My 50th not so smart moment of 2013

You know those things in your life that kind of drive you crazy every single day and yet it takes you months to do anything about it?  That explains my running clothes situation.  

Basically I just throw them all into drawers with no organization (like everything in my life) and pull out whatever is on top which is probably why I wear the same clothes over and over and over again.  

1st of three drawers. 

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Sure am glad that I have been keeping my running clothes from 8 years ago and that I still have my first sports bra ever too… I am sure that fits.

Brooke just laid low while I organized with her 5th appendage….her feel and learn book.

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Once Billy got home we went on over to pick up my bib for Coyote Hills.  By chance is 161 anyone’s good luck number?  I sure hope so.

(My eyes are open just in case you were wondering) 

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I have already fallen in love with trail racing from what I experienced last night.  We didn’t have to wait in any lines.  They had a table full of snacks and that cookie I am holding was really good and it was actually a cookie, not some high-protein/made out of beans/injected with every vitamin/supposed to make you faster kind of thing that they pass out at road race expos.  

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On the menu for last night was chicken burritos.  I was going for a burrito but by the time I got to the chicken layer I realized there was no hope for this tortilla closing and so the chicken salad minus the lettuce was born.  I ended up eating Billy’s mango too… poor guy didn’t have a chance. 

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It is only January 25th and I have already had more than 50 not so smart moments this year:

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Goodbye crockpot that we got for our wedding.  You prepared many delicious meals for us and I am sorry for not unplugging you and therefore making the lid explode.    

If anyone has a crockpot lid hanging around let me know and I will take it off of your hands.


REMEMBER!!! You all need to sign up for the SHE RUNS RETREAT  in St. George, Utah.  We are going to have an amazing time together.


How do you organize your running clothes?  Do you still have your super old running clothes?  Do you tend to buy more running tops, bottoms or sports bras?

-I tend to go crazy on running shorts…. I need to hold off for a while.

Favorite/most used kitchen appliance?

-It was Mr. Crockpot.

Where does mango fall on your ‘favorite fruit ever’ list?

-It is #3.

How many miles are you running today?  I will be living through your runs today!

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I will see you at the retreat!!! yay! No worries we all have not so smart moments… Is is still useable? I can’t wait to hear about your trail race! Enjoy your rest day :-)


Go to Goodwill! They always have crockpots for around $10. Granted, you only need the lid, but it’s cheaper than buying a new one if your (nice) crockpot still works!


I have tons if shorts but I always go for the same 2. Same thing with sports bras. I like mango in smoothies, salsas, etc but not on its own. Weird, right?


You can probably have my crockpot lid, considering i’ve only used my crockpot about once in the 7+ years that i’ve had it!!


I try to organize my clothes by shorts/capris, short sleeve/tank tops, and then winter clothes (tights and LS shirts and jackets, etc.). It really makes no sense, but it works for me.

Not a big mango fan. I’ll eat it, but would never buy one or crave it.

My most used appliance is the rice cooker. Best $10 purchase ever. That, and an apple corer which was only like $2. Didn’t get one of those til last year and now I’m kicking myself for waiting so long.


When we lived in Alabama I bought millions of tank tops and shorts. And now I’ve had them so long some of them smell before I run in them (TMI??!)

Hope you have an awesome race tomorrow!!


Google your crockpot type and lid replacement. They are usually very cheap – sadly I’ve had to replace them several times …


I hang all my workout clothes. I bought those hangers for the shorts that you can hang 4 at a time on to save space. That way I’m not digging through a drawer full of stuff every morning.

I do not like mango at all. It has the weirdest taste to me and I’ve tried it several times. Weird.

Favorite kitchen appliance–Our most used appliance is probably the toaster but I love my coffee maker for obvious reasons.

Wish I were running today! Day 7 in the boot and no cardio on my feet until after Valentine’s Day. Guess I better buy a pass to the pool!


Dang Jen. That’s so smart I’m kinda surprised my OCD organized brain didn’t think of that. I own all black clothes, my bedroom is very dark (migraines) and my dresser is dark brown. I have a tiny flashlight I use in the morning to find clothes. And I mutter a lot.


