Facebook helps me to run.

Before I went out on my run this morning I of course had to check all 50 social media websites that I am obsessed with.   While on Facebook I saw this from the Brooks page.  

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(By the way, her book A Life Without Limits is amazing!!!)

This morning I had another stroller run.  It was tough.  I have no idea how I used to be able to run 15 miles with the jogging stroller because now it makes me tired after just .34 miles.  Throughout the run when I wanted to quit I just thought about that Chrissie quote.  It worked and I finished the run.  How did people motivate themselves to run when they didn’t feel like running before facebook/instagram/twitter/blogs?

After the run I did Runner’s Core level 3.  Level 3 is no joke.  It says it is just a ‘core’ video but somehow every single muscle in my whole body is sore.  Brooke loves to join in.


In case you were wondering about Brooke’s outfit…. it is because it was a little bit colder this morning and this was the only long sleeved shirt and long pants that fit her that I could find.    Maybe she will start a baby trend or something with this outfit.   

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My sister passes down a lot of knowledge to me.  She did it again and introduced me to this salad dressing that is yogurt based and absolutely incredible.

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That dressing was used on my packed salad that I took to go eat at Bangs Friend’s work.  I also brought goldfish, an apple and a smoothie.  I am kind of picky about my smoothies.  I don’t add vegetables to them (because I enjoy eating vegetables other ways) and I don’t use ice because I want it to be extra creamy.  This smoothie just had frozen fruit (raspberries, blueberries and blackberries), half a banana, milk, a chobani yogurt and after I blend it I put it back in the freezer for a while because I love it extra cold.

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Me, Bangs and 1/3rd of Brooke’s face.

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I am thinking I might be going back to a few treadmill runs a week (the stroller makes my IT Band flare up a little bit and Billy works crazy hours now) and so I was doing my research on what shows I want to watch while I run.  I came across the Best Food Ever…. this episode was Bodacious Bakeries and I am THIIIIIISSSSSS close to waking up Brooke from her nap and making her go to a bakery with me.  If you are a foodie, you will like this show.  



Would you consider yourself a ‘foodie’?  Do you watch food shows?

What are your typical smoothie ingredients?  Do you put spinach, kale etc. in your smoothies?

Ever ran pushing a jogging stroller?  Thoughts!!!

I am in desperate need of some book recommendations!! What are you reading or what is something that you recently read and loved?

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Love this post! Sometimes you see something and it really kicks you in the butt… And it’s needed and AWESOME at the same time! (Rock on, FB!)



I find that running with our BOB is easier than running without it. The hub and I trade off every 1/2 mile or so when we run as a family to keep it fair.

There are No Shortcuts to the Top- Ed Viesturs and Touching My Father’s Soul by Jamling Tenzing Norgay are two of my all time favorites.

Add to that Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by William Blake is another beloved one. (Random bit- I carried sunflowers at our wedding in honor of Blake’s “Ah! Sunflower”)


I’m definitely a foodie, but I don’t watch food shows very often – they make me too hungry!

“The School of Essential Ingredients” is a great book, fiction, easy read, and perfect for foodies! I loved it.


I don’t use ice in my smoothies either. I use my fruit of choice, fruit juice of choice, banana and fruit yogurt of choice. Yum!


I highly recommend Horns by Joe Hill. I am also just reading his new book NOS4A2 and enjoying it very much! Depending what type of books you like my favorite author is Jennifer Weiner.
I had to do an 11 mile treadmill run a few months back (and I will never do that again) and watched the movie Pitch Perfect. I think you and Brooke would love it!


Okay, I don’t comment often (only one other time in the last 6 or so months since I started reading) but I have to say, OMG, that salad dressing is like THE BEST EVER. I am a Weight Watcher (been at goal over a year after having lost 93 lbs and much of it was helped along by learning to run!) and I am always trying all kinds of low fat/calorie dressings. But it has to taste good and not fake. Trader Joe’s has a bunch of really great ones (cilantro one being my favorite) – but no Caesar one. Rewind about 1 month back and I had a “Kale Caesar” salad in a restaurant and it changed my life. Regular type Caesar salad but made with KALE instead of romaine lettuce! BRILLIANT! Now I just needed to find a low fat/calorie and also good tasting Caesar dressing. And what you have pictured here is EXACTLY IT. IT IS SO GOOD. I like DREAM about eating a salad with that dressing on it. Try it with kale and parm cheese and a few croutons. I’m telling you, it will change YOUR LIFE.

