Running homework and fruit covered in sugar.

I really like fruit.  

I really really like fruit when it is covered in sugar. 

Yesterday when we met up with my sis-in-law and her new little baby my mom, sister and niece came with us too.  We went to the outlet mall and we bought two things…. food (of course) and baby clothes (of course).   There was even a J Crew outlet there and yet I still chose the apple and pink outfits instead. 

My mom got us a butterfingers one. 

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and a rocky road one.  I had low expectations for the rocky road one but I was proven wrong.  It is the best.  

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We picked up the other kiddos at school and then spent the rest of the night at my sister’s house.  Just the way I like it. 

My older niece is becoming quite the photographer and carries my camera around and snaps pics.  The chin.

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We had leftovers for dinner last night.  The kiddos had corn dogs and Brooke had that piece of bread, avocado and some of my veggie quinoa mix.  PS a few of you asked how my sister’s husband liked the super healthy quinoa/veggie dinner and he actually loved it.  He loves eating super healthy foods. 

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We spent a lot of time doing riddles.  My favorite one of the night was ‘would you rather have a million dollars of a penny doubled every day for thirty days?’

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Once the kids were all in bed we watched Taken 2 while eating popsicles and kettle corn.  PS if you are wanting to have scary dreams and be afraid of the dark then you should watch this movie.

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My running coach sends me useful articles throughout the week for me to read for my homework.  I feel like I can totally relate with Billy now that I have homework except mine is probably way more difficult than his.  

I wanted to share the latest round of articles he had me read with you because I think we all kind of need them!

How to Find Your Weaknesses as a Runner and Avoid Injury.  ‘A runner’s imbalances are the slumbering volcanoes for injuries.  Interestingly, injuries can manifest in some ways that are tricky to diagnose.  You may be having problems in your feet, but the culprit is weakness in your glutes.

Post Run Stretches Every Runner Should Do.

A Stretching Routine to Prevent Injuries.  


Does your significant other enjoy eating healthy meals/foods?  Your family?

What is your answer to our riddle (no googling the answer)?

Best caramel apple toppings in your opinion?

-Snickers is my all time favorite.

Do you like scary movies?  What was the last movie you saw?  What did you think of Taken 2?

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Those apples look AMAZING! Luckily my husband enjoys eating healthy- a little TOO healthy sometimes!


First of all caramel apples are the greatest thing on earth, especially the M&M covered ones. It was literally the first thing I ate when I got my braces off!

Second of all, I love that your running coach send you awesome homework too, thanks for passing it along :)


Perfect timing to link to those running articles! I’ve been having IT band issues creep up again just this past week (when I’d been doing well for awhile). It’s always a mystery why it happens, hopefully I’ll get some insight!


Eck – I just got over ITBS (still am in fact). I should went to a PT and she gave me 45 minutes of strength/flexibility exercises to do twice a day. It’s pretty intense but it works like a charm.


I love eating healthy 6 out of 7 days a week, I’ve decided that I can have one off day when I do my especially hard workouts….although yesterday, was almost deplorable….almost ;)

Do you like scary movies? I absolutely CAN NOT watch scary movies, the last one I saw was 6 years ago with my best friend – we both literally were covering our eyes the entire time.


The penny per day doubled for 30 days is where the money’s at ;) Yesterday looks like a seriously ideal day and now you have me craving a candy apple! Yes, snickers is always the best flavour :)


Yes he enjoys eating healthy, but loves his ice cream too! I’ll take the million dollars please! I’ve never had one of those fancy carmel apples-I’m sure I’m missing out on something amazing!! I don’t like horror movies, but I like suspenseful ones like Taken-I haven’t seen #2 yet-was it worth the watch? Could Curly be more beautiful? I can’t believe Brooke is eating such big girl food!


Yes we do enjoy eating healthy! For the most part! Favorite caramel apple topping would be Heath! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!!!


My husband likes healthy food but he always wants the bad stuff and it makes it hard for me. Those apples look yummy! I’m meeting my coach for the first time today,
I’m so excited!