My old running stuff was super smelly, so it got tossed. I should probably go through my clothes again soon.

I just got a crockpot for Christmas and it is definitely my favorite kitchen appliance. We eat at least 3 meals a week out of that sucker.


I have a whole drawer full of race shirts that I never wear, but I hate to get rid of them because of the memories. I workout in capris and a tanktop all the time.
My favorite kitchen item is my COFFEE MAKER. I couldn’t live without my Keurig!
Have a great weekend, Janae!


I concur on the Keurig! Best appliance EVER! Lol!


oh man that poor crockpot! On the bonus side – target has cool colored crockpots! So I am sure you will be able to switch this to a positive very soon :)

I hope I get to run today! If so – I plan on 4 miles. Not long but they would be much needed miles!

So far I seem to keep buying running capris – I love the Old Navy ones. I even wore them as ‘long johns’ the other day when it was -10F wind chill here. I keep eyeing the orange sorbet colored C9 top at Target. I think it may make it’s way to be for my bday in 2 wks. I am trying to have a full week of running clothes, so I don’t have to wash mid-week.


I’m hit or miss with mango-I can do without!


Oh no! That is a very sad crock pot picture :( I use mine just about all the time. I am sure you can find a good replacement or lid somewhere.


No worries I’ve done that to our Crockpot before too! It cracked the bowl though :(

And in most recent news, I put the coffee on delay brew and didn’t put any water in it :) luckily my husband realized my mistake and I still had some fresh coffee this morning, and the coffee maker still works!

My running clothes are an in disarray, which is strange because I like to think I am an organizer person.

My fave appliances are the coffee maker and Crockpot.

I love mango smoothies from Target… I am not sure I’ve ever ate a raw mango…


New runner + 50 lb wt loss + lots of cool running clothes=a pile just like yours but minus the drawers. I’ve been wanting to organize for months now, but have not. Sorry about Mr. Crockpot-I go through spells using mine. Today is a rest day for me, then tomorrow I’ll do 5 miles training for my first 1/2. My longest run so far as been 4 miles. I’m a little nervous :) Good luck on your race tomorrow-have a blast!!


My pot lids are like the crockpot lid and I’ve totally broke one because I went to go rinse it and I thought it was cooled down enough, and also thought the water I was running on it was warm enough, but no… Sadly, the lid shattered in the sink. So now when I need that pot covered, I have to use the next size up lid. It’s ghetto fab! haha


I have tons of shorts and tanks but I cycle through my favorite 2 shorts from Lulu and my 4 tanks from UA. I only have four sport’s bras (because the ones I love are so dang expensive). Needless to say I am really good at keeping up with laundry.
Only doing 3 today, going for 10 tomorrow. I’m thinking of running my first RNR half in a few months so need to get back in training mode.


Oh my goodness I would be so crushed if my crockpot broke! That and my immersion blender are my favorite pieces of kitchen equipment. I ran 5.3 snowy miles this morning. Had to cut the run short so I could leave a little early. The roads are a bit nasty this morning.


i use my magic bullet a crap ton, that one is probably my fav!

good luck this weekend, you’re gonna kill it i’m sure.


You can use foil as a crockpot lid until you find a new one! Google it :) I broke mine too – one of the old ones, it fell and shattered all over the kitchen floor.


Oh gosh, my drawers were a MESS! Last weekend when I was unpacking from a month away I decided I’d had enough and I got rid of a ton of clothes and reorganized. Only problem now is that I keep going to the wrong drawers… haha I’ll get the hang of it.


yeah…I know I still have a few sports bras from 7th grade hanging out in my closest. the worst part is I’m sure that they would actually still fit now–I’m still waiting for the day my boobs actually decide to come in haha


Just google it…lids are super cheap online


My workout clothes are organize by a sleeve length and then color in my closet. It’s an obsession.

Mango is awesome!

My crock pot is pretty much the only way I could. I’m seriously consider buying a backup just in case something happens to my original.

