Why I am really excited for my workout this morning:

I guess we did a little too much reading yesterday because Brooke was exhausted.  4 out of 5 times Brooke falls asleep with her arm up like this.    

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I always ask Billy what he is feeling like for dinner and usually he tells me something and then I make what I am really feeling like for dinner.  Last night I followed through and actually made what he requested and I am very glad I did.  I tried this recipe out for the first time and it was delicious but really how can you go wrong with cheese, noodles, butter and bread crumbs?  Definitely went back for more. 

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And my after dinner snack (I guess some people would call it dessert) were these beauties with the Giants game in the back.  Welcome to the next 7 months of my life…..

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Two reasons that I am ultra excited for spin this morning:

1.  An awesome playlist

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2.  I just got a new pair of the beautiful Brooks Glycerin Capri III.  These are probably the most comfortable capris ever.  And just in case it rains or there is a wind storm in spin class I will wear my new LSD Lite Jacket III.

At 8 pm when this picture was taken I already had my retainer in and most of my makeup washed off (except for that dang mascara… too lazy to take that off) and ready for bed… that is why you get a picture of the top of my head.

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I think we can all agree that nothing is better (except for Brooke and dessert buffets) than new workout clothes 


What are you desperately wanting to add to your running clothes collection?  New shoes, shorts, tanks, summer running clothes??  What are you needing/wanting?  What do you have your eyes on?

Does anyone else still wear their retainer?  Did you ever have a retainer?

What is your night time routine?  Are you good about washing your face?  What about flossing?

Would you rather have homemade mac and cheese or homemade Fettucini Alfredo?

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Brooke must be afraid you’re going to take pictures of her while she’s sleeping so she covers her face. That mac and cheese looks absolutely delicious and I miss my mom’s home baked cheesy mac. The only kind of clothes I like wearing are running clothes. True fact.


I had a similar playlist this am! New workout clothes make working our even more fun! I am religious about taking off all my make up at night and wearing my retainer. I had to get braces (again) as an adult due to wisdom teach issues. It was a horrible experience and I never want them again!!


wow that jacket looks awesome!

i try really hard to floss and wash my face every night, but when i’m lazy i end up just wiping off my face with a stridex pad and crashing.


I totally thought I was the only adult in the world who still has to wear their retainer. If I don’t wear it a couple of times a week at least my teeth shift so much that it gives me a headache (I’m 28 and I got my braces off when i was like 14). Seriously, I thought I was the only one! I used to be really good about washing my face before bed but ever since I had a baby I just use baby wipes. Sometimes getting ready for bed seems so exhausing it makes me stay up later because I don’t want to do it. I realize that doesn’t make sense :)


I totally get that! My favorite line is I’m too tired to go to bed :)


I get it too! I buy the makeup removal wipes from Costco. I have two kids under two and was telling a coworker this morning that I need to get craftier with a way to wash my hair less often during the week because there is no time.


I know this is horrible but I never take off my makeup at night unless I take a shower. I usually take my showers mid day (because I workout around 10)

As for workout clothes. I have ONE shirt and ONE pair of capris. I want anything and everything! I think first i’ll invest in heat gear since winter is basically over here in missouri. Knock on wood.


Homemade mac and cheese, no doubt!

I still wear my retainer, I have a paranoid fear of having my teeth move and needing braces again. Four years was MORE than enough!!!

Love the new workout clothes


I’m due for some new workout clothes. Maybe it’s all in my head, but I find it really makes a difference in my runs!! Love your jacket :). PS. This makes me want to make homemade mac n’ cheese for the blog!


I like that new Fall Out Boy song! I put it on my playlist for my long run this past weekend and rocked out during the chorus :-)

I’d take homemade mac & cheese over fetuccini alfredo any day.


Brooke is so adorable, as usual!
I had a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth, but it fell out years ago…I guess it wasn’t so permanent.
My nighttime routine is pretty simple – take out contact, wash face, brush teeth, and I use Peter Thomas Roth Max Correction pads on my face.


