Something weird happened and a delicious pasta dish you should try!

We start every single Sunday morning the exact same way.  House Hunters (renovation episode this time), cereal bar on the coffee table and pajamas.

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I am really hoping some of you can identify with me on this one but something weird happened.  I sat on the right sight of the couch and Billy sat on the left side.  I ALWAYS sit on the left side and I don’t think I could fall asleep at night if I wasn’t sleeping on the left side of the bed.  That is my side of the bed and even when we are sleeping at hotels etc. I always sleep on the left.  

At church Brooke broke into the diaper bag and found my Vi Fuel…. I guess she needed some easily digestible carbs to get through the rest of the meetings.

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Bill (ps Billy is starting to go by Bill lately now that he is all professional with his new internship) brought me home this salad the other day and so I had it for lunch today. Deliciouso.

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I wore my new water running belt around the house for a little while to get used to it.  Tomorrow’s post will include all the details about why you wear the belt and how to pool run!  (PS our water heater has been broken for the last 2 days, hence the extra greasy bangs)

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At around 3 Billy said, ‘I feel like doing something productive.’  I gave him a dirty look because I was quite happy being lazy on the couch.  Next thing I knew it we were Spring cleaning and went through ALL of the closets and drawers in the house.

All of that cleaning and organizing worked up quite the appetite and so I made Spinach Feta Mushroom Pasta.  Easy, quick and good!

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This is random but the other day someone asked me on the blog about having fruit at most of my meals… it is true, just by habit I usually have fruit and a vegetable at lunch and dinner.  I think I always saw my sister do that growing up so I do it now too.

Time to get my pool run on… this will be a good time.


Do you have fruit/veggies with most meals?  How many servings of fruit do you usually eat a day?  

Do you sleep on the right of the left side of the bed?  Would it be weird for you to sleep on the other side of the bed?

What kind of fuel did you eat during your last long run or race?

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Hope the pool running goes well! I feel like it is going to be more of a mental exercise than physical, I would go nuts moving super slow and not going very far! I normally do 2ish servings a fruit a day and I definitely have my side of the bed and when my BF steal it I feel totally lost!


Don’t know how I feel about Billy starting to go by Bill… just saying. I think he will always be Billy to us! I eat more veggies than fruit but probably 5 different veg and 2-3 fruits! So do you mean left when you’re looking at the couch or when you’re sitting on it? If we are sleeping I’m on the left and he’s on the right!


Brooke is SO beautiful, that outfit…O.M.G. She melts my heart.
I also LOVE that you two matched with your stripes. I can’t help myself, I enjoy dressing G like me way too much. Poor girl is going to think her Mommy is a looney ;)


I have trouble sleeping on a different side of the bed too. I’m not that picky but it’s my spot. I completely get it. As for the aqua jogging… I don’t have a lot to say about that. I love running but I just don’t know how to get into it when I’m in the water. We do it every wednesday for track and I just don’t enjoy it. I hope you find a way to make it fun! Brooke must be practicing fueling for when she starts running marathons in a few years ;)


I don’t have a side of the bed but I always have to sleep furthest from the door. Weird, right? I am a total veggie lover but have been trying to get more fruits into my diet too. I get very close to my daily servings most days but every once in a while ill have a carb heavy/fruits and veggie light day. I’m so excited to hear about pool running! I have been looking into it for cross training during our hot summer months.


I can’t wait to hear about the pool run!! Yes, I have to sleep on the left side of the bed–even in hotels. How funny/weird.
I am not a fruit water, but I eat veggies with lunch and dinner!
Ummm, I don’t fuel during races. My stomach cannot handle it. Hey, it works for me.


I like sleeping on the side closest to the door. Which makes no sense because if an attacker were to come in you’d think I’d want to be far away. Apparently my instinct is to be closer so I can maybe dart out of the room before they realize what is going on?


