I kind of loving seeing this…

Brooke’s doc appointment went great.  She is growing like a champ and luckily she didn’t have to have any shots.  

Did I tell you how her doctor gives her a book every time that she has an appointment?  I sometimes can’t remember what I have told you because I feel like I tell you every thought that I have ever had but maybe I forgot to tell you about this or something and that just wouldn’t be okay.

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I really missed seeing this scene while we were away.

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And Brooke taught Billy how to use the laptop.   Now i just need to get her a toy iPhone, car keys and camera and she will be happy.

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One of the first things I did once I got back to California was go to the store to get ingredients for chow mein.  I knew that it would be the perfect for our ‘stay in and eat lots of food while watching tv and going to bed at 10 pm’ Friday night.  I used my SIL’s recipe and added some chicken and next time I will be adding shrimp.  

Like usual as I was cutting my watermelon I ate three pieces for every one piece that made it into the bowl.

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And then I tried to recreate the best cookie I have ever eaten in my entire life.   It is going to take some trial and error but eventually I will be able to duplicate them and then I will open up the bakery that I have always been wanting to open and you guys can come eat cookies (and donuts of course) there and talk about running and blogging and babies. 

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I made the basic dough for a chocolate chip cookie but then I added the secret ingredients of cornflakes, peanuts, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips and white chocolate chips.

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And a random picture of brooke from earlier on this week.  Someday I might be able to touch my toes like she does.

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Happy Saturday and I hope you have an amazing weekend!  Tell me what you are up to today!!!

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I love Brooke’s dress! I want one too so we can be twinners. Have a wonderful weekend, Janae!


Wow nice doctor! Sounds like a relaxing Friday!!! My weekend will involve less work and more friends before I move home!!


A book every visit??? I need to go there!


those cookies look divine! i can’t touch my toes to save my life…my hamstrings are like walls of steel, they don’t stretch or bend at all! i’m going to baltimore AND moving AND running today. i should probably get off the internet and get started soon.


COOOKIESSSSSS!!!!!! Yes. Yes. yes. I can’t wait for my parents to bring down the cooking stuff to our boat so I can bake some good old fashioned chocolate chippers. No running for me today. Half marathon tomorrow and I’m trying to preserve my legs as much as possible.


Our office has a program called reach out and read, and kids get a book at every well child visit from age 6 months to 5 years! It’s a wonderful program! Kids can never have too many books!! Happy Saturday!


That is an awesome program!!! Reading is so important!


I have no doubt that you will perfect that cookie recipe–I trust your expertise. Im Teaching lots of group ex classes today.


HAha that doctor must go through a lot of books if he does that for everyone!


My 2 1/2 year grandson is coming for a visit. I’m planning on spoiling him!! Have a great weekend.


how did the cookies come out??!


We have a 5k on tap for the morning (a local school is raising funds to save its PE program), and my folks are in town so we’ll head up to see the wildflowers in full Utah canyon bloom.

My Dad has never been to a DI, so he’s curious to go to one. We’ll do that and I’ll wash cloth diapers. Who knows what else?

I’m just glad to see my folks with their only granddaughter.


Good Morning… Happy Saturday:
Plans for today was bike riding. However, its pretty cloudy and chilly, so I am thinking plans will be changed.
Tomorrow we are having a family cookout for Memorial Day. Oh Yeah
Enjoy your weekends


My kids used to get books at their doctor’s visits too! I’ve been absolutely addicted to watermelon too and having it with every meal, which reminds me, I’m all out. Better get to the store today!


Glad Brooke’s appointment went well! It’s crazy the next one is for ONE YEAR!!


Happy Saturday! Today’s schedule involves breakfast with friends at my place (coffee, turkey bacon and banana/chocolate chip/Macademia nut pancakes – can’t wait!), picking up a race package, a visit to the doctor, and a sleepover at my friends’ place who lives super close to the start line of our 10k race for tomorrow. On Monday we are all back to work b/c it’s not a holiday here (we had our May long weekend last weekend for Victoria Day).


I have the morning off duty and I’m going trail running for a few hours in the East Bay. Unbelievably excited. It’s 6.15 and I am ready to go! Happy Weekend!


I’m roadtripping today and now I want those cookies. They look too good to be true!


It is a rainy memorial day weekend here :( We are hanging out with friends later, visiting my parents at the campground tomorrow, and doing a long run tomorrow. Maybe bbqing on Monday.


I love the book idea, V’s doctor gave lollipops and stickers


there are cookies called “everything but the kitchen sink cookies”. you might want to try this recipe. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/a-to-z-everything-but-the-kitchen-sink-chocolate-chip-cookies/
Good luck!
love your blog!


I think I’d be a lot more likely to make doctors appointments on the regular if I knew I was getting books out of it!


My girls & I will fly cross country for your bakery’s grand opening! You should really think about making it a cafe so we can enjoy some of your famous salads & other eats!


The book idea is awesome! We are taking some friends to the Getty! It’s our first time taking our baby up there and I can’t wait. Ithas an amazing garden and views so we should get some great family pictures


the last pic of brooke ….. adorbs!!
Interesting secret ingredients for those cookies!
Kids getting spoiled at the doctor office… why can’t they treat us adults the same?!
Lollipop, glass of wine or something when i go to the gyno would be nice lol


OK, so maybe you’ve talked me into making those cookies sometime!

