Guess who’s training for their first half marathon?

Brooke and I spent the afternoon at the mall.  I had some things to return and that turned into me going into every store attempting to find the perfect Easter dress for her.  Growing up we always had Easter dresses (mom, why did you stop doing this tradition with me… I could use a new dress this year;) and so of course I have to do this tradition with Brooke.  

Now I just need to convince Billy that it is normal to spend $50 at Baby Gap for her Easter dress, cardigan and shoes.   I guess we will go to Target instead.  

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Fun Fact Wednesday:  Brooke scooted all of the way from where her books are to the weights.  It was impressive.  

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Billy and I had a very important night last night.  We had the Biggest Loser Finale to watch together.  I made something very special for this occasion.  Homemade french fries and Philly Cheesesteaks with homemade hoagies.  I have to say that I am beyond happy about the winner of the BL.  The worst is now I have to wait MONTHS until the next season.  What will I do with my life?

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After the show Bangs Friend showed me her training plan on her phone for her VERY FIRST HALF MARATHON.  This makes me so so happy.  She is going to rock it and I love when people get into running/races/the best sport in the world. 

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Todays the day I teach spin and here is the beautiful playlist.  Since I am thinking that spin is what is causing my IT Band misery I am going to take it super super easy and hopefully that silly thing on the side of my right leg will magically heal.  

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Anyone else training for their FIRST 1/2 MARATHON or their FIRST RACE EVER?

Who watched the Biggest Loser finale?  Were you happy about who won?

Tell me the last workout that you did that you want to repeat…. it was such an awesome run/workout/race that you want to do it all over again.  

French fries vs. sweet potato fries, which one wins your love?

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I know sweet potatoes are “supposedly” better for you but regular old potatoes will always have my heart. I’m training for my first full marathon, does that count? We always got new dresses for Easter too. I still feel weird when I wear something old to church on Easter.


SWEET POTATO FRIES have my heart :)

Thanks for sharing your playlists, I love them!

Favorite workout is hands down trail running… just waiting for this annoying stress fracture to clear up so that I can start again!


Team Dani!!!!! Team Pink (usually) dominates! I love making sweet potatoe fries. Fun fact… I made them several times a week last spring and I turned orange. My husband made me detox. I had a great run yesterday; the weather was perfect and I was 100% pain free.


I’m training for my first half marathon in April.
And I watch biggest loser and was rooting for Dani the whole time so needless to say I was super happy when she won :)


It is so much fun buying clothes for little ones! I bought an Easter dress for my niece way back in November. It was too cute to pass up! This Auntie plans ahead well in advance!
I am training for my first 10K in May! So excited :) Planning to run a 1/2 Marathon in August!
I am SO happy about who won BL! Already looking forward to next season!
It’s a hard choice but I would have to go with french fries. Though I like sweet potato fries, I think I would tire of them after awhile. I could never get sick of french fries!


I am so happy about the BL winner!

Yesterday I had a six mile run in the rain/sleet, so I’m really happy that today is on the bike trainer and inside!


No question sweet potato fries win my love!!! :)

I’m training for my second half marathon at the moment. Thanks for the playlist, needed some new ideas to mix it up!!


I am right with you about getting excited for friends picking up running! Makes me so happy : ) I am on a rest week but next week I start training to be a super model / my first trail race (I’m doing a half marathon distance one). I actually went totally all out and made a color coded schedule from last week through June 9th! ( totally worth check out! Oh and I am obsessed with sweet potatoes all the way!


I watched it last night too and am thrilled with the winner! Everyone looked great. I can’t choose which kind of fries I love most since I’m pretty much obsessed with all fries :)


Yay bangs friend!!! I always got an Easter dress, too- last year my mom made me some DIY easy pattern on Pinterest and my sister a matching one just like old times , haha!


I’d be interesting to hear about her training plan what with it being her first and all :) There are so many plans available I’m a bit lost!


Baked Sweet Potato fries.. Parsnips are super good too.

I train just to run anything.. No big plans to run any races as of yet. I’m thinking of maybe a tri? Have you ever done one?


I’m currently training for my first race — a half marathon! I love any type of fry, but always feel better about life after choosing sweet potato over regular fries. Good luck Bangs!


My favorite workouts lately have been card workouts. They are quick yet get you super sweaty! Example: Clubs – Burpee, Spades – Push ups, Hearts – Toe touch crunch, Diamonds – Squat with overhead shoulder press. It is fun to do with a group or alone and you can cater it to the amount of time you have. Oh and Aces are 11 reps, not 1!! :)


Some other great workouts for at home are Fitness Blender on Youtube. They have TONS of videos, def worth checking out! They range in intensity and time it takes to complete the workout.