My husband and I do a pretty decent job of balancing healthy food with sweets & treats in moderation. We want our girls to understand the importance of balanced, healthy eating, so we have to lead by example. It makes me so proud when my three-year-old requests cous cous (she loves the giant pearl kind!) and broccoli for dinner. Of course, she always wants something special after dinner. That’s my girl!


I like scary movies, but only if they’re suspenseful-scary, not horror-scary. I can’t handle blood, gore or torture…yuck!


I can NOT do scary movies. Like even seeing the previews for scary movies can give me nightmares for a little while. I’m just a big wimp. The last scary movie I saw was The Ring waaaaay back in 2002, and after not being able to sleep normally for like a few weeks, I swore off scary movies and haven’y really seen one since. Sleep has been much improved :)


My husband is a health nut- he recently lost 50 pounds! I can’t watch scary movies- I get way too paranoid!


Your caramel apples look SO good. I’ve never actually had a caramel apple before. Back in middle school, we would always have them around Halloween time but I had braces then so I never was able to eat them. :(

I eat healthy most of the time (everything in moderation, right? :D). I try to convince my parents to eat slightly healthier–whole wheat bread + pasta, less super-processed meat, etc. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. :)


We tend to be healthier eaters… we just feel better when we do. Plus we fully believe that froyo is considered healthy so we’re all set.
Definitely penny over 30 days. It’s WAY over a million dollars so you’d be silly not to. (I do riddles like this with my students all the time).


My boyfriend is a little obsessive about healthy eating. Also, he has NO sweet tooth! How we ended up together amazes me sometimes! It’s okay though, more ice cream for me!


My nutritionist sends me articles like your running coach sends you articles. I actually really enjoy reading them though so I look at it as fun homework. I’ve never had a cool caramel apple flavor but you’ve just convinced me to go looking for one. I would have faith in the rocky road, I think.


My husband loves good foods but prefers bad. Lol. My step son will eat really healthy too, but my son is so bad. He will eat pizza, mac n cheese, pb&j, chicken nuggets, or hot dogs for dinner. It is crazy. Good thing he is so active! I thought Taken 2 was really good!


I’ve heard that riddle before and I’m pretty sure the penny one wins big time. So the penny :)
I’m not a huge scary movie fan but I did enjoy the first Taken. I have friends that are trying to get me to start watching “The Following”. Don’t know if I can do it.


My absolute favorite is a giant chocolate covered caramel apple- best one I ever had was in Disney World – can’t wait to go back and have another one! I had a simply chocolate covered apple in Disney as well as Reeses Pieces covered – yum! I make my own as well which are absolutely delicious. Nothing quite like chocolate dipped fruit – with peanut butter too- total perfection.


My boyfriend eats pretty healthy, it is more a lazy thing than anything. He can subsist off of frozen broccoli, fresh asparagus, baked meat, and Greek seasoning. It is bizarre.


We eat fairly healthy in our house and Mike doesn’t mind at all. He even adapted to eating mostly vegetarian meals (since I don’t eat or cook meat).

I’m not a fan of scary movies because I’m easily terrified and the scariness sticks with me for days!


I just recently found your blog and now I’ve been reading it everyday! I love it! Thanks so much for posting the articles. I was just thinking after my run this morning that I need to figure out a good stretching routine!


Hey!!!! Thank you so much!!!!


I’d prefer to eat healthy, but my good man doesn’t pay as much attention to food at times. He knows all he has to do is hit a good training session and boom!

Bit by bit in our wonderful marriage, he’s come around to eating healthier.


Those apples look awesome!
My hubby has recently started liking healthy food more. He has lost about 25 pounds since the beginning of the year!
I don’t like scary movies…they give me nightmares.


Your homework is definitely harder, you should call him right before his Civ Pro final and tell him that :)


Dear Gricebubbles, you seem to have missed the point here. This is a reeivw of a documentary that is covering the greatest issue of our lifetime. Not a bond movie!Please stop sniffing glue it isn’t good for you.


