A late night workout and running is the best therapy.

Brooke has a very exciting new trick, she no longer takes naps… we are all very impressed;)

I really wanted to run on the treadmill this morning because I am so obsessed with Parenthood but Brooke decided that she would rather not take a nap and instead go running outside to show off our twinner black and white striped outfits. 

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I wanted to just do 7 miles but instead did 10 (8:12 average pace) because I kind of lost track of the miles.  Yesterday I saw something on the street that really shook me.  I needed today’s run to really process what happened and of course running is the best way to do that.   I came home feeling a lot better.  

Leftover chicken and salmon caesar salad with the most obvious side for a salad… pb and j.   Too bad my mom isn’t here to cut the crusts off for me. 

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I forgot to tell you about something last night.  I have this thing where at about 8:30 I get EVERYTHING ready for bed so that the second our shows end I only have to walk the ten steps to bed, nothing more.  After our show ended BIlly whipped out the cards.  I gave him the evil eye.

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He got the idea from Biggest Loser.  He had me pick out 5 cards and we added up the numbers and did that many push-ups… 42.   Then we picked 10 cards and did that many crunches… 75.  It was actually really fun to do together and I want to make it a nightly tradition.   PS 10 crunches with these post baby abs burn.  

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We have a problem (and it is not just that I never put caps back on properly).

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We are so addicted to these juices and I think it is actually cheaper to buy them than if we were to juice ourselves.  Each carton is 5.99 at Costco and look at all of the produce that is jam packed in there.  I highly doubt I could buy all of that for any cheaper.

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With all of that Vitamin C I won’t be getting Scurvy anytime soon.


Where do you buy your produce? Where do you get the best deals?

Latest food/drink that you are addicted to?

Is running your therapy?!?!

What kind of jam do you prefer with your pb and j?

-Raspberry and it was grape as a kid.

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Glad to hear you are feeling better after your run, Janae!

Any cardio is therapeutic for me, especially group fitness classes.

I’ve just discovered a creamy Tuscan tomato soup by Happy Planet, that is D-vine. Heaven in a bowl and also packed with vitamin C:)


Whole Foods and Costco are my go tos for my produce shopping

Komucha and mini superfood odwallas are my favorite snacks at work!

Running is def one of my therapies, as is crossfit, spinning, cooking, and dancing

palmer all fruit makes the best peach jam!


I used to dive in college and our coach made us do cards. Every suit had an exercise, hearts were push ups, spades were jumps etc and easy number was how many we had to do. We went through the whole deck at morning practices. It was torture. Don’t tell your husband, his idea sounds much easier!


OH MY GOODNESS…. that sounds crazy hard! WOW!


Yeah! Then when the coach was feeling extra mean he would add ten to the number, 2 became 12, 3 became 13 etc. I sort of wish someone was still around to boss me around so my abs would be ripped like they used to be.

P.S. I just found your blog through Running Off The Reeses and now I feel like I’m stalking you. Just wanted to let you know, since that feels like it makes it okay!


Add ten?!?!? Holy cow!!! I love ROTR… She is hilarious! So happy you commented!


Strawberry jam!! :D

I love that cards idea actually! I’m fiiinally back into pushups and crunches. Let’s have a search party for my abs!


I think 75 crunches would kill me right now. I have an almost six month old so I know that burn you’re talking about.

I’ve read the thing about those juices versus fresh, is that the longer the juice sits, the more vitamins and minerals it loses which is why fresh is best. Still though, those Naked juices are awesome and all that produce would be pretty expensive.


I’m addicted to Kombucha right now, although we started making our own to cut down on the cost.

Running is totally my therapy, 9 times out of 10 it helps me if I’m stressed, upset, what have you. Glad your run helped you feel better


Running is definitely one of y therapies! I also like massages and quality time with my husband or friends :-) I like pb and honey. Anything but grape jelly. Ew!


