Runners don’t hibernate and my spin playlist.

Seeing this on the Brooks Facebook page made me really happy.  

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Okay, I kind of hibernate in the winter but that is just because I love running on my treadmill so much.

Before I move on to yesterday’s activities I do have to remind you of the importance of March 7th.  It is National Cereal Day.  Please celebrate with me today.  It would mean a lot to me.

Cereal boxes

Billy still had to go to something for school yesterday even though it is his spring break.  When he got home we watched this week’s episode of the Biggest Loser.  It was the makeover episode which is my favorite.  I LOVE little Bingo.   We also ate yogurt and fruit while we watched.  

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I got a last minute email to sub a spin class last night and I couldn’t turn it down.  I get a little high from giving people a good workout and getting paid to do that is pretty much the best.  Did I tell you about the lady yesterday morning that told me that my workout made her sweat into her eyeball.  Seriously.  That made me really happy.  


After class I came home and we put together dinner in approximately 8 minutes.  Chicken, mozzarella and pesto sandwiches with fruit and a couscous salad.  Billy brought home the couscous salad (it had cranberries and squash in it) the other day and I was very skeptical.  I shouldn’t have been because it was amazing and I went back for thirds. 

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And a picture of Brooke because I cannot push publish on my post without one.  That would just be wrong.

This picture was taken as she was having a very dramatic conversation with her lamb stuffed animal. 

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Do you hibernate during the winter with your running or do you keep running outside all winter long?  How low do the temperatures have to get before you choose to run inside?

What cereal will you be celebrating National Cereal Day with today?

Ever tried couscous?  Do you love it too?

Who do you think will win the Biggest Loser this season?  

-I think Joe will win.  

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Your sandwich looks so good! The bread looks extra fresh. That’s a requirement for me. Anyways, I think I need to go to the store to get some cereal to celebrate! Barbara’s cinnamon puffins are my favorite, hands down. I love the puffiness of them! And it’s so true- runners don’t hibernate. I have been known to go out and run and come back with my face completely iced over. It freaks my mom out, sure, but whatever, I’m a runner.


i love Bingo too, he’s such a stud!!!

i may have to down some oatmeal squares today for national cereal day – it’s my all-time favorite when the squares soak up all the milk :)


I still run outside! In Texas it really never gets below 30 so I can handle that. Love the picture of Brooke with her lamb. He looks like a good listener :-) Those chicken pesto sandwiches look great! I think I have had couscous before but I don’t remember loving or hating it… Have a great Thursday!


I just bought honey nut Chex and I’m pretty excited about it! No hibernating for me- I ran when it was a wind chill of -28 (which I learned is not worth it and to just run on the treadmill!) thanks for the playlist- I’m going to take some songs to add to my race playlist!


That bear is so cute;-) I love the delicious meals you come up with!

I don’t hibernate. I have done long runs in -30 degrees w/windchill. You eventually warm up;-) But I am pretty sure if I had access to a treadmill I would have run inside. Personally, I would rather run in cold weather vs hot.


Ok sometimes i just like to run inside. Especially in wet Belfast. Last week we had 4 sunny days and I thought I won the lottery! Once it’s bright after work I’m back on the roads!

I really want to pick up Cinnamon Squares to celebrate or my fav Frosted Flakes (aka Frosties in Belfast)


Thank you for the PSA about this most important of holidays! I will be celebrating with Quaker Oh’s! It gets very little credit but is by far the best cereal!


I wish I could take one of your spin classes! I’m coming over to the US this summer, any chance I could crash for spin and froyo? :D hehe
I tried spin a while ago and hated it, how wrong I was! After trying a different teach a month ago, I’m in love!!


If I fly to CA from NYC, can I sit in on your spin class? Best playlist ever!!!


I definitely have been hibernating this winter! If it’s below 45 I don’t even think about running outside and go right to the treadmill! Running in the cold just isn’t fun to me, although I prefer running outside to inside.