Have to admit, we usually have fruit and veggies at most of meals too! I couldn’t not have them! Lover and I have “sides” of the bed too! I’m on the right and he’s on the left…switch it up and we may encounter a wee bit of a problem ;) The spinach feta pasta looks fabulous! I need to find that recipe!!!!!!! Yummm!


I like sleeping on the inside of my bed- next to the wall, weird I know!

More fruit then veg but def try to get in SOMETHING with every meal


I love that dress on Brooke – it’s adorable! I hope your pool training helps to fix the IT band!


We did some spring cleaning last weekend. It’s great now that our closets aren’t as cluttered, but it really is the worst to actually do.

On my last long run, I just had gatorade. I figured, it was cold out and only 15 miles, so that was enough calories + breakfast to get me through.


I tried blueberry pomegranate gu on my last long run – not bad!
I don’t eat enough fruits & veggies on a regular basis, I tend to just have bursts of them? I kind of wish I included them in every meal though!

Good luck pool running!


i’ve been pool running a lot too with my stupid stress fracture! i have found that clipping my ipod shuffle to my headband and wrapped the headphone cord around my bun a few times is a good method to still listen to my jams while in the water :)


I’m excited to hear how you made out with the pool running. My first few times I did it I had the flotation device too and ran and ran in the pool. Then read online later that you need to be in a deep end only type pool. Not 4 feet of water. Ooopsy. I wondered why it felt so easy and why I needed the pool jogger to stay afloat.


I’m pretty awful at eating my fruits and veggies. I always say I’m going to change that but just get lazy and don’t. Part of it is that I just plain don’t like much fruit! =(
During long runs I like to eat Clif Blok Shots. They work for me. I’m pretty fussy about texture when it comes to what I can handle.
Brooke looks adorable as usual!! Black and white so classic!!


I just died – that picture of Brooke is too cute for words. And I’m with you on needing to sleep on the same side of the bed all the time, or it just being straight up weird. I sleep on the left side, and I swear that if I tried to sleep on the right, I’d wake up not knowing where I was. Fruit! I love the stuff and I think I end up eating around 5 or 6 servings of it a day. It’s just the perfect go-to when I’m feeling peckish.


I usually save the fruit for snacks and desserts, but I do have veggies with most every meal.


Of course Billy had to drop the “y” from his name someday when he got a great internship, but does it have to be on your blog where we all know him as Billy? JK. Very cute picture of Brooke, per usual :)


Ohhhh I want to spring clean my apartment so badly!! I just need to find the time (excuses, excuses I know)
Sorry about you water heater, cold showers are the worst!

I eat WAY mor fruit than I should, it’s just too yummy!


I love House Hunters International and Property Brothers. Now my 9yr old son will even ask to watch House Hunters and he say’s when he grows up he’s going to get scholarships to go to school so that he can use the money we are saving for college so he can buy a house :) He he. Brooke looks so adorable as always and that pasta dish looks to die for were you a chef in another life??

I usually have veggies with all my meals, but fruit is harder. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just that I am full by the end of my meal that I don’t want any fruit. But I think I should start trying to eat a piece of fruit before I eat my meal, or change my portions.

I sleep on the left side of the bed too, but only because the bathroom has always been on the left side of the bed. I always have to get up to go potty, but when I do go on vacation and the bathroom is not closest to the left side it takes some adjustment.

I like to have Accel Gel during long runs that will be at least 9miles. I can do nuun with less than 9 and I like using Cytomax Tropical Fruit during my runs when I start the run already tired.


I have fruit and veggies at every meal. I feel if I don’t have them then I don’t really have a complete meal! That is the nutritionist in me! I eat the recommend amount and some days I go over this amount as well, I really do love veggies and fruit! It would be so weird to sleep on the left side, husband is on the left and I am on the right! Last fuel was Cliff Blocks Raspberry and Power Gel Kona Punch.


I always have to have a fruit and veggie side for lunch and dinner or it just seems like something is missing. I too modeled that off of my older sister.

I sleep on the left, but sides of beds don’t really mess with me too much.

