I survived being in ice water for 32 minutes.

Say hello to the world’s coldest pool ever.  Brooke was a little confused as to why I was getting into the freezing pool and almost crying from freezingness but she doesn’t understand that I am trying to keep some running fitness.  Good thing that pool running doesn’t require you to move around much because that way I was able to be right in front of her and entertain her the whole time.  

I actually only froze for the first 2 minutes and then it felt really good.  I just set my phone up against the bag and turned the timer on to keep track of my intervals.  

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Here is the workout that I did in the pool yesterday (I am getting my pool workouts from HERE but I was bored because Brooke went to bed early and Billy wanted to watch hockey so I decided to make the workout look cuter):

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These interval workouts are the only things saving me from boredom as I pool run… I am telling myself that pool running is making me incredibly mentally strong;)

The intervals were tough stuff and I was really out of breath, I liked it.  I treat pool running intervals like speed work… the easy minute was like a slow jog and for the hard minutes I did what felt like 5k-10k pace. 

Sometimes I just like to put all of the foods that I am craving on top of spinach and call it a salad.  For 2 salads we used: 1 grilled (HUGE) chicken breast, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1/2 avocado, 2 tomatoes, 4 slices bacon, some cheddar cheese (under all of the other toppings) and spinach.  For the dressing we mixed equal parts ranch and bbq sauce.  We both loved it.  

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After dinner FMW made a comeback.

I told you Brooke is obsessed with the electronics.  She scooted herself all the way over to the table and brought it down in front of her.   Billy is so proud (I don’t know if I have ever told this to you but Billy loves Apple products as much as I love running shoes).  

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That big toe in the picture above is my favorite big toe in the world.   

Billy has the day off from school, time to party.  


What toppings did you have on your last salad?

Thoughts on hard-boiled eggs?!  Like, love or hate?

Last time you got in a pool?  Any swimmers reading?!?

Do you still read from real books or do you use an iPad/eReader to read?

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The last time I was in a pool was probably 10 months ago and I miss it like crazy. I couldn’t swim long when pregnant, because my body did not tolerate the chlorine.

I haven’t found a pool yet since our move. I keep telling myself that within a few more moves over the next 4 years or so, I’ll be able to swim whenever I want. It’ll happen.


Love reading books on my iPad!
Haven’t been in a pool in a loooong time.
Funny you ask about hard boiled eggs…had one yesterday for a snack. I love to eat them in two bites!!!


I was a competitive swimmer for 15 years until this year and now my track team does aqua jogging on a regular basis. I’m thinking I know where my coaches get the workouts since we did that exact same one last week.


Pool running sounds interesting! Is because the water keeps weight off of your joints? I am currently icing the back of my knee…not a happy camper! Happy day off of school!


Love your questions today. I like hard-boiled eggs with a sprinkle of salt, but I always remove the yolk. Yesterday our 3 yr. old sneezed with a mouthful of one. Our kitchen was covered in chewed-up egg. Gross, but we all laughed! I start training for a triatholon next week, so I’ll be in the pool a lot. Also, I love reading on the Ipad instead a real book, since I can lay in bed with the lights off.


Oh and if you’re looking for a great racing swimsuit check out Marshall’s. I went to the big Sporting Good stores first and found $65 Nike suits. They have the same ones at Marshall’s for $17!


Amen! That’s where I get all my racing suits!


Love hard boiled eggs!

Last salad had grilled chicken feta pine nuts and dried cranberries :) YUM

I have a kindle but really still like paper books and using the library (nerd alert!)


I use e reader to read now! Although Noah still has books and he loves to flip through the pages. My last salad had goat cheese and sunflower seeds and it was so good :-)


I love hard boiled eggs and can’t wait to eat hind of Easter dyed hard boiled eggs next week. I mostly read in my Kindle unless I get a real book as a gift. The kindle makes it sooooo much better.


I love to reading. Real books will always be my choice but I do have a Kindle as well. I love going to the library and browsing the stacks for something that looks good. If I am travelling I will stock up the Kindle, it is so much more convenient for packing.


