I felt like I was running naked.

 When I started my run this morning it felt REALLY weird.  I felt naked but don’t worry, I wasn’t.

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My body has gotten really used to running with the BOB again and so my solo run felt really strange and approximately 4,000 times easier.  My legs also felt way better during and after the run.  I love my Bob with all of my heart but I don’t know how much running I will be doing with it (maybe just one or two easy runs a week) to prevent getting hurt again.  Now I just have to avoid my tendency to be lazy all morning long and leave early enough to get home in time for Billy to go to school.

Brooke was upset with me that I didn’t bring her on the run but obviously she forgave me quickly.

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I did my  Runner’s Core DVD and then ate breakfast with Brooke before going to meet a friend for a walk and some swing time.  I have talked a little bit about this friend before on the blog but she truly is incredible.  The sweetest woman ever and an incredible runner (13 marathons and 17 half marathons in the last 5 years)!  We could (and do) talk for hours and hours and hours.

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We took a long walk to Downtown San Jose and I found approximately 40 restaurants in San Pedro Square that I want Billy to take me to.  

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And then I came home and had the best salad I have had in a long time (I think I say that too much because really I just love all salads and food for that matter) with a slice of bread because I have no idea how to eat a meal without some form of bread.

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and then I had more bread.   PS I have found the best grocery store bread in the world.  We got it at Costco and it is heavenly.  

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I also got a chance to talk to my good friend Pam.  She ran Boston this year and I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am that she and her husband are okay.  

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(PS I was pregnant with Brooke in this picture but had no idea.  I was just a few weeks along and already craving candy in hello kitty tins and gelato… actually I always crave that, I cannot blame it on Brooke.   PPS I ate all of that candy 2 hours before running the RNR Las Vegas 1/2 marathon, not one of my best life decisions.)


Did your run today feel harder or easier than usual?

What did you have for lunch today?

What do you usually have with you when you run?  Does it bother you to carry stuff?  Do you take your phone?

-I can’t remember the last time I ran without my phone and I don’t even notice that I am usually carrying (unless running with the BOB, then it is in the cup holder) my phone, keys and pepper spray.

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My run this morning felt harder then usual. Not sure why my legs were just heavy. I’m hoping they feel better tonight because I have a date with the track after work. Wish me luck


I am not running because I have a cold but I am not going to complain about it because I know I will be better soon!


I had yogurt for lunch with a million ginger snaps. I felt naked running by myself yesterday- no dog or friend with me!!


I bring as little as possible with me on a run. I hate carrying things on a run. I did find that carrying a specific gel container doesn’t bother me as much as expected so I can use my own gel options rather than store bought. That’s good since none of my warm weather running gear has pockets. This mornings run felt pretty easy. It was fun splashing through puddles and coming home drenched.


I hate carrying things when I run. On long runs by myself, i usually carry my phone, but jam it in the pocket of my shirt or shorts.

My run yesterday felt hard, but that’s probably because I was killing myself with speed work.


I’m running this evening, it was too cold this morning! I also only run with a bottle of water and pepper spray. P.s.- Brooke’s little leg rolls are so stinkin cute!!!!


I felt the same way with my first run at the gym on the treadmill. I was alone and not pushing two kids! It felt amazing. I don’t mind pushing a stroller sometimes but I hate running with a water bottle. The water shifts too much and throws me off.
Little things bug me I guess. I didn’t really have “lunch” I’ve been eating non stop all day. Yogurt, salad, chips, salsa, sunflower seed butter…. poptarts.


I haven’t run since Tuesday morning. lots of things going on preventing me from hitting the asphalt :\ I need it though. been stressed out.

I just wolfed my overnight oats like 2 minutes ago.

I haven’t been to San Pedro Square in a while. Last time was before a Jason Mraz concert. You have to go to the Old Spaghetti Favtory. LOVE their spumoni.


my run felt great today! did I mention it was only one mile? But hey, it was pain free! I underestimate rest… lol.
I usually always have my phone with me.. its my only source of music.. I have nano but haven’t updated the music in 1o years and got really lazy since pandora came into my life.


lunch today was cut up veggie burger, mixed with sweet potateos and green beans. i felt like keeping it plain and simple today. when i run i normally have my phone and that’s it. i can’t remember the last time i had anything else.


I didn’t run today so it was really easy :) Taking a rest day today and getting back at it tomorrow!


I feel naked w/out a dog or stroller, too.


I hate to carry things! I’ve tried to carry different things with me, but unless it’s on my arm, I don’t want it. Crazy. For lunch I had some pineapple and oatmeal with pecans, chia seeds, and craisins. My favorite! Yumm! I ran an easy 4 miles today, since my first ever half marathon is Saturday! I can’t even begin to contain my excitement =)


I didn’t run today… school is already in full swing it appears…I don’t carry anything when I DO run though. For lunch today I had a hummus, avocado, and cucumber sandwich with a strawberry yogurt! My favourite!