Mmmm…sweet potato fries!

Spinning and my IT band don’t get along. Period. I have been getting ART done on my IT band and it seems to be helping.



LOVE the playlist… can you come teach my spin class??


I’m training for my first 1/2 in august the lululemon 1/2!!!! Excited and nervous. Old navy had some cute dresses for little girls. Sweet potato are my favorite. Loving my crossfit personal training workouts!!


Currently running a trail run series that will include my first half. After I’ve completed those I’m considering signing up for my first full.

Last work out that I’d like to repeat (other than running): I’ve been doing 30 minute @ home circuit work outs that I’ve really been enjoying. Usually follow them up with 30 min. of yoga.

It’s absurd to have to choose between french fries and sweet potato fries. It just depends on my mood. I LOVE the Alexia chipotle sweet potato fries and the sweet potato puffs!


I am kind of in awe at your homemade hoagies!!! And sweet potato tots and fries all the way! Good luck to bangs in her first half marathon!!!


I am one of those weird people who does not like fried food, so I would say neither, but if I have to pick one I would pick sweet potato fries. But your big steak fries look good!


I’m training for my first half and now it’s only three weeks away! Eeeeek! Ill be running the Rock N Roll San Francisco which I am so excited about because its the inaugural race. Now to hope I make it to the finish line!


It was only a matter of time before your friend caught the running bug :) With you around, I’m sure she’ll have an absolute blast! I thought you were going to say it was brooke in training for a second.


I loved who won the biggest loser, she looked amazing! I want to do the Walt Disney World Marathon again!! BEST. RACE. EVER!! Sweet potato fries are the best!! I am GF so I eat these like it is my job!


Love the playlists!!! Keep posting them great references for my outdoor cycling playlist!!! First day of spring yet 30cm of snowfall last night!!


Way to go Brooke! She is definitely a marathoner in the making!


AWE how exciting. I remember my first thoughts of training for a half marathon and thinking…how the heck am I going to get that far. I loved the process of training just as much as I loved crossing the shoot and with every half marathon afterwords.


My friends want me to train for a half this year. I’m not sure yet. Congrats to your friend. She will do awesome.
Brooke can make any dress cute for Easter. :)


Go Brooke!! Pretty soon you are going to be chasing her around everywhere.. haha and you’re gonna have to watch out, word on the street is that her parents are pretty fast – she’s going to be a little speedster! ;)

I was SO happy with with the winner of BL. I think I cried all the way through the finale, it was so amazing. And the kids looked incredible! I will be sad every Monday for the next while because there will be a hole in my life.

My favourite race ever was a half marathon I ran last summer. I was having a lot of back problems the morning of the race and was devastated because I had worked so hard and was hoping for a big PB. I almost didn’t run because my back was so bad, but I finally decided I’d abandon my time goal and just plow through it with a goal of finishing. A few miles in I started feeling better and somehow, without even really looking at my watch or worrying about my time, I did it!! I ran my goal time! There’s a picture of me at the finish line seeing my time and I look SO happy. It was awesome :)


I am training for my first half marathon on May 18th!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!

And I was so happy with the results of the Biggest Loser!! I cheered for Danni all season, actually I cheered for all of them! I was also completely shocked by Lisa a well!!!! This was my first time watching BL so I am totally pumped for next season!!!


You know, I usual hate track workouts and avoid them at all costs. But then, once I’m going through them I love it and feel so proud afterwards. So that’s my last workout I ( surprisingly) loved. Sweet potato fries all the way!


Ahhhh I haven’t seen the BL finale yet! Fun/scary fact: I’ve never liked french fries…. but I do love sweet potato fries :D I haven’t gone for a run in a while cause I’ve been battling a nasty cold but I’ll definitely be back at it this weekend. I hope that taking it easy at spin will help heal you’re IT band – and fast!


I am training for my first Boston marathon, does that count? And the race I would love to repeat is the NYC Marathon since it didn’t happen this year. I hope to run it in 2014. Sweet potato fries for sure!


Good luck to bangs friend in her training! I’ve never run a race before, but sometimes I catch the excitement bug from other people who run them and think about trying one out for myself. Maybe. Someday ;)

Oh, and regular old potato fries all the way. Sweet potato fries are good and all, but nothing beats a classic potato fry with tones of ketchup.


I am currently training for my 6th half marathon in may. The OC half and will be my 3rd time running it. I used to watch the biggest loser, but have stopped a couple seasons ago. I prefer roasted sweet potatoes, not french fries.


Not training for my first race, but am running/training for my first 10-miler! I already ran a half in February, but I’m sticking to regular running now and my 10-miler isn’t until October, so I have time to heal and get ready for my race :D I LOVE sweet potato fries, but I don’t eat them nearly enough!


