Race Shirt Tuesday

 Something that we can all do today to show our support for the victims and families of victims of yesterday’s tragedy and to show our strength as runners.   Wear a race shirt today or something that is blue and yellow!

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An awesome article to read, ‘If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.

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I think Tara is so right:

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Another must read:  Overwhelming kindness follows Boston Marathon Blast.

The Boston Marathon Bomb: Keep Calm and Carry On

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Join Lizzie by running 2.62 silent miles in honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy.  

Please share any thoughts or ways that you are coping with what happened yesterday.  Have you heard of any ways that we can help, please share!  Will you be wearing a race shirt today?

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I’m also looking for ways to help! Thanks for posting this. And yes, our family will be wearing race shirts today.


I love the idea to run the silent miles. My warmup and cooldown today at practice will be done in silence.


I am so glad that you shared this message. It echoes the thoughts I was having last night. God’s love was seen yesterday in every big and small kindness that was shown in the aftermath of those evil happenings. We can continue to be His light in this dark world.


Thanks for posting this- I will be wearing a race shirt today


I will be running today and wearing a race shirt!


The article about restoring faith is amazing. I read it last night and was crying. So touching.
I am running today to honor the marathon and everyone who was involved and everyone who helped.


I 100% agree! We can’t be scared, we need to be strong together. We are lucky more people weren’t killed, but enough were injured. Prayers go out to all in Boston.


Thank you for sharing some if the positives that came from the negative. I am wearing a race shirt today.


Thanks for the inspiring articles in the face if such a horrific incident. I ran 4.09 silent miles this morning in honor of Boston, and I’m wearing my first race shirt today as well. Solidarity in the running community!


I didn’t hear about the race shirt thing this morning and I’m already at work. But, I will change as soon as I can (either at lunch or as soon as I get home). Thank you for posting some positive thoughts today!


I’m definitely wearing a race shirt today and mentally dedicating my 12 miles to the victims and everyone affected. Also, the Chicago Running Bloggers are working on putting together a race (virtual, I think) to raise money for charity in memory of the victims. Not a lot has been decided, but there are discussions on the group’s Facebook page (facebook.com/ChicagoRunningBloggers). I can also post the URL for the race once things get put together if anyone’s interested.


My friends and I have a half marathon this upcoming Sunday. We plan on running it in honor of the Boston marathon and all those affected. We are going to make some ribbons with blue and yellow to wear in honor.


What happened in Boston broke my heart, and the only thing that’s been helping mend it is seeing people unite and come together. I love Tara’s comment, and that’s how I’m trying to get through this as well. I don’t have a race shirt to wear, but I’ll definitely be rocking the blue and yellow.


My heart breaks for everyone involved. I will be wearing a blue shirt today to work out. Prayers for Boston.


Unfortunately, I can’t wear a race shirt to work, but did wear one for my early morning run today, and will wear a race shirt during my evening work out. The runners, spectators and families of those in Boston were in my thoughts for all 5.1 miles this morning.


A list of how you can help.
I will be wearing a race t today. We are all family of runners and brought even closer by blogs. Prayers for Boston.


So that’s the case? Quite a revoiatlen that is.


I’m wearing my 2013 blue Disney marathon race shirt today. Gonna run 4.15 miles after work.


I like the idea of silent 2.62 miles, I might do that later! I saw that it’s being encouraged that London marathoners put their hands over their heart to cross the finish line, which I also thought was nice. I will be wearing my 3.2 for 32 race shirt today in honor of Boston as well as Virginia Tech.


Wearing my Boston shirt today…even though it’s not dress code! Such senseless cruelty. So sad.


Warm up and cooldown will be done in silence with thought and prayers being sent to all affected. It is incredible has so many people are coming together to help out.


I too posted about the trajedy today. I’m wearing blue & gold today & encouraging everyone to still sign up for those big races you’ve wanted to do!


I needed new KT tape so ill be buying yellow and blue. Going to wear it during the Pittsburgh half marathon in a few weeks.


Thanks for posting this Janae. I live in Boston, and there is an eerie silence everywhere today. However I am so grateful for all the people that have come to help out others, it is inspiring. I am planning to do the BAA 10k in July, and hopefully that will be a good event!