Did I mention I loved that dressing? :)


A kale Caesar salad sounds amazing.


Haha – I wanted to comment how much I love this dressing too!! I have the ranch one as well and it is also really good. Definitely doesn’t taste low fat!
PS: I love smoothies too – I think I’m going to go make one.


If you like kale – raw kale – and you like Caesar salad, you will love a Kale Caesar salad. I don’t know how to explain it! It’s like Caesar dressing was just meant to be stuck to the leaves of kale. I know I have a fixation on this salad. My husband is like “is there even any kale left in the world for everyone else??” Try it folks!


If you like kale, I made Kale pesto and it was fantastic. It did not taste “bitter” and I used walnuts instead of pine nuts. You might like it.


You’re so enthusiastic I feel compelled to try this kale Caesar creation!! :)


Lol, on Brooke’s outfit. I’ve had the same thing happen with Izzy. Sometimes the pants look like highwaters.

I like watching stuff like cupcake wars but I’m not a foodie, I don’t think anyways. I don’t do smoothies at all…hate them. I like to eat my fruit and vegetables in their original form lol. I don’t do raw kale, I’ve read it can give you kidney and gall stones if eaten raw more than twice a week. I bake it into chips or steam it.

I’ve run pushing a jogging stroller but my daughter can’t last more than a mile so I gave it up. Still have that $500 BOB in my garage.

I just started reading Bad Girls Of The Bible and I’m doing the study manual as well.


When the girls were younger (and much lighter!) I purchased a bike trailer (that we still use now!) and ran with it all.the.time! I had to get creative since my husband was deployed! Now I think if I ran with both of them, then I would be in lots of pain, plus I don’t believe that I could push both now ;) It’s definitely hard work friend!!!


Great book– Running for my life by Lopez Lomong–awesome story


I am a foodie, I only watch the chew and that’s cuz I record it.. usually watch a bit of tv while baby naps..
smoothies are usually frozen berries, banana and coconut water, since I cant handle lactose, blah!
used to run with a jogging stroller, but baby girl got too active as soon as started walking and wouldn’t stay in, she likes to walk, run with me hehe… but was definitely hard work, loved it! and miss it..


I really think pushing a stroller adds a huge boost to a workout! I just try to balance it with non stroller running so I can still go faster and prevent injuries.


Yesterday I got a $1 blueberry pomegranate smoothie from McD’s and made it into a super-smoothie at home with nonfat Greek yogurt, spinach, and chia seeds!! It was SO delicious!!!


Yogurt dressing is the best! Right now I’m reading Freedom and so far it’s great. Also Still Alice is a heartwarming novel I just finished, which I think you’d like. A smoothie is my go-to breakfast every morning, and includes a banana, strawberries, blueberries, a little bit of oj and some vanilla yogurt – so delicious! I think slowly, little by little, I am becoming a foodie!!! Especially since moving out :)


What’s Runner’s Core? I try to do this workout as a daily core routine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hjgMgH7AvM) but holy moly is this hard. Girlfriend makes it look like a piece of cake, but you know what’s a piece of cake? That which has frosting.


I like food shows and I love candy, but I’m definitely not a foodie. I don’t care that much about food and would never spend a ton of money on a fancy meal! It takes me a minute to remember what I had for dinner last night!

I’m not a big smoothie person. I’ve had them with spinach and they’re ok, but the best ones are Caribbean Passion from Jamba Juice haha.

I have never pushed a jogging stroller but I probably will some day :)

Ooooh!! I’ve read a lot of good books lately: Three Sisters, The Best of Us, Light Between Oceans, Midwives, Wild, Gone Girl, On the Island.

I am in desperate need of some book recommendations!! What are you reading or what is something that you recently read and loved?


I’ve been wanting to read Gone Girl!


I’m not on board with tossing veggies into my smoothies either. I don’t have a problem with salads, and I like my smoothies to be creamy and veggie-free. Spinach I can handle, but I tried putting kale in once and… oh man… even just thinking about it makes me gag a little. I’ll stick to things like fruit, yogurt, milk, oats, and nut butter in my smoothies, thank.you.very.much.