The Biggest Loser and The Walking Dead are me and my bf’s absolute favorite shows. We also are always sad when the season’s over and we have to wait and wait and wait for the next season. Danni looked incredible!!! She looked like a supermodel & I loved her hair. Jackson, Jeff, and Danni all did an incredible job, though. I wish Jeff could have gotten some kind of prize because he would have won the at home challenge (I think).

I loved the kids this year. Bingo is the cutest thing ever. I just love him.


There is a loop trail with spurs in Virginia that I used to run often. It is the perfect trail, and I would move it where I am any day for any workouts.


*It was a 2-mile loop (spurs were extra distance).
*It lead to the Potomac River (I’d stop and chill at the views when I needed a break).
*It had 2 sets of stairs that were perfect for repeats.
*It had a bridge that was amazing for sprints.
*It had a decent amount of elevation gain/loss, but not too much.
*The park rangers were the best and I always felt safe there.
*As it ran along the Potomac River, the views were always changing (low tide, high tide, etc.).
*It was a nesting ground for bald eagles.
*The people with dogs on the trail were the nicest people around.
*It was 3 miles from my home.

I varied my workouts on the trail, so I cannot say I have a specific one I’d repeat. I’d just repeat running on the trail again, and again, and again.


Funny you should ask! I woke up and registered for my first half EVER! OMGosh, I am so scared! What was I thinking? Running a half has always been a life time goal but every time I get close, I put it on hold due to getting pregnant/breastfeeding (I have 5 little ones!). So, I figured it’s now or never (my baby just turned a year). I love your blog. You are very inspiring. Keep it up!


She must have really strong stomach muscles to scoot such a big distance!

I choose the French fries. Yummy!


Sweet potato fries…and even better sweet potato tots! So good!


I love sweet potato fries, best invention ever!


I’m training for my first half and I’m SOOOO excited!!!! I like having my workout already mapped out for the week, especially when they have to fit in during nap time! :) I also love boxing and MMA so those fit in perfectly on cross training days. The race is called “Running with the cows” and you basically are running through the flint hills of Kansas…should be pretty!!!

And I LOVEEEEEEEEEE who won BL!!! I am really sad though that we have to wait so long for more episodes! Haha all I can think of is WHAT am I going to watch during my long runs?!!?!?!?!!!!???!? :)


me! me! i am training for my first half marathon ever!! I am SO EXCITED. I haven’t even run a race before, but since the half is a long ways out I definitely plan to get some 10ks in before then.

The last workout I did was a 5.5 mile run yesterday with speedwork at the end. and I LOVE BOTH sweet potato and regular fries so I have no idea what I’d pick. probably sweet potato fries if the dipping sauce includes toasted marshmallow


I never had sweet potato fries until I moved south and now I am ADDICTED to them!!

I’ve actually become addicted to all fry like items: baked plantains, baked cauliflower- basically the recipes I obsess about on my blog.


french fries!


Sweet potato fries for sure!


I loved when my boys were small enough for the little baby gap clothes! So cute! Although I was only able to buy them for my first son, we now sport Old Navy if all three need a new set of clothes that match. (Well Childrens place usually for really cute outfits)

Katie is going to be great at a half – there is no way that girl can rock bangs and food and then not be able to rock a half! :)

Hope your IT band gets better soon! *I just want to be able to run again – been kicked down with sickness the last few weeks.


I’m training for my first half! Actually, I got ambitious and signed up for 2. We’ll see how that goes! The first is the BMO Vancouver Half at the beginning of May and the second is the Rock n’ Roll Seattle at the end of June. The challenge is not only to train well/properly, but also balance training with my new teaching job that is starting in 1.5 weeks. I have Spring Break until then to plan, and then I had better be ready from then until June 30th cause I will be Busy!!!

I have been battling some heel pain lately so it has been a while since a workout has been Amazing, but I do like running in my neighbourhood. Depending on which direction I go, I can either make it completely flat (prairie to the south), completely crazy steep (mountain to the north) or a great combo of the two (foothills run east-west). The foothills run has been my favourite lately, as not only does it include hills and flat areas, but it also has a couple of possible loops so it is easy to add miles when I need to.


I’m training for my first half marathon! It’s only 38 days away and I’m getting nervous!

French fries all the way. No contest!


I enjoy both types of fries, but really have been enjoying sweet potato fries with honey mustard for dipping!


I am SO happy about the Biggest Loser finale! I wonder if Jillian will be back next season or not; I hope so!


Omg I’m so glad you didn’t spoil the finale, I totally forgot that happened this week! I’m on spring break and there’s no such thing as TV or days of the week here!


