I reached the limit and a video.

I think sometimes you think I am exaggerating about things (probably because most of the time I am according to Billy) but I am not this time… Brooke really gets excited to be in a shopping cart:

Example A:                               


Example B:  (shopping cart plus Target was almost too much happiness for her)

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I am attempting to make a banner thing out of fabric for Brooke’s room.  Since I have no idea how to do crafts I made my friend who is really good at them come and help me.

Brooke is trying to be happy and smile for the picture but I think she is secretly sad that I took her out of the cart.  

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Billy got home and Brooke told him all about our really exciting day at the fabric store.

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And then I made one of Billy’s top favorite meals ever.   Hamburger casserole.  Delicious and not very pretty but I wanted to talk about the broccoli.  Roasted broccoli is amazing and I always forget about how good it is until I make it again.  I put the broccoli on a cookie sheet, drizzle some olive oil on top with some garlic (or in my case a lot of garlic) and roast at 400 degrees for approximately 17 minutes.

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And then I got out the frozen cookie stash for dessert.

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Something very sad happened yesterday.  I reached the Pandora listening limit for the month.  I didn’t even know this was possible.  I really like listening to music.  What am I going to do for the rest of the month?  I refuse to pay 99 cents.

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Today is another running day… two running days in a row…. I will have that sub 3 marathon in no time:)


Are you a crafty person?  Can you sew?

Absolute favorite vegetable?

What was the most exciting part about your day yesterday?

Tell me 3 of your top favorite singers/music groups!!!

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Not gonna lie… I am crafty :-) Scrapbooking and painting come natural! Favorite vegetable is broccoli! And brussels sprouts! Best part about yesterday was going to dinner with my in laws and getting a piece of chocolate cake bigger than my head. It was awesome. Brooke is precious and I miss you both!!!


Have you ever tried or looked into spotify? That is what I use and I love it.
Hope your run goes well today!


I agree! The downside is that you have to be willing to pay $10 a month to have it on mobile.


I am not crafty I have lots of crafty ideas, but no idea how to implement them. I love roasted brocolli.


awww that video of Brooke!! I’m pretty sure no one can be sad around her since she is always so happy! I’m a little bit crafty but I’ve never used a sewing machine – I can only sew by hand. I think asparagus or eggplant are my favorite veggies, but broccoli is up there too. The most exciting part of my day yesterday was getting froyo :)


I’m not very crafty, but I am good at some things like sewing and painting, etc. if I have a pattern to follow.

The best part of my day yesterday was probably when I made amish cinnamon bread for dessert. SO GOOD


Brooke clearly takes after you with being excited to go shopping! Can’t wait to see how her room comes out. I cannot sew and am not crafty at all …I’m trying to get my friends to teach me. Favorite veggie is hard…. used to be broccoli but now I’m not sure….have you ever tried the broccoli/cauliflower hybrid? Its soooo delicious!


I didn’t know you could reach a limit on Pandora either! I have been listening to it a lot on my phone at work lately. Hopefully they don’t cut me off. I like to sew. I don’t have a lot of time for projects right now but I do the occasional thing here and there. I made my own head band and neckwarmers for winter running. That was exciting for me.


I didn’t know there was a listening limit?!? Favorite vegetable: carrot. The best thing about my day yesterday was running with my dog… The day went downhill from there ;)


I didn’t know Pandora had a monthly limit! That scares me! I hope I never reach it.


I’ve become addicted to I heart radio. I hope there’s no limit on that one!! I eat carrots and green beans until I turn orange and green. Too bad I don’t like pumpkin. Then I could just be both colors without trying.


That is a hilarious video of Brooke! I had no idea that Pandora had a limit! I am NOT a crafty person at all, however my best friend is and when I find a craft I really like I some how talk her into making it for me!
I love brussel sprouts!
The most exciting part of my day yesterday was the run for boston in the evening. It was amazing.
1. Train 2. Beyonce 3. Jon Mclaughlin


I love Brooke’s excited face!!:) I love broccoli. I think that’s probably my favorite veggie. Pandora did they same thing to me, and I also refuse to pay 99 cents. What happened to it being free? I suffer through the ads so I should get unlimited listening on my phone too lol!


I like to think I am crafty, I don’t sew very well though. But I like to try things I find on pinterest. Love the video of your happy baby girl! I love RHCP, Incubus, and Bush.

Total 90s rock girl.

