We won, Ben & Jerry’s and answers to the running quiz!

Just because it is 66 degrees here doesn’t mean that we can’t still wear beanies, scarves and boots.

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After church the three of us headed the 30 minutes north to my aunt’s house.   Those of you that read my blog when we lived in Utah know that Sunday night dinner with my family was sacred to me and thank goodness I get to continue on with this important event even though we live in California.  

Best game day snacks of strawberries, chips and guac and Izze.  

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Brooke is spoiled and got her very own lazy boy for the game.  Everyone was pretty stoked that the 49ers won.  

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During the game my aunt ordered in all of the best dishes from the local Chinese restaurant.  

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I felt like I was at a Chinese food buffet because there was such a huge selection and I got to eat it sitting on a comfy couch.  Since I was feeling like I was at a buffet I was then forced to try every single item that was offered.  Orange chicken will always be the winner. 

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It is hard to go back to our normal off-brand ice cream at home after we are at my aunt’s house and she offers us the real stuff.  I had never tried the Boston Cream Pie one until last night, I advise you to try it.  

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Answer to yesterdays POP-QUIZ!!!!

1.  What percent of the US population has run a marathon?

(b)  .5%

2.  Total number of US marathons held annually?

(d)  570

3.  Total fee for the New York City Marathon?

(a)  $255

4.  How many US females finished a road race in 2011?

 (b)  7 million

5.  Average number of sneakers a marathon runner goes through during training?

(b)  2

6.  Average number of calories a woman burns during a marathon?

(c)  2,880

7.  Average cost to run a marathon?

(d)  $67

8.  Average number of miles ran per week during marathon training?

(a) 40 miles

9.  At the 1960 Rome Olympics what was the longest distance that women were allowed to run?

(b)  800 meters

10.  Average age of Female 1/2 marathon finishers in 2011?

(b)  35

Stats from HERE, HERE and HERE


Do you like summer clothes or winter clothes better?

Any of the pop-quiz answers surprise you?  

What is the most that you have spent on a race?  

How many sneakers do you go through a year?

Do you have the day off today?

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Boots are SO cute…Where are they from? and don’t tell me Costco because I don’t have a membership there!! :/


Are you sure about 8? I was pretty sure the fastest marathon (officially, not counting Boston) was a 2:03, and just doing the math in my head (4:22 is 10 min miles, so 2:11 is 5 min miles), it seems that the mile time would be more like 4:40 than 5:10.


YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! I got the info from here:
and that is what they said, I should have checked the math. Thank you so much for pointing that out. I changed the question:) Really appreciate that Carina!


What’s funny is that there are a bunch of errors on that site. It says the world record is still the one from 2008, which is obviously wrong, though it says it was compiled in 2012. I wouldn’t count on any of the other data (besides number of miles in a marathon) being correct. I mean, was there really a 45% decrease in marathon runners in 2011? I think it’s just my over-critical lawyer mind at work, but you’re going to have to get used to that if you’re not already! ;)


I definitely like summer clothes better! And I go through about 3 pairs of sneakers a year, more if I decide I don’t like a pair or I’m getting injured.


No off day for me today- I hit the gym for a chest, shoulder, triceps workout :)! Happy Monday!


Hi Janae! Just started reading your blog and love it! Has inspired me to blog more too :) Keep up the great work!!

I like summer clothes way better. Two minutes and you’re out the door. The average age of half marathon finishers def surprised me! I think I spent around $160 on NYC 2011. I go though about three pairs each year. And yes I have today off! Time to throw on my layers for a run. It’s cold in NYC!


I have the day off and I need to go get new running shoes! So I answered 2 questions at once there. I also have a ton of organizing work to do since I just got home after nearly a month away.


Summer clothes – I hate jeans!
Maybe I should start running marathons…that’s a lot of calories burned! :)
My kids have the day off today, so they’re coming to the kid’s room at the gym with me! Have a great day, Janae!


I didn’t even know there was a Ben and Jerry’s Boston Creme Pie. I definitely need to try it now.

I love winter clothes way more than summer, but I love summer running clothes better, so it’s really a toss-up.


What I love about winter clothes is that you almost always look more pulled together when you have to toss on boots, a coat, and scarf!


I like dresses, so summer clothes are preferred. Dresses don’t really require matching or putting together an outfit, so that’s a win in my book.