I desperately want some lightweight summer running tanks so I can avoid running in my sports bra. It gets seriously hot in Texas during the summer and I sometimes run when it is 90 degrees at 6am. Brooks has a D’lite micro mesh I’m thinking of trying.
I had braces as an adult so I asked for a permanent retainer. It’s awesome and my teeth haven’t moved at all in the 4 years I’ve had it.
I am religious about washing my face and flossing. Years of skin issues will do that to you :)


I think I wore my retainer for a year after I got it. It had zebra stripes.

I’m pretty good at flossing every night, but I don’t always remember to wash my face. Luckily, I rarely wear make-up since I work from home, so it’s not a big deal.


Yes, I still wear a retainer (at 30). I will wear that thing till my teeth fall out or I die, I am way to paranoid about my teeth going back to the way they were………..it was bad.


I really want a pair of the Lulu speed shorts as well as a couple Under Armour white ribbed tanks.

I was always super good about wearing my retainer and then it broke and I never got it fixed. Fail. My bottom teeth have slightly shifted, but I’m the only one who can really tell.

Wash my face, floss, brush teeth, mouth wash, foam roll. Every night.

Home made mac!! Hands down.


Um, I may have to make that mac n cheese recipe! I have gotten a number of good recipes from your links recently. Anything with cheese in it is a win-win for me!


My night time routine is simple: brush teeth, get into PJs, fill the water bottle, and prep for one last feeding for the baby. Shortly after she’s enjoying a last meal, the hub sends me on his with way with a kiss to work.

Of course, there’s the wake-up-when-he’s-back routine which usually involves my asking how work went, conversing in various states of coherence, and then crashing mid way through a sentence.

Later in the morning we laugh about these wee morning conversations.

On running clothes, I need nothing and am holding tight to frugality to avoid the wants becoming reality!


I’m a teeth grinder so I have to wear a mouth guard every night. I used to have a retainer that I wore for years and then kind tired of it :-/

I would love some new summer running clothing if it ever gets warm…I can still see my breath this morning :-(.

Mac and cheese all the way!


I’m always on the lookout for new running jackets! They’re so expensive in the fall so I usually buy them when they’re on end-of-season sale around April/May :)


I’m a stickler for washing off my makeup before I go to bed. I usually don’t wear much other than mascara and lip gloss, but they both still have to come off before I go to bed.


I have to wash my face at night!! But I normally don’t brush my teeth because my mouth feels even drier in the morning!!

I want some new capris!! I have a gift card left over from Christmas for Target! I’ll have to check them out! :)


I’ve never had to wear a retainer, which is probably a good thing because I’m pretty sure I would forget to put it on half of the time. That being said, I’m actually pretty good with my nighttime routine. I always wash all my makeup off otherwise my skin freaks out on me, and I actually managed to get myself into the habit of flossing every night because I’m kind of paranoid of cavities – the dentist scares the crap out of me :shock:


That picture of Brooke made my heart melt. I think if I show my son one more picture of her he is going to throw my laptop at me-lol! That mac n cheese looks so yummy. I’m doing a week long sugar detox so right now (at 8 am) I would eat BOTH the homemade mac n cheese and fettucine alfredo! That outfit is so cute! I would love that light jacket! I’m pretty bad at flossing and have gotten better at wiping off my make-up since I found these: cleansing facial wipes for sensitive skin by Simple. It takes off mascara too. I’m very fair and my skin usually reacts to EVERYTHING, but not to these! I’m pretty stoked that I found them!


I love that you have Paradise by Coldplay as your starting song, that is my power song! I don’t know what it is about that song but it just gets my blood pumping. I’ll be adding a new pair of shoes to my workout gear in mid-April. Starting to have the onset of a couple of injuries and I can only blame my choice in shoes this time around. Won’t make that mistake again! Those capris are super cute! I do wash my face every night, makes me feel better.


I always have to wash my face or I can’t sleep. I’m not very good about flossing, though, as it’s one of my least favorite things to do.