Produce in CT in the winter is terrible, I just get it at whatever store I am at, which is whole foods, lately. We have a TJ’s, but it’s like 25 minutes away and that’s a pain:)
Running is totally my therapy – helps me process everything and I love a good 10 mile run!
My latest drink obsession is Kombucha – not a cheap drink! But good! I just got the mango and the guava. excited to try it:)
My hubs and I have a “core workout” date tonight – so exciting:)


I buy our fruit and veggies at Costco. And right now, I can’t get enough oranges. I have always heard it is better to eat fruit than to drink juice. Something about not getting all of the fiber in the juice.
Running/working out IS my therapy. And Welchs Grape is the only one.

The Kidless Kronicles


So true! Fruit juice is sugar, water and vitamins. All the fibre is gone. In our diet today we are more likely to be not getting enough fibre than enough vitamins (or sugar).


I do the same thing before we watch our shows! And the other night Ross whipped out cards after too…only it was to play Phase 10, not work out. lol. He would never suggest a thing like that ;) I was strong and said no. He is such a night owl and it was already 10:30PM and I knew I should go to bed so I could actually get up and exercise at 5:30 (I have been terrible with this!). I like your workout idea. That seems fun. Kind of like Bob’s!

I am sorry about the Brookster. Good thing you have the jogging stroller. Funny how those little human beings control our lives. It is a good thing they are so dang cute and worth it ;) But I really am sending some napping vibes her way!

I think food might be my therapy = not a good thing.

Girl, I hope everything is ok. Text me or whatever if you need to talk. I love you!


You are the sweetest! HAHAHA I was going to say… Ross wanted to do a late night workout ha. I miss you so much Megan and that ticket idea that you are doing is adorable!


I love that you and Brooke match! I tried to get my brothers to wear matching clothes when we run together, but they don’t get as excited as I do about matching. I’ll have to convince my roommate to try the cards workout with me.
I like to buy my produce from Sprouts because they always have pretty good deals on it. Unfortunately, there is not a Trader Joe’s in Oklahoma. So sad :(
Running is definitely my therapy, and I also reward myself with runs after big tests. :)


I love running for therapy! Although wait until Brooke gets older…it’s harder to do your thinking when they keep saying “Mommy?!” while you try and run.

I do all our shopping at Publix. We don’t have a nearby Costco so I’ve never been in one.

I like jam, and I like peanut butter, but I don’t like PB and jam together. I know, that makes me weird and unamerican.

Also, it’s normal for babies to have phases where they don’t want to nap. Usually it goes with a time they’re learning a new skill.


Aww, you and Brooke being twinsies is so adorable! I am also addicted to the Naked and Bolthouse juices. The green ones are my favorites. And running is absolutely the best therapy; I think you can work out anything in your head with your feet hitting the pavement (or whatever your favorite running surface is). :)


I really love black raspberry jam and strawberry jam with the seeds! So delicious. Can’t beat a PBJ.


i love your positive spin on Brooke not napping . . . lol! It does get better! I think things always seem much better after a run, no matter what!


You are so right! All the fruit & veggies packed into those juices, you couldn’t get it any cheaper if you bought them unjuiced! I could go for a green juice right now!


The grocery store by me has the cheapest kale, which is pretty much the greatest thing EVER!!!


Running is truly the BEST therapy. People often question how I have time for it during finals, but it’s during that stressful time that I need it the most to clear my mind and stay focused throughout the time I’m actually at my desk! I really want to try those juices but I don’t think we have them here???


I’ve always thought those juices were expensive but you make an excellent point that it would cost more to buy all that fruit!

Love the twin outfits :)


Running isn’t my therapy, but working out definitely is. Nothing gets rid of that anxious energy quite like a good sweat – glad you’re feeling better, Janae :) Hope whatever you saw wasn’t too serious. And speaking of serious, I have a current love affair with gingerbread… and molasses in particular. I never thought I was much of a gingerbread kind of girl, but apparently I got kind of addicted to it over Christmas and now I can’t seem to get enough.