I thought that less than .5% have run a marathon. That seems like a lot! I want it to be more elite than that.


I love summer clothes. I cannot wait to get back into shorts & tank tops outside of the gym.

The most I’ve spent on a race is $160 for the Nike Women’s Half, but the Tiffany is totally worth it.


I like summer in general so the less clothing, the better ;) BUT as a fashion lover winter and fall definitely have the better options for style :)

I LOVE that guac bowl……I really must have it!


Can I go against the grain and say that I like Fall clothes the best? Oversized sweaters, leggings, and boots are probably my favorite outfit to wear, and while that kinda counts as winter, the winters up here are just too cold and nasty and you still need like 3 layers on top of that. So yeah, Fall clothes are my favorite :D


Ditto. Fall clothes. Ditch those coats. Just comfy sweaters, leggings, cute boots and scarves. And no pressure for shorts and t’s. “It’s swimsuit season!” Whatever…


150% agree! Fall clothes & accessories are just the best – scarves, boots, wool socks, gloves, hats … and the weather is still nice enough to show them off! :)


I am kinda surprised the avg marathon cost is $65 because I feel like I always see prices sooooo much higher. I am a big fan if winter clothes. I wish I could wear boots all year long :)


Definitely never would’ve guessed that one….
ALL the races around here (DC) are ridiculously expensive!


So is that 2 shoes or 2 pairs of shoes?
I do not have the day off today – but I’m not American, so that makes sense.


Two pairs:) Sorry I should have put that in!


I can’t believe they only let women run 800 meters. Makes me wonder what changes are coming in the next 50 years. Like will the time gap between women and men get smaller as expectations and training change? Can’t wait to find out! I think I am going to get Ben & Jerrys options like that for my bday on Wednesday!! Great idea :)


I like summer clothes better because that means its not snow covered and negative degrees here ;) I have spent up to $85 on a race, I would love to do some of the big races but I would have to include travel expenses as well and that can get pretty pricey. I am with the average and go through about 2 pairs a year, but I run only halfs so I don’t put insane number of miles on my shoes. Sadly I do not have the day off, I was secretly hoping for a snow day but we didn’t get that either…sigh….it’s 9 degrees out…brrrrr!


Fall clothes are so awesome but then again I adore a good sundress and sandals are pretty much the most comfy thing on your feet ever.

Looks like Brooke needs her own recliner at home now. :)


i like to combine them, tank top with pants/leggings, flats or boots, and either a jacket or cardigan :)
how far women were allowed to run, 800M?!?! that’s ludicris lol
i go through one to two, just depends on how hard i’m running and how far
yes i do :) so happy i do!


Watch Spirit of the Marathon…. they’ll explain why the longest race women were allowed to run was 800M. :)


Oh my gosh, that Chinese food looks soooo good!! I can’t remember the last time I had Chinese food, and I think I’m going to have to do something about that soon.


I’m going to say I love fall clothes the best. Favorite is jeans and sandals…
I think the most I have spent on a race is somewhere around $85. However, I’m planning for a few more expensive ones once I start back running from having my baby boy. :)


The NYCM is expensive! Whoa!

And 35 is the avg age for 1/2 marathon finishers? Very interesting!!

Love the looks of those dishes. Mmmmm


Love Ben and Jerrys ice cream! Have you tried the Strawberry Cheesecake ~ delish!


That Chinese food looks amazing!

I definitely love winter clothes better, especially because all my cute clothes are fall or winter dress clothes. Unfortunately, living in California doesn’t help–since its summer all year long! Ugh. (I’m from the east coast where they actually have four seasons)

Can’t believe how much the NYC marathon is. I’ve only spent $95 on a race!


I love your scarf in that first picture! Cozy stuff like that makes me want to say I like winter clothes better :)


Very much surprised that the average marathon only costs $67. Hmph!

I think we spent $100+ on a Marathon 13.1 series race. Once. [Stupidest series name, ever.]

I think I like summer clothes, by default, right now. I can’t even imagine putting on a sweater when its 85 out. No, thanks.


Such an adorable picture of you and your daughter!


