A little iffy about the situation.

I don’t even know who I am anymore.  I went on a walk with a friend.  The reason this is so strange is because anytime I hang out with my friends it usually involves going for froyo or food somewhere but I think walking dates are going to happen more often now.  I will just bring treats from home for our walk.  (PS the friend that I went with is just as obsessed with candy as I am ((I know, hard to believe)) and we did spend a good 15 minutes talking about all of our favorites).

We got our sunglasses on (okay, she only lets them stay on for about 12 seconds) and met my friend at the trail.

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Brooke was a little iffy about the whole situation.


But then Brooklyn got a little closer to her and she really didn’t know what to think.    

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By the time we were done with our walk I was starving.  Dinner at 5:30 pm, the early bird special.  Omelets with chicken, green onions, red peppers, mushrooms, cilantro and garlic.  We decided that the only thing that we should change for our next omelet is adding a little bit of bacon.

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The best way to end the night is my favorite trail mix of white baking (they have not been used to bake, just to snack) chips and dark chocolate pomegranates.   

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Not quite sure if I am going to run or not today… if I do I have to wake up early to do it…. I don’t know if I know how to wake up early and run anymore even though I used to wake up at 5 to run every day when I was a teacher.  I would love to get back in the habit of doing that but I think I will wait for that until Brooke no longer likes to party at approximately 3 in the morning:)


Are you in a good habit of getting up early?  Is it easy or tough for you to get up early?

Favorite omelet fillings?

Tell me about the fun and exciting things that you did with your Friday night?

-Food and 10 episodes of House Hunters.

Are you running today?  Where?  Anyone trying out a new route today?

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So random… I started my blog today with that exact same sentence. And then went on a walk with a friend. Weird haha. Just this week I started getting up before 6 but when I was still breastfeeding I never woke up before 9! Favorite omlette fillings are cheese and jalepenos. And doing a long run today :-) On my old stomping grounds at my parents house :-) Have a great weekend!


Woke up this morning and did laundry before spin favorite way to start Saturday. I love onion bacon mushroom broccoli omlettes… or whatever is in the fridge ;) Have a great weekend!


I use to always sleep as late as possible, but since I’ve started this new active lifestyle I usually do get up at 5-5:30ish. Crazy! I had a group long run scheduled for today (training for 1/2 marathon) but it was cancelled because of the subzero weather. I’m so disappointed. Sitting here watching the snow come down trying to decide where and how to get my mileage in. My exciting Friday night had me in bed by 8:45-whoo hoo! I LOVE veggie omelets! I would actually eat those choc covered berries for breakfast if I had some!


I get up early to run every day but its still not easy yet. One day, maybe. Our Friday night was spent packing. We are getting picked up in exactly 8 minutes to get the heck out of winter and go on a Caribbean cruise. I’m a little excited.


I think I’m going to have my husband drop me off 7-8 miles away from my house so I’ll have to run that distance back! I’m just waiting for it to get above 10 degrees!

I used to teach, too and had to get up so early to run! … Now I haven’t really set an alarm consistently since June!! I miss early morning runs though, they are so peaceful.


Impressive omelet skills! My favorite fillings are gorgonzola cheese and bell peppers- yum! I usually wake up around 5:45-6 am for work, but I am not an early bird so its a struggle every morning. I definitely run in the afternoons :-).


No running today. I would have had to be up way too early. Love spinach bacon omelettes and your omelette looks delish!


I actually ran the first time yesterday for months. I actually ran 23 minutes (slower than a turtle) without stopping. It makes it hard with a little one.


I wish I had crazy Friday night plans to recount! I was in bed by 12:30 but not because I was doing anything exciting – just running errands and then watching some TV :)

I am an early bird by nature. I find the mornings so peaceful and quiet and I think they help to serve as a buffer between total silence (my house) and all the forced conversation I have at the office! I’m definitely a grump at work when I go right from my bed to my desk.