I am so sad for this horrible tragedy, and I am thankful that all of my friends and their families who were there are safe and healthy. They all worked hard to get there, and to have their training and their families’ patience with all of those long and early morning runs taken away by this horrible news gives the people who did this vile act even more power. Please don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones and friends on their accomplishments of the day in Boston. Some may find this irreverent or insensitive, but there is very little positive any of us can do right now for those who were harmed. The moment that we lose focus of this American institution, we become captives to the type of terrorism which spawned this. I hope to see a lot of POSITIVE and CONGRATULATORY, rather than morose and lamenting, status updates on Facebook and in the news for the next few days. Congrats to all who made the journey and did the work. Nothing can take your day away from you.


In all of the horrifying news there are so many inspiring stories. The running community is a great one and I will be thinking of Boston during my run today.


The Whoos didn’t let the Grinch keep them from celebrating Christmas. Runners won’t let bombers keep them from running- and Americans won’t let terrorists stop them from celebrating and living life.

I actually ran on the treadmill yesterday (which I hate usually) so that I could watch the news on the Boston marathon. It truly hurts my heart. I pray they bring justice to whomever is responsible and that those able to run realize their blessing and continue to do so. More than ever, I’m proud to be a part of the Running family.


beautiful post. runners are all a big family, and you’re right, we can’t allow ourselves to be terrorized. I’m wearing my chicago marathon shirt to work today and wore my marathon tech tee for my morning track workout.


I can’t dress down to work but I grabbed a race shirt for my work out today. I am racing this weekend and there is nothing that will keep me from finishing.


My son has been supporting me and his uncle at marathons since he was 4 months old…my thoughts are especially with those parents of the 8 year old boy – and all of the other children that were injured. I went on my run this morning thinking of them all & had an awesome run in their honor. The racing community is always so supportive of everyone at races. While I’ve taken moments to pay tribute to those injured and deceased; I want my take away to be that image of everyone at the race – RUNNING TO help those that were injured.


I will be wearing a race t-shirt on my run tomorrow (in Aus so it will be Wed) – laid it out as soon as I heard about this.


I’m not able to wear a raceshirt to work but I am wearing blue and yellow! And I will be going on a run later!


I’m 9 months pregnant but I’ll try to find one that fits.


I’m definitely wearing my racing shirt today from the last race I did a week and a half ago.

To be honest – I’m more mad than sad (although both feelings are too intertwined to really decipher). I’m s/mad because the Boston Marathon is the holy grail for runners, it’s the ultimate race. Finishing Boston gives you bragging rights for the rest of your life. People train for years to go to Boston. Approximately 6,000 runners were DNF yesterday because of the explosions – not because they couldn’t finish! About 5,000 of those runners had already reached the 40k mark. Their dreams of conquering Boston stolen. Runner’s who finished yesterday and achieved this wonderful, miraculous, hard fought and won battle now have a grey cloud over their day of glory. The post-race party was cancelled and I’m sure other celebrations still had were a bit more somber.

I’m s/mad because I am training for Boston 2014, I’m still planning to qualify for it. The explosions put a damper on my day (to say the least) and possibly my chances…who can tell for sure at this early stage.


I am proudly wearing my Run For Life race shirt today under my scrubs and encouraged others to do the same this morning on FB. Praying for all those involved.


I am still shaken from yesterday (I was in the finishers shoot when the explosions happened). I will be wearing my race shirt around Boston today while trying to process what happened. Thanking God that my sister and I were far enough away to not be hurt and praying for those families who were affected.


Thank god you made it safe and sound!

PS: Congrats on finishing yesterday (don’t know if you’re getting as nearly as many congrats as you deserve for your tremendous accomplishment)!


Wow! I can’t imagine how the experience must have been.

Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!!! :) You are awesome!!!


Glade to hear you are safe! Congratulations!


I am a Boston native (and runner) and avid fan of the Boston Marathon. I have watched it every year. In fact, I was standing where the first bomb went off a mere 1 1/2 hr prior to the explosion and was 500ft away from the second explosion. It was not a pretty scene. I am also a physician at Tufts and ran to the hospital to assist. I just want to say thank you all! More importantly, I came home at midnight last night and my solace in the face of shock and anger came from reading this blog. Runners we are strong and resilient. Lets please stand together and not let cruelty overtake us.


Amen! Thank you Caroline!


I think that is an amazing and wonderful comment! That should be published all over the news!

Thank you!