The best thing about yesterday is when I started my hip strengthening and my hip flexors aren’t sore today. Yay!


I’m crafty to a certain point. Sometimes I lack in the execution part, but I’ve got the ideas down.

Thankfully my mother-in-law is a gem. I have 5 projects planned for making when we visit this weekend, and if I added 5 more she’d be cool because she loves it. On the crafty tap- a race outfit (or several) for our daughter, a play space, a few bags, and more that I’m not remembering now.


Frozen cookie dough stashes = key to happiness. And apparently shopping carts, too!


I am addicted to music; I love spotify, songza (I think this may be an app only), sharemyplaylists.com and soundcloud. I’ll use pandora too if I am not looking for anything too specific.

Congrats on running two days in a row!


Oh my goodness….that pic of Brooke in the cart is the cutest thing ever! Your lucky she likes the cart. Love broccoli, but sweet potatoes are the best!


Oh my goodness, her happiness is contagious! Love that smile and her bopping around in the cart!


I’m pretty crafty and I love to design and sew clothes! I’m planning a yellow sheath dress right now with a chocolate brown suede strip at the boatneck with three gold buttons at the shoulder. I just need to decide if I want a side zipper or a back zipper. Brooke is too cute in the shopping cart!


OMG I am officially making that hamburger pasta for dinner tonight! Looks amazing :) And I LOVE crafts, I actually just set up my first Etsy store to make race tutus!! http://etsy.com/runninginTUTUS


Brook is adorable!!!! OMG! Can’t get over her cuteness!

Maybe try the “i heart” radio app.
My husband reached his limit, too.
He downloaded this app and loves it!


I’m coming over to steal Brookers!! I’ll sing for you in exchange until Pandora is back (I refuse to pay, to0). Except once you hear my voice you’ll probably fork over your credit card.


Brook is seriously so adorable!

I love songza, I like it more than Pandora. Spotify confuses me.


I have 3 pandora accounts with different emails just for this sort of thing.

oh and I watched that video of Brook in the shopping cart like 6 times, its pretty hilarious.


I’m really not crafty at all, my mom is so I guess it skipped a generation or something. I think my favorite vegetable is Brussels Sprouts, they so good no matter how you cook them!


I have pandora 1 and totally think its worth the money. My boyfriend and I share the account and you can both listen to it at once… Unlimited running tunes for both of us!


That Brooke is so stinkin cute! Her face makes me smile.
OK great job on running again. My friends and I run with Nikeplus running app and are I must say things are getting pretty competitive… We send each other messages when someone is top! Its all in good fun! Great running app
That broccoli sounds amazing.. I am a garlic freak too! Love it Love it.
I am not very crafty, but thanks to Pinterest.. I am a little more. I love that site!
My favorite vege is Corn of the cob, but I cut the corn off the cob.. I have a permanent retainer and those kernels get trapped! LOL
Yesterday my hubby and I took our Yellow Lab to the trails and hiked about 10 miles. It was so much fun.
#1: Justin Timberlake.. Oh yeah ever since the NSYNC days.. haha
#2: Pink.. Shes hard core and stands up for women.. pretty cool!
#3 Kenny Chesney… I do love me some country!
Tell me 3 of your top favorite singers/music groups!!!


I love, love, love the video of Brooke! She is rocking out! Totally adorable. I do know how to sew. My aunt used to sew me dresses and other clothes when I was little and when I got old enough, she taught me how to sew. I even sewed a dress that I wore to a school dance in high school. Good luck with your craft project!


I wish I was crafty because I always see things on etsy I love but am too cheap to buy! Love baby videos. Is there a channel for that?! I promise I’m not creepy!


More Brooke videos!!!!

I use Spotify! It has like every song and they have a radio feature too! And it’s free!


Brooke is insanely cute! You’re so lucky to have that kind of joy around you! Have a great day.


I bet Brooke just loves looking up at you!! I bet she feels like such a big girl getting to ride in the cart :)


That video of Brooke made my morning! I can’t sew but I recently learned to knit! I should learn to sew so I can put all those pinterest pins to good use :-)


I wanna learn to knit! I hear it’s not too hard!