I get most of my produce at a local grocery store- Festival Foods. When I really need to stock up I head to the People’s Food Co-op. They seem to have the best deals in the winter. I also find great deals at Sam’s Club.

I need to check out those juices. I recently watched a documentary call- “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead” (found it on Netflix) and it talked about juicing. I would like to try it or the juices that you talked about. I pretty much just drink water otherwise!

Running it totally my therapy. I realized just how much so when I had to have surgery recently for melanoma and I wasn’t able to run while I was trying to deal with all of the stresses and worry that went along with it.

As I child I didn’t really like PB & J. I loved toast with grape jam. My Grandma always made grape jam and it was the best. Now I love our homemade strawberry jam on toast.


We have a grocery store so close to us that it is stupid to go anywhere else. I’m not always satisfied with that store but the location makes up for it. Strawberry jam is my favorite.


Don’t worry too much about the not napping…it’s prob a phase. Most children nap until 2 or 3. You’ll get it back!!

Hope you’re feeling calmer. Sounds horrible.


Hey you!! Thank you so much:) Good to know that the naps will come back!


Running is definitely my therapy! Now I am morbidly curious as to what you saw yesterday on the street that shook you?? Maybe it’s too personal…


Love your twin outfits!! Where did you get your top? And that green juice is one of my favorites.
I’m very convinced I can do anything after a good long run. There’s on feeling like it.
I’m actually into mango’s, apricot’s and grapes. Guess I’m not into that whole eat local trend. ;)


HEY GIRL!! It is from Lulu:)


No wonder I love it!!


Running is totally my therapy. You’re going to be the cool mom that doesn’t make your kid take naps and im super jealous since my mom used to make me take them when no one else had to. Rude.


I have recently discovered CHOCOLATE frosted mini wheats, and they are ah-mazing. I’ve been eating them for dessert every night!


well now I want to know what you saw that bothered you! And that does seem a LOT more cost effective. Running is definitely my therapy and I’m soooooo ready to get back to it. I ran TWO MILES this morning (well, half of it was walking, but whatever) since my physical therapist said I could run a little to work on my form (he gave me a new way to run to make it easier on my abnormally and disproportionately long legs…)


I give those juices to my 20 month old whenever she starts sniffling (kids aren’t supposed to have vitamin supplements until age 2) and I think it helps!!


That is so awesome!!


Running is definitely my therapy! As for my current food addiction, depends on the day that’s for sure. Right now it is guacamole. As for jelly, not jam, I love grape!!! Not a fan of seeds at all so it needs to be jelly.


Running is def therapy! Currently I am obsessed with m&ms. Raspberry jam is my fav jam of the minute.


I’m not a big juice person, but I do love those Naked juices. My college sold them, and I’d buy them allll the time with my “Cougar bucks” (aka prepaid meal money). We usually buy our produce from Smith’s or Costco. I’d buy it from Trader Joe’s if it were closer though! And pretty much any kind exercise that gives me a good sweat is my therapy…those endorphins are no joke! ;) Favorite jam would have to be strawberry or blackberry!


Running is TOTALLY my therapy. :) I’d be a mess without it. Actually, more of a mess I guess. :) Love the twin outfits. I so want to try out that card workout. :)


Love that you two were twinsies ;)

Teaching fitness classes is my ‘therapy’ for sure. As is hanging out with my husband–he is the bombdotcom.

I shop at SAMs a lot for big things -like lots of cheese, spinach, turkey, etc. and it’s so helpful. We have a blendtec now, so we make crazy awesome green smoothies. Yumm!!!


I just started making a special trip to a local produce market about 15 minutes from my house and LOVE it. I get TONS of produce for the week filling up a big bag for $20 at most.


Hi – I’m sort of a new reader. Maybe I missed this or it’s in an old post but I am just so curious how you guys are making it work with Billy in law school, a baby, and you aren’t working outside of the home right now. I see you guys go to Costco pretty frequently and we live in San Francisco so I know Norcal is not a cheap place to live. Are you double loaning to pay for school and live? Is your husband in law school on scholarship? If you care to share, or point me in the direction of a post on this, I’d love to hear how you guys are making this all work.


