A new thing I am doing on HRG.

I decided that on Sunday afternoons I would post a recap of my runs from the last week.  I don’t know why but it just sounded fun.  Maybe because it is fun for me to look back on the week and have it all in one place.  Maybe it could help anyone wanting some run workout ideas too or it could help to get an idea of how my coach spaces out different workouts throughout the week.

Before every run I do a Dynamic warm-up first!  I have a video of the ones I do HERE!  I also spend a good amount of time stretching after each run.  

July 8th -14th


8 miles total with the splits of 8:23, 8:23, 7:54, 7:30, 7:23, 7:23, 7:19, 6:48 and an average pace of 7:40.

Runner’s Core stage 3 and 4 x 10 squats and lunges.


Easy 5 miles with an average pace of 8:05.  

Runner’s Core stage 3 and 4 x 10 squats and lunges.


Booster run!  Which has me running the first mile at 7:45, miles 2&3 at a 7:00 pace, miles 4&5 at a 6:50 pace and mile 6 @ 6:40 pace.  I tried to do each split a few seconds faster and ended up with an overall average pace of 6:59.

Foam rolling for 20 minutes. 


40 minutes on the trails.  

 8 minute abs twice


5 miles on the treadmill at an 8:05 average pace.

Taught a spin class (I don’t teach as many spin classes during the summer because Billy has to leave crazy early for his internship but will pick back up in the fall).


 8 mile run

7:41, 7:40, 7:14, 6:58, 6:55, 6:54, 6:53 and 6:52 (.29 @7:05 pace…miscalculated the run and ended up an extra .29 away from my house.  Yes, it did hurt my heart to stop on a weird number like that).  

IMG 0203


REST DAY.  The most exercise I do on Sundays is usually mixing up cookie dough or crawling around on the ground with Brooke.  

Worst picture ever but this is of us crawling on the ground together. It is fun and girlfriend has gotten fast.  


Oh and PS…this is what happens when I go to the store at 11 pm by myself just for a gallon of milk.

IMG 0231

How did your running go this last week?  What was your favorite run of the week?

What was your longest run of the week?

How do you track your mileage…from Sun-Sat?  Mon-Sun?  etc.  

Do you track your workouts online, on paper or in your head?

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Mmmmm dove! That’s my favorite! Longest run this was was ten miles. I don’t really keep track of my miles I kind of just go by how I feel daily. It seems to work!


I like this new tradition- good idea!

I like your grocery purchases except for the raisin bran.. I will never understand why people like raising in cereal haha.

I write down my runs in my everyday planner/calendar. In minutes usually not miles- I don’t have a garmin and just wear a regular old stop watch from Target or something.

My favorite run was yesterday morning- on a lake trail nice and early (it’s really hot here in the DC area right now).. I actually forgot my watch and just ran by feel.. it was quite lovely :)


I track my workouts online. My run coach has a calendar that she adds my new workouts to each week and then I comment with my thoughts after I complete the workout. I also track them on my blog in a section called Weekly Workouts. I also track my runs in Garmin Connect. I’m tracking crazy :)


I use Dailymile but it makes me guilty. I feel like I should be commenting on all my “friends” but really I’m just trying to use it as an easy mileage log!


I track everything in my head.

A ways back I’d have notebooks upon notebooks of data and comments. Every so often I’d review them, but without a pattern. Something I always include in head or paper notes is the temperature and life happenings. Those “extra” factors that can impact a run or work out are so key to understanding the other realities.


I love your new idea!
Your running is so inspiring for me. The day you did your speed session it inspired me to do one too……..that ended up being my best run and favorite run of the week.


My longest run this week was running around my front yard with my dog, but hey! At least I got to run, right?! I track my mileage using a Garmin especially when I’m running after my dog. I’m totally kidding! ;)

I usually track my workouts in my head unless I’m trying a workout I saw somewhere. I do a lot of my pool workouts from online sources!


That is exactly what I would pick up from the store at 11 pm except my Dove’s would have peanut butter in the middle!!! You NEED to try them!!!!
I track my workouts from Monday to sat and take Sunday off. I just track them in my head. I always want to write it all out and officially keep track but I always start it and then don’t follow through.
This week my runs went well but “life” was so busy this week that I felt tired through them all!


Your workouts put mine in perspective. I need to step up and stop wussing out!