My girls and I plan on putting in 3 trail miles as soon as they get home from school. Going to warm up into the forties today! Midwest winter heatwave!


You poor peeps who don’t like mango…I think you need to try an Aussie one cause ours are amazeballs!! You would never say no to one!! Worth the trip from US :)


I made my lid explode years ago during an ill conceived packing arrangement. I use another lid that doesn’t quite fit. Maybe try ebay or goodwill.


Ahhh- so excited for your trail race this weekend. Good luck!!! And update us often ;)


I had no idea you could do that to a crock pot – I still don’t have one, but I’ll keep it in mind for when I get my own. And my drawers are a MESS. I really want to go through them and throw out all the old stuff since having too much clutter around makes me kind of nervous, but I still haven’t gotten around to it because I always seem to find more important things to do (ie: bake, eat, watch TV, play video games…) Procrastination at it’s finest :D


Oh my goodness, I will never leave my crockpot on now. Scary! Your chicken salarito looks wonderful!


I think palindrome numbers are always good luck!


I have baskets in my closet for workout tops and bottoms. I have more tops for sure. I used to be bad at keeping them but this past couple of years I am better at once a year throwing out older ones.
Probably my Vitamix. I cannot believe that happened to your Crockpot!
I would say mangoes are 4th only because I am not a fan of cutting them up.
Its my rest day but I ran 5 km yesterday! Slowly getting back into it :)


Oh man your running clothes look like my closet too! Also, dying over that picture of Brooke. It’s absolutely adorable.


I love that picture of Brooke!
I wish I could go to the She runs retreat and meet you. I don’t think my husband would be up for another St. George trip so soon since I just got back from the St George half marathon. It is so pretty there. I can wait to go again next year.
Can’t wait to read about your race.


My running clothes are organized on shelves. Long sleeve/short sleeve. Shorts/Capri’s/tights.
Fav kitchen appliance hands down is my stand mixer. Couldn’t live without it.
I do love Mango. It is probably top 5.
Short 3 today. Still taking it easy. But will also do some leg work at the gym

Good luck with the trail race this weekend!!!
The Kidless Kronicles


I always start to fold my running clothes after they get out of the laundry, but half way through I’m all “Who am I kidding?!”..they end up smushed together and unfolded anyway. Spandex and dri-fit fabrics do not stay folded no matter what I do. :)


I actually just used a crockpot for the first time. And my my using, I mean my roommate used it and I ate the food that came out of it.


I love to buy running tops – and running skirts. I love mangos! But they are kind of a pain to cut, so I default to my gala apples:)
I did 8 miles this morning, nice and easy.
And, my workout clothes “drawer” is the same way – such a disaster! And, it probably makes up half my wardrobe!
Good luck at your trail race!!:)


hiii my love, its been forever since i’ve commented (or blogged for that matter, haha) but rest assured..i’m still here and reading everyday!!

i am def a hoarder when it comes to my running/workout stuff. I had to RIP a sports bra a few weeks ago when it really shouldve been thrown out about a year ago…im also a little addicted to running shorts!

crockpot is def my favorite kitchen appliance…its a tie between that and my deep fryer (i’ve been trying to stay away from that one recently though)

doing a long run on the treadmill today but havent decided how long…i guess depends on my mood. im hoping i can do around 12-13, but i get so bored on that darn thing!

have a lovely friday!!


I’m always so jealous of your “eats” especially right now…it’s SO cold here in western New York and your burgers and burritos sound so summery to me! Jealous!


Good Luck on your trail run! I have never done a trail race, per se…but when we are camping many runs are done on trails!

I am a very organized person, and am not a keeper of anything! If it is old, does not fit well, color is faded, etc…I get rid of it! I go through my workout clothes about once a month or so just to make sure there is nothing else that I can get rid of! I have 4 shelves for running stuff….one has shorts and tanks. I consistently wear my black Lululemon shorts (hence the reason I have 3 pairs of them) and either a lulu tank or a c9 tank from Target. One shelf has capris and leggings. One is long sleeve shirts and running jackets. Final shelf is sports bras and I have a basket that holds just running socks.