Last long run fuel: jelly beans and the one before that, goldfish crackers.


It would be INSANE if i slept on the other side of the bed – not gonna lie!!
That salad AND the pasta looks fab. I usually try to include veggies at every meal – except breakfast I usually dont… And I eat fruit usually at breakfast and throughout the day – it is my snacky food!!


I try to have vegetables at lunch at dinner but I usually have fruit as a snack. I should probably eat more at the meal instead of bread.
The last run I had… I didn’t fuel which made my 10 mile run turn into a 5. Fail.
I love Brooke’s Church dress!


I’m curious to hear how that belt works for pool running. I sleep on the right side of the bed, no matter what bed we are sleeping in. I don’t care what side of the couch I sit on though. I eat a ton of fruit and am trying to include more veggies. I have a fruit and a veggie with most meals (even breakfast now that I have green smoothies)


I always sleep on the right side of the bed and whenever we go to a hotel the hubs sleeps closest to the bathroom. :-)
I normally have my fruit at breakfast. Only during the summer do I seem to eat a little fruit with din din.
Can’t wait to hear about your pool workouts!


I can’t wait to read about your pool running experience! When I was swimming in college, we used to strap on our sneakers in the pool, sink a 35 pound barbell to the bottom of the deep end and “run sprints” along the bottom of the pool carrying the weight. (It sounds way more badass than it was. But it was really fun!) I have to have to HAVE to sleep on the left. If I ever wind up on the right, but it totally throws off my snuggles. I try to eat fruits and veggies with each meal…but my sweet tooth leads me to snack more on fruit. I guess it could be worse!


I try to make sure every meal or snack includes fruits and veggies! I aim for 4-5 servings of fruit a day.
I sleep on the right side all the time and yes it would be weird.
That was a long time ago to remember! I think it was Sharkies.


I try to have a veggie with every meal and save the fruit for dessert. I always sleep on the right side of the bed. I don’t think I would be able to fall asleep on the other side!


I try to have a fruit and a vegetable with every meal. Plus, one or the other as a snack. I made a conscious effort when I was pregnant with my first daughter to start getting those servings in. It’s a habit that has stuck and my girls eat this way, also.


I usually have a veggie with lunch and dinner (occasionally breakfast) but I don’t eat a lot of fruit, I guess it just don’t buy it because it eat it so quickly and then it’s gone! And I have a friend named Benny, but he refused to go by Ben or Benjamin!


I need to learn to eat fruit and veggies at every meal. .. It’s so easy to skip the vegetable part and just load up on bread..

Have fun in the pool..


I sleep on the left side of the bed – always have, even when I lived alone. I think if I switched I wouldn’t be able to sleep. Totally weird!


I will do lunch…and then follow it with fruit, but never together!! And my hubby most definitely wouldn’t have fruit with a meal because he’s all “it will confuse my tastebuds” I think he’s crazy. Especially for chocolate. In my opinion, chocolate can be eating at anytime even if it is 5 mins before dinner haha


That salad looks so good! Hope the pool running went well.

I always sleep on the right side of the bed, even at hotels. My husband and I tried switching sides once and I didn’t sleep at all. Too funny how we get so used to one side.

I ate shot blocks for fuel during my LR on Saturday!


Maybe I should start putting some fruit on my plate at every meal because food seems to look better with that splash of color there. I just put bananas in my oatmeal for breakfast, but besides that I don’t usually have fruit with other miles. It’s more of a snack.


I love Brooke’s little church dress :)

I try to eat fruits/veggies with every meal. I usually try to fill my plate half way with veggies for each meal. I am a volume eater- so it helps to fill up on the healthy stuff!

I could never sleep on the other side of the bed! That would make me closer to the door, and what would we do if a robber came in?!?


I am so interested in this pool running endeavor! Can’t wait to hear about it!


I sleep on the right. And it would DEFINITELY be weird to sleep on the other side.
I have fruit and veggies just about all day long. I don’t think there is ever any problem with me getting my 8 servings in.

