We need to stop eating so healthy all of the time.

I would like to introduce you to the only child in the world that enjoys getting their finger nails clipped.  It may have something to do with the fingernail song that I made up and sing to her while Billy clips them but she was giggling through all ten fingers.

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For lunch Billy (I know, he was sick so I should have made him lunch) made us potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches which was perfect for the overcast weather. 

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And then Brooke was entertained in the laundry basket for an hour.  Why do we even buy toys?

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At around 5:30 pm I finally got out of my sweat pants to go eat froyo with reader Blair that is in town for 1.5 days.  Her first marathon was the BERLIN Marathon and she is also a CrossFit lover.

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So Billy and I had froyo….

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and then on the way home we picked up pizza….  (Brooke is becoming very sneaky)

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Man, Billy and I really need to stop eating so healthy all of the time;)


How many miles are you planning on running this week?

Anyone been keeping track of their mileage for 2013?  How many miles have you ran so far this year?

What race did you travel the farthest to go run?

Who has tried cross-fit before?  

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Not running that much this week bc I race Sat. Woot woot! Wish I had tried Crossfit before but kind of scared! One day!


I’m in the same boat. Crossfit scares me! haha But I’d love to try it out!


So. Much. Cheese.


I recently joined crossfit and I already feel stronger. I’m surprised how much I enjoy it since I typically hate weight lifting!


I will probably do about 45-50 miles. We are on vacation in Florida and it is soooo hot! I am sweating buckets on my runs! I have my first 1/2 marathon in 1 1/2 weeks! I started keeping track for 2013…..but lost track after the first month :(….(I kinda knew I would never keep up though) :)


You mean pizza isn’t healthy? ;) just kidding, but I do eat it at least once every 2 weeks. I feel like all babies love playing with makeshift toys more than real toys. Dogs too! No running for me for the next 2 weeks. Finally cashing in on the time off my coach has been wanting me to do since season ended last month.


I’ve never tried Crossfit. I think I’d love it but its too pricey right now :/ I’ve never traveled too far for a race but I’d love to do a European race!


I have not kept track of mileage, but would love to! 2014 resolution? Ran 5.5 on Sunday, and running again today but no goal mileage. Don’t you love that babies prefer household “toys” over actual toys? Too funny! Happy tues!


I NEED a video clip of that fingernail-clipping-song… :)


Can I get the words to the mail clipping song? I need it for my son, he’s not much of a fan of nail clipping. I try to explain to him how much his mummy loves manicures and pedicures but he doesn’t seem to share the love (he is only 3 months so maybe he’ll warm up to it)


Oops that was suppose to say “nail clipping”song


I’m not sure he will warm up to it, mine sounds like i am literally killing him the moment I bring the scissors out – I could never cut them when he was asleep when he was 0-5ish months as he would wake up, and now he is almost a year and it is horrible – horrible enough that I do wait at least two weeks in between the cuttings as I can’t stand the sound and the fight that ensues…. I think Brooke is a ‘freak of nature’ in this regard. What I wouldn’t give to have Brooke’s manner in nail cutting!!!!


IS THAT HOT AND READY LITTLE CAESARS?!?! Omgsh, something else I’m missing about home


I am not in training yet for my marathon in november, but i was still surprise by the 30 miles I put in this week. I usually try not to do that much since I am nervous over stress fractures and just in general my tired body.. but it just sorta happened!!

I CROSSFIT!!!! I love it! It has taught me such GREAT things about how to lift safely and how to push my body in a 10 min workout! it is great! It is expensive, and I quickly got sucked into the “cult” of it ((I am no longer obsessed with Paleo and crossfitting 6 days a week because it was not healthy for me nutritionally or physically)) but it is great!!


That’s so great that Brooke likes to get her nails cut! I have to wait until my daughter (she is 4 1/2 months old) goes to sleep before I can do it.

I plan on taking it easy this week because I am running a half on Saturday morning. I live on the East Coast and traveled to Vegas for the Rock and Roll race in December 2011. I believe you were also there :).

I am always so hungry after seeing your food!


I’ve been hearing such awesome things about cross fit, I really want to give it a try! (Lol that pic of brooke in the laundry basket is SO cute.)


I’m running 27 miles this week. So far I think I’ve put in about 300 this year.

I’m taking my 4- year old nephew for pedis today with his mom. We need to indulge ourselves. He has already decided he wants red and green polish!


