If I am in a grumpy mood you will know why…

Today was a rest day from running but I did spend 30 minutes doing strength training.  I really don’t even know how I have been sticking to this core work and lifting weights thing for so many consecutive weeks in a row now.   It is getting a little strange.

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It always help to have the Price is Right on in the background as you are doing your planks to fight boredom.  

Good thing that today was a rest day from running because I had to do roughly 50 errands and important things like going to the Post Office.  I took this picture to prove to Billy that Brooke always picks up pens with her left hand… I think she is going to be a lefty just like me.

Photo 1

Second important errand was to get Brooke a baby lap top because she feels so left out because both Billy and I have one and she doesn’t.  

Photo 3

Brooke’s preferred shopping cart riding method.  She even had the seatbelt on and somehow managed to turn around and stand up in the cart.  

Photo 2

Another reason for the Target trip was to get this cup to help motivate me to drink water.  For some reason I have lost my old ability to remember to drink water throughout the day.

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Now this is where the grumpy part comes in.  I have worn Victoria Secrets lip gloss for the last ten years.  That isn’t even an exaggeration.  I buy them in bulk and when I only have one tube left I rush to the mall to replenish my supply because what would I do if I ran completely out? 

I went today and they changed them.  How dare they.  I am just warning you now if I seem grumpy over the next few days (weeks or months) it is because I don’t like the new versions of their lip gloss.  This stuff is very important to me.

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Subway gift card + being within walking distance of a Subway = a date with Brooke for a sandwich.  I think she was a little skeptical about it.

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Off to Brooke’s 9 month doctor appointment!! Cross your fingers that no shots are involved.


Favorite brand of chapstick/lip gloss/lipstick?  

Are you good at drinking enough water each day?  Any tips or tricks for me?

What was your lunch today?

Rest day, run day or cross training day for you?

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Loving Brooke’s bow in her hair!
Just gorgeous!!


Today was an errand running day before the folks come in from Virginia. I successfully made it through Joann’s and the grocery store with a happy then sleeping baby and only what I needed! Plus I surprised the hub with a little something for dinner with which he was thrilled!

I keep my bottle of water with me at all times, and another in the door of the fridge. Whenever I’m in the kitchen, I open the fridge and drink. I always keep the bottle full, too. For some reason, a partially full water bottle in the fridge saddens me.


Water bottle in the fridge to always grab when in the kitchen… good idea!


It helps me to have an insulated water bottle because I’m way more likely to drink cold water! Today was a swim day for me :)


I was in VS the other day and noticed the change.
I use to love their old ones but stopped using them for some reason or another!
I would have been highly upset as well.
Right now I love my EOS lip balms
& for lip glosses I can’t decide though lately I’ve been in a lipstick mode.
I use to be so good at remembering my water intake but lately I’ve suck which caused me to download a handy dandy app that reminds me to guzzle up!
Rest day for me & I had a turkey wrap!


Oh my goodness! Brooke’s little hair do is amazing! And I LOVE Bath & Body Works lip gloss.


I have to have the water SUPER cold!
I get the yummy crunchy ice from Sonic (they will sell it to you in a bag for $2). I make a big cup of ice with water and have it waiting in the frig. Then when I wander into the kitchen and open the refrigerator door – there is my water, hinting at me to drink it!!
I used to have a ice shaver (like for making snow cones, a cheapo one from Target for $15) and I would put the larger cubes of ice through it and put that in my water.

My favorite brand of lip gloss is by Revlon. I HATE it when make up brands change or discontinue something!


Love that Brooke is grabbing the lap top in the picture. Well, let’s face it…I love just about everything about that girl. I can’t believe she is at her 9 mo apt!! I swear you just had her!

I am leaving in a couple of hours to go on a ‘foodcation’ with some friends. Yummy food and good friends for 24 hrs. It shall be awesome. Since I will be with them on Saturday I decided to do my ‘long’ run this morning. I did 11 miles this morning and my hamstring isn’t too happy about it. But uh, that half is 2 wks away and I should probably run more than 6 miles before then. Ha! I might just be spending A LOT of time with my foam roller.

My lunch was left over Thai chicken quinoa and I drink a gallon of water a day. I hope you have a great weekend and a fabulous run tomorrow!!


Whaaat?! I only use VS lip gloss too and I am currently on my last tube. I’m not sure how I feel about this change. We will have to see once I make it to the mall to pick up some more!

I probably drink about a gallon of water a day. Sometimes I make it fun (wait, is drinking water fun?) by bring cut up lemons/limes and adding them to my water bottle. Also, I add chia seeds too. Some people don’t like the texture, but I’m a fan!


I add chia seeds sometimes as well! Weird texture but I don’t mind!