The Kidless Kronicles


I need to try out water running since I’m also having so many knee problems!! I sleep on the left side of the bed, but funny thing is at our old house last year I slept on the right side!


That picture of Brooke just kills me. She looks so sweet and adorable! Like a little model baby!! Where did you get that little dress?!?


So funny about the sides of the couch and bed. I always sit on the left side of the couch – especially if we are eating because I’m left handed and I hate bumping elbows! I also sleep on the right side of the bed or if I’m sleeping alone right in the middle with my arms and legs spread eagled out :)

So excited to hear about the pool running!


I was really going to ask you about this one day…if we ever have another boy my husband wants him to be named Billy! I was wondering if he always goes by Billy or if he has to go by Bill professionally.


Yum! Definitely adding that recipe to my “Oh Crap!” arsenal, as she put it. :)

I always, always, always sleep on the right side of the bed. I also realized in our last 3 houses, I have made sure that my side is closest to the window, which I guess is my subconcious saying if the house catches fire, I’m the first one to jump and save myself… hmm.


When I’m at the boyfriend’s I’m always in the left side. It is his bed and his place, so I guess he gets first dibs on which side of the bed he wants. Actually now that I think about it, it would be kind of weird if we switched sides. I’m so used to being on the left side.


Brooke’s little church dress is adorable!


Left side sleeper here too (and I just realized I also sit on the left side when watching TV). I wonder what that all means?? When the baby arrives I’m going to probably have to switch to the right side of the bed (for about 3 months) because the co-sleeper isn’t going to fit on my side. SO TRAUMATIC!


I love Brooke’s little church dress – adorable!

I usually have 2-4 servings of fruit per day and 3-5 servings of veggies each day. My breakfast almost always includes fruit, and I try to have at least one vegetable at both lunch and dinner. I also have some fruit & veggie snacks throughout the day. Sometimes I slack in the vegetable department, particularly since I’ve been pregnant (they just don’t sound as good to me), but I’ve been trying!


I sleep on the left but I used to sleep on the right and growing up I had a twin bed so I guess I am pretty interchangable with the sides. I also switch couch sides a lot bc I live alone and dont want it to be uneven!


I sleep on the right side of the bed, and the left side of the couch. I am pretty sure it is because it is closest to the door.


I’m a right-side-of-the-bed sleeper, too. Though sometimes I shift to the center if Susanna is on the right side.

The only time it really changes is when we are staying at a hotel. The hub gets his pick of the side of the bed, as he still has lingering realities from the hit-by-car accident 3 years ago. I can adjust my sleep for his safety, peace of mind, and health any time!


I always sleep on the left side of the bed and sit on the left side of the couch and my husband sleep and sits on the other side. It feel just wrong when we switch like trying to write with my left hand instead of my right.

I use Honey Stingers for fuel in my races. I love that they are mostly just honey and are easy on my stomach!


Excited to hear how the pool run goes!!

I always sleep on the left side too! Weird how we stick to routines, isn’t it?

I always have a fruit with breakfast, sometimes a veggie if I am having eggs or something. I always have fruit and a veggie with lunch, and always always have veggies with dinner. My life feels out of balance if I don’t eat fruit or veggies at each meal. It’s a great habit to live by!!


I always sleep on the right. It would be incredibly weird to sleep on the other side. But when I’m not sharing the bed, I take up the whole thing =).

I use Shot Blocs (strawberry flavor) for all of my fueling needs. So far it’s the only one I like and I cannot stomach gels.

Our meals end up being mostly veggies, mixed in with some grains and protein. I loooveeee veggies. I probably have about 5-6 servings of fruit a day (two in my smoothie, one in my yogurt, 3 as snacks – today’s snacks are apple, banana, and grapefruit)


i sleep on the left but it’s the side closest to the door cause i get up to go the bathroom almost every night at some point. but i sit on the right side of the couch. that is my spot. i eat lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day beginning at lunch time, after my run.


