Brooke. 6 Months. Holy Cow.

The last 6 months have definitely been the best.  

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She makes me really happy.

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I haven’t done an update on HRG Baby for way too long but I have at least 50 topics I want to talk about so expect more in the near future.

At 6 Months:

-Sleeping is going great.  She usually falls asleep at around 10, wakes up at 4:30 for a little while and then falls back asleep until 7:30.  

-I have spoiled her rotten.  When we are at home she has to be held 90% of the time which is fine with me since I only have uno child and I really like cuddling her.

-Since I am usually holding her when I brush my teeth she loves to help.  She grabs on to that toothbrush and will not let go.

-One of the coolest parts about being a mom is showing your little one the world.  I feel like everything we go see and do is so fun because it is a first for Brooke.  Everything is so exciting.

-She loves being outside.  Good thing we live where we do because I don’t think I ever went outside during the winter when I lived in Utah.

-She definitely prefers certain toys.  Mr. Bird and the toy in the below picture put her in a good mood no matter what.  When we put her in the carseat she practically jumps out of it to reach the toys on the handle of the carseat.

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-Whenever she is sitting up by herself she is so proud of herself.  She can reach forward for something and then bring herself back upright… her core is 100 times stronger than mine.

-She is the best flirt ever.  Everyone that comes up to talk to her gets a big cheesy grin and she kind of turns her head to the right and pretends she is a little shy as she continues to smile.

-Her laugh really is the best sound in the world and she talks pretty much all day long.  

-The jogging stroller is her idea of heaven.  Her little legs kick the whole time.  

-She loves sweat peas and strawberries but makes the funniest face when I feed her bananas.

-She is our best little buddy.  

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Moms reading…. tell me about your experience with starting your babies on solids!!! What did you start with?  What worked best?

Any baby topics that you want me to do a post about?

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She’s clearly been growing her awesome mane since conception. Also? The belly is flabflippingtastic. I love it.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — I’m not a baby gusher but Brooke is SO freaking cute!!! She doesn’t sound spoiled, she sounds loved :)


Jen – I made a similar comment on a previous post. I am by no means a baby gusher (I ooh and ahh over puppies!) and that Brooke! She makes me smile every. time.


Same here. I’m usually all “babies, meh,” but this is one freakin’ gem of a baby. So precious, such great hair, so much personality like her mama.


ohhhh my goodness! this is so sweet! i particularly love the “Whenever she is sitting up by herself she is so proud of herself.” love seeing that at such a young age-hooray!

it almost made me want a baby sooner than later…almost. but i have more traveling to do! keep on cuddling her!


Congratulations, she’s just beautiful. I love everything you write about babies, keep it all coming:)


Brook is seriously one of the cutest babies ever. Hopefully I will have a daughter that adorable! Did you happen to band her after the shoe brand?




I was told to start with the orange veggies (they are sweet enough to be appetizing but not super sweet), then the green veggies and finally the fruit. The theory is that if you start with fruit then they will not take the more bitter vegetables. It worked for us and I now have a 7 year old who loves all veggies (but still loves sweets too!).

She is SO cute. Glad she likes the jogging stroller…my son loved it too and trained for 3 marathons in it with me in the first 2 years of his life.


Our Ped said the same thing! He also said follow the 6/7/8 rule. At 6 months old start veggies (the way you stated above). At month 7 introduce fruits and at month 8 introduce protein (tofu, beans, meat). My son is 6 months old and we started him fairly early on solids because he was more than ready (chomping his gums, overly fussy, insatiably hungry, waking up every hour during the night to feed, etc.). We started him at 5 months old with sweet potatoes. So far he’s eaten sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, peas and avocado.


She is so adorable. Those pigtails!! You are making me so excited to have a daughter one day. Maybe a post about what has been tough since having Brooke?? She seems pretty darn perfect, so I don’t know if there would even be enough to write about though!


I agree – although one of the things I love and appreciate about your blog is how positive you are about motherhood – I get very tired of reading about bloggers complaining about their little ones. I love that Brooke is clearly the light if your and Billy’s life, and rightfully so, she seems like a little angel!


