I found what I want for my birthday.

I absolutely love the stage that Brooke is in right now.  She is SO fascinated by everything and studies it for five minutes straight.  (Please ignore the greasy chunk of hair hanging out on my face… I was not going for that look but sometimes things just happen).

We have had the Hake in our freezer for a long time because when I tried one plain I didn’t really like it that much.  That is absolutely absurd considering that it is food (the only food I don’t like is olives), it is fish and it is from Costco. 

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We decided to try them out in fish tacos to see if I liked them that way.  Turns out Hake loins are delicious with guac, salsa, cabbage and tortillas.

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I really look forward to my weekly Bachelor party (please note that Brooke is studying the poster very closely).   I did not choose correctly who would be going home and I didn’t answer any of the questions so I got zero points.  I am ashamed.

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Can we talk about the awkwardness of the date where they set the world record for the longest on-screen kiss.  Really?

Brownie cupcakes and sour patch kids = all a girl ever needs.

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Brooke takes after her father in showing absolute no interest (and disrespecting the awesomeness) of the show.   

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I am making my birthday shopping very easy on Billy this year.  I found the one thing that I want on an infomercial.  It is a little personal ice cream maker and I could use it whenever I wanted so that I could fulfill my ice cream cravings at all times.

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You may think I am kidding but all that matters is that Billy knows I am serious.


Have you ever bought anything that you saw on an infomercial?  What was it?  PLEASE tell me… I love informercials.

Who watched The Bachelor?  Thoughts?  Were you surprised about who went home?

Since we talked about kissing in today’s post…. how many dates/days did it take you to kiss your significant other (or previous relationships)?

-We hung out a bunch of times but kissed on our first ‘official’ date.  

Olive lover club or olive hater club?

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World’s longest kiss? That’s definitely an awkward date. Actually that’s just really weird to me. I need to start watching this show. I want to play a game like that with my friends! Maybe we’ll do it with PLL… That’s something I’m addicted to. I have an ice cream maker but it’s a regular sized one. Don’t worry though, I still finished all of it in one day so you might need a full one too instead of just a personal sized one.


Also a first official date kisser (gasp… the horror!) I think it was really kind of you to let Billy know a few weeks in advance what you want for your bday so he can plan! Very selfless.


I am hit-or-miss with olives but I do love ’em on pizza!


I have neeever watched Bachelor.. ever. Imagine going on a date with the cameras up in your face??! lol


I’ve bought make-up from an infomercial. I think it was Pure Minerals or something like that. I loved it, but having to order it every couple months got really expensive.

My husband and I hung out a bunch before we became an official couple. After then I think it was 2 or 3 weeks before our first kiss. It was the first for both of us, and it took a long time because we were nervous!

I can’t stand olives, the smell of them makes me sick! Mike loves them though…he just has to eat them away from me :)


Olives are pretty much the only food I hate too. Green or black. Can’t stand ’em.


Yonanas!!! I got one for Christmas after seeing them on TV. SO great!!!!!!!! http://Www.yonanas.com – I made a pineapple / cranberry dessert that was 66 calories for 2 cups! Ok, it’s not just like ice cream but still …


A personal ice cream maker does sound like the perfect bday gift for you!! I’m sure that Brooke will also be intrigued by it… I actually met my now fiance one night, but he lived far away- so the first month and a half of our relationship was over the phone… So we kissed on our first real date, although, I kind of feel like we were actually dating for a month before. ;)


Wow, same here Julie! The first month and a half of my relationship with my now-husband was over the phone (due to long distance)… He then moved much closer to my area, due to a job promotion/re-location opportunity, and we kissed on our first “official” date. :-)


Oops, my name should read “Koryn @ **wife & soon-to-be blogger** ;-)”


Definitely an olive hater over here. My parents loved them and I remember constantly being assaulted by them whenever I opened the fridge… but no… they smell bad. As for a first kiss… with the guy I’m with now, I’m pretty sure it was even before our first ‘official’ date. Eep!


