Bill(y) is fast and just call me Quiznos

Yesterday was one of those days that Brooke and I didn’t leave the house all day.  I don’t know how that happens sometimes but it just does.  So, when Bill(y) called me to say he was going on a run I asked him to swing by and pick us up so we would join him and walk while he ran.  He knocked out 4 miles at a 7:04 pace…. speedy bullet man.

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Have I mentioned that I really love my Bob?  Brooke and I went for about 30 minutes and then we played at the park where we were parked at.   

From Instagram (hungryrunnergirl)

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And just one more because I really like her a whole lot and she laughs at my jokes.

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We came home more than ready for dinner so it was a good thing it only took 8 minutes to make it.  I have been craving Quiznos lately so I tried to copy them and make a toasted sandwich.  Grilled chicken, bbq sauce and provolone cheese toasted in the oven. 

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After dinner it was time for girls’ night.  We went to my friend’s hot tub and it was a blast.  I haven’t been in a hot tub forever.  I am going to ask my apartment building manager if they will mind me installing one on our deck next to the treadmill.  They should be fine with it.

Did anyone else watch the Google chat with Kara Goucher yesterday?  I think you know I really like her so it was so fun listening to the interview.  She talked about everything from her Boston plans, training with Shalane and running after having a baby.  Loved it.  

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Speaking of Boston… someday I better get there:)  I hope all of you training for the big race are feeling good and strong! 

Who is running the Boston Marathon this year?  Have you ever ran Boston?  Is it a goal for you to get there?  

Moms reading:  what kind of stroller do you use?

Ever been to Quiznos?  What do you love there?

Does your significant other run?

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I love toasting my sandwiches before I eat them. They taste so much better that way. I think your hot tub idea is genius. I ask my parents every year if we can get one but they just look at me and remind me that I don’t live at home anymore… oh. well, it would be nice to have on vacations. I WISH I was running Boston! I guess I need to run a marathon first…


Qualifying for Boston is my huge, big, scary goal this year! I have a marathon in 2.5 weeks and hope to qualify :) maybe i’ll see you there in 2014!


I actually love the pickles at Quiznos more than anything hahah


I love Quiznos and toasted sandwiches in general. I’m not sure if Boston is ever going to be a goal for me. I know I’m nowhere near there now. Maybe in the future but as of now its not even on my radar.


Oh no! Missed the Kara chat. Know if it’s online anywhere?

Quizno’s is SOOOO good. Now you have me crazing it!!

I would LOVE to be running Boston… need to get WAY faster before that can happen though. Hopefully someday!


It’s here:

I started to watch it yesterday, then had to pause it since my kids thought they could ask her questions, too, and kept interrupting! =)


Mike runs, but we rarely run together. He likes to run by himself with no music or anything. He is a crazy man. It is great, though, because he understands when I get up at the crack of dawn to run on a Saturday morning for training.

I’ve never run Boston, but I might go up and watch the race this year.


I’m running Boston in 2.5 weeks a battling a raging left IT band :(


Good Luck! I’m sure you will do great. I’m from Boston and moved to Seattle last year. It will be the first time I miss the marathon in about 20 years. And I have been volunteering for the past 6 years :( Have a blast and enjoy it!


Raquel, I’ll be running my first Boston and I have been battling injury too. You are not alone! I’m hoping to even make it through the 26.2 miles at this point. Hope your IT cooperates for you.


I am in the same pre-Boston injury camp. Glad to hear I am not alone! First time and still looking forward to it :)


Joe and I both ran in college (that’s where we met)! We hope Noah loves running as much as we did :-)


I am running Boston for the first time and am getting so anxious! Taper time! :)


As you know, we are undergoing domestic infant adoption … Well, one of my personal training clients GAVE me her BOB yesterday. I died!!!!! I cried!!!!!!!
Yes, I love Quiznos. I prob haven’t had it in a year, though. It’s time to change that pronto.


Boston was a huge goal for me! I was soo excited when I ran it. It was one of the best days of my life! The crowds were amazing! The best was seeing my grubs and and two daughters at the end! You gotta run Boston!!!


Hey girlie! What capris are those??


I ran in Boston last year when it was super hot – I would love to qualify again and run it when temperatures allow me to challenge my pace a bit more :)


Brooke and you both look absolutely stunning!


I ran boston last year in the extreme heat! But it was still the best experience. I am running again this year… not fully trained and having some peroneal tendonitis issues but its BOSTON and I am so excited!


Toasted subs always taste soooo much better if you ask me!