66 degrees F is so not scarves and hats weather here :-) If it was 66 here today, I would probably be having a pants off party!

ok….probably not

but I would definitely be tearing off my winter gear! It is -7 F where I am right now and I am NOT a happy camper. Clearly I like summer clothes :-) I’m also counting the days (well years) before I can move to Southern Cali in the winters…yeahhh


The average cost is 67 bucks???!! I must only look at expensive races because it seems like most of them cost, at minimum, $100.


Rock n Roll races take the cake. Those puppies are expensive. But I am registering for a half marathon in Boulder in the fall and it’s $100. It better be awesome for that price.


Winter, I like sweaters and scarves.
I spent over $100 to run RnR Las Vegas. I won’t be doing that again.
I do have today off. Going to try my first run in over a week.

The Kidless Kronicles


OK I want that exact meal, like, right now. I’ve been wanting Chinese for a while now, and have yet to get it. And that Boston Creme Pie ice cream sounds soo good!!


I was doing so well on the quiz for the first few questions, but I would have got a F ;) The most I’ve spent on a race is $125, which is a lot, but it’s the NYC half, and it’s worth every penny to run through Times Square! I like Summer clothes best, I love dresses, and getting dressed in Summer is just easier. No day off for me today, although my kids are off, and my husband is doing the stay-at-home thing :)


Your scarf is gorgeous! I love the big oversized knit type. So cute!

Where are these 67 dollar marathon entries??!


No day off here, I will be hitting the company gym to get a run in though while baby is in daycare. Summer clothes are definitely better. Sun dresses and sandals all the way :)


Love comparing the average marathon cost with the NYCM. I’ll be paying that insane $255 this year, whoa!


Have you ever had TJ’s orange chicken from the frozen food section? It’s so good!!

I’m most surprised that the average marathon only costs $67!


I have been dreaming of Chinese Food! This really makes me drool!


That picture of Brooke on the lazy boy is priceless haha!! So cute. I ran 12 km (about 7.5 miles) this morning. It felt pretty good. I’ve started using gels for my longer runs so we’ll see if I notice a difference over time. I had Chinese for lunch today – it was delicious!! And I love spring dresses but I love the warmth of winter clothing so it’s kind of a toss up for me! I think I got a few answers correct, but not many! Enjoy your day!


I love winter clothes the best! Maybe it’s because I’m always cold, but I love wearing layer upon layer upon layer. Give me boots and leggings sweaters and scarves and hats and winter coats… and I’m happy!


I had a pop quiz in Spanish the other day and I got the giggles.. I guess my nerves are expressed in unusual ways


Sadly I don’t have the day off :( I love the stats about marathons/running, I can’t believe on .5% of the US population has ran a marathon, now I feel like what I did was pretty awesome! I spend $100 on the Portland Marathon, that’s the most I’ve spent on a race so far. And, I would say I love summer clothes better because sun dresses are so easy and fun. But, I do love jeans…just not the cold weather!


LOVE your scarf! Where is it from? I’ve been looking for one just like it!


seriously you still dress cute. I never get out of gym clothes. freal. ha!


The most I’ve spent on a race was definitely one of the Rock ‘N Roll marathons… I think Seattle ( I did the half and it was still outrageous)- those are expensive!!

I like summer clothes better because its way less laundry! :)


Races are pretty pricey where I live. The Los Angeles Marathon last year was $155 and an additional $20 for parking. This weekend I did the Tinkerbell Half Marathon at Disneyland and it was $150 – The Disney Half in September starts at $175. Of course, anything with Disney on it will be more expensive. Regardless, that average seems low, but then, I live in Southern California were everything is pricier. I can find a few half marathons that are in the $65 range, if they’re small races or newer ones. I’ve never seen a full around here for that cost.

And I definitely prefer shorts and flip flops to pants and jackets!


Loved reading the answers to the quiz! So much fun! If you ever need a teaching fix come up to OR and you can spend a day in my classroom!


I should add in that we could hit up some epic trail running afterward!


I just had to comment on this question because I think about it all winter – SUMMER CLOTHES ARE SO MUCH BETTER!!! I love all the options! Dresses, skirts, shorts, capris, skorts, tees, rompers, etc etc etc! In the winter I always feel sooo dull. Jeans and a top everyyyy dayyy. So this winter I’m trying to “mix it up”..by buying jeans in 5 colours. Right.


I think my winter clothes are cuter, but I prefer wearing summer clothes.

