The Long Run and Cowboy Quesadillas

I absolutely love it when Brooke falls asleep on me because then it means that I have to just sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing (story of my life but it is just more fun this way).

It was the perfect time for my Hansons Marathon Method book and I read all about the long run.  With the Hansons Method your longest run for marathon training is 16 miles!  I am still trying to figure out if I am going to follow the plan exactly for my marathon in June… but I really am thinking I am going to.

From the book, “A 16-mile long run is the longest training day for the standard Hansons program.  But there’s a hitch; the long run should simulate the LAST 16 miles of the marathon, not the first 16.  Indeed, a training plan should simulate the cumulative fatigue that is experienced during a marathon, without completely zapping your legs.  Rather than spending the entire week recovering from the previous long run, you should be building a base for the forthcoming long effort.”

The plan makes it so that you don’t go into your long run feeling fresh and so your long run feels more like the last 16 miles of the marathon.  Sounds fun right?

This approach is so different than any plan I have done before (my first marathon plan is here)! 

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(PS yesterday our neighbor said, “Your baby has the coolest cheeks ever.”  I am very proud)

After the nap we took it outside for some bird watching and fingernail painting.  Quite the busy day, I should really slow down;)

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I got the idea for Cowboy Quesadillas HERE but this is what we put in ours:

2 shredded bbq chicken breasts (I used the crockpot to cook them because they taste so much better that way), black beans, mozzarella cheese (not in the picture), corn (frozen), cilantro (Billy doesn’t like cilantro?!?), green onions, tomatoes, red pepper and whole wheat tortillas.  We also made a dipping sauce for the quesadillas with equal parts ranch and bbq sauce. 

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They were ridiculously good.  Both of us agreed this will be a very frequent meal.  My love for broccoli is returning.

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We called last night our ‘date night.’  I don’t know why I like to do this because last night was just like any other night but calling it date night makes me feel cooler especially because it included watching The Biggest Loser while eating ice cream and chocolate covered pomegranates on top of a pb bar that I made the other night.  Longest sentence ever.

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HAPPY FEBRUARY!!! The second best month of the year (August is the #1 best month because that is when Brookie was born).  


What is the longest run that you do for marathon training?  Half-marathon training?  Thoughts about 16 miles being your longest training run for a marathon?

Did you watch The Biggest Loser this week?  Thoughts?  

Who has a birthday in FEBRUARY? 

Anyone have a fun date night lately?

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Woah that’s really interesting. How do you simulate the last 16 miles? By running it at the end of the week and then taking your rest day? It seems like it would work to me! I’m certainly no running expert but those last few miles are what really get me every time.
Ice cream +biggest loser=awesome idea.


Love date nights! And eating desserts during weight loss shows haha! I could see 16 being the longest. Especially if you’ve done previous marathons. You’re not overstrained but still know you can go 26.


Those kind of baby naps are the best!! As long as you don’t reeeeally have to go to the bathroom because that is the only time you start to wish your baby would wake up. I like the sound of that training plan because I think I would be less likely to get injured but I would be super nervous on race day to have to run 10 whole miles further than my longest run, eek!


That’s an interesting marathon plan–I’d like to hear from people who’ve used it successfully. For my marathons, I’ve always gone to 23 or 24 for my long run. Curious….


My birthday is Feb 5. Woo!!

The longest long run I have for this marathon training is 20. The last couple I’ve done had 22 as the longest. I don’t know what it is for halves. I usually run those during marathon training, so it kind of just works into the program.


Did you do Brooke’s nails too?

My husband and BIL have bdays in Feb. I did watch Biggest Loser but didn’t think too much about it.
My longest run for a half was 14 miles. I know, I know. But I HAD to KNOW, mentally, that I could do the distance and then some.
We have dates nights now and then.

The Kidless Kronicles


Me! ME! My 32nd Bday is on Monday! My husband is not a cilantro fan either :/


I’m training for a half marathon and my longest run will be 12 miles.
My last “date” was last Friday when I met my husband on his lunch break and we ate chick fil a and talked for 20 mins while we sat in the car :) not fancy but it’s adorable when he misses me and wants me to come meet him to hang out on his breaks.