Your enthusiasm and excitement are infectious – Brooke gets it from you :D Awwr. Too stinkin’ cute. I used to be crafty and know how to sew waaaaaaay back in the day, but I haven’t done it for so long that I’m afraid I’ve forgotten. Every time I walk into a craft or fabric store, I get these big visions of taking on a project and making something, but for some reason it never happens. I should probably get on that…


I feel like all mormon girls are supposed to be crafty?! (Not being offensive, I’ve just always been amazed by the incredible crafts they do!) that video…honestly she is the cutest thing!!!


What the heck? I’ve never heard of the Pandora listening limit. I swear that has to be a new thing.

I try to be crafty, but I often fail.

I can’t pick a favorite veggie, they are all too delish!


I didn’t know there was a listening limit. I like the I heart radio app too.


I am in love with any type of veggie roasted but it’s a tie between cauliflower broccoli and asparagus. For now!

I am not great at sewing but I love knitting and crocheting – both of which I have been doing since I was a little girl!


I’d like to think I”m kind of crafty… I don’t sew.. I hot glue or pin everything.. Why mess with something that kind of works. lol..

I like that broccoli idea. My husband is a great cook.. I’ll pass it on to him to try!

Love the pix.. all so cute of Brooke.. and yummy looking food.


I just started to sew again a month ago and made pillow covers for our living and family room. It reminded me how easy it is!
I might have to say spinach since its so versatile.
I cleaned out my car and found my missing $500 car starter I lost in November :)
Justin Timberlake, Maroon 5 and Lady Gaga are probably the ones I listen to most and like most of their songs.


I am not crafty at all!! Sewing gives me anxiety attacks. That picture of Brooke is almost too much cuteness!


I can do basic sewing (read – anything involving straight lines) and I know how to hem my pants.

I really like cherry tomatoes (veggie or fruit?) and potatoes.


You should definitely download Songza. NO COMMERCIALS! Also, Brooke is so cute.


I totally agree!!! When I found out Pandora was setting a 40 hr a month limit I immediately downloaded Songza and I love it!


Brooke is too cute. I did not even know that was possible on pandora!


Creative…not necessarily crafty. I am super duper lucky to have a seamstress at work to do any sewing I need done!

Favourite salad veggie obsession right now is corn

Most exciting part of my day yesterday was running during my lunch break

1. Jimmy Buffett
2 and 3 …right now – anything country


I think the Pandora listening limit is something new they are doing, and I think it is AWFUL. I live off of Pandora for my runs, and I refuse to pay that .99 cents! I probably eat roasted broccoli 3 times a week, never gets old :) Brooke is absolutely ADORABLE!


I think I’d be pretty happy too if someone pushed me around Target in a shopping cart!! And now I want some roasted broccoli….


Oh how I wish I were crafty!! I do scrapbook-once a year-but I don’t sew, knit, decoupage…nothing. My teenage nieces are amazing so I encourage their craftiness by letting them do stuff for me. I do hope my daughter will follow their lead!!

Favorite veggie: edamame and cucumbers are tied

Most exciting part of my Monday: doing bootcamp at 5:30 a.m. and feeling like a rock star when I left.

Honestly no answer for the music/singers thing as I don’t listen to much music. When my kids do homework we have classical playing and when I run I don’t listen to music. I do love ABBA though!!

Brooke is so stinking cute. My kids love looking at her too and always ask, “who is that”? Yeah it’s a tough one to answer since we don’t know you guys, but I try to explain the whole blogging thing as well as I can (they’re still confused)! :)


Another good music site is http://www.fratmusic.com. I know- the name is funny and makes you feel like you have to be in college to listen to it , but they have fabulous music mixes and are grouped by type of music. The online version is free, but the downside is the mobile version is $1.99 flat (but it’s the only time you’ll ever pay for it!). I finally gave in and downloaded it before my last long run and had a fantastic run with it!


I love sewing! I mostly sew clothing. There is a “me-made-May” challenge that some sewing bloggers do- you have to try to wear one handmade item each day all May. I might try to do it!

I have never run into the listening limit on Pandora but now I’m afraid it will happen mid run!


i am the opposite of crafty. like really, im bad. and i have never sewn anything! haha
my absolute favorite veggie is broccoli, fo sho!


I am not crafty on my own, but I can copy other peoples crafts.
Favorite vegetable has to be sweet potatoes or butternut squash. Speaking of, I think I have a butternut squash. Might roast that up for dinner.
I didn’t know Pandora had a limit. Interesting. Nothing at all exciting about Monday. Except maybe FroYo.