Your salad looks delicious! I’m jealous! :)


I am 90% sure I stood next to Pam in the porta potty line… I should have made friends, I’m sad now!


I take my phone when I run and it doesn’t bother me at all to carry it. I love your white and black shorts in the top picture! So glad Pam is okay, too!


haha I laughed when you wrote “I was just a few weeks along and already craving candy in hello kitty tins and gelato”. I was thinking.. when does she not crave those things?

I don’t usually carry anything on my runs: I hate that feeling.. I tie my car key (I drive to a lake trail to run) in my shoelace, and wear a cheap running watch. I had to carry my phone once.. and really hated it. I did like using the nike running app that time though.

I had eggs, cheddar cheese, spinach and mushrooms in a wrap, pretzels and grapes for lunch.. oh and pink lemonade!

Loving those chubby legs of Brooke’s!


I did an 8 mile run with friends last night and it felt better than I’d expected it would. I was apparently “in the zone” at the end and sped up about 45 seconds faster! As for carrying things, I carry a hand-held Nathan bottle with a zip pocket for my GU and/or keys and an iPod. I hate running with extra belts because they never seem to stay where I want them to be! I also only tend to carry my phone if I’m running alone because I got stuck in a downpour one day and have been scared to take it ever since!


I am super jealous you know Pam, Skinny Runner and RER (aka Monica)


i had soup and salad for lunch! yum!

i use a SPI belt for my car keys on my training runs and its worked great on race days! i carry my IPhone on my arm and use Endomondo to track my work out. sometimes i carry my Amphipod water bottle on long runs and race day.

My run last night was terrible and i dont know why although i’m chalking it up to hormones. my feet felt like i was running in soft sand, not making any forward progress. took me until mile 2 to get comfortable.


I always feel like I have too much stuff when I run. My Garmin, my iPod, and my handheld water bottle. I usually tuck a key in there, unless I’m leaving from home and I have recently started taking my cell phone. I’m considering pepper spray. One of my co-workers said I needed to carry a gun. Yikes!


I’m so glad you had a good run!! :))


Where did you get those cute Chevron shorts?!


I had a buffet for lunch today… pizza, nachos, pulled pork… it was heavenly. And for a good cause!

PS- I ordered my first pair of Brooks today… I can’t wait for my PureCadence 2’s to get here! :)


I just got back from a run carrying my phone. It felt harder today partway through because I was starving! By the way, stock up on that bread from Costco when you can. It keeps disappearing and will disappoint you when you are expecting it to be there!


Glad you had a great run! Are you still planning on running your marathon in June?


The run felt harder today for some reason so I kept changing my stride a foot strike to keep it a little fresher. I always run with my Nike + and iPod. For lunch today I had an Apple with pb, yogurt, and a grapefruit. I am a smacked and that happens to be what I had for my noon snack. :)


Haha I remember when you ate all that candy before RNR Las Vegas! Glad you had a great day with friends! When I run outside I always have my phone and I use it to listen to music and usually my garmin.


Some people swear by candy during half marathons and marathons and I can’t fathom it!! I always have my cell phone on my run but it’s in an arm band. If I have to carry keys I get significantly more upset. I cannot carry a water bottle at all, drives me nuts with the water going back and forth in the bottle!


I carry my nano, my phone and my pepper spray. I have two phones. We have an extra phone line by accident (a kid grew up and left home…left the phone line, too) so I have a little phone I use it for to run with. It’s perfect.


I have very little with me when I run, usually just my Garmin, iPod, and dorm key. It REALLY bothers me to carry things; I used to use my phone instead of the Garmin to track distance and pace, but I hated having to always hold it. I’ve been able to squeak by on my long runs without carrying anything, but this Saturday I’m going to have to start carrying some sort of fuel. Hopefully I’ll be able to just stuff it in those little hidden pockets in athletic shorts!


aaaah, I havent been on your blog in forever! So many articles to catch up with but so pleased to read you again. Take care x


I’ve stopped carrying stuff with me when I run (other than candy) because it’s annoying, though I really should take my phone for safety’s sake! This morning’s run was harder than usual simply because I upped my mileage to 10 miles and the last few were all uphill. Great run though!

Mmm grocery store bread…


Oh. My. Gosh. Your shorts! Neeeed! Ooh that salad looks super yummy too. Carrots? I have to try that! I love finding an awesome bread. Bread is delicious. Go Pam!!!


My run felt equal to the effort I was giving. Recently my runs have felt incredibly hard and yet my pace has been ~ 30 sec. slower than I’ve wanted it to be. FINALLY got my good run today.

