That time we had a table full of fries and an awesome run.

Just a quick hello!  

Brooke is taking a nap so I am bored without my side kick so that just means that I have to force you guys to hang out with me.

Today’s workout:

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I love that I have to have my foam rolling and stretching scheduled in for me because we all know there is no way it would happen without that.  I am kind of OCD about my training plans so that really means that I have to stick to stretching and foam rolling if it is on the training plan.

I did my first mile warm-up and then hit about a 7:42 pace for miles 2-5 and then a 6:32 mile for the last one.  It feels SOOOOO good (not during… but AFTER the run) to be pushing myself again.  I was out for too many weeks from that silly IT Band and reintroducing fast miles has made me love running all over again (once again, not during the run but when I finish and feel endorphin city).  

PS next week my coach is having me run a 5k and 10k at the track to get an idea of where I am now and to track my progress.  I am scared about that and I am double scared that I will be in Phoenix doing this…. aka it is going to be 100 degrees all next week.

I really do have a problem.  When I find my favorite foods I force my family to go there over and over and over again with me.  

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We all ate a delicious breakfast and some snacks but then we went back to Guru’s for three plates of french fries for lunch.  There were nine of us so you can’t judge us too badly.

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I might go back again tonight before they close.   These fries are unreal.

And a picture of Brooker because a post without her would just be wrong.

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Tell me 4 things that you have done today!!!

Is there a food that you have been obsessed with lately?

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i have been obsessed with protein shakes. they are my lunch everyday for a while now. i get home from the gym and it’s what i want! those fries look delicious! if/when we go back to utah we are going there for sure:)

good luck on your runs next week. so glad you could start doing some fasties again:)


What do you put in your shakes? PS I want to go to the fancy park that was on your blog. You really do have to go to gurus next time you are here!


it’s the same pretty much everyday. chocolate protein powder, pb2, a few frozen (yup, i buy frozen fruit too) strawberries, 1/2 banana, about 1 c almond milk and then a little water and ice. it’s funny cause it tastes a little different every time. and if you’re ever in minnesota??? twin cities marathon is fantastic;) and we could hit up that awesome park and brooke would be in heaven!


Done and done! You’ll have to make me that shake too when I am there:)


you got it:D


Today I ran my 4th half marathon but it was my first since 2008. I took a bubble bath, ate chipotle and had a Heath milk shake. Those fries look yummy!


Ahhhhh Adriana!!!! Congrats!!! That is so awesome! Those sound like the best post race activities ever!


What trail marathon would you recommend in your area? Preferably one with ocean scenery?


The only one I have done is the coyote hills 1/2 marathon and it was incredible!!!


Thank you Janae! I will look it up:)


Steel-cut oats and tiger prawns. NOT together!

4 things: had breakfast with my best friend, went to a farm market for my weekly fruit & veggie shop, walked to my neighbourhood grocery store for my other groceries, and had a delicious “Godzilla Roll” for lunch at a sushi restaurant I had never been to before.


Sounds like the perfect day and going out to breakfast is one of my favorite things ever!


PS I need details about this Godzilla Roll!


I live in Phoenix and am a member of the Phoenix Luna Chix triathlon team. We have a track workout we are putting on at 5:30 am on Tues if you want to join! You can do your own thing if you want. If you want more info or are looking for a running partner, shoot me an email!! :)


Ahhhhh that is so exciting!!!! I am flying on buddy passes so if I can get there on monday I will for sure come! Will you send me the address? This would be awesome! I also want to plan a meet-up (for froyo of course:)


Yay!! Can you see this link?
If you can see it, it should have all the information on it. It is all skills and abilities but we can cater it to what you need to do as well. I know the girls would be so excited if you could come! You’d get some free Luna bar swag stuff as well :) My email is [email protected] so feel free to contact to set something up. If you can’t make that I’d be happy to meet up another time for a run or fro-yo-that would be awesome!!


Awesome!!!! Thanks so much girl!


Love the way your workouts are formatted! Today I did wedding planning, ran, did a body weight workout and made some cookies! YUM! Those fries look AMAZING!!!


I need details about what kind of cookies you made! PS I LOVED your learning to be still post and pps wish we could go to spin classes together!


Food I’m obsessed with: GRAPES. I’ve done nothing but study and run a buddy run for GOTR this morning. Boo finals. I want to be you hanging out at home with my family!


I’m the same way with having things on the schedule. No shame in knowing what works to get you to do something! Especially if it was prescribed by someone else. I have been known to babysit on Saturday nights and tell parents I’m writing a paper while they are gone bc I KNOW they will ask me about it when they get back, so I’ll do it. Plus I like to think I’m getting paid to write a paper, so that’s cool.