The Kidless Kronicles


I cannot sew (but luckily my boyfriend can!) but I would love to be able to.

The best part of yesterday was FREE veggie burgers for Earth day!

I’m also coming back from a running injury and feel so elated to have run 15 miles in the past 4 days!


You should start listening to Songza.com. I had the same problem with Pandora, also refused to pay money and discovered Songza (it’s FREE!) – it is possibly better than Pandora!!


Ahhhhhh thank you! Can’t wait to try it!


I eat so many carrots that my doctor told me I had to stop– My face, hands, feet were very very orange and I am pretty sure every thought I had a really bad self-tanner addiction problem… now I am obsessed with Cauliflower and Broccalli. I am ALWAYS in the mood!!

I am not crafty, but I lovee to pretend that I am!

Favorite thing from yesterday?– good workouts, dinner with parents, and I had a long Costco conversation with someone. I love talking about my love for Costco….


You turned orange. I wanna see pics. I don’t believe you lol


I’m definitely a crafty person. I taught myself how to knit and sew. I even ventured into cardmaking and scrapbooking for awhile.


I love Spotify! There are a few other ones on mobile too, I can’t remember what they are called but supposedly just as good as Pandora. Sorry, that’s not very helpful…


I’m not crafty, i try but lets be honest, I’m just really not. Luckily my friends and family are so I just sucker them into helping me!


I don’t think I have ever had broccoli that way before! I was planning on having it for lunch and now I know how I am going to make it. But if I don’t like it, it will be all your fault ;)

I think my most favorite vegetable is asparagus, followed by broccoli. I have the yummiest lime olive oil that is so good drizzled on roasted asparagus. Mmmmm.

I am not crafty and I do not sew. My mom is the most amazing quilter, so I just leave it all to her ;) Aren’t mom’s the greatest?!

I am so excited to see Brooke’s room when you are all done. I bet it is going to be so cute! And those pics and the video (oh the video!!) of her – I need that little girl in my life! Why did you have to move away? I want to play with her daily.


Oh I am soo far from crafty! It’s going to be a struggle when I have to decorate my own house and I don’t have cute roommates to do it for me! haha

Hmmm…Favorite veggie probably goes to peas. Kinda lame I know. But I also love broccoli, carrots, corn on the cob (summer time!!!!)…

That video of Brooke is the cutest thing! She’s such a doll!


I am unfortunately not very crafty! I don’t know how this happened since my mum and her mum are probably two of the most talented crafters in the world. It must have skipped a generation. I would love to be one of those people who can pick up a blank something and turn it into something amazing.

Can’t wait to see Brooke’s room when you’re all done!


I loveeeee roasted broccoli. Or broccoli of any kind really. I am crafty but I have to be very motivated bc once I start something I go all in until its perfect!


I’m like the opposite. I get all excited and then lose my mojo and get lazy lol


Pandora just sent me that e-mail too! First time I’ve seen it. LAME! ;)


I’ve heard about that limit. Never happened to me but now I just create a playlist on my phone for running! & if I am home I use my computer for Pandora.

But to trick the system lol, maybe sign up using another email address :) Everyone usually has more than one lol.

Brooke is just the cutest happiest baby “I know”!

Fav singers as of now: Beyonce, Rihanna, & John Legend.

I never tried roasted broccoli. I think I will tonight with some steak!! Mmmmmm!

My favorite veggie is broccoli though and sweet potato!

Crafty.. eh i want to be but not much. I think I could be great at it though if i had time and wasn’t lazy lol.


I always think I’m crafty and come up with all these fun things I want to make. But usually I either end up messing them up royally and having to scrap them, or asking my mom for help and then just standing behind her while she sews and does whatever, while I just dictate what I want it to look like. Every time I find something new I want to make my mom just grumbles under her breath. haha.

And that broccoli sounds yummy! I’ll definitely have to try it.


Most exciting part of yesterday was playing tennis, which I haven’t done in a long long time. It was also exciting to work out with my roommate in front of the television.
I am crafty and LOVE crafts, but I can’t sew (or at least I know I can’t sew very well).


Are you a crafty person? Can you sew? – I dream of being crafty. My ideas always look better in my mind than they usually turn out. I’m quasi-functional with a sewing maching/needle-thread. I’ve made easy things like pillows and curtains. When my son was 4 and went through a fascination with Santa phase, he asked for a “Santa sack” – I managed to make one with red velour fabric and gold rope from the fabric store. He also wanted a Santa belt that I made out of scrap black felt (with yellow felt for a buckle) and velcro. I had managed to buy the Santa outfit in a 4T. I’m quite sure I couldn’t have made that!

