Went to the track, had a brilliant idea and add it to the list.

Just another pool day with the Brooker.

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She spent a good amount of time pool side with her bff and taking off her sunglasses .2 seconds after I put them on her.  I can’t understand how anyone even goes outside without a pair of sunglasses on.   

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I have something to add to the list of things that Brooke doesn’t like (before it was just carrots):

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I bought her this fancy flotation device that even came with a canopy and she thought it was going to eat her.  She wanted nothing to do with such a  thing.

Billy came home from school and we went to the track.  The last time I went to the track is about 10 months ago… 

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No speed work yet but instead Billy took a few videos of me running.  My coach wants to analyze my form to give me some pointers on what I need to work on.   I should have taken a video of me running with the jogging stroller to see how much my form changes while running with it… that would be interesting.


You know how sometimes your brain thinks of something amazing and it really surprises yourself?  That happened yesterday as I was putting chicken into the crockpot and had a thought that made me very happy.  Add a can of this stuff to the crockpot for some delicious chicken.

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I could eat Mexican food every night of my life.  This burrito would not close so I had to use a fork for about 40 bites before I could wrap it up… my kind of burrito.

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When was the last time you went to the track?  Do you prefer doing speed work at the track, on the roads or on a treadmill?

Do you usually choose your dinners according to what you are craving or what you have in your fridge?

Ever had your running form analyzed? Anything that you are working on with your running form?

Random Q of the day… if you could sign up for any race in the world for free right now (travel expenses free too) what one would you choose?

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I want to get one of those flotation thingies for Gentry- hope she’s not scared of it! I can totally relate to the feeling of it eating here though ;) Never had my form analyzed but going into a shoe store today so I’ll ask. Um can you send pool weather here please?!


It’s funny how kids end up hating some of the fanciest things. I definitely was the kid that would rather play in dirt than with some fancy barbie doll. If I’m going to do speed work, it will be on a track but that’s just because I run for my school so I have no choice. If it were up to me, there would be no speed work. My hips and knees drop when I get tired in races so that’s what we tend to work on at practice for me.


Last time I was at the track…I can’t even remember! How sad is that. I want to say in college. I usually choose dinner based on 1. time 2. what I have 3. what sounds good. Time is the biggest thing though! Last night I made tacos so I am feeling ya on the Mexican food :-) My coaches always tell me I’m a shuffler, I don’t move my arms enough, and I lean back. It’s pretty let me tell you!


I went to the track on Monday to see if I could run a faster mile than in highs chool. I definitely can :).

Poor Brooke! Terrified of a flotation device!


Story: I went to Tanzania for 6 months while I was a college student to study abroad and NEVER wore sunglasses. Result: I now have as much scar tissue (from the sun) as a 60 year old (and I’m 26). Moral of the story: Wear sunglasses, my eyes are now super sensitive, sometimes when I’m just indoors and it’s not particularly sunny outside.

-I haven’t been to the track in years (so bad I know), I loathe the track. I would rather do hill repeats on a bridge over the expressway….I have before and it’s enjoyable, the candy factory at one end might be helping with that though!

-I’m going to toot my own horn on this one, I have a fantastic running form and have been told by multiple coaches so. That’s how I know. However, I have weak ankles. It doesn’t affect my form but it does force me to work harder and not in the good way.

-I’m so down for running Boston right now, that’s my ultimate goal.


Oh my! Thanks for sharing about your eyes! I’m terrible about wearing sunglasses, never really put much thought into how much damage the sun was doing!


Well – you may be better off up here even not wearing sunglasses in the US (I was physically MUCH closer to the sun) but I wouldn’t recommend it!


Brooke is absolutely beautiful.


I know my form is wretched – I can see it in race pics! But I don’t know how to correct it. I sort of let my hip collapse during landing, and my other foot swipes diagonally across my body to balance the dip of the other hip. I am working on strengthening my hips to correct it somewhat.