I’ve been digging on this salad that’s got red peppers, carrots, broccoli, avocado, spinach and feta, with Trader Joe’s Light Champagne Vinaigrette. ….Man, if I could just roll avocado in feta and eat that for every meal…. I LOVE hard boiled eggs! I taught a class last year of preschool kids with disabilities and one of my favorite boys with autism used to always come up to me as I was peeling my egg for lunch, smell it, and then yell out “It smells like poop!” It’s the little things :) I get in the pool a few times a week, training for a half iron! Last week I swam in a lake that was like 63 degrees. It was pretty brisk in the beginning… Keep up the good work! You’re making me want to try pool running!


Not at all, Vanessa!It is only here in the U.S. that we are “afraid” of room temperature eggs. The rest of the world reielzas that the egg is nature’s perfect little package. All of the French Chefs that I know store their eggs in a basket on the counter! Room temperature eggs also work better in a recipe. Cooked eggs won’t last as long as fresh eggs at room temp, but 6 hours is not an issue. Just don’t leave them out for days.


Last salad- shredded carrots, yellow cherry tomatos, cukes, black olives.. (Kind of a boring one in comparison to the usual! I eat a LOT of salad) I really like hard boiled eggs- but I have an appreciation for soft boiled eggs with butter or coconut oil on them and mashed together. :) I was a swimming back in my high school years- and I miss it very much.. I like books better than reading on my iPad.. but both are pretty cool :)


Lately? Cukes, tomatoes, and feta cheese.

Hard boiled eggs: YES, but only 1 yolk/2 whites. The yolk texture is weird. I could eat hard boiled egg whites all. day. long. YUM.

Was at the pool just a few days ago, but it’s about 80+ here, all the time, so … it’s not a big accomplishment. The pool I go to *is* on the roof of a 25-story building, though – so that’s cool!

Also? Brooke’s left toe is now SUPER jealous. ;-)


So I’ve loved eggs all my life and all of a sudden just the thought of eating them simply grosses me out!!! Maybe one day I’ll return to liking them again, who knows ;)


Last salad was spinach, romaine, Boston, topped with chicken, harvati, red and yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, sunflower seeds, and Italian vinegrette. I might just have to have a repeat performance today.

Hard boiled, love on things. Like as a stand alone.
In fact new go to sandwich is bacon, spinach, tomatoe, and hard boiled egg sandwich.


I’ve actually been wanting to put some on my salad lately, just haven’t made any lol.
Havent swam since last summer, can’t wait to get back to the pool this summer!!!
I HAVE to read from a book, not sure why, but it is a must :)


I was a swimmer for my entire life… I miss it now but at the time I was ready for it to be over! Hhaaha


I had beans and corn and shredded chicken on my salad last night… With avocado. I have a kindle and I like it when I can get free books on it but some are expensive!


I love hard boiled eggs. They’re a staple in my diet.

I read from books. My eyes can’t handle electronic screens enough to read books on them.


I really like hard boiled eggs. Especially on salads! That salad sounded awesome!

Wow your pool workouts sounds soo, so good! You’re brave to go in that water though. Cold pools are the worst.


I tried to get in a pool once. I sunk like a rock.


I read real books! Mostly because I don’t have an iPad or kindle… haha. But I also like holding a real book. And kudos to you for the pool running, that has to be boring and you push through!


You are crazy, girl. I never would have been able to get into the cold water!!!


I don’t know if I have ever been able to restrain myself enough to ever use 1/2 of an avocado on anything. It’s all or nothing with me and avocados!


I think I could tolerate pool running with your interval workout; otherwise, I agree that it would be WAY TOO BORING!

I’m with Billy and Brooke on the love of Apple products!


I also put whatever I’m craving on greens and call it a salad! Yesterday it was salmon, hard boiled egg, tomato, roasted broccoli and cottage cheese. Yum!

I mostly read off my Kindle/iPad these days, but I do love real books!


What toppings did you have on your last salad?
Red bell peppers, onions, mozzarella, chopped almonds, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and avocado

Thoughts on hard-boiled eggs?! Like, love or hate?
Love em! I just never include them on my salads. No reason

Last time you got in a pool? Any swimmers reading?!?
It’s been a while. But not big on swimming.

Do you still read from real books or do you use an iPad/eReader to read?
I have to have a real book in my hands. I’m stubborn and am against digital books. I’m old fashioned, I suppose.


Adorable! Almost makes me want to reconsider egg salad. I’d prtety much add tuna or chicken to either one of those recipes and call it delicious though. You guys are really coming into your own with these videos. Each week is better and better.


