Time to take running seriously and 4 keys to the best kind of running attitude

I have some exciting running news but first let’s talk about today.  Since Brooke has been sick she has loved waking up for the day at approximately 5 a.m. and surprisingly my body is starting to adjust accordingly to her new schedule.  

Added bonus is she is incredibly happy (like usual) so it is kind of fun because the rest of the world is so quiet except for the two of us.  BUT… that doesn’t mean I am not craving a diet coke like crazy at around 2 in the afternoon.

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That remote control puppy is almost as cool as a real puppy.

Workout: Level 3 of 30 Day Shred while staring at my treadmill… jk…. kind of.

Lunch was a combination of all of the below items.  Like usual I am late to something so lunch called for just grabbing a bunch of things and eating it.   

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I am pretty positive that a bowl of Raisin Bran will be eaten the second we get back home.


I have a RUNNING COACH NOW!!! I could not be more excited about this.  I feel like every time I start to really click with running and start getting faster I end up injured so I clearly must be doing something wrong:)  Now I will have an EXPERT coach that will write exact workouts for me, we will talk weekly about how everything is going and exchange emails about training throughout the week.  

Coolest thing—–>  He is helping me think about my long term running goals and knows what it takes to get me to those goals.   

SO…. once this IT Band gets better (ps my latest theory is that spin is contributing to this problem) I will be working with him and GETTING FASTER (which probably includes some track work… on a track, not a treadmill:) 

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He sent me an article called ‘An Elite State of Mind‘ and it is AWESOME! I highly recommend it, like you really should read it because it is so awesome.  

It talks about the difference between ‘pushing yourself to be your best and pushing yourself into the ground’ and about how we try to adopt some of the training methods of elite athletes so we should also try to adopt their MENTAL ATTITUDES too! 

Love every single one of these:

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How often do you have caffeine? 

Anyone else reading that has a running coach or who has had one in the past?  How did/does it work out for you?

What is your BIGGEST long term running goal?

Any of the keys to an elite attitude that you struggle with?

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I just started working with a coach and it has impacted my running immensely. I think you’re going to love the relationship you build and the benefits that result!


Any tips on how to find a coach or what to look for?


Email me- [email protected]


Dealing with an IT Band prob or general knee prob around that area right now as well! Been off of running for a month an starting PT right now! My physical therapist said the problem was simply just not stretching and I had bad flexibility! So much for inflamation in my ligaments like my doctor said…pffff, I didn’t like him anyway! haha good luck!!


I’m dealing with an ITB problem too and have the same attitude with my doc-haha. I’m totally going with what my PT says. She’s a runner and she gets it. Today is day 36 of NO running and day 12 of no elliptical or bike. I just can’t seem to get it better. I think mine is due to very weak gluteus medius muscles-who knew!! Hope we both heal quickly Nicole!! Races to run and miles to burn!!


I’m one month in to my first marathon training and having issues with my it band too! I spoke with an athletic trainer who thinks I’m using all quad and not glutes when running. Apparently I need to tilt my pelvis forward to engage my butt properly.


I’ve been working with a coach for about 2 years and I’ve seen huge improvements in my running. Totally worth it!


Not really a runner (yet!) but a former dancer with a history of IT band issues. Spin can definitely contribute– a couple summers ago I was spinning everyday and it definitely set those issues off again! (Lots of foam rolling and pigeon, and cutting back on spin helped a lot!)

Brooke is adorable and I love your blog, by the way!


Congrats on the running coach! They definitely make you faster! I obviously have a coach running in college so it’s different but I’ve gotten so much faster. I’ve started getting up early recently and I crash around 4 but I do love waking up and getting going first thing when I wake up. Bagels for lunch are something I need to get into…


That is so exciting!! A running coach sounds like exactly what I need! I am currently injured and have had to take a break from running for a few weeks which is killing me because the weather has been absolutely amazing here in Florida!! I have self diagnosed myself with IT issues but how do you know FOR SURE that thats what it is? Have you written any posts about your symptoms? Any stretches or remedies that you have found to be especially helpful? By the way, I have been reading your blog for months and I dont know why it has taken me so long to commetn! I just wanted to say that I find you to be such a positive inspiration and Brooke is an absolute DOLL! She makes me want a little munchkin in a bad way!!