I am stuck in such a rut with supper ideas right now-absolutely no inspiration or desire to cook anything. So I may try the chicken with the rotel and black beans over brown rice tonight..maybe. Ha! I took a Good Form Running class at my local running store a few months back. They took a video of us running before the class (to prove heel strike) but not afterwards. I’d like to do another one since I keep hurting myself running. I would SO do a Disney race if I could-cause I’m a nerd like that. I know I say this all the time, but omgosh Brooke is so adorable!


I don’t know where we have an outdoor track in my city, but during the winter I run on the indoor one at my university. I don’t mind doing speedwork there, but doing long runs on a track is agonizing.

I usually plan ahead of time what I’m going to make for dinner, so I guess what’s in my fridge!


Yes long runs on one kills my soul! !


The track always hurts my legs so have moved to treadmill for speed training. I could really use my running form analyzed.


I love the track! But I haven’t been to one since last fall probably. I prefer doing repeats of 1200 and shorter on the track- anything longer is less boring on the road. If I could run any race for free, I would pick the World’s Best 10k in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Warm and sunny weather plus a great race? Yes please!


I plan and prepare all my meals on the weekend so I guess I don’t follow my cravings! Great question….. I would register fir a Tough Mudder for this wkend. Fall is too far away…


I’m going to the track this weekend :) I like doing speed work on the track or mill, no preference really. I’d love to do the Paris marathon! It’s def on my bucket list :)


Last time I went to the track was Monday. Lately I have been doing my speedwork Monday and at the track. I usually only go to the track for speed but right after I had my runners knee problem I was going to the track everyday for a softer surface. I like to do my speed on the track.
I usually decide whats for dinner based on a little of both and sometimes my kids get a say too :) and I usually don’t decide till about 4 or 5 o’clock that day (terrible procrastinator).
Disney marathon!!!! I would LOVE to do the Disney marathon I think it looks so fun! Hawaii would be on my short list too.


I do meal planning, if I didn’t we’d end up eating out a lot!
I’ve kind of had my form analyzed, but just at the running store. One store I was at though, videoed me running and then pulled up diagrams of angles my feet landed at and stuff? They didn’t give me any tips to work on though, they just said my form was ‘pretty good’ and the shoes I was using were a good match for me.
I would definitely sign up for the disney marathon or half, that would be the best!


I have been doing speed work on the treadmill, but know I should try out the track!

Even though I know it would be crazy hilly, I want to do the Nike Women’s half-marathon in San Fran! I have never been there and it is one of the top places I’d like to go! :)


I’m pretty sure that I could have Mexican for dinner every night and never get tired of it as well – it’s just that good. I usually choose my dinners based on what I’m craving because otherwise I find I’m not really satisfied with my meal – one of the reasons I can’t meal plan. I’ll do my best to use up things that need to be used up in my fridge, but I’ve gotten pretty good at buying only as much as I know I’ll need so it’s never really a dire thing.


I have many cans of ROTEL in my pantry. It is awesome!
Have you ever used it to make brochette? yummmyyyyyy


I’ve been doing speedwork on the road- but the group run at my local running store is starting group track work outs that I’m PUMPED about!

I meal plan on Mondays and we just eat what’s next on the plan. Plan is based on cravings as well as cost.

I’ve only had my running analyzed for things like new running shoes, but not to check out my actual form.

I super regret not signing up for Chicago!!!


I am a meal planner. I make out our menu for the week every Saturday before heading to the grocery store. That way when I get home from work there is very little thinking involved. Sometimes we switch it up but most of the time we have what’s on the menu.


I go to a track like once a week. I now use it for speed work bc I get bored just running around in circles like a hamster.

It depends on the day. If im really really really craving something I’ll go out and get it to make or whatever. Otherwise I’d just find something else I already have!

My goal right now is to run a race in Europe. Specifically Paris! So that would be. it!