As for clothes I really need another pair of capris (yours look great!) and then either a running skirt or “gulp” running shorts. I’ve been on a long journey of weight loss and am trying to convince myself to wear actual running clothes this summer but running shorts are, well, short!!! I won a beautiful new pair of Mizuno Wave Precisions last night and picked up a pair of Elixer 7’s to try – on clearance!! So I’m set for shoes for a while :) I’ve finally found my go-to shoe!!


I have been looking for new capris so I will check out those! I have been considering ordering some from lulu, but heard the fabric on theirs lately has been really thin so I’ve been hesitant to spend the money!

If you like Matchbox songs for spin, I LOVE “This is How a Heart Breaks” by Rob Thomas! Whenever I hear it in the car, it makes me want to drive fast during the chorus, so I think it would be awesome for sprints in spin!!!


Brooke’s little arm may be the cutest thing ever!!! I am obsessed with all things exercise head and especially want some new running tops and shorts! I am hoping that the weather here in NC will cooperate and let me wear shorts for the rest of the year even though I had to whip out my ice scraper yesterday morning ;)


You wash your face before bed? Your suppose to? I kid…kinda. I love new workout clothes and need to actually stop buying them lol.


Yes! Those pants. I love those capris. I bought a pair for running, but I wear them for yoga and even around town because they’re not too too tight.
I love that Brooke falls asleep like that in the middle of everything! It takes a darkened room and a few tears to get my little one to sleep.


Mac and cheese all the way! It’s Joe’s favorite so we make it often :-) I really want some new sports bras! My pre baby ones just aren’t doing the job anymore haha…


That mac and cheese looks so good! I’m going to pin that right now!!!! YUM
I’m really good about washing my face and brushing my teeth, I need to work on flossing…


I try to always wash my face before bed and I always brush my teeth. I take my hair down and brush it out and cuddle up with my kindle to read some blogs before falling asleep! I just bought a bunch of new running gear, so I’m good there. I love fettucine alfredo but haven’t had it in a couple years…


I pretty much need a new running wardrobe. All my gear from last spring/summer is falling apart and too big. I even need new sports bras. I’ve been chafing like crazy lately which normally means its time for new clothes.


I had braces as an adult and they’ve only been off 6 months. Wearing my retainer is torture! But I still do it! So worth it!


Funny you mention retainers, I slacked off for a while then freaked out because i noticed my front tooth shifting, Im now psycho about wearing it. I paid for my braces myself when I was about 24 & at 30 now I will wear that thing forever, I never want my teeth to look like they did before or feel like I wasted $5k lol


Brooke looks adorable sleeping like that, so precious! I’m really wanting an Athleta running skirt and Zensah Capris. I’m dying to get my Moms RUN This Town Tech shirts I ordered and I’m really wanting Asics Gel Nimbus 15.

I’ve never worn a retainer thank goodness because dentists scare me.

My night time routine consists of brushing our teeth as a family, then we pray together. I tuck my son in( 2yr old sleeps with us) and then I wash my face. Then I apply my night time treatment and moisturizer. Finally, I drink some water and doze off.

I’d rather have home made Fettucine Alfredo but that Mac N Cheese looks amazing!


I have been wanting that exact jacket!!! JEALOUS!!


Is it weird that what I’m really wanting to add to my running clothes collection is a good headband? I have ridiculously thick hair and it’s short, so headbands always slip and slide. If anyone has any good suggestions, please let me know!! I also have my eye on a new pair of compression shorts…and I’m looking for compression socks, too :D

I’m really good about brushing my teeth at night..but never about flossing.

I’d rather have homemade mac because I’m not a big alfredo fan.


I love your new Brooks capris. Also that pic of Brooke sleeping makes my heart melt.


Home made mac-n-cheese all the way! Have you watched the A&E show “Heavy” It’s awesome!