Oh the Bachelor. Once upon a time, it was so fun. Then it just got gross. Haven’t watched it in a few seasons, but I am glad to see others carry on the tradition!


A personal ice cream maker = PERFECT gift!!!

I’ve never watched an episode of the Bachelor but lots of people I know LOVE it.

Olives are grossssss. Can’t do them solo or in/on any food. Bleah.


I LOVE that you all basically have a bachelor bracket! I bet it makes watching the show even more entertaining than it already is!


Love the ice cream maker idea! I have a sno cone maker but haven’t used it yet. I should probably pull it out this summer!


I don’t mind olives on pizza, but I don’t like it in any other dishes. It’s too salty.
I gave my boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek on our second date (we hung out for ten hours that day! And we’ve been dating 6.5 years now :D).


Obsessed with The Bachelor! I really like Desiree and Lesley M. – and what a strange date!! That’ll be super awkward if they don’t end up together now…


yes, that was sooo awkward! bizarre. sour patch kids rule, and guacamole makes everything taste fabuloso in my opinion!


My husband HATES olives though!


Olive hater. Yuck!


It seems like a long time ago to think about dating and kidding. (I’ve been married 5 years!). I was usually a first date kisser (!!!!), but my husband and I didn’t kids until our second date. Should there be a teaching lesson here?? ;)


I haven’t ever bought anything but I really want the EarVac. LOL. I’m totally serious too. I hate ear wax and use Q-tips way too much, packing in the wax, so I just want to suck it all out! (This is probably a TMI).

My boyfriend and I were friends for a looooong time before we dated so yes, on the first date, we got the kisses in:-)

Olives are disgusting.


Ooh, I’ve never seen the commercial for that ice cream maker, but that looks amazing! I’m getting married in a few months, and one of the “must haves” to put on my registry is the ice cream maker attachment for my stand mixer. Hooray for freshly made ice cream. :)


I am the president of the olive hater club. My bf and I were friends for about a year but had our first kiss on our first date :)


Olive hater.
I bought Tae Bo off the infomercial. And the original P90. I think that is about it. Although I am tempted by the new Ninja crockpot. But that I could get at Bed Bath and Beyond.

The Kidless Kronicles


I am a proud olive HATER!!!!! yuck, yuck, YUCK!!!!

I kissed my now husband 4 months after meeting him and 2 months after our first date. we hung out all the time but it took me a while to see the wonderfulness that he is. :)


We were friends for awhile and the kiss is what got us started dating. That was 7 + years ago and we’ll be married in 3 months!!

I use to be in the olive hater club, but I could tolerate them ONLY on veggie pizzas. Slowly I began to be more and more okay with them in various dishes and then found myself popping them in my mouth while making dinner. So I guess I’m now in the olive lover club. The only foods I really do not like are black licorice and “fishy” sea food.


Haha! My kids totally want those ice cream makers. Every single time that commercial comes on they scream “mom, mom, look, look lookit looooook! you’re missing it! mom! watch! MOM!” Can you tell I usually ignore the infomercials??


Olive hater!!! I don’t really like any pickley/briney foods. I kissed my boyfriend before our first date during a conversation where I was trying to suggest we shouldn’t really see each other anymore… he lunged, kissed me and I kissed back. Rest is history!!!


I’m fast-forwarded through that part. I just couldn’t stand to watch! I am definitely in the olive lover club :)


took us a couple of months of hanging out before any kissing happened lol love olives :)


ick… I bought hake too and hated it.. I guess i better just cover it in some guac!
I will now stick with my beloved tilapia! I’m super lazy about making it but it works great! Easy clean up too!
PS. totally wish I lived in california… I’m SO over this 9 degree weather.


Yes, my son was RELENTLESS on wanting the Slushy Magic… so I bought it. Not real impressed. But with my mom being an informercial lover, we have received many little gifts. : )

First kiss… well… was actually before our official first date. teehee And now, we have been married for 22 years!!! : )

Olive hater for the most part. Sometimes mixed in with other things they’re okay.


