Chocolate therapy and I made it on Buzzfeed

Many prayers to the people of Oklahoma!


I have made it on to Buzzfeed. Another goal on my Life Goal List accomplished.

They have a post about the 40 Best Worst Runner Costumes and that is me hanging out in the back in my piñata costume. Now the forty hours I spent making that costume is all worth it.

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Did you hear about this incredible 16 year old? Alana Hadley is the top 16 year old long-distance runner in the country and is training for the Cleveland Marathon! She is shooting for a TWO HOUR and FORTY MINUTE MARATHON! She has average 15 miles a day for the last 7 weeks. ***edited to add she ran a 2:58 this last weekend!!!!

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Yesterday afternoon was spent hanging out together eating strawberries, watching an episode of Chopped while the kids napped and I am pretty sure I napped at some point but I can’t remember. My short term memory is struggling but luckily I take a picture of everything we do so then I can kind of remember what we did.

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I got to meet more blog friends like Beth!!!

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And Lara (met her fiancé at her running group, so cool!), Kristine and Lisa. Meeting new friends that are just as obsessed with running as I am is my favorite part about blogging.

Brooke thinks it is hilarious to put her hand in her mouth right as we are taking a picture just because she knows I want her to smile instead.

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Take it from me, chocolate and gummy bears really do taste good together. I am the most indecisive person in the world so this way I didn’t have to make any tough decisions at the toppings bar (plus there were a lot of people behind me in line and I felt bad doing my normal ‘stand in front of the toppings for ten minutes stressing out over making the best decision’ thing).

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Speaking of chocolate… I need this shirt.

Chocolate doesn t ask silly questions chocolate understands american apparel unisex fitted tee white w760h760

And to continue on with this random tangent, I love the title of this ice cream and need to try it some day.

Ben jerrys chocolate therapy

We got home at about nine and had dinner after dessert, just the way I like it. We had the same dinner as Sunday night because it was just that good. The fact that Brooke loves salmon as much as she does means a lot to me.

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Have you ever ran a race in costume? What did you wear?

How young is too young to be running a marathon? Any thoughts about this?

How old were you when you first started running? How old were you when you did your first race?

-12 & 21

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You’re even more famous now! Love that costume!! And MUST try the Ben and Jerry’s. calling my name!


When I ran at A&M we dressed up for our Halloween run! It was a ton of fun. I need that shirt … Seriously.


I’ve never run in a costume, but I’ve volunteered in a few at a very famous aid station- Wolf Run Shoals which is miles 26.1 and 39.9 of Bull Run Run.

I started running at 5, and did my first race at 8. I was never competitive, as it was just something that felt right to me to do without time numbers.


Haha, love this chocolate themed post! I started running in grade 9, so 14? And started racing outside of school in second year uni, so 20 I guess. PS It’s my birthday today! Woohoo!


YOU MADE IT ON BUZZFEED?! Tht would literally be the highlight of my life thus far. I couldn’t convince my team to dress up for Halloween. For some reason thy didn’t think it was a good idea like I did. Chocolate IS therapy. Think about all the breakups it has gotten girls through. It deserves an award or something.


I was 35 when I first started running. I have never worn a costume. How young it too young? Well in this day and age when most kids are sitting in front of a tv or computer I say GO FOR IT!


I do hope someone is really looking out for the 16-year-old super runner. That’s so great, but I must admit the first thing that popped into my head after reading she runs so much was female athlete triad! I just read about another young lady struggling with that on Skinny Runner’s blog yesterday…


Holy cow that girl is incredible! I’m not really sure what to think about young people running such long distances. I would assume that this girl is closely monitored by trainers and doctors, so I guess it’s okay (?). Our ancestors probably didn’t tell their children that they couldn’t hunt with them because of running, they probably started running as soon as they were old enough to hunt.


Ahh congrats on getting onto buzzfeed! You’re famous! ;)

I don’t know if you heard about what happened to Alana or not, but in the 13th mile she went straight into a pothole and ended up running a 2:58. I was running the half this weekend and all of us who had finished were eagerly rooting for her, and it was so devastating to bear witness to what had happened. She’s an amazing runner though with an awesome attitude, and I know she’ll make it!