Lunch was a spinach salad with goat cheese, walnuts, strawberries, cinnamon roasted chick peas. Also had a blueberry bliss luna bar<—best flavor, ever!

Key in zipped pocket, sometimes phone, roadid on wrist, sometimes fuel and water.


Your chevron shorts are adorable! Where are they from? Run was ridiculous because the humidity is over 100% and winds are like 30 mph. Talk about a bad hair day! Lunch today was a pb and honey wrap with veggies dipped in cilantro dressing from TJ! Hate carrying stuff when I run!!!


I love your chevron shorts!!

Yesterday my run felt a lot easier because I finally had headphones to use!!! It’s so much easier for me to get motivated and run faster when I have music to listen to. I never understand how people can run without music!


I’m running with a friend tonight so I haven’t gone yet. It feels weird to not have my workout done yet…
For lunch I had greek yogurt, an apple, popcorn…and I had a snack an hour later. I’ve been all over the place with my food today hahaha
Love your chevron shorts!


My run today was great because my husband was home to keep an eye on the babe, so I had no distractions! I always listen to music or watch netflix on the treadmill, but I always turn off my ringer and work email when I run so I can tune everything out and decompress!


I loooovveeee your shorts!!!

Isn’t it so fun to look back at pictures & think-hey, I was pregnant & didn’t know it yet?! I think it’s kinda fun. But then again, I am a dork…..

I’m so glad Pam & her hubs are okay too!


We get that bread from costco all the time! SO good!! I had a salad for lunch, too :) Black beans, corn, spinach, walnuts, craisins, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice as dressing. Random, but delicious!



I don’t carry anything during my run. I only have tiny ipod shuffle that I clip on my shirt. that’s it. I am looking forward to run with a jogging stroller though. :) I know it’s going to be different. :)


I think I’m too trusting of a runner… I usually just run with my phone in my armband and my headphones in. No ID, no keys, no pepper spray.

For lunch, I had some left over couscous with some leftover cauliflower mac n’ cheese (basically there were no noodles, I just used cauliflower and other veggies and poured a homemade cheese sauce over it). Nothing exciting..


My run today felt a lot better than yesterdays. I had way more energy!!! I met my brother and his family at this taco place for lunch…. it was so good. I ate wayyyyyy to much!


The picture of your salad reminds me of the ones I make for dinner ALMOST every night now! I started going to TJ’s recently and got their turkey meat already cooked and throw it on top of my salads. SO GOOD!!!


What kind of treadmill do you have, and how much did it cost?


Lunch was Asian sesame chicken salad. Yummers. More importantly, Ms. Brooke has the cutest baby thighs of all time.


I decided to do an hour of yoga before getting in a short run of 3 miles. I think yoga drained me because I couldn’t wait for the run to be over.

For lunch I had soup and an Asiago bagel. For some reason I have been on a bagel kick this week, it is getting a little ridiculous the count I am up to!


You live in such a beautiful place! Do you think that the BOB caused your injury or the spinning? Or both!? :). For lunch I had some turkey with quinoa and black bean chips, sweet peppers, carrots, and tomatoes and then an apple! My run was blah today. The legs are just not feeling it but the brain is. Not a good combo!! And I typically take ipod and Garmin. Very smart with the pepper spray!


I ran on the treadmill today and for some reason, treadmill runs always feel harder! I used to be pretty minimal for carrying stuff on the run- just a key. But I *finally* got a smart phone and have been carrying that with me to use the map my run app. I think I am going to get one of those Spi belts so I can carry it in the summer….


Glad running felt good again (and that Brook forgave you!). I’ll have to get used to BOB running in a couple months! :) And, you can’t trust me around candy either ;)


I always used to take my phone with me but now i only ever take it in my Spibelt when I race. My Garmin is always with me and my ishuffle is about 50% of the time.
Lunch today was a can of crabmeat mixed with miracle whip,minced onion and dill weed on a slice of toasted wheat bread. Also a few bite size snickers and a pack of Skittles for dessert. I don’t even like Skittles!!!!!
No run today going to do a 15 miler tomorrow instead of Sat. Due to a golf tourney on Saturday.


I NEEEED those chevron shorts! (And your striped running top!) I’m hardcore coveting! Also-Brooke is getting more adorable by the day!


I love those black and white shorts!


My last run felt hard but then again it was 92 degrees and hilly! I rarely carry things. I tie my key to my shorts and stick my phone in my shorts or bra. Classy.


Hey Janae!
I have been wanting to bring pepper spray along with me on my runs, but I have two problems and maybe you can help! First, I don’t know where to buy it, and second I don’t know where to keep it. Can you or anyone else help me out?! Thank you! P.s. I always bring my phone with me in my spibelt! :)


I usually try to carry my phone, more for safety than for anything else. In the summer I also always carry water – either in my hydration backpack or belt.