I didn’t run once this week because of my lame hamstring and I may have cried about that. But I am happy (and a tad jealous) of all the awesome running you have been doing. You have great things in store for you and all this hard work you have been putting in. And I am excited to watch you take each race down. Instead of running this week, I spent a lot of time with weights, turbo kick and the step mill.

I don’t track my workouts, write them down or anything…which I guess it pretty weird for my type A personality. I guess with running I like to just play each run by ear. Then it seems like something I chose to do and it keeps it fun instead of just something I need to do?? I probably should..maybe then I would actually be a decent runner! Ha!


my longest run this week was 5, then later on I ran my two for my next day’s recovery run because I was angry..my recovery run was a fast run in comparison.

I will say, I had adult beverages prior to the 2 mile run, not a good idea. I am happy I didn’t fall.


Cinnamon Life is soooo good! Longest run was 20, going up to 13 this week to start marathon training. Yikes!!


I did a 12 mile long run yesterday and 11 mile easy run today – however it was so HOT there was really nothing easy about it :)


My favorite run of the week I think was yesterday! Sprints make me want to die, but they also make me feel super accomplished! :) And I use Daily Mile, but I also blog about my runs!


Chocolate is a necessity of any grocery shopping trip. I do the exact same thing. As in, I’m about to go now and buy the whole store. I like posting sunday workouts to help me track my own too. It’s really useful :)


I track my workouts in a notebook – I find it easier to look back and see progress that way. I also post workouts on Fitocracy – I love earning points and leveling up, though that could just be the geek in me.


I plan my workouts for the coming week every Sunday :) It’s my favourite day, when I plan everything I’ll be doing for the week ahead in my agenda. I love it! Now if only I could do this with meals too… :/ that’s not as easy for me!



This week was a good week for running! I ran 6 days. My favorite run was probably Saturday’s, when I ran 6 miles and ran around a pretty new neighborhood that I discovered! I also started doing more consistent morning runs before work this week, and I definitely like those! My mornings are a little more hectic, but I feel accomplished throughout the day.

The longest run of the week (at one time) was 6 miles. But I do twice a day runs due to the heat and humidity- it’s really hard to fit in a decent long run during the week after work. So I ran 9 miles total on Wednesday and Friday.

I track my mileage from Sunday to Saturday. Sundays are usually my rest day (if I actually allow myself a full one) and I like the idea of working hard all week and starting off the new week with a break. That didn’t happen this week because I just had to run 5 miles today, but that’s usually the logic.

I’m obsessive about tracking mileage, so I do all of the above. I have a paper calendar that I write down mileage for every day. I use Map My Run for all outside runs, so that keeps my pace, distance and route information stored. I also post everything (including average pace and splits) to my blog, so I can keep count that way. Obsessive much…? :)

But really, I think all 3 keep me honest about my workouts, effort, intensity, etc. and I like each different method for its own reason. :)


Oh I love seeing your workouts for the week! Great idea!

My longest run was 7 miles yesterday – for once it wasn’t hot and humid so I loved it! :D


PS- I REALLY LIKE THIS IDEA OF POSTING THE WHOLE WEEK’S WORKOUTS ON SUNDAYS! Not to be over enthusiastic or anything. It helps to see your mileage and splits all laid out in one post. Since you have a running coach telling you what to do, it helps to see if I’m training somewhat correctly.

I also always wish I was as fast as you. But my splits are getting faster, as is my overall pace, while my mileage increases, so I can’t be upset :)


I really like this new tradition. It is a great motivator for me to push harder. Thanks.


I post my past weeks workouts on Sunday too – usually in the morning. I totally agree that it’s fun to look back at the past week. So far, my favorite run is a tie between a 7 mile on the dreadmill (i was happy with the outcome) and my 12-miler along the Lakefront yesterday morning (my long run this week)

I track my mileage using trainingpeaks.com and weeks start on Monday’s and end on Sundays. I would rather them start on Sundays – but that’s obviously not a huge deal as I really don’t even notice it anymore (it really irked me the first week :)


Great week! I track my work outs Monday – Sunday and I used DailyMile.com – love it!


I don’t see anything wrong with your 11pm shopping trip.


I was happy with my running this past week. My favorite run was the 15k trail race today. So hard, yet so much fun.