I’ll have a bowl of peanut butter cheerios later to celebrate National Cereal Day! I wish I would have known earlier so I could have gotten Lucky Charms for the occasion.. next year I guess! :)


I really like couscous! It’s a staple at our house bc it’s super easy. Below 40 and this Florida girl hits the treadmill. Thanks for the playlist! I’m always looking for new tunes.


I saw that bear picture too and thought it was so true for me. I have been running outside all winter long. I will run in temps down to -9 (f). It has been a long winter.


I looove cous cous…especially with hummus!


My winter running hibernation vs. non hibernation decision depends on where I live and each day. I would run regularly in the winter in Virginia, but haven’t so much this year in Utah. Yet, there was the warm weekend in early December, when we hiked and trail ran when I was 40 wks 6 days pregnant followed by a short run the next day. I didn’t expect it, and was grateful for it.


Nice dinner in a pinch, I saw that Brooks ad and it made me smile too! When it comes to outdoor running I typically will try to run as long as the ground isn’t icy. I think the lowest I went out this winter was 24 degrees feels like 10 or something stupid. I can’t do long runs on a treadmill so I pretty much just suck it up for those.


I love couscous!

oh- here it gets to -40 frequently but I only go out to -20!! facemask is key but my eyelashes freeze together…

Fav cereal of the day is raisin bran!


I’m mostly hibernating but that’s more because I’ve been injured and I need to add more to my workout than just 2 miles, so I do other things in the gym!


Love couscous! You might be right about Joe…. they all are looking so great!


I love that Brooks quote (and pinned it to my Fitness page)–so, thank you!
In the winter, I mix it up. I will run if the roads are mostly clear and it’s not too windy or below 15 degrees. I live in a very snowy area, though, so the roads just keep getting narrower as the snow builds up over winter, so it’s not always possible to safely run anywhere here. (My main summer running trail becomes a snowmobile trail in the winter). I use YakTrax if there’s a lot of packed snow and I just *need* to get out, or will cross-country ski as an alternative workout.
I *just* got my new-to-me treadmill installed and working, though, so I’ve been on it quite a bit and have loved watching HGTV while running inside at home instead of going to the gym and watching whatever happens to be on the TV there.


I would love for Dani to win! Team Pink always dominates! Couscous and I don’t get along due to the gluten in it, but I’ve made that same dish using quinoa. Happy Cereal Day!!


I think I will be celebrating national cereal day with Apple Cinnamon Chex — currently my favorite cereal!

I try to run inside until it reaches the 40s. I know the 30s aren’t too bad, but if it’s windy it’s too cold for me!


Not only is it National Cereal Day (and Monopoly’s Birthday!! Your fave!!), it’s MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Wish I lived in Cali to meet you and Brooke (she’s the cutest thing EVER!!) for FroYo!!


I’d love to take one of your spin classes! I bet you’re a blast! I’m glad you’ve been able to get back into teaching. Who do you have your cert through? I’m thinking getting certified to teach spin could be something fun for me to do down the road.

Yay for National Cereal Day! I loooove me some cereal. ;)


Great playlist!!!! Would be a good playlist to do any kind of workout too! Another reason i can’t WAIT for summer – cereal! I am not a cereal fan in the cold months but once summer hits….watch out! ;)


I love couscous!! You can use it with anything!


I’m eating cereal for breakfast as I read this post! Woohoo!


I love couscous salad!
I will be celebrating with cinnamon life, Quaker brown sugar oatmeal squares, and maybe some fruity pebbles. I love cereal!


Congrats on your spin class! I bet you’re one of the most energetic & motivating teachers out there.

I hibernate on the treadmill all winter long! I need 60+ degrees for me to run outside. I guess you could call me a cold weather lightweight. National Cereal Day.. what the what! I didn’t know about this. I’ll be celebrating with my current fave cinnamon Life.


