How have I never tried these before?

It is official. I need to go to El Salvador. Their food is INCREDIBLE!

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One of my friends is moving away from us (BOOOO) and so we had a going away lunch for her at an El Salvadorian restaurant. I could live off of the above Pupusas. I can’t believe I have never had them before. I had chicken and cheese and steak and cheese. I told the cute lady working there at least a dozen times to expect to see me there again very soon.

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After lunch I had my mandatory Raisin Bran Cereal and next thing I knew it Bangs (her real name is Katie but I call her Bangs because I like nicknames) was at my house to pick me up to go on a walk. We then walked to another friend’s house and plenty of random things happened along the way.

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Billy came home from his internship interview (it went really well) and steak fajitas were on the menu. Definitely went back for more of these beauties.

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A vanilla greek yogurt fruit and granola parfait followed shortly after.

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We watched the movie 10 Years and I fell asleep 10 times during it. I will make up for a boring movie by watching as many episodes of Parenthood as possible today.

The slow movie ruined my brain and I can’t think of any questions. Instead tell me something random and have an incredible Saturday!!!!!

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I hate when friends move away! At least you have bangs for a good laugh. I’ve definitely tried to fit into toy cars too. For some weird reason, it just doesn’t seem to bend for me. Have a fun Saturday watching parenthood- yet another show I need to start watching!


Hmm…something random….yesterday was National Pig Day! (Don’t ask why I know that).

Have a great Saturday, as always your food looks DELISH!


Glad Billy’s internship interview went well! Looks like an awesome day! Random… The San Fran RNR is sold out!!! HELP!


Something random? I am in Amsterdam!!! Woohoo!!


I’ll be going out to a Brazen race to volunteer for a few hours (I do this to get discount/free entries since I’m a student a races cost a lot of monies).
Then I might be playing softball with some church folk. Have a wonderful Saturday!


I’ve never had those before but after that description I want them asap! I am about to head out for my long run! I’ve been looking forward to it all week.


I love Pupusas!! The first time I had them was when I was living in Los Angles. My El Salvadorian friend took me to a small hole in the wall place and they were so good. Her grandmother came from El Salvador for a month long visit and made homemade ones! They were the best pupusas I ever had.


I served my mission in El Salvador and ate pupusas every night! They are sooooo good!


We are going to the Ford Museum and plant to see how the F-150’s are made, how’s for random?!


The food looks so yummy!!!

Something random: I poured chili powder all over my oatmeal this morning thinking it was cinnamon. Yuck-o.


today my roommate and I are running 5 miles for our training which is the longest she’s ever done!! it’s gunna be a great day!!


I got a free ticket to a concert last night & had way too much fried food… I may barf on my long run today!


My husband is working very hard on getting our tax information in order tonight.

I’m being a very bad tax-filing-partner, because every time he asks me for something, I sigh deeply at the interruption and stalk off (into my email) to get it.

Also, I think I need some lime juice. Must get on that, pronto.


Girl–are you sure you had chicken fajitas? e


Fun day of eats looks delish!


Those fajitas look amazing! I just ate a burrito. And spent the last two hours shopping for/organising a fancy dress costume.


LOVE Parenthood!! I am all caught up now and don’t know what to do with my life :(


I sprinkled too much cinnamon on my waffle this morning and then breathed in while I was eating it…pretty sure I have cinnamon stuck in my throat now


Missed a connection due to weather and spent the night in an airport hotel.
I was supposed to be long running right now, instead back at the airport. So I am adding to your post from a couple of days……
Airport: Starbucks coffee.


i moved to dc a few years ago and there is a HUGE salvadoran population here. i’m a teacher and a ton of my students hail from el salvador and they quickly introduced me to the glory that is pupusas. last year on my birthday two mothers made giant platters of pupusas for me because all their kids told them how much i love them. my birthday is in two weeks and i’m crossing my fingers and toes that this year i get three platters. there is literally nothing better.


I always fall asleep during movies- boring or not! Sometimes even in the theater.


Glad his interview went well! The fajitas look delish :)


My husband is in college too :)


Something random….After weeks of a box sitting by my front door, I finally opened it to discover that I was sent the wrong thing. Now I have to send it back. Boo.