I’m not training for any races yet, but I am trying to get get where I can run a mile without stopping. Just starting out.

I was very happy with the Biggest Loser outcome. And I would love to get my guns looking half as good as hers. Not so happy with who won the at home prize, but that contestant just put a BAD taste in my mouth with her constant complaining and whining.

French fries always win. I’ve tried the sweet potato fries, but I’m not a fan of sweet potatoes in general.


I was soo happy with the BL!! I would have preferred a different at home winner but was so happy with the overall winner. We loved this season!


I have so many memories of shopping for Easter dresses with my mom and sisters! Love it!

That is so exciting that your friend is training for her first half! I get excited when people start running, too! I’m always like, “ha! one more convert! yesssss” I hope she loves it!!

I LOVE sweet potato fries in a big way- but regular french fries are classic and hold my heart AAF.


I LOVE that One Republic song for spinning! Excellent choice :) A teacher of mine used it last week for a fast climb and it has been on serious repeat ever since.


Hi Janae! I’m sooo excited for you now that you have a coach! And just excited for you in general. I’m also having an IT band issue (I think it started because of weakness in my muscles after my hip surgery) and my PT told me that spin is OK if I adjust the seat properly, but to avoid the stair climber. I’m also pool running like a BOSS. I know you don’t need unsolicited advice :) But I swear by pool running because it doesn’t seem to aggravate my IT band and it’s one heck of a workout!!
Have a great day!


Sweet potato fries all the way!
This was the first season I watched the Biggest Loser and I was so happy with the winner. They all made such incredible transformations!


I saw that dress at baby gap and it is so pretty. Check out Gymboree too, they have some cute ones. If you sign up with gap online they almost always send discounts too.


I watched the BL finale last night too! I was amazed at the transformations!! INCREDIBLE!


First, why are baby clothes so expensive?! I found a couple good consignment shops that have NEW clothes with the tags still on em’ for a fraction of the price.
I don’t watch BL, but I did see the finale. I was happy and thought she looked FABULOUS. Love her dress!
I’m doing my FIRST post baby marathon in Oct. The USMC marathon. Love DC!
I’m kind of a sweet potato fanatic so anything sweet potato I will do, especially w/rosemary


i JUST signed up for my first half! so excited!! and nervous =)


As much as I Love regular potato french fries, sweet potato french fries defintely have my heart!! But who am I kidding… fries (in general) have my heart! Def. a guilty pleasure of mine. ;-)

And yes, I’m training for my first 5K, which is my first race EVER! It’s next Saturday and I am SO excited! :-) Look forward to building up my endurance and doing a 10-miler next and then perhaps a half marathon by next year! Best wishes to Bangs friend!!


Actually, I think cycling caused the problems I’m having in my left knee right now. I don’t know if I had my bike set up wrong or if my IT band is too tight but it doesn’t bother me until I bike. I hope your IT band feels better soon! Sweet taters win in my book. I love ’em!

I always wore Easter dresses when I was younger, too. It was a big deal in my household to find me the cutest/poofiest/frilly dress. Lovely. lol

PS. Danni looks like a bikini body builder! HOLY MOLY


Aw she will be crawling in no time! :)
I’m training for a half in may and I’m loving it…it’s my first race since having a baby in October so it’s been a challenge to fit in runs with her and my 3 year old and cold snowy weather!

I do not like sweet potato fries. I’ve tried but they just don’t cut it for me but I LOVE greasy potato French fries lol.


I’ve been training for my first 10k. I completed my first 5K in November, and I am hoping to run a 10k next month. My training hasn’t been the greatest :(. I’ve been sick a lot this winter with sinus infections. As for clothing…I love buying my daughter’s clothes from Target and Old Navy! Well I love Target period!


So happy with the winner of the biggest loser, she totally deserved to win and I’m really happy Jillian won…she’s a badass


Where is your friend racing?


easter dresses are a must. a few years i even had one of those big white hats to go with. which reminds me, i need to go shopping for my daughter:)

great playslist!


Yessss! My first half is April 13th! I am running 10 miles on Friday as part of my training schedule :-)


I have my FIRST 5k Saturday! I have only been running since January and I’m super nervous. But I’m thinking if it goes well I might sign up for a 10k that happens in mid-april. I can only run about a 5k distance right now so I’ll probably run/walk the 10k but I really want to try it!


I did one of my Tae Bo DVD’s for the first time in months this morning. I forgot how much fun it is. I’ll definitely be doing it again sooner rather than later.


French fries all the way!


Homemade hoagies?! By you?? They look delish!


