A really FUN workout, Brooke doesn’t like carrots and a family recipe.

Brooke’s reaction to me feeding her carrots instead of her beloved sweet potatoes:

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There really is nothing quite as fun as shaking your booty early in the morning with your cousin and sister.  We went to a zumba class this morning and it was the best.  I had so much fun I wish I could do this class with them every single day of my life.  

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A salad bar trip at Jason’s Deli was absolutely necessary.  I think they have Jason’s where I live but none of them taste nearly as good as my Utah one.   Separate plate in the back for my yogurt, fruit and pickles.  

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MEGAN (remember when she made me an entire pie?) brought her amazing cake batter muddy buddies and chocolate cups.  That is a good friend.

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My Utah gorgeous girls.  Candice, Misha, Megan, Ash and Megan.   

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Brooke was THIS close to smashing Megan’s ice cream cone.  She is starting to scare me with her crazy sugar reaching skills.  You can’t even blink when you are holding her and there is food within 3 feet of her. 

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A few people asked for the Date Bars recipe!! This is the only copy of it that we have.  It was typed up with a typewriter and it is probably from 1910… it has been in the family for a long time.  That means we are close since I am sharing a family recipe with you.  It doesn’t have eggs and so it is my dad’s favorite dessert since he is allergic to eggs.  

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Are you allergic to anything?  


 Favorite place to go for a salad bar?

-Jason’s Deli and Pizza Factory. 

Last really FUN workout that you did?

Has your Monday gone by speedy or slow?

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I hate cooked carrots too….sweet potatoes are waaay better. Good choice Brooke.


Her facial expression is priceless!!! So adorable!! Looks like you and your family are having so much fun…


The cafeteria at my work has a fantastic salad bar. I try to limit my visits to one every few weeks to help my wallet out. I did a great 10 mile trail run yesterday. All trail runs are FUN to me – they put me in such a good mood and I get to ride the buzz until the next weekend when I get to go do another one. I have never tried Zumba, but it always looks fun!


Sllllooooww Monday! It feels like it should be Wednesday already.


I really love the Pizza Hut salad bar. You can get a take out one for less than $5 & it’s delish. Ella isn’t into carrots either, but she’ll eat green beans like it’s her job!


Hahaha Brooke, so much expression for one baby!!! Ugh this Monday has been brutal; one of those student days where the work never ends :( AND I missed my yoga class by 30 seconds so they wouldn’t let me in. Oh well…


That cake batter muddy buddy bag looks delicious? What is her recipe? I’ve never heard of such a masterpiece! I am, thankfully, not allergic to anything! My favorite salad bar is probably from Eat n Park.. I think it’s a PA restaurant!


I can’t even believe you can walk much less shake your booty haha! I am dying! Have a great rest of the time with your family :-)


I’m allergic to Penicillin, too. But otherwise, nada.
I would definitely choose sweet potatos > carrots so I don’t blame Brooke. Haha.
I tried one of the “Tone It Up” girls arm workouts this morning and ended up laying on my yoga mat because it killed my arms. Turns out I’m pretty weak lol.

I’m glad you’re having a good time and it’s only right for Brooke to be a sugar addict!


Not gonna lie it makes me really said that Brooke doesn’t like carrots. Like really heartbroken. They’re my absolute favorite. I guess I can learn to like her still if she keeps making cute faces. I am so jealous that you went to Zumba!!!!! It’s my absolute favorite! I’m sure you had an absolute blast especially with the blend meetup and family time. Ah you’re making me insanely jealous of this week for you!


Pilates reformer today for the first time.. not sure if I like it? I got to be the demo girl… in the Y lobby.. Eyes were on me as all these Y members walked by. I had to do all kinds of weird stuff on that contraption..

Monday has been crazy busy… Worked with a client so I was up at 3am.. Ran 6 miles, did a 60 minute demo of the pilates, cleaned for 1 hr, and went x-skiing for an hour.. now I’m on the couch.. dead tired. I’m going to bed early!


Not really allergic to anything …well bubble bath. But that’s it.

Gosh I can’t remember my last ‘fun’ workout experience. Really want to try Zumba and Crossfit!


Love Jasons Deli but FAV salad bar has to be whole foods…. and fav workout class is definitely BURN here in SF… it’s a pilates/weights/cardio/kick your butt/willmakeyousore fusion class. ((www.burnsf.com))


Ooooh forgot about the WF’s salad bar- that’s a good one!!!