Oh YUM those apples look good! My boyfriend eats semi healthy. When we’re together we sorta meet in the middle, my eating habits become a liiittle less healthy and his get healthier, but everyone’s happy. does that make sense?


Im curious! as a faithful follower of your blog. how many siblings do you have? Is Christine the sister who is mom to curly? the one you run with?


Hey!!!! I have three brothers and one sister! My sister is curly’s mom… The one I am with all day here in utah:)


I try really hard to get my hubs to eat more greens!!! Candied apples I can’t seem to eat them, they seem so hard to bite :)


I am learning more and more how important stretching is to prevent injuries AND get stronger! I realize that my muscles need to be stretched and pulled in order to repair! Great articles :)

Best caramel apple topping? Hands down Peanut-butter. with some cookie dough bites stuck on there. Is that even possible???


My fiance likes healthy meals sometimes…but there needs to be meat or he feels cheated. I am a huge scaredy cat so I avoid scary movies completely but I do watch the Following and it terrifies me every week. My guess is the penny would end up being more money?


My girls and I eat very healthy. It’s normal for them. We always have fresh fruit & veggies in the house. No less than four of each. I think right now we have six different types of fresh fruits. We like variety. And we read labels on everything.

Best caramel apple toppings in your opinion? Caramel, chocolate and pecans!

I like scary movies if I can watch them with someone else. Cannot do it alone. And it usually involves me covering my eyes for a lot of it.


I haven’t had any of those fancy apples with all that yummy looking stuff on them that you showed, but now I am going to try to find a place to get one around here. What I DO love LOVE that you spoke of though, is kettle corn! Isn’t that just the best popcorn!


My grandmother was a clean eater before the concept was cool, my mom followed suit from being raised that way, and then so did I. Chris loves all my healthy food stuff, but isn’t quite so much about the lunch salads. He needs to pop in a frozen pizza or something to round out that meal.


My husband will eat almost anything I make, so he will eat the healthy foods I make. However, if he is in charge of feeding himself he usually chooses pizza!

I know this is shocking, but I’ve never had a caramel apple before. I’ve always thought I couldn’t eat one because I can’t bit into apples…but your are cut! That’s amazing.

I liked Taken 2 but I though the first one was better :).


penny doubled every day!

I like Taken 2 but as a general rule I don’t like scary movies! That was more of a suspense one for me but it did keep me on the edge of my seat.

I absolutely love Brooke’s chins – so cute!!


You always have the best goodies!!! Those apples look yummy!


I am so thankful that my fiance enjoys eating healthy! It makes things easier!


Mmm. Caramel apples. I made my own last year and ate way too many! It’s fun doing different toppings. I really like chopped up peanuts on mine.

I try to eat healthy most of the time. I find summer to be the easiest season to eat healthy bc it’s so hot out. I eat fruit and salad all day long :)


Those apples looks so yummy! My husband is a health freak as well! It is great to have someone share my passion of salads! :) I love apples. I love them plain but I would never say no to a carmel or chocolate apple! I really can’t watch scary movies, too many bad thoughts go through my mind!


My husband enjoys eating healthy food! He has a serious chocolate tooth though.

I’ll take the penny doubled every day for 30 days please!


ty eats JUNK food all the time-it’s real frustrating. especially cause he still is all muscles and 6 pack. blahh. but i’m slowly trying to get him to eat some healthier foods :]

i just bought new running shoes after my last half marathon and i can’t wait to wear them!


Found your blog about a week ago and I love it! Thanks for those links, I’m always wondering if I’m stretching everything I need to.


Hey Janelle! You are welcome!


The caramel apple looks amazing! Not sure I’ve ever had a really good caramel apple topping, but I feel like sprinkles and chocolate sauce with whipped cream could be good. A little caramel apple sundae perhaps?

My significant other dislikes my healthy meals, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop makin’ em. We have a compromise: he eats my healthy vegified meals once in a while, and I eat his meaty dishes too. I did get him to hop on the quinoa train though ;-)


My boyfriend and I are the “weird ones” in both our families, we love eating healthy, both our immeidate families (mom, dad, brother, sister) are okay with it, but outside of that (aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas) they don’t like it lol. I have no idea what the answer could be, not even going to attempt to figure it out, too early to blow up my mind. Hmmmm I’d have to say sprinkles, I mean, I am a sprinkles fanatic and would love an apple covered in them!