I usually run outside till the end of November here on the east coast, after that temps get way to low for me. I usually take my running back outside mid March but not this year (it’s still pretty cold here) so I think I will be running inside until the beginning of April this year!! Love the playlist!!!! Apple Jacks again for me today!!!! Yay for cereal!!! LOVE couscous!!! Have a great day!!!!!


I don’t really hibernate in the winter and will run as low as the temps get (in Phoenix). But in the summer, anything over like 95-ish and I am done.
I can’t do it today, but maybe tomorrow I will have some Frosted Flakes!

The Kidless Kronicles


That playlist is fantastic!


In the mid-Atlantic it really can get way too cold to run outside! (At least for a whimp like me!) I can deal with high 30’s and up :-)

Your spin playlist looks SO much better than the music for some spin classes I’ve been to!


I love running when it is like 40 degrees, when I was training for my marathon I ran in whatever the weather was, (-2, was cold!!). But I still will run on the tmill. I think that Joe will win as well, I really like his attitude. Today I will be eating Honey Chex!


I don’t have a gym membership or a treadmill so I have to run outside! I live in New York so with the snow and ice it can be hard to stay on schedule with running. I would say the hardest months are Dec & Jan to run but I have ran in 4 inches of snow so next year should be no problem! The hardest part is dealing with the cold but after the first 5-10 minutes, you get use to it!

And I am hoping that Danni wins!! I love her! I can’t wait to see who does win, 2 more shows!!! :)


thanks for the playlist!! i usually get really sleepy/bored around 4 pm here and will have to jam it up.


I love Regina but never thought to put her in the workout playlist – thanks for the idea!


we tried couscous for the first time in the summer of this year and fell in love with it. we make a salad to pair with all of the stuff we grill during the summer.

ingredients: couscous, corn, grapes, salt, pepper, lime juice and eat. :)


I find it almost impossible for me to run outside in the winter. The cold hurts my lungs too much! Plus all the ice…I can’t risk slipping!

MMMmmmm I love Couscous!!! Probably more than rice or quinoa. Sooo good!

I’m SO into Biggest loser this season. I really want Danni to win, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Joe or Gina won. I’d also be happy if Jackson won, cause he’s awesome!

Oh! I was planning on writing a playlist entry on my blog today! Great minds!


Reading your post makes me REALLY happy the hubby and I bought some Honey Nut Cheerios this week! #OurFAVEcereal :-) Cheers for National Cereal Day!!!


I haven’t seen the newest episode of Biggest Loser yet but now I’m excited because I didn’t remember it was the makeover episode! I love couscous too – it’s a great side.


It has been the theme of the year to teach myself not to hibernate! I really hate being cold, so I’ve had to find strategies to get myself out the door. I even bought myself fuzzy new jammies and a new robe to cuddle up in afterwards. If I had my own treadmill it might be different, but it just seems like a big hassle to drive all 6 minutes to the gym, so I’d rather keep it outside as much as possible! I will, however, head inside if there is snow and/or ice because that just makes running difficult.

For cereal I will be having my Nature’s Path mixture of Ancient Grain granola and gluten free Maple deliciousness. :)


I haven’t watched any of the Biggest Loser episodes and I’m so sad about it! I’m going to have to have a marathon this weekend and watch all of them!
I love couscous! It’s so good! I’m happy you tried it and love it!
Love your Spin playlist! Great songs!


YAY for National Cereal Day!!! :) I will celebrate by buying and eating a lot of Cinnamon Chex. I have had to cut myself off in the last few months because I can finish a big box in two days (ok…one), but in honor of this day I will buy, eat, and enjoy. :)

I hibernate from running the winter. :( I live in NY and it is too cold for me! I have run outside about two times since November. When temps are under 35, I stay inside.


I love the “runners don’t hibernate” poster – awesome :) and I’m having cheerios (the off brand kind..they might taste better to me!) and this Kashi cereal with granola and mixed cranberries and blueberries! Yes, mixing cereals is THE BOMB! I also eat my cereal with greek yogurt instead of milk in the mornings – that way I’m more full!


