The magic bird and dinner plan #2

That little bird that you see is pure magic.  I don’t even remember where I bought it but it keeps Brooke so entertained and if she is fussy we just give her the bird and she automatically turns happy again.  She played with the bird for the first 30 minutes of my run this morning and then fell asleep.  I think the sound of the treadmill is very soothing for her since she heard it almost every day while she was in my belly.  Swedish fish must also be soothing for her then too.  

I did 9 miles at an easy pace and the weirdest thing that happened while running was that the sprinklers turned on.  In January?!?  

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(PS just in case I have any new readers that wonder why in the world my treadmill is outside… we live in a 675 square foot, 1 bedroom apartment ((enough said)) and it is outdoor running weather year round here so it is actually really nice to have it outside).

Week #2 of our nightly menu is ready to go and I am attempting 5 meals that I have never made before so judging by my history of dinner making at least 4 of the dinners will have something wrong with them.  

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(of course I had to include a picture of us)

The absolute best part about us trying to be organized with our meals and grocery shopping is that we always have leftovers and then I just heat them up and have lunch ready within seconds.  I also had an apple with pb.  

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I bought this ice cream in honor of he Super Bowl being on Sunday.  THERE ARE MINI CARAMEL FILLED CHOCOLATE FOOTBALLS IN THERE.   If you like ice cream (if you don’t, that is a poor decision) you have to get this kind asap.  It is a Limited Edition so I don’t think it will be sold for very much longer which means you can’t procrastinate this purchase.  

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Where will you be watching the Super Bowl?  Do you care who wins?  

What dinners do you have planned to make this week?

Treadmill owners…. what kind of treadmill do you have and where do you keep it?

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Looks like we’re coming to your place for dinner this week! Yes I will be “watching” the Super Bowl. Aka eating lots of yummy food and chatting with other girls who have little interest in football. Tonight is a pizza night then I was also thinking of trying an African peanut stew in the crock pot. Hopefully it turns out :-)


I do not care who wins the Superbowl at all. My only concern this Sunday will be making sure I am seated within arms length of all of the dips and pigs in a blanket.


I’ve been lurking on your blog, and wanted to let you know I nominated your for a Liebster award. I love the pictures you post and your upbeat posts!


I love the NFL and I love the Super Bowl. Unfortunately this year, I want neither of the teams to win, so I am torn about whether or not to watch it.


ps-that ice cream looks amazing!


Thank you, Amy! I read so many blogs where girls are like “I don’t like football” and it breaks my heart a little. I just want the Ravens to lose. :) I will have the game on, but won’t be perched in front of it because I really don’t care about either team. My team got bumped last round.


Yay! I am down with the Ravens losing! My only problem with the 49ers is that as a Steelers fan, I do not want to see the 49ers tie the Steelers’ 6 Super Bowl victories record.


Well my team got bumped by the 49ers last weekend :( and I do like the 49ers but cannot stand kaepernick. But I also dislike the ravens. Sooooo commercials and food it is for me!!!


What????? I LOVE the Ravens!!!! I can’t wait for the Super Bowl and I am totally rooting for the Ravens! I also thinks it’s extra fun that the two coaches are brothers. I am so excited for the game and glad some other girls are too.




Ah I wish I had a treadmill! I’d keep it anywhere! Haha. And I won’t be watching the Superbowl… 1) I don’t have a TV and 2) I’m not invested in either team.


We’re watching at home with some of our friends. It’s easier to have people come to us with the baby & this way I’ll get to keep all the leftovers. Strategy.


I think treadmill running outside is genius actually. It’s the best of both worlds!! But you’re right. I need that ice cream like right now. No passing go. Caramel, chocolate, and ice cream has to be the greatest combination ever invented.


I’m not sure I will be watching the Superbowl, but hoping to have some yummy Superbowl food (Is that cheating?)! I don’t own a treadmill, but we’ve just bought a house with a great finished basement, so I’m hoping to get a treadmill sometime in the next year, I’ll be watching the replies closely. :)


I would LOVE to have a treadmill outside!


We’re having a party at our house. Eric’s friends and family are coming up so it’s going to be a crazy event. Potluck style and I think there might be a BBQ happening. Cheering on the 49ers of course!

Dinner plans include: finish the leftovers. cook veggies. and cook eggs. bam.


I’m hoping my hometown team wins..SF! We’re looking to take a trip there in the next couple of weeks. I don’t suppose you are wanting a runner and one year old twins as houseguests in your 675 sf?! Haha I can only imagine!