Our longest trip for a marathon was when we flew from the east coast to California to run in the Big Sur Marathon a few years ago! That was a fun marathon weekend!

I’m running in the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon on Saturday so I’m cutting back my mileage a bit this week!


I really wish I had been keeping track of my milage this year! I really want to do it for next year! I guess I could start on June 1 and then track half of 2013. Whoa…2013 is just about half way over. Where is this year going?! and yeah, you guys should cut back on all that healthy stuff ;)


Brooke is getting so big! I can imagine that the blog has been a good way to see her development, although I’m sure you take a million other pictures of her that don’t make the blog! She is looking so seriously at that potato soup!


I have a new kitten and have yet to buy her any toys. Our entire house is one big toy! Toilet paper rolls, straws, etc are perfect for her!! Not a cross fitter…. Don’t get me started…. ;)


my name is Maryanne and I follow your blog from Western Australia!

I am very new to the whole running caper! I had major knee surgery in November 2011 and took up running post rehab!

On the weekend I travelled 1000 miles to run my first ever race – 12km (7.45 miles)! I ran this in 66.51mins. I will run my first half marathon in August! ‘

Thank you for all your great posts and Brooke is DIVINE!!!


You guys are serious examples of healthy eating. I like it. Brookes hand in that pizza shot cracks me up.

I’m not sure how many miles I’m running this week, but I’m just happy to be running again after being injured. I’ve run about 800 miles this year, though.


I don’t know what you’re talking about; froyo and pizza are a perfectly balanced diet. :P

I haven’t run much in the past week (my excuse that my legs are recovering from my half last Sunday, but it’s just been cold and rainy and I haven’t really wanted to go running) but I think I’m going to try to fit in at least 2 3-mile runs this week. Try, being the key word. :P


oh goodness, I don’t even want to know my mileage for this year, I’m sure it’s pathetic… I’m averaging 2-7 miles per week because my IT band keeps flaring up and I took off all of Jan and half of Feb… And froyo is totally healthy – probiotics!


That would be an awesome first marathon! I am going to run about 25 miles this week. Really looking forward to my run today! Furthest race I have traveled would have to be to Florida for the Walt Disney World marathon. Amazing race!


I really hope to run 30 miles this week. That picture with Brooke’s hand is hilarious!!!


Good Morning!
I workout so I can eat… I LOVE food. Its better to eat healthier choices most of the time but some days one must “cheat” and have a bad day of not so good for you food!
I am planning on 20 miles this week. I have ran 244 miles according to Nike Plus~
Which is majority of my runs!

My furthest race I traveled was only 1 hour away. I think once I am “hard core” and run Marathon, I want to go to MIAMI! Oh yeah. Make the first one super special!


So far I haven’t gone over 1.5 hours from home to race, but I’m running the Rock & Roll Seattle half in June and that is more like 3 hours away! It’s the big times, I know! Haha…


Planning on running around 20 miles this week. I love that kids have the most fun with objects that aren’t their toys. My boys were having fun with a cooler yesterday in our backyard instead of playing with all their outdoor toys. Why do we spend so much money on them?


I’ve run a little over 700 miles so far, which I’m pretty happy about. It’s a lot more than I had run at this time last year!


Over 700, that’s awesome!!


I’ve run 570 miles this year, not including what I run today (when I get my lazy bones out of bed). I’ve never traveled out of state for a race, but I’m going to Jamaica (to photograph a wedding) this week, and I plan to organize my own race there!!! Actually it will be more like dragging my husband out for a little run before we eat ourselves into a food coma, but that’s pretty much a race, I think.


Lol I didn’t even notice Brooke’s hand in that last picture until you pointed it out. What a cutie. And I totally remember being entertained by the most seemingly mundane things when I was little. The huge cardboard boxes that our washer/dryer came in? Omigosh. I think I played in those for like a week straight.


I might aim for 4 miles, pregnant running is taking its toll on me. So I am reducing my running for now.
In the summer of 2011 we travelled to Anaheim for the Disneyland half marathon which was a road trip of about 1700 miles!


The furthest I’ve traveled for a race so far was from NC to WI (my hometown) for my first. However, I’d love to run in Costa Rica or Europe at some point.


The furthest I have traveled to race is 4 hours but I feel like there will be a lot more travel in my future!