My last salad was lettuce, cheese, croutons, and ranch. I’m so plain! Hard boiled eggs = love. I really miss swimming! Summer come faster! I’m old school- books all the way!


You are doing a a great job with the pool running. Keep it up! It’s not easy but when you get back on your feet you will not have missed a beat. I’ll admit eggs in other places like salads gross me out a lot. But I need to revamp my diet and eat more eggs.


I have never done pool workouts but I hear they are a great workout for runners! If I had more time and money and didn’t live in a city I would totally join a big gym and give them a try.


Brooke is looking at you like you are crazy. That salad looks very similar to the ones I have had this week for lunch, minus the chedder cheese and the bbq sauce. For my dressing I made a creamy lemon chive dressing that actually turned out really good. I used to not like eating just plain hard boiled eggs, without dressing them up to be deviled eggs, but in the last couple months I have gotten used to eating them just plain for a boost of protein. The last time I was in a pool was last year at my parents. I actually love swimming (not professional) but have no access to a pool on a regular basis.
I used to read books, but since having my son (15 months old) that hobby has gone out the window….
Love reading your blog on a daily basis!!!


I’ve been loving ceasar salads with lots of black olives! It’s the salad of champions!


I was in the pool at 5am this morning and swam a mile. I noticed an aqua jogger belt by the pool when I got there and I thought of you.

I love hard boiled eggs, I could probably eat a dozen of them in a sitting if you let me.


I can barely stand to get into a cold pool when it is 95 degrees outside so I am not sure how you managed 30 minutes in a cold pool when it wasn’t sweltering outside. You really ARE amazing, lol!!

I like hard boiled eggs but they have to be chopped up. For some reason, eating a whole one kind of grosses me out.


I’m in awe of your dedication to keep up with running despite your injury. Pool running is such a great idea– awesome job!


I don’t think I could ever stop reading real books.. I read from my ereader a lot, but nothing beats flipping a page and the smell of an old book.

As I am always already crazy bored on the treadmill I can’t even think of what my mental state would be during a pool running session..


You’re a pool running champ! I think I’m swimming tomorrow if I can get my butt out of bed early enough. The pool only has 3 lanes so when it gets crowded it’s a no-go. I want to do pool running but I think the pool isn’t deep enough. Whomp, whomp. I hope your IT band is feeling a tiny bit better every day!


Throwing random ingredients on salads is the only way to eat a salad! Chicken, eggs, and avocado are regulars in mine, as well as cheese and salsa. As for hard boiled eggs, I kind of love them… especially if the yolk is a little bit runny.

I got a little sad reading your last question. I feel like I’m the only one who -still- reads regular books :( I love them and will probably never end up switching over to an eReader.


Mmmm salad. For lunch I have one today with romaine, sweet peppers, green pepper & a chipotle black bean burger.

I go in staged with hard boiled eggs. I LOVE them on my salad. And can’t wait to dye some with the man tomorrow night :)

Was a competitive swimmer for 12 or 13 years. If I lose my bracket I will be swimming 2x a week again. It’s SO BORING.

Usually I just read on my ipad cause it’s easy to carry with me everywhere. If I find a real book on sale though I will pick it up :)


I’ve been eating a lot of salads this week. Last night’s dinner was one I stole from your blog earlier this week (I think)… spinach with toasted almonds, strawberries, roasted chicken, and Brianna’s poppy dressing. Today’s lunch is spinach with chopped pecans, blue cheese crumbles, sliced pears, and homemade vinaigrette.

Hard boiled eggs = necessary evil. I take out the yolk though. Yuck.

I’m in the pool once or twice a week as cross-training. I started last summer while training for my first tri and I LOVE it. I tried pool running when I was injured last fall, but felt so weird… I didn’t stick with it.

And finally :) for reading, I switch it up… real life books and on my iPad.

Happy Friday!


I haven’t been in a pool for a couple years! This year will be different for sure. I love hard boiled eggs in my salads. I’ve been on a fajita salad roll lately. I make fajitas put it on lettuce, top with salsa and quac and I’m done.
When it comes to reading, there’s nothing I love more than the feeling and smell of a real book in my hands. I love the smell of books. Weird?


Love hard-boiled egg WHITES but I never eat the yolk. When I was a kid I called it the cheese and I made my mom take it out. I don’t know what I have against it but I can’t get past it!


That salad looks awesome. I was a swimmer my whole life through college but i rarely swim anymore. You make me want to get back in the pool!