YES. THANK YOU. I continue to say february is my second fav month of the year and so many people get mad at me and yell at me, saying February is a worthless month.

It’s our birthday month, Vday (candy) and only 28 days!! It’s going to fly by, and it’s awesome!! :)


I normally do 20 milers to prepare for a marathon. The Hansons method sounds really interesting. I’ve tried doing their “simulator” run–running 16 miles at goal pace–which I think was a huge help for me and helped me nail my goal time on my first marathon. I think I’m going to have to buy that book. :) Good luck with your training!


Wow those quesadillas look great! Brooke DOES have the best cheeks :)


16 mile long run makes me nervous. The training plan that I’ve followed for several years does 22 as the longest and I’m always tempted to go farther.

I have three family birthdays this month. And three baby showers.

It’s an expensive month!!!


I feel validated! 16 miles is the longest run I do before a marathon now. I’ve done enough of them that I know the last ten are going to hurt and suck so why do I need to test that out in training??!

Those quesadillas look awesome!


I’m doing my second half marathon in April. My longest run will be 12 miles. Is it weird that I really love half marathon training?


My longest run for marathon training has been 20mi. I’ve only done 2 marathons so I can’t really speak for what’s best!
LOVE The Biggest Loser! I want Jillian’s arms.
I wrote a recent blog about the date jars I made for my husband and me. We have our first “date jar” date on Saturday…bowling!


My nephew’s birthday is today. He is 17. I currently have a cold so I have a date with my bed and pillow when I get home from work tonight. Have a great weekend.



I am really intrigued by the Hanson marathon training plan. I want to try but since this is my first marathon I wanted to do a more traditional plan. My longest run will be 22 miles. 16 sounds much more appealing. Maybe next time I can try Hanson.


Yes, Brooke’s cheeks are pretty darn cute! My longest runs for marathon training have been 21-22 miles, but I see their logic for 16 miles. For me, the problem is that my runs during the week wouldn’t tire my legs out enough for this to work: I have about an hour to run before children wake up and chaos ensues.


I would do a run that is to my goal marathon time, but much slower than my marathon pace. So when I had a 4hr goal I ran a couple 4hr runs but they were less than the marahton distance. I found this worked great as it prepared my body/mind time wise.
Its my half birthday in Feb, does that count?!
We skipped January date day in lieu of Valentines… my husband is planning our date this year.


February birthdays are my favorite! My mom, my dad, and my husband are in Februrary. And they are all left handed!!!


My half birthday is in February and I will 100% celebrate with cake. Also, that means Brooke and I are equally awesome for having August birthdays :)


For the Chicago marathon training I followed Hal Higdon’s novice and we got up to 20 miles. I’m curious about the 16 mile theory – do you run like 10 the day before the 16 miler?


So how do you make it so your legs don’t feel fresh for your long run of 16 miles? Do you have a hard workout the day before your long run? That is a very interesting method. I’ve always done my longest run of 20 miles for the marathons I have trained for. I like seeing the 20 on the garmin when I’m done and I think it helps me more mentally than physically. I did try a new to me training plan for my last marathon from RW’s Run Less, Run Faster where you only did three runs a week (speed, tempo, long) and 2 cross training days such as bike or swimming. The premise was quality runs over quantity so every run was intense and keeping pace. I was nervous that I wasn’t running enough when I was about a week out from the race but I was more than prepared and had a great race. I will do this plan again when I start training for my next one!

Keep us updated on the Hanson Method!! Happy Friday :)


I downloaded the Hanson Marathon Method book for my Nook and I started reading it. (I’m not that far in yet). I have been “toying” with the idea of doing a marathon in the fall. The registration for the race opens on April 1 so I have time to ponder. I’ll keep ya posted! I have done four half marathons and a 10-miler and the longest training run I have done was 11 miles. Of course, after each of those races I said to myself that I could never do a full marathon! Ha! Of course, after my first half, I said I would never do another half, so who knows.


I’m going to read more about that training plan! Sounds pretty good.


