I did the workout I was nervous about and lego candles.

Saturday morning I headed out about 30 minutes later than I normally do but it was still really early because I am officially hooked on getting the run done first thing.  The temperature is perfect.  I don’t have to deal with a lot of traffic and I get home before Brooke wakes up so it just works for me.  I did the early morning thing for the three years I taught high school and I am back to it again and I love it.

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The mile splits were: 7:40, 7:10, 7:09, 6:55, 6:53, 6:51, 6:50, 6:26  overall average pace of 6:59.

During the last mile I was in my zone.  I just wanted to finish strong so I really wasn’t paying attention to anything around me.  Next thing I knew it I heard someone over my right shoulder go muhahaha in a very deep voice.  I had a heart attack.  I screamed so loud for 10 seconds straight and I kept on running.  It was Bangs Friend.  She was running by on the other side of the road (I didn’t see her) and sneaked over to scare me.  It worked.  She got me back from the time I jumped out of the trunk and scared her.


It was our good friend J-Dizzle’s birthday party last night.

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Grilled pineapple and bacon wrapped chicken for appetizers.

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And chicken cordon bleu casserole.  Wow.

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Ever seen lego candles?  They are pretty much the coolest.  For dessert we had tres leches cake and a chocolate tart.

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I finished the night with 4 episodes of the Big Bang Theory.


If you had no obligations all day long and you could run whenever you wanted, what time would you run?

Any other Big Bang Theory fans?  Last tv show that you watched?

Do you make casseroles often?  What kind is your favorite?

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Hahaha I love that bangs friend scared you like that. Sounds like a true friend right there. I’ve done the same thing to my friends. I love early morning runs too. It gets them out of the way and I wake up excited to go so it just works. I didn’t know Lego candles existed but ill eat cake at any time of day, candles or not.


Hope yall have a Happy Father’s Day! What is that dessert’thingee’ you bought at costco for father’s day? I’ve never heard of it. Must not be something we have in the south. It’s It?


A couple of months ago I had about 5 weeks where I was only working 2 days per week. It was glorious to get up at 6:30/7 and be out for my run about 7:30ish. That is a little later so I did have to worry about cars a little more but it was nice to run in daylight while still getting it done first thing. I’m struggling with th 5am wake up right now. If only I could quit my job and run when I want. I’m a poor sport when it comes to practical jokes. That would have scared me so bad and then I would have been angry. Good thing people don’t often try to play jokes on me.


I’d run in the evening! It’s my favorite time of day to run since there isn’t the crazy pressure to get back in time for work (having time constraints is the number one thing that messes up my workouts- so I try like crazy to avoid that!)
I love the lego candles and the relay race, you guys have so much fun :-)


Early mornings are definitely the best time to get out. It’s not even so much the heat around her (I’m from Canada), but the wind. It can get crazy windy around here, but it’s usually quiet in the mornings. That and the fact that it’s so peaceful make it my favorite time to go outside. And I actually made casserole for dinner last night. Mine was a chicken enchilada one, and so.freaking.good. I’ll take Mexican food in any form.


How are ya’ll just always having the best time ever?!?! What fun pictures!


Oh gosh, I would have had a heart attack if my friend would have jumped out of the bushes. If I had no obligations, I would always run in the morning. Last TV show I watched was Friends, the episode where Rachel Breaks Joeys Rosita.


I am early morning runner too, but not by choice! However if I don’t get out and back before the kids/hubby get up then I may not get the opportunity later. If I had my preference I would run early evening, because I hate waking up early!! :)

Lego candles are the best! I used the exact same ones on my son’s birthday cake this year!!


You run insane fast! I would’ve shat my pants if a friend did that to me while I was running. Love it.
And yes, my hubby and I are known to stay up late watching Big Bang theory re-runs. The show annoyed us at first but now we quote it on the daily. Cool people over here!


Awesome run! Great pace!!! I used to be a super early runner too….now I go about 7:30 but I pretty much always take Sunday off. Happy Father’s Day!


I love running early in the morning. It feels great the rest of the day to not have it hanging over you!


I always run 7-8pm. I’m not a morning person and love to run off the stress I had that day! I love Big Bang Theory but mostly watch them on TBS at night. I love casseroles but my kids won’t eat them so I rarely make them :(


Bangs friends has a great personality. What a great party. Did you get the recipe for the bacon wrapped chicken??


I need to get those lego candles! My 5 year old is really into legos and for her 6 th birthday we were going to have a rainbow/legos theme. I am totally encuraging it as I am not a girly girl and she was becoming ones. The legos have tamed the barbie/my little pony/ princess thing.


Great job on the run! So funny that Bangs Friend snuck up on you like that :) I’m also a huge fan of the Big Bang Theory, and my bf and I watch the old episodes back to back every night. I never get sick of it!