I’ve ran with a stroller once. It was tough but not as tough as I expected. I do put spinach in my smoothies. I’m not the greatest at eating veggies so I have to find ways to sneak them in.


Shows you can watch: Revenge, Suits, Once Upon a Time. That will keep you busy for a while :)

That smoothie sounds great!


I loooove food, so yes, I guess I’m a foodie. I’ll have to check out that show!

I like putting spinach in my smoothies, but I’m not as much of a fan of kale because I can taste it. I love berries, banana, spinach, and almond milk in mine!


My longest with my BOB was 9 miles… For Mothers Day I am getting a Double BOB. We are currently watching Craigslist for it.

11/22/63 by Steven King. It’s not scary Steven King, it’s a love story that will make you feel smart

My sister just gave me The Kingmakers Daughter by Phillipa Greggory. (Sp?) She said it was really good


I am MOST DEFINITELY a foodie. I love food and can be a food snob, but at the same time I will eat most anything. Does that make sense?

One of my favorite books that I recommend to everyone (and they always thank me) is ‘These Is My Words’. Or if you want something funny – BossyPants. I have a crush on Tina Fey.

My smoothie is usually almond milk, kale (it used to be spinach, but I am thinking that the spinach is what was causing the weird stomach pains I was getting) plain greek yogurt, the coscto frozen triple berries (and maybe a frozen strawberry or two) and some frozen watermelon – much better than ice.

I haven’t ran with a jogging stroller since before Evan was born. I did it with Anna, but never got a double, because walking would probably be all I could do pushing 2 kids ;) Then Ross sold my jogger to get himself some new shoes. How nice, right?

I am sure a treadmill run wouldn’t hurt (what do I know) and I bet yours has missed you so. Really though, you have to do what you have to do. Good luck!


I just did my first stroller run today and I was so shocked how hard it was. I could barely run 1km! I mostly walked :p

I just started watching Best Food Ever too. I’m on the food truck episode and I want to find them all!


What kind of blender do you have? I need a new one and not sure what to get! I hate veggies in my smoothies too.. I always thought I was the only one who wasn’t on the whole spinach smoothie band wagon. I stick mine in the freezer too.. the colder the better!

That salad dressing is AMAZING! I like the whole line of bolthouse yogurt dressings- ranch, blue cheese, and that one are my favorites.


Hey!!!! I use a magic bullet and love it!


I love chrissie wellington so much. I love her book too. My copy has highlight marks on every single page. I loved it.


Love CW and totally agree with how fb inspires me to run– esp. being on the west coast with time difference I wake up to see posts about how my east coast friends morning runs went and it motivates me to get my butt out of bed.


I push a double jogging stroller every day!

Good books: the kitchen house (an Irish girl is raised by slaves on a plantation and is torn between her life with them and the plantation owners).
Life as we knew it (the perspective of a 16 yr old girl as the world is coming to an end. Will make you want to work on your food storage!)
The shape of mercy (a girl is translating a 300 year old diary written by a girl who lived during the salem witch trials).


those sound like intriguing books *adds to my goodreads acct list* lol


I am such a foodie. I sometimes dream about food. Those are the best dreams.

I recommend “This is How” by Augusten Burroughs.


Brooke’s outfit is awesome – I think you’re on to something with trendy baby clothes. Look out Suri!

My typical smoothie ingredients are milk, yogurt, raspberries and blueberries.

One of my absolute favorite books is The House of the Spirits by Isabelle Allende. AMAZING! It was so good that they made a movie about it and cast Meryl Streep – though the movie is not nearly as good as the book!


The only thing I miss about cable is the lack of food shows! I seriously miss the Food Network.


I am definitely a foodie! I just love to eat, lol. The only show I’ll watch though, every once in awhile, is Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. I love when we find a new cool place to try in our own area.

I use a Bob stroller about 3 days a week with my 19 month old. It is definitely harder for me, especially if there are hills. But the bonus, aside from getting a tougher workout in, is that I can carry my phone, keys, water, etc, without having to carry it on me!