I’m very interested to hear how your training goes! I’ve done 3 marathons now, and have gotten to 20 miles for all of them during training. There’s an awful lot of recovery after those, and I feel like the need to hit that magic number might be more mental than physical.
Just started training for Denver this week…(what have I done?!) I’m doing a run-walk on my long runs since I know I’ll need walking breaks at that elevation. Also trying to add in swims to get my lungs conditioned.
Great idea with the shredded chicken. Think I’m going to do a batch in the crock to keep on hand for quick meals!


For marathon training I usually do 22/23 mile runs and for halfs I usually do a few 14/15 mile long runs. I’m definitely going with Hanson’s Method for my next full. I’m loving the book too! Makes sense to at least give it a try.
I’m not a Biggest Loser fan. Just can’t get into it. I’ve tried several season and just doesn’t suit my fancy I guess. =(


Brooke does have the cutest cheeks!! I need to try those chocolate covered pomegranates and I need to make those quesadills, they look so good!


Interesting training theory. I think mentally only going 16 would not work for me personally. My Mom’s birthday is on the 6th and my wedding anniversary is on the 29th – leap year! No date night in a long time and we are in desperate need. I have been wanting to relax at a restaurant and go to a movie FOREVER. We must make this happen while #2 is still inside cooking or we may never get out.


I am currently doing the Hal Higdons Intermediate Training plan. I have two 20 milers. I am (depending on how my body feels that day) going to try to go for 22 on the second one.

When I first read that I was thinking it was kind of ridiculous, but seeing the reasoning behind it, it makes sense! Interesting to consider.

I can’t believe my 2nd marathon is only 43 days away! I’m so excited. I ran the same one last year but my running has drastically improved so I’m aiming to shave a minute of each mile, which would qualify me for Boston:-) I think the big factor in this recent change was that I broke my foot last May so for 3 months all I could do was take the air cast off and lay on the ground with 10 lb ankle weights, and just lift.lift.lift. After I came back to running I gave myself a few weeks to ease back into it then started to train for a 10K, which included speed work for the first time ever.

This will be my plan of attack from here on out. After my March marathon I am going to take a short break, then train for shorter distances before I go back into marathon training. This year I’m going to forgo the broken metetarsal and hopefully fit in an October marathon as well:-)


My longest run in my half marathon training is 12 miles. I have a feeling that it will basically feel like I’m running the half itself. I kind of like Hanson’s idea… but maybe that’s just because I’m really dreading that 12 mile training run.

My hubs & I have a date night tonight! We’re going out for Fish Fry. They’re one of my favorite indulgences, especially because they’re served with mac & cheese at my favorite place. Bring on those calories!


Your neighbor was right- she does have the coolest/cutest cheeks!
My birthday is 2/22. I wish I was going to be down in St George for it!!


16 miles!! Wow sounds a little crazy!
I wanted to let you know that I.LOVE.YOUR.BLOG.
I came across it about one month ago, since then I have been addicted to it.LOL
Love your sense of humor, your recipes, advice, and the fact that you keep your hubby and brookie involved. My kind of blog for sure. August is my favorite month too… My husbands birthday, daughters birthdays, and our anniversary…busy month for us! :)


This post made me hungry! And I just ate! LOL

Love Biggest Loser – I have watched every episode, every season. Usually I eat ice cream during it, though, which is probably not what the creators intended. Oops.

Have never run a marathon – will start HM training soon (first one! eek!) and I think I’m going to do at least 12 as my longest run. Most beginning plans stop at 10 miles, but I am not confident enough for that.

My daughter’s birthday is in Feb, so even though I love this month I also hate it because she’s getting so big! *sob* =)



I’m doing my first half this year too, and feel the same way–I want to get a long run in (at least one) that is as long or longer than the HM because then I *know* I can do it.

I do like the advice above to run the hours that you know you’ll be running in the race. If I can get a run in that’s nearly as long as I anticipate my half to be, then that should work, too. Though I might end up frustrated with myself if I don’t do 13.1 in that time frame ;-)

I signed up with a coach for training for the first time, and I’m interested to see what his training plan for me will be. I’m supposed to meet with him next week to get that.

Good luck on your half!