Hey Heather! Thank you so much for your comment! Billy is on scholarship and here is a post about how I make mula:)


Have a great day!


I just want to say how much I admire you and Billy for making the choice to budget and live frugally so that you can stay home and be a mother to Brooke. I have lived on student loans, so I know its doable, but you have to give up a lot of “wants” and stick to the basic “needs”. I’m sure it does take sacrifice to devote that time and money to care for your baby instead of having a job so you can buy cool clothes, go out to eat, etc. Luckily, I think Brooke provides a lot of joy in return for the sacrifice. I hope I can copy your example some day :-)


Wow! Melissa, your comment meant the world to me. Thank you so much!


Haha! Brooke & G must be on the same page again…no naps equals a win in their books ;)
I don’t know why but she fights sleep SO hard. It’s like she doesn’t want to miss a thing…but I assure her nothing will be missed! haha!
Love the idea of playing cards for a quick workout.


Honestly, I usually buy my produce at Whole Paycheck, Sprouts or the farmer’s market. I just don’t think Trader Joes wins in that department (although they do win in the wine, cheese, freezer section, and hummus departments!) I’m always addicted to various nut butters but currently obsessed with Sunbutter. Love my pb & j with real a solid jam by Bonne Mamen (the red and white checkered lid). Do you think there are any other additives in those juices or do you think it is solid fruit? Curious how it differs from those expensive “cold-pressed” juices.


Um, now I’m totally curious what you saw on the street…

I need to try some of that juice! I love juice!


It was seriously so sad. I should email you the story!


Wow, now you’ve really got me curious. You should e-mail me the story!


You have me totally curious too! What happened?!?!


I’m super curious, too! I’m so sorry that you had to see whatever it was.

Brooke is the cutest!


sick at home today and made my first green juice I found recipe on YouTube. super good and I used a regular blender. I think I found my new fave bfast. Strawberry jam is good or raspberry.


That salad looks great btw


Where do you buy your produce? Where do you get the best deals? I shop the ads and go where the sales are. Buy extra and freeze it.

Latest food/drink that you are addicted to? Green tea at the moment.

Is running your therapy?!?! Yes!

What kind of jam do you prefer with your pb and j? Strawberry is always my first pick. Grape is last. Other flavors fall in between the two.


I love Naked Juices, and Bolthouse Farms is also a great brand. Not sure if those are everywhere though. I usually buy the smaller bottles at Target and they are still relatively cheap.


Running helps me get back to “me” when I get wrapped up in something that is bothering me. It brings me back to the simple, true things in life.

It is amazing how much cheaper in-season produce is at my farmers market!


I adore the show Parenthood more than words can say. However, this week I’ve become REALLY hooked on Downton Abbey.

Love the idea of the cards to determine rep numbers!


I’m hooked on the green monster drinks too, just a different brand.


Running is great therapy. Also chopping fruits and veggies up when you can’t run!


Be VERRRRRRRRRRY careful with those lids! My husband was a Naked Juice drinker long before we moved in together. Then suddenly, I’m on the scene, drinking his juice and NOT putting on the caps correctly. This isn’t pretty when he’s getting breakfast in the morning, already dressed for work, and shakes a poorly-closed Naked juice container.

It’s a tragedy to see all those fruits and veggies splattered all over the kitchen…and his work shirt. :( :(

My current drink obsession is lime juice. No Naked juice out here, so I have to actually eat my fruits and veggies most of the time. :)

Running is totally my therapy. Me, when people ask why we live where we do, “Because we’ve less than half a mile from all the trails in the reservoir. And our marriage works better when I can run.” :)


OH HOLLY!! You have convinced me to put the lids on correctly! That would not be good!
HAHAH our marriage works out way better when I run too!