Also, here’s a link if you want to read more:


Last comment – I just had that chocolate therapy the other night – so good!!!! You must try it:)


AHHH! I don’t know why it posted under your comment – sorry about that!


Love the shirt and the ice cream!

I started running in seventh grade and my first non-school related race was a 5-miler when I was 21.


That is seriously impressive! I think distance running should be an adult thing but 16 seems ok to me, whereas 12 would be too young. As long as they are healthy and having fun, why not? But I also think it is important to have interests outside of running. Kids need to be kids!


I heart Ben & Jerry’s. I’ve never tried that flavor, but I have no doubt that I would love it as much as I love all of their other ah-mazing flavors! ;)


I haven’t ever run in costume! I like your road kill one though- that is funny!!

I guess as long as younger long distance runners are healthy about it there isn’t a reason not to let them run. That article stresses how slowly she’s built up mileage which I think is key to avoiding injury. I was 12 when I started running and racing.


My first race must have been when I was 7 or 8 doing a kids fun run 5k. I first started seriously running at 13 and my first serious race was at the same age a few months later.


That 16-year-old is so inspirational! Love a froyo snack before dinner!


Brooke and I have way too much in common for our age difference hahah and by that I mean our name, and our salmon obsession :)


That costume was totally worth it! You’re so famous!!

That 16 year old is crazy fast. I feel like 16 seems young to run a marathon, but maybe you have to take things on a case by case basis. She sure seems more prepared for a race than I ever am.


I truly started running when I was 14. But my first real race was when I was 3. My parents were awesome and entered me in a one mile kids run. I think I ran like a 17:58. My mom kept the results and I have them in my memory box.


I didn’t start running until I was 21! I played sports growing up but never ran for “enjoyment” only punishment from sports. haha


That’s my coach’s daughter!! She is amazing. I guess if she can do it and enjoys it and stays healthy, that is great. She just ran a 2:58 marathon, she was shooting for somewhere around 2:45 and something happened to her hamstring at the half, but she finished.
I think I was like 25 when I did my first race – then I stopped running and had a couple more babies and didn’t really start running again until like 28-29.
You should come to the east coast for a little vacay, and do a meetup here;-) and run a race!:)


I was 28 when I first started running (almost 29) and by “running” I mean mostly walking with 100m spurts of jogging because that was all my body could handle at first. I did my first race (a 10k) soon after my 30th birthday. My goals for that race were to finish, to beat my playlist back, to run the whole time, and to not be last. I met all my goals. Now I’m getting a bit faster, and my 10k goal is to run one in under an hour by this Fall. I’m getting very close!


You ran a whole race in that pinata costume?! Was it a marathon?? Unbelievable!

Alana Hadley amazes me! When I was 16, I was still taking daily naps and barely able to motivate myself to complete my homework, and she’s averaging 15 miles a day! Just wow.


That ice cream sounds amazing! And the road kill costume is awesome! I wish I was creative but I have never ran in a costume! The story about that 16 is amazing but at the same time that is pretty young to be competing! I started to run when I was 17 and did my first 5k when I was 18, ran my first full at 22. I guess I think that at 16 it could be easier to get burnt out early in life.


I was 43 when I started running/race.

Costume was Hello Kitty! I wanted to wear my Katie Perry costume.. blue hair and all, but I didn’t want to get it all sweaty before I had to actually wear it for a party.

I think any age is great if you want to run… as long as you train for it!


hmmm, 16 is kind of young to be marathoning. she’s still not done growing yet! i’m sure her parents get more feed back than they care to about the situation too. some people’s bodies can handle that kind of training, and maybe she is just one of those people. as long as she stays healthy that’s really all that matters!

i ran my first full when i was 19, and it was a hoot. was officially a bandit because back then race start lines weren’t caged in and all high security, and i was a broke college student that just wanted to run.