I am trying this as my training plan for Boston. It’s really interesting because while 16 miles is the longest you run… I feel like your long run is broken up between Sat and Sun. This will be my 11th marathon and I do feel like running 20 milers are more for mental preparation… I’m on week 8 of the training plan (I skipped ahead since I had a few weeks of recovery after Houston Marathon) so this weekend I have two 10 milers. I was a huge slacker this morning and skipped my easy 6 miler (usually I rest on Fridays). That’s another adjustment for me — only having one rest day during the week.


For my first marathon I did 22miles because I wanted to make sure I had the distance in me. When I train for another I’ll probably do 18-20. This half marathon I’m doing this spring is going up to 14. But they will be 14 easy miles. For once I’m incorporating a lot of speedwork as I am dying to get under 1:55 (I know, I’m slow!)

So glad Danni(y?) is still there. I really like her! And I don’t want Jillian to leave becuase I have the biggest lady crush on her :)

This past Tuesday I celebrated one year with Tyler! We went to a fancy dancy restaurant where they actually cleaned off the crumbs on the table between the appetizer and entree. I felt like royalty! Then we had wine and cake in bed while watching NCIS. Spectacular :)


I agree about February being the best month :D

I’m going to go for my first marathon sometime this year (May, if I’m ready..if not, October-ish). I’m not following a completely specific plan but just trying to increase my long run weekly. The thought of 16 being the LONGEST and having 10 more miles to go(and me never running that far ever) is scary! I’ve heard so much about this plan though! I’m looking forward to your marathon training !


Brooke seriously does have the cutest cheeks, and the cutest hair. She’s just a cutie all around :) I have to admit that I’m not really the biggest fan of February, but that’s mostly because I’m really tired of winter at this point and there’s not much going on around here. I’ll bump it up a few notches in my book, though, since it’s your birthday month :)


My hubs and I just had a date night on Monday.. It involved shopping (specifically for a new laptop) and going to dinner. It wasn’t the most extravagant date night ever..but sometimes it’s nice to just spend time together and call it a date night, kind of like you guys did :)

My step-dad’s birthday is on Monday..woo!


Don’t feel bad…our ‘date nights’ usually consist of reality TV and snacking way too much too:)

I love random training plans for races. It is crazy to think that 16 miles being the longest run could work, but what a tempting plan to follow, just to see how it works for you!

PS. Brooke is adorable!


I call every Friday date night no matter what we do lol it makes it more fun :) I am training for my first half and my longest run is 12 miles. I like the idea of a LONG long run purely for mental reasons. I want to know that I can actually cross that finish line.


Same here! Although Fridays are technically me & the hubby’s weekly date night! ;-) Also, agreed re: the long runs… I haven’t done any true long distance races yet, but I always tell my hubby that I need to know I can finish. It eases the mind! Maybe it’s different for more experienced runners though. #shrug


All three half’s I’ve ran I’ve done 10 miles before. Some plans say to do 12 but 10 seems to work best for me!


I just started that training plan for a marathon in May! It seems like a lot of running days all in a row!!


i’m really intrigued by the Hanson’s plan, but it TERRIFIES me. It looks so intense; I don’t know if I’m tough enough ;).


My birthday is Feb. 11!

Hoping to have a fun date night tomorrow, we are going see the traveling production of Spamalot and going out for dinner.


Those quesadillas look great! I think I saw on Carrots n Cake to add some smashed sweet potato to the quesadillas, and it really is so good!


My longest run for a marathon was 20 my first one, 22 my second one.
My birthday is 2/28. Date night is Saturday, we are going to Canlis a very expensive resturant in Seattle, thanks to my husbands co-workers, they gave us a gift certificate when we moved here.


I have a February birthday…it’s on Wednesday. Although I am 20 years too old to be excited, I am excited!!

I love you watching BL whilst eating ice-cream!!! So ironic.


I’m in the process of putting together a marathon training program and my longest is 20. I have no idea how it’s going to play out, but 16 sounds better. Maybe I should get this book….I need help!