Glad you weren’t hurt & was able to assist!!
& yes we are strong.
We aren’t a force to be reckon with!


Beautiful Caroline. I have to include the last line in my next post. I am so thankful that you are okay and thank you for doing everything you can to help others.


This is terrible, but I completely agree that it is important to remember all the good and try to see the light in the situation in the form of all the helpers.


I think this is a great idea to show solidarity. I live right outside of Boston, and have my whole life (except for college). I never thought there would be an attack like this at home.


I can’t wear a race shirt to work but I definitely wore one for my run this morning. I love the way the running family is coming together for this. Beauty in an awful tragedy.


So sad. I can’t wear a race shirt to work, but I will be wearing it tonight!


I’ll be wearing a race shirt while teaching today. I’m still trying to figure out how to answer the “why” questions from my students, but the least I can do is start by sharing with them the spirit of the running community.


I’m wearing my Bath Half marathon top from last year in the office today. It was the toughest race, mentally, that I’ve ever run, so I thought it was fitting.


I jut can’t believe this happened. In a way, i think it will bring the running community together, strong and united. It shows how much we are a family. I will definitely wear a race shirt when I get home and on my run tonight.


I was a solemn morning run today but I am wearing my Ogden Marathon shirt today in support of the running community. It’s amazing how much love and support is being shown by runners from all over. It is inspiring and I can’t wait to run my marathon next month to see the crowds and show of support


I wore my race shirt this morning for my 2 mile run and will wear another one all day. We are united, bonded and will come out stronger then ever.


I’m wearing a race shirt today

We were watching the race at school as one of our teachers was running the race – she crossed about 30 minutes before. Since I happened to be on twitter, I was the first to realize what happened, ran to the office and checked to see if M texted back yet (she was with her entire family) – she is ok. I had to hold a track practice 15 minutes later and I was almost silent for the entire practice – my mind was elsewhere.


Awesome, love all these uplifting articles. Thanks!


I think this is a wonderful idea for bringing the running community together, and to show the world what a tight community we are. I’m wearing my 2010 Boston Marathon shirt today.


As a runner, I think it made this attack more personal. It’s amazing the amount of evil in this world. I wore Boston marathon blue and yellow to cycle this morning, and I’ll be wearing a race shirt to show my love and support for those killed and injured in Boston. I’m praying for all.


I’m new to running. I will be doing my second 5k on Saturday. I’m getting a few (5) shirts made that say “Running for Boston” with the words in yellow and blue. I just want to show my support. I know I’m new to running but I hate to think of all the hard work all those wonderful people put in to that marathon just to have it torn down. I have so much respect for marathoners, and even more so now. I’m going to run my heart out Saturday in honor of them!


Running a half on sunday. Will be wearing blue & yellow for those who didn’t get to finish, and green for boston. Us runners are crazy strong, hard to kepp us down.


wearing my race shirt in the office today and observing the 2.62 silent miles tonight. Being in the city yesterday on what is such a positive day for Boston was so scary. This attack is so personal to me as a Bostonian and a runner. There are just no words but our city and the running community are going to rise up…we are strong


Such a senseless tragedy. My prayers go out to everyone affected. Breaks my heart.



This morning I dropped my girls off at daycare and went for a run. I was fueled by anger and sadness and a profound sense of loss. I flew through those first few miles, on the verge of tears, thinking about what happened yesterday and thinking about my fellow Hokies who were lost on this day in 2007. But, as I slowed down for the last few miles, I started to breathe deeper, to look around and appreciate the beautiful spring day, to feel grateful for all of the good things in my life.

Running is cathartic; just as we sweat out the impurities in our body, running helps us cleanse our minds. I ran today because I still can. I ran for the eight-year-old boy who never will. And, as I saw other runners out on this beautiful day, I felt a sense of hope.

Yes, I’m still angry and sad about what happened yesterday. But I know that love is stronger than violence. I know that all of the runners around the world will join together to honor yesterday’s victims. Let’s stay the course together and show the world what we run for.

Today I’m wearing my race shirt from my first marathon. And you can count on seeing me cross the finish line at Boston some day!


Being from Boston I’m wearing my BAA Half Marathon Shirt. I also ran 5 miles including what I call my Heartbreak Hill this morning.