I don’t have a schedule for when I get up early. It depends on whether I’m working (up at 5:30 only 3 days of the wk) or have a specific workout planned (usually up by 6). I’m natuarally an early riser so on the other days I’m still up by 8. Last night I worked on my blog and had dinner with friends at Chili’s. Yum! Today is my last long run before the RnR half next weekend. Just an easy run from the house. Also taking a hot yoga class! Enjoy your Saturday =)


My youngest did not sleep for more then 20 min at a time until she was 6 months old, sadly not exaggerating (very severe GERD that still exists at age 2+). In any case, I used to be able to get up very early no matter what, she ruined that!! Both my kids get up early, I have not slept past 6:30 in 5 1/2 years. They typically get up by 5:30 and the youngest frequently has an issue at 3 am and oldest has to go potty around 4:00 and sing while in there. Sleep, sigh, I have no idea what that really means anymore!!! I am going for a walk/run when it gets above 20 here. I am actually going to test out my new sneakers.


Awww partying at 3am hahaha she’s so funny! Maybe a rest day would be nice! I love going for walks with my friends. We call it social walking and we use it as prime gossip time. Although its way more fun with Froyo. And can me crazy but I don’t like omlettes and eggs. Give me a stack of pancakes post long run anyday :)


I’m terrible at getting up early. I won’t get up early unless I have to be somewhere. Otherwise I’m up around 8:30 when my daughter wakes up.
I can’t eat omelets, eggs make me very sick. It’s a bummer because I love them!
I love house hunters! That’s one show I miss now that we don’t have cable.


Definitely used to getting up early. I have been getting up at 4:30 AM since I was 17. Sleeping in is 9 AM.

The chicken fajita omelet. Hmmm….I love IHOP.

Our friday night consisted of couch time, like it usually does:-)

I have to run 8 miles today. I’m going to do it sans watch. I just want to run and not care about the time. I’m going to wait a while though, it’s 18 degrees right now…


I go in phases with early morning workouts… Since I’ve been pregnant, it just hasn’t been happening, but I’d love to get back into it again. It feels so good to start your day off right away with an awesome workout.
Favorite omelet fillings would definitely have to be bacon or ham (I love the saltiness!), peppers, onions, and cheese of course.
Friday night was pretty crazy over here. I made enchiladas, we went to Coldstone, watched an episode of Brothers & Sister on Netflix, and I fell asleep at 9:30. ;)


I am usually an early riser to run, except weekends! But then again I usually fall asleep really early too! My favorite omelet fillings would have to be green pepper, onion, and mushrooms! With lots of hot sauce on top! My Friday night consisted of watching super natural re-runs, BORINGGGG! I am running my long run on the treadmill, wish me luck! Happy Saturday!


During the week I am up for training around 4 or 5 depending on the day, the weekends I am more relaxed about it. I am scheduled for a run today, but have been dealing with patella tendinitis, so holding off till tomorrow for my long run. I am always training for the next race and sometimes, I obviously push it! Friday nights are low key, my husband and I go to dinner at one of our favs and then to the bookstore. When we get home the tv is on but don’t really watch since we are both glued to our computers. Omelets, love them them with veggies and sausage, typically… but the possibilities are endless!


I am running on my treadmill today…so I guess in my basement! I like to get up early…the problem is that all I really like to do when I get up is sit around. It doesn’t make much sense! Brooke should ask Brooklyn is she can borrow that hat because it is really cute!


Hi ! So I HATE getting up early! I run either during my nine+ months old am nap (9am) or om nap (145pm). NOw that I’m a SAHM (I was a teacher too!) i avoid early am at all costs. My son (again 9 months plus) still loves to party at 3am… sorry ;) So today I will run during Zach’s first nap (actually in a few mins as soon as I finish my coffee)- i have an EASY SHORT run planned as I did my long run yesterday (wooot!). I actually hurt myself hopping OFF my treadmill that is crammed into my basement (I know-derp!) so my knee hurts today- my only battle wound from my lung run- what a dork, right?! Exciting fri night? I went to be bed 815. yup. blame it on the 3 am nightly party for 9+ months and a boob infection I’m fighting off (still breeding exclusively). ANyway, i love your posts! Still waiting for you to do a how to post on hill training on the milll- i hope I’m doing it right- I’m running my first half post baby in central park ny which i hear is super hilly….