Mid morning runs no questions there! I love having a big bowl of oatmeal and going out once I’ve digested it :)

Do you eat anything before your morning runs?


That casserole looks yummy. I’ve only made Breakfast casseroles before with egg, spinach, and ground Turkey or Turkey sausage. It’s so good though. Last show I watched was Grey’s anatomy! I just spent the last couple months watching the entire series on Netflix!


I love running at like 6:30 or 7, it’s not too hot and I get home and everyone is just waking up. Bangs friend knows how to cook, yumm!!!


Right now on summer vacation my favorite time to run would be 9.


Your pictures are so clear!! Great job on the run, I love when I get into the zone! All your food looks amazing! I love running in the early morning as well, the earlier the better. I LOVE The Big Bang Theory. The last tv show was The Big Bang Theory! haha


I love running early. I watched Big Bang last night too! But I don’t think I’ve ever made a casserole.


I’m pretty flexible about what time of day I run. It all depends on where we’re living (we move and travel a lot!), the weather, and my mood. A day with no obligations? I might just sleep in or not. Who knows!


When I had people to go with really early I did! Now Joe leaves at 5:15 for work though so I just can’t do it. Have a great Sunday!!!


Looks like a great birthday party!!!!


Nice shot of your foot! Hilarious. : )

I love to run around 9am but now that my kids are done with school I have to go earlier or hit the gym. And I REFUSE to run on the treadmill while is sun is out.


If I could run any time, I would probably run around 7 a.m. However, I usually wind up going after work; since I teach college, my schedule changes every semester, but during the school year, I usually wind up running around 3 p.m.-ish.

I love The Big Bang Theory! And casseroles! My fave are variations on tater tot casserole; either today or tomorrow I’m making a “taco” tater tot casserole with enchilada sauce, green chiles, taco seasoning, and stuff like that.


Bang’s friend is lucky you didn’t pepper spray her out of fear! Lol. Things could have gotten terrible! I’m loving House Hunters and Pretty Little Liars lately, but I’m missing new episodes of New Girl. I can’t wait until fall!


Those lego candles are so cute! I definitely want some for my next birthday…along with the froyo cake I’m specifically requesting. Mmmm.

Also, that chicken cordon bleu casserole looks fantastic. Chicken cordon bleu is one of my favorite foods EVER–I just don’t get it that often because I have no idea how to make it!


Chicken cordon bleu casserole – you have to get the recipe for us. . . sounds ah-mazing!! And those Lego candles look super cool.


Those candles are so cool!
I much prefer running first thing, but I don’t like getting up at stupid-o’clock before work (hair takes ages to dry etc) so in the week I run after work, and just enjoy it at weekends and in the holidays :)


I only run early mornings.. it’s the best time of the day..
I hate getting scared by stuff when I run.

No cooking for me, but your casserole looks good.


My ideal timeframe is to wake up (early-I love mornings), eat breakfast, and then go out for a run about an hour later!


I’m struggling to find a good time to run these days. I prefer morning runs but I already have to wake up at 5:30am for my job, and it is very difficult for me to get up earlier than that.


I’d run around 9:00 everyday if I had no obligations! That would give me time to get up, eat breakfast, relax with blogs, and then head out. I also feel like it leaves the afternoon open for other fun, because if I had no other obligations, you bet I’d be finding cool things to do!


Intrigued by that casserole! I try to make a casserole or baked pasta every once in a while so the boyfriend has lunch for a few days. They’re just one of those things that taste even better when they’re reheated!


I will always pick early morning to run if given the chance. It’s just so peaceful that time of day! We love Big Band Therory, too!


I would still run early in the morning! I always feel better during my runs early, rather than in the afternoon and I don’t have to worry about eating anything that might upset my stomach. Plus I’m way more motivated. And if I have no schedule, I can just take a nap!


That’s a killer workout lady, especially in the summer heat! I run in the mornings, which helps my stomach stay comfortable (I CANNOT eat before I run!). When I have an evening track workout or late race, it’s tough for me – I am too accustomed to my mornings.


Looks like your workout went extremely well. Way to go. I would love to wake up at sunrise and run. Lately since it is summer I have been sleeping in too much and my runs have been a tad to hot and humid. Although starting a week from Wednesday I will be running in Arizona so I will probably get up at like 4 am. ;)


now i’m craving a casserole dish of some sort! maybe i’ll attempt to make one this week :)

i LOVE the big bang theory – it’s one of my favorite shows.

happy father’s day to billy!! :)


I’m definitely a middle of the day runner, especially on week days when everyone else has to be at work! I work standard 9-5 now, so I don’t get to run in the middle of the day anymore though :(


I run in the morning and would no matter what. Even on days when I have NOTHING to do, I run as soon as I wake up. I will still wake up at 530 on a day off and run just because I love it.