I pretty much never have caffeine. I don’t drink coffee or soda. I occasionally have tea but not too often. I am a major water drinker and nap taker when I am tired.


I’m in the same boat as you! Every time I get back in the groove and improve my time, distance, etc., I get injured. So frustrating! I have a membership to a circuit training/personal training gym and I’m doing an individualized circuit training program that the trainers have created specifically for me based on my functional movement screens, aches/pains, ability, etc. to improve m running. I’m loving it and feel much more relaxed about catching an injury in the beginning stages. So excited for your partnership with a running coach!


I’ve also noticed when I ride the bike a lot, I get IT pain. Roll it out!! My big running goal is to qualify for Boston :)


My short-term running goal is to break 2 hours in the half marathon and my long-term goal is to run my first marathon in 2014!
I won a customized training plan that started mid-February and a month of run coaching that starts in a few weeks, I’m excited to see how it goes!


Runner’s World is one of my favorite magazines, and not just because I love running! They produce great journalism all the time, which is the perfect storm for a journalism student like me. Can’t wait to hear how you do with your trainer…you are incredible! Also, Brooke is the cutest baby ever.


I can’t wait to hear how your new coach goes!!! I think my biggest (and scariest) goal is to qualify for the trials one day! I think I can do it :-) and yes I have an amazing coach! He actually agreed to coach a reader who wins a giveaway and I was going to tell you to enter tomorrow! But now you don’t need it ;-)


Yay congrats on your running coach! I’ve never had one but I think if I made getting faster a goal I would totally get one! I think my biggest running goal right now is a half marathon, which I never thought I would be training for. My main focus is finishing but if everything goes well, maybe next time I’ll try for time?!


Where did you find this coach? Is it an online coach? I have kind of eben looking for something similar. I need someone to tell me exactly what to do i am good with schedules :) and about 30 minutes ago i signed up for my first 1/2 marathon!!!


I’m wondering the same thing? I was thinking about starting at my local running store but would love to hear other ways to find one.


I get IT band issues as well, and spin does not help. It makes it worse but I love spin!


I started running with a coach a few months ago (which is silly because someone as slow as me shouldn’t be wasting time with a running coach) and I LOVE IT. It is so nice to have someone to tell all my ailments to and have them decide for me if I should run or not. Then if he says no, I have none of the runners guilt. Plus my program is much more well rounded then when I was just focusing on short term goals.

I read that article in the Running Times when it came out and it’s all over highlighted. I love it. It was so excellent. It really made me think.


I have to have at least two cups of coffee a day– horrible, I know!
How exciting to have a coach! Although I wouldn’t mind having you as a coach, haha!


OMG… This is has always been a theory of mine!! Whenever I’m running a lot and decide to take a spinning class for Xtraining, my IT band acts up too. Whenever I told people this, they thought I was crazy.


Congratulations on your running coach! I’m so happy you will have a professional guiding your running life. You are such an amazing athlete and I look forward to hearing about all your workouts.

My biggest running goal is to be able to continue running as I get older (and older).

Brooke is such a cutie. I’m sorry she’s sick, but she still looks so happy.


My IT band kills me when I spin a lot!!!!! I thought it was just me.


Exciting about getting a coach! I can’t wait to see what you can do with coached training!
My knee/IT has had issues for the last couple years. I have two ironman events this summer, so I really hope it cooperates (mainly means I have to keep up my strength and PT exercises)!


That running coach of yours is going to make you even more amazing! Looking forward to reading more about your journey.

I have coffee everyday. I love the flavor coffee/espresso so much I’m one of those fools who drinks it in the afternoon… but gets decaf. Ha. Caffeine only in the morning for me or my sleep is bonkers.

My long term running goal is to keep running… and running… and running… and taking care of my body. Short term is a sub 4-hour marathon.


It band issues are the worst! Foam rolling and leg strengthening exercises helped me. (And running on grass not sidewalks).
I drink caffeine daily. Coffee and more coffee. I think I have an addiction.