Qualifying for Boston is on my bucket list! I am running a marathon in October and hope to qualify then! My husband and I run, he is in law school as well, and we never get to run together, but when we do I LOVE it! I have been to Quiznos, I love there salads! I wish I could have watched the Kara Goucher chat!


I’m from Boston so it’s a dream to run it someday!!!

I actually sent my bf the link to the post where Billy surprised you with running as inspiration :) He’s not a runner but I’m trying to explain to him how fun it is!


Quiznos is probably my favorite place to get sandwiches, mainly because of their carbonara sub; and toasted always tastes better :D I might have to follow your lead and try to make myself a mock Chipotle bowl… We don’t have them up here and my next visit down to the States isn’t for a while! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to recreate their guac though….


I have run Boston and it is as fabulous as everyone says–you MUST do it someday!!!

Also, Brooke is too cute for words!!!! :)


I don’t have a toaster oven at home (I have an oven but that is too much work) but when I am at my parents place I will go to town making the fanciest sandwiches in all the land and toasting them to perfection! My BF runs when he feels like it and is a speed monster. I can train for my entire life and he will still effortlessly smoke me. every. time. That butt.


My husband is the same way! Although finally when I had trained for and ran a 1/2 marathon, I finally beat him in a 5k :)


I haven’t ever run a marathon so I’m not sure about Boston. It sounds like a great race environment though!!!

My husband does run! We were both on our college teams so that is how we met. He is wayyyy faster than me. It’s kind of annoying. But if I need to run a temp run I can just go with him on a normal day.

Cute striped tank top by the way!!


Boston would be a dream!! I just contacted a coach and hopefully she can help me with this goal of mine. I’m really sad they changed the time in remember thinking when I turn 35 I get an extra five minutes!! Well now I don’t, I have to get faster. God willing somehow I will get there.

I love my BOB too, but my daughter hates it :(. I love Quiznos. Toasted sandwiches are the best kind. My husband was a runner, Marine Corp Marathon 2009 would have been our first marathon together but I found out I was pregnant 2months before. I had a miscarriage before and it happened a day after I ran a race so I blame myself and I didn’t keep running. Then while he was deployed to Afghanistan he kept running and developed plantar fasciitis so he doesn’t run anymore. It hurts him too much so he does other things now.


I’ll be running Boston! Hopefully I’ll qualify again and maybe see you there in 2014?
I have actually never been to Quiznos, looks like I need to remedy that!
My significant other just ran his first marathon in Feb and did an Ironman last year. We work out A LOT!! :-)


I am all about toasted sandwiches. My panini press is my fav kitchen appliance. Matt is the one that got me into running. I love running with him bc he pushes me to go faster and I push him to go further. We really balance each other out while running :)


If I had a baby as cute and lovable and cuddly as Brooke, I won’t leave the house either! I love toasted sandwiches-anything with melted cheese gets a thumbs up with me. How about Bill(y) be Bill in the real world but Billy at home and in the blog world??


Hubs and I have a BOB revolution se waiting to be put together. I am kind of excited to get to start using it (and nervous as well, because that means she will BE HERE!~)


I love the way Brooke is holding her right hand on the swing!

Yes! My hubby runs and it makes it so much more fun that we can run together! I ran Boston the first years I qualified and again in 2010. My hubby missed qualifying by 8 seconds one year, or I would have run that year too, because we would have flown up for it for sure! It’s so much fun!


I didn’t start running until my girls had outgrown strollers. But I have heard great things about the BOB. I would consider one if I have a baby in the future.


My husband and I run together, but really only on Saturdays. During the week he runs up by work and Sunday we run separately because he’s fast.


Oh my gosh I would LOVE to run Boston someday! I’m running my first 26.2 in November. I doubt I’m anywhere close, but it’s always good to have stretch goals, right!?

My husband does not run at all. He has really bad knees so it’s hard for him – I think he’d like it if his knees were stronger, unfortunately.


Yes, my significant runner does run, and he’s way faster than I am. As for strollers, I have a BOB and I love it! Best baby purchase ever. Glad you were able to enjoy a nice day together!


Love Quiznos. Classic Italian is my go-to.

My boyfriend does not run distance, but he does run sprints and intervals. He is wayyy faster than me, though, so we don’t usually do them together. Sometimes I coerce him into coming on runs with me that I tell him are only 3 miles but are really six.


I will definitely be needing stroller recommendations when we decide to have babies (not now by any means). I hope bob keeps making good ones by the time I’m ready for buns to be in my oven.