That google doc showing people offering up their homes made me cry and cry. Especially the ones that said things like “two friendly dogs that would love to give you some comfort” or “air mattress and seperate bathroom available. I am a good cook”. We should focus on the good in humanity right now. Revel in the shine of our Nation’s kindness and compassion, while taking all glory and attention away from the cowards that committed this heinous act.



This woman taught at my middle school and her husband (who she was running in honor of) was a sub before he was killed in Iraq. Through this tragedy her story is now reaching thousands. I was crying seeing how many people have liked and commented on her post.


I’m at work today so I can’t wear a race shirt but I have a necklace with small ‘run’, 13.1 and 26.2 charms on it that I am wearing today to show my support.

I have a busy day, but I am really hoping that I can get in at least 2.62 miles.


I ran 6 miles this morning while watching the news at the gym…thanks for sharing all of these, Janae.


I’m a strong believer in the power of prayer so I did a prayer run last night. Just 3 miles of prayer for those in Boston. I usually use music but even left that at home so my attention could be fully devoted to praying for those affected by the explosion; evil will not prevail. Thanks for this post.


Yes, I will be wearing a race shirt tonight at the gym.

I did not know before I got ready for work, but I am wearing blue today.

Also, I am trying to focus my sadness for this awful event that took place, but turning my eyes to the One in control. Focusing my runs on the people who lost their lives/limbs. I will run for the ones who cannot today.


As always your posts are so inspiring. I am wearing my most memorable race t shirt today at work. I am thinking of the families, friends, community as a whole (both running and non). This was not a personal attack on runners it was an attack on many different communities, but how they have all come together is simply incredible.


I’m wearing my Boston shirt from yesterday all day today. It’s a tradition for my husband and I to go back to mile 25 and cheer for the other runners so luckly we were far enough away to not get hurt, but it was a sad finish to an amazing race with amazing people. Lots of love and support to all the runners and people of Boston.


Great idea for the silent 2.62 miles. I know I will participate with one of my race day shirts.


I will be doing silent miles, and wearing a race shirt. Thank-you for such a great post. My thoughts and prayers are with the contestants and their families.


The first explosion was near the corner where my boyfriend works and happened as I was on my way to hang out and wait for him to get off work. I cannot even explain what I felt then or when he texted me to stay away as police had them hunker down where they were. Fortunately, within 10 minutes of that conversation he was able to leave and come meet me, completely safe.

But, in all of this, I think the important thing is to focus on the people that went to help, the victims fighting to overcome this and to not let the fear in and do what we can to help. I wanted to thank you for your posts today and yesterday that really focused on those elements. That’s what I feel everyone here needs and that’s what we’re thinking about and focusing on today.


During such an awful time it is truly humbling to see a great community come together with love, prayers and support. I love the idea of running a silent 2.62 miles, I will be unplugging and hitting the pavement as soon as I can.


Wearing my blue and yellow Big Sur race shirt. Ran this morning and will run again this afternoon. My heart goes out to all the people there. The volunteers, the spectators, the firends and family waiting to see their loved ones cross that line. My heart is heavy with sadness, but is lifted by the amazing love from the community helping those in need, rushing towards the fallen.


Wearing my Fargo Marathon shirt today – dedicated my crazy workout this morning to everyone in Boston. It’s just so hard to attempt to make any sense of this – it will never make any sense. I am so grateful and honored to be a part of the amazing running community – we are a strong bunch!


I can’t wear a race shirt at work but I’m wearing my running shoes, even if they are hidden under my desk and I’ll be wearing a race shirt when I run tonight. I don’t know what’s more overwhelming from this event, the tragedy or the out pouring of support. Both make me want to cry


Hadn’t even seen this post before I grabbed my Steamtown marathon race shirt for a reflective 5 miles this morning. Ran with a heavy heart. My thoughts are with those in Boston.

3 Weeks until Pittsburgh marathon. I will be wearing blue and yellow in remembrance of yesterday’s tragedy.


Ran Vienna (half only!) on April 14th. Wearing the shirt now.


I’m not scared. I am mad and heartbroken. I still find it so hard to realize what happened. It all seems so unreal. The minute before, I was looking at my teammates impressive results and feeling so happy for them. The minute after, my coworker told me about the explosion. What makes me even more sad is thinking about the fact tha most of the victims are supporters. These people are the one who make races such awsome, joyful events. They stay on the sides line cheering for us and forcing us to not give up! To me, these people are and will always be the real stars. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all these people who stayed and helped. You’re heros and you’re the living proof that love and kindness will always be stronger than hatred and violence.


