A sad day in Boston.

I am absolutely shocked and sick about what happened today. 

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 Prayers to those in Boston.  Such a sad sad day.  

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My sister-in-law was running today and my brother was at the finish line helping a team of blind runners. It was the scariest five minutes of my life between hearing the news and hearing they were safe. So awful. Praying for everyone.


I am so happy that your sister in law and brother are okay. I can’t imagine how worried you must have been.


I am so glad your family is ok!


So horrible. Prayers to everyone in Boston.


Just absolutely sickening and horrible. I cannot even believe it. Huge prayers for everyone in Boston.


…what happened was absolutely horrific. it truly boggles my mind how some people could actually do such terrible things.


I also agree that this was a horrific tragedy that happened to Boston, but I like to think of it this way: for that one person (or one group) that planted the bombs, there was over 30 people immediately running toward the explosion, without second guessing, to helping strangers selflessly.

With all the heinous people in the world, it’s hard to remember our heros and volunteers that make this place a little better.

My condolences to everyone that lost someone today.


I love what you said! Do you mind if I quote/link you?


No I don’t mind if you quote&link me at all! I would love for the message to spread. Thank you, HRG :)


Thank you! You are amazing!


That is so true. What a few do to terrorize, so many more people do otherwise to help and heal and love. What a tragedy and what a blessing all in one day.


This is something so important to remember, but it is so hard as well. Thank you for voicing this!


Can’t believe I was watching the top finishers live and then a few hours later this happens. Devastating.


I am sad and sick to my stomach that our world has come to this!


I agree, so, so sad. My thoughts are with everyone!


My hear is breaking, I don’t get why people do these kinds of things!! I don’t understand the need some people have for hurting others!!! My prayers go out to all the injured and deceased.


I don’t understand this. A marathon is all about accomplishment – all positive. What does bombing a marathon stand for? Why would someone be so evil? I don’t get it.
The world is a scary place… so sad right now.


My prayers also go up for all those in Boston.


no words. just completely shaken and sad. praying for everyone in Boston.


This is tragic my thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved!


My friend Greg was running. He had finished but said he saw it happen and was extremely gruesome. It just makes me sick. Thoughts and prayers to everyone in Boston.


My best friend’s mom and stepdad were at the finish line watching. Thank God they are ok, some weren’t as fortunate. So sad… keep praying.


So glad your BF family is ok. That had to be so scary… and, you’re right, there are families that didn’t get good news today. Prayers.


Words can’t describe. Such a positive, happy, innocent event interrupted by evil.


Prayers and thoughts with all.

I loved living in Boston. I volunteered at the New England Aquarium, and Marathon Weekend met meeting the most fabulous people. Families were in full support of their runner, and the whole town seemed to be more united.

For all who are waiting for news on a runner, my best to you.



Hopefully the inspiration brought by the Boston Marathon will only be strengthened – thoughts and prayers to everyone effected by this horrible crime!


omg this is horrible


This shocked me. Who would do something like this?!?! <3


Absolutely terrifying. Thoughts & prayers going out to all involved.


Horrible! Still waiting to hear if, “skinny runner” is safe. I am glad she is a speedy demon.


I think she is safe…she posted on Facebook.


I saw on Twitter that she is safe!




I was a nervous wreck for 20 minutes waiting to hear she was okay! You werent the only one!


There have been 3 explosions now. 22 injured & 2 deaths so far :( I’m so happy I didn’t go watch the race this year, I was supposed to run it but because of an injury I couldn’t run. Next year this will be in the back of my mind while I run Boston. I’m praying this was not a man made bomb.


I was volunteering at mile 17. I also just heard they were man axe bombs. S sad. I don’t understand this world.


I mean man made, not axe


So glad you are safe, Cate.


I am absolutely shocked and shaken by this. What a sad event. If you hear of any virtual races or anything that the running community is taking part of to raise money for victims, PLEASE let me know!


I will.


This is just terrible, I hope everyone’s loved ones are okay.
It makes me feel so sick–I’m thinking of everyone in Boston today.


Just sick…absolutely heart breaking.


How incredibly sad and gut-wrenching. Prayers to everyone effected by this senseless tragedy.


Thoughts and prayers to all of the runners, volunteers, spectators, friends, and family in Boston. As runners, parents, and citizens of this great country, we must band together, continue spreading a message of hope and peace, and not succumb to violence.


I have no words. I don’t know anyone personally who is there, but follow the blogs of people who were running – and am watching Twitter to see if they’re ok. I am so sad right now.


Absolutely horrifying… sending many prayers to those out there in Boston!


Sorry I thought I was on someone else blog. Weird.


I was watching at mile 25 and left the race only 5 minutes before the explosions. Checking in with friends who were finishing and staying safe in my apartment. I’m in shock


I am so happy you are okay Molly.


So happy you are safe Molly!


Im absolutely sick inside about this. What is our world coming to?


praying for all those affected <3


Breaks my heart :(




This one hits a little close to home — brother in law elite runner and good friend running their dream race today. No words can describe that (thankfully) short time between hearing the news and hearing your loved ones voice. Rarely are we happy for an injury as runners — but thankful you are OK and weren’t on the course this year.

Thanking god my loved ones are OK, along with all of those who made it safe, and sending thoughts and prayers to those and and their family who weren’t so lucky.


Ashley, I am so glad your brother in law and good friend are okay. I can’t imagine how worried you were.


Is your friend who was running okay?!


Yes! I was worried sick about her but just heard from her a few minutes ago.


I can’t believe it either. I’m not a runner, but I’m a human being and this breaks my heart. Thoughts and prayers for all affected.


This is just heartbreaking. Regardless, my goal is still to qualify for Boston 2014, the holy grail of marathons. It just casts a black cloud over the day and a bit next year.