Love the new clothes! I am wanting some new tanks in summer colours and prints. I don’t wear a retainer anymore thanks to permanent wires on the back of my teeth. You can’t see them and you can barely feel them though so I’m pleased :). I’m not a big pasta fan but I’d say mac and cheese. And I’m pretty good about washing my face and flossing most nights! By the way, I still fall asleep with my arms over my face/ above my head when I’m exhausted. My mum said I slept like that as a baby too so it’s something Brooke might keep doing!


I’m actually needing to overall my entire workout wardrobe. It’s getting pretty bad! I’d definitely rather have homemade mac and cheese. Most restaurants do a passable job with alfredo, but you can’t beat homemade mac!


I actually never had to wear a retainer so I don’t have one now. I am a simple bedtime person- wash face, brush teeth and my contacts are usually out the minute I get home from teaching so that’s already taken care of.

Check, Check, Check and it’s time to put my head on my pillow. <3

p.s. I am addicted to running shoes so Id probably add more Brooks shoes to my collection.


I a desperate need for more summer running clothes. Last weekend I went to the outlet and found lots of cute shorts, but am still in need of a few more tanks. Buying workout clothes is so fun!

I still have a retainer, but I don’t wear it nearly enough! Do you actually wear yours nightly? I need to get better at that, maybe starting tonight :)

Wash my face usually the second I get home from work in addition to putting on my glasses. Unless I workout at night then I just shower. I am a nightly flossier!

Both! Sorry there is just too much goodness in both to pick!


I always wash my face, rarely floss. I know my dentist won’t be happy with that statement. I am dying to get some new tanks for this summer. And socks. I seem to have a weird obsession with running socks.


Looking for a new spring jacket. I was heading out this week. My heart belongs to Brooks but I’m having trouble finding one so I suppose I could…*gasp*…choose another brand.

I, too, force my family to look at photos of Brooke. But it’s usually after one of them comes in after a hard day and I look at them and ask if they would like to feel better. They always crack up laughing at her great photos. Honestly. This child could not be sweeter. Maybe you could bottle that magic…


Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby! Love it. Next time you make Mac and Cheese, PLEASE use this recipe http://www.annies-eats.com/2009/05/08/baked-mac-and-cheese-comparison/and put in all the herbs/seasonings. It will take your mac and cheese experience to the next level. I actually love every recipe I have ever used from Annies Eats; such a great resource.

I like a lot of my workout gear, I just want more so I don’t have to do laundry so often. If I could find workout tops with built in bras supportive enough to run in, that would be awesome but I’m not holding my breath:)


I need some new summer running clothes. Tops mainly.
I have a long (long for me!) nightime routine: Wash face, use eye make up remover, use a blemish toner, use a blemish control creme, brush teeth, moisturize face, apply eye cream. Takes some time, but I’m in LOVE with all my Mary Kay products and it makes my face so clear & soft :) I am NOT a flosser


New workout clothes are the only reason I even work out sometimes (whoops) and I am getting to a point where I have more workout clothes than real clothes- so basically I wear workout clothes every day and every where.


Sandrine wants new tank tops and homemade fettucine alfredo. Rhonda wants new socks and homemade mac and cheese.


LOVE those capris. I may need to add them to my own collection. Recently I got the Pure Flow 2s and have only had two runs in them. LOVING them so far!


Yes, I still wear my retainer! My dentist told me that I’ll need to wear it until I’m 35, because my face will keep growing until then!


That mac & cheese looks amazing! I wear a mouth guard at night because I have a bad case of TMJ and completely crunch down on my teeth all night. It is so, so sexy for my husband haha ;-)


aww, her little arm is so sweet :)



Those are my FAVORITE candies!



Love new workout gear! I need to add some new capris to my mix and a new hat.
I’m a Mac and cheese girl all the way…infact I have Mac and cheese on the agenda for dinner tonight :). The recipe u used sounds good.


I wear my retainer every two weeks or so. I hate it but I REALLY don’t want my teeth to get crooked. I floss every night…ever since I got into the habit of doing it, my teeth don’t feel clean if I skip.

I need new running socks and maybe running sunglasses!