I had a salt beef melt bagel for lunch and did dynamic hatha yoga this evening. Love the first picture of Brooke!


Ali, my 10 month old, does the same thing in shopping carts! The other day at Targetmsome ladies were laughing at her and saying, “she’s even strapped in.”

I’m in the same boat, I never drink enough water.

Have an amazing long weekend Jenae!


Oh no! I hate when companies change things like that. I’m a cherry Chapstick girl all the way!


I’m with you on the Victoria’s Secret lip gloss. I gave the new stuff a chance and hate it!!!!! I may or may not have thrown a fit hahah :)




I must have been one of the few who was prepared for this crisis! When they went on sale, I stocked up on a dozen! Now I am rationing them one tube at a time! Hahah!!


The Price is Right is one of my all-time favorite shows. I remember always watching it when I was home sick from school. Good times :D Well, not being sick, obviously, but being able to watch my shows. I miss Bob, though…

I’m a Lushie when it comes to chapstick. I love Lush’s Honey Trap, but if I’m trying to be more fancy and add some color, then I’ll usually go with MAC lipsticks.


today was a wonderful 16 miles. i tried the powerbar gel for the first time and besides having the texture of babyfood, it was actually pretty good (good energy and didnt destroy my stomach!)

my favorite chapstick is one that we keep at my hospital. the kids can use it after surgery because it doesnt have petroleum so its safe with oxygen, but it is so soft and silky that i always have some for myself!

have a great memorial day weekend!!


I don’t wear lip gloss but when anything changes that I’ve been using for a long time I get really angry about it. I drink a ton of water and the only thing I do is carry around my water bottle with me everywhere. I end up drinking it out of sheer boredom half the time!


Say what??? I am so sending you some lip glosses! I will convert you Sarah!


I am with Adriana!


Love Brooke’s bow- such a darling she is. Hope the doc appt goes smoothly!

I did elliptical cross training- looking forward to an outdoor run tomorrow.

I’m pretty good at drinking water I think- especially in the summer.. I use those same cups ( I drink so much more if I have a straw)

I had a grilled cheese sandwich with avocado, swiss, turkey and spinach.


Yay for another lefty!
My favourite lip balm is Lucas Pawpaw ointment. I think it’s an Australian thing though because I’ve never seen anyone with it here. If you meet an Australian, I 100% guarantee they will have a little red tube in their purse.

I use a cute cup (polka dots) and straw to motivate me to drink more water. Also making up a pitcher and putting in some tasty things like lemon slices and fresh mint and leaving it in the fridge make it taste that much better!

Strength day today. You are being so good with your strength training! I’m thinking of ordering the runner’s core DVD’s.


My favorite lip glosses are from Le Metier De Beaute, they aren’t tacky or sticky and I love the colors. My favorite one is Summerland.

I have to turn in the amount of water to my running coach everyday. She also happens to be my sports dietician and I force myself to drink it because she returns my food journals with notes and I don’t like bad notes! Cross training day for me, I did the elliptical followed by the rowing machine and then did abs and killer legs on my lolo app.


Noah stands up in the cart too when the seatbelt is on! Idk how they maneuver that! Run day for me! Hoping to cross train tomorrow :-) Have a fun weekend!!!


I think the more active your kids become, the harder it is to drink water. My sister-in-law and I had a conversation not long ago about how after the kids go to bed we both are so thirsty that we end up drinking about 90 ounces of water right before bed…not the best way to go about staying hydrated. I have the following problems:

1. Whenever I pour myself a glass or water bottle full of water, one of the kids immediately wants it. If it’s one of my older two, they drink the whole thing and I don’t get any. If it’s the youngest, she either spills is everywhere or else backwashes so much in it that it’s gross and undrinkable. And who has time to pour more water?

2. Drinking water means having to pee later….always with an audience, of course. The littlest spends the whole time trying to somehow get into the toilet water. Or if we’re going to be out and about, being in a public restroom with three young kids is no fun. I try to get them to finish up as fast as possible so we can get out of there…if I have to go too, then it only slows down the process and results in all kinds of chaos and confusion.

I did finally get kids Camelbacks for all three so that now all of us have the same water bottle and this has helped. I run in the evenings, and especially now that it’s warmer out it was clear that my (de)hydration habits were not going to cut it.

Good luck staying hydrated :)


Hey Janae, let me know your address, I have a lip gloss I can send you (the old VS kind, brand new!!) :)


You can still get the old VS lip gloss online at amazon.


You just saved me.


embrace the change lol


I would suggest looking on Ebay as well. Discontinued items usually are sold on there for a while after they disappear from the stores, often at a discount!


Lefties are going to rule the world! :D I went to a work lunch the other day and 4/6 of us were lefties!

