The Final Birthday Celebration.

Saturday Morning:

We spent it on the couch playing with toys and watching House Hunters and all of the sudden it was 11 a.m. and I was still in my pajamas. 

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Bangs Friend (even though her bangs are pinned back in the below picture) called us to go on a picnic.. That is the perfect Saturday afternoon activity.  I didn’t have a ton of time before we left and I wanted to get in 8 miles for the day so I did 4 miles before our picnic (7:35 pace) and 4 miles after (8:30 pace).

How about all of you that are reading that live in a cold place come out to visit us and hang out and we can go running and go on picnics together until it warms up where you live.  I will even buy you some Yogurtland and you can get as many toppings as you want.  PS it has been way too long since I have had Yogurtland.  That is a problem.

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Since I chose to run over showering and packing a normal lunch I just threw a bunch of stuff into our bag and called it good.  Turkey sandwiches on english muffins… sure…. why not?!

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After my second run we had SPECIAL plans to meet with my aunt, uncle and cousin for my last birthday celebration.  Having them so close has made moving to California from Utah so much easier, they are incredible people.

My aunt sent me a list a few weeks ago of some delicious restaurants to choose from for our dinner last night and after I saw the menu for Macarthur Park online I knew that it was the place for me. 

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We started with fried calamari and Brooke wanted some on her plate.  

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The reason I wanted to go to this restaurant so badly:

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I really can’t resist steak and the fact that it came with a baked potato and veggies made it the absolute perfect meal.

Billy had the mahi-mahi and loved every bite.  

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The birthday dessert that the waiter brought out.  Isn’t it beautiful?

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Rest day over here at the Jacobs’ house!  Sundays are pretty much the best.


Do you ever split up your run to make it easier to fit your run into your schedule?  Ever do two-a-days?

Do you have any aunts or uncles that live close to you?  Cousins?

Please tell me you had a delicious weekend dessert!  What was it?

What is the best part about your Sunday?


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Long run for me today. Fueled by pancakes or waffles obviously. Your dinner looks so tasty!!! Ahhh I could go for a good steak tonight. Maybe that’s what I’ll make for dinner…


I actually end up splitting the run quite often! And yes my aunt and cousin are currently staying with us right now! My aunt is awesome and totally redecorated (actually take the re out of that word bc it was plain) the room in our house they slept in last night as a housewarming gift. I have had SO MANY good desserts this weekend I probably need to cool it on the sugar. Right…. Enjoy your pancakes :-)


That Mahi-Mahi looks delish and the dessert looks amazing! I’ve never had to split my run up, but I’ve thought about doing that. I’m thinking oatmeal with this juicy pear that needs to be eaten for breakfast and Sunday is not a rest day for me. Planning a 3 mile run with Bodypump. Have a great day!


Your steak looks yummy but Billy’s fish looks AH-mazing!!


I never really split my run, but I do 2 a days some times, but not with running! Confusing I know! Billy’s fish looks sooo good!


We make breakfast at home on Sundays & it’s always so good! My husband runs the waffle iron like a pro! I don’t normally split my run, but I’ve been known to juggle my mileage around to fit my schedule for the week.


I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and it’s been a disasterous winter for us. I am eagerly anticipating the warmer weather and getting back to trail running. I have a friend ( that is coming to Oakland to run her first marathon…can’t wait to see her results and hear all about the warmer weather! She has been a trooper training through the winter weather!!!


ha, I wish I could come by and enjoy the sun for a bit. I’m so over the cold and wet…


I’ll be right over to enjoy a warm run and a picnic!! I had a chocolate raspberry cupcake that was amazing!


I would love to come and live with you guys until it warms up.


I had the best steak and veggies ever last night, cooked to a perfect medium rare! The best part about this Sunday is that I woke up as an engaged woman…eek!!! So exciting!!!


Picnic weather sounds lovely … send it to the east coast, please! ;-)


My father lives in the same town that I do, I often run by his house.
I am getting over sinusitis and bronchitis, I hope to be up to a longer run today.


I have never split up my runs before but I may try it in the fire. The best dessert for the weekend was my daughters birthday cake! As a matter of fact we have left overs and after my attempt (this will be my longest distance) of 9miles I may have some more of it!

Oh and it has been terribly cold in Missouri lately but the sun is shining today and temps are going to be in the 50’s YAY!


I will help host cold weather runners. Where is that restaurant?
Also the hellyer park race was fantastic. I highly recommend it


I wanted to run that so bad yesterday but decided that since I raced last weekend that I should not race again. What is the next race you are doing? The restaurant was Macarthur Park in Palo Alto! SO GOOD!


You should have seen the post race spread. Best I’ve ever
Seen. My next race is the San Luis obispo half
April 7th. Such a beautiful place to race. There’s
A great st Patrick’s day race in Los gatos
But we did hellyer instead


I have never split my run up because I’ll probably never get around to the second half if I do split it up. I bought some more dark chocolate pomegranate so I had that for two desserts yesterday (lunch and dinner dessert). I laugh at the serving size on the bag because it doesn’t apply to me.. I’d probably eat the whole bag in one sitting if I could! Today has been good because I did a short run and it was my first run since the half. My IT band was a little tight, but I felt good! I’m on my way to the Keys for a few days now, so that should be fun!!