I want more hoodie shirts with the thumb holes. Otherwise, I am just fine on workout clothes.
I wash, brush and floss every night. What can I say, it is my routine.
Neither. Uck. I don’t eat much cheese.

The Kidless Kronicles


I’d rather have homemade mac & cheese! I am really craving some new running tanks for the upcoming summer weather. I’ve also had my eye on a new lightweight running jacket in a flashy neon color.


I could definitely use some good capris, and tops for the warm weather! (Wishful thinking here in Chicago).


I could really use some new workout clothes and think I will treat myself soon. You know it is bad when your sports bras are so old that your girls are bouncing around in the supportive ones….haha!!


I still wear my retainer! My friends make fun of me, but I don’t want those teeth to move again! :)


Only at night though, hahaha :)


I just know the hot and humid DC summer is coming, so I am in the market for new shorts and tank tops!

Those capris look REALLY comfortable, though!

I’m usually pretty bad about remembering to wash off all my makeup (yikes!).


That jacket looks so fun! I wish it was still cool enough down here (Tampa, FL) to wear long sleeves and capris :)


I really want a pair of trail shoes. I’ve been running in my normal shoes on the trails and they just don’t have the grip I would like them to have and I find myself slipping especially on sloppy trails. I’m hoping to get some soon.


My birthday is coming up and basically all things on my list are workout clothes and /or workout related. Ha! I need new shoes as well. Basically, there is no way I will get everything on my list.

Homemade mac and cheese all the way. That sounds so good right now. Once I bought a lean cuisine alfredo dish and after I pulled it from the microwave I thought it smelled just. like. vomit. Since then I can always smell a hint of vomit in that dish so I can’t eat it. That is what I get for buying a Lean Cuisine, I suppose.

I stopped wearing my retainer at night when I got married and then about 6 months later I went to wear it and it wouldn’t fit. I tried to force it, but it never went back. I am super pissed about it to because now my teeth have shifted and I wish I would have never done that.

I usually brush my teeth, wash my face, lotion, mouth wash (should floss, but do that about 3x a week cause I am so lazy) say prayers, read scriptures and beg Ross to stop talking to me. That man is chatty only when I am exhausted, I swear.

I love the sleeping pic of Brooke. It’s like the arm is saying, ‘This is too much. It is so bright. I give up. Good night.’ Gosh I love her.


LOVE new workout clothes! I NOW wear a retainer every night. My teeth moved after having braces when I was a teenager and never wore the retainer. I’m 40 and went back and got a retainer to straighten out my teeth. I will forever wear it at night. As we get older, our teeth want to move and crowd. Keep wearing your retainers girls! Now convincing my 15 year old son to wear his retainer is another story!


I haven’t worn my retainer in years and uh, I guess that’s why my teeth are crooked again. whoops. better start wearing mine again…. but they’re like 15 years old. ick.

Um, what night routine? haha. I pretty much fall face forward into bed. Bad, I know. I’m trying though!

I’d love to get some summer running clothes, like shorts, tanks etc, and one good wind breaker or jacket. And arm warmers.

Since I am not a sauce fan, totally homemade mac n cheese!!!


Awesome playlist! I wish you were my spin teacher. Our i wish the teachers here would post their playlists do i would know if i was going to be irritated for an hour ahead of time


I am wanting some new running capris and some new light running tank tops for the summer. All of my running capris that I have now seem to fall when I am running, so I am constantly pulling them up as I run. It is so annoying!

I still wear my retainer too! Well, at least I do when I remember to put it in. It has been almost seven years since I got my braces off, but I still wear my retainer at night because if I don’t my teeth will move. I went a few months without wearing it, and my bottom teeth really moved a lot. Once I noticed this I started wearing my retainer again, but my teeth hurt so bad! The pain was not worth it, so now I try to wear it every night.


I love your playlist!!

I am really wanting some new, bright colored shorts!!
I am anal about wearing my retainer and washing my face/ brushing my teeth!