I totally agree as well!! Its so encouraging to read a positive spin on having a child. We all know that motherhood is a TON of work, that you dont get to sleep through the night, that breast feeding is hard, its hard to get back in shape… but it really bothers me to read blogs where people just non-stop complain about the realities of caring for a baby, when there are so many joyflu moments as well! Plus, I feel bad for a child to someday look back at a blog where each post was about how miserable being a mom is.

I love the updates on Brooke’s development. Each milestone is so fun to read about and see how her little brain develops eye and muscle coordination. I actually went and read that book you mentioned reading on the treadmill about baby development through the first 3 years.


agree agree agree. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this exact same thing. I like how Janae focuses on the positive on being a mother instead of complaining how hard it is like other bloggers do. Every women, with child or not, knows it’s very hard but should be thankful to experience it like many don’t. It makes me excited to have a child one day! :)


Cutest baby I’ve ever seen wear pigtails Award: Brooke!


I can’t even stand how cute those pictures are, expecially the second one!
Pleaseeeeeee post a video of her giggle!

I know a bunch of people who started their babies on mashed avocado. I think you should let Brooke try one of your favorites!



I was told by a friend of mine once (who now has 3 little girls) to hold and snuggle and cuddle the first baby because you will never have that option again because if you have another baby you will always have more than one child needing you. So hold her and cuddle her all you want, you will never get back those moments.


She is soooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!! I breast fed my first born for 12 months and started with rice cereal around 4-5 months. I breast fed my second 18 months and didn’t start food until 6 months. I was told to start with veggies b/c if you start with fruit they won’t want veggies and I that worked for me. Continued blessings to you!


She is absolutely adorable and I smile every time I see pics of her! My Brynn is a month behind her. I started my older daughter on mashed avocado, then mashed bananas. I love reading your posts for inspiration as I’m starting all over with running since I had pregnancy and delivery complications. Thanks for sharing with us!


She is seriously lovely!!!


Love her cheeks in picture number two! Would love any info, tips, advice on how you’ve managed to bf and run so much without losing your supply. Btw, I was reading your blog the other morning and my six year old looked over my shoulder and said, “lets get that baby!” (We’re expecting baby number three this July.) I told him she was taken but hopefully our baby will be just as cute. :)


Oh my goodness. Those first two pics of Brook. She is really too cute. I just recently started reading your blog & it’s now on my daily reading list. =) Loving all of your posts. Like someone said above, keep the baby stuff coming! Maybe you could post something about challenges/unexpected things about being a first time mom.


I skipped the rice cereal and started with avocados. With my second baby I even skipped puréeing everything. I gave her small pieces and let her feed herself… Sure it’s messy but its fun and cute, and she loved it. After avocado, it was carrots then pretty much whatever we were eating cut small and cooked soft… She went crazy over tofu :)
Brooke’s smile is contagious btw… I get a giant grin on my face when I look at pics of her. Soooo cute!


Ella loves peaches. She also loves when I mix peaches or apples with her oatmeal. We also just tried baby yogurt – she was pretty into it but it made for some interesting diaper changes.


Happy Half-Birthday, Brooke. You are the cutest little kid, you know that, right? Oh wait, nevermind, we don’t want you getting a big head this early. You are destined to grow into a smart, powerful, strong person, Ms. Brookie :)


Ahhh, Brooker is SOOOO x 1,000,000 cute! I love hearing how much you two love her. That is a lucky little girl with such loving parents. Can’t wait till I get to do that some day ;)


She.Is.Gorgeous! Love her smile:))
It’s been so long since my kids were babies but I do remember feeding them more veggies and not many fruits.


One of my daughter’s favorite first foods was avocado – just mash with a fork!

P.S. My daughter is also an August baby (2011). August babies are hands down the cutest!


Such a beautiful little girl, and six months is such a fun age! Count your blessings, girl!


Two pieces of advice…1. there will come a day when she has an orange glow from the carrots and sweet potatoes she eats. It’s ok. Just dress her up like an oompah loompah (however you spell that from Willie Wonka.) 2. I wish I had done less jar baby food and more real food. I fell for the gimmicks. No worries, my kids love veggies, fruits, whatever, but it would have saved some $$ and been better in the long run. Ah, if that was the only mistake I made as a mom. :-) Have fun with her.