I like doing speed work on the treadmill because I can see exactly what I’m doing, but the track gives you the ability to feel what that speed is by being in tune with your body and not having to rely on the screen. I like both!
I usually cook what I’m craving, but sometime you just can’t do that – so I would say I do both!
I haven’t ever had it analyzed. I’m trying to work on landing more with my midfoot at this point.
I would so do the Honolulu Marathon in December!!


I went to the track last week, first time in like a year. Funny thing, I love the track, but recently have preferred doing speedwork on the road – it’s tough. I’m sure that will change and I’ll be all about the track next time.
I try to put together a couple meals for the week, but usually it just ends up being on the fly, whatever I have on hand. I’m terrible about meal planning and making up a menu for the week.
If I could do any race, it would probably be an international marathon like London, Paris or Australia.


Had mexican for dinner last night too! Love it!

Also, I LOVE the track, used to go there nearly every wednesday for my speed work. sadly, I havent been since October since my IT band flared up and I havent even run at all in nearly 5 weeks. It is killing me! Hip MRI today… so obviously I have some form issues. Left hip drops, rt shoulder rotates forward and that caused IT band/knee/hip pain in left leg and right shoulder pain. Total mess.

I have been trying to BQ but have had no luck yet. someday! That is a goal for me. also there is a midnight marathon in Rachel, Nevada that is run bya full moon by Area 51. I so want to do that one!


Weekday = what is in fridge
Weekend = what I am craving

Race: HRG half marathon?


I really should (and probably need to) try doing more speed work on the track. I’ve only ever really done it on the treadmill though and my excuse is because it’s easy to see how fast I’m going and how I can “control” my pace. I’m hoping with my fall marathons I’ll be able to mix in a little of both and see some solid improvements.


Any Race in the world FOR FREE!!!! — oh gosh where do I start…. it would for sure be international– Berlin Marathon would be AWESOME… but I would also love to run the Great Wall of China Marathon! I mean can you imagine that?!?! crazy awesome : )

ahh track workouts– Feel great after them, but during? oh my gosh I want to sit down and cry! I guess that is why they are so good for you…I do them on a 200meter track!!

I have never “officially” had my form analyzed outside of my running coaches in high school. I would love to though!


I’ve always wanted to run the NYC Marathon. All expenses paid would be great!


I was on a track about a month ago. I wasn’t do speed work, but I prefer to run on it over uneven sidewalks. If I have stocked fridge I choose based on what I want, by the end of the week it’s usually based on what we have in the fridge.

I went to a good form running clinic a month or so ago. I am working on my foot strike and cadence.


I went to the track a couple of days ago. I prefer doing speedwork at the track or the treadmill. It just feels fun. I usually choose my dinners according to what we are craving and then make the grocery list out accordingly. I had a PT analyze my form once and she said that I am knock kneed and that is why I wear Brooks Adrenaline stability shoes and also that I need to activate my core more when I run.I would sign up for the Disney World Half!!!!! Or the marathon in Switzerland that goes through the Alps!!!


It’s been a LONG time since I’ve been to the track. I haven’t done true speedwork in probably a year and half–I was pregnant last year. For the best speed workouts, I really do “like” the track (speed work scares me–I still get the pit in stomach walking up to the track as I did on speed workout days in college). But I’m also a big fan of tempo workouts/fartleks on the roads.

I had my form analyzed at xc camp in high school–I really should have it again. I’m constantly working on keeping my arms relaxed and not running with my shoulders. I’m also working on not over-striding.

I love Mexican food–we have about 3 Mexican meals planned this week.


I am more of a fan of speed work on the tmill, just cause its easier to control.
I always meal plan for suppers so its according to that! Lately there are some nights where things just turn me off so we make swaps, silly pregnancy aversions!
Good question! I have never thought about it or looked at oversea races. I am sure one in Europe would be fun, or a Disneyworld one, loved the Disneyland one we ran a couple years ago.


Now that the weather is nice, I’m so happy to get to the track for my speed workouts. I really hate speedwork on the treadmill. I can’t run as fast on the treadmill as I can on the track, plus I don’t slow down enough during the recovery portions on the treadmill because I just want to be done!