Absolute favorite vegetable? – Raw carrots or cooked broccoli

What was the most exciting part about your day yesterday? Watching daughter’s volleyball game (3rd graders)

Tell me 3 of your top favorite singers/music groups!!! I like to run to Pink and Kelly Clarkson. Embarrassing to say, but right now I’m listening to daughter’s Victorious (Nick TV show) soundtrack (Victoria Justice). But most of my favorites are country – Luke Brian, Kip Moore and Jason Aldean a fair amount these days. Though I have several others I’d put at the top.


Brooke is wearing her new crab shirt! She looks so cute in it!

Thank you for the roasted broccoli idea! I love roasting asparagus, peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc., but never thought about broccoli.

I used to sew a lot. I made my sons’ Christening gowns and fancy smocked outfits when they were little, but I rarely sew now. I’m pretty crafty, too; when I want to be! You can save so much money if you make stuff yourself. Good luck with Brooke’s wall project!


I am not a crafty person at all! It just about killed me to make a scrapbook for my oldest daughter’s first year (and now I’m suffering through the same for my youngest). My brain just doesn’t work that way. But my mom did teach me how to crochet several years ago. I can only manage the simplest projects, like scarves, but I found this amazingly easy pattern for baby blankets. Both of my girls have beautiful blankets that I made for them. After I finished making my youngest’s blanket, I retired from crochet forever!!

Now that my oldest is 3 1/2, she loves to look at her scrapbook and see all of her baby pictures. I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about her confidence or self esteem. She looks at her pictures and says, ‘Awwww, look how cute I was!’


I had no idea there was a limit, too??


That video of Brooke is awesome! I am totally the same way when I’m at Target.

I wouldn’t say I am crafty, so much as I am handy. My mom and I are both big fans of power tools. :)

Favorite vegetable…ughh that’s hard. Probably spinach.

Yesterday was not very exciting… boo! I could never pick just 3 favorite bands… I have at least 20.


I’m a crafty person but I CANNOT sew. Wish I could.
Yesterday the best thing was our running group put together a three mile run for #Bostonstrong.
Fave vegetable=cooked carrots!


My favorite vegetables are bell peppers!! I also love love tomatoes and do avocados count as a fruit or veggie? I think they are a fruit, but if they count then they are my favorite either way :)

Yes I’m pretty crafty!! I’ve always loved arts and crafts and I love drawing too! I’ve never used a sewing machine, but I can sew free hand!


that exact same thing happened to my husband this week and i got the following text message: “OMG! i reached the pandora limit!!!!!!! now how do i listen to music!?!?!?!”

mind you, we have about four iPods in our house…sigh. men. :)


I reach the pandora listening limit every month! I actually created two email accounts so that I don’t have to pay! haha I usually listen on my computer though and I now switch to Spotify which I like MUCH better, but I think you have to pay for it to use it on your phone.


Brooke is actually the cutest little thing ever. I hope my baby one day is that adorable!

I love doing crafts! I don’t know if I would exactly call myself a crafty person because I can’t do a lot of things that I feel being crafty entails (sewing, knitting, building things), but I like drawing and coloring and gluing sparkly things on paper. :D

And I LOVE roasted vegetables. Any roasted vegetables. Although I think I would have to say that roasted cauliflower is my favorite. There’s just something about it.


Roasted broccoli is definitely one of my favorites! I had it yesterday. :) I am a tiny bit crafty (I can draw/paint and decorate cakes), but my sister is very crafty. She makes a ton of her little girl’s clothes (which we get after her daughter has outgrown them), and they are always so cute!


Brooke may be the cutest baby I have ever seen!!! She looks a lot like I did when I was little…and I most definitely loved Target trips as well. My mom always tells this story of how one day when I was about 2 we were on our way to Target and I was throwing a fit in the back seat…so then she told me we were going home and no Target..so I stopped crying…and through heavy nose sniffs and tear wiping I proceeded to say…”Happy now mommy, go to Target?” haha I could definitely see Brooke in the same situation..though she doesn’t seem to cry much…so maybe not!!