No running coach but I train/run with a run clinic so it’s nice bc they give u the program and you learn different running related topics every week.
My biggest running goal is to run a marathon. I’m currently training for my 3rd half and plan on running at least 2 more this year to get me in great shape for marathon training next year! :)


My PT told me to avoid spin class while my IT band is injured because it essentially causes the same issues as running, so maybe that does contribute? And my biggest goal is to run a sub 4 marathon. Once that happens, who knows? I just want to enjoy it!


That’s so exciting!! My biggest goal is that I would love to qualify for Boston( realistically I might have to wait for qualifying to meet me when I’m 70!) caffeine: one coffee in the am and if I have anything more I will be wired all night!


I’ve been waking up at 5 AM and I don’t even have the excuse of a sick baby to look after. Gah! Body, what are you doing to me?! That being said, caffeine is definitely a must for me in the morning and early afternoon. I wake up and have some black tea, and then in the afternoon I have a cappuccino to give me a little boost.

And that’s way too cool about the coach! As if you weren’t amazing enough already, you’re now just going to get even better! Can’t wait to see how it goes for you :)


Congrats on the running coach. That seems like a great idea/fun/helpful. You will get that sub 3 soon with his help!

And on another note when I read what you said about spin and IT bands I had to say that I kind of agree. I had my first probably with my IT band after doing a LOT of spin (and running… bad idea to do lots of both… I know). But I’d never had the problem before that. Anyway, it acts up now sometimes but my foam roller is usually able to help. Not to contribute to the conspiracy theory, it could be a complete coincidence, but I noticed my first real issues with it when I spun lots (is spun the correct word choice). I know it is not fun waiting to get back into running every day. I hope you feel better soon!


I love coffee….I have about 2 cups per day (okay! 3 cups. who’s counting). I had a coach in college and I’ve thought about joining a coached post-collegiate team or something. I miss having a coach so much- getting feedback about racing, training, and general motivation is great.


Let me know if you find any IT band solutions. Rolling helps relive the pain but doesn’t make the problem go away. Mine freaked out on my half marathon in December and hasn’t been the same since. Now anything over 3-4 miles gives me pain… sooooooo upset because I had to cancel plans for my first marathon in May :-(


Running coach – that is so exciting! You’ll be hitting your sub-3 marathon quickly! I don’t think I am good enough to have a running coach, I would be so embarrassed about how slow I am the whole time.

I’ve been cutting back my caffeine to like 2 diet cokes a week.


That is sooo exciting! I recently got a running coach, too, and love her! That article could not have come at a more perfect time–thank you :)


i think you r on to something….when i did training exclusively on a treadmill or spin bike i had problems with IT band ALL THE TIME…..finally went to a sports PT and he said tell me about training….i had an infant so most training was tread mill…..he said there’s your prob….you go run these races and it really is slightly different areas of muscles i was wasn’t working…..4 years later no more problems….just an idea though :)


Yay that’s awesome news!!!


Woo-hoo re: the coach! I’ve coached a couple people since I became certified (not for pay since right now it’s just something I LOVE doing), and they’ve told me what a difference it makes in their running, which is awesome. I can’t personally say since I’ve used a coach from day one of running about a decade ago. Just seemed to easy to make a mistake in attempting to do my own schedule when there were clearly others out there who knew a lot more than me. I bet this will work very well for you!


I drink coffee in the morning but try not to have caffeine after 8. Diet soda calls my name at 2 pm too! I had coaches in high school and college if that counts. :) I hope yours is great for you, I’m sure it will be!


I allow myself one diet coke (32 oz fountain) once a week. Usually after my long runs. I also keep an emergency dollar in my wallet if I need one to get me through work after an especially early wake up call.

I think I beat myself up sometimes for not being as fast as I have been in the past. It is hard to not compare yourself to your best most in-shape self. It has taken time to learn that even though I can push myself that doesn’t mean I should and that if I take care of myself there will always be another chance to run. It is better to skip one run now than 2 months worth later. It is still a work in progress ;-).


I have ITBS and have read that cycling can exacerbate the problem. Swimming is a good cross-training activity that won’t hurt the band more. Good luck figuring it all out! You’re so lucky to have a trainer :o) And I especially love point #2 on the Elite Attitude list.