Ps congrats on doing so awesome in the trail run. You inspire me!!!


I just bought a sole treadmill. We keep it in a “closet” space nook of our basement that just wide enough to fit it and you have to walk off the back to get off. So i face a wall lol. But it keeps floor space open! It has a fan!!! That sold me.


My SIL, best friend and I all have a Sole treadmill. Are you in agreement that it’s already set at 1% incline?


Hmmm, not sure… we have had it about a week lol so Im still playing with it… I’ll ask the hubs too…. I’ll be on it tonight I’ll check it out :)


Ok. Its 1%. We used the inclinometer on the ol handy iPhone.
I wouldn’t have noticed but I did some running on the gym tm then came home and went on mine and I def noticed a difference. Bizarre.


All those meal ideas sound amazing!!!


We’re having crock pot pork and apples and crockpot chicken…it’s a busy week so it’s all about making big meals that will feed us for multiple nights and minimizing dishes.


I don’t know how much of the game I will be watching however, I WILL be tuning in for the commercials!!

As for a home treadmill, I don’t have one but I badly want one. I have been searching Craigslist but so far the ones I have come across are pieces of junk that are WAY overpriced. Hopefully if I am patient, I will find a good one!!


I DO care about the superbowl, being a San Francisco girl (kind of)…but I’ll be in the UK which is kind of heartbreaking!!!!


We board a cruise ship on Super Bowl Sunday so the only way we are watching it is if the ship has satellite tv. When we get a house I’m hoping for a basement or something we can turn into a gym. My future treadmill will go there.


That ice cream sounds delicious! We’ll probably stay home to watch the Superbowl. My hubby is coming home from China in two days. He’s been gone for 2.5 weeks, so he’s probably going to want to relax at home. Easy meals planned for me and kids this week until my hubby comes home, then we’ll have spaghetti, chicken with spinach and mozzarella, and some home made desserts. I have a treadmill downstairs in the basement. It doesn’t get a lot of use at the moment since I really try to run outside, plus we’re housing my parents’ elliptical while they are trying to sell their house. I’ve been using that a lot since I know it won’t be here forever.


that ice cream is amazing!!!! i really am going to get some today…and your menu looks amazing this week, especially sunday! :)


NINERS!!! Watching the game at a friend’s house, whose house has the mojo for the Niners to win the Superbowl! We’ve watched the past few games at her house and they have always won. Crossing our fingers and toes…


So unfortunately I will not be watching the Superbowl (although I don’t follow football so I’m not bummed about this :P), and I don’t own a treadmill. I do use the treadmill at my gym on occasion, but I hate it!


That ice cream sounds amazing!

Unfortunately, I’m working during the Superbowl, but I think I’ll be cheering for the niners? I honestly don’t care too much.

Don’t own a treadmill, but judging by your pics, our apartment complex’s TM is the same one you own.


We are watching at home! We are having our 2nd annual Superbowl party! Our biggest cheat day of the month! :) And we are rooting for the Ravens!


I’ll be in Idaho, snowmobiling and watching the game at a lodge. I’m not too worried about who will win, but excited for the food! I don’t have a treadmill. I just have a gym membership close by my house. I don’t like working out at home and my kids are old enough to take care of themselves. When they were little I’d get up earlier the their dad and head out.
Good meal planning! I do that once in a while but mostly wing it. Lazy.


I like the commercials at the superbowl, yes I am lame. I can not follow football and it makes my husband sad. But we are Eagles territory and well they have been downhill for a bit so it really does not make a difference!
As for the ice cream, my girls would go crazy over that. I may pick the footballs out and enjoy them myself, you know to decrease the sugar content for them, just thinking about them. Ice cream does not like me. I like it but every time I eat it, I make my husband promise to never let me eat it again!!
Have you ever read the book ChiRunning? I am reading it in hopes of changing my techniques and not having to take 2 weeks off again due to a knee injury. I am heading out again just to walk a few miles on Wed and see how it feels.


I’d love to have my treadmill outside, but living in western New York doesn’t permit that haha. I keep mine in the basement so it’s extra, extra boring staring at those walls :-x

I’m not sure what cowboy quesadillas are, but they sound tasty!


I have a random question for ya – we are about to move into a 700 sq ft, 1 bedroom, apartment (just up the peninsula from you, I think!) and are expecting our first baby in April. Could you share how you work where baby sleeps/where you sleep/where all the stuff goes? Any insights would be appreciated! Thanks.


I’m just looking forward to my birthday roast dinner this weekend mmmm. I have a pro runner 46-XT treadmill, it hangs out in our lounge.