Yeah, I was thinking the same about the longest kiss thing. I really like Leslie though so I’m happy it was 3:16 seconds with someone I can actually stand. :)


Olive lover, they are the best. when I was little I used to put black olives on my fingers and pretend they were my nails and I was a witch and then eat them off. Our first “real” kiss was on our second date, but when we met we drunkenly made out at our 5 yr high school reunion, keeping it classy over here!


Not surprised over who went home but I’m spoiled so I don’t think my opinion counts. Lol. I’m curious, who are in your Top 4?


I have a Magic Bullet. Does that count?

I am not watching The Bachelor this season. Am I missing anything.

I LOVE olives, but I hope we can still be friends! ;-)


Informercials get me everytime. There’s this workout serious called TAPOUT that calls to me when I wake up with the tV on in the middle of the night.

The Bachelor was good this time. I already have my favorites picked out and really hope they make it far. Can we send Tierra home already? Geesh.

I kissed Tyler after a couple of weeks of ‘dating’ on NYE. We didn’t kiss again after that for a couple weeks when it became ‘official!’

LOVE olives. Yum. Can’t wait for wisdom teeth to heal so I can eat FOOD again. But the ice cream is great.. ;)


Totally bought a shake weight as a joke for my mom from an infomercial. She ended up loving it….weird, haha.

That kiss scene was extremely awkward! I was watching it with my boyfriend and we just sat in awkward silence the whole time. The first time I technically met him (we had seen each other in high school before) he kissed me and we’ve been together ever since; 4.5 years!

And I hate olives, yuck.


I love the poster!!! And all your Costco finds make me want to go there ;).

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom


My husband and I didn’t kiss until 2 months of dating! I am a Puritan! I thought that was WAY early but later he told me he was thinking, “Finally!” Ha.


that was so terrible that they made them kiss for that long.. . super dumb idea! I love that you guys have Bachelor watching parties and I love the poster! I love green olives, but hate black ones. ;)


Ew. No olives. Ew.

My now-husband and I got together during a weekend-long road trip to see a mutual friend. He first tried to kiss me in a Wal-Mart parking lot 5 minutes away from her house, while we were trying sort out what, exactly, we were (friends? more than friends? a couple?), before we actually showed up on her doorstep. I didn’t let him. Until the next day.

[I should note that I’d already known him for 6 years at that point. ;-) ]


That other baby appears unhappy with the result! I bought an ab roller in high school that I saw on an infomercial. It worked! My husband and I kissed um before we were “dating” because we are classy like that. I knew that I was gonna marry him though so it was ok! I would never kiss a stranger on tv like on the bachelor though, too weird for me.


I am LOVING this season of The Bachelor but yeah that was probably top five most awkward scenes ever shown on the show. At least Leslie is a winner (in my opinion). I also really like AshLee – we didn’t get to see much of her until her and Shaun finally went on a date.
I am usually a first date kisser but it really just depends. And I’m a total olive hater! And nope, I’ve never purchased anything from an infomercial!


I kissed my hubby long before our ‘first date’. We hung out a lot just at his house, or driving around. He worked a lot when I first met him so we didn’t go on a real ‘out of the house at a restaraunt date’ until almost 2 months into our relationship! I’d say the first kiss was on ‘hang out date’ #3. I freakin love infomercials, the only thing I’ve bought directly off the TV though was Pro-Active, stuff is UH-mazing. I have a few other things from TV but didn’t buy them directly .. like Magic Bullet (replaced with the epic vitamix), TurboFire, Slapchop (total crap by the way!) haha I’m sure there is more but that’s all I can think of at the moment. I despise olives and I’ve never seen an episode of the Bachelor, I’m not a huge fan of reality TV, the only one I watch is Biggest Loser.


I think olives are yucky.

My brother and I are obsessed with infomercials. I made him a fake one for Christmas this year about a present he mad for me. I’ve never actually bought anything from an infomercial though. I wait until it shows up on the “as seen on TV” aisle at rite aid. The worst was a pancake pan that closed so you never had to flip pancakes. It just turned out to be an expensive way to throw pancake batter all over the kitchen.