First of all, you have such a cute baby!! She is always so happy. With that said, have you ever herd of the Honest company? They sell 100% plant based biodegradable diapers and wipes. There are so many harsh chemicals in baby diapers and they are horrible for the environment. They come in cute patterns and are delivered to your door. I could go on and on about how wonderful they are! I have used them on my daughter.


Oh my goodness I can’t even get over it. She loves brushing your teeth? THat is absolutely adorable. You’re making me actually want to have a kid so I can experience all of that! Ahhh she’s a beautiful baby and she’s growing up so, so fast.


Oh my goodness. . . reading your blog *always* gives me baby fever!! Brooke is the cutest baby ever. (Is it weird I worry about having an ugly baby.)


You are the cutest mommy ever Janae!! And let’s not talk about how gorgeous Brooke is at only 6 months old!! :)


I have 3 boys and I started them all on veggies first. After they got used to a good variety, I introduced fruits, which are a sweet treat. As you know.
She is too cute! She has THE best smile and a wonderful mama! Congrats!


Cutest 6month old ever!

I’m just starting to give my four month old son sweet potato in a mesh feeder. He is a big boy and drinks A LOT so I’m excited to give him some real food.

I would love to see a post on your favorite baby products. Also, how you manage to run so much, get out for fun adventures, look stunning and happy every day! I know I struggle almost daily, I want to be that put together!


I used the baby bullet to make my kids food. It worked great for twins since I made such big batches. I’ve heard great things about baby led weaning, too, and will probably go that route the next time around.
The best part about having kids is that each new stage is somehow even more fun than the last! They grow and learn so much!


Buddy fruits….amazing…the pure fruits ones…brooklyn loves the apple cinnamon


I’m not a mom yet, but I remember feeding my little sisters with purees made using a hand held baby food grinder that looked like this one
It was fun to use, saved a ton of money, and we could basically feed the baby parts of whatever dinner we were already having.


Weird but babies can have a “sensitivity” to bananas that makes them crinkle their noses and shake their head. Nothing to be concerned about though, especially if little girl likes them! She truly is soo precious.


This was so cute. Made me even tear up a little :’)


awww happy 6 months to the sweet little girl.

Nothing, nothing, nothing is sweeter than a babies laugh. It’s beautiful!


She is a doll.

Picture #2 is so precious!


What a sweetie!! She is always so happy and has the prettiest eyes :) Starting solids can be so much fun so enjoy it. Just getting her to taste different flavours, textures…spinach sure is a funny one to watch them eat haha!! Sweet potato and squash were both big hits with my daughter.


My daughter, Beatrice’s first food was avocado. She loved it and it’s the perfect consistency! Now she eats pretty much anything…and everything! She definitely has a great appetite!


I started solids around 6 months. I alternated fruits and veggies and her favorite to this day is banana. Oh, and if she doesn’t like something the first time, keep coming back to it every few days…she may end up loving it!

She is precious!


We slowly introduced solids to our little bebes! I only tried one thing at a time for a few days (just to make sure they weren’t allergic!) and they both seemed to do well with this! My little Lyla was such a fab eater and ate just about everything and continues to eat well =) It’s so fun to see what they like and don’t like and then again how their tastes changes as they grow!


She is so adorable Janae! And you’re such a great mommy :)

I would love it if you wrote about your journey with breastfeeding. I have a 5 month old and I always like to read about other’s experiences, especially since you are also a runner like me.

Happy half birthday Brooke!


My girls were not ready at 6 months, my first was closer to 8 months before anything actually got swallowed. My second, well, we used oatmeal first and she was allgic to it. It took me awhile to figure it out and dumb Mom keot mixing everything with oatmeal. Eventually she had a very seve reaction and we figured it out. So I basically traumitized her from food and it took awhile. But she never did purees. We did soft foods, foods in the mesh feeder, etc. I like starting out With puree but for her it was not going to happen. I started with veggies with my first and she is a huge veggie lover but I think it is coincidence. My other one eats so well now but it was a very, very rough start for her. She has some GI issues though and she had a swallowing disorder and some sensory issues ( sounds bad, but really she is ok).
Celia’s first food was avocado, so simple to mash and mix with some breastmilk. She loved carrots. is a greeat resource. I never bought store bought babyfood but I wish I had not been as rigid. Some of the new baby foods are ok, sprout makes some great products. Hey maybe if you try it, they will get wind and give you some freebies!! I never bought any special appliance to make the babyfood. I mainly used my mini food chopper that cost me $16. On occassion I got out the monster food processor. If you are used to making smoothies, it is easy!! I froze a bunch of purees in ice cube trays and then popped them out and stored them labeled freezer baggies. It is such a short time and then they really are able to eat a lot of what you already are eating. Foods to avoid are spinach (nitrates can cause burns at this early age), honey, and egg whites. I avoided eggs though because I thought that there was never a real way that I could completely remove all of the white! Nuts are now controversial, some are suggesting you introduce them early. I am allergic to peanuts so we of course avoided those!