I have to wash my face or I can’t sleep well lol My husband wears a retainer to bed like 2x a year…he’s not very good about it. I’ve never had a retainer, I hope our kids get my teeth genes haha


I really need some new running shorts. I only have 4 pairs! At night, I shower (where I wash my face), have dinner on the couch while we watch some tv. Jason does his thing for a while, and I watch some more bad tv. Then, we meet up in bed to read until we fall asleep. I fall asleep way before Jason does.


I am absolutely in love with Brooke’s onsie! SO cute!! :) I hope your workout was fantastic!


CUTE jacket!

I wear my retainers religiously every single night. :)

Hope it was a fun spin class!


I am not good with my night time routine….I never have been haha I can’t believe you still wear your retainer! I’m pretty sure I barely wore it for the few years after I got my braces off and I deeply regret it now. I’m not a big alfredo fan but mac and cheese I love! I love trying to add new things to it but my husband prefers good ole original mac and cheese.


I had Invisalign so I wear a retainer at night! I’m pretty good about remembering, my husband doesn’t let me forget what it all costs ;) and I’m with you….face gets washed but mascara somehow remains! :)


I LOVE homemade mac and cheese. I have found the “best ever simplest” recipe on http://www.thesmallthingsblog.com. It’s fool proof. If I get real ambitious I even doctor it up with imitation crab and/or shrimp.
I’m looking to add an abundance of Pro Compression socks to my wardrobe and the Garmin Forerunner 10. One…..I’m obsessed with pink and need one of these, even though I have the 205 and 305. Two…because it’s not such a honkin’ huge gadget and will really give me all the info I need….minus an occasional heart rate.
My night time face washing routine happens about once a week. Darn it, I swear every week I’m going to get better at this. Somehow I’m just too lazy. Baby steps…maybe I should just try for three nights a week to begin. ;)


I am in search of the perfect sleeveless top… I’ll know it when I find it, but have not been successful yet. It will be a little long, NOT have a racerback, will be super lightweight, and will be seemless, and will NOT be black. I hope to find it soon :)

Also, I’m in search of the perfect hydration carrier. -I can’t stand any of the belts that I’ve tried, they all move during my run and then I spend the entire run re-shifting it. If there’s a good one that really doesn’t move, I’d buy it in heartbeat.

And, most importantly, the picture of Brooke sleeping is one of the most adorable yet! she certainly is one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen!


First of all: that’s the cutest picture ever!

What I have my eyes on? The whole running store! Always! BF doesn’t understand why I need so many running clothes!

Retainer- I was supposed to wear it after I took off my braces. Then my widsom teeth came out (yup, all 4 of them!). So forget about the retainer, I need braces again!

I canot go to sleep with my make-up on. If I do, I don’t sleep well and I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to remove it. And I don’t floss. Shhhhh!

I’d rather have a mix of the two pastas- Mac and Cheese over a bed of Fettuccine Alfredo. I’m Italian. Forget about dessert- I’ll run for pasta! All kinds of it!


Homemade mac and cheese for sure.

I fall asleep with my arm like that all the time too.


Homemade any kind of noodles covered in a creamy sauce is amazing!! But covering it in bread crumbs just takes it to that next level of awesomeness!

I don’t sleep well if I don’t wash my face and do my skin routine before bed. It’s a love hate relationship, because I hate taking the time to do it.


It is lucky I have Chris to hold me accountable, or I swear I would hop right in bed without doing any of those things. Why is taking the bra off too much sometimes?


Confession: My lab ate my retainer exactly one month after I got my braces off (I was 14). I never told my mom, but I’m sure she figured it out because, well, all moms do. I’d (maybe) trade buying new running clothes for a year for Invisalign.


Mmm, mac n’ cheese!!

I love the playlists, thank you for sharing them!


Yum, that mac and cheese looks awesome!

I desperately need to stop buying running clothes (or so says my husband, anyway) BUT obviously that won’t happen, so my immediate needs are calf sleeves and mid-length compression shorts. I have never, ever been able to wear “real” running shorts with the briefs in them because they skeeve me out, so I only wear compression shorts with mesh trainers over them in the summer.