I discovered Bolthouse Farms dressings last shopping trip and i am never going back. ever. it’s amazing. and no scary ingredients! i am def a foodie… Sundays when I visit my mom are spent watching the food network all day!! I watch a lot of man v. food and it disgusts and intrigues me.

favorite smoothie ingredients are plain greek yogurt, strawberries, bananas, mango, pineapple, and chocolate soy milk.


Eat and Run by Scott Jurek! You’ll def wanna run allll day after reading and cook really healthy food!


I think I am definitely a foodie. That dressing looks fantastic. Normally I put spinach, milk, yogurt, banana, a little ice, and chia seeds. Then I’ll add whatever fruit I have. Oh and I ALWAYS add peanut butter. It makes a smoothie.


You used to run 15 miles with Brooke because she was months younger and lighter. I bet if you didn’t have to take the break you would be totally fine with it bc she would have grown while you were still running with her instead of a big weight jump into stroller running (does that make sense?)


Makes a ton of sense!


A fault in our stars. It is teen lit novel, but my book club did it. Very easy read, but recommend if you are looking for a novel, not just running book or biography.


Ok, I’ve been thinking that your computer is synced to mine – since your choice in music is identical to my own, and now you are posting pictures of my favorite salad dressing! My husband and I also discovered the deliciousness that is yogurt dressing :) Love you blog – I’ve been following for a while but this is my first comment. Always great happy stuff on here :) I’m Melonade100 on Instagram.


Hey!!! We are twins!!!! Thanks so much for commenting:)


I use that dressing too. LOVE it. I have tried all of them but the Balsamic. The honey mustard tastes exactly like a “full fat” dressing. It is usually sold right by the fresh produce and not in the salad isle in case anyone is looking for it.


I ran with a jogging stroller for the first time this morning with my 7 week old baby boy and my mom! 6 miler and the last couple were surprisingly hard!

I’m a veggie lover in my smoothies, just had one this morning with kale, banana, blueberries, mango, flax, chia seed, and almond milk! Mmm. Love.

Absolutely a foodie. Food network and the cooking channel are on daily and I follow way too many food blogs.

Really liked Eat and Run by Scott Jurek!


I’m not really a foodie … and I don’t watch food shows

I typically put in a Yoplait light, some strawberries, a banana, ice, and milk because I don’t get plain milk any other way (I won’t drink chocolate milk or any other soy, etc.)

I’ve never pushed a jogging stroller and I don’t want to yet, even though I know I will have to when I am a mom

I love Where the Red Fern Grows :)


Running stroller- YES. Way too much actually. Maybe that’s what got me in this little situation. Love ya!!!!!!!


I definitely consider myself a foodie but I’ve never seen that show! I’ll have to take a look sometime!


Hey soooo some book recommendations!

I don’t know how in to fiction you are because I feel like for some reason I can only imagine you reading running books haha but incase you want to read some good ol’ fiction books I recommend The Maze Runner series and Divergent series… both are totally awesome and entertaining!!! I have all my friends and family hooked, so seriously you should read them!


Just started reading ‘Running & Being’ by Dr George Sheehan – lovely so far.

I would stroller run last year once in a while with my then 1.5yr & 3yr – they have sinced gained weight and I am thinking I have no interest in doing that this yr! :)


I like food a little tooooo much ;) I place spinach, frozen banana, soy milk, 1% milk, stevia, and ice in mine. Tastes like vanilla ice cream, yummers!


That salad dressing is legit. The blue cheese variety has changed my life!!!


I was wondering if that kind is good… I will be getting it next!


I used to think spinach in smoothies was weird, but now I pretty much don’t ever make them without it!! Frozen banana, greek yogurt, spinach, frozen strawberries, and pb are my go-to smoothies. Also, avocados are good in them, which sounds even weirder, but it’s delish! :)



Book suggestions: People of the book by Geraldine Brooks and The Paris Wife by Paula McLain.


I think I’m a foodie! Well really I just like all food. (Except tomatoes – no thank you. I will however eat salsa, pizza sauce, pasta sauce, and sun dried tomatoes – I’m so weird.) Sometimes I do spinach in my smoothies but usually I like almond milk, froz berries, protein powder, a little greek yogurt, and some chia seeds and cinnamon. And ice cold!