Walking dates are the best. Brooke really is the cutest thing!

It is hard for me to get up early, but I do it. And it is getting easier. 530 right now but it will get even earlier when it gets hots.

Friday night we watched the original Footloose and then The Dark Knight Rises.

Saving my run for tomorrow to burn off some Superbowl food.

The Kidless Kronicles


Some days I can get up early but other days it’s a big struggle, just really depends on the day. I normally never regret getting up early for a run


I actually wish that I could get into the habit of NOT waking up so dratted early. It seems like no matter what time I go to sleep, my body is up and ready to go by 5 or 6. I love the early mornings and all, but sometimes it would be nice to get a little more shut eye… especially on the nights I go to sleep late. Not that my weekends are crazy or anything… last night involved restocking my kitchen, painting my nails, watching a bit of TV, and passing out around 10. Super exciting stuff ;)


I am normally pretty good about getting up early. I routinely wake up around 6:30 or 7 on the weekends. However, today I somehow managed to sleep until 9:30 which was pretty glorious!


During the week I get up at 4:15-5am to run – it’s then or never. And I have to be done in time for my husband to run before work as well. I love it. As tough as it is, it adds hours to my day and I love having it done early.
I had a girls night out last night with a friend that is due with her first baby in 1 week! It was one last night out with her before her little bundle comes. So fun.
I have to run 13 speedy miles today, and the only flat-ish area around me to do it is a one mile stretch from my house, so that will be my 13 mile “loop”! Better than the treadmill:) Tomorrow is my rest day – looking forward to it:)


I’m pretty proud of my ability to get up early. When I was 15-19 I considered waking up before 10 am illegal but then when I started second year university and my free time decreased by 700% I started waking up by 6 to work out. I think I was the only one I knew (in my age group) who did that! My schedule is a little less hectic now so I usually sleep until 7 or 8 and workout in the afternoon as I have early morning classes.


The husband and I stayed in last night and ate pizza and watched A Knight’s Tale…I <3 Heath Ledger.


Love house hunters international :)
I am running today! Just slamming back my coffee and I’m off. Going to aim for a nice and easy 5-7kms this morning. Then off to a 1yr olds bday!! I’d like to try a new route today but I’m in a new area and I’m afraid of getting lost lol.


Friday night. Pizza, Cabernet, and some Lifetime movies. Party animal. I wish I would have had some of those chocolate pomegranates though; the best.


My little one gets up around 3 every morning too. He never went back to sleep Monday morning. That was a fun day at work! I had spit up in my hair and didn’t notice until 9 :)


I watched four episodes of “General Hospital” when the baby went down for bed. I love watching soaps…all my problem seem very insignificant that way, haha!


My friday night consisted of Four Weddings and Shark Tank. Four Weddings was funny because half the girls were alcoholic and half were not, so one of the girls put up a “no shots allowed” sign at her cocktail hour.

I am such a party animal.


I’d much rather eat candy all day, but I’ll be going for a light run at some point. Tomorrow, I’m running my first marathon! So, I should probably not eat candy all day…


With a full time job, 2 kids, and a hubby, I have to get up early to work out or it would not happen. It is kind of easy now that I am used to it. It’s the best way to start my day, with some “me” time and sweaty endorphins before the craziness begins!


5:30 is the early bird special? We are lame and usually eat dinner around 4:30. My husband gets home from work at 4 and twice a week he has to leave for his team rides at 5 and has to fuel up!

It’s tough for me to get up early (even though it’s been about four years I still love that my kids sleep through the night, it’ll happen again, I promise) but the rest of my family are early birds extreme!

Friday night…let’s see…I watched my husband changed tubes and tires on three of his wheel sets and we all went to target. Try not to be jealous.


Brooke’s little face is so cute!!


I really NEED to try those dark chocolate pomegranates!!

During the week I get up at 3:30 am with my husband who has to be at work at 5:00. I actually think he has a harder time with it than I do. I love that I get an early start on the day but it is pitch dark outside!

I love my omelets with bacon, cheddar cheese, and tons of veggies!