Just started reading & I love your blog! I am in Atlanta and I run outside in the winter. Yesterday we had snow flurries so I bundled up and got my run in. I prefer it to our 100 degree summers! I am completely obessed with cous cous – especially TJ’s Harvest Blend, try it, life changing. :)


I used to run outside all winter when I lived in Chicago… then I moved back to Indy and I’m now a weenie. I did my longest-ever run on my tready – 10 miles – last weekend. I named her Shalane because we spend so much time together now and we have conversations while I run.


I wish I could take one of your spin classes I am sure they are awesome!!!


I do not really like cereal. I know, it will probably be hard for us to be friends in the future. I am an oatmeal girl. I love Parenthood though – does that help? I just finished the third season and now I am sad because the 4th season is not free on Amazon and I don’t know what to do. It’s a tragedy.

I definitely hibernate in the winter but mainly it’s because it gets dark so early. I don’t have time for the gym and I don’t have a treadmill. I try to run during lunch at work but it doesn’t always work out – sometimes I actually have to work. Bummer. I refuse to run outside if it’s below 20 degrees – I don’t think my running clothes are equipped for temps that low. I will run even if it’s 100 degrees out though – the heat doesn’t bother me as much.

I am not sure who is going to win Biggest Loser. I really liked Danni and hope she wins.


I knew they’d love you as a teacher! The more you make them sweat, the more they’ll feel you’re giving them what they are paying for! Woo!

Also, I want Danielle to win because she’s so down to earth but women always plateau at a certain weight so I’m sure one of the men will win. PLUS, Joe has so much support at home with his brother so it makes it 122394809 times easier for him!


I love whole wheat couscous – and the Biggest Loser! I’m a fan of Danni, I think she’ll win the public vote for sure.

I run outside in the cold as long as it’s not snowing or very windy. I love being outside in the fresh air, and just wear a lot of layers! It can be invigorating, especially if the sun is out.


Rhonda had Great Grains (Post) this morning, and Sandrine had organic oat bran with fresh apples.


For the past couple of years, I hibernated during the winter and just ran on the treadmill. This year, though, I trained for a spring marathon and had a flexible work schedule, so I ran outside as much as I could.

I celebrated today and had frosted mini wheats!


So excited you posted your playlist- I need songs to download desperately! How’d you know? I really got into The Biggest Loser this season and am so sadit’s coming to an end! I think Danny will win. Actually, I hope Danny will win. Same thing. I just think she’s had the best attitude, and had to do so much without a team! I hibernate in the winter and come out during the spring time :) Hate the weather…


Holy cow girl, how long are your spin classes? I usually teach to 7-9 songs and that takes me over an hour. Great list though!


Brooke’s eyes are so pretty!

Got paid today so I think I’ll celebrate with Cinnamon toast crunch and milk from Costco. Haven’t had cereal in a while and I think National Cereal Day is cause for celebration! haha.


I love my treadmill any day of the week, but I really love it in the winter. it saves my hiney from the cold cold weather.


I’m so glad I chose Golden Grahams over oatmeal this morning!

This winter is the first one I’ve been serious about running, so I didn’t hibernate like I used to. Basically, I would run outside unless it went below the lower 20’s. Icy roads I would avoid though if there was no avoiding the patches.


I hibernate (on the treadmill) unless it is at least 20 above, or if I have a friend to run with. Complaining about the cold to another runner while running in said cold makes it okay.


I think my coldest run ever was -15. I weighed myself before and after layering up and without shoes, I was wearing 6 pounds of clothing. Spring always feels so light and free once I start to unwrap from winter runs. But now, I will only run in weather that cold if I’m running with someone else (and I have another hearty running friend). I’m too wimpy to get that cold on my own!


I’m celebrating national cereal day with some good old raisin bran. My husband would choose lucky charms over any other cereal, if he could.

I don’t hibernate in the winter. We live in Southern California, it’s never winter here…unfortunately….


