Well, Hello There!

Brooker and I have had quite a busy day so I didn’t have a chance to write up an afternoon post!  I did just post a HRG Baby post just in case you want to see more pictures of Brooke at the park and a 7.4 month update.

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Please wish me luck.  I am about to go pool running in our apartment pool that is not heated and I am pretty sure the water temp is 45 degrees or something crazy like that.  I almost bought a wetsuit for this workout but figured the wetsuit and my pool running aqua belt would be a little too much and my neighbors would really think I was strange.  Hope you are having a wonderful day!


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Aw congrats to Billy’s brother!! That’s so exciting! Brooke will have a new best friend to hang out with while you’re running ;) I tried to buy a wetsuit once to teach swim lessons but my boss said the kids would get the wrong idea and refuse to go swimming. I had to deal with turning purple instead.


PURPLE… that is not fun. Didn’t the kids freeze too then?


Nope I’m just a wimp and get cold wicked easily. They had a great time still haha


I have to tell you a story…yesterday my friend and I went to get froyo and there was a family there with three kids. The dad was helping the kids get toppings and he asked if they could put in gummy bears and the mom said no. He then asked about gummy sharks or army men and she said no. It broke my heart. Everyone deserves gummies in their froyo! I instantly thought of you and then I got extra gummies in honor of them. PS Brooke is beyond adorable and I want to be her BFF!


NOOOOOOOOO how could she say no to that. I will compensate for her and let Brooke have as many gummy bears, sharks and army men as she wants in her froyo:) Have an amazing day Natalie!


I know, I saw on FB! SO excited for Shelley & Danny! She’s soooo cute. :) Must be the awesome genes ya all have!

have fun at the pool!!


I am so happy that you saw the pics. Seriously so so cool. PS next time I am in Utah we have to get together again.


Ahhhhh congratulations to your brother and sister in law!!!


Congratulations, Aunty!! How exciting. Good luck with the swim…brrrr….


Yay for a new little family member :)


Good luck! :)


Congrats to Billy’s family!


Yay for more nieces! Is this your SIL that was at your baby shower? That feels like yesterday, but now Brooke is 7months..crazy sauce.

I have a wet suit you can borrow. I bought one back when I did triathlons…it has been 2yrs now. I am a slacker. Have fun pool running. Just think warm thoughts and tell yourself you can have hot cocoa when you are done!!


YAY for a new niece!!! How awesome! Good luck with the pool running! Sending you warm vibes :-)


Hope the pool running goes well! Your fear of the water being cold is funny to me, and it also brings back memories. I was a competitive swimmer growing up and in the summer the water at the outdoor pool was always freeeeezing in the morning. It took a good 10 minute warm up to adjust to it. Also in the fall/winter/spring the indoor pool we trained at was at the local college, which also had it’s own swim team. They kept the pool ice cold because it keeps your muscles more tense/less relaxed or something. I always had to work myself up before I jumped in!


So exciting! Congratulations to all!


I realized something lately. One of those things that you would often keep to yourself, but when you really think about it, you shouldn’t keep it to yourself because it would hopefully make the recipient feel good. What did I realize? You are by far, my *favorite* running blogger. I’ve followed a lot of running blogs over the past few years. And you are the sweetest, most down to earth, positive energy, easy to relate to, and your posts always make my day brighter. Not to mention, you’re a great inspiration. Yep. I like you a lot! :)


You seriously made my day! Thank you so much Jenn!


I agree 100%!


Congrats, Aunty! Ummm…if you really went pool running in cold temps then you are beyond hardcore!! I hope it went well and you aren’t purple and frozen!


Congrats to Billy’s brother! And stay warm in the pool! I would probably seriously wear a wet suit because I hate being cold!


Aww congrats, Auntie Janae! :)


Congrats on the new niece! Hope the pool wasn’t too cold!


I have a wetsuit. It’s awesome. You wouldn’t need both because it’s so buoyant. Plus
Congratulations on your new niece! When you meet her you’ll really realize how big Brooke has become!


Congratulations on the new niece!! It will be awesome for Brooke to have little cousins her age :)

I love how positive you are about the whole injury thing. I get so down when I can’t run or when things just all decide to go wrong – I love reading about how positive you make everything. Takes a lot of awesome :)


Aww, congratulations on the new addition to your extended family!!


Congrats to Billy’s brother!!! How exciting!! And, that wetsuit sounds amazing. Definitely rock it next time!


Congrats on your baby niece! And goodluck with the cold swim!


Okay… totally a little bit of a weirdo on this one. I have a little niece (6 mos) Since my son is 3 mos, I see B’s clothes. She’s B’s adorable and I may get a little fashion inspiration from her.
Good luck in the pool. I can raise my hand when I say I’ve done pool workouts in my wetsuit. :-)


ahh, hope your swim wasn’t too cold!

congrats on your new niece! how exciting :)


Congrats on a new baby in the family! Now Brooke is a “big” cousin!


Happy for you!! Congrats on being an auntie!
My son thinks Brooke is a “little pot pie” and “totes adorbs” ~ please know that this is how totally awesome 13-year olds talk (he would like to add, “#babyswag”). ;)
Hope you survived your pool run.


Congrats on a new niece! And of course a happy 7+ months to Brooke – the cutest and best dressed baby in the blogosphere!


Congrats on your new niece, HRG!
A very happy 7.4 months to Brook! Love that it’s 7.4. :)


Congrats to them!! A cousin is a great friend for the rest of life :)


Congrats on your new niece!


Congrats on your niece!!


Awww congrats!!


CONGRATS on being an auntie again!!

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