The Kidless Kronicles


I am from El Salvador and pupusas truly are as amazing as everyone says! My grandma used to make the best ones before she passed away, and I’ll always have fond memories of her making freshly homemade ones for us in the kitchen. She made them from scratch with all the love in her heart, which is probably what made them so good. I’m glad you enjoyed them! ;-)


I am so jealous of the mini cars. They came later in my childhood so I missed the opportunity to have that awesome mini jeep I wanted.

Friends moving away is never fun but are they at least going somewhere that will be a great place to visit?
I see vacations in the future! ;)


I’ve never had el salvadorian food but it looks wonderful. I love trying new foods. My Saturday will be filled with oysters and family aka perfection:)


Random…I’m moving from MI to SC in 3 weeks and I’m going to Trader Joe’s for the first time to get groceries!! Lol

Today will be spent sorting and packing.


I have a 6 week old and I just ran for the first time since she was born. I did 6 miles and it was glorious! I have a BOB and I cant wait to use it when she is big enough :). Have a great Saturday!


Aww, bummer about your friend moving. At least the internet will help you keep in touch! Glad Billy’s interview went well. When will he find out?


Something random: I am in love with Dax Shepard now after watching Parenthood and i’ve been having a lot of dreams about sloths lately? Those two are not related but very random.


Did you hear Dax Shepherd and Kristin Bell on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (NPR)? She loves sloths and he rented one for her birthday.


No I didn’t hear that! Oh my gosh that’s so sweet! Now my two random facts are related haha! I think that part of the reason I’ve been dreaming about sloths is because a lot of people have been posting pictures/videos on Facebook about them and they’re on my brain? I’m not sure. Thanks for sharing that little fact, it’s so sweet!


Random note: I read to my daughter’s Pre-K class in honor of Dr. Seuss birthday. Read one of his books to Brooke today!


Random: My friends and I ran during a little snow flurry explosion this morning! Nothing stuck to the ground, but it was fun!


Those pupusas looked awesome – I have never had them either, but totally want to now! Just finished a 5 mile progression run and waiting for the baby to wake up from his nap so we can go to my parent’s house to celebrate my little sister’s birthday! Happy weekend.


Have Billy email me about interning at my brothers firm. He says they are always looking for more interns.


Something random: I am heading to a bakery 45 min away today JUST so I can vote (make a guess) about the size of a massive cake pop with hopes of winning it. Who does that?? (me..LOL).

Did a 12 mile run this morning, and it was a really bad run. Glad to read a blog post from you for some motivation. I think my legs are really beat, and I need to get it together for a half in 2 weeks!


YAY for a great internship interview!! Random… I’m so pumped to go to the bookstore today!! Woo!!


Thanks for answering my question about bangs! :)
Just wanted to say, your pictures have improved a lot since I’ve been reading your blog :D


I feel like you guys had the SAME night as us. We made tacos, had dessert, and I fell asleep approximately 11 times during “Flight” (which is really good, I guess I was just really tired?) I’m going to a spin class this morning and then to brunch (naturally) and then baking cakepops and rice krispie treats and cookies this afternoon for a BBQ tomorrow (I was really just thinking about what I’d want after my long run tomorrow AM… shhhh). Hope you have a great Sat!


We watched the Avengers last night. Other people would probably find it interesting, but it wasn’t really my thing. So I definitely drifted off a few times. ;)


I’ve never tried El Salvadorian food. I’ll have to get on that! Thank god for yelp.

Random: I love baked goodies and I love nuts, but I HATE nuts in my baked goods. Nuts are pretty much the only way to guarantee my raging sweet tooth won’t touch a cookie.


I’m currently eating cold pepperoni pizza after my long run and doing a 30 day shred workout.

If that’s not random enough, I’ll share with you the odd way I eat pizza :) If it’s hot/fresh pepperoni pizza I pick the cheese off and put the pepperoni’s back on and eat it without cheese. That’s just the way I like my pizza. BUT if it’s leftover, cold pizza I’ll eat it with the cheese on. If I were to heat it up in the microwave, though, the cheese would have to come off. Dont ask why, because I have no explanation. It’s just the way I’ve eaten pizza since I was a kid.


Your blog is not good to read when I’m starving!!! ;) I get so jealous when I see pics of avocados. Living in Michigan, I need to plan at least 4/5 days in advance before I can have one that’s just perfect. They are always rotten or need days to ripen. Ugh…The things that really matter in life.
Something random. I’ve met Hugh Jackman. He was so down to earth and genuine. Needless to say the pic of he and I will forever be my favorite!!
Yay for Billy!