I’m very crafty! I get it from my mom, she had her own sewing business when I was little and sold things at craft shows.
Top 3 artist
Pearl Jam
Billy Joel


I feel that excited when i’m in target too!! If only i looked as cute as Brooke.


Get yourself Spotify! There is a free version as long as you listen on your laptop, also, I don’t think they have a listening limit. Plus, you can specify which songs you want to listen to and make your own playlists!


she gets so excited!! i love it.
absolute favorite vegetable: corn on the cob. does that even count as a vegetable? it’s so good!


Are you a crafty person? Can you sew?
Sort of. And NO.

Absolute favorite vegetable?
Sweet potatoes. I forgot about roasting broccoli too! It’s so good. I have to put that on the menu this week.

What was the most exciting part about your day yesterday?
Ugh. Yesterday was kinda poopy. BUT, my hubby bought me pink tulips and that made it a little better. :)

Tell me 3 of your top favorite singers/music groups!!!
Not possible. I like way too much music. I can do genres… Country, hip-hop/rap, pop.


I didn’t think it was possible to reach the Pandora limit either! I got the same message yesterday! …I did, however, pay the 99cents BUT they will not get me for $3.99 :) Thanks for all your posts, I read daily!


Awww that video of Brooke! I love how excited she is!! :) Roasted broccoli is my fave, too. So good! I’ll have to put garlic on it next time. I usually just do salt and pepper. I feel like I’ve been missing out?? I didn’t even know you could reach a limit on pandora?! Yikes, I’m probs really close to it by now!! My top fave artists: The Postal Service (their pandora is SO GOOD), Ingrid Michaelson, and Ed Sheeran. Seriously, check them out. Such good music! :)



I didn’t know you could reach a limit that is crazy..switch to playlist.com!


hahaa, my husband just found this out the other day. he also refused to pay the 99 cents, so now is listening to the radio like its 1998. :)


Brooke’s facial expressions are priceless — what a character!


That happened to me yesterday too! It’s so sad, I love listening to Pandora. I keep thinking, I should probably just pay the $3.99 a month for ad-free listening. The worst is when you’re on a run and a commercial for McDonald’s or something comes on! haha

Love the fabric you chose, what kind of banner are you making? I made this one for my nephew’s nursery! It’s so easy, and you can buy the $1.00 scrap fabric in the quilting section so it’s a cheap project too!


Brooke is too cute! Love her little outfit in the picture from Target!


That’s so funny…As I was dropping my son off at school this morning he was getting out of the car and turned to me and said, “I only have 10 minutes left on Pandora before I have to pay for it” I had no idea what he was talking about, I didn’t know you only had so much usage per month…Funny you both mentioned this on the same day and you must both be on the same music monthly schedule. :)


Too much cuteness! I can’t handle it!!


Coming out of lurkdom to tell you that I love your blog and that Brooke is just too adorable! OMG. She is such a cutie patootie! :)


Did something break during that video???

I try to be crafty…I scrapbooked for a while but now I am too lazy!

Spending the day with my husband and baby girl was awesome yesterday :).

I feel like I need to hit Target ASAP.


I have a creative mindset..but sometimes my brain doesn’t always properly communicate that creativity to my hands and I come out with crafts looking like poop. I didn’t even realize that you could reach a Pandora listening limit either! So so sad. Spinach is my absolute favorite vegetable. Even Sam’s Club does not sell a bag big enough to make me happy. Mushrooms are a second. Unless you could pickles as a vegetable, in which case they trump all other vegetables. The most exciting part of my day yesterday was the Run for Boston I participated in! It was AMAZING!

Top 3 Favorite Artists:

Matt Nathanson
N’Sync (don’t judge)
and I’ve been really loving One Direction lately… that’s a guilty pleasure of mine. So sad to admit that.


I’ve probably been to which ever Joann’s you were at! I’ve been to every one in San Jose. I love fabric. In fact I just moved three large tupperwares full of fabric into my garage because the kids didn’t appreciate me using their rooms for my fabric storage. I might have a problem.

Fave veggie… broccoli cooked in a little bit of bacon fat and heavily salted.


“I am attempting to make a banner thing out of fabric…” Ahahha this sounds just like me!! No crafty skills whatsoeva over here so I feel ya! I like to think I am since I’m really good at pinning craft stuff on my Pinterest, but no, no I am not. Can’t wait to see your end result, I’m sure it will look fab! And love the video of Brooke, too cute!!