Yum, the fish tacos look delicious! And I hate olives too, yay! haha


I dont love or hate olives really, i could take them or leave them!
My boyfriend and I kissed on our first “date.” I think. we had dated 2 years prior to that too and kissed then though also!
I actually bought my vaccuum because of an infomercial. I was up in the middle of the night and iw as like dang that looks nice (i was in the market for a new vaccuum anyway) and I went to Bed Bath & Beyond and bought it like 2 days later! haha and i love it!


I kissed my boyfriend on our third date. I was prepared to kiss him on the 2nd date, but no go on that one. He took me to a park and we sat in his truck and smooched. And haven’t stopped kissing since!


2 things-

1. You are SOOOO right about the stupid record setting kiss on Bachelor… ha!

2. The icecream maker sounds AH-MAZING!!! :)


Ross is embarassed that I watch The Bachelor. Like, he seriously is ashamed. Whatevs. I hate that my buddies that watch it too live an hour away. So I am uber jealous of your parties. We always have a Bachelor finale party though and we usually converse about the episodes via twitter.

Lets talk about that kiss? Who kisses like that? No one. It was so awkward to never have the lips not touch. They kept talking about how passionate it was? Only his forever roaming hands gave it heat…and even then, I don’t want to see that! And in front of all those people? Pervy. DC barbies dress was so short I thought for sure I would see some blurrage going on. Both her and the amusement park chic were WAAAAY over dressed for these dates. I felt so bad she had to walk around that park in those heels. Sure, they will give all the other girls a heads up to bring their bikinis (can’t miss an opportunity like that!) but they couldn’t at least tell the other 2 one on one dates to be a little more casual?

Also, crazy bipolar model chic (I don’t remember many names until there are like 4 left) looks like a female version of Ben (the previous Bachelor) and Selma looks like Shiri Appleby – it makes me miss Roswell ;) And Kacie B?? What was that? I liked her and then she got all catty and tried to take another girl down…just like last season. That was painful to watch.

The mere fact that I can type this much about The Bachelor only proves my husband correct and that I need to get a life. lol.

I LOVE infomercials. It is what gets me through long runs on the treadmill on Saturday mornings at the gym. I love how dramatic everything is. And even though most of them are ridiculous..it never fails, at the end, I want the product. I want a cricut – and I do ZERO crafting or scrapbooking, I want all exercise dvd’s, but I REALLY do want a magic bullet. The guy who hates broccoli on that infomercial is my all time favorite.

My hubby and I had out first kiss on NYE…approximately 6 months after our 1st date. Though we were not dating seriously that whole time. And that is, by far, the longest out of anyone I dated. lol.

Olive lover. Please still be my friend. Pretty sure this is my longest comment ever. And that is impressive for me.


You are hilarious!!! I LOVE that you are that into the Bachelor!!! Can we be friends?!! ;) haha But, seriously?!


After reading your comment below, I think we should also mention Daniella . Who is she? I only see her at the rose ceremony in time to wonder why he is keeping her. And she needs to wash her hair. (says the girl who hasn’t washed her since Sunday). So yes, I think we should most definitely be friends! ;)


No kidding about Daniella. I see blips of her here and there and then I have no idea why she is still there… Who is she?? is RIGHT! ha! Yes, she does need to wash her hair- hello! you are on national television! (and I hadn’t washed my hair since Saturday until this morning, so don’t feel bad!)

Glad to have a new Bachelor friend! :)


Bahaha. Do you have an instagram or twitter account I can follow? Blog? Both my twitter and instagram accounts are megdinsdale. Then we don’t have to leave a thread of awesomeness on Janae’s blog. lol.


I do have an Instagram! It’s whitneyLmiles. I requested to follow you! :) I don’t have a blog, etc though. I have always wanted to start a blog, but after Janae’s post about how to start one, etc. it kind of scared me! haha And you know Janae loves our awesomeness on her blog! :)

Excited to continue to hash out this season of the Bachelor with you! ;)


And of course let me answer some of your questions:

Yes, I watched last night. I was super surprised that Kacie B. went home, but honestly I didn’t really like her this season. She was all full of drama this episode and that annoyed me. Also, why on Earth does he keep Amanda?? She does not seem his type at all… Honestly, I liked Sean a lot more on the Bachelorette and not on the Bachelor…. I know, I know! Don’t kill me! What do you think about Tierra?