I drink one cup of coffee every morning. If I don’t, I’ll get a major caffeine headache. I never drink more than one because I don’t want my body to start craving more.

I have never had a running coach, but I think it would be scary and exciting at the same time.

Biggest long term running goal- run a sub 4 marathon. I am running my FIRST full in November. I have run 8 half marathons but I have yet to crack 2 hours (PR 2:01:00 bah!), so I think this is a good goal to shoot for over the next few years.

I’m not a fast runner by any means, but if I don’t run the way I feel I should have in training or in a race, I’m pretty bad about beating myself up over it. I’m working on it.


Wait!!! I just started spinning to cross train and now you think it’s hurting you????


Yay for a new running coach!! I have a running coach- it has only been a month but it really helps me be disciplined with my workouts and especially the track workouts! I am definitely struggling with number 3 on that list today. My training has not been the greatest the past two days and I have definitely been beating myself up over it!


Caffeine is consumed at least one time per day but usually multiple times…in the form of coffee!!

I am not an elite runner by any means but I think the four rules apply to training(any sport or exercise) in general. My biggest issue is comparing myself to others. As for running, I am slowwww and have a feeling I will always be. However, I know my slow is someone elses fast. All we can do it strive to be the best runner/workout person that WE can be and not compare it to someone else.


I’d love to wake up to a happy baby like Brooke every morning! Super cute. And my running has been pretty sad lately. I don’t go very far because I’m getting pretty lazy with it. The only goal I have is just to sign up for another half marathon sometime soon.


That is so cool. I would love to be able to get a running coach.

I have 2 cups of coffee as soon as I wake up. My daughter and boyfriend know not to talk to me until this occurs:-) I used to drink more but I’ve recently switched to green tea as an attempt to cut back on some caffeine intake.


Biggest running goal: Run another half marathon! The last one I ran (March 2012) really traumatized me. I didn’t train as well as I wanted to and wore the wrong shoes. I am slowly working my way up in distance (this year so far it is only the 5K for me).


I have a lot of trouble maintaining a positive attitude toward myself while training. I get discouraged very easily but I’m going to print off those 4 Tips and bring them with me on all of my runs!


Forgot to tell you- I got my spin instructor certification a few weeks ago!! :) Im going to start auditioning for gyms next month! During the orientation, I learned so much about how so many instructors are teaching SO MANY wrong things and that can contribute to injuries of the IT band and knee. Such as EXTREME heavy resistence where my instructor yells “you should barely be able to move your legs!” is horrible for your knees and not something you would ever do in outdoor cycling. This along with cadences of 140+ that you would also never do outside can cause big problems. I havent been to a class now in 2 weeks cause I think the wrong form was causing all my probs too! And my instructor yells at you when you arent doing what he is telling you :(


Wow, thanks for sharing that insight! It makes a lot of sense, actually (in saying that you would never do in outside biking)….


Congrats!! That is so awesome! I want a running coach!


I really want to get faster times, specifically a sub 4 marathon and a sub 1:40 half. I am with you in that as soon as I get my speed up and I’m ready to go, I end up injured. I’m really looking forward to seeing how your coaching goes!

I have problems with 1 and 4…big time.


That was a great article! Thanks for sharing.


I can’t live without the caffeine in my GUs… I’m addicted to the expresso love flavor! (2x caffeine) It definitely increase my energy and helps me have a better run.

I LOVE having a running coach. It is very motivating and seeking advice from a knowledgable source is super helpful. I like that you are held accountable for your workouts and your coach pushes you to be your best.

Biggest long term running goal = qualify for the Women’s Olympic Trials Marathon when I grow up!


I drink coffee every day, I need to stop. This really made me think, what are my long term running goals…idk. Also I’m really excited you have a coach, I’d love to have one.


I have a cup of coffee every morning before work, then I just drink hot water the rest of the morning, then ice water the rest of the day. I don’t like carbonated drinks and I really can’t stand sports drinks, juice bothers my stomach, and I don’t like milk, so just water and coffee for me!

So happy you found a running coach! Hopefully you can continue on with both running and spinning.