I am training for my first 10K (in three weeks!), as well as my very first 1/2 marathon. After I registered for my 10K, my motivation got the best of me so I signed up for the 1/2. Anxious to see how it goes…

The last workout I did that I’d like to repeat is outside running in general. :) I am getting tired of the treadmill, and the Nebraska winter is getting in the way of me running outside!

Sweet potato fries always win!


I have my first REAL half marathon in two and a half weeks!!!
After that I start training for my first full! It’s so exciting!


So happy about Danni! Wish Lisa had won the at-home competition though. She looks INCREDIBLE!


Yep, my first half marathon is at the end of May, and I’ve already signed up for another in September! I’ve already bought my “13.1” window decal to put on my car after the race!


I am training for my first half marathon. It is on April 7th, only 18 days away. I am very excited. I couldn’t follow a training schedule due to work, family etc so I am not expecting to have a good time. But whatever I do it will be my PR :)


Can you share what you do for you IT band. I suffer with it too. I try to always use my foam roller and stretch, but if you have any good exercises or specific stretches please share!


LOVE Mr. Brightside for spin class!!!! A class I used to take years ago she played tons of the Killers – so much fun. Gosh I would love to take one of your classes.


I was rooting for Danni from day one so I was SO excited. She looked fantastic (and she put on 19lbs of muscle!!!!!)

I just want to be able to run pain free :-( My last run was terrible and I am craving a good one

I LOVE fries- any form. But if given the choice I usually go with sweet potato fries


I was so happy that Danni won! She was my favorite contestant throughout the entire season. Plus I’m a huge Jillian fan so I loved that they worked together. Two days out and I’m already going through withdrawals.


so neat that your friend will be training for her 1st 1/2. what’s doubly neat is that she has YOU to guide her. :) :)

yes, I watched the finale of the BL. Danni totally deserved it!! her transformation was amazing!! she says she going to run Chicago marathon in Oct which I think is soo inspiring!! Bingo is the cutest. All of those kids are awesome!

I’d like to repeat what I did today next week. total of 10 mi w/5×1200 m @ 5k pace. :) Happy 1st day of Spring my friend!!! xoxo


I haven’t watched the finale yet, but I’m really excited for it! After that, I’m going to follow the web-series that the Biggest Loser has been advertising on their facebook page chronicalling Filipe’s journey to re-lose the weight.


I love when little kids where Easter outfits. My mom used to dress us in an Easter dress with a white hat and socks that had frillies (is that a word) on the edge.

My workout today is a 2 mile warmup, 2 x 1200 at 3k pace, 4 x 600 at mile pace, then a 1 – 2 mile cool down. I will be running inside because it is 10 degrees in Wisconsin today!


I really want to like sweet potatoes, but it’s just not happening. Therefore, French fries for me! And my run this past Friday was SO wonderful. I did 6 miles with no sun, 50-degree weather, and on a track RIGHT next to the ocean. Twas beautiful and felt great. I’d love to experience a run that nice again!


I’m training for my first half marathon too!! I did my first 5k last October, skipping that 10k business, going for the half. Fitness magazine women’s half in NYC!!!!so excited/nervous/excited!


I love Brooke’s scooting abilities. It looks like she’s fast like her mamma! I used to watch BL, but I don’t have time for the 2 hour episodes anymore. I’m sure it was good though with Jillian being back.


I use to get an Easter dress every year, too! I miss that. Life is good when you’re a little girl. Brook is going to be adorable.

I was happy Danni won the biggest loser. She looked AMAZING and she was exuding happiness!!! What an inspiration. I also loved Joe.

I vote for sweet po fries! Yumz.


Yay for Bangs friend! That is so exciting. Halfs are the best! She’ll love it!

I’m actually not a fan of sweet potatoes (I know. I know. I’m a bad person) but my roommate’s mom does make some mean sweet potato fries. Normally I’d just say the regular ones though.


You should look up Back to Love (ft. Jay Sean)-Dj Pauly D
Always gets me pumped for workouts or anything for that matter!!!


OMG I LOVE SWEET POTATO FRIES!! Especially with the raspberry dipping stuff. OH SO GOOD!
I JUST ran my first race last weekend…My goal this year is to do 4 5ks and 4 10ks and then next February I’m gonna attempt the Disney Princess Half! I’m really excited! It’ll be my little 30th bday present to myself! :)
And Biggest Loser…WOWIE! They all looked great! I’m sooo happy for Danni! I was pulling for her this whole season! My Boyfriend, who isn’t a BL watcher, watched the last few episodes with me and texted me yesterday morning to tell me that he couldn’t stop thinking about the show! He was so amazed!


I’m training for my first 1/2!! It’s on April 13th and I’ve still got a long way to go, but I think I can do it :)


I was rooting for Danni the entire time! She was amazing and looks fantastic. So happy for her!