Your food looks amazing. I am increasingly starting to split runs up and I really like doing that (although I try not to do it too much). The problem is sometime after 3-4 miles is when I am really starting to feel good and then I have to stop. It is good discipline, though.


Splitting up a run is an excellent idea. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s something to keep in mind for the future!

Brooke in piggies = pretty much the cutest thing ever.


I’m sick, so I’m spending my Sunday in bed. Not fun at all. :(

I just wanted to say that it is so great that you have figured out how to still do things and take the baby along. It’s so good for both of you. I had such a hard time getting myself together after I had little G. I’m pretty sure that I spent the first few months at home in my pajamas! She was a preemie, so that made it a little harder, but I will definitely have to figure out how to do better next time. :)


I don’t split runs often but I will if absolutely necessary. None of my family lives close by but practically my husbands entire family is within 2 hours of where we live. I wish I had a sister or someone closer but this will do for now. One sister is considering a move to Chicago which would put her an hour drive away! That would be so great.


I do two-a-days some; some days 12 miles is daunting so I do 6 in the AM, and 6 after work. Sometimes I just feel good and want to run again!


I’m definitely jealous you have such nice weather right now. We’re getting a huge dump of snow today. I’ll be glad when the snow is gone.


An afternoon picnic sounds glorious! Best part of my Sunday is Costco and relaxing this afternoon. :)


I had an M&M shake this weekend. Also, I ate half of it Friday night and the rest on Saturday on two different occasions. I think I should get an award for stretching it out so long!
Splitting runs sounds like a great idea! I should do that more often. It’s hard to get in a really long run while working full time.
Best part of Sunday is the after church Sunday nap. ahhh yeahh!


Best part of my Sunday is getting to head home. It’s been nice to have a little vacation but I’m ready to be home in my own bed with my puppy!


I’m taking you up on that, I’m packing my bags and will meet you at yogurt land:) have a wonderful rest day!


Hmmm, I normally head to California in the summer, but I guess I can come right now and escape this yucky Ottawa Snow!! ;-)


Wow that mahi mahi looks great- love that it came with a fruity salsa!


Random question, where did you get the aqua colored shirt? I love it!?


THANKS ANNIE! I got it from Nordstrom Rack over Christmas break!


Spending time with you would be so much fun!!!!!!!! Glad you had a great birthday month!


What a fun day! That dinner looks amazingggg! I baked cupcakes yesterday so of course I had to sample one for myself :) I’ve done two-a-days but with running in the AM + Pilates in the PM… I’ve never run twice before. I stress fractured my heel last fall so I’m crazy cautious with doing too much now! (Don’t tell the 12-miler I have planned in 35 minutes about that though.) We have friends doing the Escape From Alcatraz Tri this morning so after my run we are going to watch them finish then have a big BBQ out by the water to celebrate! Have a great Sunday!


Singapore is a tiny island. Most of my husband’s aunts/uncles/cousins live <20 miles away (or in Australia). Mine are 8000 miles away, so I think that averages out. Right?

Delicious dessert…I had a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream from a local ice cream shop. I was feeling classy, so had it in a waffle cone. Delish!


I don’t comment much but I can’t get over how cute your baby is!

I don’t split runs because it takes enough motivation to get out the door the first time! Of course, this could be a useful skill for me to learn as sometimes I get up at 4am or earlier to get my runs in!

No family around here – sad face. I had to work late last night and missed a party so my husband and I got froyo and watched the Biggest Loser…all in all, a great Saturday. We are starting a rec football league today so if I don’t totally embarrass myself that could be the best part of my Sunday!

Enjoy your rest day!


I’ll be at church for most of the day, but that’s got to be my favorite part of Sunday! I sing on the praise team and then after worship and lunch, people are rather playing volleyball together or come do a workout class with me (at their own risk… since I’m not a certified personal trainer :P).
Have a wonderful Sunday!


I have to know, did you style Brooke’s bangs to be like yours in the picnic pic or is that just natural? Either way, LOVE it! And lately I split my run pretty much every day because I put the girls in the stroller and run somewhere they can play. We play, usually eat, then run back. That’s how we keep our hotel life fun and exciting :)


I am one of those readers living in a cold place and dying for spring weather! That picnic looks amaze. Brook continues to be the cutest lil babe.

I’ve never split a run… I have done two-a-days but it’s usually cardio and then weights later. My long run is today. And the best thing about this Sunday? Being off work!!!

As for desserts, I’m trying to scale back (don’t hate me) so I haven’t had any this weekend but I’ll be hitting up a bday party next weekend so there is cake in my near future. Happy Sunday HRG& friends!


Today I’m splitting my run. I’m not feeling well and I raced yesterday so I’m trying not to over do it. I’ll be finishing my last 5 miles tonight.