I am not the best meal planner. I’m trying to be better, but usually we (we being my husband) just whip something up based on the contents of our fridge. We try to make meals that can be recycled as leftovers later in the week. Since we both work full-time, we just don’t have a lot of time or energy to plan elaborate meals. I’m loving the great, easy recipes I’ve found on running blogs.

Any race in the world? Definitely something international. I would love to visit Japan and run a marathon there. The running culture is so amazing, and I’ve heard such great things about the country.


I had my running form evaluated at a running store on a treadmill. They used a closeup video to see how my feet were striking the treadmill to fit me with my shoes. The shoes worked for awhile, but once I was doing 15 miles at a time, I had major problems and ended up seeing physical therapist and getting fit for orthotics. Love the look of your burrito!


There’s an ultramarathon in the Annapurna region of Nepal and I would LOVE to do it someday.

I’ve never had my running analyzed, but I know that I am a 100% toe runner…which my poor calves never let me forget. I also get some wicked blisters on my big toe when I’m not careful enough. I do get shoulder cramps a lot when I run, though..maybe I slouch too much or something?

We plan out most of our meals for the week, but choose which meal we want each night based on what we are feeling.


I would love to have my running form analyzed. I had never even seen pics of myself running until my marathon, and it was an unpleasant surprise. Basically, I run really weird. My boyfriend tries to help me correct my form, but it never lasts long. Gah!


i do track workouts every thursday when i’m training! since i’m tapering this week i won’t go for the first time in 18 weeks. crazy.


I go to the track twice a week because my 9yr old has track practice. I prefer to do speed work on a long straight road. Most of the time I don’t know what I want to eat so I look in my fridge and pantry and then viola it just comes to me. I’ve had my running filmed from all angles at a running store and then analyzed at a running store. I am meeting my running coach for the first time next week and I’m pretty sure she will want to look at my form too.

If I could run any race in the world it would be Pike’s Peak.

Brooke is so cute, my daughter hates floatation devices too.


Haha I probably haven’t been to a track since high school! And you should definitely film yourself running with the stroller, especially since you do it often, that would be great to see how your form changes


I am so with you on the Mexican food. And I love adding a can of diced tomatoes and chiles to things I’m cooking–they add a little kick that makes the dish taste a little more interesting. I’m honestly a little intimidated/scared to go to the track so I do my speedwork on the treadmill for the most part, aside from some fartleks and strides. I’ve never had my form analyzed but lately I’ve been thinking about doing it–I want to make sure I’m not doing anything to get myself injured.


I love the road or the track – not a huge fan of the treadmill – but that just could be partially due to the long winter and my desire to be outside.

I use a combination of both – what I am craving and what I have around.


I actually like the track but there arent any near where I live so we do it all on road :(

Im trying to work on just overall good posture, and not dropping to a slouch when im tired.

I would choose the great wall of china marathon but factor in a LOT of training time…


I completely agree, I really dont know how anyone could go outside in the sun without sunglasses!! And if I could run any race in the world, it would probably be a race in Sydney because I’ve always wanted to go to Australia!


I haven’t been to the track in ages! I did all of my speed work on the sidewalk for this training cycle. I also love Mexican food and could eat it all. the. time.


Never had my form analyzed. No need really. And we eat according to what we have. Unless I REALLY want something different and then I will go to the store to get what I need. But I am trying to plan ahead and stop all of the store trips.
Something in Europe probably. Just so I could be in Europe.

The Kidless Kronicles


YUM – I love Rotel, but I have never tried the hot stuff. . . must. get. soon. And I hardly ever go to the track – I would rather run around neighborhoods than the track.


I’m at the track 4-6 times a week – but for coaching ;-)

However – since we move to the outdoor track next week (which involves a passcard)/the daylight is longer, I will be able to do my own training on the track starting next week – yay!!