I’m so boring, but plain, dry, Cheerios have been my favorite since I was Brooke’s age ;) I also love me some Cocoa Krispies mmm


I hope Danni wins!! She’s beat Joe in everything so far, I hope she keeps it up!
I usually run outside in the winter (LOVE snow running) but this year I work at a gym and have a free membership so I took it indoors with the ‘mill :)


I SO wish I lived in N CA so I could come take your spin class!!


I loved that photo brooks posted too. I don’t hybernate in the winter – even though I have my own treadmill I only use it in extreme emergencies. Although when the weather is bad enough I want to use it, the power is usually out, so it’s not a great plan.

I think Joe will win too.


I always put on winter weight because of the yummy eats and colder weather. The latter wasn’t really an issue in NorCal this year but I had some insulation anyways. :) hehe


I am so lucky that I JUST read this post. It is now 11:54 PM in Singapore. I have exactly 6…no, make that 5, more minutes to celebrate National Cereal Day (how did I NOT know about this holiday before today?!?!). Look out, cereal cabinet, here I come!!!

Good thing we stocked up on milk earlier this week!


New(ish) runner here. I have a treadmill, but prefer to be outside. As long as it’s 45+ I’m ok. Since I’m in Dallas, I’m usually ok. :)


I run outside allll winter long. My temperature cutoff is zero, though. Once my snot and eyes can freeze, it’s a no go. I also don’t run if it’s treacherously slippery. I’ll take it to the treadmill if I have to or skip it on those days.

Big fan of couscous…it’s so easy to add stuff to make it interesting and tasty.


THANK YOU for posting your playlist! I am cross training on the bike tomorrow and am THRILLED to have some new tunes. As I was doing intervals on the TM at 4:30 this am it was very clear that I need a new playlist, and I was getting anxious knowing I wouldn’t have time to search for one. You may have prevented a nervous breakdown! ;) You are awesome!


Hahahahah so happy I could prevent the nervous breakdown! Enjoy them!


For me, the temperature does not affect my decision of whether to run inside or not as much as time of day. I feel like I can bundle up pretty well and get out the door no matter how cold. However, I find myself running indoors a lot more in the winter because of the lack of daylight hours. I am a baby and am too scared to run outside in the dark during the early morning hours, so I treadmill it! In the summer, since I am a teacher, I can run any time of day – so I always run outside!


I’m a baby and I live in cold cold Ohio so I am definitely a gym rat in the winter months. I set a goal of one run (usually my long run) outside per week but I definitely skipped a few weeks this winter. I love that the temperatures are finally warming up and I’m able to get out more!

I stopped watching BL a few years ago but I have been obsessed again this year. Joe is doing great but I am really pulling for Danni. She is so strong and such an athlete at her core, I hope she can win it all!


What kind of chicken is that that you put on your sandwich? I mean, how did you cook it? It looks delicious.


Hey!! We just put a frozen Costco chicken breast on the George foreman! So good!


Once temps dip below 30 I run inside on the treadmill or the indoor running track at the Y. If it is 30 or warmer I will still run outside at least a couple times a week. It gets so windy here though that if it has cooled down a lot of times the wind off the ocean makes it feel 15 degrees colder than it is!

I will be eating honey bunches of oats with extra sliced almonds for dinner!

Love couscous!


Couscous is alright. Had it a few times, still nothing to write home about to me. I LOVE Coco Puffs!! I havent’ had a ‘bad’ , sugary cereal in quite some time, but I may have to pick up a box of them, since, it would be in celebration of it and all ! :)

Brookes’ flower shirt is adorable!


Yeah, they were celebrating National Cereal Day in the dining hall at my college today. I don’t usually have enough meals for breakfast, so I didn’t get a chance to see what was going on. My roommate is obsessed with eating cereal, so I have slowly gotten into the habit. I love eating Cocoa Puffs or Lucky Charms instead of dessert in the dining hall. It’s still not “healthy”, but there is a lot more vitamins and minerals in cereal and milk then in a slice of cake.