My hubs does run and he kills me… speedy man! :)


My husband was the one who initially got me running but he stopped after one measly 5k because he got “busy”. PSH! I want him to start running with me again but it’s a delicate balance because I don’t want him to get better than me :)


One day I’ll run Boston! LOVE Quiznos :D


I give you tons of credit for running with a stroller. I use to save all my energy just to take care of my kids. Glad you figured out how to be a healthy mom.. get in your exercise. That’s how I gained 50 pounds! I just sat around waiting for the kids to be old enough… Now I know exercise is sooo important and the kids get the benefit of mom being fit!

Love Turkey on that Rosemary bread and I slather on the red wine dressing.. with their hot spicy red sauce. Must be toasted.. Its the only thing I eat at Quizno’s. .

My husband only runs indoors with me..


I ran Boston in 2011. It’s a pretty awesome and crazy weekend. Thank goodness I didn’t run it in 2012 because it was like 85 degrees last year. I hope the weather is better this year! 7:07?! What a speedster.


In high school my brother join the track team and made a cute new friend. Naturally I then joined the track team the next season so his new friend could notice me. That cute new friend and I have been dating for 3 years now :) I’m on the only one of us that still runs though :P


I qualified for Boston at the Twin Cities Marathon back in Oct with a 3:27:56. I will be running it in just under 3 weeks! I’ve never been so excited (or nervous) to run in my LIFE! :)


My fiance runs just not quite the distance I do so we only go on short runs together, but it counts for something.

I would love to run Boston some day.


I have a BOB too. I actually use it as my primary stroller because I am able to unlock the front wheel. In LOVE!
My husband does run and I love posting about how awesome it is having an athlete as a spouse. He pushes the stroller on our long runs for me :-) I’m not doing Boston, but I’m hoping to get a MCM slot.


I’m praying our BOB gets here today- would there be a better birthday present? Yes, my family and health, and I have those.

When you get to Boston one day, please swing by the New England Aquarium which is awesome! I used to volunteer there and my favorite weekend was Boston Marathon weekend. The families that visited were so inspiring and well behaved!


I’ve never been to Quiznos, but to be honest there aren’t many around here. There is one in my home town, but no one is ever in there! Seriously. Everyone wonders how they manage to stay in business.

I’ve never run Boston, but maybe one day I will. It’s on my list of dream races. That and the Walt Disney World marathon. To be fair, I think Walt Disney World will be a lot more fun. lol.


I ran Boston in 2008 on a waiver… I know some people argue about qualified/charity, but it is what it is. I actually had a terrible day (I had a sinus infection and shin splints), so I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Hopefully I’ll be back some day!

I can’t wait to cheer Kara on in a few weeks, and surely you will hit the streets from Hopkinton to Boston before long.

I’ve been begging my husband to run for years… last year I got him to ride his bike while I ran and recently he’s been running up to 3 miles on the treadmill. We’re the nerds who try to snag treadmills next to each other ;)


My boyfriend always said running was stupid and boring. Only about three months after we broke up he texted me saying he was sorry for hating on running so much, he had just ran his first 10K and loved it, lol!


Im pretty boring when I go to quiznos, like turkey and cheese melted with some veggies!
And the swing pictures are ADORABLE!!


My hubby runs sometimes, but he’s still way faster than me!
I used to love Quiznos but they closed down all the ones near me :(


I have never run Boston but I am not sure that I ever will….we live in Iowa so by the time you add up plane tickets and race and hotel we would be talking about a pretty pricey race…but maybe someday if want want to take a vacation there anyways :)
My hubby is the type of runner you want to hate. He can get busy and not run for months and then just pick it up and go for a 6 mile run at a really good pace! He’s blessed with running genes :)


I’m hoping to qualify for the 2015 Boston Marathon. This year I’m focusing on building a really strong base, while running half marathon’s and hoping to come back next spring with a really strong full marathon time.

My husband runs but he’s currently hurt and taking some time off.


I will be running Boston in less than 3 weeks! Ahh so excited! Hopefully we will both be there in 2014 too :) I loved the Kara video. It is available online for all those that missed the actual thing.


Quizno’s is actually my least favorite sandwich place. I’d pick Subway over Quizno’s every time.


i’m so happy someone invented jogging strollers. mine is a double in-step i think. no apirations for boston. i just want to run. anywhere!


Mmmm I love Quiznos! Any kind of toasted sandwich is my favorite :)

My boyfriend does not run but I spend 99% of my time talking about running so I am hoping he comes around on this one.