I can’t get over how much Brooke looks like Curly, they could seriously be sisters.

My husband likes eating healthy just like I do so it make meals much easier. Thanks for sharing those articles, super helpful


I think that my family does pretty ok when we fix healthy foods. But there always has to be some kind of meat involved. :) I like scary movies but it depends on what it is. The last movie I saw was Ironman 3 and it was so incredibly awesome! I didn’t like Taken 2. It was too creepy and violent and I’m not a big fan of Liam Neeson. Plus the ending seemed very quick. Those apples looks so good! Aw, Brooke’s dimples and chin made me smile!


Best apple from RMCF HANDS DOWN in the caramel, white chocolate, cinnamon and sugar. Any time I try a different one I end up regretting it.

I cook 90% of the time and I am going to cook the foods that I like and foods that are healthy…as a result my kids eat fruits and veggies very well. Of course they still struggle with quinoa and stuff like that sometimes (I think mostly just because of the appearance) but if I always expect them to eat what we are having and I don’t give them ‘kid food’ while I eat ‘my food’ then they learn to love it. At least that is what I am telling myself ;)

I like suspenseful movies. Scary, not much. I used to love scary movies back in jr high and high school. Now they just give me bad feelings when I watch them. I haven’t seen taken 2, but I liked the first one. I think the last movie I saw was The Croods. My sisters and I took the kids to it and they liked it a lot.

See ya soon!! YAY!


My boyfriend likes healthy food but pretty much draws the line when it’s something he’s never heard of before, such as quinoa or even replacing cheese with cashew nut.


My hubby would almost always prefer something greasy & cheesy but he also will eat anything healthy that I give him. He’s a sport I guess ;-)


I love their oreos and butterfinger caramel apples so good, and thanks a lot now I want one and can’t have one:( Please tell me that was at the new Lehi outlet mall!?


Your daughter is seriously the cutest thing ever. I love fruit as well. Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family.


my boyfriend LOVES healthy foods. He comes from a family of personal trainers, physical therapist and nutritionists, so it’s like in his blood. He cringes when I want junk food. His one weakness – cereal.

I simply cannot handle scary movies. I used to LOVE them, but apparently I’ve turned into a weenie.


Have you tried the apple pie flavored caramel apple from Rocky Mountain? It’s soooo good! My husband can handle some heatlhy food, but not super healthy. He always gave Eberhard a hard time for eating crazy healthy, and I always stole his healthy food from his drawer in his office lol


Good reads, thank you!


I’ve never had a caramel apple! I love the sound of that rocky road one though, rocky road is amazing.

I loveeeee scary movies!! But they have to be done properly, with lots of snacks and girlfriends in the dark! I haven’t seen Taken 2 yet but it’s on my list.


I’m not a huge scary movie fan but I did go and see Cabin in The Woods in theaters, because I’m a huge fan of the writer/director. About two minutes into previews I knew that was a bad idea. The movie actually ended up being not that scary (and really good!) but for the few classic horror movie scenes, I was REALLY wishing it wasn’t all on a ginormous screen in the dark.


Have you ever tried sliced apples dipped in pancake batter, and then fried (on the stove top)? I haven’t, but it sounds really good!


MMmm caramel apples. YUMMY!

I thought Taken was a pretty good movie–and it def opened my eyes to some sad things & made me a bit more careful. I think I do want to see T 2? But I don’t love super scary/gory movies. ugh.

OUTLETS!!!! yesssss


Thanks for posting the links to those articles! Your coach sounds really helpful. It’s so neat that you’re able to inspire your niece to be interested in photography. My dad taught me how to use a (film) SLR when I was a kid and I loved taking photos with that camera. My answer to the riddle would be to double the amount every day, but I kinda cheated and plugged it into a calculator (exponents FTW!). It’s great that your family finds fun ways to teach math concepts to the kids.