Oh my goodness to those quesadillas! I need to make those ASAP! Brooke is so cute– my daughter who is 5 months has hair just like hers! I like that she’s getting acquainted with nail polish, never too young for that…is that a bottle of Essie by the way?! :-)


The longest run I’ve done for a half marathon is ten miles, although I am training for one in June right now and have already completed 11 miles (just for fun, not following a serious training plan). The idea of running the last 16 miles of a marathon for a long run is an interesting concept, but I could imagine it being similar to race day!

My birthday is February 22nd, and it’s my sister’s 17th birthday today! Love February :)

Happy Friday, Janae & fam!


You are really are the luckiest person in the world! You get to hang out with the cutest baby in the world, relax when shes sleeping, and workout during the day!


I don’t really follow any specific training plans when I run, but I have always felt intuitively that it makes sense to go into your long run really, really tired. I would usually do a hardcore spin class the night before a long run so that my legs were shot the next day. It was more for mental reasons than for anything else: If I could get through a long run on tired legs, then when race day comes, running long should feel a ton more easier when my legs are fresh and rested.

Plus, I like to train under “less than ideal” circumstances so that nothing takes me by surprise on race day (i.e. running after a 12 hour night shift at work, running in sleet, running in 100 degree weather, running with less than ideal fuel, etc.). That way, I feel confident I can handle whatever is thrown my way on race day and if the circumstances are near perfect, well then my run should seem like a walk in the park!


I think I would follow a plan like this so that when I go into running a hilly long run in preparation for the Big Sur Marathon, it won’t be as daunting as a 20-miler or 22-miler. I think the most I’ve trained for a marathon was 21 miles.


How do you cook your chickens in a slowcooker? I just got one and want to use it more!

My last date night was more like a date weekend since the BF and I live in different cities. We got to hang out with a couple of old friends and tried a bunch of new restaurants and food (BF’s first time trying pho!). It was so much fun trying new stuff together since we seem to go to the same places all the time.


Hey Amanda! I usually just put in a few chicken breasts wit a can of chicken broth and cool on high for 4-6 hours! I add the BBQ sauce after when I shred it! Enjoy!!!


Thank you! Have a great weekend!


I only run halfs…I think in my trainings the longest was like 11 or 12. You know the whole “not running the race before the race” philosophy. I did watch BL this week, I am so sad that she went home but know that she will do awesome at home! And I just love having Jillian back, she’s awesome! I know people don’t like her…but I just love her and her tough love philosophy. :)


We had a fun date night last night too! we went out to Costa Vida because we heard great news from Josh’s work, yay!


I trained up to 20 for my first marathon. Three weeks later I did my second one, and it was much easier on my legs. I was able to run really hard the last 11 miles. I could see where this plan would work. My only thing is…for the next big race, stick to a training plan – if you’re already doing one, don’t change in the middle because they’re all designed for the 12-16 weeks prior to.


When I trained for my half, my longest run was twelve miles. I thought it was the perfect training run for me.

Date nights are the best – even when they are just at home! Tonight is the first Friday in a looooong time that we haven’t had something to go to, so I’m hoping for a sushi date night!


I am training for my first marathon (in March!!!) and my longest run is next weekend (Feb. 9). I am in between whether to do 20 or 22. In my mind, mentally, 22 sounds better because it is only 4 more miles after that, but I have heard that 20 should be your max. Any thoughts on this or research?

Thanks! :)


Yes, those cheeks are too cute! it’s like she’s a cherub or something.

And I hate cilantro, too. Most disgusting thing ever. And unfortunately that is the trend now to have it in everything. oh well.

It is weird to only go as high as 16 and to simulate the last 16 miles. How do you do that?


I had to make sure I came back and left a comment for you! The other day, you posted about making meatloaf and you made the Paula Dean one? I must thank you! I had planned to make meatloaf that night – and when I saw your post and the recipe – I had to try it because it was SO SIMPLE – and OH MY GOSH – best meatloaf EVER! So quick and so easy – and it turned out amazing (moist!) Thank you for posting the recipe the other day! Take care!


That makes me so so happy! I am glad you loved it! We did too!


Happy birthday month!

Yum those quesadillas look great, nice job!