I do hibernate a little in the winter, sticking to the treadmill, but more often then not I am outside. Yesterday, it was raining and there were 30 mph gusts of wind and me and one of my running club pals went running outside. All I have to say is, brrrrr. The wind seriously almost knocked me over once or twice.


I love your spin playlist! I am not a fan of running in the cold- I would rather suffer through a TM run. If it gets below 30 there is a very unlikely chance you will see me outside!


LOVE your spin playlist!! Definitely need to show this to my instructor!


Your daughter has GOT to be the CUTEST baby I’ve ever seen!

Love reading your posts :)


I just ran outside this morning…in the 30s and windy! I can’t wait for summer! My husband joined the cereal fun and he had frosted flakes this morning :-).


I like Bingo too!! He’s so cute!

YAY for national cereal day–we have some cheerios, so maybe I’ll have some? :)

Yay for Spin!


RUNNERS DON’T HIBERNATE was my FB status yesterday!!! Heck no I don’t hibernate. Sub zero temps, I’m out there.
I’ve had couscous and I love it though I don’t make it on a regular basis.
No cereal in the house to help you celebrate but note to self…put FMW on grocery list.
Stealing some songs. My iPod is a tad bit um….stale.
Oh Brooke, you’re just too darn cute!


I used to hibernate. Living in Utah with asthma, the inversion forced me indoors. But when complaining to my pulmonologist last spring about, sorry, how much I dislike treadmill running, she told me that the air inside is just about as bad as it is outside, and to go ahead a run outside. Glory Be and the saints be praised! I have run outside all winter and have loved it. And it’s been a cold winter (super thankful for my investment in cold weather running gear.)


I run outside all winter long, although yesterday it was raining so much that I was tempted by the treadmill but opted to run in the rain so the dog could get some exercise too.

I think I would run outside no matter the temperature as long as there was no ice. Ice will make me go inside


I love that Brooks poster/slogan too!!! Even though I definitely DO hibernate in the winter… treadmill love all the way!!


LOVE the spin playlist! I teach spin as well, and you should definitely add “Locked Out Of Heaven” by Bruno Mars. It would fit perfect with that playlist!


Always outside! I love winter running… and actually hate the summer heat.


Now that I know that it’s National Cereal Day, I may just eat some for dinner…

And I hibernate in the sense that I really like treadmill running.


I love the Biggest Loser, its my favorite show right now! I’m rooting for Danni to win, shes so cute.


wahoo! love the regina song at the end there– she’s one of my all-time faves!


Well I’ve been wimpy lately but for good reason- yesterday was a snow day at school! I’ve been inside while I’ve been in Baltimore and outside when I’m in Seattle. Though I’m going to Miami over spring break and I think I will definitely stay INSIDE rather than run in the heat!

I will be eating FROSTED FLAKES!! so good!

I did my first real speed workout today!! it was a baby once since I had class soon but it felt SO GOOD! And I listened to Metro Station’s Shake It… haha what a great running song.

How awesome you’re doing spin again! It’s always nice to have some kind of schedule or something. It also must be nice that it’s in nontraditional hours of the day rather than your work schedule from years past.


How fun that you are back to teaching! I am definitely partaking in National cereal day! I have had several bowls of life cereal with peanut butter added in so far : )


Wow! I had cereal today and didn’t know it was National Cereal Day! I haven’t had cereal in at least a month, either!!

Couscous? Love it! Cook it in OJ or apple cider (1/2 water, 1/2 juice)…yummmmm…

As for running temps, I run in ANY temperature! I got into cold weather running during a winter cold weather contest a few years ago. The colder the temp, the more points you got per minute. It was awesome! Of course a guy in Minnesota won…


That is an awesome playlist. Thanks for sharing! Sometimes I feel funny about how much I love Flo Rida :) No cereal yet, but I bet some is in my future. Probably the vanilla almond special K we bought right before you posted about it.