I’ve never run in costume, maybe when I run a Disney race I will. Personally I wouldn’t let my children run marathons until they turn 18. They are still growing in high school and the amount of trauma the body goes through I’d be afraid it would affect them. I started running consistently at 15 but ran my first race at 12.


I’m pretty sure that I would forget half of what I did if I didn’t take pictures too. I must be getting old or something, because I look back at yesterday and can never quite remember what it was that I got up to. I do remember chocolate being involved, though ;)

I started running when I was about 12, but it was mostly for school and I never really saw it as anything more than punishment. I tried to get more into it on a handful of occasions over the years, but it never really sticks for too long. Who knows… maybe someday it will.


I was 20 when I started running! First race was a half marathon before my 21st birthday!


My bf and I ran a Santa 5km race last December where everyone had to dress up as Santa (complete with hat, heard, etc). The costumes were issued as part of our race kits and it was a lot of fun! It must have been hilarious for people to see hundreds of Santa’s running down the street. :)


Haha I love that shirt!! I’ve had chocolate therapy before its pretty good… Though rocky road is my go to flavor of course


You need this in your life –


When I read that here 70 minute, 10 miler is her easy tempo run my jaw dropped, not literally but my eyes got big. I’ve never ran in a costume before, but it’s on my bucket list. As for being too young for a marathon I think anything under 10 years, but I’m not against younger kids to run it. If it’s something they really want to do and is not being forced I say let them race. I was 15 when I started running and 16 when I entered my first 5k.


that girl is so awesome! I don’t think she’s too young to run a marathon, good for her. I mean, olympic gymnasts are her age, if not younger, so all the power to her. I started running in grade school as a way to keep in shape for soccer, and I guess my first race would have been freshman year when I ran track. I did the mile and 2 mile.


Ugh, the 3200 hundred is brutal! No one even watches you! I had to run the 1600 and 3200 because I ran cross country and was automatically deemed a distance runner during track season too.


LOL wasnt the 3200 horrible!? the mile was my race, but i was often put into the 3200 because we had nobody else to run it. oh it was awful.


I’ve never run in a costume, but I always match my adventure race team members. We get tanks made with our team name. The name of that ice cream is awesome!


So… interesting that you mention Alana Hadley… I finished the Cleveland HALF Marathon right behind her! Yes, it took me as long to run 13.1 miles as it took her to run 26.2! I feel like I should be embarrassed by being so slow, however, I am just excited that I can run that far! It was really cool finishing behind her because the announcers were so excited for her to finish… I pretended they were yelling for me too! ;)


I did my first race before I ran. I did a 5k with my mom when I was 16, and the only running I did up to that point was the running you do to play tennis. Did a 5K with the mom probably once a year until 22. And that is when I started running.


I’ve never ran in a costume, I don’t think I could lol. That chocolate therapy ice cream is a gift from heaven! I think if you capable to run at an early age, go for it! To me, it’s your gift, use it. Just as long as the person stays healthy and takes care of themselves. I started running when I was 10, and ran my first 5k race when I was 11


I ran a race this past Halloween as a “runaway bride”! It was pretty fun!


My sister and BIL and I dressed as pilgrims for a Thanksgiving race a couple of years ago. Though it wasn’t that elaborate — we just had hats!

I was 15 when I first started running, and that’s how old I was when I ran my first race (cross country in high school).


Wow that teenager is a total bad ass. I think she will accomplish more in running now then I will my whole life!


My sister and I dressed up as pilgrims for a Turkey Trot last year- it was so much fun!


Chocolate Therapy is probably one of the best flavors Ben & Jerry make. It’s totally addictive- DON’T share it!! :)


I love the Buzzfeed article! I’ve never dressed up in costume, but I wear holiday socks for holiday races. I also pick my race outfit that has colors that tie into the theme if a race has a theme.

I started running track in 4th grade so maybe 11? I raced my first 5k as a freshman in high school.

My signature FroYo topping is a sour gummy worm, regardless of flavors/other toppings!


Cleveland was Sunday and I ran my second full! I was right behind Alana most of the race. Haha Jk. So many kids were running either the half or full it was crazy!