I started my daughter first on rice cereal then veggies then fruit. To this day (she’s 3) she still prefers savory things to sweet! (Not sure if its bc I gave her veggies first or not but it was worth it if it was!) Super easy to boil then mash/process any veg or fruit really.


Yes! Are you still breastfeeding? And if yes, how do you handle breastfeeding and long runs? I want to get into marathon training once we move back to DC, and my baby will be 3 months then. I can’t figure out how to get it done…


Yes, I would like to know too!


for my last 2 kids I made my own baby food. it’s super easy and CHEAP!! I would buy sweet potatoes, carrots, and frozen peas and green beans. cook them until they are mush and throw them into a food processor (or blender) with enough water to make the consistency you want. THEN you can freeze it into ice cube trays and pop them all into a ziplock baggie for serving size portions. microwave for 1 min and you’re good. (although, my last baby is such an eater that I never did that, he would eat full adult sized bowls of the baby food. monster.) and you can mix things up, too. add some spinach to the sweet potatoes. some broccoli to the peas. some applesauce to the green beans. etc. good luck!


First off, I have to say that I LOVE how positive you are about your parenting experience instead of whining about how tired you are or how busy or how much she wants to be held. She’s such a lucky, lucky baby.

As for solids, I breastfed too so I didn’t feel a huge rush to worry about them much. Around 6 months I started off with mashed banana and breastmilk, then I did avocado and sweet potato I think. I made all of my own food using a book called Super Baby Food. It’s a nice guide to know which foods are okay for which ages. Homemade carrots, for example, should not be given too young because they can contain too many nitrates.


This. I was just thinking when I was reading Janae’s post about how she keeps Brooke entertained while she’s on the treadmill how positive she is about parenting. It’s SO refreshing, because I plan to be a mother in the next year or two and reading some blogs just freaks me out. Of course, Janae is a superstar!!


I second the Super Baby Food book. I’ve been using it for my daughter since we started solids at 6 months. It also gave me ideas of other veggies to make for her that I might not normally buy. She eats a more varied, healthy diet than my husband and I! Haha!


So sweet. She is too freaking cute!


These baby posts make my ovaries hurt!! haha It is so refreshing how positive you are being a mom. I know it has to be hard work but it seems like you cherish it completely. Keep up the good work!! :)


I’ve hated bananas my whole life. Crazy how we’re just born pre-programmed like that. What a cutie! Happy 6months, Brookie!


We started with avocado and it was great. We skipped the whole rice cereal thing (it’s GROSS if you try it!) and went straight for veggies. We waited on fruits so he wouldn’t reject the veggies. Now he’s 18 months and eats nearly anything!


Solids are so much fun! I started with the usual rice cereal but if I could go back I wouldn’t have given it to her. Just start slow, one fruit or veggie at a time for 3 – 4 days to make sure she doesn’t have an allergic reaction to anything. Quick cooking oats mixed with mashed up bananas or other fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apple sauce) is always a winner. Also, don’t be afraid to give her anything off of your plate that she could mash with her gums, of course. Letting her choose what to bring to her mouth (baby led weaning) is a great method. Plus, the more foods you introduce to her the more she’ll want to eat! My baby didn’t get teeth until almost 11 mo but she still ate everything I ate! Don’t be afraid if she gags or coughs, that’s just her trying to figure out all the new textures and flavors. She is si cute! I love looking at all her photos and watching her grow :).


That second photo just made me SO broody – and I’m pregnant! Too cute for words – she looks like a real little girl now (as opposed to a young baby). Sweet!