I sometimes plan for cravings – hence why fajitas/tacos always ends up on the weekly menu :-)


I would go for Nike Women’s in San Francisco, I have run it once and would love to do it again.


So awesome that you can go to the pool whenever you want! We do not have weather like that here in Ohio at all!
The last time I went to the track was actually on Monday night! I had not been in forever, but it was for a Boston event. I typically do my speed workouts on the treadmill. We make a meal plan for the week on Monday and go by that! I have had my form analyzed, it helped a TON! Your dinner looks yummy! We make that meal all the time as well, but I just stick chicken with a jar of salsa for 8 hours in the crock pot. Amazing. I would totally sign up for the Doppy Challenge in Walt Disney World!


Our dinners are based on: what’s on the menu, what’s left over, what we’re craving, and what other-things-happened-today-so-we-are-changing-the first two. We routinely stick to the menu and “top shelf” aka leftovers, but sometimes things come and it changes.

My any race anywhere would be… The Women’s Half Trail Marathon put on by the VHTRC. I just miss running at Fountainhead at times, and VHTRC is amazing!

For others curious- here’s more on the race- http://www.vhtrc.org/half/


I also can eat Mexican everyday! To be honest, that’s kind of my life right now. My boyfriend just opened a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco so it’s been really convienent for me to mooch off him.


I think I would sign up for a race in Africa, Australia, or Europe :)


My boyfriend and I tend to pick out dinner by what I’m in the mood for, but we also tend to order in or eat out way more often than we should.


*ha I meant what WE’RE in the mood for :)


Babies in bathing suits – it doesn’t get much cuter than that!


I’ve recently started doing track workouts and the jury’s still out on how I feel about it. On the one hand it definitely makes speed work easier. On the other hand I have to run in circles, which I find very mentally challenging.

I would sign up for the London or Paris marathon!


When I got fitted for new running shoes they analyzed my walk but not my run form. I cook dinner by what I’m in the mood for. It usually just a random idea of what’s in my head. Sometimes it’s just a sputter of things… like last nights tofu breakfast scramble… i threw everything I had leftover in my house into that pan.


After my hip surgery, I had my running form analyzed by my physical therapist. I was surprised to learn that my stride is really short for the length of my long legs. So now I try to bound a little bit more when I run to extend my stride-it takes a lot of work to change something you’ve been doing forever!


Brook’s eyes are so beautiful!!
I do speed work on a treadmill. I find that I push myself harder.
Any race in the world? the NYC marathon!


Brooke :)


Apparently it was Mexican food night last night, because you, Elizabeth and I all had tacos! haha It depends on my mood. If I’m patient enough to make something I’ll use what I have at home. If I’m craving something specifically I’ll go out and get it. I’m trying to be better about eating out though.


Last time I was at the track was… never. haha. I hate running in circles!
Mmm I finally ripened up my Avocado’s enough for mexican tonight!!


I believe I would run the International Morocco Marathon through Marrakech. I’ve always wanted to do that one.


Brooke has the bluest eyes! Last time I did speed work, well….legit speed work was last summer haha I’m not the biggest fan of speed work. I choose dinner based on what’s in the kitchen, that’s probably why I love the end of the month shopping – nothing in the kitchen so I can go buy whatever I want to eat :) Hmmm anywhere in the world….I’d have to pick Hawaii!


Im going to the track later today. Sooo excited! It’s been a long winter. I love the track! Sometimes it’s amazing what we can throw together from the fridge!


i typically sort of plan my meals when i go grocery shopping for the week, so pretty much whatever i bought is what we’re having for dinner ;) but since i have acouple different options its partially due to what im craving!


Brooke is way too cute. I’d be afraid of that chair too…it looks rather intimidating!

If I could sign up for ANY race, I’d choose either (1) the Nashville Rock ‘n’ Roll Country Music Marathon because I love country way too much and it’s my dream to go to Nashville one day or (2) the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco, because you get a Tiffany necklace AND you’re in San Francisco. Life doesn’t get too much better than that!