Wow!!! For some reason I thought it was this Sunday oops! So what was your finishing time speedy?!?


4:19….so technically I WAS behind her the whole race ;)


I have not yet run a race in a costume, which is probably something I should do sometime. Love the roadkill costume–genius idea. Can’t believe it didn’t make it higher than #15. You got, in my opinion, the best kind of gummy bears on your fro yo. The mix with the light and dark blues is far superior to the mixes without blue gummy bears. :) I was 21 when I started running and was 23 when I ran my first 5K. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Oh I feel so famous to be on the blog! So great to meet you ladies last night!

I ran a 5 mile trail race in a tutu and butterfly wings once, it was a blast! I think 16 is borderline too young to run a marathon, but she seems to be doing it pretty well! I didn’t start running until I was 22 and did my first race a few months later (same day as my first date with my fiance!).


I started running when I was 12 too… and my first race was when I was 14 — cross country. :)


I’ve never run in a costume. I chafe so easily I’m afraid to put anything on myself that isn’t designed to be run in.

I think it’s becoming a trend for young runners to take up endurance and I’m not necessarily sure its a good thing. There’s a reason high school and college focus on shorter distances, it’s because our bodies are still developing during those periods and endurance events place a lot of stress on our bodies. I think mentally they are also at a high risk of burn out. I don’t know though if they enjoy it then it’s probably okay


Holy crazy! Her legs are massive! She puts me to shame!! Wow.

I started running at 20 and did my first race at 22. Now I’ve caught the race bug and want to do all the races.


Hey Janae! Alana Hadley already ran the Cleveland Marathon! It was this past weekend (I was there doing the half-marathon)!!! Her performance was amazing to watch but she ended up with a 2:58. Will be interesting to see what comes from her in future years!


Wow! Thank you for letting me know! For some reason I thought it was this coming weekend! Oops:)


Whoa Alana!! That is awesome! I want to do a marathon sometime but not super soon. I want to focus on xc! That is a little bit crazy but if she likes it then go for it! Check out this girl – Winter Vinecki – she’s doing a marathon on every continent before she turns 15! I love running but I want to enjoy my teen years!


I ran a half on Cinco de Mayo in a taco costume, carrying maracas. It was like wearing a giant wind sail through the hills of pennsylvania (really should have thought that one through better)
I have a 13 year old who runs on his cross country team, and plays soccer. He has done a handful of 5 ks, and is dying to do a half. His doctor advised against it until he’s older. It’s not the distance of the race that might cause damage, it’s the distance of the training I was told. I’d rather him stay safe, and enjoy running as a life long sport, then cause injury at the most important growth time.


The closest thing to wearing a costume was when I wore antlers for a Jingle Bell 5K.
I was 20 or 21 when I started running, which is also when I ran my first race (my friends signed me up without telling me… even though I thought I hated running… and when I crossed the finish line, I fell in love!).
Garsh. I can’t wait to meet you one day! I’m sure I’ll run into you at one of these Bay Area races ;)


I love those costumes haha You and your sis are so creative. I’ve ran one half marathon in costume last year. I was a bumble bee along with 50000 other bumble bees haha


It was so fun meeting you!! I think you gave me super speedy powers because this morning my run was speedier than normal. :) Brooke is adorable and so are you!


and to answer your question about running, it has been exactly 6 years since I started running (to the day). I had to answer that question…perfect timing!


My husband is a chocolate junkie as well. Chocolate Therapy ice cream is his absolute favorite – that and Phish Food (it has marshmallow in it).


Buzz Feed is so awesome!! I was looking at that costume list and didn’t even notice you in the back, I am so glad you pointed it out :)

That 16 year old girl is amazing…holy smokes!


Started running at 12 and did my 1st race at 13. I think 16 is too young for that long of a distance- my high school coach never had us run over 15 miles for training.

How come you didn’t run xc and track in HS Janae?