We are a month into solids over here. I wasn’t going to do the rice cereal thing, but my Dr. Made a good point, it’s the only way for a breastfeeding baby to get iron. (Not a problem if formula fed as they are fortified with iron. So we do cereal, squash, peas, avocado, banana, tofu and applesauce. It’s messy but fun watching them learn to eat.


We started with rice cereal at 6 months and I pretty much followed the nestle starting solids plan…I did make my own baby food but also bought the store bought stuff that wasn’t available in fresh. Those baby mum mums are a godsend for cranky baby’s lol.

Love the second pic of Brooke. My little one is 4months today :)


Brooke is the CUTEST BABY EVER! Seriously, that second picture of her made me tear up just looking at it! That face!!!


Gabriella was just smiling when I showed her these pictures. I was pointing at Brooke on the screen, and said ‘Look G, that’s your friend Brooke.’ – she couldn’t stop looking & smiling. Made my day :)


I am SO not ready for babies but you make me a tad bit more excited to someday have one (or two) :)


My husband and I aren’t sure we want kids, but every time I pull up a post with Brooke pictures I say, “Want to see the only baby in the world that makes me consider having one?”


Hey J! I just have a question: are you still breast feeding? Do you find your supply is altered due to your running? I’m training for a half and my babe is ten months still bfeeding a lot and i think the much running is altering my supply…also you do feed right before you run? then right after? do you wear two bras like me?! just curious! wanted to ask a running mommy but didn’t know if you were still breast feeding…thanks for any advice!


Brooke is seriously so adorable! I want to come be her babysitter please :)


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it for the rest of my life – Brooke is the most beautiful little baby girl! Her eyes and those expressions! I’m so glad you’ve had these amazing six months with her!


Brooke is absolutely adorable! And I don’t believe you can spoil ANY baby! :)


We just started our little one, Caroline (5 months) on solids. We do rice cereal in the AM and PM and AM she gets a fruit and PM she gets a veggie. We only introduce one new food every 3 days to watch for allergies, but she LOVES eating! Good luck!


So sweet! Sounds like she might be a runner too since she loves the jogging stroller and outdoors so much! :-)


She is way too cute!! I love her blue eyes!!


I didn’t follow too much of a plan when starting solids with Max. I did go the pureed route at first. If Brooke’s tongue thrust is still there, you might just want to wait a bit. I also let Max have baby MumMums to practice a bit of chewing. The pureed food part goes by really fast! I did make a few items myself (carrots, bananas, sweet potatoes)- but I found it a bit easier just to buy the organic jarred food for harder to puree stuff (creamed corn, beef/chicken). The pureed part goes by really quickly – we were done with it by about 9 months and now the little guy eats whole pieces of fruit by himself!


Oh! and we did fruits/veggies first – then meats and stuff. I started off with just one meal a day (lunch), then every month after, adding a meal.

I also never used rice cereal – only oatmeal. Rice cereal and Max’s pooper schedule didn’t agree!


I can’t believe Brooke’s 6 months old!! That means my baby is almost 6 months old and I am NOT ready. Where did the time go? How can they be so old already?? I love reading about your experiences as a mother. I feel like we have similar outlooks – I love everything about it too. I’d love to know how you got Brooke to sleep so well. Does she sleep in your bed or in a crib? I’m assuming she sleeps in your room since you only have one bedroom, but maybe you put her in the living room or something? My son only likes to sleep in his crib for a few hours, then he likes to sleep in our bed. I can’t decide when to kick him out. Honestly, I love having him sleep in our bed because I spend so little time with him (since I work all day) that any extra cuddle time is a blessing. However, I would also like to teach him some good sleeping habits. I think I will eventually sleep train him but I am not looking forward to it.


I spoiled my babies too and I never regretted it….too much at least, lol!!

I always started off with cereal and applesauce even though they say to start with veggies so they don’t get too used to the sweet taste. My kids were both great eaters though, loved their veggies and fruits and thankfully still do today at 4 & 7. My little guy who is 4 gets super excited when he sees we are having asparagus for dinner…ha!!

Brooke is just a doll and I so love watching her grow up through the pics in your blog. I look forward to seeing more of her firsts and following along on her journey to toddlerhood!!