Most used appliance: toaster! We have two one for O and I that is for Gluten free bread and a regular one for my son and hubby!

Mango = not favorite fruit….give me strawberries, bananas, pineapple anyday over a mango!

I am not sure if I am going to run or not….I will be doing liveexercise for 40 minutes (google it) it is a great cardio/HIIT workout or bodyrock! And, I will go to the gym thes afternoon and either run/walk/elliptical/bike…..


My workout clothes are like yours – piled up with all my favorites on top so basically they are all I ever wear. I have actually scheduled a weekend in February to go through ALL my clothes and get rid of things I don’t need or haven’t worn in the last year.

I use all my kitchen appliances, but I especially love my Ninja blender that Daniel got me for Christmas. Crock pot (same as yours) and juicer are a tie for second.

Perfectly ripe mango is definitely in my top 5 favorite fruits!


all of my workout clothes are in one huge drawer. zero organization. This doesn’t make sense because everything else in my life is by the list & schedule, but…I guess this is where I let loose!
I used my crockpot for the second time yesterday. It was convenient, should I be using it more?! People seem to love them! My favourite appliance is definitely my hot/cold blender.


I second going to Good Will for a crockpot, may find your lid!

I have an armoire for my workout clothes. And my husband cannot stand how many clothes I have! But, I live in Boston, so I need all types of seasonal workout clothes-tanks, sleeveless, Tshirt, long sleeve T’s, sweatshirts, shorts, capris, pants, lined pants for winter runs, sports bras…
I use the same 3 sports bras even though I own about 10….I just need to throw some out, but not until I find good/cheap replacements!


I would love to give you a crockpot lid but I broke mine too!


Still wishing I was going to that retreat!

Just 2wks ago I thought I broke my crock pot – one I bought for myself pre-marriage! I took the pot out to drain the chicken and then set it back in the heater/container thing (scientific term) without noticing that the cord somehow got in there. I heard the loudest popping sound and realized I had melted the cord to the wire. I even blew the fuze in the kitchen. Oops. Luckily is still works. I probably use our wok the most though. Mmmm. Stir fry.

I do the same thing with burritos. every. time. I always tell myself to put less in there so I can close it and I think I do, but nope. I always get carried away.

I never buy tops, but own a lot of black capris. I recently bought 3 top from Old Navy though. I love them because they are a little baggy and hide my belly.

This morning I only did 4 miles followed by the elliptical and some stairs. I came home and told myself I would do some weights…but here I am, reading your blog with oatmeal in front of me. Oops.

Good luck tomorrow! I know you are going to rock it, like always, and I can’t wait to hear the recap. If I were you I would have stolen that nut tray ;)


Have you tried Trader Joe’s Chile Spiced Mango slices? YUM!

I finally cleaned out some old work out bras and tanks…so needed to be done (after about 3 years!!)


Poor crockpot:( I’m not sure how many miles, at least 4. Good luck on your trail race, you’re gonna rock it!!


First, that photo of Brooke is definitely in my top 3 fav’s.

My running clothes are organized like everything else- sports bras go with my bras, pants go with my pants, and so on. I buy a few things every season depending on what it is I need- but I can’t think of one item I buy more than any other.

We bought a Ninja blender 2 years ago and I was worried I’d use it twice and get over my smoothie fix, but we seriously use it almost daily. I thought all those Vitamix people were crazy, but now I feel like I could own one since I know I’d use it.

I was going to say mango is in my top 3, but I can’t think of anything I like more- I’d put it up there with watermelon.

I ran 5 freezing, hilly, and windy miles this morning. Glad that’s done and I got out there prior to the rain we’re supposed to get.


I signed up yesterday for the retreat. I am so excited for it! I love crock pots. They are the best.


Brooke is so, so cute! I show her pictures to my baby :-).

I keep bins in my closet for my workout clothes. I have a LUlulemon problem. I have more workout clothes than “normal” clothes. As a SAHM, I kind of just live in them.