Holy Moly, that’s so fabulous!!! I can only imaging how super speedy you’re going to get, I can’t wait to read about your journey!
My long-term running goal:
Be running when I’m 80 :)


That is so exciting that you have a coach now! I like all those elite attitudes listed but especially need to work on the “recognize that your running ability is the result of many factors”. As a runner with Multiple Sclerosis, I often want to forget I have the disease and just push to run harder and faster, but I have to remember that there are other factors I have to deal with, it is not just how hard I can push myself.


The only caffeine I have in a day comes from chocolate… I don’t drink pop or coffee or tea really, so I get all my caffeine from chocolate :D My long-term goal is to run more races and to run a marathon during my 25th year (I have two years to get ready) ;) I’d also like to learn more about fueling…so I think that’s a running goal as well! I’m having IT issues/bursitis issues I think (after icing today, a large area of redness/swollenness showed up on the bursa of hip), so if you have any tips or specific activities you’re doing to help your IT band, I would love some feedback, please!!


Whenever I feel the IT band start to flare up, I stretch the heck out of it (like literally, 20 minutes of stretching…not 2 minutes like I normally do) and rub it out on a hard medicine ball. Hurts like hell, but the more it hurts when rubbing it out, the better it feels later, and this has prevented me from ever getting a full blown ITB flare up again.


I have 1 cup of coffee in the am and nothing else (I rarely drink sodas). Congrats on the running coach!!


I gave up DMD for Lent, so the caffeine intake has taken a nose dive. I do have a 1/2 a cup of coffee in the a.m. just to be ready to meet those lovelies of mine at school.

I want to run a marathon.

I don’t know if struggle is the right word for this, but this is a direct quote I told C yesterday, ” I do not know how I can love something (running) so much that I am so average to below average at.”


Girl, I feel you on the IT issues! My knees have always been a bit of an issue, and man have my IT bands been tightening up lately. My guess? Neglecting that beautiful piece of purple, foam-rolling, hurt-so-good equipment! I’m so excited for your new running coach, and can’t wait to hear how working with him goes!


GAhhhhh! Seriously, Brooke gets more and more adorable every single day:) you are blessed mama:) xoxo hanna


For many years I worked with a coach for racewalking and I was elite in racewalking. I am so frustrated by the fact that the main sport that I am super at causes lots of stares and snickers!! But I have to say, after a number of years not training, I still remember all that was taught to me. I really benefited from the help. I still can email him if needed- Jeff Salvage, he was a super elite racewalker! I have been plagued by knee injuries when I tried to run if I try to run again I may try to find some sort of class/ coach. I do not think my knee issues are IT band, it is the front of my knee and the side but basically even 5 min of running irritates it to the point where I have a hard time going down stairs for days. So for my May 1/2 marathon I shall look freaky and maybe be made fun of for my racewalking, but I am currently on track to do an 11:45 walking milke pace! I should just do racewalking events but then you have to be judged and you can be disqualified due to form, too much pressure!! I have a lot of respect for runners that avoid injuries, it really beats up your body if you are not doing things completely right!!

Oh and my girls have gotten up at 5 am forever, my oldest did not sleep past 4:30 am until she was 2 1/2.


I don’t have caffeine that often, but I did give into my Diet Coke craving today. Of course, we’re talking caffeine in terms of drinks and not chocolate, right? =)

I just got a running coach 1.5 months ago. He’s awesome! He coached 3/4 of the women who went to the marathon trials in 2012, and I’m one of 9 girls now. =) Makes me feel a little special.

My biggest long term running goal is to run as long as I can and be a little great-grandmother still running.

I struggle with race times being part of self-worth. I get so upset when I don’t run like I should… but I get over it a lot more quickly than I used to!


I bet you will love working with a coach – they help you focus your goals and optimize your training. The outside perspective is amazing; I took 20 minutes off my half marathon PR in 13 months of working with my coach.


Good luck with the coach!! I’m sure they will love your enthusiasm for running!


How often do you have caffeine?
-At least once a day

What is your BIGGEST long term running goal?
-Make it to Marathon Runner status!