Wow! That is impressive for any age but 16!!! I think my first race I was 19 years old and my first marathon I was 20 years old. I’ve noticed most people that are in to long distance running aren’t anywhere near my age. I’m 22 now and it is hard to find running buddies!!! I have never worn a costume before but in January I am doing the Tinkerbell 1/2 in Disneyland and I, of course, am going to dress up like Tink!


That 16 year old girl is amazing! MAD respect for her! WOW!


I was 13 or 14 when I started running cross country. I have a friend who ran a marathon when she was 17 so I don’t think 16 is too young to run. But I do think it’s too young to be training as hard as she is. I hope she’s careful!


I definitely need to try that new Ben & Jerry’s! Yum!

I have mixed feelings about young runners. While I think it’s amazing that she, unlike so many kids, has an interest in being active, I also know that running takes a tremendous toll on your body. At 16, she’s still developing, and I’m not sure it’s good for her.


Love Ben & Jerrys. So many awesome flavors! I think Cherry Garcia is my all time favorite.

Everyone is different, so it’s hard to define a certain age for any event. I agree with Alyssa and just hope she doesn’t get hurt. That’s a lot of mileage for a body that is still growing and changing.


Ooh you’re (extra!) famous now! ;-) I’ve never ran a race in a costume, but I want to…seems like a fun way to enjoy the race even more!


Chocolate Therapy is SOOOO DELICIOUS! That’s one of my favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavors – get some ASAP :) And, as always…Brooke is SERIOUSLY the cutest baby that has ever existed.


YAY for making it to buzzfeed! Hello famous! :)

That is a sweeeeeet name for ice cream.


I actually haven’t worn a costume for a race yet…I feel like it would be annoying and get in the way, but I’m up to try anything once!

I don’t really have an opinion about “what age is too young to run a marathon”…the thing is, as long as they are training correctly and eating adequately I really think it is ok. Our bodies are much more durable than we think and withstand more than we give them credit for so I think that as long as we are smart and take care of ourselves then anyone can run a marathon!

I ran in high school for soccer and tennis conditioning but I didn’t start racing competitively until I was 25!


I’ve never dressed up in costume for a race, but a bunch of my girlfriends and I will be doing the Electric Run in July and we’ll be all decked out in glow-in-the-dark gear for that!

I was on the track team in HS but I wasn’t actually a “runner” – I did shot-put so the only running I did was maybe a SLOW lap around the track for a warmup. I started REALLY running at age 23, almost 24. I ran my first race at 24 yrs old. I’m 26 now and training for my first marathon this fall. :)


I was 18 when I did my first race, I was in college. I don’t know what age is too young to be marathoning. That’s a lot of work on your body when you are still growing.


I have never actually run a race in costume, but I always thought it would be fun to do one of those color races!

Not sure about age. For some reason, I arbitrarily feel like 16 is a good age. If you can drive 26 miles, you can run it too, right?

To be honest, I was always pretty against running until high school. I used to walk the mile. Then, I discovered how awesome running made me feel in high school and i never looked back. First race was in college – I was trying to impress some guy ;-)


I was 32 when I ran my 1st race last year…and caught the running bug :)


I’ve only ever done one race, but I’d do another one if I could do it in costume ;-) I heard about the 16 year old running marathons, that’s incredible! As long as she’s medically supervised and her body can handle it, I don’t see how it would be a problem.


I don’t know if 16 is too young for marathons but I can’t help but wonder if 15 miles a day is a little too much for a 16 year old. Sounds like a recipe to burn out by 20 either physically or mentally and that would be tragic because it seems that she has amazing potential!

I started running at the ripe age of 21! and I was doing 15 miles a week at most then.


I think if your body can handle the intensity of her training at that ago then go for it. How is that any different then the Olympian teenage gymnasts or swimmers? She has a goal, she’s training and working hard for it. More power to her!

I was 16 when I started running but I ran/walked on the treadmill. I was 22 when I started running consistently (without walking) and trained for my first 5k. And I’ve ran a marathon and several half’s. 6 months after the birth of my first babe, I ran a half in 1:56:57. A sub 2! I was so excited. I feel even stronger after having a baby and look forward to upping my goals each time to be stronger and faster.