That meal looks incredible! Both those football games were great, it was a great day. Though we had popcorn and pancakes for dinner (by the time all my meetings are over cooking sounds absolutely horrific), so your meal is envious.

The most I’ve spent on a race was $100, and I thought it was way too much. I’m cheap when it comes to races. I may have spent more when I did the Ultra ragnar last year, but that was a special occasion.


I love winter clothes the best, but then again flip flops are my favorite shoe to wear…..so maybe a combination. ;) I usually go through two pairs of running shoes a year, but I know that I should be buying them more often. Fun quiz and interesting answers!!


I have been wanting to try Half Baked! I LOVE Summer clothes.. Winter clothes in Minnesota means looking cute with a sweater but covering it up with hats, jackets, boots, the works.. :( I am a SAHM so every day is a play day/day off for me :)


I love these stats! One day, I will be part of that 5%, one day!


I’m surprised by the average cost of a marathon. Where are all these inexpensive marathons?!?!? Every marathon around me is at least $75, with most of them being around $100…I wish they were less expensive


I definitely love winter clothes over summer ones. I like all things winter better!


That looks yum!



Have you tried Ben and Jerry’s Cinnamon Bun? It will change your life.


I think i prefer wintery styles more for clothes but i adore summer so what sense does that make.
i have the day off unfortunately by accidnet. i had left the house planning to go to training tonight but turns out i have a night appointment with a client and wont be able to make it! rest day today i guess!


That first picture of you and Brookie is absolutely adorable. Do you like how I gave your daughter my own nickname? Motherhood looks fantastic on you Janae. You know what else is fantastic…orange chicken. Yum!


I definitely love winter clothes because you can just bundle up and feel comfy 24/7. But, since I wear a lot of those “off the shoulder” shin-digs, I like summer too!

I love when you have family buffet-style dinners. I don’t know why but it just makes everything so much more relaxing and enjoyable. It’s just a better atmosphere than a traditional sit-down dinner!


I love you pictures, they are always so clear. The most I’ve spent on a race is 85 but this summer I plan on doing one that is $100. For the past 10 years I loved being covered up by a hoodie. NOT THIS SUMMER! :) I’m breaking out the swim suit.


Summer clothes! I hate layers. coats and feeling all bundled up.

I had a meeting this morning but have the rest of the day off.


Boston Cream Pie ice cream? Holy cow, that must be awesome!


I can’t believe the average cost is $67! I need to find some cheaper races, ’cause all the marathons I sign up for (or all the ones I look at) are like $150+!!


Uhm I NEED your outfit in that first picture, you are too cute!


Half baked is by far my favorite B&Js ice cream. I may or may not be able to eat a whole pint within one sitting… ;)


I’m definitely going to take your expert advice and try that Boston Cream Pie B&J’s!!! I feel like it will make me a better runner and person. Thank you :)


HALF BAKED! For sure!!!!


I love the diversity of the clothing appropriate for each season. I love wearing boots but I am equally addicted to high heels, so it’s a toss up for me. :)


The picture of you and Brooke at the top of the post is wicked adorable. She looks so cute in all her beanies!

I did not have today off but I don’t get paid holidays so I didn’t mind working it. I love sweaters so I’m going to have to go with fall/winter. The clothes are just so much more comfy :)


Love those boots! Even though I think I’m more of a summer girl myself. I know what you mean about Ben&Jerry’s, all other ice creams taste like filth in comparison. B&J’s half baked flavor has my heart!


Dying to know where you got your scarf, I cannot find one like that anywhere!


I got it at Nordstrom a few years back! Hopefully they still have them!


Yum, that Chinese “buffet” looks Soooooooooooooooooooooooo good.


The question about the ’60 Rome Olympics reminded me of am interesting video I saw the other day. I thought you might appreciate it too.

Keep the pics of Brooke coming! She is the CUTEST!!

Its like you read my thoughts! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the e-book in it or something. I believe that you simply can do with a few p.c. to pressure the message house a bit, but instead of that, this is great blog. A fantastic read. I will definitely be back.


Love your blog! I like summer clothes better, especially summer running clothes, but I love my skinny jeans and that has to wait for the fall here in the south! I probably go thru 3 pairs of sneakers a year. Keep up the writing!

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