The 15k today was my longest run (well….technically that’s for this coming week because I track from Sun-Sat.) Soo…my longest last week was 8.6

I track them online although I actually did print up some blank calendars to write it out too, because I am old school like that, and I enjoy writing it down and being able to look at it on paper! :)


An 11pm shopping trip for milk, and you come home without Reeses?:)


I use the Nike Plus App when I run and it keeps track of everything. Today we drove to the trail for our 11 mile run only for me to realize I forgot the case and headphones form my IPhone. I can’t run without tech so we had to go to target first.


I keep track of my runs on my iPad, there is an app that I use. I really like it because I can keep track of the mileage on my shoes. This way I know exactly when I need a new pair.
My longest run was 10 miles. And my weeks typically start on Sunday!


I really like the weekly runs post idea… you are so fast… it’s motivating! I keep track on my miles on a piece of paper with a giant 7 x 6 grid on it and love to see all of the miles after 6 weeks when it’s full! Pretty old-fashioned! Each week a put a goal miles in the corner of Sundays box and aim for that number total but don’t really plan exact work outs.


My favorite run of the week was with my oldest daughter on a trail. It was our first run together since I broke my ankle in March.

I track Fri-Thurs and recap on my blog on Fridays.

I track my workouts online at DailyMile.com.


Thanks for doing this. I have no clue what I am doing with my running I have always just casual ran never tracked mileage or speed. Just this past year I have a map my run addiction and have started signing up for races definitely not as speedy as you but getting a little faster. This week has been a bad running week I am having some medical issues Dr. Said to slow it down some hoping to come back to running in a couple weeks. Until then I will learn more about running from your blog.


My longest run last week was 3.5 miles. My long run this week will be 4 miles! That will also be my longest run EVER! Of my entire life! I am so nervous but excited!


12 miles. I use daily mile, I love watching the miles accumulate as I train for my first marathon!


Fun tradition!

I too end up buying wayyyy more at night at the store. hah!


Love the weekly recap! It’s great to see all your hard work and effort laid out in a nice list. It also makes me feel like I should do this too…

To track my runs I use the free app called RunKeeper. I’ve become slightly obsessed with it and use it as my main motivation to go out and run longer, faster, harder.


I have been thinking about tracking my workouts on teh blog too. I currently track nothing so it is hard to see what progress I am making.


How did your running go this last week? What was your favorite run of the week?
It went well! My favorite run was just yesterday. I did 14 miles since I will be out of order for the next two weeks. It was a muddy, wet trail run too!

What was your longest run of the week?
14 miles

How do you track your mileage…from Sun-Sat? Mon-Sun? etc.
Sun-Sat. I was tracking from Sat-Fri, but it got confusing when I would compare with my stats on mapmyrun

Do you track your workouts online, on paper or in your head?
Mapmyrun/in my head


I’m now excited for Sunday afternoons! This whole week I ran: 3 miles today. That’s it. Haven’t ran that little for a long time but I ran a half marathon last Saturday and my knee hurt this week soo I took it real easy! Boy am I ready to start running!


I recently added a workouts of the week deal similar to yours on my blog! I jot it down in my planner (like an actual one, I don’t play it cool and just use my phone like everyone else) and I track it Sunday-Saturday. I love it because at the end of the week I can reflect on how much(or how little!) I did and see what areas I need to hit more. Check it out! Theregoesmollyrose.wordpress.com :)


My running was great this week, minus my long run on Saturday. I should know better than to do a long run with a friend who’s much faster than me. I injured or strained something near my hammy, not fun. However, I did finish. We split around mile 5 and I slowed myself down a.lot. It helped. My longest run was 11 miles. I keep track on an app in my phone. I usually do Mon-Sun. That’s just how my mind works. My favorite run this week was running the square around Disneyland and California Adventure and finishing it up by running through Downtown Disney. I got a few crazy looks, but it was super fun especially with a tad bit of sprinkles.


I like your idea of writing down the week at a glance. I think it I fun to see what other folks are doing, you certainly have been an inspiration for me.

I do the same thing going to the store, I went out for eggs this morning and ended up with 2lbs of cherries and s’more fixin’s.