We love Naked Juice too! We get the little bottles from Costco. Oh and a trainer friend of mine puts protein in his. I haven’t tried it but seems like a good idea! I agree that it’s cheaper than juicing, and so much easier.


Running is definitely my therapy!! But sometimes a rest day can be a good source of therapy too!


Running is SO my therapy! It is the only time that I can think about things without getting overly emotional… sounds SO crazy, I know. But whatever – I can’t afford a $140 an hour shrink!


I saw something on pinterest about diastasis recti. I know, that blasted pinterest and google has all thinking we know everything. However, I was thinking maybe you should look into it. I know you didn’t have a c-section, but it’s worth looking into. Something about shouldn’t be doing crunches? I am not sure. Here is a link to it though. http://inspiredrd.com/2012/06/dear-diastasis-recti-im-so-over-you.html
Hope everything is alright. Glad you feel better after your run :)


Hey thanks so much for the link!


Sooo great, congrats! Love the new pics too. You’re an inartpsiion, really!Dying a little over your lucite/brass ring perfume tray (of course, I’m so predictable!).;o)


Brooke is so adorable! I love that you all are matching too. If I ever have a little girl I will defintly do that a lot! Maybe even with a boy…..who knows! haha


I never pay attention to deals on produce -_- I try to go to the local farmer’s stand but my husband insists it’s too expensive so I just get it at the grocery store.

I am currently addicted to oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and YES running is my therapy !!! and cheap therapy at that!


Awww… Brooke just gets cuter with each photo!

My “therapy” when I’m stressed or really tired is to take a long warm bath. I sometimes turn on the battery operated candles (No real candles allowed in my appartment).

Current addition – frozen yogurt! No wonder I love your blog!


I hope everything is okay! Running definitely helps to process things and I always use it as a time to map out conversations/ways I am preparing to take care of things. It’s pretty much my therapy/planning/preparation time.

I prefer any jam with bits of the actual fruit in it. Or good ‘ole Welches Grape!

I’m currently addicted to coffee… But that isn’t anything new. Womp Womp.


look at all that sugar though in the juice…its added sugar too, not the fruit sugars. Don’t get me wrong I love Naked but…


Hey Wade! There actually isn’t any added sugar in Naked juices. The sugar that’s listed is all natural fructose. That being said, it’s probably not wise to jug a gallon at a time.


I am currently addicted to Starbuck’s Americano’s and Essie nail polish. Both are draining my bank account though, :(


Running is therapy for me without a doubt. And thanks between you and SR-racing also provides me with extra motivation to just get my run on!

Keep on keeping on hungry runner girl! :D


Thanks so much Leah! You keep running and racing too!


Green machine is my favorite! I have been drinking it by the gallon full today to get rid of this flu I have :(


I love that you referred to the “J” in PB & J as “jam”…jelly to me is what Americans call jello!


Don’t let that no napping thing catch on. Babies of her age still need around 14-15 hours sleep a day. Make sure you keep putting her down. Babies sleep patterns change periodically but you need to insist on the daytime naps or you’ll end up making a rod for your own back. Persist and she’ll settle back into a routine :)


So sorry something on your run upset you.
Running is becoming therapy, yes!
The juice is so expensive. Thank you for pointing out that it is cheaper than juicing myself. I don’t know if I’ll be buying them (though they are SO GOOD), but at least I can think of an upside to the price!!!


I love her pjs so much! So presh!


If you and Billy make the card game a nightly event, I hope you will post it for us too so we can do the “Billy and Janae Workout of the Day”!


We will! Thank you!


Running Is DEFINITELY my therapy. :) I work in the Human Services field and bump into many atrocities. Running is my release. It takes the edge off my stressors so I can have calmer conversations with the Mr. :)


I eat the Odwalla Bars but I have never tried the juice. It really does have a TON of stuff in it!

The card game is a good idea! I would do it for one night before I gave up on it though. haha. The only workout ritual I seem to be able to keep is running…..