She sleeps sooooo cute! :)
I would definitely get motivated to workout in a playlist like that! :)
I have same LSD Jacket too!!! They are the best I purchased from Brooks so far! Love them! :)
I want to get new sports sunglasses. I broke mine during snowboarding, and I have photophobia. desperately need one! :)


I desperately want to add your new jacket to my running clothes collection! I may just have to order it ASAP! How does the size run? True to size?

If I wake up in the middle of the night and realize I’ve forgotten to floss, I will get up and go floss then! I shiver at the thought of not flossing! Totally not good at taking off my mascara, though!


My boyfriend falls a sleep the exact same way, it’s less cute on a 23 year old though :)
I’m dying for new workout capris, I have a couple pairs but I got through them so quickly and they are my favorite. I hate wearing shorts and long pants are too hot, so capris are the perfect remedy.


I still wear my retainer! Not every night, but I try to a couple of times a week. Also, I think I will now be making that Mac & Cheese for dinner tonight, so thanks! I am also wondering what type of camera you use? I don’t have a very nice camera and typically use my iphone, but I am wondering if you have any camera recommendations?


I’m a fitness instructor so I get fitness clothing on the regular and am lucky to have connections get me some great deals on some TOP brands. The ONE THING I am dying for is a new pair of CW-X Stabilix capris. I have a pair from a few years ago and swear by them. I blew out my knee (athletes triad) in 2002 so these tights are amazing for me to run in. My plan is to purchase my next pair before my first 1/2 marathon at the end of May… we’ll see, they are pretty spendy.

I am religious about my face washing routine as I have grumpy skin if I don’t. It flares up due to COW DAIRY of all things so making your amazing mac & cheese is a no go unless I do a vegan or goat version.

I did have a retainer (Holly Yashi print & wire) in High School but I don’t need to wear it anymore AND it doesn’t fit either.

What is your fave tank option for summers? I have tons and love racerbacks but am looking into new ones for this upcoming summer to widen my colors (and basically hoard more fitness clothes). ;-)


Ok, now I am super excited to hear how your run went! Hope your leg felt ok!

I really need some new sports bras… I’m waiting for something to go on sale. I was eyeing some at Target.
I had a retainer at some point, but its been long lost.
I would take either mac and cheese or fettucini alfredo!


Hi- I was wondering if you would do a post on what you and Billy have done to recover from your IT band issues. I’m battling it now and would love to see what has worked for y’all. Thanks!!


Such a cute workout outfit! I am in desperate need of new running shoes! I do not wear my retainer still, but I wash my face and take off all my make up every night! I am very religious about that after having a few stys on my eyes.


I have to wash my face or else I have this feeling I’m going to wake up with acne!


OMG I love that candy where did you find it?


Awww!!! Look at Brooke’s lil tongue sticking out! So adorable!!!

What are you desperately wanting to add to your running clothes collection? New shoes, shorts, tanks, summer running clothes?? What are you needing/wanting?
I desperately need new shorts! I confess, I usually wear athletic underwear (boy short style) on my runs in the summer and nothing over them. It gets too hot. I wear the least amount of clothes I can without getting in trouble.

Does anyone else still wear their retainer? Did you ever have a retainer?
-I had a retainer at one time. I don’t wear it at all though. I clicked it around too much and it hurt my teeth.

What is your night time routine? Are you good about washing your face? What about flossing?
– I was my face every night and always add moisturizer. I brush my teeth and usually floss about…twice a week. But hey, I do better than most!!!

Would you rather have homemade mac and cheese or homemade Fettucini Alfredo?
-MAC AND CHEESE. I make the best. Come over and try it. Secret recipe.


My night time routine is pretty easy: put wash on face, let it sit while brushing teeth, wash face, let it dry while flossing teeth, apply night cream, let it dry while flossing teeth, gargle with mouthwash. Takes under 5 min!


Omg. That mac&cheese. Dinner tomorrow! I live in running clothes. More inspiration!

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