I used to have caffiene at least once a day, in the morning. But since being pregnant, I rarely have it. Every now and then, I’ll get a half caf drink at Starbucks. But it’s rare! :)


That’s AWESOME! Totally jealous. I drink a cup of coffee every morning and sometimes in the early afternoon. Yuuuuuum


Having a running coach must be awesome. I will attend a running form clinic next month and I am even excited about that. Getting professional help is a must in every sport, why not running, especially if you are getting injured and not progressing.
I am a coffee addict. I tried to quit and actually did for nine months when I was pregnant. I enjoy it so much so I don’t see a reason to quit at this point. Nope, I never had a running coach but it sounds like a great idea for the future. Keep up the great work with that precious baby of yours Hungry Runner Girl!


So sorry to all of the injured!! Don’t worry I’m right there with you and I’m so very tired of it!!! Caffeine– some but I watch it or else I am so hyper!!! E


I am a caffeine addict! I always have at least one cup of coffee throughout the course of the day.

My biggest fitness goal, that I’m considering is running the Goofy Challenge at Disney in January- completing the Half Marathon they host on Saturday and the full WDW Marathon on Sunday!


I have about three cups of coffee every morning then once in a while a Diet. Mt. Dew or Diet Coke later in the day. =( not good,I know, but working on not consuming so much during the day.
I struggle with #4 immensely.
My IT band gives me fits off and on and I my flexibility is terrible. About 4 years ago I went to someone who performed ART on me and that seemed to help. I, as I think many runners do, have terribly weak glutes and hamstrings. She gave me a great series of 5 exercises to strengthen that area.


I have caffeine every morning (coffee) and then rarely a soda.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have caffeine only a handful of times a year. Unless you count chocolate and in that case I have it daily :) I can’t wait to hear about your running coach experience! That’s SO EXCITING!!!


Caffeine, coffee, every morning, no exception. I definitely struggle with not beating myself up if I don’t perform as I’m expecting. It’s really hard not to do!


That’s awesome that you have a coach now!! That should be extra motivation in itself!! Hope your IT band starts feeling better soon, mine is always hurting on and off, and it’s always the one on the same side as my bad knee, go figure.

I try not to have caffeine on my days off, because I drink quite a bit of it the three nights a week I work to stay awake!!

My ONLY long term running goal is to always have fun with it. Once it stops being fun, I take a break, then restart again.


I have caffeine everyday. Its important :)


That’s what happened to me when I began training for a triathalon. The biking really killed my IT band and I had to take it a lot slower and lower the intensity of my rides (AKA not bike 500 hills in one session) Hope you heal soon!


Wow! Such exciting news!
I love the first one… my self-worth is not tied to how awesome or not awesome my workout/races are.
Hehe, and waking up that early to such a smiley baby must be fun :)


I have a cup of coffee every day sometimes 2. I’m currently pregnant with baby #2 and have never given up coffee. If I’m not pregnant or nursing I usually have 2-4 cups a day. I love coffee!!!!

I really want to qualify for Boston it is on my bucket list. Obviously being pregnant it is going to have to wait but I have it in my mind.

I’ve never had a coach.


Thanks for the article. Very good read. Right now I really need to learn to push – but not into the ground. I’m struggling to stay healthy.
I do a pot of coffee a day and I’m good, but I’ve improved. I used to drink 8 pots a day! I never slept!


How did you find your coach? I’ve been thinking of getting one but I don’t know where to look or what to look for in a coach since I’ve never had one.


You are going to unstoppable!


Caffeine (in serious form, aka COFFEE): 1-2 x per day
[I don’t think chocolate counts, does it? ;-)]

I’ve never had – but I am – a running coach. I’m probably biased, but I think it’s incredibly valuable, even if only for a short time. As people, we often get caught seeing our situations in one (not always accurate) way. We often let our desire beat out our brains. We lose our focus, or don’t have the right focus. A coach helps us work through, around, or past all of those things.

Plus, Type A personalities (as many runners are) adhere well to a schedule, but obsess when asked to create it themselves. Solution: Let someone else take out the guesswork. You do the running, they do the thinking.

Even coaches discuss this phenomenon about ourselves: We happily and successfully coach all sorts of people. Adding one more is no big deal. But we all go through phases when we just wish someone ELSE would tell US what to do! My husband circumvents this by asking me, “What would you say if you were your client?” Obvious question, but somehow when he asks it of me, the answer becomes obvious, even if I was uncertain or conflicted at the start.