Olive club lover!! Especially green olives!! :)


Not only am I in the official first date kisser club, but I actually kissed my boyfriend right when he walked up to my door to pick me up. We hadn’t even met in person! We met online and had talked on the phone and texted a bunch, and somehow I just knew he was the one. It also might have had something to do with the fact that he brought me a fancy jar of sundried tomato-stuffed olives (clearly I am a member of the olive lover club). Almost 2 years later and we’re still going strong!


I’m obsessed with the Bachelor. I kind of expected the results. Kacie didn’t do herself any favors when she had the convo with Sean.

I’m an olive lover. I have a jar in the fridge right now. :)


I have never seen that mini ice cram maker. It’s cute!


uh what doesn’t taste good with guac?!

I guess I was fairly “loose-lipped” in high school but once my husband and I started dating it took a couple of dates for him to kiss me! I blame it on the fact that he just got back from his mission so he was a little scared.


Oh man, that was beyond awkward. I kind of wanted to die of embarrassment for them. That is a super cute ice cream maker!


Worst thing I ever bought was some kind of ab roller thingie with stretchy bands that eventually went into the trash. A couple weeks ago I bought Jillian Michaels 90 day body revolution. I’ve tried Insanity a couple times and liked it but the workouts on these are just 35 minutes which is about as long as my attention span for a workout DVD while still satisfying my weight training needs. It came Friday and I can’t wait to get started; however, so far I haven’t wanted to give up a run.


Olives are disgusting. It’s obvious by the expression on her face that the non-Brooke baby in the photo is thinking about olives.


Never bought anything off of an infomercial but last night I saw one for “Warm Booties” or something like that…it’s basically slippers that you put in the microwave to warm them up before you wear them. Color me intrigued, haha!


I bought Monster Ballads off an infomercial when I was in college. I still love that CD!

I love the Bachelor! I really wasn’t surprised that Kacie went home. She kind of deserved it by trying to start that drama. I’m so glad Sean called her out on it.

My boyfriend and I didn’t kiss until our 3rd date. He’s kind of shy, so I had to make the first move!

HATE olives. Like you, it’s pretty much the only food I won’t eat.


I hate hake…they used to make it in the canteen where I used to work and I like fish, but hake is horrid. Interested that it makes good tacos…that’s almost enough to make me try again!!!

No Batchelor watching here…my heart belongs to Biggest Loser!!!


Your Hake tacos look yummy! Another way I have found to doctor up fish that I found not-so-great is to make it into “fish cakes”, like crab cakes execpt I sub in fish when I do the recipe, since I cant afford crab! I had to look up Hake because I didnt know what it was… the stuff I read said its like cod and often ends up dry if you just broil it, but if you wrap it in bacon before cooking or use it in a soup it ends up moist. http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/food/articles/2010/10/13/sunday_supper__more_hake_goes_from_trash_fish_to_treasure/

That Magic Icecream looks awesome, but I have this suspicious feeling it wouldn’t really work so well. I have tried using a ziploc bag with cream/sugar, placed inside of a larger bag with ice and salt to gush around. It will freeze into “icecream”, but the texture is not very good.


No icing on that brownie cupcake!? I would smother it in something… Maybe ice cream.


I love infomercials too!! I have bought things in the past, but right now I really want the magic bullet (or something like that)!

I watched the Bachelor and Kacie B. committed the “Bachelor cardinal sin” by talking about other girls…she should have known not to do that!!! And the kissing scene was extremely weird and awkward and I would have not been happy if that was my date!