I track from Sunday through Saturday on livestrong.com and I also keep an exercise ( mostly runnning) journal where I write down exactly what I did each day. I am currently doing about 50-55 miles a week and take two rest days a week ( Tuesday and Friday). My longest run this week was 13.5 miles. My favorite run was today since I just got a new pair of sneakers (brooks ghost) to replace my spent ones and today was day one running in them and there is nothing better than new sneakers…



Awesome week Janae! I ran a half yesterday.. (It was my first half in a year!) Last year I just did fulls.. but I’m following a new training plan that makes me pay attention to my heart rate. Do you ever do that? Its interesting!


Wow, what a great week of running! I am still learning how to fit it all in with a baby, you are my inspiration! I usually track my runs on map my run or in my head. The odd time i have started a notebook but never keep it up.


Wow. Your week was amazing! I am in awe of how many miles you do. Thank you for keeping me inspired!

My longest run this week was four miles, which was a PB for me :) My goal is to eventually run 6 miles, then 10 miles…and we’ll see what happens after that!

I just downloaded the RunKeeper app and it worked great yesterday! I also write down each run’s mileage in my day-planner. Helps me look at it all in one place, like you said about your Sunday run recap.

Have a great Monday!


I love this idea! It’s what I do on my blog too. You are my motivation to get faster!


I’m finally back up into the 40s for mileage after hurting my ITB a little while ago.My longest run this week was 10 miles, but I felt like I could have run at least 15, so that’s awesome!


That last picture made me laugh :)


I love the weekly round-up. I have a knee injury right now, so I am living vicariously through you.


I love doing a weekly recap of my runs, especially when I am training.
On my blog, every Monday I would do “Monday Miles Round Up” while I was training for my first half!
Now, I am doing “Tuesday Miles” for my second half and I love comparing the training!!!!
Have a great day! :)


8 minute ab guys are SEXY! hahaha…I seriously love how old that video is, but please tell me how you handle the muscle for 8 minutes x 2!!! haha


How long did it take you to build up to that mileage? I’ve been running for 3 years and the longest distance I’ve raced is a few half marathons, but my weekly mileage is usually between 15-20 miles. Every time I do a 7-10 mile run I feel like I need at least a day off. I start getting knee/foot/leg pain otherwise. I have good shoes (went to a specialty store and had them analyze my gait) and do strength training, so I don’t know what else to add to get my mileage up without injury. Btw I am not old (I’m 24) so that’s not my problem either! :) I love your blog!


I normally track Sunday-Saturday but the training program I’m using goes Mon.-Sun. I right everything down in my planner & I blog. My favorite run was yesterday’s 8 miles. It was my fave because it’s also the longest I’ve ever run. I was scared that I couldn’t do it & absolutely thrilled that I did!!


My longest run was Friday – I did 4.35 in the morning and 5.5 in the afternoon so close to 10 overall. Normally I would do it all in one shot on Saturday morning, but we had the Spartan Race that day!

My current training plan tracks from Mon-Sun. I prefer this, because I like seeing my weekend days back to back for some reason. I track everything on paper and I upload my Garmin data online for my outdoor runs.


I’ve been posting my weekly workouts too .. I like to see my improvements each week


I’m gonna go ahead and agree with everyone else that I love this idea, and I hope you do it every week for the rest of time. You are pretty awesome and kind of inspire a lot of people ;)


Late night shopping trips always get me in trouble…usually in the way of ice cream! ;) My longest run was yesterday… 8 miles. It was soooooo very hot and humid! I had to stop twice (once on the way and once on the way back) at the water hydrant by the park to drench my headband. Afterwards, I was kicking myself for not getting up early before church and getting my run in.
I usually consider my running weeks from Sunday-Saturday, but this summer I’ve done more of the Monday-Sunday thing. I think I really like starting off my week (Monday) with a rest day after my longer run on Sunday.


Mmm I have an incredible weakness for chocolate as well… and cereal, don’t even get me started on how much I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My longest run was 11 miles (7 outside until I couldn’t stand the heat any longer and then 4 miles inside). My neighbors probably think I’m crazy; there were more than a few who were washing their cars and had their sprinklers on, which I proceeded to use as a cooling mechanism. It was so hot I ended up dry within minutes. I usually track my mileage Monday – Sunday and do so via DailyMile and then on my blog.


I LOVE the idea of the Sunday recap!


Hah, I love your grocery trip!


I track my runs Monday-Sunday. I keep track of everything on Garmin Connect. I Think they’ve done a really great job lately of amping up their online dashboard and I love all the ways that I can analyze my runs or create reports on my progress.

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