Sweet potato fries! Especially if they are sprinkled with a little cinnamon. Yum!


I am sooooo happy with the BL winner!!!!


I’m training for my first half!! I’m so excited! It’s on June 15th, and it’s the American Fork Canyon Half… yay Utah! I’ve had killer shin splints though, so I took a month off running. I ran a half mile yesterday with NO PAIN! I’m soooo happy! Gotta get back to training now… :)


Sweet potato fries. Obviously. ;)

I watched the Biggest Loser Finale, and I was super happy Dani won. I mean, she worked solo for like half of the freaking season. She looked so fantastic that it gave me shivers when she came out for the first time. She looked like a whole different person. Likewise, the other two finalists look amazing as well. I was a little disappointed that Lisa didn’t win the $100,000, but I guess the other woman (can’t remember her name) earned it, so…

The kids were fun to see as well. I’m glad to see that they weren’t losing huge amounts of body weight over such a short period of time like the contestants do (because let’s be honest losing 130 pounds in 3-4 months is not very healthy). I was kind of confused why they had the cheerleading squad come out with Lindsay though. I mean, let’s just go ahead and reward the girls who bullied her into quitting in the first place? Sigh.


Homemade french fries are hands down my most favorite food in the whole wide world!!! I’m training for my first half & I’m scared!


That’s great that she’s training for her first half! I’m not training for any races, but someday I’ll get up the nerve to do at least a 5k. I haven’t watched the finale yet, but I’m super excited for it! I still haven’t heard who won so I’ll be surprised when I see it.


I LOVE the biggest loser winner i was hoping they would win the whole time! I am training for my first 1/2 as well it is on the 4th of july and im super excited and nervous all at the same time!


My husband and I watched the biggest loser last night too while we rode on our bike trainers. It was awesome. I’m so happy with who won. I can’t wait for the next season.

I love running, but I even more love the feeling of being done with running. So I don’t know that I ever want to repeat my workouts!


I am legitimately training for a half-marathon for the first time ever, so I guess that counts? I’ve run two so far, and those have been completed by sheer force of will and pride. I figured I would give it a go the real way.

I definitely watched the Biggest Loser finale and was over the moon for Danni. She looked AMAZING (meh on her hair) and worked so hard. She was definitely an inspiration this season, but can you believe that Jeff lost 181 pounds????? Holy crap!

I have been Crossfitting lately, so that is a love/hate relationship. Once a workout’s over, it’s my favorite thing in the world. The blogosphere has been abuzz with barre and spinning, and I was definitely wondering how those affect IT band issues. I’m sure you’ll keep us posted, but I am really interested in knowing if going easier on the spinning helps. I have my first barre class tomorrow… yipes.

All fries are good fries. Put them in my face!


So happy for the biggest loser winner. I can’t believe how close it was. We are going to Disney World in October and there a 10-miler race that weekend. If I am going to do 10 I might as well train for a 1/2.


Love your blog!
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this in a comment, or you thought of it, but do you think pushing the stroller has anything to do with IT band problems?

I push my 2 yo. daughter, and remember how different it was, and espeically trying to add distance with her! Just a thought!


Yes!!! You are so right!! I think the jogging stroller plus spin messed me up!!! Thank you and have an amazing day!


Sweet potato fries! Or puffs, or tots, or mashed, or baked….

Target has so many cute Easter dresses and outfits right now! You would definitely find something for Brookie there.


Oh my goodness I was ECSTATIC when Danni won – although what was that horrible thing they did to her hair!?! Jillian was looking fine in that yellow dress, and all in all I thought the whole show was brilliant. Pass on my congrats to bangs friend on taking on the half, and I can’t wait to hear (through you!) how it goes :)


I’ve been meaning to tell you THANK YOU for sharing your spin class playlists! I’ve gotten some great new running music off of your lists. Nothing like new music to keep you motivated!

And YAY for Bangs Friend (BF) training for her first half! You must’ve rubbed off on her. :)


I cheered for Danni for most of the season, especially after Lisa got voted off. I was hoping that Danni would win the overall prize and Lisa would win the at-home prize. I wrote my whole blog on The Biggest Loser yesterday (from a trainer’s perspective)…


Yay for Bangs friend! I always had the same tradition of getting a new Easter Sunday dress every year, but its less fun when you’re a grown up and have to shop and pay for it on your own :(


yay for bangs!!! I love BL and I loved who won. i actually liked all the finalists, they were my favs.


Sweet potato fries, for sure!
And YAY for Bangs Friend in training for her first half :D
(Oh, and I’m totally happy for who won BL).