Lol on the nail cutting. My 3yr old loves going to the dentist, she actually asks to go!!! CrAzY! This week I’ll be running 12, 3miles every other day. Coaches orders. I think I’ve run 250 miles this year. The longest I’ve traveled was to do ING New York City Marathon. I’m not convinced to do crossfit but my brother loves it and has gotten great results. I prefer quality over quantity and not rushing through strength training. I have to pay close attention to my form all the time so I don’t think I would be a good candidate. To each there own:)


I usually try and run about 30 miles a week. I’m not training for anything right now though, so we’ll see! I love when kids just okay with typical household items lol she’s the cutest!!


I’m going to plan on 13 or 15 miles this week. I think I’ve ran about 85 miles this year so far, which is terrible! It was because I was injured for for the first three months so that’s why! I’ve never traveled far to run a race but I really want to do the Nike Half Marathon where the fire fighters in a tux give u a Tiffany necklace!!!!! I’ve never tried cross-fit but I really really want too! Cross fit girls look so strong and awesome!


I’m planning on 60+ miles this week. Mostly easy miles during the week, then a 30-miler on Saturday! This is my last big week before my 50 mile race in 3 weeks!


I tried a crossfit class about a month ago and honestly, I couldn’t walk for 3 days. I have never done so many squats, pull-ups, or push-ups in one hour in my whole life. It was an amazing workout! I just wish it was a little easier on the wallet.


About 200 miles so far! Hopefully about 20-25 miles this week.


Around 20! Over 400, not too many. I have never tried crossfit, but want to at least once in my life!!!


I have never kept track of my miles each week/month/year. Oops. You would think with my Type A personality I would. But I have always just ran what I feel like for the day and don’t really make up my workout until I start doing it. Ha! (except for my 12 weeks training for the marathon). I probably should because it would be cool to know…and also good info so I know when to change my shoes.

I have gone to St George for a few races, and that is the farthest. I know. I really branch out, huh? One day I would love to do the NYC marathon. Do it with me please?

Remember when we tried Crossfit and it hurt to laugh for days? I have been back whenever Ashley lets me know friends come for free – and that is how it will have to be until we strike it rich.

That Brooke. I like her. My kids STILL love to play in the laundry basket when I am folding laundry. I still have to drag/scoot them around in it. And their favorite is for me to carry them up and down the stairs in it or raise it above my head and lower it to the ground (like an ‘elevator’) with them in it. And they weigh 40lbs….maybe I don’t need Crossfit ;)


I’ll probably do around 30 miles this week. That’s on the low side for me but I’GE got some tingles of a potential injury I’m trying to keep at bay. The farthest I’ve travelled for a race is about 2 hours so… not very far.


I just cut Archie’s nails yesterday after I got home from work. They get long so fast! My husband showed him videos of himself to keep him entertained. It worked! I can’t complain.


I am not sure what my mileage will be this week. I want to try for 8 miles on Saturday, so I will work backwards from there.

I have tried Crossfit and liked it. Except for burpee’s.

The Kidless Kronicles


Best foods ever. :)


i did crossfit for about 4 months while marathon training to see if it would make me faster/stronger come race day. and actually, it didn’t! it was fun but a lot of money and apparently not hugely beneficial for my running. so i quit.


I have no idea how much I will run this week since I couldn’t get out of bed this morning and will now have to do my speed work on the treadmill. I’m the worst. Since I’m not “training” for anything, I just kinda wing it with my running mileage. I haven’t tried CrossFit but I am taking a weights class at my university’s gym and I love it! It also helps that the trainers are cute ;)

When we were little, my sister used to always cry and scream “you’re killing me!!!” when she had her nails clipped. As she got bigger, my dad had to be the one to clip her nails because he had to hold her down.


Don’t worry, my boyfriend and I are just as healthy…if not “healthier”. Haha.

How many miles are you planning on running this week?
40, give or take a few. I’ve put in 47 miles the last 5 days and may tone it down a few this week. (Not used to that many miles in any given 5 day time frame)

Anyone been keeping track of their mileage for 2013? How many miles have you ran so far this year?
So far, I have run 773 miles.

What race did you travel the farthest to go run?
I traveled about an hour and a half to go to Hershey, PA for the Hershey 10k. I’ll be going back in October for the Hershey Half Marathon


Janae, one of the things I love most about your blog is your enjoyment of all kinds of food. I think you do a great job balancing healthy with indulgent. You’re setting a great example for Brooke – all things in moderation!