Good luck tomorrow Jenae!


TRAIL RACES ROCK! My favorite, the Huff 50K (I’ve only ran their 10 mile loop so far but plan on tackling the whole 50K this year), hands out CANDY at the aid stations. CANDY! Giant chocolate turtles, Sour Patch Kids, and Swedish Fish at one aid station. I volunteered after running the 10 mile loop this year, and it was awesome. Most of the runners also didn’t seem too concerned about time, either- it was such a light-hearted, we’re here for the running party atmosphere compared to road races where people get mad if you even slow down at a water stop.


Yikes!! I better start remembering to unplug my crockpot!! I wish I could go to She Runs.. can you bring it to Wisconsin instead? :)


Baskets! one for tops one for bottoms one for bras and one for socks


4 easy miles today :) And tops! I have way more tops than bottoms and bras…I have no idea why!


Go to MarBeck Appliances ( I keep breaking our coffee pot and they sell all the spare parts!


Oh no! That poor crockpot lid! So sad and sorta funny too. ;) I think I am going to run 3 easy miles today in anticipation of my half marathon tomorrow! Cross you fingers for warmer weather – right now the weather is supposed to be 0 degrees at the start – brrrrrrr.


Like you, I have a tendency to hold on tight to all my running clothes forever and always. I really don’t buy new ones very often though, so my collection is slow-growing, so that’s a plus I suppose.

Brooke is the cutest! I had to interject that here.

My poor blender gets a daily workout, sometimes twice. I would sell my arm to keep that thing.


I overindulge in yoga pants. I own them in multiple colors, lengths, and spandex counts. Luckily, I basically live in them so I can justify it.

I’m going to fit in 3 miles this afternoon before my game. I can finally breathe again & I’m looking forward to it!


I didn’t even know that could happen to a crockpot! We used to have a crockpot and I loved it – somehow it didn’t make it here in the move and I haven’t had the motivation to get a new one.

9.5 miles on the plan today, with 6 of those being mile repeats. I am super jealous of your trail race tomorrow – I LOVE TRAILS – I cannot wait to hear all about it!!!

I am obsessed with mangoes. They are probably #2-3 on my list, too…I studied abroad in South Africa for a semester and I probably ate at least one a day. It was an addiction.


I somehow lost my crockpot cord when moving?! I’m still in denial about it, and am thinking it’s just hiding. So maybe if we combine forces we can have a working crockpot.
And i would say that mango is 2 or 3 on my list. Yum.


I’m a sock junkie for some reason. I also have a thing for running capris! Mangos are my #2!!


My workout clothes are always one big mess! I try to keep them organized but it fails miserably every time. I’ve come to just accept the fact that I will never have nicely folded gym clothes and I’m okay with that!


Funny enough, I actually do have an extra crock-pot lid because my first crock-pot got broken during the move to our new house. Sadly it doesn’t look like it’s the right size for yours. But the crock-pot is my absolute favorite kitchen appliance. Not sure I could live without it now that I know of its wonders!


I’m so sorry about your crock pot! I’ve been using mine a ton lately and can’t seem to do without it!


Those shortbread cookies are from Costco! We got a box of them last week and they’re so good!


Did you hear the great news?!?! Ragnar now has TRAIL relay races. We are so doing one in West VA in March….you should come do it!


I didn’t know that could happen to a crockpot just by leaving it plugged in! I hope you can find a new lid! I really have a pretty minimal amount of workout clothes, so I don’t have to do too much organizing. I think I might need to expand my wardrobe!


i have way more running pants/capris/shorts than tanks or shirts!
not running today, weights :) if i can get my sick butt out into the gym.
mango unfortunately isn’t in my top 10 favorite fruits lol


Hi Janae,

This may already be in one of the comments above (sorry, readers, I didn’t read all the comments) but you can try finding a replacement lid here. It looks like you have a rival like I do:
You just type in the model number and I think it will bring up replacement parts.


Call the crockpot company. Same thing happened to me years ago and they replaced the lid! FREE!