To be perfectly honest, I’d love to be able to keep our treadmill outside. My parents keep it in their basement, which honestly feels like running in a dungeon sometimes. Thank goodness for a laptop and TV shows is all I can say. And maybe it’s because I’m Canadian, but I’m not all that excited about the Superbowl… Hockey, on the other hand, oh heck yes :mrgreen:


I spy Thai Peanut Noodles on your menu. I don’t know if you got the idea from me, but if so, I hope you like them! I always get nervous if somebody eats something because I recommended it. I add chicken to the noodles too. I like it a lot because it is a very, quick and easy meal and I almost always have everything on hand.

This weeks meal plan is curried chicken with veggies and couscous, tikka masala with jasmine rice and naan, bean and bacon soup (I know it sounds gross, but my hubby loves it and I actually like it too – another Our Best Bites recipe) with sourdough bread, and lastly greek pitas.

I will be watching the SuperBowl at my parents. I could care less about anything besides the food ;) We always have the best spread (any dinner, not just parties) at my parentals.

My treadmill is an ‘Image’ and it is craptastic (Black Friday purchase 6 years ago) but at least I have the option when I need it. It is in our ‘downstairs’ room… which is basically our half work out/half toy room. If we have another kiddo, Anna will most likely get that room and we will make some sort of set up for my treadmill in the garage. It will be a lot like the outside one you have going on….or the exact opposite. But once again, at least I will have the option ;)

I need to know more about these cowboy quesadillas. They sound delicious!


Meal planning is the best, my days go so much better when I plan what we are having for dinner. I got a treadmill for my birthday last year it’s a Livestrong 10.0 and I love it! It’s in the garage and you can often find me running on it at 4:30 before any of my kiddos wake up. Love the Superbowl! Good food and family time as well. That ice cream looks so good!


Heck yes, we will be watching the superbowl, but it will probably just be on in the background, while we party with our snacks. Sadly, I don’t even know who’s playing.


Woo hoo Niners! I am running a half marathon in the AM in GG Park and then going to a Super Bowl party in the afternoon. I’m excited for the game … but also for Beyonce’s halftime show, haha.


we will watch the game at home i watn sf to win and this week i plan on making fajitas


can you share your thai recipe?!!!?? PLUH LEES!!!


Looking forward to seeing photos of Tuesday’s dinner. Sounds good – peanut noodles (well peanut sauce, anything) are a fave in our house!

Also, very intrigued about these “Cowboy Quesadillas! I guess we will need to stay tuned to see what they are!

P.S. Love that Brooke looks so fascinated by her little bird in the first picture.


At my parents house. I want the Ravens to win.
Unfortunately, I don’t know what the heck we are having for dinners this week.

The Kidless Kronicles


Don’t really have dinners “planned” … but I always pre make pots of quinoa and lentils on Sundays. So those things will be involved somehow! And my boyfriend lost a bet we made on the weekend … so he gets to cook me dinner on Friday (suckaaaaaa)!


That looks like the best ice cream ever made. Yep.

CAN’T wait for superbowl!! My team’s not in it this year, but I am beeeeeeeeyond excited for some Beyonce action!!


We’re having a chili cook-off at our family SuperBowl party this year…but I don’t like football or chili so I’m really not that excited…I am making delicious shredded potato casserole! I’m excited about that.


Hey Janae!
What software are you using to make your meal plan? Looks awesome!!!


Ohmygoodness I LOVE that ice cream flavor! I discovered it last year around this time and it changed my life. ;-)
I’m not a huge NFL fan but I love me some college football ~ Go Gators!!


I’m sure I’ll be watching the Superbowl, but if I’m being honest it’s just for the company and to see Beyonce in the halftime show :)


My daughter used to be soothed instantly by Jason Mraz’s song I’m Yours! Don’t you just love those magic fussy fixers?! So glad you’re organizing your meals… it’s giving me some motivation to do the same :)


We are watching the Super Bowl at home with a couple friends! I don’t care who wins, but I’m sure my husband does!
Tonight we are having BBQ pork sandwiches from the crockpot… later this week we are having a delicious veggie burrito bake! YUM. Stir fry sometime this week too… one of my favs!


Must go get ice cream…


I would kill to have a treadmill in my house (well really apartment), especially with this Wisconsin weather. My running has become nearly nonexistent with the come weather and snow…I’m a weinie the year.


I don’t watch football but its on ALL the time in my home. I’d rather be cooking/baking while the hubby & kids watch. The fam will be cheering for SanFran.