This week is going to be low miles because I ran a lot last week. Was taking advantage of trail running while in Atlanta and ran six days in a row. I never run that many days back-to-back and my legs are toast! Even after taking yesterday completely off, my run this morning was rough!


I have no clue how far I’ve run this year – but I’m running my fifth marathon on Saturday. My training has been super sketchy so I fully expect to crash and burn.


I am a nut and keep track of my miles. Ha! I have done 1,155 so far this year.
Brooke is so darn cute! Love her :)
Oh, and $5 pizza is the way to go!


Crossfit is an enigma to me. I’d really like to give its try!


You need to share that fingernail clipping song. It is the scariest thing to cut a baby’s nails. I’m always so worried that I am going to clip my baby’s little finger!

The Grass Skirt


I like that you got Billy a coordinating “water” cup :)


Probably between 11-15 miles this week, maybe a tad more. Have to run early in the mornings so we will see;)

Your hair looks so pretty, I am jealous


Not running this week, because I am tackling my first bike century on Sat. I’ve kept track and it is under 100 miles, but my biking is over 700. I traveled 8 hours to WI to race a sprint tri with my sis (twice actually – 2011 and 2012). Never tried Crossfit. Not going to say never, but it isn’t high on my priority list either.


LOVE crossfit! Such an addiction.


fro yo & pizza!!! YUMMMM. I want, I want.

I hung out at the pool for most of the day yest-it was gorgeous weather.


Brooke’s hair is getting so long! I’m an only child, but I used to love putting my younger cousins in a laundry basket and pretending it was a train. They loved it! Can’t beat pizza and fro-yo for dinner! Love little Brooke’s hand reaching in for the sneaky pizza grab.


I started Crossfit two weeks ago and I AM ADDICTED! It is amazing what a great workout I can get in 20 minutes or so, vice the 1-hr. long I usually do at the gym. And it is very empowering when you see the stuff your body can do!


My mom used to slide my sister and I around in the laundry basket, too! Brooke looks like she’s having a blast :D


My plan says 44 miles this week. I really need to do some speed work though. I’ve been running hard since January and I have endurance but I’m still running at right under a 10 minute pace. Any tips on how to get faster?
I’ve ran over 300 miles this years so far. My first full is in October and then next year my bf and I are on a mission to run as many Rock N Roll halfs as we possibly can.


I’ll probably run 20 miles or so this week, if that? I’m still new to running and my body can only handle it after a two or three day break in between, and since my first half is coming up in less than two weeks I am just taking it easy. I am so afraid of hurting myself and not being able to run this race, so I’ll only be going out a couple of times this week.
I thought about attempting to run a marathon for my 26th birthday, but since my bday is in November and it’ll be snowy here I may have to consider a destination race.


I’ve never tried Crossfit and so wish I had the opportunity. My body would probably like me much more if I cross-trained at least a tad. =)
Planning on running about 45 miles this week.
Farthest traveled for a race so far is from Michigan to Kansas City.


28 miles planned for this week- I have a 10K in less than 2 weeks! Tomorrow I’ll finally know if I got selected for the NYC Marathon… if so, I’ll have to GLADLY start marathon training soon!

The farthest I had to travel for a race was from Manatthan to Brooklyn! Lol ;) Since I was born and raised in Rome, I promised to myself that I will run the marathon there one day- I guess that’s the farthest I’ll go for a race!


I’ve just started CrossFit and am hooked. I was worried how I would combine it and running but so far so good. It makes me feel very strong and only second week in.

I have my first half in 6 weeks. I have done over 500km so far this year. I think that’s over 300 miles?


My husband and I traveled from the US and ran a race in New Zealand. [But…we were planning on going to NZ anyway, the race was just a bonus – so I’m not sure this counts!] And gmaps won’t tell me how far it is from Los Angeles to Kingston, NZ so I can’t even provide a distance. Dang!


I am so jealous of all of you with your frozen yogurt places. There is NONE where I live :(


Never tried crossfit before, but it seems SO intense!!!



I joined crossfit just over a year ago when I was having too much IT band pain to continue with my running. It was life changing. Total body transformation, so much stronger and a confidence I have never had. I find a real peace in lifting weights. Similar to what I felt with running, only now a sense of power.