This is so terrible…not sure why there is so much hate in our world. Boston is such an accomplishment that has been shattered by senseless violence. Sending prayers…


It’s so upsetting! As everyone runs away I hope the police/fire/EMS that run to help are safe! Those poor victims!


This is disgusting. The joy about running events is you can walk up and watch as a civilian. You can cheer those on who poured their souls into running 26.2 miles. Now, it’s going to be a question of whether or not everyone can just come a watch. I’m going to be surprised by the outcome of this… And how much things are going to change because someone is sick.


GAH!!!!! Jacobs when I heard what happened I prayed you weren’t running today


Thanks Macall.


Absolutely horrific! Thoughts and prayers going out to Boston. :(


My heart goes out to all affected in this awful tragedy. My run tonight will be poignant thinking about everyone involved


Your post says everything i would have. This makes me so sad :'( Praying for everyone and their families!


I just can’t believe it.


I am just sick. Why? Prayers …


I just found out and can not believe this.
My prayers are with everyone involved.


In shock here in the Boston area. My husband fortunately finished early enough to exit the finish area prior to the blast. I have to try hard to keep the “what if” thoughts at bay….


This is so disgusting. Running is such a peaceful activity. I can’t even imagine the trauma for the people involved, it’s horrifying. :-( :-(


It’s just so crazy to me. It’s really a sad world. :-(


I have a friend who is a local elite here who usually runs the Boston Marathon but just had surgery on his knee (blasted itb problems) but still went out to support his other elite friends running the race. He just said that he was in the exact area the bomb went off 3 min prior to it going off. Just crazy. This stuff just really hits home. My heart goes out to this injured /hurt/dead and their families…and to the thousands who trained so hard to get there and were robbed of the finish they deserved. Just such sad thing to happen on a day that is supposed to be so happy. I am sick.


My roommates and I had such a great time watching the winners finish this morning. I left for class fascinating about running it someday. I had a good friend running in it for her first time and luckily she is okay! I was tracking her and she finished an hour before. So many prayers go out to Boston!


Oh No! Just saw that one of the fatalities was a child. I feel so sad.


Oh no!


This is absolutely terrible. I’m sad. I’m praying for everyone there.


I was at work all day and unaware of what happened in Boston. When I got home and my boyfriend texted me asking if I heard, I went straight to your page before checking the news. I’m heartbroken for everyone there. Janae, I think we’re all interested to hear your take on this. I think you can use your following to do something really amazing.


This is absolutely awful. I’m literally sick to my stomach when I think about all those poor runners who woke up this morning excited to accomplish something so huge, only to be destroyed by evil people. As a member of our military, it saddens me that it mostly likely isn’t even an act of terrorism (which we’ve sadly become used to), but rather done by our own people. What is this world coming to?


janae, your friends that went , are they all okay ?


They are! Thank you for asking, I was extremely worried about them.


This event is absolutely heartbreaking. I can’t even fathom this.


My first cousin was running she brought her parents (aka my aunt and uncle), her sister, brother in law, etc. I am happy to report they are all ok.


Such an awful end to what should be an amazing day & experience for all those racing. So sad.


Unreal. Makes me so sad.


I’m a runner and I live in Boston. Boston has the best supporters and spectators and now that has been ruined. A marathon should be a celebration. I’m so sad that this happened and I don’t understand why someone would do this.


It was such a sad day for our running community. Praying for all of the runners, spectators, volunteers, and first responders…


Today was my best friends first marathon, and she was at mile 25.5 when the explosions occurred. SO incredibly sad, but so thankful she is okay. Its horrible that such a beautiful event was ruined by such a horrific act


Love ya girl <3


I’ve been crying off and on since I heard the news, and my stomach has been queasy since :( I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that something like this happened….


RACE SHIRT TUESDAY – A movement is sweeping across social media – to show your support, wear a race shirt tomorrow. Let the world know, we stand with our runners, volunteers, medics, supporters, race directors & anyone else who is a part of our great support. While it will not change what happened today – we can rally together to heal.


Thank you , Laura! Glad to know people are already joining together to overcome.


I am in Aus so behind here and just checked FB for another reason and saw my sister sending love to all the people at the Boston marathon – I thought she was just wishing them well as a fellow runner and then I found this… I feel sick. My first thoughts were “who would do something like that?” I feel so sorry for those affected by this tragedy. I would also like to hear of any virtual race/fundraising if there is any. We don’t tend to hear of things so will keep an eye out on here. So glad to hear that everyone on here has heard good news and feel so terribly sad for those getting bad news…


This was a horrible and unimaginable tragedy. To attack innocent people from all around the world, not just our country, is so wrong. Please post if you hear of a race or fundraiser that will support the victims of this attack. So glad nobody I know was in Boston, but so saddened for those who were and the tarnish this will put on an amazing event.


Sad, terrible, tragic. Prayers to anyone and everyone involved!


I had just finished a mere 10 minutes before the explosions occurred. When it happened, I had no idea where my family members were and really had no idea–at that point in time–what had happened period. Luckily everyone in my family was safe, but it could have easily been a different story because my parents had just walked through the area a couple minutes prior or I had run the marathon 10 minutes slower.


Michelle. I am so thankful you and your family are okay!


I think one of the things that is so upsetting about this is all the “what ifs” people must have about their times…in a normal race so many little things can change your time and knowing you might have been safe/not safe due to a good day or a little walk is horrific.


Sad news that we’re raising little ones in this kind of world. But, I don’t like to dwell on the bad. So, make Boston’s loss your inspiration! I’m trying to make a RAN FOR BOSTON collage :)


A scary day for Boston and the running community! I was a mile away from the the finish and my husband had finished just 12 minutes before and was still very close. It was crazy. The Boston Marathon will never be the same….


My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this senseless tradegy

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