Because we get up so early, we usually aren’t able to stay up past 8:00 or 8:30 (sad I know). We watched Kitchen Nightmares and then crashed!


I love getting up early, but definitely not 5am early. :) Weekdays I’m up about 6, and weekends about 7:30, depending on how wild we got the night before! Speaking of, last night we went to a movie (The Impossible) came home, and were in bed by 10. Terribly wild.


That is most definitely my dream trail mix. No running today but we are riding bikes on the beach to get our sweat on :)


I have a tough time getting up early, but if I have to get up early to meet a friend for a run or for a race I never seem to have any trouble.

Favorite omelet fillings- black beans, a little shredded chicken, a little cheese, and salsa on top!! YUM! :)

My husband took me out to Olive Garden for a date night. Then we went grocery shopping. Talk about a night on the town, haha.

I am planning to go for a 6 mile run later today. I made a new route on the roads around our house and I’m planning to show it to my hubby.


This is totally off topic and on the wrong post but you NEED to make these 7-layer bars for tomorrow…or Monday or any day soon!!!!



Last night my hubs and I went grocery shopping & to get fish fries. Super exciting – I know. Like you, we headed to bed early & were partying at 3 a.m. with Ella.

I love omlettes with american cheese, ham, and bacon. I know… super healthy :)


during the week i get up at 4:30 to run at 5:30, its defiantly not easy, but i’m not an afternoon runner lol it just won’t happen if i don’t do it in the morning, on the saturdays i run between 9 and 10:30 usually, my perfect time :)
running today, on the treadmill, way too cold outside for me, hopefully 13 miles :)


walking dates sound nice! i love those chocolate poms…so good!

yes, im definiately a morning person. i dont do AM workouts everyday, but when I do I usually dont have a problem getting up. its just getting out of the bed that is hard. once you wash your face, brush your teeth etc you are up and ready to roll.

favorite omelet filling… caramelized onion, tomato, spinach, shroom and cheese

Friday night- worked out with my boyfriend and made a nice meal! shrimp/scallops/pasta/red sauce/bread/homemade caesar salad and homemade chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt…i was so full by the end of the night haha


Are you in a good habit of getting up early? Is it easy or tough for you to get up early?
Yes, I hardly ever sleep in but sometimes its nice just to lay there and not have to get up and rush around.

Favorite omelet fillings?
ok i am weird and do not like cheese but i love green peppers and ham in my omelet.
Tell me about the fun and exciting things that you did with your Friday night?
um nothing:) just relaxed and talked with my family and watched dateline, so exciting!

Are you running today? Where? Anyone trying out a new route today?
yes, i just got back from a 5 mile run at a new trail and park nearby. def going to go back!

happy saturday!!!!


I love going on walks. I just wish this darn snow would go away so I could walk outside in more comfortable weather. I, sadly, will not be running today. I SO want to, but my hamstring is being cranky. I want to run so badly!!


BROOKSIDE CHOCOLATE COVERED POMEGRANATES ARE MY VICE! I’m sorry, but I did a whole post about that and get so excited whenever anyone else eats/posts about them.

I am most definitely a morning person and I have been my entire life. If I don’t get up and work out right away, the chances of me working out at all that day are slim to none. I just lose my resolve during the day. I did an 11-miler today! My half marathon is in a few weeks and I think I should be in good shape for that :D My Friday night consisted of me being lazy on the couch with ice cream and Law and Order:SVU because I knew I had a long run today so I wanted to make sure I could get up and actually do it!


I’m a teacher! I do 5AMs in the fall but not in the winter/spring because besides being dark, it’s cold and depressing. Plus the afternoon is a toasty warmer weather.

How did I spend Friday night? I planned Science Fair experiments for my second and third grade class next week-Not fun


I’m typically a morning person but since I have the winter months off (kinda like your summer months as a teacher!) I’ve gotten a little lazy. Headed out for a run shortly and it’s like 11am :)


I love spinach, feta & mushroom omelettes…oh and avocado!


Dark chocolate POM seeds! I die! <3
Not running, spinning!


I was a smarty pants today and decided to cross train, if only I were always this smart haha!