She is sooo cute. Really just an adorable baby, I love how much you are enjoying her.

I made my own baby food for my kids, I found if I made it in batches it really didn’t take that much time and they were on to finger foods in no time so it wasn’t that long of a period that I had to do the extra work.

I liked to do carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, apples, bananas. Just the basics. My oldest daughter never liked bananas and still doesn’t and she is 13! There is a cool thing that is a food grinder and once Brooke is a little more advanced you can put what you are having for dinner in it and grind it up for her to be able to eat. Since you guys eat healthy meals that might work great for you.


I would love to hear more about your experience with breastfeeding! And did you do any sort of sleep training or did you just get lucky with her sleeping? What were some of the challenges you experienced as a new mom?


i honestly think brooke keeps getting cuter each month! she seems like the sweetest baby :)


Pureed sweet potatoes were about the only thing mine would eat for a long time. Then she got really into Greek yogurt and she still loves it.


She is so cute, she for sure makes me want another one. When it comes to feeding its different for every baby. Starting off with the orange veggies is good…not to sweet and not to bitter. Breastmilk is naturally sweet so sometimes babies have a hard time with the bitter veggies. All three of my kids hated carrots, it smells strong and tastes strong. I personally think starting off with sweet potatoes, yams or butternut squash are best choices. Then once my kids were used to those I would add about one fourth of a green veggies in with sweet potatoes or squash and offer it to them, so they dont get shocked by the texture and taste of the green veggie. Then once they were ok with that amount I would gradually add more than one fourth until they were perfectly fine with taking a green veggie alone. My kids never ate stage one, they always were wanting more then what came in the jar so I did stage two. I always add a tiny bit of rice cereal once they were used to eating baby food. I would add it in right with the pureed food. None of my babies liked it plain. I had some petite babies so I would add things that had good protein and healthy fat like scrambled and eggs and avocado. My third baby did not care for bananas so I mashed it up with some avocado and she loved it. She now is almost three and every day asks for an avocado to eat. She will eat a large one by herself. To me the the cheapest thing is to make the baby food myself by steaming the veggies then pureeing them in the blender. The are some awesome recipes and tips at I got a lot of helpful ideas from this site.


I don’t think I can stand her cutestness! 6 months is such a fun age.

I really don’t think you can spoil a baby. I’ve spoiled my first two and I will definitely be spoiling this (final) one.

My kids have been total opposites when it comes to foods. B loved purees and would probably still eat them now if I let him (he’s 6, lol). L hated them – so we basically just did the mesh feeder with her until she was 7-8 months and then started giving her our food (cut up). They are both adventurous and healthy eaters though – so my advice is to keep trying new things! Especially since taste buds are ever changing :)


You’re not spoiling her! Holding her NOW will help her feel safe and like her needs are being met. She’s less than a year. There’s some discussion on the table that human babies really require an additional 9 months of closeness. When you think about it, very few other animals are born quite as helpless as humans. Hold her close, hold her often :) Do you have a carrier? I found those really helped.

Foods – agree with so many of the others in the veggies first thing! It took me 3 kids to figure that one out :P Peas and sweet potato were favorites over here. Avocado is a good food to start with. I’ve heard that eggs should be avoided for the first year and followed that guideline.


Happy 6 months, Brookers!


I mean she is just the cutest thing in the world Janae! She seems like a little person already and you and Billy seem like the best parents!


No comments on the food, but today is my due date and seeing little Brooke made me even more anxious to meet our little one. she is so stinkin cute with those piggy tails!


I hear you on her core. Our li’l lady is only 11 weeks today and is itching to sit up. She curls up and holds it for a while and then falls back. It’s teaching me a lot! Love her!


Brooke is ADORABLE!!! I have a 5 1/2 month old, almost 6 months now actually, girl and I love love love being a mom!!! It’s good to know you started strawberries…i was told no strawberries till 1 (allergies) but the way she has been eating — eats squash, carrots, peas, pumpkin, peaches, zucchini, cauliflower, green beans, sweet potatoes – I think she’s ready for some fun fruit!!!


oh and avacado…she LOVED that!!! started with green veggies first then went to everything when we realized she wasn’t overly picky!! :) Love seeing pics of Brooke!