That sandwich is what melty cheese sandwich dreams are made of!


Love the picture of Brooke! And I’m rooting for Danni on Biggest Loser.


I used to just stop running in winter altogether due to lack of treadmill or gym membership. I decided this year to quit being a wuss, and I’m so glad I did. Single digit temps, wind, snow, ice…turns out I can handle it. And a long hot shower afterwards makes it so worth it.


Soooo I read this post as I was having greek yogurt for breakfast. I failed. But! I was at CVS today to get nail polish remover and lo and behold. Special K was on sale. So I got 2 boxes of the vanilla almond you were talking about and will celebrate with that later or tomorrow. Do you think CVS knew it was cereal day? Part of me thinks they did and they wanted to celebrate too. Maybe.


The coldest it’s been when I ran outside was 2 degrees. My group did ~16 miles and our drinks froze in our fanny packs. No joke, they really did! :-(

I celebrated National Cereal Day this morning with Fiber One original. It’s basic, but yummy with fruit on it!

I’m hoping Dani will win the Biggest Loser. She works hard, minds her own business, and seems to have a heart of gold.

I think you’d have a riot on your hands if you posted anything without a picture of Brooke on it!!!!! :-)


I happened to eat honey chex cereal today, so consider Cereal Day celebrated by this girl!
I do tend to hibernate during the winter but a friend of mine has gotten me outside a few times this winter. I think the coldest it was one night (yeah, running at night in the winter. not smart) was around 16 degrees. Super cold! Plus side is the colder it is, the faster your quads go numb and you can’t really feel the cold anymore ;) I’ve actually come to love running outside no matter the temperature. I’m not as big of a wuss as I thought I was!


I would love to attend to one of your spin class :D looks like you have so much fun! Are you used to run and teach spinning the same day? Isn’t it to much for your legs?

Didn’t know it was cereal day today but anyway I’m used to eat a bowl of Cheerios everyday with a LOT of brown sugar on it ! Yum:)

(Sorry if I’m making mistakes, english isn’t my first language !)


Pretty much run outside all year long.

I will be celebrating with Cinnamon Life!


Bran Cereal.. but I’ll be using it in muffins.. as I don’t like cereal and milk.

I hibernate during winter.. inside running until April.. But I do cross country ski in snow..

You need to video upload your spin workout.. Never tried it and I’m curious..


I love love love the couscous meal my mum makes: couscous cooked in veggie broth and topped with roasted veggies, feta cheese, raisins, and pine nuts… Mmmmm. Since I was injured this winter, I “missed out” on running through the likes of torrential rain, and to ease my way back into it, I’m sticking to the flat surface of the treadmill, even though I really don’t like running indoors… Re: cereal, I celebrated with a bowl of Kashi Autumn Wheat, but had I known it was such a special day, I would have treated myself to my childhood fave, Cocoa Pebbles :)


I’m so glad you found imagine dragons, they’re awesome!!
I’ve been a long time Cous Cous lover but only recently tried the bigger pearl (?) kind, to die!


I don’t hibernate during winter (or I didn’t this year), because I can’t face the treadmill. I’ve tried, but I can’t! I celebrated National Cereal Day today with Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats :D And I LOVE couscous, any kind! I don’t eat the Israeli couscous (in your picture) often, but I do eat the other kind (What is that even called?) and I love it. The food so nice they named it twice!


I somewhat hibernate during the winter. I did pretty well this year in staying active. I hope :)

I am in love with you spin list. I want to sneak into your gym and take your class. Sweating in eyeballs burns, but it only happens to me if I am working hard enough.

I ate some Chex this morning. Does that count?


Now addicted to Radioactive… it’s on my playlist. It’s a bit on the techno side, but you should listen to I Know The Truth by Pretty Lights. Don’t know how it would work for spin class, but I love it for running!


Sounds like an awesome day! What a little cutie!