Love the color of your shirt! So pretty. Where is it from?


Thank you! It is from lululemon. Hope you are having a great day!!!


Froyo dates are the best! It’s the dead of winter here in NYC and this made me want froyo. Could be a problem…

I ran my long run today (8 miles — just training for a half marathon) and I’m going to do yoga later today as well :)


I am obsessed with two of the things you mentioned — the dark chocolate pomegranates and House Hunters! Despite my best intentions, I am definitely not in the habit of getting up early.


I got up today at 8:30 and it was a major sleep in for me. This is not what I Would have dreamed of for myself… but I am always up before 8 for work, Gabe’s soccer games or a run!


Sometimes, with a baby, you just need to sleep when you can. Before we had a baby, my husband and I had a family motto of ‘Sleep when you’re dead’ and we packed our weekends full of everything we could do. Then the little one came along and our motto changed to ‘Sleep when you can’ because we were so tired. Don’t feel at all guilty about it – your days of waking early WILL come back!!


Ran around Diamond Head on Oahu this morning. We are living here for 6 months – the humidity is killing me, but I’m slowly adjusting.


I have the greatest group of running friends, I get up every morning at 4:20 to meet before 5!! We either run, lift or complete a step class. Sat we do our long runs, then head to the local coffee shop for some girl time!! It’s a bit chilly here but we r making it!!

As for omelette s…..egg whites, spinach, tomatoes and a little parmesan cheese!!! To die for!!!


Those dark choc poms are the best things EVER. We are always supplied with them at our house. Love costco!



omg that omelet looks delicious! And I love going on walks with friends, I used to do that a lot in college!


They never have those chocolate covered pomegranate seeds here! I’m checking again today…they sounds delicious!
That’s my Friday nights too: love house hunters. And this show called Million Dollar rooms. It makes you feel like a really good person for not spending your million dollars all on one room (ha).


Last night we got pizza and watched the extended edition of Return of the King. Yeah, we’re wild.

I usually only get up early on Saturday’s to run. The only time I can really convince myself to do it is when it’s a “if you don’t get up, this isn’t going to happen,” situation.


I used to be so good at waking up and getting my runs in early (5 AM-ish), but I moved and now I’m sleeping in every morning. I’m going to have to shift my schedule to waking up really early again once things warm up. Those dark chocolate pomegranate pieces look really yummy. I’ve never seen them, but that’s a good flavor idea.


Friday night plans involved meeting up with some friends to listen to some live music! Since I still can’t run I did not wake up early this morning to meet my running group :( but I wake up around 8 am at the latest just by habit. And since no running for me, I had to resort to the elliptical today BLAHHHH (it drives me a bit crazy) Have a great weekend! :)


I absolutely LOVE early morning runs!!! I’m not sure how our 5 am runs all of a sudden turned into 4:30 runs but they did and it’s a wonderful thing.
Fave omelet is spinach, feta, mushrooms and onions.
We usually run long on Saturdays but never had a set goal for today so we only went 7. Decided that tomorrow would be a 10-13 miler.
On Friday nights I live for House Hunters and Say Yes to the Dress.


Mmm, looks great! I wish I had friends that lived close enough to go on walking dates with! That’s all I make people do basically when they come visit me hahah



Like, give me a big ‘ole mushroom saute with a bit of egg on top, and I’ll be a happy girl! Especially if you melt some sharp cheddar on there, too…


i love your blog and recently discovered it. just a low key super bowl sunday here with a paper writing law student husband who could care less about football. i got online to search for cinnamon roll recipes and ended up here. mostly because i am addicted to reading fellow running momma’s blogs. i used to run every morning at 5am in the dark washington rain to be at work (a high school) by 7:30. Ha how times have changed. with a hubby in night law school i find that sadly 12-1 am is my new bedtime and now run at the gym at 11am. but hey it’s all in the different stages of life. that’s the beauty of it!


I just picked up those dark chocolate pomegranate treats!! They are soooooooooo good! Did you get them at CVS? That’s where I found them. Already obsessed!


I got them at Costco! They are incredible!!! Enjoy:)

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