I meal planned for 3 days this week. Chicken/potatoes/string beans all cooked together in the oven in one dish, pot roast in the crock tomorrow & chicken burritos on Wed.

My treadmill arrived last Wednesday (same as yours) and I’ve put 21 miles on it. It is in our basement which we just refinished 6 months ago. The ideal location would be oceanside …. a girl can dream right???


Love all your posts!!


Yes – please share the Thai noodles recipe! We had chili and cornbread ( with peppadews cheddar cheese thrown in) I do dream dinners every other month so I pick up 12 premade meals and it helps! We are having Thai turkey cutlets, and Mac n cheese tomorrow night….that is as far as I have planned! Pretty much my goal is to empty out the freezer so I will be having some sort of frozen meal the rest of the week!
I have a cheap Image treadmill in our unseated barn. It is on its last leg, and I am saving for something nicer!
Hope the Ravens win! I am from Maryland, but am a redskins fan. Will be making crab dip on Sunday….
Great job with the meal planning…


NICE NICE NICE Meg! Im born and bred in Baltimore :) RAVENS will.go.all.the.way :) Janae – Congrats/serious props on your trail run!


Hail to the Redskins!! I’m a MD redskins fan too :)


That ice cream looks awesome! Go Niners!! :)


don’t really care who wins, but will be watching it at my house while i skype with the bf :) my treadmill is in my livingroom, perfect for watching tv or when it’s cold out!


9-er’s although I’d love to see both teams lose. Is that possible? Haha!


I have to get that ice cream…lol


I’d like to know what a cowboy quesadilla is… do share the ingredients or at least a picture! :)

Since the Packers were knocked out by the 49ers… I don’t care who wins anymore :) I will still watch though!

I made Cheddar Broccoli soup tonight, it was a new soup mix I found in the organic department… not sure I’m a fan! I’m also thinking of whipping something up in the crock pot & I have some stuffed chicken breasts (stuffed with wild rice & mushrooms) to try out!

I don’t have a treadmill (wish I did)… I have an elliptical. That sits in my living room, right in front of the TV. :)


I’ve been wanting to get that ice cream for a while, but I seriously don’t trust myself to have it in my apartment without eating it in one sitting, haha


I can never read your blog when I am hungry! RAAAAWRRRR touchtown ice cream get in my belly! ohh meeeeh geeeeerrrrrrrd.


Good for you for having a meal plan! I have a plan but it is pretty loose and it isn’t for every single meal, just a few meals ahead. I’m making up a batch of chickpeas and tonight we will be having my home version of Trader Joe’s Super Spinach Salad. I’m also making frozen chocolate-covered bananas with cocoa nibs to have around. Tomorrow I am using the rest of the chickpeas for baked falafel. OK, I lied, I only have two days worth of dinner plans. And I do not care about the Super Bowl, but the ice cream with little footballs is hilarious.


We call that bird “Ducky Duddle.” My daughter loves it too, she’s a month older than Brooke. We found DD at Target ;)


That picture of you and brooke is the cutest thing ever!!

I keep my treadmill in my office.

I’ll be eating food and talking and not caring who wins during super bowl!


Don’t know, don’t care, and it’ll be like 7 AM Monday morning when the Superbowl is on anyway. Easier for me if I don’t care…

Planning to make some porridge, and maybe some kind of spicy crockpot meat, for eating over rice or on sandwiches.

I keep my treadmill at the gym. I have to share it with a bunch of other people, but at least I don’t have to dust it. ;-)


I would LOVE to have a treadmill outside! That sounds wonderful. That ice cream also sounds wonderful. I have no idea what I’m doing for the Super Bowl yet, but it will most certainly involve that ice cream.


I have a Precor treadmill, and I keep in the living room. It’s so nice to be able to workout with the distraction of the TV!


That ice cream would be heaven. I hope you share the recipe for the thai peanut noodles!


The Superbowl is HERE which means my morning commute downtown is a nightmare (roads are already closed, boo). But it’s exciting! Lots of people in town, live music, special events, etc.


I love ice cream. LOVE it. Always have that or fro yo in the house. Mmmmmm!


I live in Maryland and we are hoping for a RAVENS WIN!!


Wow didnt know there was a blogger from MD – pretty cool! I just posted this above RAVENS RAVENS RAVENS (sorry Janae, couldnt resist.)


i’m from MD too and based on your blog title I’m thinking we’re from the same town :)


Wow, thats crazy! Are you a runner too?? I will send you a message on your blog!!!