That is such an intense recipe in so many ways.


Souplantation is the absolute best place for a salad bar! They also have great soups, breads and frozen yogurt. Yum!!!!


I miss Jason’s Deli!! That picture of Brooke is hilarious. Monday has gone by fast, thankfully.


I’m allergic to Penicillin too! Funny, I’ve never met anyone else with the same allergy.


Her face is priceless! Love it!



Haha Brooke looks like she wants to say “Are you crazy?” Super cute, and her hair is SO long!


I do BodyPump and Zumba on Fridays, and the Zumba doesn’t even feel like a workout! It’s so fun!
The best part of Jason’s Deli is the free ice cream cones :)


Hahaha love Brooke’s face! As much as I do like carrots, I have to agree with her, sweet potatoes are the bomb.
You can’t beat Jason’s Deli salad bar! That’s one of my favorites too. I also love Whole Foods salad bar, but I’d love it even more if it weren’t so pricey. ;)


I was intrigued by that recipe, thank you for sharing it! What’s a cube of butter – a tablespoon or a stick of a “cube” from the store – 4 sticks?! Lol!


It’s a whole stick!


Cake Batter Muddy Buddies? Off to google that recipe now…


I can’t stop laughing at Brooke’s hilarious expression. I too prefer sweet potatoes over carrots!

I’m allergic to Augmentin which is a medicine combined with Penicillin so they usually don’t give me that either…

But can we just talk about CAKE BATTER MUDDY BUDDY?!? Seriously?!?!


Zumba is definitely a class I want to try. It looks so fun, but I’m worried about my lack of coordination.

My day has definitely gone by pretty fast – it’s already mid afternoon!


I’m allergic to Penicillin as well and cats.. I hate them cause they make me sneezy and itchy and swollen and ugly. I love Ruby Tuesday’s salad bar. SO DELICIOUS!!! My last fun workout was my half marathon yesterday :D My monday has unfortunately gone by super speedily and I still have a lot of stuff to do that I haven’t done yet. Oops. Thank goodness I have the next two mornings off..


Hehe, Brooke is so cute!
And Monday is usually my slow day. I only have one class and a bunch of time to be productive (or lazy).


Kudos to Brooke for sticking to her guns and letting you know how she really feels about her food. I’m a fan of both carrots AND sweet potatoes, but if I had to choose between the two, SP’s would definitely come out on top. And I have the unfortunate luck of being allergic to peanuts, which kind of sucks because there’s basically traces of them in everything!


You know a recipe must be good when it called for 3THREE sticks of butter. Geesh!

I am a big fan of Jason’s deli salad bar. I do like the good ol’ Sizzler salad bar since it has whole apples, grapes, avocados and the like on it. Stick those in the purse for later (totally did that in college. love being uber poor)

I am allergic to penicillin as well. I broke out so bad when I gave birth to Evan because they gave me some. No es bueno. And I am allergic to kiwis. Does your dad like chocolate and caramel? Anna’s favorite treat that I make for her birthday (since she doesn’t like cake even if I make it without eggs) is a recipe for caramel brownies or carmelitas. If so, I should send you the recipe so you can make it for him.

I love my PiYo workouts on Wednesday mornings.

Brooke sure is quick. I think she might have been quicker stealing the tupperware full of the chocolate almond cups than she was with my ice cream. Ha! And she is super adorable. I am so glad I got to see you both today. You two are some of my favorite girls ever and I hope it won’t be so long until I get to see you again. Love you girl!


I’m allergic to sulfa medications! And I STILL have not been to a Jason’s Deli! There’s only one in downtown Chicago and I’m just never nearby!


Hahaha brooke is so funny. That expression is priceless. Must be so nice having some surprise family time!
My parents get in from Australia on Thursday and I get to spend a whole week with them and my sissy. Can’t wait!!


hahahha that first pic!!
aww zumba is FUN with friends!!

No allergies as far as i know!
It’s been a baaad monday – I’m siiiiiiiick!


Jason’s Deli definitely has the best salad bar by far. I’m so excited to go to Las Vegas this weekend so I can go for the first time in about 3 years…that is too long.


My oldest loved sweet potatoes, but wouldn’t eat carrots so I would mix them together (bwahaha) until he ate them.