My husband and I kissed after a few times of meeting each other and when we went on our first date too!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE OLIVES! Black olives are my favorite and my younger cousin used to give me olives as a present for Xmas when I was little because we both loved them so much!! They are probably one of my favorite foods and I could eat them every day :)


My guilty pleasure show is the Bachelor. Definitely thought the date with the longest kiss was awkward. I liked the date with the two children at the amusement park better. And, I think Tierra should go home!


My Mom is a “marketers dream” she will buy just about any gadget. I don’t think the Yonanas came from the infomercial, but it is WONDERFUL!!!


I literally have to wrestle the phone away from Mike every time he sees an infomercial. It is ridiculous. The man is very influenced by marketing!


I always want EVERYTHING I see on infomercials, it’s bad news if I stay up late watching tv because they are on every five seconds. I think the only thing I have actually bought though is Yoga Booty Ballet and the pilates circle. I still use that circle though!

I was shocked by Kacie B but she was so awkward this whole season, so I shouldn’t have been so shocked.

My fiance and I kissed before our first official date haha. We were hanging out and I took my friend home and then went back to say goodbye to him.

Olive hater!


I hate olives tooooooooooo. yuck. so slimy.

I don’t really watch much TV, so I haven’t seen any infomercials lately!


Oooo now I want that ice cream maker! I saw a “yo nanas” thing at target that makes fruit into ice creamish things! I wanted that (of course I would add candy as topping to balance out the healthiness :)


Olives=YUCK! I fell asleep during The Bachelor but must re-watch entire episode. I really like Leslie/Lesley(sp?) Tierra…..shut the front door and get out!
I am an infomercials dream. Bought tons of stuff, too numerous to mention. My new obsession as of lately is purchasing at least one thing (usually multiple) from Steals and Deals on GMA.


Everything is delicious with guac, salsa, cabbage and tortillas!! Those fish tacos look delicious! Yum!

Um, my husband took me on zero dates before he kissed me. But we had been friends for a really long time.



Haha! When I was in college, we would come from late at night (I did a little drinking back then) and we would just stay up and watch infommercials. Also, on Sunday mornings I love the fact they are on television in early hours. I.want.everything.

Olive… picky. If the taste is masked, I’ll eat them. Does that count? Black are better than the green ones with the HORRID red centers. URCK, makes me gag.


I bought the magic chopper which does not work but the free gift was the deli knife and it is awesome!


i’m sorry, but i have never watched even one episode of the bachelor or bachelorette. i just cannot fathom a bunch of girls fighting over one guy and the guy gets to date all of them and do whatever to choose which one wins? i say, if he ain’t interested right off the bat, let him go. no man is ever worth fighting for and i have way more self respect than to claw after him.

just my thoughts.


Waited one month to kiss my Now Fiance! We work for the same company so I was uneasy about going too fast…poor guy thought there was something wrong! But it was worth the wait ;-)


I KNEW Kacie B was going home, because she got all crazy on him and he wasn’t having it. (Go Sean!) Also, I love that poster and might have to copy you and your friends. :) As for olives, I love them. My hubby and I had our first real kiss one night after hanging out for like 6 hours. But it took me a while to kiss him, I remember. Like, we hung out a few times before the kiss happened. Ahhh and now I can’t stop kissing him :)



FISH TACOS. I want!! Those look amazing.


This post is awesome, but the one thing I am still stuck on is… fish have loins?? How? Weird!!!

I haven’t seen the Bach from this week yet! Soooo excited to watch it.


Also, I once bought an InstaHang that I saw on an infomercial. Doesn’t work as well as it looks!! They’re basically thumb tacks that this thing shoots into the wall… they don’t hold much.


Also, my comments keep running on and on, but I just HAVE to tell you – I am eating the most delicious sandwich right now. Turkey bacon, avocado, sprouts and tomato. With mayo. YUMMM. It is called “The Remarkable” at the sandwich place where I got it… it definitely is remarkable!!


I didn’t buy it from the actual infomercial, but I bought Windsor Pilates and Insanity because the informercial got me interested. :) Love them both!

I’m with Brooke and Billy on the Bachelor – sorry!

Daniel and I kissed on probably the 3rd date? I think we had been talking/going out for about a week.