Hey Janae,
I am not sure if this has already been said or not … you had a gajillion comments to this post! … but little Brookster may be starting to teethe and that’s why she is trying to spend more quality awake time with you. If she is fine until she lays down in bed that can be her little sign of telling you the pressure hurts when she is laying flat. If she is drooling more, chewing on her (or your hands) more, has puffy gums, is cranky, seems like she has an upset tummy, or even seems like she has a cold with a low grade fever …. helllllooooo teething.
Babies like to mix things up with their sleep for sure, but at this young of an age there is probably a reason other than just trying to keep you on your toes. Welcome to another milestone!! :)


Wow!!! She is doing all of those things! She must be teething! Thank you so so much!


Now I’m curious, what did you see on the street?

I’m not really a juice person, I prefer tea, coffee, or water.

Running is definitely my therapy. I love when I get fired up about something in life or at work. That next run is always awesome!


I don’t watch Biggest Loser, but I had to share my push-up story with you. It involves a teacher so I think you might like it:
I had a Trig teacher in high school that was very strict and funny at the same time. There were rules of the classroom that could not be broken. (Some examples are being late for class, saying “shut-up”, eating in class without having enough to share with everyone… things like that. If you DID break a rule- you had to do push-ups. On your first offense you would start with 5. And when I mean 5, you had to get down and do 5 push-ups then stand up. Go down and do 4 push-ups, then stand up. You had to go all the way down to 1, repeat 1, then work your way back up. You would only repeat the “1” push up once and didn’t repeat the number you started with. So, if you had to do “5” it was actually 5 squared so it was all math! On your next offense, you went to 6 and so on. I hope that made sense. :-)


I had no idea they sold those juices that big, that’s a great deal!


I definitely think running is great therapy. I always feel so much better afterwards.

I used to buy produce at the local grocery store but now that we are so broke (daycare costs are SO expensive) I have started to buy frozen vegetables. They are not as good, but they are much cheaper. And they never go bad.

I don’t think I could do 42 push-ups. I might be able to do ten. If I’m lucky. And they’d be girlie-style.

I don’t think you can classify this as a drink, but I am addicted to the Bailey’s creamer. I have some toffee kind right now and put it in my coffee every day. It is yummy! My husband is currently addicted to cranberry juice.

I love strawberry jelly on my pbjs. I am out of peanut butter right now though. Boo.

Have a great day!


I might have to try the card idea! Good way to get your crunches and push-ups in! And yes running a great therapy!


I love that juice! I had the Green Machine kind the other day…sooooo good!!


My friend was in town this weekend and we decided to copy the biggest loser card game too! We basically did it the same as they did-complete with burpees-but only made it through 30 cards before we were incapable of getting back up…


I tend to buy my produce at the local grocery store….nuthin’ fancy!

Lately, I have been addicted to MIO water flavorings….and crab cakes…..and soup!

Running and baking are my therapy sessions….good thing they off-set each other!

PB & J – GRAPE! ….I like my PB & J toasted….melty PB….doesn’t get much better!


Yes, yes, yes! I (too) am addicted to the Naked juices – specifically the green machine! It’s the ONLY juice I buy, occasionally. Other than that, just water, coffee or crystal lite. My hubby knows & supports this obsession…he almost always surprises me with one when we go workout at the gym together. Lol, for shame!


I love to buy my produce at a local produce market. The prices are much cheaper than the grocery store.
I drink only water and coffee
My favorite jelly is strawberry
And running is so much therapy for me. I have 4 kids so I never have time to get into deep thought so when I run I process so many things and feel so grounded after.


I try to get some produce from Costco – but then I am the lone person eating 4lbs of grape tomatoes it seems! I love their giant grapes though.

I really dig water – but food wise lately…hmm…too many bad things.

Not a fan of jelly/jam. Plain PB when I can get one! *hmm may have to be tomorrow’s lunch. That sounds so good now.
**I should never really read your blog when I am hungry!

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