Is it possible for you to get faster?! You’re going to be smoking the elites pretty soon! I have to have caffeine everyday. I’ve given it up before, but I feel more productive when I’m hooked up to an IV of coffee :)


This is very cool! You’re already super speedy, so it will be like lightning now! Crazy and wonderful!



I totally relate to what you’re saying. It often feels like I take on step forward and two (injured) steps backwards. I’m really happy for you about getting a coach, and can’t wait to hear about (and learn from) your experiences.
I used to be a BIG coffee drinker, and then about 4 months ago mostly gave up caffeine. I now occasionally drink tea, or the rare half-caf coffee. I miss it.
Great article! I def struggle with all the key elite attitudes. Have been trying more and more to just accept each run, it makes a big difference when i do.


I am so happy for you.
Brooke is so happy and healthy.
Billy seems to be doing really well in school.
You are moving forward with your running in a new way because something wasn’t keeping you healthy with the old way.
Your blog is a HUGE SUCCESS!
Because I’m a little older than you and b/c I have kids I am kinda proud of you, too, but that’s just something I can’t control. It’s a mom-instinct. You know now, right? :)


I think it is amazing that your are takin running one step forward. I really hope the coach will help you to reach your goals! Good luck with the training


One of my friends here happens to be a running coach, so she’s put together a training schedule for my first half marathon after 4 years off. I’m pretty terrified about it. I’ve run lots of races before, but I’ve never had any goals other than finish. This time, I am training in two phases, base building (which will be easy, since that’s what I’ve always done), and then sharpening, which I am so scared about. I’ve never done any type of workout designed to make me faster. It’s going to be painful, but worth it!


Congrats on getting a running coach! :) I normally just have my coffee in the morning and drink water for the rest of the day :)

Brooke is sick?? Poor thing….You wouldn’t know it by her adorable smile!


I have to have my coffee every morning!! You are so smart to get a running coach. I wish you lots of pain free, happy runs. I’ve coached several ppl and firmly believe that ppl with our personality ( go hard or go home) need to be reigned in at times!


read that article in running times i believe a few weeks ago and it was a pretty decent one. congrats on the coach! remember that YOU are still in control, and that’s the key to staying healthy. takes a lot of self-love to stay healthy doesn’t it? something you don’t really realize until you’ve made it out through the other side.

good luck with that it band! never had a problem with mine, but i hear it’s a fickle thing to deal with. and you must give me brooke’s hair stylin tips ;) she is always rockin a pretty sweet “devil may care” look.


Congratulations on getting a running coach! I’m eager to hear what he recommends for you. My biggest running goal, is two-part. For my serious goal, I *think* I’d like to try to qualify for Boston. For my fun goal, I’d really like to run the Big Sur marathon.

As for caffeine, no day can begin properly without several cups of very strong half-caff coffee with just a touch of milk. I’m on my third cup right now after a TRX band class. Mmmmmmm!


I think a RUNNING COACH is AWESOME for you!!!! OMG- I can’t wait to read every piece of wisdom he tells you and you post on here!!!

How do you come across getting a running coach? I feel like this is something I should do too! :)


That’s exciting! I have no idea what I’m doing, so it’d be fun to have someone to tell me what to do! I’m just following a 10k trainning app right now. That’s the most coaching I’ve ever had! haha
My Big goal is to be able to do a half marathon next February. The Disney Princess is my goal! I’m slowly getting up there!


Wow, great news!! I miss having a running coach (college)…maybe one day again I will.


This is so exciting-can’t wait to read more about this new coach and all the successes he will bring you :)

I have caffeine daily. I am miserable {to be around} without it :)

I just want to get my passion back for running and get back into marathons. Or race 10ks. I am all over the map with what I want..


That is awesome that you have a coach – I’m no running expert but I think you have a ton of potential that a coach can really help with!

And I’m betting your right about spinning jacking with your IT band. The only time I ever had a finicky IT band was when I’d spin regularly. It all worked out in the end, after I figured out I needed to spend a little extra time on my IT band after spinning. Ooh…how I miss spinning!