Do you ever split up your run to make it easier to fit your run into your schedule? Ever do two-a-days?

When I get my treadmill this week, I’m sure I will start to do this! I hope to anyway.

Do you have any aunts or uncles that live close to you? Cousins?

Yes! In fact, when I lived at my parent’s we basically all lived on the same road. Now, I just live about 20 minutes away from them.

Please tell me you had a delicious weekend dessert! What was it?

Mainly candy. But on Thursday, my boyfriend and I made Banana Nut Muffins and they were soooo yummy!

What is the best part about your Sunday?

-Long run and eggs & bagels for breakfast


Sometime if I don’t have enough time before school or work I’ll do my jillian michaels yoga meltdown or kettle bell workout, then after work I’ll do my runs, can’t wait for warm weather .
It was my boyfriends birthday yesterday so we had this caramel brownie cheesecake, it was heavenly.

Sundays are my one day off so I take full advantage and relax as much as possible, usually end up doing some school work anyways though


I love your ongoing bday celebration! I must do this for mine!


How GOOD is House Hunters though, really!?!
Happy sunday!! mine is usually spent watching sports on tv with faaam :)


I had pancakes this morning too! Perfect start to my rest day :)


I’m so having a multi day birthday this year! Great idea! Also, those food photos look awesome!



That steak looks delicious! And so does that dessert! Yum!


I’ve always wondered about Macarthur Park – it’s so close to where my boyfriend lives, but we rarely venture on to that side of the Caltrain tracks. The food looks amazing! Especially the cake! YUM. Hope you’re having a great Sunday! I’m celebrating my mom’s birthday tonight… I made her a banana cake!


Love that aqua sweater! Where is it from? As usual, Brooke is adorable. Love her little pig tails.


Thank you! It is from Nordstrom rack!


Mmm, I had steak this weekend too, for brunch this morning with eggs. Looks like a great birthday dinner!

For desserts this weekend I went to a DC doughnut festival on Saturday, it was AWESOME.


WAFFLES! I’m making a huge batch right now to keep in the freezer to fuel me in the mornings this week! NOMNOMNOM.


I have definitely done two a day’s before when I’m cramped for time or just too tired/unmotivated to do it all at once. I have two aunts and uncles that live close and two cousins. I had delicious strawberry shortcake for dessert last night that the hubby made after our Italian dinner. So good! The best part of my Sunday is relaxing with my little guy and the hubs.


I have had too many good desserts this weekend to name one, okay, maybe the Reese’s brownies. The best part of my Sunday is church and catching up on Netflix!


I never split up my runs and haven’t ever done two-a-days but I’m really thinking about trying it as spring draws near. I’m going to do a triple threat in May, a 10K and 5k on a Sat., then a half on Sunday. Thinking two-a-days might be good training choice.
I had delicious Better than S** Pumpkin Cake this weekend!! Mmmmmmm.
Have lots of family that live close to me.
Sunday=church, loafing around and eating lots of junk.


I think splitting up a run (or a lengthy workout) into two parts is a great idea. It makes things much more flexible! My delicious dessert of the weekend was a cannoli with chocolate chips covering the outside.


I’m dropping by tomorrow for your promises of yogurt, warm weather and running. You’d better keep your promise.

That steak looks incredible! And anytime there are mushrooms on top it’s like a Christmas bonus check.


Love that you’re a steak and potato girl like me :)


Both of those dinners look so delicious!! I love doing two a day workouts! I don’t do them very often but they are a great way to add mileage.


Ahhh, it’s so easy to get sucked into House Hunters, especially the International episodes. I love to daydream and plan my “when we hit the lottery” life ;)

Aside from some of my cousins being away at college, most of my family lives in the same zip code. I can see my grandpa’s street from my driveway! Just the way I like it because we are all super close.


I love your days- how you just have random picnics with friends. Sounds like the BEST! Bangs friend looks adorable with or without bangs!!


Billy’s dinner looks so amazing
I am down for visiting sunny CA. WI is about to get 6-12 inches of snow tonight… boo.


I’ll often split a run during the week (since I don’t get up early enough to get the 8 or 9 miles I have planned done in the morning). That way I do a few miles before work, then hop on the treadmill or go outside to finish up the run at the gym at work at lunchtime. Its a good way to see the sunshine and warmest part of the day when otherwise I’d be stuck on my basement treadmill all winter until it gets warm enough for outdoor early morning runs.


We had CUPCAKES for a bday party!!


I had this delicious spumoni gelato at this Italian restaurant in S.F. on Saturday. Heaven. All my uncles and aunt from my mom’s side live within 60 miles of us, with the exception of two of my cousins that live in L.A. My fathers family lives in Hungary.

I haven’t done a picnic in a long while. It has to be done this summer :)

I haven’t been to Macarthur Park. I’m going to have to look into that one.


so nice to have family close. i tend to split runs up multiple times per week. it’s all about child care around here. i take it when i can get it. i’ve even gone so far as to split up into 3 runs a day. that gets a little c.r.a.z.y!


Oh my word your little family is adorable! Brooke is sooo cute!

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