Very interested to see how your pool running goes. I had to skip an 18 miles run this weekend because my legs were hurting too bad from hiking the Grand Canyon. That pool running would have come in handy.—-I always sleep on the left also–Great minds think alike


I used Cliff Shot Bloks at my triathlon yesterday. Last season I used Gu in tris and Gu for the first half of half marathon training and then switched to Honey Stinger chews. This so weird, but the packaging of the Honey Stinger chews make them hard to use in a tri, but perfect for a half marathon.


I have fruit with most meals…but I’m not really supposed to. Certain fruits give me eczema, but I told my dermatologist I’d rather eat fruit 3x+ a day than have perfect skin lol.

I am a left-side sleeper but a right-side couch sitter. Weird. It freaks me out to change sides, though.


Haha, I always sleep on the left.


I try to eat fruit at breakfast and lunch. And if fruit is in a dessert, it counts as being healthy!

I’m a left side of the bed sleeper too! And if my husband is not home when I got to bed, I have to sleep facing the bedroom door! Lol


Yes to fruit and veggies every day :) Lately I have given the Mason Jar meals a try to make things faster and easier (our own fast food version) and its great. I only eat fruit during breakfast and lunch never dinner.


That picture of Brooke with the Vi Fuel is the cutest ever – it makes me want to have a little girl!


Okay I’m going to be the odd man out, but we don’t have sides! We have one alarm clock, so whoever has to wake up first usually gets the side with the alarm clock. I usually wake up first so I usually sleep on the left, but on the days that I have off and Mr. wakes up first, I sleep on the right. Weird, but it works for us. I also wake up first and then reset the alarm clock for whatever time he wants to wake up. In the 8 years we’ve been married, I’ve only messed up twice that I can remember where I forgot to set he alarm. Thankfully! Cute picture of Brooke with the Vi Fuel…she’s so cute!


I can sleep on either side of the bed. Once I hit my pillow, I am out and don’t care where I am!

I’m trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies, but sadly I am happy if I eat at least ONE serving of fruit and ONE serving of veggies in a day!


I thought it was only me who had issues about sleeping on other sides of the bed. Like you, I always sleep on the left. Sleep just does not happen otherwise. When I mentioned it to me friend they all thought I was crazy! What a releif I’m not! :)


Get ready to be the hungrier hungry girl! Being in the pool makes me about 1000 times hungrier for some reason. I think it’s the warm water! Have fun!

And I look Brooke’s dress. SO cute.


OMG Brooke’s church outfit?! CUTEST. I just can’t. Also, I always eat fruit and veggies with every meal, too!! :) It’s nutrtitious and yummy!



Is that a jean shirt and striped skirt I see?!? OMG loving the outfit Janae! I might even love it so much that I’m going out to buy one just like it! what a stylish mom to such a stylish daughter


Okay. I realllllyyyy hope I have a daughter and I realllllyyyy hope she’s as cute as Brooke! I can’t take the cuteness!! ugh! I love the idea of a cereal bar on Sunday mornings. Good luck with the pool running!


I always sleep on the left side (looking at the bed). Always always!
BUT a couple of weeks ago I was having a really tough time sleeping so we swapped sides for a couple of nights and I slept like a baby!
Highly recommend from time to time!!
Can’t wait to hear how you like water running. I used to do it all the time in Australia when it was too damn hot to run!


i hope you love your pool workout! i’ve been going lately (just once a week with a group) and LOVE it. we use weights in the water and get such a good workout. plus, pools are just fun :] xo


Hi friend!!!! Totally gave to sleep on the right side. :) hope your pool run goes well!!!! Sending hugs and hope for IT healing your way.


I try to eat a fruit and/or veggie with each meal. But to be honest, I struggle a little with it. I’m getting better though!

I don’t have a side I have to sleep on (not that I share a bed with anyone right now haha), but I need to fall asleep with my back to the door. I don’t know why.


p.s. that salad looks AMAZING! Super jealous of it right now :)


Sounds like a great day!