My sign. other doesn’t run but it would be so wonderful if he did. I’m not a fan of the word ‘NEVER’ but I’m pretty sure it would/will never happen. ;(
Haven’t been to a quizno’s in a loooong time. I do enjoy it though.
To BQ…definitely a goal of mine. Probably the only way I would ever hire a coach. I need to take about 10 minutes off on my own and then I think about it.


I’m running Boston for the first time this year! I’m trying focus on being excited, though it’s hard to not get nervous as well. I also watched the interview with Kara. She’s so down to earth and honest, it’s great.

My boyfriend is a super speedy runner (2:30ish marathon) so I don’t run with him much but he does pace me for my tempos sometimes :)


This time of year, don’t we all get Boston envy? I got my first BQ in 2010 and ran it in 2011 (the year it filled in 8 hours) and got my Re-Q there, but decided not to run it in 2012 b/c I had another race in mind. Given the awful weather they had in 2012, I’m glad I didn’t run it. And then I didn’t register for this year b/c I wanted to work on speed training for a few months before I run Berlin in the fall. But without fail, by a few days after St. Pat’s every year, I wish I was running it! I can’t wait for April 15, to sit at my computer at work all day and track all my friends running it.


I’m currently looking into the city select double stroller, I think it’s fantastic! I wish my husband ran, but he bikes so I’ll take what I can get.


As long my marathon in September goes well, Boston is definitely on my Bucket List!

I still can’t get over how speedy you and Billy are, even after months of reading. I aspire to be like you!

I don’t really like to eat out for just sandwiches but if I’m going to get a sandwich, it better be grilled, so Quizno’s is a yes!


Yep, my hubby is the one who got me into running! I used to attend his races and watch him and all the other runners finish, looking/feeling so triumphant & accomplished. So, slowly but surely the running bug got me. Lol! :)

Not a huge Quiznos fan and at present, I have no desire to run a marathon, let alone try to qualify for Boston. However, the hubby said the same thing a few years ago (before we met) and he ended up running 2 marathons like a year or two later. So… we’ll see. ;-)


I LOVE LOVE LOVE that second picture of you and Brooke!
Girl, you will definitely get to Boston! It’s just a matter of the perfect timing! :)
Hope you’re having a great week! :)


My SO used to only run if I begged him to, but once he got fitted for good shoes and realized shin splints don’t have to come with the territory, he joins me more and more often! But he really only runs 10ks or shorter.


Oh my gosh I cannot remember the last time I was in a hot tub… seriously. No idea. I’m not running Boston… HA, but my friend Lindsay is! She’s super speedy and I’m so excited for her! She also blogs –!


is Billy trying to change his name to Bill??? as his wife you cannot allow this ;)


I love Kara! I didn’t even know that was happening or I would have watched it. I’m sure there was something I was doing yesterday I could have avoided. :)

My husband only runs on the road cycling off season and I’m glad. I work my tail off all year and then he kicks my trash at every single race after running one or two times the entire year. Stinker.


This will be my first Boston and I cannot wait. I hope to qualify again this year (probably not at Boston since I’ve been injured and hear it is a tough course), because in 2014 it is on my birthday, and what better way to celebrate a birthday than to be running the Boston marathon?


I love your top!

One day I might shoot for Boston–we shall see. I’ve run 2 marathons & they were fun, but I can’t do long distance right now–I got burned out after the Half IM ;)

Toasted sandwiches–yummmmY


I’m running Boston this year. This will be my 5th and I told my husband last night that it feels as exciting as it did the first time. I turned 50 a few months ago and my husband will be 50 in a few weeks. I’m going to run the marathon, then we’ll have lots of birthday celebrating in Boston and New York City. Cannot wait!


I love toast and melted cheese. I used to have that for a snack in college a lot. String cheese, ftw! I like how you are walking around with compression pants. We are twins!


I absolutely love that top that you have on!!! Lulu?


Mmmm that sandwich looks amazing. And I love your striped workout top! Super cute!!



It is my goal to get to Boston one day! I know WE will do it :)
I LOVE my stroller. It’s InStep Flash Fixed Wheel DOUBLE Jogger. (two kids…shew!) It was only $160 from amazon and I love it. I’m known as the girl with the bright orange stroller running around town. ;)
My BF runs (That’s actually how we started talking) and as of right now he’s way faster than me but that will change soon.


It looks like you had a great day!

One of my good friends is running Boston this year, so amazing!!


did you guys run from campbell park?!?!
billy is SO speedy! loved our hot tubbing and let’s both do boston :)


I have a City Elite from Baby Jogger. It isn’t an actual jogging stroller, but it’s perfect for walks. I’ve been stalking CraigsList for a used BOB so I can run with Ella this summer while I’m off from school!