I’m so boring and I eat the same foods daily. Yawn! Luckily, my husband completely understands and chooses to ignore my craziness! ;)


I’m really into the Chicago popcorn mix. (Cheese and caramel corn mix)


wow, those sweet potato fries do look unreal. i’m definitely cooking a sweet potato with my dinner tonight!

lately i have been obsessed with cottage cheese and eggs – not together, though! ;)


Hmmmm I actually think cc and scrambled eggs might be a good combo:)


hmm you could be onto something… that might actually be really yummy :)


Cottage cheese mixed into scrambled eggs is actually really good! I’ve mixed it in prior to cooking the eggs. The little curds of cheese get super soft and creamy!


Ew! I was like that w/Twilight! I liked the books when they first came out, but then when everyone went crazy for them, I kind of baeckd off, too! I’ve only seen the first two movies, and the second b/c a friend dragged me to it. :D It is totally unrealistic to feel that way, of course. <3


4 things I did today: Walked the dog and drank a LOT of coffee (it’s my addiction, don’t judge me, could be worse), led a tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio and then gave a walking tour of the FLW homes in the neighborhood after that, bought dog food, and am currently watching the harry potter marathon on abc. It’s Saturday and I’m allowed. :)

I have been obsessed with pistachio ice cream – YUM!!


Your running speed after injury is so impressive. I’m like 2 minutes behind you :(

Tell me 4 things that you have done today!!!
1. Ran 5 miles
2. Ran 3 miles
3. Cleaned the house
4. Made beef tacos
5. Hung violins on the wall of our living room

Is there a food that you have been obsessed with lately?
– Everyday I’m likely to have rice cakes with peanut butter, almonds and chocolate chips


I’m not sure I did four things today! Drive 200 miles. Ordered bridesmaid dresses. Ate a fab dinner. Nope – just 3!


Brush your teeth?:) hahaha


Lately I am loving eggs. Scrambled, fried, hard boiled. You name it!


Had an awesome 8 mile run down Suncrest today. Our last training run before Ogden. I’m so exctied and scared for my first half!


I am completely obsessed with salted peanuts in the shell


What a gorgeous family!
1-went to breakfast with my family. Then went to Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Sports Authority and the nursery for mothers day plants.
2-organized my receipts/cleaned out my pocketbook
3-washed my patio/flip flops/outside toys
4-did laundry

I am addicted to this meal and I wanted to share:
sautee cut up leeks and a couple of handfuls of baby spinach in olive oil. Move to the side of the pan and crack 2 eggs in the center cooking them sunny side up style. add some salt and pepper. It is sooo good. I have been eating this meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner


1. Slow 4 mile run in the hot hot humid morning at 6:30
2. Taught a program about sea turtles to a bunch of girl scouts
3. Went to the beach
4. Took a mean nap ;)

I am always obsessed with oatmeal and dark chocolate pomegranates. I’m also obsessed with spinach. They don’t sell a bag big enough to make my tummy happy, but Publix had them on sale 2 for $4 this week so now I’m slightly happier than I would have been before.


I love that picture of your nephew with all the fries-he favors you! And you’re right-you can never post without including a picture of Brooke-she’s the best.
I’ve been a lazy slug today. I had a long list of things to do, yet I stayed in my jammies and watched movies all day-sigh. Tomorrow I’m going kayaking and biking with friends then since it’s Mother’s Day and the last day of my sugar detox I’m treating myself to FROYO!!


Played in a slo-pitch tournament, ate pancakes, went to a BBQ and had a good chat with a friend :)


Those fries look incredible! Were they sweet potato fires or regular? They looked like sweet potato, but I need to know. haha.

The food I have been obsessed with lately is sushi, we just moved to Vancouver and the sushi here is so fresh and incredible. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner :)


They were sweet potato ones! The best!!! Now I need some sushi!


1) Went for a 2.75 mile run (short compared to a 10k, but good for me)
2) Worked on an American History Project for Women in the Civil War
3) Did my homework and practiced cello (on a Saturday!! Crazy, that’s a PR for me)
4) Started knitting a baby hat

I’ve been obsessed with Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt … it’s amazing. If you are ever in the Lancaster PA area shoot me an email and we can meet up if you want :)

Oh, and Brooke was so cute; I always tell my mom to look at Brooke and how cute she is :) She (and you!) make me smile no matter what kind of day I am having.

I just want to say that I read your blog all the time and that it is what makes me go out for a run on days that I don’t really feel like it. Thanks for being such an amazing role model :) I wish I could have had you as my health teacher.