I still read real books, although I’m considering switching so I can read more books for less and get free books from the library instantly. I have a hard time giving up the feel of books though.


way to rock the pool workout! hard boiled eggs are fantastic! and i’m still old school, hard copy books it is!


That salad looks so good! The last salad I had had grilled chicken, chick peas, slivers of carrots, cheese, and a hard boiled egg. I topped it with spicy buffalo ranch dressing.

I love love love hard boiled eggs, but I do not like the way they smell while they’re being boiler. So stinky!

I was a competitive year round swimmer from age 6 to 18. I burned out part way through high school and didn’t pursue swimming in college. I can’t remember the last time I was in a pool :-(

I have a Kindle that I mainly use, but I also still get real books from the library.


I am all Kindle these days. I tried to read on the iPad but there is way too much glare for reading outside.
Salad toppings always include some sort of carrots, tomatoes, egg, bacon, dressing. YUM. I am trying to think up a salad for Sunday. Thinking cranberries, almonds, mandarin oranges, poppyseed dressing?

The Kidless Kronicles


Way to go, that does not sound very enjoyable at all! That pool will be very nice when it gets a little warmer though! So jealous. I’m totally hooked on Cinnamon chex cereal right now, i can’t wait to get down the last bowl of sugar goodness


I love using BBQ sauce as salad dressing!


Have a blast with B’s day off! I love hard boiled eggs. So good. I haven’t gotten in the pool in awhile, but I’m dying to. I usually swim in the lake in the summers and do more bike riding in the winter, but I am so impatient and can hardly wait for the lake to warm up!


Love baby thighs! I want to just eat ’em! I have waves of loving hard boiled eggs and then not loving them. Just as I do w/ a lot of foods.


Intervals are the only thing that save me from boredom on the bike trainer. Also, they make me feel like I’m actually getting a work out in, so that’s nice, too.


i LOVE hard boiled eggs. yummm
and i read from both.. i actually started using the ipad to read a lot because i typically will read in bed and Torrance always falls asleep first so i can read on teh ipad without having any lights on in the bedroom!


I still read books. I love the smell and feel of actual books and seeing worn books with the cracks in the spine :)

Love hardboiled eggs! Easter is going to be so much fun! mua hahahahaha.

I have managed to get into the pool once a week for the past month and it feels great. I lost all my swimming strength so it’s more like a slow crawl through the lane, but I love being in the water. Actually did a short swim and then aqua aerobics on Monday :)


When you pool run, do you stay in place? How do you make sure you are “running” fast enough?

My last salad was a spinach salad topped with beets, goat cheese, bacon, and roasted red peppers. Yum!


The YMCA has a lot of pool High Intensity workouts. I just tried water Tabata.. Circuits.. It was a great shallow and deep end of the pool workout..

Have you ever tried doing push-ups against the side of the pool? Do them with your shoulders under water and push back and forth as fast as you can on the side of the pool.. keep your feet flat.. It’s a great arm toner! Plus, it really warms you up fast in a freezing cold pool


I’m definitely not a swimmer! I could never do a triathlon because I would drown:(
Seems like a good workout though:)


I’ve never heard of pool running, might have to try it out when the local pool is empty. Will make a change from normal running that’s for sure!


I love reading from my iPad! I actually use it to read blogs every morning on the treadmill, and read a book when I finally get one to read :)

Honestly, I am 22 and had my first hard boiled egg 2 weeks ago! I now really like them, but tend to just eat the egg white with some salt on them :)


Funny you should ask about the salad because I just scarfed down an enormous salad myself. Mine included chicken, red pepper, olives, bleu cheese, tomatoes and hard-boiled egg. So to answer your other question, LOVE hard-boiled eggs. Love them on salad. Love them all the time.

Happy Good Friday! :-)


I’ll be hard boiling eggs today, since Easter is Sunday, and it’s a tradition to have them for breakfast :) LOVE them! Also, that salad looks amazing. Spinach is the best.



That salad looks awesome… I am still working on getting my husband to believe a salad can really be a meal. This might make him believe!


I love putting cottage cheese on my salad in place of dressing! My last salad had onions, sundried tomatoes, cucumbers, and cottage cheese :D I’m not a fan of eggs by themselves… the texture weirds me out, so hard boiled eggs are a no-go! I use an e-reader (Kindle) and I love it!