LOL!! how did the lid crack?


I do tend to hoard my running clothes but eventually I do get fed up with my drawers always hanging half way open. Then I do just what you did…..toss everything out and have one drawer for seasonal shirts(depends on summer or winter) and the same for bottoms. Cotton race shirts are the easiest for me to pitch. Just not a fan. In fact, I was going to run a half tomorrow but the shirt is the same design from last year and it’s a cotton short sleeved shirt. No sir ree!!!(Especially in single digits and ice rink/ dirt road conditions) I would have to say I LOVE shorts too only because I can NEVER find pants/tights long enough.
I got a six miler in this am. Yep still single digits at 4:30 am. ;)
Not a mango fan at all. Wish I liked fruit but have major texture issues with almost everything.
Fave kitchen thing, probably not classified as an appliance, is my mezzaluna. It’s the “chopper thingy” that one uses to make fabulous chopped salads of any sort. I tell ya….that gadget is slick!!! Best Christmas gift ever!!!


I have a shelf for my athletic clothes – but I need a bigger area as my collection has grown! I do keep my ‘bottom’s in my ‘bottoms’ drawer. The shelf is for my special bottoms (fleece, long under-roos, racing pants) and all my athletic tops.

Yes – I do love mango! I do hate having to prepare it though! I have a stock of frozen mango in my freezer.


Oh no poor crock pot, how did it happen? I love my crock pot and don’t know what I would do without it.

My love of mango depends on whether I am the one who has to cut it up. If I have to cut it up it’s about #10 if someone else is cutting it up probably #3.

I knocked out 8 miles in the dark this morning.


I go crazy for sports bras … it’s bordering on being a hoarding problem. I think my toaster oven is my most used appliance!


That really sucks about your crockpot, I just got my first one ever for Christmas (you know you’re getting old when you ask for a crockpot for Christmas…lol). Maybe check out Goodwill or Craigslist or something for a replacement lid?

As for running clothes, I have sports bras in every colour of the rainbow and I buy a lot of workout tops but only have 2 shorts and 3 capris in rotation right now. Tops and bras are more fun I guess?


Hum, that table of treats makes me want to do a trail race.

I have tons of running clothes. I was actually just thinking, as I stuffed more into a drawer that is bursting, that I should organize them and maybe part with some. I still have two more months until I will get around to it though.


Try ebay to see if anyone is selling the same crockpot cheaply?! alternatively, see if any other lids fit. I lost my rice cooker lid, but turns out one of my saucepan lids fits it! My workout stuff is a bit of a mess, I need some more sports bras though, currently I only have 3 in rotation- that means they are often worn double days- I know that’s gross!


I would LOVE to attend that retreat! It sounds like so much fun! Too bad flights from San Diego to St. George are about $500! Bummer!


I ran 5 miles today :-)

I love crockpot meals

Mangos would be number 4 for me I think

I have way to many pairs of shorts but I love them. Tops and bottoms have their own drawers :-) kinda folded


Maybe someone said this already but I think you can go onto Crock Pot’s website online and order a replacement lid…..


You should check thrift stores, you never know what they’ve got there. Sometimes they even have a whole Crock Pot!

My running clothes are in two drawers: tops and bottoms, but that isn’t working out so well because I keep buying more and more running capris. Better lay off that one…good thing the husband doesn’t pay the Target bill! I never really buy tops, I tend to just run in my tech shirts I get at races…but it was ungodly hot here last summer so I have a few tanks I’ve purchased, too.

I’m not running tonight, my yoga buddy spaced out hot yoga on Wednesday (we usually go on Monday, but plans changed) so we are going tonight in lieu of my off day!


Nae, Nae: My crop pot did that and I just use tinfoil for a lid now and it works great. Just an idea. LOVE your blog. I can’t get enough of little Brooke! I am still dreaming of the day that we run a race together, can we please wear old student council gear if it ever happens?


I have a lot of old race shirts, but some are so hard to get rid of — I’m attached!