Glad you had a great run as well as a yummy post run meal:) Poor Bill(y) missing out on all this fun and wonderful food. Today I ran 14k and now we’re off to my good friend’s wedding shower. I’m testing out a new recipe from Pinterest- angel food cake and strawberry kebabs drizzled with white and milk chocolate. Can’t wait to try them:)


Four things I did today… Worked this morning. Saw a roll-over wreck. Went shopping with my mom for things for my house. And this is the scary part… I let my 15 year old behind the wheel of a car for the first time ever!

The food I am obsessed with right now is veggie egg scrambles. So good!


1. Ran 4 miles
2. Went to Whole Foods
3. Caught up on Revenge and The Mindy Project
4. Did laundry

I’ve been obsessed with brussels sprouts lately. Boyfriend and I have been eating them for dinner at least 3 times a week these days!


1) Taught BodyPump
2) Met a girlfriend of mine for lunch and visited my Mom
3) Going to a Dodgers Game
4) Baked Lemon Blueberry Bread.


4 things I did today
♥Got up at 2:15 am to be ready in time to go pace a half marathon down Big Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake.
♥Ran a half marathon at 6:00 am
♥Ate plenty of treats after said half marathon
♥Took an hour and a half nap after said marathon


I could live on three foods, popcorn, pizza, and icecream. Right now Ciao Bella lime gellato sandwiches from Costco. OMG


1. Today, I woke up and did absolutely nothing and then took a 2.5 hour nap. But, then I went for a run…..half way in my IT band starting hurting. So, I walked the rest of the way. I’m having issues with my knees and IT band. Im terrible at remembering to stretch. So, I’m assuming that is the reason.
2. My sister lives in Provo. If only I were there right now…I would LOVE to meet you!!!!!! I would give you the biggest hug EVER!!!!! =)
3. I am really excited because I need to go grocery shopping. I LOVE grocery shopping. AND farmers markets!
4. I finished this semester with an A and a B!!!!!!! And will hopefully be starting nursing school this August but if not it will be next January!

I’ve really been craving chocolate milk lately. I bought a half gallon yesterday and its already gone.


1) Ran 8 miles
2) Started “Mile Markers”
3)Coffee date with my friend
4) Ate a ton of fudgscicles


today was amazing. first was a run (oddly tough considering how easy my pace was) followed by a yummy lunch at the mall, followed by looking at engagement rungs with my boyfriend (!!!!!) and then baking a cake for mothers day!! now its time for a BBQ at a friends! happy weekend!


My day was consumed by my 3 year old’s first dance recital. She was cool as a cucumber, while I was a basket case.

1) Prepped for and watched my daughter’s dance recital
2) Ice cream (it’s how we celebrate everything!)
3) Workout (no running today, but some fun Turbo Fire)
4) TV veg out tonight!


1) My 4 year old son insisted on getting a mo(faux)hawk today when we had his hair cut! 2) My 6 year old daughter informed us that haunted houses are “silly nonsense,” and 3) I planned on going for a run this morning but opted for extra sleep instead! 4) Happy early Mother’s Day to you!!! :)


I do that too – when I find a food I really like (especially if it’s from somewhere I’m visiting) I go there as much as humanly possible. I’m still on a chicken fried rice kick, but I’m a poor student so I’ve been skipping the chicken part of it.


Today I’ve: gotten up way too early for a Saturday
gone grocery shopping
got pitas for dinner
ate beef jerky.


I ran 15 miles today, I planned on 10 but I was feeling too good to stop!! I am hooked on Kraft’s Asian Style salad dressing. I have it daily!!! We celebrated Mothet’s Day early at Hackson’s, an awesome restaurant if you are ever in the DC area!


I’m so bummed you are coming to Phoenix just as it is starting to get really hot. You really need to go early in the AM, and even then it’s hot. This week has been nice but next week will be pretty bad. :( I’m so excited to see you though!


How long are you in Utah? I’m going to Santa Clara for work on Memorial Day and I want frozen yogurt!!


1. went to the 5k that I organized to raise money for Boston!
2. ran 4 miles
3. went mothers day shopping
4. watched the Tigers
5. went out for brunch and had delicious french toast
I said five because that’s all I did today :)


Pretty low key day for us:

1. Park in the morning for balance bike riding & swinging from monkey bars
2. First Scott’s Strawberries of the season – so good! They pick them every morning and sell them from roadside stands.
3. Dinner out with friends. Our youngest was absolutely NUTS the entire meal. Did not want to stay in her high chair.
4. Bath & story time for girls, followed by ice cream for us!

I’m lovin’ this easy Pad Thai recipe & have been making it every week. Girls love it too!