I don’t know how much I’m running – hopefully a lot! I haven’t kept track of my mileage for the year, but perhaps I will start.

I traveled the furthest for the Disney Marathon…it was worth every mile ;-)


I have a pretty light week with only 18-20 miles and about 3000 yards of swimming.

The farthest I’ve traveled for a race is from LV to the Disney Marathon this past January. I’ll be doing my first race outside the United States this summer i. Vancouver (my husband and I are running the Lululemon SeaWheeze half marathon!)


I love the day of “healthy” choices! I use dailymile and according to that my yearly mileage is at 414 miles. Unfortunately that number hasn’t changed since 4/25 and it will not go up until september! I tore my ACL and had surgery last week, my first PT appointment is today and I am so excited to get some control of my leg!! The thing has a mind of it’s own right now!


So funny that Brooke loves getting her nails clipped! My dog bites her nails, which I always think is weird, but also pretty convenient ;)


I’m planning on about 35-40 miles for the week. Are you still teaching your spin classes?


That is awesome!!! I am!


haha Hey sometimes you just need grilled cheese and pizza!


My marathon on Sunday was the farthest I went to run a marathon (San Jose to Ventura… about 5 hours away). I dropped so much monies for that race… but at least I PR’d ;)


Crossfit seems so hard core :) I’m a little intimidated by it, when I see posts on blogs about their workout. I would probably be struggling after the first 30 seconds.


That’s very cute that she likes getting her fingernails clipped! I haven’t tried crossfit before. It looks super intimidating and I prefer solo workouts, so it hasn’t been something I’ve wanted to get involved in. From what I’ve heard from people I know though, it’s an amazingly effective workout.


This is the first year I’ve ever tracked my mileage. It’s not exact, since I forget to record on occasion, but so far around 650 miles. This past week I did 28, and am hoping to get in about 30 this week. I’m training for the Tahoe Marathon in September. The furthest I’ve traveled is from California to the Pittsburgh marathon at the beginning of this month. It was a fabulous time with my running besties.


Who CAN resist a Hot n’ Ready pizza for little Caesars!?! Not me! They are just so darn cheap.


10-12 miles. I know that for a lot of people that is really small, but I’ve only been running since April and am training for a 10k.
I haven’t been keeping track of my mileage for 2013, but I just got a Nike+ sensor (works really well, btw) and so I track with that.
I’ve never raced or done crossfit … I need to get with the program! ;)


I love that little hand sneaking into the pizza picture!
I haven’t tried Crossfit, and although it feels a little cult-ish to me, I’d be willing to give it a shot.


you are too cute! lol :p



I’ve found that I’ve been really unhealthy lately… but I’m okay with it! Moderation! I’ll probably run around 20 this week. No plans or races so it’s weird to do whatever I want! I have never tried Crossfit but it looks super fun. Someday!


I have become obsessed with Crossfit in just 2 short months. I have never been good at running, but found out I am quite good at lifting heavy things :)


I’m SO SAD I missed this fro yo date! Next time!

I’m traveling to Chicago for the marathon this year – definitely the furthest I’ve traveled for a race but I’ve run on the beach in Thailand and throughout Paris and London – which were amazing! Hope you had a lovely weekend!


I’ve stuck with local races so far, but would LOVE to use races as an excuse to travel more in the future!

I love you and Billster’s matching water cups, too cute. And that potato soup looks delish! Is that a pre-made/canned soup or a yummy homemade recipe?


froyo is totally healthy! and up until my plantar fasciitis nonsense i had been running like a boss. well on my way to a 1500 mile 2013 goal. i may still make that but it’s not a sure thing like before my injury. i’m at around 650 miles with none run in may:(


Okay every time you eat froyo I want froyo. It’s a relentless cycle


Great, now I have a craving for pizza…


That pizza looks amazing!!!


I’ve never ran NYCM marathon before – what are the qualifying requirements? I ran Boston last year, but I’ve always thought the qualifying times were harder for NYCM.
My favorite number is 24 or anything even! My June fitness goal is to build up my base mileage post-baby and get ready to begin marathon training again – woop woop! I may be running a 10k here or there this summer, but the only race I’m signed up for is a marathon in October. I wear whatever fits, which is a random mix of colors! I’m transitioning back to “normal” clothes from maternity and I can’t seem to remember what I wore before being preggo :s


Froyo and pizza, love it!

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