Happy Father’s Day!

I would probably still run as soon as I got up. There’s something about starting off the day with a run….it just automatically makes the rest of the day that much better!

I ran in the heat of the days last summer and I grew to love it but it’s a task for this cold weather lover to get back there again. I actually just read an article that summarized cold running vs. running in the heat. Cold running wins.


Love BBT & early a.m. runs. When my work schedule allows, I drop girls off & run right after. Love that you & Billy let your competitive side shine thru! My hubby & I are same way.


I think I would run around 8:00 am if I didn’t have to get to work. Not too early but still cool here but the sun would be up and bright!

I love Big Bang theory! We just started watching House of Cards on Netflix and it is addicting but sometimes leaves me feeling down about humanity haha… So I don’t really know how I feel about it.


Bangs friend scaring you is too funny! Even funnier that you screamed while continuing to run for 10 more seconds until realizing it was her!

You and B look like you were fighting each other during the 3 leg race! It must have been a big comeback for y’all to win ;-)

If I had no obligations and could run anytime of day it would be in the morning, but not super early. I love going out around 7:30 to 8:00 AM.


Awesome paces!!!! I would have screamed too!!! My hubby doesn’t like me going to run on trails alone…even if they’re family-oriented lol. He wants me to carry pepper spray with me, which I would have nowhere to put haha.

Grilled pineapple is the bomb-diggity!!!!


Please please post that chicken cordon blue casserole! Looks super yummy!


I personally do not cook, I would like to learn how but I just haven’t yet. My mom on the other hand is the casserole queen, as I like to call her. She makes the best chicken and rice casserole and puts jalapenos in it, it is AMAZING and by far our family favorite. The lego candles are so cool! Where can you find those at?



I would opt for the morning run after a light breakfast and some coffee! I like to get the running done right away in the morning, too. The whole day just feels better then!

LOVE the lego candles and I need to look up a recipe for that chicken cordon bleu casserole. It looks delicious! Grilled pineapple looks pretty tasty, too. Never had it before!


I am so glad Bangs Friend got you back, that’s hilarious!!!


I’d like to run in the late morning or early afternoon, but early afternoon is starting to get to be a little impractical even for weekends because of the summer heat.


So, my boys love the Lego candles – do you know where to get them?
I think that we might be some of the only people around who have never watched the Big Bang Theory – I don’t know why just haven’t.


Hey!!!! Thank you! I got them at Safeway!


My ideal time to run would be 5:00 am. Simply love early morning runs! They invigorate me and get my day off on the right foot.
I love to make casseroles, although I’ve been slacking ALOT lately. Boo. :(


love the big bang theory! the last show i watches was… last season’s bachelor w/ sean lowe (bought on itunes no less). ha.


and by watches i totally meant watched.


No joke. I loveeeee Big Bang Theory. Love in the sense that I fall asleep to it almost nightly. I know. Sad. I love the relay races! Haven’t done one of those in forever!


I would run around 7 or 8 am, that way I don’t have to get up super early but get it out of the way early in the day


That looks like an awesome birthday party!
My favorite time for a run is in the morning. Sometimes I wonder if I would be faster if I didn’t run while being tired, ha. I am just sticking to the thought that the only reason for me being slow is the time of day and have a happy morning run.

Casseroles are a staple in our house. Nick keeps saying that casserole is the national food of Germany (not sure if I would go that far). One of our favorites is a mashed potato/sauerkraut/ham casserole. It may not sound awesome to everyone, but I assure you, it is amazing! (and super easy to make! :o)


For the three legged race, it looks like you and Billy are trying to smack each other in the face. You guys are hilarious.

I usually run around mid-day. I like early morning runs for long runs, but for anything under 10, I usually head out at about 11.


Big Bang Theory is one of my fave shows. In fact, I have a life sized Sheldon in my office :-)

My fave time to run is 9am in the morning. But school kind of gets in the way of that. Since I am back on temporary/supply teaching days though, I have been able to sneak in a few 9am runs lately. It has been great!


We’ve watched all seasons (except the most recent) and have one of them on DVD. We think it is HILARIOUS. (Especially since we’re closet nerds)


That sounds like a good day!


lego candles?! those are so cool!!! i run in the morning, too!! the weather’s just perfect and i love the freshness of the morning :)



Haha I’m glad it was Bangs Friend!


Looks like a super fun time!!!
I love the Lego candles and Big Bang Theory!!!! :)


Hi! I love it when you post your mile splits, you are such an inspiration! Question – I also have the Garmin 305 and just recently started working with a running coach. She has asked me to record my splits, but I haven’t figured out how to program that into my Garmin. Is there a way, or do you just have an amazing memory? :)


That is awesome!!!! Go to the menu on your garmin, then choose running history and you can find your splits from a specific run!!!

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