What a cutie! I bet Brooke would love the Gerber Puffs! My little guys loved all the different flavors.


Aww what a cute post! It’s been so much fun getting to know Brooke during these past 6 months on the blog!


I have been following this site as a guide line when introducing new solids to my little girl.

I also LOVE making my own baby food. I find it theraputic. Plus I am her sole milk supply so it’s nice to know how much I can/am providing for her.


This just made my Want-to-Have-a-Baby-Right-Now feelings maximize by no less than 100,000%! Happy 5 months little Brookie!


And by 5 I reallllyyy mean 6. I was a little too quick on the draw there. Whoops!


HI from Canada!!! I always started with one food at a time, so you can detect any reactions if any. I would start with veggies first for they tend to like fruit and if you do fruit first they are fussy with veggies..:) I have 2 healthly older boys so please enjoy these days with your beautiful girl, time does fly!
you are the best!!- Jodi


Brooke is really such a beautiful baby! I loved solids with Hailey. It was really so much fun. We did Baby Led Weaning. Here’s a link to our experience-


She is just GORGEOUS! Well done by you and Billy!

I also would like to thank you for your positivity about having a baby. So many blogs out there really emphasize the negative parts and make mommy-hood seem really scary. My husband and I are talking about starting a family soon and your blog makes having a baby look like a joy! I’m sure there are difficult parts but you can tell how much you love being a mom and Billy loves being a dad and how loved Brooke is. It also doesn’t hurt that she’s literally the cutest baby I’ve EVER seen.

I can’t wait to see more Brooke posts! Happy half birthday sweet girl!!


She is seriously precious! I am still a few years out from procreating but through HS and part of college I worked at my aunts day care center with kids in the 6 week – 9 month range and they are just so much fun! Minus the crying and pooping all the time but really they just love laughing and exploring! Glad you are loving being a mom!


You have a model child, Janae! She is breath takingly BEAUTIFUL. <3



Avocado and I cannot say enough good stuff about starting them on that. It’s a ‘super food’ and is so so good for their little brains and bodies! After that, I think we did peaches and bananas or something close. I read “Super Baby Food” and made my own food. I bet Ms. Brooke would love it!!


Happy 6 month birthday to Brooke! I started my son on cereal at 4 months and baby food at 6 months. I would make my own baby food and freeze it ice cube trays. Then I would just pop out a few cubs to thaw! Easy, cheap, and healthy.
P.S. He dislike tofu and lentils…but I tried :)


I just had my little girl 4 weeks ago…I love reading about you and Brooke and your adventures. I had a cesarean andI can’t work out yet so I’m trying to get as much info as I can about losing the baby weight…I would love to hear your tips and about your experience!


Cutest pigtails ever! Love your Brooke posts!


We did “baby led weaning” with Emmalyne and it was amazing. We started at 6 months and never stopped.

I wrote a post on it here:


V was grabbing food off my plate at 3 months, so he was ready to eat solids. I cut up everything once he passed an allergy test. He LOVED avocado, mashed up, he will still eat a whole one chopped up. I also made all of his baby food, sooooo easy to make.


You are such a sweet mom. And brook is absolutely adorable.


OMG! She is the cutest thing ever! I’m still in that wavering phase – not sure if I’m ready for children yet (my husband totally is!) and after seeing how adorable Brooke is, it’s pushing me over the edge!


I don’t have any kids yet, but I don’t see any harm in starting them off early on froyo, sour patch kids, and anything covered in chocolate from Trader Joe’s! :P haha or you could wait on those fun things until she’s a little older! Like I said, though I don’t have kids yet, I love Brooke/Life as a Mom from Janae updates! I read HRG baby posts, and would love to hear any tips you have from what you learned breastfeeding, to how to keep her appeased on a run in the super cool Bob!


Definitely start with veggies!!! :) She’s so beautiful. Love her eyes!


First off I love your blog! I have a baby girl that is a couple months older then yours! Isnt being a mom the best? We gave our daughter pizza crust to bite on at 6 months old! We give her just about everything and here she is 8 months old and eats fish and everything! The only thing we dont give her is honey and peanut butter! Your baby girl is beautiful!


How do you balance running in the morning and feeding Brooke? I need some tips!

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