I ruined our crockpot lid once too. I think I melted the handle — I’ve tried to erase it from my memory since we got a new, larger and more awesome one as a wedding gift not much after that.

Good luck in your race this weekend!


dunno if someone already found this for you but if you look on amazon i’m sure you can find the right one! here’s a link:

you could also contact the manufacturer and order a new one!


Oh my hell that picture of Brooke is cute. I really think Billy can quit the whole law school gig and you guys can just make money off of marketing Brooke’s cuteness. Seriously I bet pampers, huggies, and snuggies would be all over her as their model.


My favorite kitchen appliance is my pressure cooker it makes fast healthy and tasty meals but there is a learning curve for sure
I am obsessed with lululemon workout wear and it ha to be super expensive I am always in search of the perfect run top and nothing compares to the inspire crops I will never run in anything else. I hate my kegs so i stay away from shorts I hang my jackets and heavier shirts and fold my pants next to my jeans ( I pretty much live in my workout clothes) the tops and bras are thrown in a drawer.
Mangoes are divine I just hate when he stringy things get in my teeth. My favorite way to eat manages is in a smoothie or mango salsa with my eggs and a tortilla in the morning. Sorry for the rambling. Little Brooke is adorable my baby is 3 now time goes so fast


I have a lid! I live across the country though…not sure it’s make it through the mail in one piece?


Brooke is beautiful! how old is she now? :)


We just got mangoes last night at Costco for $2!!! I was like, “I don’t even know what to do with them, but they’re only $2!!!” and I had to get them. So. What do you do with mangoes? Are they good in smoothies?



Good luck tomorrow! I’ll be handing out the 5K bibs. Hope I can spot you ;)


I think mangoes are my #1 favorite food (tied with bread) and definitely my favorite fruit. They remind me of tropical vacation heaven.


My favourite appliance is totally my crock pot too!!! I’m SO sorry your lid broke. I know you’re LDS but if mine did that I’d let a couple 4-Let words through! fact! My husband and I have the same grey Ikea comforter :) Twinners!

Have a great one and squeeze Brookeroni for me :)


Poor crockpot!! It is by far my most favorite appliance! I just did a whole closet clean out for running clothing. I just started spending money on my clothes and have a solid collection so there is no need for the 100 million t-shirt I have that are from hs, college, my brother, my brothers friends, ex boyfriend, you know what I mean. I filled an entire garbage bag of tshirts that will be donated as soon as I get around to it…


I just got serious about running about a year ago. Being a single mom, I don’t buy many clothes for myself. I made due though and put things on my wishlist for the future and I know they’ll be mine one day ;) My one and only sports bra is from nike and works amazing. The bright blue makes sure I never lose it in the crowd of regular bras.
As for mangos they are probably 4th on my list. Strawberries, Blackberries, Pineapple, Mango!
I use my blender the most… Just writing out my favorite berries got me hankerin for a smoothie! (Did I just say hankerin?)


I was actually just going through my running clothes and had a pile just like yours. Even though it was easy to get rid of some of my other older clothes, somehow I still seem to not be able to close the drawers of running clothes!
LOVE mangoes, except I have noticed that if you get a not so good mango (not ripe enough or sometimes just funny tasting) it is really not good at all, vs other fruits that can vary in taste but are still fairly edible.


You can email the manufacturer and they’ll send you a new lid for free. I had to do that with one of my pots.


All of my sports bras are from high school. Is that gross, since I graduated in 2002? All of my running, volleyball and swimming clothes are somehow shoved into two tiny drawers. I roll everything up and that seems to help. I tend to invest in more running bottoms, but I REALLY want a pink sports bra…like now!

My favorite kitchen appliance is definitely the crockpot. I haven’t shattered any lids (yet), but I have cracked the ceramic insert by putting it in the fridge when it was still too hot.

Mango is really far down on my list of favorite fruits. When I was a sophomore in high school, I was in the Spanish Club and we went to Costa Rica during spring break. My friend bought some fresh mango and it made the bus smell TERRIBLE! It was slightly traumatizing. Plus, how do you know if a mango is ripe?

