14 miles and getting kicked out of Costco.

 14 things about yesterday’s 14 miler.

1.  First 5 on the treadmill while Brooker was napping and last 9 with Brooker outside once she woke up.   

2.   Mumford and Sons Pandora station.

3.  I am amazed I finished.  That just means that my next long run (aka my trail 1/2) will be super easy right?  I always switch off between hard and easy with my long runs. 

4.  My friend buying her Brooks Glycerins the other day made me remember my love for mine and so I wore those babies yesterday.

5.  I should have brought 11 more water bottles than I did.  Pretty sure it was at least 90 degrees outside.  

6.  Don’t eat an egg sandwich minutes before a run ever again Janae.

7.  I need to run by large bodies of water all of the time because it is my favorite.

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8.  Running with Brooke is the best because she gives the people we pass by a huge smile so then they smile back at us and that makes it really fun.

9.  I will never do a list that equals the same amount of miles that I ran again.  I am sorry you have had to endure through so many random details.  

10.  I coveted at least 10 girls’ cute running outfits.  Does anyone else do that too?

11.  I coveted at least 10 peoples’ dogs that they were running with on the trail.  Billy… it is almost my birthday.

12.  Garmin 10, I like you more and more every run.

13.  Donuts.  I really wanted one.

14.  I decided that on my trail 1/2 I am bringing my chocolate covered pomegranates for fuel.  

For the first time in our lives we left Costco empty handed.  Just as we were about to start putting food in our cart they told us they were closing? 6 pm!  They told us we could go to the front and have the workers get us what we needed but that takes out all of the fun of our Costco adventures so we left.  

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To make ourselves feel better about the catastrophe we went to Crabaholic to use up our last Groupon before it expires.  A football game was on and that stole Brooke’s attention.  

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We started off with cajun french fries which were good but the real magic was the ‘Crab Boat.’  4 different types of crab, corn on the cob and potatoes in a hot, garlic sauce. 

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You may think it is strange to drink lemonade and eat chocolate for dessert but somehow it worked.  Compression socks from Pro Compression.  I just need to get a matching pair for B2  (B2 = Billy and Brooke), that would be awesome.   

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Did you go out to eat at all this weekend?  Where was the last place that you went out to eat?

What did you have for dessert last night?

Tell me some details from your last run!!!

Dog owners, do you run with your dog?

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Hahahah donuts. Definitely something I think about while running. Or food of any kind. Something has to motivate me to move my legs faster… why not sugar? Running along the water literally makes running go by 203123x faster. I don’t know what it is, maybe I have ocean ADD or something and it is the only thing that helps me focus. Regardless, it’s more fun.
Last night’s dessert was my mom’s homemade blondie brownies and snickerdoodles I made with the girls I nanny!


I’m sorry for your catastrophic Costco ordeal, but at least your crab dinner looked amazing. I went out for lunch yesterday and had some vegetable soup and half of a quiche (my friend and I split it :) ). I have two Labrador Retrievers – one is wayyyy too lazy to run (ever) but the other is the exact opposite and running with me temporarily helps with her ADHD. I haven’t run in a while but am going outside today with a friend, despite the fact we got a TON of snow last night! Oh well, still excited anyway :D. Hopefully I can run half as well as you can! 14 miles – amazing!!


You are going to do awesome in trail HM next weekend Janae!

We did not go out to eat this weekend–it is going to be -2 for a high, the farthest we are going is from the couch to the kitchen;-) Homemade p.b. oatmeal cookies and whole wheat oatmeal cookies for dessert. I had to taste test both fresh out of the oven;-)


I would have cried in Costco! It does totally take the fun out of it if you can’t wander around aimlessly! What the heck? Glad you made up for it and way to go on the miles!


If I had a dog, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be coordinated enough to run with him/her. I see lots of people in my town running with them, and I just don’t know how they do it. And lots of stroller-pushers too! You guys are strong!