I had a salad for lunch and it was delicious. I don’t know why fresh veggies are so addictingly delicious?!

I’ve been using the Express lip gloss for a few years and am still loving it. I have a few VS ones and I can’t believe they changed it!


I work part time at VS and we changed the lip glosses out AGES ago. Fear not dear Janae, semi annual sale is June 11th and the stores should have BUCKETS of the old lip glosses on sale :)


Please remind me when the sale is happening so I can go stock up! Thank you!!!!!


Hurraw! is the only lip balm for me – excellent flavors like Earl Grey Tea and Cardamom Lemongrass. Not a big gloss fan because I don’t think it’s age appropriate for me, haha! I’m a lipstick or lipstain kind of woman: YSL or Chanel.

I was on Medifast for six months last year so I’m still good at drinking 40 oz of water a day. It helps me to drink at least 8 in the morning before breakfast.

Tapering this week for my half on Sunday, so today was a short 25 minutes. Brook looks adorable, as always :-)


Heaven help me, I meant Brooke with an e


Ahhh I’m a lefty too! :D love the baby laptop. I kind of want one. It’s so colorful!

My favorite brand of chapstick is Burt’s Bees by far. It feels SO GOOD on my lips.


My best tip with remembering to drink water is to ALWAYS have a bottle of water with you!!! I know, it’s pretty obvious sounding, but really. That helps me. If I don’t have it with me, I will not drink it, period. Love the cup you got- that should definitely help! :)



Bath & body works has the best lip gloss!!


Love love Bath and Body Works lip glosses. I think you need to convert Janae:)


I had grilled cheese and strawberries for lunch, supper was homemade turkey noodle soup with homemade cheesy biscuits


I love Aquafina lip balm w/jojoba oil, almond oil, and vitamin e. It is awesome and has this great, sweet minty taste.

I’m horrible at drinking anything. I drink at dinner or after a run and that is just about it! One thing I am doing now is drinking tea: I love it and it is one way to get fluids into me

A salad and some almonds

It was supposed to be a rest day, but I went for a 1.36 mile run and I am debating about doing some core work.


At Target, find the cosmetics section/brand named ELF–Eyes, Lips, and Face… all the goods are $1, 2, 3–at most $6 dollars. The lip gloss is probably $1, and it beats Clinque. I have dumped all of my Clinique products for the amazing Target ELF products. When you need to treat yourself, load up on ELF. AMAZING.


You sold me!!


Agree! Elf is awesome!


When I’m out and about I’m great for drinking water because I bring my water bottle everywhere. When I’m at home, though, I’d much rather drink tea so I drink hardly any water. Still, though – nothing wrong with copious amounts of tea!


Teahead here. Nothing is wrong at all! I mean it’s kind of water, no?


Oh my goodness, you need to go to Ebay immediately! It’s great for discontinued products. My all-time favorite Bath and Body Works lotion was discontinued years ago yet I can still stock up by buying it through Ebay. I’m sure you can find your lip gloss on there as well. Good luck!!


I am terrible for drinking water…..often go a day without drinking a drop. I’m not proud,trust me it’s embarrassing!
Ran an easy 7 today.


LOVE your nail polish!!!
ahhhh- sorry about the lip gloss- I always think of you when I go to pay at VS because they have the lip gloss right by the register :)


Favorite brand of chapstick/lip gloss/lipstick? I am all about the Aquafina lip balm for the last year or so. They are smooth, make my lips soft, are not sticky and stay on for a long time.

I think you are on the right path with your water drinking. Pretty, see-thru cup with a straw is the way to go!

Lunch today was a toasted bagel with cream cheese.


I fill up my empty mt dew bottle with water, in attempt to fool myself. Ha, I wish it worked better, it usually just has me craving my. Dew.

Run 6 miles. Did a pyramid speed workout for the first time. It was fun!!


For the second day in a row, I had Schlotzsky’s for lunch. We don’t have one near us, so I always go when I’m in Atlanta. This morning was my third day of early a.m. trail running. So nice!


Does Brooke’s dress come in adult sizes? ;) Seriously though, I love it. And also, sorry about your lip glosses! I hate when a product you love changes. Maybe they’ll listen to you and bring back the old ones!


I stock up on my fav lipgloss and it was also recently discontinued. Devastation!!!! I have three tubes left and am in panic mode!! I definitely drink enough water everyday–two gallons!!!


I am a regular old chap stick girl!!

Today was a Yoga day!!! verrrry good class! tomorrow is long run! CAN’T. WAIT!!


I had Panda Express. Bad idea. Please remind me not to do that again.