Thanks for helping keep me inspired after having a baby. I think of your speedy self often as I push my own jogging stroller. :)


Oh I want that t-shirt!! That’s insane running!! I ran 2.44 miles the other day in 32 minutes. I’m not a runner but I was proud. hehe. :)


That pinata costume is great!! I’ve never run in a costume but I would love to! I really want to do a Disneyland half-marathon but they are so darn expensive. I did the “Color Me Rad” 5 km last year so we dressed all in white and got crazy colored while we ran – that was a ton of fun!

I started running in grade 3 at school but my first race wasn’t until grade 10 when my mom and I trained for the local 10km run. I’m about to start training for my second half marathon and I’m excited but very nervous because after the last one (2 years ago!) I haven’t been running many long distances. I’m trying to work on running for the sake of running and not being to hard on myself for not being where I was at but it is tough! Even though I’m not injured your posts have helped me to get my mind back on track – thanks!


1st of all B&J chocolate therapy is amazing. My fiance bought it for me one night when I was having a REALLY bad day, he thought it was funny and I ended up loving it. It’s very rich, I tend to buy one and take a bite here and there and it’s enough to satisfy me.

As amazing as that girl is (like seriously, I ran Cleveland as well this year and ran my 2nd best time in 3:25 so she clearly kicked my ass) BUT I think 16 is too young to be very honest (no this is not because she beat me). She’s young and still growing, her body (AND MIND) are still developing and I have read so many things about doing marathons too soon (most races don’t even let you register under 18, so I am surprised Cleveland allowed it). I ran all through high school and college track, but didn’t run my first road race (or race longer than a mile) until I was 21. I ran my first marathon at 23. I don’t regret that I didn’t get into distance until my 20’s and I don’t regret that I waited until I had been doing it a little while before taking the plunge into longer stuff. I think it was smart, I am capable of training properly and listening to my body I don’t think any 16 year old is capable of fully understanding their body, and that is something that’s huge especially when racing longer distances.


Haha I love Buzzfeed, and I love that you were on it!

Omg that Chocolate Therapy ice cream- I had it when it first came out at the scoop shops only, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. SO GOOD.


You made it to BuzzFeed!! You are so famous, Janae!! I really want your autograph!


I give mad kudos to that young lady, but I think it’s too soon for her to be running these kinds of distances. No college runner ever runs like that and they still make leaps and bounds in the records dept later for longer events like that.

And nice costume, btw.


I did hear about that 16 yr old girl, that is amazing! I came late to the running game, I was I think about 21-22 when I started running (trying to get rid of the freshman 25) and didn’t run a race until 24-25 yrs old.


You post so many delicious things! Amazing & torturous haha.

I ran a 5K in a bunny suit over Easter. So much fun (and so hot in there!).


Congrats on making it to Buzzfeed. That’s so cool!
I’m sorry but I have to stick with my old favorite at Ben and Jerry’s;
Phish Food! It’s hard to beat it….


I was 32 when I ran my first race. Haven’t looked back!
Never ran a race in a costume.
Personally, our bodies are so different and what is normal for an individual most likely isn’t for the next. Really I don’t think any age is too young to race.


I need to TRY that chocolate ice cream! :)


That girl is amazing


How young is too young to be running a marathon? Any thoughts about this?
I couldn’t say. I say as long as they are healthy and LOVE to do it, whys top them?

How old were you when you first started running? How old were you when you did your first race?
I OFFICIALLY started calling myself a runner when I was 23. That was after a 2 year running hiatus. I ran my first race with I was 21.


Hahahahhaa that shirt! It’s so perfect!


Oh love the piñata costume!!

I think that ice cream may be to choclately for me I prefer mint choc chip yummy!!!

Brooke is as adorable as ever! Love that she digs salmon


You’re famous! But I already thought that because your blog is awesome. I’m scared to wear a costume during a race. Seems like it would be so uncomfortable! Congrats on your Buzzfeed fame though!


Hey! This is my 1st comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell
you I truly enjoy reading through your blog
posts. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same topics?
Thanks a ton!


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