I’ve never run pushing a jogging stroller but I was at Sport’s Basement last Sunday and while my boyfriend looked at bikes, I saw the BOB strollers and got all curious so I pushed it around in a circle – SO HEAVY! I don’t know how you run with it AND Brooke!

Bookwise – What Remains by Carole Radziwill is really good!


I love Brooke’s pants. They are so adorable on her-although I think she looks adorable in everything.
I agree, I love using social media/the internet to use inspiration but it can also be the biggest distraction for me. I swear sometimes I will get on my computer (for 5 minutes) and then end up staying on for over an hour!


My post run smoothie = 1 1/2 cups vanilla soy milk, 1 scoop Hammer Recoverite, 1 large teaspoon of peanut butter, about a cup of spinach, and frozen bananas. This tastes like a peanut butter shake! Don’t let the spinach fool you – it doesn’t change the taste at all, just adds good nutrition.


I love, love, love anything to with Anthony Bourdain and the food channel. : )

My favorite go to smoothie recipe is a handful of frozen blueberries, handful frozen strawberries, 1/2 slice frozen banana, 1 cup fat free milk, 1 tablespoon flaxseed or chia seed, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter, and a drizzle of honey. It’s so delicious and so filling, perfect for post run.


I’ve ran 2 local 5ks pushing Elijah in a jogger, if I didn’t I wouldn’t have been able to run them. It was hard and my Times were slower, but I still had fun because he was having so much fun. I love berry, almond milk, and a berry yogurt blended for my smoothies!


I love going on tumblr, pinterst, or reading blogs to find motivation to run! There are some days I lack the motivation and when I see an awesome running quote, it pumps me up!!!
I love yogurt based dressings, they are amazing!!! :)


You know I love my BOB – use it everyday. Honestly it is my saving grace sometimes- keeps my sanity alive ;) & thankfully Gabriella loves it and typically will take her morning nap in it.
After all of these comments about that dressing I MUST find it- sounds like a must have!


This has been out for ages but I’m currently reading Angela’s Ashes. Though it’s a bit of a downer in case you’re looking for something cheery haha.


Almost done with The light between the oceans…excellent book. Id also recommend the language of flowers, cutting for stone, story of beautiful girl, still alice and sarahs key.


Definitely agree that stroller running impacts your stride and form. It’s a great way to get some exercise with the wee ones, but I don’t think it’s ideal for hardcore training.

I recently read ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ by John Green. Wonderful! It’s labeled as YA, but it’s a great read for adults too. If you haven’t read it, ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’ is another fabulous book, although it’s a tear jerker too.


I’m a total foodie. I went to culinary school so I appreciate all foods and LOVE food shows! Fruit only smoothies for me, I would rather eat my veggies then drink them :). I just got a new dog so I’m currently reading Ceaser Milan’s Short Guide to a Happy Dog – I recommend it if you ever get that dog you want :)


That smoothie sounds so good! I love the yoplait smoothie mix and I add frozen yogurt to it :)!
I LOVE goldfish crackers….totally addicted! My kids are 9 and 11 but I used to push a jogging stroller all the time. Once on vacation since my husband was gone like the whole day, (6am-8pm), I squeezed both kids in a single running stroller…they were like almost 2 & 4! Crazy I know!…but they thought it was fun:)
I just finished reading hansens marathon book….pretty good!
Any thoughts on 1/2 marathon pacing? I am doing my 1st in about 2 weeks!!!


What program do you watch shows on while you run? Do you watch them on your phone or laptop?


On my iPad with Netflix!


I just read “In the Sanctuary of Outcasts” and it was breath-taking. It is written by a former inmate of Carville federal prison, during the brief period of history when the national leprosarium in Carville, La, also housed inmates. The history of Carville is so deep: it is a tricky balance between forced quarantine and loving, healing care.


I dont do the ‘green’ smoothie thing. I stick to banana, berries, etc, and lots of ice! I am reading Born to Run and loving it. Such an inspirational book.


I think you would like Wonder, by R.J. Palacio


Book recommendation: TEN GIRLS TO WATCH by Charity Shumway. It was my absolute favorite book I read last year and everyone I’ve sent it along to so far has also loved it! :)


I’ve really gotten into Christian historical fiction lately. I’m currently reading “Sinners and the Sea: The Untold Story of Noah’s Wife” by Rebecca Kanner. Really makes you realize the moral depravity with which Noah and his family were surrounded. Before that I read “Iscariot: A Novel of Judas” by Tosca Lee.