Caffeine = every day. I have coffee first thing in the morning no matter what. I will get up extra early to do so :-)
Congrats on getting a coach! I just started working with a triathlon coach for my Ironman this year and I could not be more excited!!


Oh, I really hope your IT band clears up quickly. Mine is pretty much better, I think. I planned on testing it out this past Saturday, but I didn’t. I decided to give it a few more days, and it is driving me nuts not running. I think the spin classes may be adding to your troubles. Maybe some time off all activities involving that pesky band (as much as possible) would help things clear up faster for you. I hate that you’re having troubles. I relate. :( Sad, sad day! Here’s to healing up!!


I (almost) never mind when my daughter wakes me up a little on the early side as long as shes happy…just means more play time before work!

Hope you heal up quickly!


That is soooo exciting!!! Good for you for going after your goals!! I can’t wait to hear about your workouts! I have 1 cup of coffee in the a.m and i’m done with caffeine. My long term running goal is to BQ in the fall!!


I recently hired a Tri coach for very similar reasons! I’ve been working with her for about a month & love it. The guidance is fantastic & I’m already seeing improvements over the training that I’ve done on my own in the past. Hope you have a similar experience!


I’ve had my IT Band problem for easily 5-6 weeks now. For at least half of that time, I couldn’t even walk without pain. I discovered that using the bike was my only time of PAIN FREE life until I realized my continuous bike use was definitely making it worse. Hard not to get depressed about it, that’s for sure!


Oh man! Caffeine. I LOVE coffee. and I LOVE special Starbucks drinks (but I only have them about 1-3x per month since I equate them to dessert). I have caffeine first thing in the morning (6am) and then again after I get to work (~9:30am).

My second biggest long-term running goal is to run for the rest of my life. My first biggest long term running goal is to LOVE running for the rest of my life!!

Congrats on getting a run coach! I’ve been thinking about that for a long time now.


I hardly ever have caffeine, but definitely find myself craving it from time to time.

My BIGGEST long term running goal is to run a marathon! I think the key to an elite attitude that I struggle with the most is not beating myself up about it, it’s hard to remember to be nice to yourself too!


I have caffeine every workday. I try to stay away from it on weekends, unless I’m out/need to be up late.

Looking forward to hearing about your running coach. I’ve been interested in getting into a running group, but haven’t bit-the-bullet yet.

I want to qualify and run in the Boston marathon. Praying I’ll BQ this year.


I had IT band issues off and on for 2 years. Have you ever heard of dry needling? About two weeks ago, I went to a chiropractor and had this “accupuncture” type procedure…..and I can run now! Pain free! I feel like a new person, i hope it can help you! :)


I’d love to get some tips for running with a stroller from you!! Have you found any tips or tricks that make it a little easier? I did 4 miles today and felt great! But, I figure there’s gotta be some tips!! Keep healin that leg!!


future running goals? run til i die:D


I drink a lot of tea to power me through my day. I should really cut back.

A running coach is so exciting!!! My BIL just got a triathlon coach for a half ironman he is doing this summer and eventually a full ironman. I love hearing about his experiences with his coach.

My ultimate goal is to run an ultra marathon. I just finished my fourth half and haven’t done a full yet, so I’m still a ways off, but I’m going to keep working towards it!

I struggle with evaluating my runs…sometimes I get mentally down on myself for only getting in 4 of the 6 or 8 miles I was planning on running and then I have to remind myself that 4 is better than nothing and it IS something!


I have a running coach. I am a MUCH newer runner than you are but I love having a coach. She helps me push through things that I never thought I could. She also helps me see things in my form that I wouldn’t otherwise.


Awesome! You are going to LOVE having a coach. Mind if I ask who you are working with?


wow i love this article!!!


Hi Janae,

Ever since I found your blog I am pushing myself to keep up a good running routine. I came across this post and wanted to see how you like having a coach. I have been looking into one because I think I need the structure. Is your coach am online one or one in your area that you can actually work with I’m person? Just wanted to get your thoughts.


I am really wanting to know if you would share the information about who your running coach is. . . or how you found him?? Or YOU could coach. : )

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