I tend to do b/t 10-12 for half training. It works for me. I used to enjoy snacking while watching The Biggest Loser, but I don’t watch it anymore. For no real reason besides the fact that I always seems to be doing something else once the kids are asleep. Oh how I LOVE the photo of Brooke on the blanket outside. She looks like a little doll. Best cheeks ever for sure!!


Jack Daniels also believes in a shorter long run. I believe it is probably beneficial to run shorter and more harmful to run 20+ miles before the marathon. I think we all mentally struggle with the idea of only running 16 miles before a marathon. But hey! I bet it works! Please follow the plan for our sake so we can see that it works! :) Take one for the team, Janae!


I’ve made these before with shopped brisket and they were a huge hit! I bet the shredded chicken would be yummy too!!! I’m from Texas so these are right up my alley :-)


My longest training run is normally 22 miles but I’m intrigued by the Hansen training method. I got the book for Christmas and have been itching to read it…maybe that’s what I’ll do this weekend.


Do it and tell me what you think!


Wow, girl! Your quesadilla picture looks like a top-notch chef’s blog picture! Super yummy lookin! I love The Biggest Loser this season, and was really sad to see Lisa go home! I’m really rooting for Danni though, because she’s making this happen without a team! And because I don’t want to see Jillian leave the ranch!


I’ve only trained for half marathons, but the longest run I did each time was 11 miles, and both races went well!
I’m crazy about Biggest Loser…love it…I’m hoping the next person to go home is that man on the blue team that’s on crutches…


I like that color of nail polish!

Brooke is so sweet. Love the pic of her outside.


So for my first 3 marathons I did 20 mile long runs.
I had a shortened training session between the last two marathons (Marine Corps was Oct. 28, and Rock n Roll Arizona was January 20th). I had planned to do a 20 miler at some point, but I also ran a half marathon and a 10 miler race in those short 10 weeks. As it turns out, my longest run was 16 miles, and it seemed all of my long runs where done on tired legs. I pr’d RnR AZ by 14 minutes!!!

Directly after, I purchased the Hanson book because I realized I was already sort of applying their idea. I’m hoping to start implementing this week in preparation for Pittsburgh on May 5!


Wow! That is so cool to hear! Congrats on that awesome pr!


Hey, once upon a time I e-mailed the guy who wrote the hansons book and asked how my week would look if I didn’t run on Sundays, I can send you the revised schedule if you’re interested because it’s obvious in the book that getting your run days and rest days in the right order is importnat to make that 16 miles the last 16.

I may kick myself later for not going with that plan when I see how you then qualified for the olympic trials on it. I’ve never done it, but I opted to do one that my coach did for me.


Yes yes yes yes yes! I have been trying to figure out how that would work!!!!


Janae, you’re turning into quite the chef lately at home I noticed!!


The longest run I did for marathon training was 22 miles. I am very interested to hear how the Hansons method works for you!!

I think Jackson is my favorite contestant this season!!

My birthday is February 23! Wahooo February birthdays!! :)


1. The longest I ever ran for marathon training was 22 miles. I don’t know why, I felt good that morning and decided to go a little extra. My husband coaches a marathon training class and he would be totally pro 16 mile long runs! Running 16 miles on fatigued legs sounds way harder than running 20 on fresh legs.

2. Normally I love the Biggest Loser, but haven’t been watching this season. I think last year I got burnt out.

4. we recently went out for dinner and movie :)

Your baby reminds me so much of my baby – they have the same hair!


Can you explain to me what “fresh” and “fatigued” legs are? I know it sounds silly! haha BUT I guess I wouldn’t necessaily consider my legs “fresh” if I ran the normal runs on my training plan for that week and then did a 20 miler for my long run over the weekend. Does that make sense?

Thanks! :)


Fatigued legs would be because you had a high mileage week and/or did something other than easy miles the day before.


Definitely! I am still trying to understand it myself:) you are never going to have completely fresh legs during marathon training but with this plan your weekday runs are a little more challenging (along with plenty of easy days to avoid injury) so your legs are more tired than a normal training plan would make them. Does that make sense?


Janae- I see what you mean! I haven’t looked into his training plan in depth, but am interested in hearding reading his book! You will have to keep us up to date if you decide to go with his training plan for your next marathon!