My husband is obsessed with APPLE too :)

I love that you do pool running, so cool!


1. Chick peas on my salad
2. Love hard boiled eggs however! I oftentimes get creeped out after like 2 and have to stop to keep from gaggin! Don’t ask
3. I want to pick up swimming this summer! I live in Florida and this girl just can’t handle running in the heat :) plus I’ve had knee injuries in the past so i know swimming would be great for me. Tried pool running once and felt like an idiot! I need a buddy so I’m not the only one! ;)
4. I’ll use my pad time to time, but I gotta say, I just love holding onto a brand new book :)


For salads– you can never NEVER go wrong with feta and craisins. Every other topping is OK, but those two together– bliss! HB eggs are OK. I prefer deviled eggs to plain HB eggs. Ever tried making deviled eggs with Greek Yogurt instead of mayo– yum!!


That is a cute big toe! I love my girls feet. They are the only feet in the world that I love! I like to put tons of veggies in my salads and lately I’m loving fruit too! I’ve been using my iPad for reading lately and I love the convenience.


My boys are getting old and their feet are a little stinky and bigger than mine (and I have big feet). I still love them! :)


Olives, olives, olives, baby! The salad bar right next to my house has the most delicious Kalamata olives, and I can’t help but go a little crazy over them! You guys have such a nice apartment pool! Ours is kinda skeezy, but luckily the new gym has a pool, so there’s that :)


Does Brook have a sandal and a tennis ball? Because really, who needs toys? Hilarious! I love hard boiled eggs and eat them regularly, especially on salads with bacon. Bacon on everything. I’m in Utah so no pool anything this year yet. I have real books, ebooks and audio books. They all have a place and I LOVE audio books because I drive so much for work. I just don’t like that I can’t mark and fold down pages for reference. I’m just getting started with books on my iPad and I LOVE the fact that it’s so lightweight and I can have 3-4 books to read and cookbooks! Anywhere!


Mmm, your spinach Cobb salad looks delicious!!


Ok so I’m a looong-time lurker (that sounds creepy, haha ..), and I figured it’s time for me to actually comment for once! I have really weird salads – my last one was a mixture of hard boiled eggs, new potatoes, snap peas, olives and peppers :) I looove hard boiled eggs! And I swam for years, but haven’t been for a long time now. I really need to get back into it – it’s SUCH a good workout. And I’m an e-reader (Kindle) convert. I get through so many books that I wouldn’t have space for them if I bought them for real!


I love hard-boiled eggs. I just love eggs anyway they’re cooked!

I spent about a month in Bali last August and went swimming once or twice a day. I wish I’d tried out pool running. It sounds fun :)

I enjoy reading real books, but since I started travelling my Kindle has become one of my favourite travel items.


I want to try pool running. I bet it is super hard. And that salad looks great. The bbq sauce and ranch is probably the greatest idea I’ve heard all year.


I used to do a lot of pool running when I first started ‘real’ running as I’m a swimmer first and foremost and I tend to get running injuries a lot faster than anything else. Oh yeah, so swimmer here.

I definitely use an iPad to read on. My husband got me an iPad Mini this last Christmas because he always gets tired lugging all my technology stuff around when we travel, which is about once a month. And when we travel, I can read ten books in a week. No way would those fit in our carry on!

As for hard boiled eggs, I’m eating mostly paleo these days and eggs are the only protein I actually like. But I have to smush up the yolks and mix them with something – mayo, or a dressing, to get it to where they don’t make me gag.


She is the cutest..but that is what I always say.

I don’t get to read books..haven’t in a long time.

Tomorrow, I am hoping my 5 yr old will finish his first 5k


That is SO awesome that your 5 year old is running! Does he love it? I was so excited last summer when my then-10 year old son ran/walked in his first 5K (he plays soccer so all he knew was sprint/take a break!). Hope it goes well!


Love hard boiled eggs!
Brooke is going to be tech savvy, you can tell.
I sat in the Colorado River (about 52 degrees) this morning for an ice bath experience after my race and it felt very cold and very amazing. Keep up the great work in the pool! You’re awesome!


Hard boiled is the only way I will eat eggs.
I just started swimming again once a week. But in an indoor pool because I’m not as crazy as you. :-) I tried aqua jogging for the firsy time wednesday. Harder than it seems and yes, tedius. Keep it up!

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