, white, and blue stars and stripes shorts to wear, but they were WAY TO SHORT so I had to return them… :-(


I have always wanted to try Baja Fresh, I was unsure of what kind of food it was, but your picture and salsa bar have me sold. I will definitely be making a trip in the near future. I am more of a gelato lover, and the last one I had was a few days ago, Luckily it was GF…Talenti… is the brand and the flavor was German Chocolate Cake. I am so sad to here the wonderful news about how yummy the red velvet cake ice cream is since it isn’t GF, when I saw it on the shelves I about cried, because I knew it was going to be good. Oh well, I guess you have to enjoy and extra bowl for me now and then!!!


I’m a righty but always was jealous of my mom and brother for being left handed! There are a lot of foods I associate with different family members, but the family as a whole would probably be spaghetti and meatballs! The last ice cream flavor I had was cake batter <3 Mmm.


Brooke make me giggle!! What can you say, the girl knows good food!!!

I need to try that ice cream. I have seen it multiple times but I am scared to buy it because it is very likely I will want to eat the entire thing in a couple nights!! You need a trip to see your sister ASAP!!!


Both the hubs and I are lefties, and our daughter is right-handed. I was not much help when it came to learn how to write.


We def love warm chocolate chips cookies in my family!

I am a righty!


Your salad looks absolutely amazing and I wish I had a Baja near me!! And Brooke looks adorable with her chip. I’d be in the chip bag in no time, too! :)

I am….Right handed
…..Homemade pizza and strawberry pretzel jello salad are two things that remind me of my family.
…..Yesterday I had some amazing pb cookie ice cream. (vanilla ice cream, crushed oreos, and a pb swirl) so. good.
…..4th of July- low key. just a picnic and then fireworks with friends.


I’m a lefty and ill be visiting Philly for the 4th!


Righty all the way. Mac&cheese reminds me of grandmas house- she makes the best ever! Ice cream = Mackinaw Island Fudge. Best ice cream ever. 4th plans- 5 mile race then hanging out all day in town!


LEFTY! And three out of four of my kids are lefties too. Strangely, the most “creative” one is the righty. Which goes against stereotype.

Had the Haggen Daaz chocolate/peanut butter ice cream two nights ago. Ended up with a chunk of peanut butter the size of a golf ball. Heaven.


I’m a righty but my mom and grandparents are both leftys. I’m hoping my child one day will be a lefty!


lauren is a rockstar! Like you! I think you two have the same super mom genes!


Mmm that salad looks great!

I am a righty but one of my brothers is a lefty- the only one in the fam!


I’ve never had Baja Fresh, but it looks really good! Spaghetti always reminds me of my family — big, saucy pots of it. And especially when it’s alongside meatballs and some very buttery garlic bread. Yum :)
-Emily K.


I am a runner, pastry chef and avid reader of your fabulous blog from the East Coast of Canada. I just made your brother’s amazing smore’s bars and they are knockin’ my
socks off; yummy!


That makes me so SO happy! Enjoy!!!!


I love that flavor too!! Have you seen the ‘Salted Caramel Pretzel’ from Edy’s? (well, I guess it’s Breyer’s near you..?) It’s a MUST HAVE. It’s SO hard not to eat the WHOLE thing in one sitting. No lie.
Brooke is one smart girl- straight for the chips!! Girl after my own heart :)


Right handed sorry!
Hmmm food wise for my family I would say bread – my Mum is Mrs Carbs ha! She is crazy for bread!
I don’t actually like ice cream… :O i know it is a terrible thing to admit!
I’m from the UK so 4th of July is just another day here!

I love your blog btw. I hardly ever comment but emailed you aggess ago and enjoy reading your posts so much!! Your little girl is SOO precious!! You make me want to take up running lots!! Also you have such good skin!!!


Right, but my twin is a lefty
I love triscuits with melted mexican blend cheese :)
Vanilla froyo
CT and just chill


That guilty face = precious!! I needed that breathing article too, I sound like I’m dying in the second half of a 5k!



Whenever I have peach cobbler, I think of my dad’s awesome recipe and always compare the two. PS my dad’s always wins!


That salsa bar is heaven on earth! I LOVE Brooke’s guilty face! Too cute :) I’m a righty, angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries will always remind me of my mom, mint chip brownie is the last ice cream I had and it’s my favourite!, we’re going to a BBQ at my in-laws’ house for the 4th!




Well the last ice cream flavor I had was Vanilla, but I should probably just say Hot Fudge, because that’s how I’m known for eating it. “Having ice cream with my hot fudge” But I do love me some mint chip!


my favorite part about places like that is the salsa bar, always. i go to moe’s and their salsas are awesome. so many varieties and i take a zillion to-go subs. i wish moe’s had shrimp tho…your bowl looks great!


Sorry…gonna be contrary here, but CHIPOTLE is actually the best fast food Mexican around. They may lack a salsa bar, but MAN are their chips delicious!

I’m a rightie, who just consumed a whole cup of some kind of nutty (Nutella) flavored yogurt at Red Mango (like Yogurtland), topped with lots of goodies, just last night. This was my first do-it-myself yogurt cup in months – and it made me think of you!

I’m having a few friends over for the 4th. Nothing crazy – just a low key BBQ with some of the people I love the most!


PB cookie dough was the last ice cream.
4th of July plans- long run, golf, steaks on the grill.
I’m a righty!!!!


Drumstick ice cream will forever remind me of my mother. We used to always share a bowl after dinner. So good!

No plans for the 4th, but fireworks start here in about twenty minutes. I can see them from my apartment. Best location ever!

And I’ve never been to Baja Fresh before, but I’ve heard great thing. I’m gonna have to stop in next time I see one, especially for that salsa bar!


Right handed. Raspberry steamers always remind me of when I was a little kid and I’d wake up in the morning and my dad would have 3 steamers on the counter in our little kid cups ready for us when we woke up. He would make them in the morning while he made my mom and his coffee, so it was a super special thing that I am always reminded of when I have one now! Last ice cream flavor: homemade mocha chip! The bomb! And barbecue with the friends.


I’m a lefty and the last ice cream flavor I had was coffee.


What the….salsa bar?!?! Why does Canada-land not have the fun things in life? *Cries*

I’m not going to California this year, which means no fun California food :-( I’m a sad Panda


Lauren’s story is hilarious!!! :)


I’m a long time reader and haven’t ever commented, but I couldn’t help but leave a note regarding your brand of ice cream. Blue Bunny Ice Cream originated in LeMars, Iowa (very close to my hometown) and every time we drive through, we stop to eat their ice cream at the old parlor that still exists there! Yum! :)

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