I shall have to try the tacos. Now that all the kids are gone it is harder to cook great meals. I beg them to come on the weekends! Never watched the Bachelor. I tried. I think it must be the age thing. Or it’s on too late at night. Which, again, would be the age thing. I do like black olives but only when I can eat them off my fingers. First kiss with hub? Three years before we started dating. And that was 30 years ago. Long, involved story. I should write it down before I forget. Even now I find myself making up parts.


Brooke is too funny!
We kissed the first night we met.. oh college kids..


I love your Bachelor parties, such a cute idea! and I love the birthday present idea, I always crave ice cream at the most random times, but I don’t eat it consistently so I never buy it for the house – that would be perfect!


I can’t believe Brooke just crashes out like that on the floor in a noisy room. I’ve heard of babies doing this I’ve just never actually seen it in action! Love that other baby in the first pic who looks like she would rather be absolutely anywhere else.


My husband and I went on our first date a week after we met, kissed on our second date, were engaged 9 months later, married 2 months after that and have been happy for 6 years of marriage! :)
and I love black olives but hate green olives


My now husband and I actually kissed once before our first “official” date. Whoops!! Guess it worked out anyway :)

And I could not LOVE olives any more than I do! Of course, I’m Greek, and we sure love us some olives. Once when I was a kid, my parents were having a party and everyone was out back. They came in to find that I had eaten an ENTIRE, huge jar of olives by myself!


I love olives! My husband and I kissed on our second date. We had known each other awhile before too, so I feel good about the decision. And since we’re married now haha


I have a Slapchop, or least a different version of the Slapchop. And it is the best. Thing. Ever.

Not a Bachelor fan, but hubby and I kissed on the first date. If you call a college party a date? I think I have to or we didn’t really go on very many dates at all…ahhhh….college. But, we had been friends for years and we took it reeeeal slow after that. We waited another 8 years to get married.

I only like black olives. Green olives…blech, nasty.


The guy I’m with now, he kissed me the first night we met, and we became and official couple a lil over 2 weeks later.


My friends and I have a Bachelor party every week, too! We live in Thailand, so we usually end up watching it a day or two after the fact, but that does not change the suspense factor. I was sort of surprised to see Christie go home, but the other two didn’t surprise me. I was pumped that he got rid of Kacie, because I thought she was kinda mean and creepy. Good call on shutting down the drama, Sean!

The kiss date was super awkward, but not as awkward as I thought it would be – I thought they were trying to break the record for longest kiss PERIOD (not onscreen), and that they would have to kiss for 31 hours (not 3.1 minutes). That would definitely have been worse!


President of the olive hater club.

Longest three minutes EVER. I mean, maybe the longest and most awkward three minutes of MY life. Yikes.


I love infomercials too! I’ve always wanted a Magic Bullet.

My boyfriend and I kissed on our first date too, and we’d actually only met the day before! To be fair, we met on a bus and we talked for most of the 6 hour bus ride, and it’s now been four years so I guess I got the right vibes! ;)

Love Kalamata olives, not a huge fan of all other olives. They’re too salty


Janae, who are you routing for on the bachelor?


I really want the Yonanas frozen yogurt machine! I think they sell it at JcPenney’s. Freeze some bananas, put it through the machine with whatever other flavors you want, and enjoy! It looks like SO MUCH FUN!

As for dates/days it takes for me to kiss someone, I’m usually one for going after what I want. If I want to kiss someone on the first date, I will. If I want to wait, that’ll happen too :)


My kids want me to order then a dream lite. – Gag.
I have an at home ice cream maker – but the time for me to make and then enjoy is far too long. I want instant ice cream!! Man I wish that was possible!

Hate Olives and their food friend the Pickle as well!

man – I really want ice cream now. :(


I definitely want to do a bachelor bracket like that! It’s awesome! And my first kiss with my now fiance was on our first official date. We hung out several times before, and had known each other for forever before that. He says he tried to “make a move” earlier, but I shot him down. We clearly have different memories of those events haha.

Oh, and I like black olives, green olives not so much.

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