I get really paranoid about running without my phone, so I’ve never run without it. But it’s what I listen to so it’s not too much of a big deal. But I have major thirstyness issues so I always have to take a water bottle of some sort with me because I’m dying for water by the time I’ve gone a mile. I’m pretty high maintenance.

Is that picture at the sugar factory?? I love that place! When I went to Vegas we had an AMAZING dinner of almost all chocolate fondue, that place is the bomb!


What did you have for lunch today?
Lean Pocket, Pretzel Bread Spinach and Cheese. SUPER yummy for a frozen meal. Also had carrots with it.

What do you usually have with you when you run? Does it bother you to carry stuff? Do you take your phone?
I carry my ipod. I will only bring my phone on an armband if I’m going on a long run. I also carry my car key and depending on the length of the run, I’ll have my SPIbelt packed with snacks. My mom insists I carry pepper spray, though I haven’t yet.


It’s good that you’re taking steps to make sure that you’re not going to get injured again. Getting up really early for running can be tough, but it’s always worth it. I generally carry water, ID, gels (if it’s a longer run), and pepper spray on my runs. (I had a near run in with a dog once and always make sure I carry my pepper spray since that incident.) Sometimes I carry my phone if I need to feel a little safer.


1st of all, I had a massive bowl of Cheerios for lunch. They were divine.
2nd, I ran outside today for the first time in a few weeks. It was difficult. And hot. Like usual, though, I feel good about it…now that’s it done.


I went to my parents’ house today so I had some of their leftovers for lunch and it was so good! I had salmon, strawberries, blackberries, carrots, bell peppers, and some crackers. I love going home. :)

On my runs I always have my house key and my ipod. I usually do not carry my phone unless I think I might be getting an important call.


I love Milton’s bread too! You should try their restaurant, its in Del Mar, CA and is AMAZING!


3-mile run today (Charity Miles for ASPCA).
I run with my phone (for music and emergencies), my Garmin 10, water (for anything over 6 miles), and my pepper spray.
The pepper spray is a new thing, BTW. I hadn’t given much thought to safety and others thought I should. While deep down I know it’s a good thing that I have it, I often feel like I am so much more guarded and aware of things now that I carry it. Have you felt that way?


I’ve only done a 1/2 mile here & there since I ran the Paris Marathon April 7th and they’ve been okay, except I’m training for a fitness competition at my gym and one of the event is to run a 1/2 mile at a 10 degree incline as fast as you can…that kills me! I’d love to get that to 5 minutes but the best I can do seems to be 6 1/2. Really frustrating.
Well, it’s not lunch time here in the UK yet, but I plan on having chili as I made what my friend likes to call “Trash Can Chili” – you just throw a little of this in there and a little of that and pray for the best. :) Yesterday, I had a small portion of left over spaghetti and a choc. protein shake.
On a run I usually carry: small fuel belt, with 2 small waters (or homemade Gatorade), phone, iPod, inhaler and I wear my Garmin. Sometimes if I’ve been feeling poorly I’ll wear my HRM. It doesn’t bother me to carry those, I’d rather be safe and have what I need with me.


I cross-trained yesterday because I have a 25 mile bike run and 6 mile run planned for this morning!

Lunch was an egg white omlette with spinach and mini babybel cheese and a chobani flips yogurt…the key lime is so good!

I used to run with nothing, but now I take my phone since I started blogging :).


I run with my phone usually – when I started doing my shorter runs without it (and without music) I felt naked! And of course, I always hae my trusty Garmin (which must be at least an extra 3lbs on my wrist!).

I had a delicious hummus and tabouleh pita for lunch – best combo ever!


I am so glad that you had a good run!!! I LOVE your chevron shorts!!! Where did you find them!!!! I have a slight obsession with chevron these days!!!!


Wow, do you carry all that stuff in your hands?!

I bring my phone, ID (until I purchase a RoadID to wear) and house or car key with me in my spibelt.


Ok apparently I’m not the only one coveting those shorts! Throw us a bone, Janae! Where’d ya get ’em?!?! =)


Thank you! They are from lululemon!


I just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your blog! I’m looking forward to seeing your posts. Keep it up. xoxo :)


Dude!!! LOVE your chevron shorts.. Where did you get them?!


Thank you! They are from lululemon!


My run felt harder on Wednesday…literally. I tripped over a tree root and scraped up my hand and knee. I fell HARD. :P

Today, I had half a grilled cheese, one crab cake, and some risotto…..and two halves of two different cupcakes (I was with a friend and we love to split things!)

I usually only have my car keys/house keys when I run. I don’t like to carry much!


The above 50 crowd can definitely benefit from yoga, and their life experience can be an advantage on the mat

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