Three years ago, Yes. But my running has rapidly dwindled since having 2 kids in less than 2 years and working full-time. Oh and then my treadmill died… My goal is to get back into running (or at least working out) by spring.


Non-ice cream fans??? Say whaaaat!

Reply —- Haha I saw this on Pinterest and it totally made me think of you;) BTW I am a total heel striker which I know is tiring out my ankles blah-blah-blah but I find it so hard to quit a habit once you start!


hahaha “if you don’t, that is a poor decision.” YES. I need that ice cream. Annnd GO NINERS!!! I’ll be watching with the in laws- they have a superbowl party every year. I got mostly for the food (not the biggest football fan) buuut the hubs loves it and it’s his fave team, so yay!! This year is extra exciting! :)



My fiance and I area actually moving this weekend, so no superbowl for us…and honestly, the only thing I was kind of sad about missing was the food!! Ha! Your dinner menu plan looks great!! Can’t wait to see how it turns out :)


I love that you keep your treadmill outside! A huge downfall of the treadmill for me is missing out on some fresh air! (Though I live in Boston, so I’m not sure if an outdoor treadmill is as good an option up here)! Also, your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! Good luck sticking to your dinner plans this week! :-)


We still don’t have any super bowl plans. We like to be spontaneous…or we just wait to the last minute to make plans.

We have the same TM as you and ours is in the basement. Currently, the software is corrupted, though, so we’re waiting for the fix before we can use it again.


My first treadmill just died on me and I’m trying to decide which one to get next! Perfect timing on your blog question – bring on the suggestions!!


Superbowl doesn’t seem to be on my radar very much this year. It used to be a draw to me to watch the commercials – but I rarely see them each year. Although I never need much of a reason to have people over and make various dips to eat with bread/crackers. *I think Dips should be their own food catagory. They are that good.

Looking to get a new treadmill – we have a 10yr Nordic Track C2000 – and I am of need of an upgrade. My belt keeps slipping when I first start and it isn’t keep consistent speed at times. This is dangerous for me and my clumsy feet.


We are watching the Super Bowl with our small group from church at one of their houses. It’s going to be fun! I don’t really care which teams wins this year, but I always pull for the underdog!

We have FOUR basketball games this week, so obviously I will not be home to cook or eat dinner except on Wednesday night. I made some taco soup on Sunday to have for dinners and lunches this week. We are cooking blackened fish with roasted vegetables tomorrow night. Next week we will be back to a normal meal planning schedule (3 planned meals).

I don’t have a treadmill, but I do have an elliptical. It is in my workout room (we live in an old ranch style house that had a formal living room that I converted to a workout room), but we are trying to sell it because we are hopefully moving to a much smaller place. There’s only 2 of us (plus 2 dogs and a cat), and we have 2700 square feet – it’s ridiculous. Want to swap?


your suggestion for the cream-cheese chicken chili worked out wonderfully last week! and i’ve been on a meal-planning spree as well. biiiiig exam thursday, so as much order around me as possible= major bonus! have a great week! xo


Must have the thai peanut noodles recipe. Delish!!
And….just because I have to…RAVENS baby, RAVENS! :D Or should I say ‘Rayvens’ ;)


I do not have a treadmill, but I might have to get one once we start having kids.


I think we are watching the Superbowl at a friends house, but not sure yet! I don’t really mind who wins because we are Carolina Panthers fans (I live in Charlotte, NC), but since we went to San Fran back in October for our 2nd anniversary and named it our favorite city of all time, I’m going for the 49ers! :)


We’re having a super bowl party at our house this year and a taco/nacho bar is on the menu – I’m excited! Also, that ice cream looks fantastic!


Not sure about SB plans. Hoping someone invites us…..:) I have a Sole treadmill and I love it. It is in the spare guest room in the basement and we are hooking up a HUGE TV in there so I don’t have to watch the TV in the family room 40 feet away with the volume cranked up to earthquake levels. Make sure you make the “crack meat” for your SB party!


What is this Super Bowl you speak of?? ;)

I’m a newbie at running. I got my first treadmill last March, a Gold’s Gym Walmart special, and managed to eek out three 5k’s before winter. Now I get in four 3 mile runs per week all while working full time and being mommy to two sweet little girls. My goal is to up my mileage and speed this year and maybe tackle a 10k!

You need to check out It’s a great meal planning website that lets you build a library of your recipes (and easily import recipes from the web), place menus in your planner, and print your categorized shopping list of all ingredients for a two week time period. Pure genius and worth the nominal annual fee!!

Love your blog, thanks for sharing!

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