I just got in from a GREAT ten-mile run with my friends. It’s blustery and cool here (only 45 this morning), but it felt great! I’ve got a busy day of cleaning, shopping at Costco, and blogging ahead of me. Have a great day!


I was suppose to do my long run today (16km) but its been raining non stop for 3 days and is still raining so hitting up treadmill for 10k and sprints. Then my husbands grand mother’s 90th birthday party.

Those cookies looks amazing…Cereal and chocolate you really can’t go wrong:)


I got up late 7:30am.. and felt lazy.. only ran 4 miles and made my husband bike while I ran.. I should be doing my long run today.. maybe tomorrow?


It is a 3 day weekend, and I got all of my homework done yesterday (shocker!) so today I get to go see my almost 6 year old cousin!


Brooke’s charisma is addictive! Obviously, I’ve never met her, but I think she’s just as cute as can be! The cookies look fantastic, anything with peanut butter chips must be amazing!


Today my boyfriend is graduating from Santa Clara Law!!! Will be attending this graduation, getting lunch, then driving down to Ojai/Santa Barbara area to pick up my bib for the M2B marathon tomorrow.


I can’t wait to come to your bakery! Sounds great! :)


Going to the outlets, wahoo!!!!

Maybe an evening long run since yesterday I tried in the afternoon and only got to 3 miles..in the 99 degree heat! Don’t you miss AZ???!!!

Brooke looks like she is teaching her Daddy how to use a laptop!

Those cookies look amazing and now I want one even though its 7:45 in the morning, thanks janae!


I’m going to have to give the chow mein a try! We’re road tripping to Colorado today:)


I need to make those cookies! They look so good.

We had the best run yesterday (11km) so we are just going to relax this morning and wait for the cable guy to come and hook us up with cable and then I will be ready for The Bachelorette to start on Monday night. Woot!! :)


Every kid gets a book every time? Wow!


off to watch Chris’s bike race, and then driving immediately to a friend’s lake cottage for a little over night.


Those cookies look great, don’t forget to let us know how they taste.


Ran a full 10K without stopping or walking for once! I am so excited and proud I had to text the picture to everyone I know.


I’m finishing all our chores around the house and then headed up to Oakley, UT to have a weekend at the cabin! Hope you are having a great weekend!


Oh my gosh those cooooooookies. Drooling! I think it’s brilliant for a doctor to give kids books instead of candy!


That’s so cute that the doctor gives her a book every time! :) She’ll be quite the little reader!! I’m going to get a strength training in and some cardio before going SHOPPINGGG :)))) and then a friend is coming over later today! Yay for fun saturdays!



Today is my six year wedding anniversary! We are spending the day getting ready for camping in our rv tomorrow :)


Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!


The bow in her hair is ADORABLE! I am the same exact way when I chop up watermelon. :)


They make this toy camera that blows bubbles when you press the shutter button and my 9mo loves it! Brooke is a cutie and I love reading your blog since she’s almost the same age as my daughter.


I ran a 5k for CDM Mind and Body this morning and had a blast! Not my best time but I’m a member of the ball club here in St. Louis and Fred Bird and I got to hang out. http://wp.me/p2QeYg-NP
Now… I really want to draw and bake cookies… with pretzels and all kinds of other things in them.


If you need a volunteer to help taste test during your trial and error period, please know that I LOVE cookies and would be more than happy to help out. :-)


I love that picture of Brooke and Billy.

Today is a 6 mile run and a lazy afternoon.


Mmm chow mein. I’m having such a craving for a noodle meal.


I PR’d my half Mary today! 7 mins….woo hoo!


Ahhhhhhh wow! Huge congrats!!!


I will be the first person in line for the day of your bakery opening ;)
LOVE the idea of adding cornflakes to the cookies- brilliant!


Her little bow is adorable!!

Today was awesome! We went to a four-hour party in honor of my nephew’s high school graduation.


Those cookies look delicious! I’m sure they turned out awesome :)

I went for a 10 mile run this morning, we gardened and worked in the yard, got groceries, and now I’m nursing my son before it’s my supper time. It’s been an eventful and gorgeous day!

It’s so cool that your doctor gives patients a book each visit!


Today we went to my husband’s grandma’s funeral. Sad day but she is in a better place now.

On a happy note, my daughter Annabelle got to meet Chris’ side of the family.


OMG her dress! And that picture of her holding her little feet! I die at the cuteness!


I love that your dr gives out books and supports reading!! Love it!!


I’ve been working the midnight shift all weekend, and sleeping during the day. There’s no such thing as holiday weekends at my job.


Saturday…we trolled around at some yard sales…and finished off the night with a lovely campfire!


I don’t know if Costco sells these (but Sam’s club does) and it’s a melon slicer that looks just like a GIANT apple corer. It cuts up to a 15 lb melon into wedges so you wouldn’t have to deal with cutting up the watermelon (which is really hard for me). It wouldn’t be little cubes like that, but it’d be wedges that I’m sure you could cut by hand after if you wanted cubes. It’s made by everyday gourmet and super awesome. Changed my fruit-cutting life!


Mmm, what a delicious day! The cookies you made look like Momofuku’s compost cookies – So good!!

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