I didn’t even know Quiznos was still around. All of the ones around me have shut down & I never see commercials anymore…


Mark just started running! There is a 5K in Kansas City on May 17th (its a night run – SO cool!) that we both signed up for, and it’s going to be both of our first races! Keep your fingers crossed for us ;)


Speedster Bill(y), indeed! Nice work to him! Those photos of you and Brooke at the park are great :) I am, indeed racing the Boston Marathon this year! It’ll be my first time and I’m super nervous/excited. I’ve been training my butt off, so I’m hoping for 3:20ish or anything really, so we shall see!


Several of my friends are running this year, and I always go to watch. This year I’m going to be volunteering at the Mile 22 water station along with my fellow Tufts alumni!

My fiancé runs and he was going to volunteer with me but April 15 is kind of an important day for the finance industry so he couldn’t get it off :(


I’m running Boston for the third time this year. I ran it last year when it was like 2,000 degrees so I’m ready for redemption!!


I get to run Boston, NEXT year ( Yay for qualifying, boo for qualifying after registration was closed…whatever). I am super excited though, the journey to qualify was great, and the journey to get there will be just as exciting I am sure. It took me 4 tries but I have my BQ, and 2014 is going to be an epic year…Boston, my wedding, and my first Ironman. I’m tired just writing that.

My man is a runner too, not right now since he is hobbling around on crutches from knee surgery, but he’s still my active man. We actually met running, which is one of the things I love, it is something we can do together or apart.


Aw, my heart just breaks at those paelns. He knows he’s gotten in over his head, but he’s gonna do it anyway.And what’s with Sleeping Beauty Bea in the VI?I’m loving your blogs, keep em coming!


well… jogging boston kinda. i hate being a terrible runner


I use the Baby Trend jogger that I picked up for $100 at Target. If I had a toddler that could tolerate longer runs I would so have a BOB!

Honey Bourbon Chicken @ Quizno’s is the best…yum!


I’ll be running Boston with my dad! SO excited!!! and I BQ-ed again for 2014!!


Love Quiznos! I get their prime rib peppercorn, toasted!
I love how toasting a sandwich takes it from boring… to warm yummy dinner!

My SO used to run 90 min a day… but then he got injured and hasnt run for the past year (pout).

Public service announcement: Naked juice’s website has a $1 off coupon!


I love Quiznos, but there is never one near where I live or work! But I think they are about a million times better than Subway, in my personal opinion. ;)


I run with a double mountain buggy. I had a cheaper expedition double but after having 4 children (youngest 3 months) we bought a mountain buggy. And today I officially beat my hubby’s time running a 5k. So yes, he runs and motivates me to run faster. I have never ran anything more than a 10k so I am working on my 10k speed trying to get off baby weight. Love your blog. Read it every day while nursing my littlest angel. ;)


I am running Boston this year!!! I was so excited when I qualified! You speedy monster will be there next year! I am 100 % sure :-)


Yes, you should do Boston! Ok, actually, I have no idea if it’s cool or not, since this’ll be my first time. But, still.


I’ve never ran Boston and I doubt I ever will. 26.2 miles in under 3 hours sounds SO FAST. I have so much respect for people who can do that!


Campbell Park – nice!


My husband doesn’t care to run longer 3 miles, so he rides his bike next to me on my long runs. I think I actually love it better than if he was running next to me because he can be my assistant.


My husband ran Boston last year and we had a blast cheering him on! Boston loves their runners so the buzz in the city is just amazing. I’d love to get there one day, but that’s a very long road for me.

You have to run it… if not for the race, than for the cannoli’s in Little Italy that are the size of your head.


I have never been to Quiznos, I think most of them are closing around here. Have you ever tried Jersey Mikes? They are so good.


I would love to run Boston some day!

I have a BOB and can’t wait to use it once my baby girl is big enough.

I wish my hubby was a runner, but it’s just not him :-). I have plenty of running buddies though…I like running in a group.


Thanks so much for the head’s up on Kara’s talk. She is so down to earth for someone so talented.

I’ll be at mile 17 cheering her, Shalene and all you BM runners on.


Boston is definitely a goal for me! But I just ran my first marathon last year (~4:40) so I have a long ways to go =) My husband isn’t a distance runner, but I like it when he runs with me for short runs (3 mi) b/c he’s way faster than I am.


I have a Phil & Ted’s double stroller. It’s awesome because I can fit through doorways and not take up the whole sidewalk when I run! I do wish that it had shocks on it though. My girls love it. My husband will only run with me if I beg…I wish he liked it as much as I do!

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