I’d love to hear your take on this article.

And, yes, I’ve taught myself to sew. Gotta love those blogging ladies and their great tutorials!


The Pandora limit is a mobile only limit – 40 hours per month. So if you’re at home, you can play it off a desktop computer (or laptop, same thing. Not quite sure what the iPad qualifies as in Pandora land).

I have a lot of my music uploaded to the Amazon Cloud, so I just use the Amazon MP3 Player.


THERE’S A LIMIT?!?! Oh no. I am now insanely paranoid that my Pandora may be shut off at any moment. :/


Brooke is so cute, I can’t even stand it! So adorable!!!

I am not crafty at all! My mom is so crafty and used to throw me the coolest holiday parties where she helped make crafts!

Favorite veggies are broccoli, asparagus, and sweet potatoes!

My day yesterday was not very exciting. I guess the best part was talking to my family!

The Fray, Imagine Dragons, and Taylor Swift!


I am definitely not crafty! But it runs in the family, so if I ever have a boat of inspiration, I have help within reach! :) Roasted asparagus is my absolute favorite! And nothing exciting about yesterday, studied for a final… boo. :( Brooke is soooooo adorbs!


When that happens to me on Pandora I just switch over to Grooveshark for a few days! You can make your own playlists on there. Or I use spotify if I’m on a computer.

Also, Brooke’s crab shirt is ADORABLE!


I love crafting! Especially cards to send to friends.

Mmm roasted veggies are SO good!


What about spotify? I have never used it on my mobile but listen to free music with it on my computer.


I. Cannot. Handle. the . Cuteness! Ahh! I would love if you posted more videos like that, it put a smile on my face haha!

I had no idea there was Pandora limit!


I’ve never tried roasted broccoli! I love other roasted veggies though. Definitely with you on the loads of garlic thing though.


Listen to slacker radio! It’s almost the same thing. Then go back to pandora when the month is over. :)


Try Songza! It’s great and has great playlists. Brooke is so adorable :)


I am a crafty person, although I don’t really sew. I knit, which is something I enjoy, and I do have to sew sometimes in the patterns, but I don’t voluntarily sew besides that.
Favorite veggie is either cucumber or celery
Yesterday was youth group, which was awesome
Fave bands/singers are: Toby Mac, Britt Nicole, and Mat Kearney (all are Christian artists)


Yay for two running days in a row! I’m kinda crafty…I love to scrapbook! My favorite vegetable is green peppers but recently my roommate made really amazing roasted parsnips and carrots :) Most exciting part about yesterday was chocolate covered strawberries at a event I had to go to! Yum!


I love the pictures of the cart


I think Pandora changed their limits. I know several people at my work were complaining they reached their limits. So most of them upgraded to the paid.


Oh my goodness! Brooke is so adorable! :) glad ur back into the routine of running again! Sub 3 indeed! :)


Brooke is the cutest baby I have ever seen! Every time I see pictures of her I get so baby hungry! She is a doll :)


Try Songza!! I alternate between that and Pandora, but Songza is fun because rather than organizing playlists by artist, you can pick one according to your mood and/or activity you plan to be doing while listening to music. Some of them are oddly specific — “Waking Up On The Right Side Of The Bed”, “Saving The World”, and “Being Confident” — but I’ve been really enjoying some of the workout mixes they have.


Oh no, did that other little girl break something in the video? I like roasted broccoli, but it always gives me bad gas. (I always feel sorry for my husband.)




I understand Brooke’s excitement over Target…I get the same way! Haha

One of my favorite vegetables is broccoli, which ironically was my maiden name until I recently got married. I’m also a teacher, so students calling me Ms. Broccoli made them giggle for the first month or so of school!


8 Tracks is awesome… try that!! It’s great playlists made by mood/genre/etc


Oh wow. I listen to pandora when I run. I hope it never cuts me off in the middle of a run! Maybe I should download another music radio app for back-up. Isn’t there one for running that matches songs to the your pace? Does anyone know what I’m talking about or did I imagine that?


someone probably already said this, but if you have another e-mail account you can create a second pandora account and listen to music. I have run out a few times before the month is over so I just use my second account. :) I’m sneaky like that.


Your child is crazy cute. My sister is so jealous of how much hair she has. My niece is over a year now and barely has any!!

I just made roasted broccoli. New favourite vegetable. It is so amazing, thank you!

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