I’m donating blood. Because that’s all I can do. Our running store hosted a 5am run this morning. And it was nice. Because when things don’t make sense, we run


I’m wearing a race shirt to work today.


Ran 5 miles this a.m. and wearing my Twin Cities Marathon T-shirt in support.


If anyone feels like they want to do something to help…sign up for a race. Any distance, walking, running, cycling, that supports a good cause. It will add positive vibes to the community, and you continue in the spirit of running , training, and competition.


As someone who reads many running blogs (and is a beginner runner myself!) I have always wondered why bloggers don’t mention the medical staff that is at races. Maybe it is because they haven’t needed to seek medical attention, but as a student nurse who has worked in numerous medical tents at races, I find the medical help can sometimes be overlooked. A lot of hard work goes into volunteering at a medical tent for a race and I am beyond thankful for all of the medical personnel that was there in Boston yesterday. They are all heroes who selflessly give to help others.


Jenny, thank you for the comment. You are so right. The medical staff at races is absolutely incredible. They are heroes.


I had at least 26.2 minutes free this morning—and took full advantage and knocked out a very cold, brisk walk. Last night I ran 2 miles last night in tribute for each person killed (at that time at least.) It’s just so, so heartbreaking.



I wore my Baltimore Running Festival race shirt for my run this morning – can’t stop thinking about yesterday and hoping that everyone touched by this tragedy can heal in time. I feel so blessed to be grouped into this very large “brotherhood” of runners and know that our spirit will remain strong, even in times of horrific tragedy. God Bless America.


I enjoyed the Patton Oswalt message that went viral:

“I remember, when 9/11 went down, my reaction was, “Well, I’ve had it with humanity.”

But I was wrong. I don’t know what’s going to be revealed to be behind all of this mayhem. One human insect or a poisonous mass of broken sociopaths.

But here’s what I DO know. If it’s one person or a HUNDRED people, that number is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population on this planet. You watch the videos of the carnage and there are people running TOWARDS the destruction to help out. This is a giant planet and we’re lucky to live on it but there are prices and penalties incurred for the daily miracle of existence. One of them is, every once in awhile, the wiring of a tiny sliver of the species gets snarled and they’re pointed towards darkness.

But the vast majority stands against that darkness and, like white blood cells attacking a virus, they dilute and weaken and eventually wash away the evil doers and, more importantly, the damage they wreak. This is beyond religion or creed or nation. We would not be here if humanity were inherently evil. We’d have eaten ourselves alive long ago.

So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, “The good outnumber you, and we always will.”


Thank you so much for sharing this quote with me. It is amazing.


Thanks for posting such great articles.
I linked this post on my blog!
My running group also is doing something like the silent run.
Either we run 26.2 mins, 2.62 miles, or go for the full 26.2
They gave us bibs to print and wear as well!
You can see them below.
I love how we as runners have come together.
We are a force to be reckon with.


Some great posts today about this horrible tragedy. So proud of the way people have been bonding together!


I feel like it was a small gesture, but I wore a blue race t-shirt during my run today. I also prayed for Boston while I ran.

Today is also the sixth anniversary of the shootings at Virginia Tech, which is also hard. When that happened, one of the people to speak on campus in the aftermath was President Bush. He told us “people you don’t even know are praying for you.” I don’t know why this was so comforting, but it was.

So anyone who was affected by Boston yesterday, just know that people who you don’t even know are praying for you and sending healing thoughts your way.


Great post. This is why I love the running community so much. I will be wearing my first race shirt all day.


I’m completely devastated by this. Waiting for my little one to wake from her nap so we can go on out silent run.


Thank you for all the uplifting reminders that the majority of people are good.


I wore my race shirt from the 2012 Chicago Marathon today even though my normal attire is business professional. No one said a word against my fashion choice for the day.

Thank you for The great collection of stories that restore your faith in human-kind in the wake of such a senseless tragedy. Well done and I’m glad you and your family are safe.


Running silently tonight in my 2013 LA Marathon race shirt.


I ran a silent 4.09 miles today in honor of the bombing at thr 4hr 9 minute mark. And I wore navy and yellow!


Thanks for posting! You are one of the most positive runners I know. I wore my RnR Half Miami shirt today while I exercised.

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