I think everything I eat nowadays I get obsessed with. For instance, I have eaten 3 coconut fruit bars today.


1. Walk 4.5 miles
2. Do a barre workout via youtube
3.Do 8 minute abs video!
4. Get sunburned while out for coffee with my best friend :)

was a great day!


Today I:
– Made rye bread
– Went on a paddleboat cruise on the Mississippi
– Explored the Chalmette battlefield
– Met my sister in law for 75-cent BBQ slider happy hour

I like to pack the weekends full!


Brooke is just the cutest thing!!!

1. 3.5 mile run (recovering from an injury)
2. Lunch with a friend
3. Went shopping
4. Had pizza tonight with the hubs!


um, those fries look amazing!

i ran 6 miles this morning, took a nap, baked chocolate chip cookies (amazing recipe from sally’s baking addiction) and just saw iron man 3!

now off to eat a spaghetti dinner:) and maybe some more cookies???!!!


No judgement here. When we were in Provo I could easily eat an entire plate of gurus sweet potato fries by myself! Love them!

I normally love hummus but I have been more obsessed than usual with it lately.


My parents came to visit our new house and helped do a lot of things: We 1.) fixed the broken shower 2.) hung up a bunch of pictures/art 3.) re-wired the bathroom light/ fan and 4.) planted some plants that I hope I won’t kill.

Very productive but man am I pooped. Hope you have a good rest of your weekend!


I wouldn’t judge you even if there were less than 9 of you at the table – those fries look amaaaaaazing. One thing I’ve been obsessed with lately is the honey and almond butter combo. Omigosh. In oatmeal, on toast, on a spoon… I just can’t get enough of it!

Today I: went for an early morning walk outside, took a nap, had a coffee date with a friend, and now I’m chilling at my parents’ and half paying attention to the TV.


1. Crazy awesome Spin class
2. Made crazy awesome zucchini bacon pancakes
3. watched hours of The Client List (catching up on Season 2)
4. colored my hurr!


Zucchini bacon pancakes?!?!? Tell me more!


Today I:
1. Ran in the TKO Melanoma 5K
2. Wrote my post recap of the race
3. Trained a client
4. Made the best salmon, asparagus, and salad dinner

I am obsessed with avocados!


The next time you have salmon, asparagus and salad I want to be invited ;)


I ran my first trail race today. It was crazy hot and hilly but fun! I’m have a protein shake every single day. Love them!


There is nothing sweeter than a little baby’s toothless grin!


I ran
I took a Mother’s Day pic of my kiddies
I made a spaghetti bake for some newly weds (a week yesterday!)
Went to ikea!

I’m obsessed with hmmmm… I can’t narrow it down… Dr pepper & gold fish, snack mix, oh… Ice cream!


So jealous of your Ikea trip!


Such a cute baby! And her hair amazes me. My 7mo old has about an inch of baby fuzz hair. I can’t even do pigtails yet!!
1. First time in over a year I had a Starbucks frapp and it gave me the worst stomach ache ever.
2. Picked out all my flowers for my planters at the garden center today. Time to get planting!
3. My ITband hurts and so I’ve been foam rolling it in hopes it will hold up for my 20k tomorrow.
4. Wrapped my moms Mother’s Day gift


Brooke brightens my day! Whenever my son is with me and I read your blog she brightens his day, too!
Those fries look AMAZING.
Lately I have been loving grilled sandwiches of every kind – lunch meat, tuna, cheese, PB&J, my husband had a PB&banana. Every sandwich is just that much better when it is buttered and grilled!


1. I ran my first half marathon!
2. I crossed the finish line with my 3-year-old!
3. I saw The Great Gatsby!
4. I ate the most delicious omelette and French toast!


sweet potato fries are definitely a weakness for me right now. they are just SO stinkin’ delicious!


You should try the sweet potatoes fries dipped in ranch dressing! Delicious!


That looks like the peerfect workout, I may steal. Now that half-ironman training is over, I need something new. Some fun run specific training is just what I need mixed in with my lotoja training. Hopefully I can focus in both lotoja and a pr marathon this fall.


Sweet potato fries are my biggest weakness!!! I’m drooling over your lunch pics!


Such a cute picture of Brooke! Those fries look amazing!!!
1. Had an awesome tempo run!
2. Ate at the Cheesecake Factory
3. Cleaned the apt!
4. Went shopping for my mom :)
I am totally loving sweet potato fries right now, and a must is sea salt and ketchup!


Can you believe that I’ve given up fries?? It’s been a few years now, mainly because I used to eat them every chance I could get, haha. Those look delicious!

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