Luckily my significant other does enjoy eating healthy. I’m a vegetarian (he is not) and he is more than willing to eat meatless meals at home. It works out quite well.

I don’t know what my favorite candy covered apple is but I do know I want one NOW.


Thank you for sharing the articles! I’ve been having issues with my left hip area. Reading through the first article was really helpful! : )


My boyfriend doesn’t care what he’s eating as long as it tastes good! I’ve never had an apple with anything but caramel on it, but it seems like I’m missing out! I sometimes like scarey movies, other times not so much. My parents made me watch Taken when I returned home from a vacation to the middle east. Safe to say I haven’t really been out of the country since… mission accomplished, mom and dad.


I’m a purist-if I’m going to have anything but plain caramel then it has to be nuts! I thought Taken 2 was alright. It was pretty much the same as the first one!


I still need to see Taken 1!
The hubs and I started watching it and then we had to turn it off because company came over but I was really intrigued by it!


I never knew caramel apples came with extra toppings!! What have I been missing out on all this time?!?!

We are a pretty healthy family, but we indulge sometimes too. Generally speaking, my husband prefers to eat healthy and my stepson is actually the best at eating whatever I put in front of him!

Loved Taken 2, but would not consider it a “scary” movie… more like action/suspense!


Yes (maybe even more so than me :) )
Penny every day doubled
Sadly…I have never had a caramel apple
Yes…but I can’t even remember the last movie I watched period?!?


Growing up I had a book called “Rainy Days and Saturdays.” It was filled with activities to do when you got bored. One of them was how to become a millionaire and the answer was to get your parents to agree do give you a penny and double it every day for a month! I need to search for a copy of that book for my kids.
Favorite apple topping… Sadly the only kind I’ve tried is Carmel with nuts. I need to explore my apples!


Mmm those apples look delicious!


I just watched Taken 2 this past weekend! Definitely scared me! I think those “real” movies are way more scary than any fake horror flick.

My BF is pretty good about eating healthy foods, as long as someone else prepared it for him! But we both have massive sweet teeth that get us into trouble. Oh well.


I/my husband should eat way healthier than I do. Problem is that I just don’t like many fruits and vegetables.
Best caramel apple topping….butterfingers!!!


Curly resembles you a lot (I’m guessing because she’s your sister’s daughter) in that first picture! Too cute! The caramel apples at Disney World are insane and I’m always temped to buy one..but I don’t because I know it’ll take me at least 4 sittings to get through one and I don’t want it to go bad. Oh, and it’s also $10. I like plain peanuts on my caramel apple..I’m boring.

It takes a lot to get me scared…but I like the original when a strange calls..from like the 70s. My mom watched Taken after I had gotten back from Costa Rica and a week before my sister was going and she didn’t want us to ever leave the country again.


My husband loves my healthy food meals!! I am so proud of him because he truly embraced my healthy food movement!

I have a feeling the answer to the riddle is the penny doubled every day for a month :) I think I’ve heard that one before!

I love candy/carmel apples but I don’t think I’ve had any other kind than caramel …apparently I’m missing out!!


you always pick the pennies


good old fashioned peanuts on the caramel apple.
my husband and i just had a conversation about eating healthy and clean. he is all for it!!!


Caramel apples are healthy since they have the word apple right?;) I’ll definitely check out those articles. Also the penny is better.. Seen that before;)


I don’t think I’ve ever had toppings with my caramel apple! But I’d either have to agree with you and say Snickers or maybe sprinkles because I love sprinkles.

Also, those are great articles, thanks! I’ve been having a weird pain in my foot that I’m really nervous is a stress fracture, so I’m taking it easy for the next few days and not running.


How much is a penny doubled every day? It must be a lot of moolah!! I’ve never had a caramel apple… is that weird?


We enjoy eating healthy, but we also enjoy our sweets sometimes, too! I’m a chicken and I don’t like scary movies!


Yay thanks for linking to the stretching articles! I’ve been trying to figure out what stretches are best, but haven’t had time to look anything up! Perfect Timing :)

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