Is his plan based on miles or time? I have always used training plans based on time. Example: 45 minutes (or 5-6 miles)

Emily- Thanks for your help! :)


It is based on miles but they give you very specific pace times for those miles! Hope you are having an amazing day!


When I did my marathon, the longest I went was 20, but I was up around 18 for about 4 weeks. In retrospect, it was kind of a horrible idea. Yes, I did feel strong on the day of my marathon, but I think training such long distances for so long when it was my first marathon was a really bad idea – it definitely predisposed me to getting injured a couple of months later.

To be honest, I kind of felt bullied into it by the non-runners in my life. When they found out the longest I was doing was 18, they would say things like, “I think you should do 20” and, people-pleaser that I am, I would rethink my long run to make it longer. Next time, I’m definitely going to try harder to not let people influence my plan. Does anyone else do this?


I’m training for a half and the longest run I will do is 11 miles, the Hanson’s Method is SO intriguing! I think I need to invest in a copy. I don’t have a birthday in February but it is my half birthday which is what I made everyone celebrate in elementary school so I could bring in cupcakes and be the cool kid for the day.


BDAY MONTH HERE!! 32 on the 5th! *going to celebrate it with a 5 mile run. Rather then the obvious 32 mile that I could be doing…. :)

My half marathon plan last fall called for 14 miles as it’s longest run. It was a Jeff Galloway plan and I figure it is due to the mental advantage you would get from knowing you have already done more then a half during your training. Longest I actually got to was 11 – I screwed up my knees by not slowing my pace. :(

Biggest Loser :: I hoped that Lisa would have made it to at least the top 5-6 people left. But what a great update at the end of the espiode for her.


Is it weird that I love Brooke’s eye color- amazing!


My birthday is ALMOST February. It was yesterday ;-)
I don’t have any dates except with my dog and parents, but sometimes… It’s all I really need. Haha.
We kinda have date night Fridays when we watch Shark Tank and just sit and relax together. Kinda family bonding time.

Biggest Loser was sad :(


I am doing a half-marathon training plan at the moment, longest run is 12 miles. I’m hoping to start a marathong training plan for a marathon in Oct (but it depends on how my two halfs go!)
I haven’t seen the latest episode of TBL, but my daughter (8) has watched it without me. I want her amount of free time! My husband’s birthday is in February, so I need to get thinking quickly for a present idea, help!


This is my first half-marathon (next month) and I’m following Hal Higdon’s training plan, so he suggests the longest training run to be 12 miles. Your dessert sounds AMAZING… I wanna eat it all right now.


I am utterly intrigued by the Hanson deal and definitely want to try it. It sounds completely logical and like it would absolutely work.


I will be your guinea pig for the plan.


Promise you’ll follow the plan and not add a bunch of additional running in there?


I am sure going to try…. Billy might have to help me out with that ha!


I am obsessed with The Biggest Loser, but we are so behind in the UK! Does anyone know how I can watch more recent series? I can’t even download from the itunes store or amazon without an american address!


Can you use Hulu?


I feel like I would need a longer than 16 mile long run for the mental confidence of it. But one I had done one, and been successful I would be all about this, so I think you should go for it!
I apologize right now for being selfish and wanting you to do it, just so I can get your review on whether it works, or works with the results you were looking for.

Happy Friday.


I will be very interested in hearing about your training and then final marathon experience following the Hanson Method. I read the book, but I am to nervous to try it. Mentally, I really feel like I need that 20 miler (or 3-4 of them). LOL I am training for a marathon now, and am doing most of their workouts, but my own long runs…Good Luck!!!


Thank you! Please keep me updated with your training. I totally understand the need to do a 20 miler for your mental game! I am excited to try this out!


My friend Merri followed the Hanson Brooks plan for her second marathon and ran a 20 minute PR (3:12). I honestly think it is a great plan and definitely good for runners that are prone to injury. For TOU this year the longest training run I did was 18. I think (in my opinion which doesn’t mean much) the key is the tempo runs. I like to always start the long run easy but then run the last 4 miles fast. My body seems to break down running 20+ miles so I just save the breakdown for the actual race. :)

Your dinner looks delicious and Brooke is seriously cuter than ever. Love you guys!