I go to the track often this training cycle because I meet with a group. I enjoy their motivation – I’ve done workouts on the road but it is harder for me to measure since I am so used to my target times for distances etc.

I try to use up what is in our fridge for dinner and since I’m usually really hungry when I’m making dinner it turns out to be what I’m craving anyway! :)


Brooker is so cute :)

I love Mexican food too! We made it all the time, in fact, we had it last night! My husband says the same thing about being able to eat it every day of his life and it’s true!

If I could sign up for free for any race right now it would probably be 1) A marathon in California…maybe LA Marathon because that’s the one my Dad ran twice when we used to live out there so it would be cool to run the same one he did and I’m going to cheat and add another one 2) New York Marathon :)


That burrito looks AMAZEBALLS!!! I bought one of those fancy floatation devices for my nephew when he was about Brooke’s age & he threw a screaming fit everytime we attempted to put him in it. EPIC FAIL!


OMG that burrito looks amazing!!


I do my speedwork on the treadmill. Otherwise, I slow down when I’m on the track because it’s a little harder with the wind and such.
If I could go to any race, with all expenses paid, I would want to run the Paris Marathon.


yum! Definitely going to try the Rotel trick! :) On that note, I could eat Mexican food every day of my life also. And I pretty much do, anyway… at least 4 nights/week in our house. Luckily, the hubs will eat anything for multiple days in a row so no complaints!

I do my speedwork on the treadmill. It is just easier for me to track my intervals that way, even though I know my Garmin could tell me too…

If I could sign up for ANY race for free right now, it would hands down be Big Sur (+ airfare!)


If $ was no object…hmmm…(and my body would allow me to do it)…probably The Disney Dopey Challenge (…but even if I could – it is already sold out:(


Last question first… Two Oceans in South Africa. I would LOVE that.
Speed work is for the treadmill and everything else should be outside :) I’ve never had my running analyzed but I’d like to… I’m sure it would be very amusing for a coach… Um I mean helpful for me!


I would run the Athens Marathon!! That would be awesome!


in the south, a craving=a hankering. i eat by hankerings :-)
happy hump day! it is gorg here in VA


I could definitely eat Mexican food every day and be content. It’s absolutely our go-to if we’re not feeling inspired for anything else. And as a former lifeguard/avid swimmer, babies at pools just make me really happy. :)



Last time I went to the track was about a month ago, but went to the indoor track at my gym about three weeks ago. My favorite place to run is always outside on the roads or trails, but if I am doing sprints I usually like to go outside.

I normally decide on what to cook by what food I have in my fridge. If I am craving something I cook it if I have the ingredients, but if I don’t have the ingredients I get them the next time I go grocery shopping.

If I could sign up for any race, I would want to sign up for a race in Australia, because I think Australia would be so fun to go to!


Last time I ran track was almost exactly a year ago. I def prefer the track but will use the treadmill if I must.. Never had my run analyzed but as you remember I taught myself how to not over stride and heel land etc.. helped with my stress fractures! Any race in the world..BOSTON.. because I will never get there :(


Already texted you this…but how funny about Brooke not like carrots either. I seriously thought Gabriella was going to have a break down. She just started bawling crying when I gave them to her…and then, well, the projectile vomit…that was just lovely ;)
I have the same floatation thing for G too- got it from BJ’s- she liked hers, but I still think she liked us holding her a little better- we would let her ‘fly’ from side to side- just pulling her through the water- so fun!!
Please move closer so we can go together!!! :D


PS: would honestly be SO interested to see how your form changes running with the BOB vs. without it. Maybe I will do the experiment on myself! :)


I love the treadmill for some reason!! It takes a lot for me to run outside. With the treadmill, I can just set up my iPhone with a TV show and go!

Usually, dinners are pre-planned! I don’t crave anything other than cookies (hehe).