I’ve been eating more fruit lately because my work has been providing free fruit a few days a week- I love it!


Hello from a fellow injured runner! I am dealing with a bad case of Achilles tendonitis (no running for a month!) and was told that pool running will help maintain my fitness. I’m excited to read your post and find out what you think! Good luck!


I always sleep on the side of the bed that is closest to the bathroom since I have the smallest bladder in the world. Works for us & our marriage! hah :)

Brooke is adorbs in that dress!!


My hubby had been wanting to capped David rather than Dave lately. It’s a hard habit to break! Love the photo of Brooke in church!!


I sleep on the left side and it would be totally weird if we mixed it up! I fueled on Shot Blocks on Saturday’s long run.

I love Brooke’s church dress and tights!


Brooke’s face is precious! I’m always on the left too… feels weird to mix it up. I like routines! Billy sounds a lot like my husband, he likes to be productive, and cleaning out closets would make him soo happy!


I’m running my first 10 miler in 2 weeks, and trying to decide whether I need to bring fuel. I’ve never tried Gu yet, and I’m curious about jelly beans, but how to carry them??


When I was younger I didn’t even think about eating fruit and vegetables with lunch and dinner. If I ate them, it was by chance! Now I make a real effort to eat them with most meals.

I sleep on the left side too. I’ve tried the right and had the worst sleep!


That dress Brooke is wearing is the cutest thing ever. Oh my goodness do I love your adorable family Janae!

Have a great week.


Great job on the organizing!


Good luck with the water running!


Ahhh, pool running. I’ve done some of that after my stress fractures. I got some strange looks from the other people at the pool. We actually have a group that meets at one of the YMCAs in our area that pool runs together on Thursday evenings. If I ever have to do it again, I’m going to do it with them! :)


I usually have fruit with breakfast and then vegetables at all the other meals (being vegetarian..that’s a given)! I sleep on the right side…no matter what. It just so happened that my ex-boyfriend slept on the left side so we never had issues sleeping-wise.


I eat fruit more than I eat veggies, just naturally. I need to eat more veggies though! Oops… That picture of Brooke with your fuel is too cute! She has this look on her face that says, “I know this is wrong but I don’t care” haha!


I eat fruits and veggies with every meal. Probably 3 servings of fruit/day. I sleep on the right side and I could sleep on either side but Chris wouldn’t be able to. I love using sport jelly beans or regular jelly bellies as my long run fuel!


I have to have fruits and/or veggies at every meal! And they have to be different colors. :) OCD
I sleep on the right side of the bed, away from the door. When we travel, it doesn’t matter what side of the bed I sleep on as long as my husband is closest to the door. You know, to protect me in case there are intruders!
I ran the Dixie 200 relay race from Atlanta to Birmingham this weekend with a team of running friends. I ran three legs totaling 20 miles over the course of 24 hours. Cup of Gold bars were my go to fuel!!


Oh my gosh Brooke is absolutely beautiful in that dress. She just makes me want to have baby again!! I try to get fruits and veggies at every meal-try anyway! I have a queen sized bed (by myself) and still only sleep on the left side of it!


I had to stop running for 8 weeks to let my stress fracture heal, grr. and had to give up running Boston :( but luckily i started last week and all is well. Luckily I do a ton of cross training so it was semi-ok. I take the master swim class, spin class, lots of weights and weight classes, started rowing and doing the “running machine” at the gym. Kinda like a glorified elliptical? I also water jogged- and bought that exact belt. I didn’t do it too often because its boring as all heck- unless you have someone to talk to?! But it will wipe your legs out!! Wait until later in the day. I am hoping to do the Windsor half marathon on May 19th…so if you are healed up by then, you should drive a little further north and JOIN!! Rest up!!


My fiance and I have separate bedrooms and I still only sleep on the right side of my bed. I put my books and tissues on the left side. I don’t even roll over that way!

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