I am only running three miles tonight and walking a few because we have company. Enjoy your rest day! Can’t wait to see pictures of your trail run and more pictures of Brooke’s cuteness!


I don’t get how the lid exploded!?!? Crazy!! Now I’ll be diligent about unplugging since we use our crockpot ALL. THE.TIME!!

Cross training today since I can’t run in this soCal rain with the stroller… :(


Oh sad!!! :( Maybe goodwill has some extras?

Have FUN at your race!!


I have all my workout clothes organized in rows because I work out in the morning and if I can’t find EXACTLY what I feel like wearing, I will use that as an excuse to not work out. I beat the system by organizing myself to eliminate any excusees.

I love my Vitamix and my coffee machine.

No running miles today, but had a KILLER spin class.


Trail races are almost always cheaper too and most don’t sell out. That is just one of the reasons I love it too!


I lost my crockpot lid (no idea how!) and use a regular pot lid that fits almost perfectly. It is a little smaller, but that doesn’t seem to affect the final product of any of my meals ;)


I get hyper organized with my workout clothes. Tights, shorts, tees, tanks, bras, socks, and accessories each get their own drawer. My non-workout clothes get shoved in piles…


Try calling the company of your crockpot!! The handle came off my cover, 5 years after using it, and I called to see if I could get a new lid, how much it would cost, instead, once I said mine had broke, before I could get any further they said they’d replace it. They sent me an entire new crockpot (FREE!) after I emailed them a pic of my broken cover!!


Same here! Their customer service is the best! Seriously, call them and try to get a new lid for free–just gush over how much you love them and use it.


what?! how did the crock pot lid break? just by leaving it plugged in too long? that is terrifying!!


Don’t throw it out!!


Ran 5 miles Thursday and a 5k today! Both on the treadmill at the gym:)


Sorry to hear about your crockpot lid! Any chance the manufacturer’s website offers replacement lid information..?


Oh no! So sorry for your loss! You may able to sub another pot lid around the same size so you don’t have to buy a whole new crock pot.

Mango may currently top my favorite fruit list, replacing strawberries. I also have a new love for pomegranate seeds too!


Weird that happen tomy crockpot this week too! But I don’t really know what I did. I am sure it’s neither of our faults.


161 is a palindrome, and I do believe that palindromes are somewhat luckier than other numbers. You’re golden.

And yes, trail runners ROCK. We climb real hills, jump over real roots, and eat real food (at the end AND in the middle). Seriously, though – I think that trail running forces you to “get over yourself” and just have fun out there. No two trail half-marathons will ever be the same (terrain, technicality, elevation, not usually a “certified” distance), so I find that takes off a lot of the PR pressure.

I buy a lot of running clothes, period. At least it’s fueling a hobby that keeps me healthy. And I get more wear out of them than my “real” clothes, anyway. :)

I think we use our coffee grinder the most, but our Kitchen Aid mixer is definitely my fave. :)

No miles today – race tomorrow!

Have fun at the half, girl! :)


The retreat sounds awesome! I’ll be in Arizona for the Del Sol Ragnar.
I love my fry pan because I make eggs all the time! No runs this weekend. Hard fall on the famous airport ice…bam!
Good luck on your race!


Good luck on your race! I ran a 10k in June put on by Brazen Racing in Alameda and I think I spent more time at the aid stations than I did running, they have any type of candy you can imagine and their post race food is amazing! I can’t wait to hear how you did :)


I have a slight obsession–I must have a complete outfit (shirt, shorts/skort/sports bra). I don’t mix and match items at all!

Favorite/most used kitchen appliance?
I love my single serve Keruig! My hubby doesn’t like coffee so this is perfect!

Where does mango fall on your ‘favorite fruit ever’ list?
Umm…would it be weird if I said that I don’t think I’ve ever had one. I dont know how to cut one up!

I ran 10 miles this morning in our fastest long distance pace yet! (which is waaaaaay slower that your slowest time!)


Congrats on your run, Andrea!! That is AWESOME!!!

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