I have started Parenthood and I love it….such an addicting show with great characters.


Can’t to hear if Billy gets a clerk position!!!!


I’ve never had a pupusa before either–must try!

I’m starting to feel like an official distance runner…longest run ever this morning!



I saw someone running with a stroller for 3 on my long run today, there were 2 bigger kids and an infant in the middle!


I love pupusas. My husband introduced them to me and that’s why I married him. (I’m just kidding, I married him because he introduced me to indian food, the pupusas didn’t come until years later.)

My Henry wants that Lightning McQueen car SO BAD. I told him they were just to look at when we’re at the store, they don’t really drive. Thanks for ruining that.

That whole fajita looks awesome, but for some reason that beautifully green avocado sounds incredible. I need to work some into my menu tonight.


We discovered pupusas while living in Costa Rica. They are my favorite! We recently discovered a El Salvadorian restaurant close by and need to go back. I tried to make them several times, but the beans never stay inside. There are some great YouTube videos to help. You just made me hungry. :)


I always wanted a little car like that when I was growing up. I was incredibly jealous of my friends who had one. Oh well. I have a real car now.


Those look amazing! My Saturday has been pretty great still on my 15 miler high:), I hope you’ve enjoyed yours:)


I Love Pupusas and the cabbage salad that comes with it! YUMMY!!! I hate it too when friends have to move away. Anyways, have a good weekend!


My 10 year old scored his first goal in lacrosse.
I ran a 5k with the same 10 year old and got 2nd in my AG
My awesome running friend ran her 3rd marathon today and qualified for Boston! I’m so super proud of her.
P.S. I love Bangs and when you use her real name I don’t know who you are refering to.


Pupusas are soooooooo good, I’m so glad you tried them!!


What?! How have I never had this delightful food before?! I’m totally staring and drooling over that first picture, as well as your steak fajitas.


Something random: I am currently polishing off a box (oh and starting another…oops) of Girl Scout Cookies. I was forced to buy them. I had no choice. Combine that kind of cuteness (the girls not the actual cookies) with desserts made of chocolate and peanut butter and who can resist? At least I’m sharing… “One for you, two for me, one for you three for me…” with my daughters :)


LOL…you made me laugh with the 10 Year movie comment because i keep hearing that about it. Something random…hmm…watch Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. Much better!


My husband and I watched 10 Years tonight. Total snooze fest! But we had already rented all the good stuff from Redbox. :)



my husband served a mission in venezuela and he makes arepas and sopas that look similar to the el salvadorian dish. it is so simple but sooo good. it’s been a while i think i’ll have him make them this week! sad your friend is moving. we are at the stage where we/or others move away too often. good thing for the internet though.

we watch 10 years a few weeks ago. blah! but the 1 redeeming part was when the singer sang his song about the girl in yellow heels. that was the only part the held my attention. and it was sweet.


I was actually born in El Salvador!!! It made me so excited to see that you got to experience the food! I wish in NJ there was an El Salvadorian restaurant. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sooo jealous :)


We went out of town last week and right across from our hotel was a CAFE RIO! I freaked out because I knew it was delicious (even though I have never been) from all of your reviews. Bad news, we didn’t go! I was so sad. However, we did get to stop at the Chick fil A in front of our hotel so I guess my heart is a little happy.


Yum! Something random: This weekend I went for the longest run I’ve done in a while (~9.3 mi), and it was fantastic :). Got to run in the park by the river, and it was a nice, quiet morning, too! But I’ve been thinking maybe it’s time to think about replacing my shoes– I’ve had them for about 8-9 months, trained for a half marathon in them and now have another half and a 10 mile race coming up in the next couple months… do you have any recommendations for me? Thank you!!!


We watched History H2 Last night.. the guys voice always puts me to sleep.

Your food pix always make me soooo hungry!


My run today was cold and wet, hence the short run. 36 degrees and drizzly. Blah


I LOVE pupusas! One of my best friends is El Salvadorian and we go to a dive place nearby sometimes! My favorite are Pupusas de Ayote (I think that’s right?) which have squash and cheese. SO good and the sauce and slaw are the bomb!

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