Someone else mentioned, too, but Express lipgloss is very similar to VS…give it a try :)


I’m usually quite good at drinking water. I always have a huge bottle of water with me wherever I go. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to stop me craving diet coke though.

My lunch today was a ham and cheese croissant. Unhealthy but delicious!

My sister bought my 1 year old niece a Leaptop to try to prevent her from getting jealous of our laptops. She didn’t seem too convinced, but maybe she’s got the hang of it now!


Brooke’s hair is just TOO cute. Props to you for sticking to your strength training! :) my boyfriend, mom, and grandparents are leftys… I always wished I was :(


I’m a leftie and I think my daughter is gonna be a leftie too! She can only go to sleep if she’s sucking her left thumb!! I think it would be awesome if she did turn out to be left-handed because my mom is as well!!


Bath and Body or VS. Love them both!
I drink water all day every day. I think the trick is carrying it with you.. Fill it up with ice and water and bring everywhere.
My lunch was delicious burger and fries from Extra Ordinary Burgers. YUMMY!
Today was a run day, but I did push ups and abs too!


I totally need to drink water more!
We should have a contest :)


i am always so, so sad when my favorite product gets discontinued. My signature scent was Black Raspberry Vanilla and Bath and Body Works discontinued it. When I found that out I wandered around the store for 15 minutes trying not to cry. :( Boo……
Thank you for always posting so many pictures of Brooke. She is totes adorbs and brightens my day!!


I love VS gloss too and had a mini panic attack when I saw they were changed. The Shiny ones are good. But the Sparkle is crap. Well, that’s my opinion. Lol. Do you like it?


I’ve been loving Revlon’s lip stains. There was a sale on them at Walgreens and I stocked up!


You grumpy? I hardly think so. :) I’m going to look up the word adorable in Webster’s because I’m pretty sure Brooke’s name will be in the definition. I had a healthy ‘chock full’ of fresh veggies salad and fresh strawberries and blueberries for lunch Then had nachos and a pint of ice cream for dinner. What is wrong with me-lol!


I love that dress of Brooke’s. It’s so cute and I wore similar colors today!


I like how VS gloss lasts a long time, but it gets on my water bottle :/ so I mostly just wear vaseline!


I had a late lunch at Dish’n’Dash today (yummy rice with falafel balls, tabouli, grilled veggie, and pita/flatbread). I’m kind of craving Subway now, though.


Brooke is so adorable! Tip for drinking water- I like to put fresh cut cucumber and lemon in my water.. I call it “spa water” and I was actually successful at getting my coworkers (who NEVER seemed to drink water during our 9 hour day) to drink more because of this! Have a great weekend.


Oh no!! I remember when my 2 year started turning around in the target cart. I thought my life was over!! :) I have a hard time remembering to drink water too, and now that I’m pregnant with #2 I’m trying to remember to drink more! The only way I remember is by buying plastic water bottles! Not very Eco friendly, but I figure if it gets the baby water, it’s ok :).


I like sparkling water so I bought a soda stream which helps me drink more


Oooooh, love that laptop toy. May have to get it for my girl. Also, so funny that you think Brooke will be a lefty, because I’m also a lefty and watch for signs that my daughter may be one too. I think I heard you don’t know which hand is their dominant one until they’re like..3 or so.


I’m a die-hard Bonnie Bell Lip Smacker girl. I don’t care for how thick the VS gloss is, so I like the Bonnie Bell. It might be worth a try for you…they have TONS of flavors that I think you’d get a kick out of… :)


I just started a blog. You have inspired me so much and thanks to you I am now on the record board at my school!
Check my blog out its from my teenage point of view!


Try Perrier or Pellegrino and add fresh lime and lemon juice! Also the flavored La Croix water is FAB!


I love Brooke’s hair! She is so freaking cute. Water has tasted so good to me lately, but I have to admit, I’ve been drinking it out of a cup with a straw and making it ice water. My water is always in reach of wherever I am.


I’m a Victoria Secret lip gloss hoarder as well – but only one flavour – Passion Fruit Pop (seriously the BEST)
…I actually don’t really like water, but have been trying super hard to drink more of it – so I make sure that everywhere I go (work, house, purse, car) is stocked with water flavour enhancers…makes it a little easier…


I’m really good at drinking water when I’m at home..but if I’m on vacation, I somehow forget that I’m supposed to. I always have a tumbler with me and/or a water bottle with me just to make sure I’m hydrated. For lunch today I had half of a Thai vegetable wrap and some 3-bean mango salad. DELICIOUS! I ate the other half for dinner :D


oh my goshhhh, her outfit and hair in that first photo are so cute !!


I love Brooke’s outfit!


Has anyone ever been to Best Smoke Ecig Shop located in 4 South Western Ave Suite 4?

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