I am training for my first half marathon. It is April 27th. I am nervous because the weather has not been cooperating here in Illinois to get much running done outside. Today is the first day of Spring and the high temp is in the 20’s! I have had to do most, but not all, of my training on a treadmill. About 5 weeks to go…..

I do LOVE Biggest Loser!!! I can’t believe it all came down to 1 lb this year. Usually I am so excited for the winner and other contestants for how successful they are. But, this year I just felt bad for Jeff that it all came down to 1 lb. Still so much to be proud of.

Along with the running that I am doing for the half training, I also do Crossfit. I am not a big runner but do like doing a mix of things. Crossfit just adds more variety, which I like. I think the weather is playing a factor in my like of running as well. If it was nicer, I think I would be more into the running. There are several Crossfit workouts that are fun and I would re-do. There are several I hope to never have to do again too!!

Just found your blog. I look forward to reading more on it!!


Love your blog. You find the fun in everything, Brooke is adorable, and you are amazing. I’m glad Bangs is running her first half and look forward to reports on her progress. Tell her we are all rooting for her. I haven’t found cures for the various running injuries except for rest, and I know how frustrating that can be. I hope your ITB issues resolve quickly.


It’s hard to choose! I love both regular and sweet potato fries! I’ll go with sweet potato though.


Good luck Bangs Friend! :)
I am training for my first ever 10km eek! It’s in 3 weeks. I’ve been running for just over a year and I’ve only done a 5km race. I am thinking of signing up for my first ever half in September! I think it’s known as ‘Ireland’s Flattest Course’ or something, haha! There’s a really beautiful one I’m dying to do called the Achill Half Marathon but that’s one further down the line I think, I’d like to do a flatter less hilly one first.

I only have ever seen tiny bits of Biggest Loser, sadly. I’m not sure why I never got into it, it sounds like something I would like.

I ran a lovely few miles last summer one night that I’d like to repeat for no other reason than it was just a lovely night and legs felt good and I remember really enjoying it.

Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are all welcome to my house and to my belly!


Mmm your dinner looks great!! I love your spin playlists too, thanks for sharing!


I am definitely a fan of the sweet potato fries! I love them! Congrats to bangs for her first half! That is awesome!


Yay! Bangs friend! I am training for my first 1/2 right now! HRG, you should post on her training plan for all us newbies!


Ahhhh goodluck bangs!!! I am training for my very first half right now too!! I decided the Utah Valley Half will be the best because it is mostly downhill :) Any advice on this race?!?


Your food always looks so good!! I did my very first Bikram-hot yoga class last night and it was amazing!! Very different and I feel eventually I’ll have to mix in some regular yoga as well and still do the gym, too. The heat is the most challenging part but I LOVE sweating, especially in that class! I am so sore today but a good sore! Can’t wait to go back!

Sweet potatoes all the way!! Especially dipped in honey mustard! :)


YES! Love, love, loved Danni. And I read today she wants to run the Chicago Marathon – go girl :)


Sweet potato fries!!


I’m not training for my first race – but I am training for my first race POST BABY! I am kind of scared to start running again – I used you as my inspiration to run throughout my pregnancy, only 5ks but still. I was able to run 5k at 41 wks (very slowly). But then I had a cesarean and i am finally able to start running 8 weeks later. So I am about to start training for a 10k in May and a half marathon – possibly in May as well. I’m torn between doing a half that early or not – I know it will be slow and difficult, but it’s on my birthday so I feel like I had to do something.


My last workout was running on the treadmill followed by the stairmaster… Holy cow that is hard! Thanks for giving me the courage to try it though! I kept feeling like I was doing it wrong… Are you supposed to be lower to the ground or higher up? Also when I would let go of the handles I would kind of fall down a little bit haha… oh well. It was still a great workout that I wouldn’t have tried otherwise!


That dress in the picture with Brooke is so cute!!! I always find cute baby clothes but can’t justify spending $1million dollars on a shirt they’ll outgrow in 2 days…

I have been putting off watching the finale of Biggest Loser, just because I don’t want t to be over, but I should watch it soon so I can find out the winner on my own!


Hooray Bangs Friend! I am training for my (sort of) first half marathon too! I guess my first half marathon was the first part of the marathon…but this is my first race that is a half-marathon distance! :)

I didn’t watch the BL finale. I was waiting to watch it on Hulu, but everyone and their mother posted online who won…ahh well. I’ll probably still watch it :)

I love regular french fries if I want to eat massive quantities and sweet potato fries for short bursts of flavor :)


Awww! So exciting ‘bangs friend’ (I love how you continue to call her that even though you’ve used her name on the blog before.. nicknames are the best) is going to be training for her first 1/2!! I will begin training for my FIRST full marathon in July… the race is in November!