I love my Tuesday evening runs with friends. And the food & drinks we have afterwards, with some great conversation on the side :)


Awww… I love the old recipe card!! Something like that passed down through the family is priceless!

One question, thought… is a “cube” of butter the same as a “stick” of butter?




Thanks! I wanna try making your recipe!


Brooke is sooo stinkin’ cute. I tried zumba for the first time last week and LOVED IT. I wish I could take a class every day! Cake batter muddy buddies… oh my goodness those sound delicious! Glad you are enjoying your time with your family!


Brookes face is priceless! Thats so fun to get to experiment with foods they have never tried!
p.s. i have never tried zumba i think i am just to intimidated by it… I mean im not a good dancer so i wouldn’t be good at zumba right!?!?


I can’t get over how gorgeous Brooke is! Seriously!

I haven’t ever tried zumba, but it sounds like so much fun! I bet it’s even more fun with awesomly fun people to do it with!


Brooke’s face is priceless! She is too cute. My last fav run was today! I finally got to run after 4 days of being sick:(


It has been SLOW. Sweet Tomatoes is the best place for salad. But Jason’s Deli has those little gingerbread muffins.
Hiking was fun yesterday.

The Kidless Kronicles


Jason’s Deli is one of my favorite restaurants to go to SOLELY because of the salad bar. I love their options and variety. Plus the ability to go up as many times as you can before you explode is definitely a plus! :D


Did I recommend carrots as an awesome baby food? I think maybe I did… sorry Brooke! Send them to Aliana… she will eat anything… in fact she is currently sitting on my lap, grabbing my arm and intercepting way more than her fair share of my dinner!


I’m allergic to peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, some beans (I.e. the soy milk at Starbucks makes my throat itch/swell), and Elastoplast bandaids. I also have a sensitivity to dairy and gluten. Fueling can be…interesting…


Me and Brooke could be besties because I also am not a carrot lover. Luckily I am not allergic to any foods but I am VERY allergic to almost all animals.


Brooke’s face CRACKS me up!

My favorite salad bar is the Texas De Brazil salad bar, but it’s more like a salad EMPIRE really. So delicious!


Allergic to nickel and formaldehyde.

I haven’t done the salad bar thing in years- but probably Sweet Tomatoes or Jason’s

I just did a 6 mile run that was insanely hilly and windy and I finished it and thought, “that was fun”- I suppose that’s a sign that you really love running.

Today’s been kind of slow- but not in a bad way.


That picture of Brooke eating the carrot is hilarious!

I’m really allergic to cats.

I really liked the salad bar at Jason’s Deli (we went there while we were in Denver), but we don’t have a Jasons within 4 hours of us :(

My 6 mile run on Sunday was really fun. I met my running buddy at the trail that I did all my runs on in college and for two years after…. oh the memories :)

I had a slow Monday and a long day at work.


My Monday’s already over…super speedy!

Fave salad bar would have to be…the one in college. No lie. Hard to beat the variety. College was 10+ years ago, but I still miss having someone chop up all my veggies for me…


What the? I am vegan and if you replace the butter with earth balance these are totally vegan! YUMMERS! Thanks so much!


YAY! I love teaching Zumba–so glad you all had a blast!

I LOVE Jason’s. Love that place. I want to go back asap!


I’m allergic to lactose and gluten. Ugg! My last fun workout was a Pure Barre class. And my Monday was very fast!!


Fave salad bar is HenHouse or Price Chopper when I’m visiting my sister. We just don’t have anything like that where I live.
Fortunately I’m not really allergic to anything.
I’m usually off on Mondays so they seem to always fly by.
Brooke is just too darn cute to handle!


Jason’s Deli is my favorite salad bar too. I’m there at least once/week!


Such a slow monday….and its not even over. Class from 1pm-6:45pm. :(
This 3 hour class was not a good idea.


Haha, Brooke’s face is priceless! And those muddy buddies look amazing! Can you send me some? :)


Ironically I am allergic to allergy shots. :) went into anaphylactic shock after one round!


I agree, carrots are gross. I think I’ll decide I’m allergic to carrots!


LOVE Jason’s Deli! and last week I got a treadmill for my birthday and had an allergic reaction to something in the packaging?? No clue what it was but it was terrible!


I love that the recipe is typewritten!