I am definitely a green smoothie girl, kale and spinach are my favourites, although I’ve added mint and herbs to it too. I also put flax seed mix into my smoothies every morning to up my fibre intake! ( the taste does take some getting used to)

Right now I’m reading this book about eating for your blood type, its something that I would think I’d read, but when I started it is really interesting to see how research shows how your blood reacts to different foods in your diet and how it will affect your over all system. “Eat right for your type” by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo


I love green smoothies!
When I have a kiddo I def will do stroller running!
Seems tough though.
I am a slight foodie! Food is just so awesome sauce.


Oh and Book recommendations…..
Currently reading Beautiful Creatures.
It’s cool if you like twilight type books!
My favorite book currently is The Art of Racing in the Rain.
(It’s not about running lol)
It’s a book written from the POV of a dog.
Sounds crazy but it was such a great read :)


Just wait until she is old enough to demand she be allowed to select her own ensembles! That’s when the real fun begins ;-)

I am totally anti-jogging stroller. Sure, I’ll run pushing a shopping cart, but I credit the BabyJogger with starting a chain reaction that at one point rendered me nearly crippled. But I know they work for a lot of people so I usually just STFU about them.


I’ve just finished reading the first 2 books in the Divergent series and loved them!


I’m a foodie in that I LOVE food, but I don’t really get into food shows. But I really have cut back on TV a lot lately, and we just canceled our satellite, so I’m down to Netflix and Hulu Plus and not really exploring very many new shows lately.

I’ve never pushed jogging stroller but any time I see a woman pushing one I think she is a BEAST because I have a hard enough time pushing myself!

My favorite smoothie lately has frozen mango, strawberries, peaches, banana, blueberries, and a little bit of spinach with orange juice, green naked juice, and pineapple juice. SO FRUITY AND DELICIOUS!


I just took my baby out in jogging stroller for the first time a few weeks and I forgot how hard it is! I used to run my twins in the double all the time and now running one baby 6 miles seemed like 20! I don’t know how you did 15 miles in a stroller and I don’t know how your adorable daughter sat that long (but then again you’re a speedy so it’s not that long compared to most :)) Also my daughter has those striped leggings from target…love them!


Sounds silly but if I’m struggling with motivation to run then I think of a story. It’s normally a zombie one that involves lots and lots of running, but with the mind that preoccupied, the miles and time seem to fly past.
Have a great day!


Exactly how I like and make my smoothies :)


That salad dressing is my all time favorite dressing. I love the whole line of them. “line of dressing?” I guess that’s what you called it.
All last summer I ran with a DOUBLE jogging stroller. I tried it this Spring and man oh man, my chicklets are over 100lbs together plus the actual stroller. It’s a killer workout.


I do the same thing with my smoothies. I think vegetables in them is gross and just use frozen fruit instead of ice. Great minds.

I’m definitely not a foodie. I love food, but I can’t say that I watch tv shows about it or am a very good cook :).

Have you read Jodi Picoult’s Lone Wolf? It’s a little different from the rest of her books, but it’s super interesting. That or Gone Girl if you’re looking for something a little darker.


I run with a double jogger that is falling apart (seriously I had to get out the duct tape) I trained the kids from early on that if they want to go to the park they are riding in the stroller. They are 3 and 5 now so the thing is HEAVY. I don’t run far with it, maybe 1.5 miles one way before resting and heading back. I think I might have to retire it after this summer :( .
The last book I read that I really liked was the Hunger Games. A little teenagerish, I know, but it was really good!!


I am definitely looking for that dressing today when I go grocery shopping. I have loved your Trader Joes recommendations too…you have never steered me wrong! I am currently reading the book “The Duck Commander Family”. I am obsessed with the show Duck Dynasty on A&E. It is so funny! The book is all about how their business got started and their childhood memories etc. A refreshing read. Thanks for such a fun blog. I look forward to it every morning over a cup of coffee.