We watched the Biggest Loser finale! The contestant we rooted for from day 1 won!! Yay!

Hmmm if I could get the same strong feeling I had during a 4 mile progressive run last week, I’d do that workout again.

French fries over sweet potato fries for sure! BUT between a baked potato and a baked sweet potato, I’d take the sweet potato!


I’m training for my first half marathon! It’s on April 27th and I’m running it with my stepmom. So excited!


Training for my first half and I’m so nervous! I currently have a groin/hip flexor injury, but once it’s healed, I’m back to training!


I’m training for my first half marathon in June!! I’m so excited! I just ran the Shamrock 8k on St. Patrick’s Day and that was the longest race I have ran, so I’m really excited to run a half!!


AHHH I haven’t watched the BL finale yet, so THANK YOU for not giving it away!! :) Those hoagies look amazing, can I come over for dinner sometime?!?



Sweet potato fries for the win, though I do love me some In N out Fries. darn I want them now.

I did a mini Tri yesterday :) Ran 2.5 miles, swam 1000 yards and had an hour spin class. Whoo hoo. That was actually really fun. I haven’t done mini brick workouts in a loooooong while.

Congrats to Bangs Friend and training for her 1st 1/2! With a friend like you, she is going to train well :) I am curious to know which 1/2 it will be though? If it’s local, I would love to meet up and run with! Or say high at the start line lol.


Training for my first half marathon in Ottawa on may 26th !!! :D Can’t wait ! My longest distance so far is 13 km done on monday and I’m adding one more km each week :) I don’t run as fast as you do though ;)


I am training for my first half marathon!! It’s April 27 and I have 10 miles for my long run this Saturday, to say im nervous is an understatement!


Good luck Bangs Friend! I am also training for my first half marathon. I decided to raise money for charity to motivate me even more, so I’m raising money for the Cancer Council and blogging about my journey!

Well, I’m from Australia so I am going to make you jealous because our Biggest Loser has just started again (this one is a parent with a child as a team) so it’s very emotional! But… if it makes you feel better – we didn’t have it for months before that!!!

Loving my running at the moment. Trying so hard to put some strength training in… but just want to run!

French fries for me.. Haven’t had them in so long… Mmmmm – now I won’t be able to stop thinking about them ;)


I watched the finale too and enjoyed it. Glad Jillian is back.


I LOVE the rowing machine! I had a lot of friends in high school who rowed and they got me into it. is a great resource for new workouts every day!


She was my fav all season. I am super sad it is over.


I am training for my very first 1/2 marathon!!! Actually my first 2 1/2 marathons (lofty goals!) The first is in August (RnR Pittsburgh, PA) and the second is in November for my 27th birthday (St. Petersburg, FL).

And just a side note, when I am on the treadmill and I want to stop running due to being tired or bored, I think of one of two things:

1) You and your awesome, speed racer self as inspiration, and

2) Dolvett on the BL saying “Hard Work, Dedication!!”


My mom always bought us new dresses for easter! I love that tradition!


As a Gap employee I have to comment- I absolutely love the Peter Rabbit collection in GapKids. Too bad you didn’t go this weekend- it was Friends and Family sale and everything was an additional 40% off!! I say you just go and get it anyway :)


I watched biggest loser last night also, and had the same thought, what do i do till next season?!?!? Biggest loser withdrawals. I even thought about pausing it midway, and watching the second half next week.
Your food love questions always tear at my heart a bit. How could i choose one over the other?


I’m training for my 2nd full marathon in May!! Fargo here I come!


Yes, I am doing my first half marathon this Sept!! I am never run over 7mi. I am trying to find a plan that let’s me start early and doesn’t want me to run consecutive days.


Please share your recipe for the philly cheesesteak sandwiches and hoagie. I think that is one of my favorite foods in the whole wide world!


I love the BL winner too!! I was so excited that that is who won.They look amazing!!


You can watch the Aussie series of Biggest Loser while you wait for the next US season. Here’s the link- it started less than a week ago and is parents and their kids.


I’m always looking for new workout music, and I LOVE your spin playlists! When I have time to buy new songs on Itunes though, I have trouble going back and finding the posts with your playlists. Would it be possible to create a separate folder and the top of your page with a link to all of the playlists you’ve created? That would be a huge help!


Hey jean! Thank you! So do you have Pinterest? I have a board on Pinterest that has all of my playlists in there! Would you like it?


AHH YES! I just found your board on Pinterest and started following you! Thanks for responding so quickly, I really appreciate it!


Thank you!!!!


I work at Baby Gap and I love watching all the cute kids come in. Great store, kinda pricey, but when we have sales, they are great!

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