You really can’t be THAT surprised that Brooke goes after the sweets, now can you? Haha!


Today was THE best. I miss you so much my darling Janae!! I am so glad I got to see you! Even if it was only for a little bit! xoxoxo


That picture of Brooke is the cutest ever! My favorite salad bar is at Round Table Pizza. Why do all ghe best salad buffets seem to be at pizza places? I love whatever theory is behind that.


Great blog! I just found you after a number of suggestions to check you out. The connection between running and food is so close and I like the way you weave them together. A number of my readers were saying they’d love to see you interviewed at teachtorun.com and they’ve submitted a number of questions. Would you be interested?


My friends and I were in a yoga class and then we crashed the Zumba class that came after ours for 15 minutes before we had to go and get the kids from soccer practice. That was so much fun! Glad you are getting to spend some unexpected time with your family!
I’m allergic to a bunch of fruits and veggies :(


Cliche blogging answer coming up but I can’t get enough of the Whole Foods salad bar ;)!


I can’t tell you how much I love date bars. My Mom made them at Christmas every year when we were kids–and also date bread, which is a tradition at Christmas, too. Luckily no one else around me likes date bars so I have them all to myself!


All my old family recipes are typed up like yours…made me smile and think of my grandmother :)


How does your sister keep her hair looking so perfect all the time? I think she needs to do a hair guest post! I think I remember you saying it is naturally that curly, but really I have not seen a picture of it looking out of place!! So jealous!

I am allergic to everything! Okay well only tree nuts, peanuts, tomatoes, avocados, sesame, cinnamon, and peas, but sometimes it seems like everything!


I had a GRIM parenting Monday, but we had friends for dinner with babies, toddlers, pizzas and wine so it ended really well. And tomorrow is Tuesday!


I love thy first picture of Brooke, she is so sweet! That recipe is great! Family recipes on typed cards… We’ve come a long way. Now Pinterest on my ipad is the only way I use a recipe.


Brooke’s face is hilarious in that top photo!
I’m just lactose intolerant, which isn’t really an allergy!


your cousin looks a bit like a leanne rimes in that gym picture??? prettier of course :)


I used to love Ruby Tuesday’s salad bar.


I recently discovered Sweet Tomatoes which is affiliated with Soul Plantation and I am in love!

I have a chocolate cake recipe that doesn’t have eggs. It is our family favorite. Let me know if you want the recipe.


Your salad looks so healthy!



I am loving Brooke’s teal jeans! She’s so stylish.

I wish my sister was around to hang out with and go to exercise classes with! She lives closer to you than to me, though. She’s in San Fran and I’m in CT.


I’m also allergic to penicillin as well. I really enjoy being on the rowing machine these days. Trying to expand my workouts to not just running :)


allergic to shellfish.
guess i need to get my rear end to a zumba class. i have wanted to try it, but honestly, have been a little afraid that i would feel like it wasn’t a great workout (compared to spin or running). I know that isn’t true, but it’s still a fear!


woohoo! thanks for posting the recipe :] when i saw “family recipe” in the title i was hoping my request was fulfilled. can’t wait to try it! (and the typed-out index card looks like so many of my family’s recipes– the best ones!) xoxo


I am allergic to cantaloupe, pineapple, and raw bananas. Formerly all of my favorite fruits. WAH!!!

Whole Foods has my favorite salad bar in town!

Last fun workout was a run with my dogs last Saturday. We have a large undeveloped area across the parkway from my house where I can set them loose.

My Monday dragged but I made it to Tuesday!


YUM! I am dreaming of all sorts of things that the “date paste” would taste awesome on!!


Aww, well I guess this means more avocados for her, haha!


I have a mild allergen to mangos. Make my lips swell, but other than that, thankfully no serious allergies.

Went to U-Jam last night! Somewhat like Zumba where it’s dance cardio, but without the Latin music.


I am allergic to Ketamine (commonly used in anesthetics). I had a near death reaction and the doctor told me to stay away from the street drug Special K… I said “I don’t think that will be an issue,” haha! I am going to NEED the recipe for those cake batter muddie buddies!


I am allergic to Ketamine (commonly used in anesthetics). I had a near death reaction and the doctor told me to stay away from the street drug Special K… I said “I don’t think that will be an issue,” haha! I am going to NEED the recipe for those cake batter muddie buddies!

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