I think you nailed it! I love hearing what you did because I want to be just like you! My body breaks down too with 20plus so I am thinking this should be great!


Longest training run is about 23 miles. Only because I get nervous if I don’t do at least 2 long ones before. Thanks for the cowboy quesadilla idea. :) Can Brooke do my nails? He he.


My Birthday is Feb 10! I love running, however my “long runs” consist of 5 or 6 miles. I start training for my first half marathon next week and my boyfriend wrote my training plan for me, my longest run will be 12 miles. He’s an amazing runner and PR’d in the fall with a 2:33 marathon time. You should come to Chicago in October and we could all run the Chicago Marathon together!


A 2:33!! Wowzers!!! I would love to come to Chicago! Please keep me updated on your training!


My birthday is February 21! Let the official countdown begin =)
For the 2 marathons I’ve run, I had one 20 mile long run for each. My goal for the next one is multiple 20 milers or possibly a 22 miler. I am very interested in seeing how the 16 mile long run works out.
The hubster and I went to an NBA basketball game a couple weeks ago ~ Go Magic! We also have our V-day date night planned for the Saturday afterwards. Stereotypical dinner and a movie, but we have a gift card for one of my favorite restaurants, Seasons 52!


I think you can definitely do marathon training that way. Most people only do longer runs more as a confidence builder — like yes, I CAN run this far. I’ve done a combination of training plans, but where you fatigue your legs before doing longer tempo/marathon pace stuff. It’s not fun, but seems good?

Also, I call it date night whenever I need to get out of something. Like, oh, sorry, can’t, date night. Because that sounds better than I want to watch the 30 Rock series finale.


Her cheeks are adorable!!!!


Danni on the biggest loser is my favorite so I am just so happy she stayed!! I am OK with the choice of who went home- she did really well!!

My birthday is February 19th!


We actually had a pretty good date night this week. First, just calling it a date night is fun. :-) But most week nights we don’t get to eat dinner together. So, any time we do eat together is pretty fun. This time, the stars really aligned, because our fav restaurant have us out fav server, the good was particular good and we talked forever. Yea for weeknight dates with the husband!


I just (as in 5 minutes ago) ordered the Hanson’s book. I haven’t run a marathon in a couple of years and thinking I want to attempt one this fall. I have been concentrating on Half’s and my longest run for those is typically 13-14 miles.


Ahh I want to read that book. So funny because I was reading reviews about it last night. Does it include a 1/2 training plan as well? I think I read somehwere that the 1/2 plan goes up to a 10 mile long run.


TODAY is my birthday! :-)


Ahhhhhhhh happy happy birthday! I hope you are having the best day ever!


Thank you! It has been pretty great so far and there’s more to come!


My longest run for my marathon was just over 20 miles. I know some people who have followed that plan and had great success. Brooke is so adorable. I love the pic with her and the nail polish. Super cute.


Yes! Stick with the plan! It really does work! The weekly mileage is high enough that you are more than enough in shape when you step on the start line. I followed the plan this year and saw success with it. I got a PR and wasn’t tired at the finish line, (but maybe that’s a bad sign that I didn’t put enough into the race) uh oh! Anyway, you are doing awesome with your running already so you’re going to smoke your marathon!


I have been following your blog for a while now, love all the info you give on running. Your baby is just too adorable for words!!! Love February birthdays, mine is today and my mom is a leap year baby! Good luck on your training. I am hoping to run my 2nd half marathon this year some time.


Wow! 16 miles! That is a very interesting theory, but one I would love to look into. I have heard to run further than the marathon to get ready, just under marathon distance, but never 16 miles. I really need to buy this book and try it out.
I am SO happy it’s February. It’s such a fun month and yay for your birthday month!

I am also LOVING biggest loser this season. I was sad to see Lisa go home because she is one of my favorites, but she looked so awesome at the end and I absolutely love when they show clips of her teaching her special ed classes. She rocks!


I always watch the Biggest Loser and eat foods that aren’t healthy too.

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