Never had my running analyzed! I should, because I get injured a lot :(

The Antarctica Marathon! It’s the only continent I haven’t visited. Also, Boston would be amazing.


OMG Brooke and her bff pic is sooo cute!!! :)
I do my interval training on tracks. The ground is even and softer. :)


I want to do a race in London!
I could also eat Mexican every day. Most of the time I make for dinner what I’m craving but sometimes when I don’t feel like going to the store I’ll use what we have. We seriously have Mexican probably 2-3 times a week in this house. That and hot wings are usually the norm.


I think my dream race would be the Nike Women’s Half in SF, or Disney Princess/Food & Wine Half at Disney World. I did the Tinker Bell a few months ago here in SoCal and it was VERY fun. Such great people watching and a very fun vibe (so, so spendy, though)!


I have never even set foot on a track. Isn’t that sad! Do you just go to the local high school or is there some other track? What’s the distance around? How many times around for a mile?

I’d go to Hawaii and do any race.. it would not matter as long as I’m there!


I can’t get over how blue Brooke’s eyes are — what a beauty! :)


I love that Billy has some time off to be with you guys! that dinner sounds so yummy, I too love Mexican food all. of. the. time!!!! nom nom


Mmmm…Rotel…I swear, I could eat that stuff out of the can. Preferably on chips, but plain would also be fine. That burrito, man, that’s to die for stuff right there. Pretty sure Mexican food is the one type of food that I could eat every. single. day. for eternity and that would be just fine. As long as there’s guac. ;)


I would sign up for a race in Italy so I could go back and visit the cities/towns that I didn’t get to see last time.

I’m with you on the sunglasses. I can’t even go to my mailbox comfortably without them!


Can you please explain how you cook your chicken in the crock pot? I would love to know. Thank you!


I would sign up for the NY marathon because well it’s New York!


So jealous of the pool days! Although it is gradually warming up here too. I choose my dinners almost always based on what I’m craving, with the exception of when I do some meal planning ahead of time and I already have one picked out.


A lot of times I choose food based off of what I’m feeling. Today for lunch I really wanted a veggie sandwich, so I grilled veggies and made a delicious sandwich!! yum! I absolutely LOVE mexican food too! Can’t get sick of it! And I would definitely choose the Nike women’s half. I really really want to run it someday!! :)


I’d do a half marathon in either Fiji or the Cayman Islands. I can’t think of a better excuse to go on a beach vacation ;)


do you have a stuffed animal you could pretend to put in it? Maybe then she won’t be afraid of it


I need that burrito in my life right now. Looks SO good. Brooke is the cutest and I’m so jealous of your poolside time!


When was the last time you went to the track? Do you prefer doing speed work at the track, on the roads or on a treadmill?
– I’ve never done track. Except back in high school when I was FAR FROM being considered a runner.

Do you usually choose your dinners according to what you are craving or what you have in your fridge?
– Usually what’s in the fridge.

Ever had your running form analyzed? Anything that you are working on with your running form?
-I’m really trying to embrace a forward lean. My ankles are being killed by the full weight of my body. Though, the lean just feels weird and I give up on it quickly.

Random Q of the day… if you could sign up for any race in the world for free right now (travel expenses free too) what one would you choose?
-DC’s Rock N Roll Marathon. I’m probably going to sign up regardless of price. But that one is my on my goal list for 2014.


I just had my running form analyzed and I so wanted the trainer to send me the video! It was so cool haha! Also I wear sunglasses over my glasses because I’m that cool ;)


well, since meeting my new marathon buddy joseph from kenya. i am kind of feeling the kenya thing. i would LOVE to go meet his family and do a race that he’s done there with him. well, way way way behind him but still complete the same race. he’s about twice my speed;)
and he’s taught me to actually train in the grass. so i’ve just strated doing that and it is trickier and takes getting used to but will hopefully save my joints and muscles.


I would run the eurasia marathon in Istanbul, Turkey. As the name implies, you run across not one, but TWO continents. So cool!


full of energy!


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