<3 Melissa


How do you guys cook your chicken breasts? I saw one pic that looked like maybe it was grilled in a panini press or grill pan? Do you marinate usually, or just cook up a plain breast and use it with other ingredients?


Haha, I saw that it was cereal day and I totally thought of you!!


I just wanted to tell you that I had never ever been into blogs before. I heard people talking about them but honestly was never interested. Then, I stumbled onto yours back in August. OH MY GOSH I am addicted. I can’t wait to come home and read your fun blogs. You are such a great person with so much spunk;) not to mention you have the cutest most photogenic baby ever!!! You are so blessed with Brooke, Billy, running skills and such a supportive family/ friend system. I hope you have years of smiles, good laughs, delicious foods and incredible runs.


Wow! Your comment made me so happy! Thank you for your sweet words! They mean a lot to me:)


I knew there was a reason I for my stronger-than-usual cereal craving today :) I didn’t haven’t any at home and went to the shop especially to buy it (I’m just going to pretend that isn’t a normal occurrence)!


Thanks for posting playlist I’m checking it out now. I’m not a huge cereal fan but I love Life. Also I just bought my first butternut squash and I’m going to try to make soup!


I want Dani to win on Biggest Loser.

I am addicted to this show, but unfortunately am I not a fan cereal.


Although not couscous, have you tried Trader Joes’s harvest grain mix? It is amazing, we love it and you can jazz it up many ways, love it with craisins. My 2 year old will eat buckets of it and my husband does nto even believe their is quinoa in it. My 5 year old is the only one I have met who does not like the stuff.

As for cereal, my 2 year old eats 2 bowls of rice crispies every morning. It is kid sized bowls, but still it is crazy! I am into frosted mini wheats right now. When I was single that was my dinner most nights! I would mix various cereals, add some fruit and call it a great meal!!


I love that picture! I keep running outside in the winter. If the temperature gets to the single digits and it’s windy, then I will do something else inside. I pretty much never run on a treadmill, except when I’m staying in a hotel and don’t know the area/can’t convince anyone to run with me outside.

I (unknowingly) celebrated National Cereal Day this morning with Cinnamon Life, yum!

I love couscous. That’s all I have to say about that :-)

I think Danni is going to be the biggest loser this season (at least I’m hoping so!). She’s so cute and she works so hard, so I hope she wins. If she doesn’t then I hope Joe wins. I wonder if him and his brother are twins, because they look exactly alike!


I definitely hibernate during the winter! I would only do one run a week outside, and that was my long run on the weekend, because I was able to do it during the day when the sun was out for a little warmth. I’m a HUGE baby and I LOVE the warmth of spring/summer!


Our spin playlists are scarily similar! I’ll run outside whenever, but I usually avoid sub freezing temps. Fortunately where I live, that rarely happens.


Crispex was the cereal of the day here.

Great playlist! I have been looking for a radio edit of “Scream and Shout” for like 2 months! I used a clean cover a while back but it just isn’t the same. Can I ask where you found yours? Thanks!


Pump it is my jam!! I get so excited when it comes on when I’m running.

I had to walk on the treadmill during biggest loser the other day…challenge America!! I hope danni wins. She has such a positive spirit :)


If it is below freezing and there is lots of snow and ice I would rather stay inside. I ran one race on ice and I don’t think I would want to do that again.

I love couscous but my husband does not. The first time I made it he said it was like having sand in his mouth.


A few songs I’ve added to my “angry running” playlist are these:
Chalk Outline – Three Days Grace
Diamonds – Farewell 2 Fear

I love ’em!!!


I read Sarah’s comment above. She put into words exactly how I feel about your blog. I never comment on blogs, but I wanted to say thanks for being such a positive person and spreading that positivity to others. I read your blog every day now, and if I’m ever feeling lazy about exercise, i remember, if you can make time for it with a small baby, I certainly can. Have a fun weekend I the woods!


Wow! Ellen your comment made my day! Seriously thank you so much!


I so wish I could take your spin class!!


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