Ive really been digging smoothies with almond milk in them lately. I do put veggies but usually just spinach or kale. My current fav is frozen strawberries, mangoes, half a banana, kale, and almond milk. yum

I push my 27lb 16 month old in the jogger 1-2x a week. Im also 22 weeks pregnant. Its always been tough but its getting tougher. He loves to go though and I love my little running partner.

I am not a foodie, but I am trying to become a healthier more clean eater. I do get food magazines for recipes.

I just finished 12 of Never it is the 12th book in the Womens Murder Club series by James Patterson. I love murder mysteries. This series is great.


i can’t wait to try the salad dressing– looks so good!

my weird ingredient for smoothies that i didn’t want to try at first but am now obsessed with: morinu silken tofu. it makes them SO creamy. i know it sounds weird, but try it!!! (this recipe is deeeeeelish: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2012/08/22/healthier-wendys-vanilla-frosty/ and add cocoa to make it a REAL Frosty)

aaaaaaaabsolute foodie. like, over-the-top obsessed. cooking is my therapy and reading about or seeing anything food related makes my heart happy.

as for books… hmmm… “WILD” by cheryl strayed was good. “the end of your life book club” was sad but awesome (by will schwalbe).

TGIF!!! xx


Mixing patterns is very trendy, so I’d say Brooke is tres chic!

I’m new to your blog and absolutely loving it. As a mom of four who once upon a time was a distance runner and is just now finding my groove again, I find your posts very encouraging. I also love it that you’re a mom, too. We face different challenges – sick kids, a persistent lack of shuteye, etc. compared to runners who aren’t moms. I usually have the motivation to run and workout, but I’ve learned great lessons in humility because sometimes I can’t show up for a workout because our home has been taken over my stomach bug or because my toddler decided to boycott sleep. These things are out of my control, and I just have to go with the flow a lot of times and accept this season in my life.

Likewise, you inspired me to meet with a physical therapist who knows runners and running to help prevent IT band and hamstring issues that used to plague me in my pre-mom, higher mileage days. I’m feeling great these days. I ran a half in April and have two more half marathons scheduled for this year before I start training for a full again.

So thanks for inspiring this running mama who wants to stay fit and healthy largely so that I can carry out the sometimes exhausting task of mothering four little ones! I’m not sure how I could keep up with these energetic kiddos if I wasn’t running, strength training, and fueling my body with good eats!


I’d like to say I’m a foodie…like I love the eating part but not so much the cooking! ;) My fave shows..Top Chef, Man vs Food, Diners Drive-In’s and Dives…all those! And I have to recommend the book “Love Does” by Bob Goff. It’s so good!! You can’t help but smile and feel totally inspired afterwards! Definitely a must read!


Brooke’s getting bigger so that’s gotta count to why the stroller runs are getting harder right?


It’s always an extra challenge to try and do core work with little ones crawling around. :) My two kiddos (ages 3 & 2) love to ‘work out’ with me when I’m doing strength or core work at home.

My biggest tip for stroller running is to make sure the tires are inflated correctly. It makes a HUGE difference.


I love trying new restaurants and new foods! I love to discover something new that I enjoy.

My typical smoothie ingredients are spinach, banana and ice. The variables are other fruit, chocolate almond milk or coconut milk, and sometimes almond butter.

Ever ran pushing a jogging stroller? No. But at this point I would be happy to ride in one just to be a part of a run. Any volunteers to push me?…


I used to love watching food shows but haven’t in awhile. I love how ridiculous it feels to watch a show about desserts and be running my arse off. Good times.


A great book series is The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers or anything by her.


Spinach for smoothies because it doesn’t effect the taste. I find other greens do. As for books: The Honey Thief (I just read this and loved it…it’s stories from Afghanistan), The Invisible Bridge, Three Times Lucky (this is totally a kid book, but I loved it anyway), Unbroken, Emily Alone, The Spectator Bird, The Fault in Our Stars, The Spellman Files, The Thirteenth Tale, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. . . I could go on. I’m a book blogger so get TOTALLY geeked out when people ask about books.


I love those dressings! They have a Salsa Ranch one now that is sooo good. Also somehow I never heard of that show … I am going to have to check it out!


I just finished reading “Deep Dish” and I loved it, it’s about a food show competition down in the South, a cute and easy read!

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