Do you run with glycerin 10’s?? I ordered te ghost for the first time and was torn between those and the glycerins. I will end up with both eventually so I can swap them out daily. Currently I am resting due to an injury and will have to wait and try my sneakers out assuming they will fix me! I have been taking the dog for a walk which I love, he is also a good running buddy. I just went out for on a date night last night and finished it off with ginger molasses cookies :)


I had the Glycerin’s before and loved them! I tried the Ghost but found they felt too heavy, for my taste, but thought they were a great shoe regardless, LOVE Brooks! I went with the Launch, but they are phasing them out now. I just bought Saucony’s and I hate switching brands, but trying them anyway… Hope you are injury free soon!


90 degrees…..I’m thinking that would have made a run a little easier yesterday. We received 12+ inches of snow. I run in any weather, but for some reason yesterday I just felt for safety reason I needed to not hit the roads. It was late afternoon by the time the plows made their way. I did however hit the cross country ski trail for 4 miles, absolutely beautiful and so scenic, I loved it! As for running with my dog, she was my favorite companion on the trail, however, just before Christmas she slipped on the ice and tore her ACL, Tuesday she had surgery. I believe her running days are over, she’s only two, but I’m afraid of the other knee getting injured as well. It’s important to not extend their mileage to early and to build them up like humans do. I did the Couch2 5K with her and my husband, training both of them at the same time. Her limit was a 6 mile run, she’s a yellow lab, I couldn’t bare to have her run further. I’m not a speed demon and on the days I did speed runs, she stayed home. I almost blame myself for her injury. When I see people running with their dogs I think 2 things, 1. I’m jealous and I miss my girl and 2. I hope you’re training them like you trained yourself.


I would definitely also swap the 90 degrees for the current temperatures where I live. I live in Scandinavia, and at the moment it’s freezing cold, -7 degrees , I think 21 degrees Fahrenheit… Today I went for a 9 mile run, and when I returned home, I almost had no feeling left in my face because of the cold :) I also run throughout the year in any temperatures. But even though it’s freezing here it’s quite beautiful with the strong sun and the white landscape. I do however look forward to the springtime where I can put in extra miles.

I recently found your blog, Janae, I really enjoy visiting it! You seem like a very cool person :) And I think it’s impressive that you have run 14 miles today!


Who has cute bangs now? YOU DO! :)


You made my day… Thanks Tara!


1. I totally stare at cute running oufits. Is it wrong to ask mid-race where someone bought their skirt??
2. My favorite runner partner is my boxer, Cooper. He could go forever.
3. You totally need a dog.


We did go out to dinner last night, Chili’s of all place because that is where the kids picked. No desert for me…..shhhh….I am not a desert person. My last run was 14 miles on Friday with my friend. It was 10 degrees outside and we couldn’t feel our faces, but we pushed through and got it done.


I have a chocolate lab mix and she goes on almost all of my runs with me. She would like to go on all of my runs but she can’t really make it over 13 miles. Of course these days we will both have to build back up to that. The ice, snow, cold and inversions of this Utah winter and not having access to a treadmill have put a serious dent in my running.


Last nights dessert was WEDDING CAKE!!! So amazing.

So sorry you got kicked out of Costco! That crab boat looks incredible :-)


I had a 10 mile run yesterday and it felt ridiculously hard despite doing that distance often. One of those runs where I start doubting ever being able to run a marathon again (and I’m supposed to be running Boston in 3 months!).

I run with my Golden Retriever and it is a blast. It’s fun to have a little companion with me who loves running as much as I do.


Last run was yesterday – 4 miles with my husband! Today, I’m going out for 11 with my running friend! We had dinner at Wegman’s last night – I got chinese food and I regretted it later when I felt sick. Should have gotten the pizza! My dog is a Beagle so the only time he will run is when he sees a squirrel. Yesterday, we sprinted back and forth to the squirrel 6x! Hello speedwork.

Good luck next weekend!!


What a great run Janae!!
I’d sooo take advantage of running next to water too if it’s around me!


I ran on the treadmill on Thurs. while holding my Iphone b/c I wanted to compare what my Nike Running app vs the treadmill says. Interestingly I went .40 mile farther w/the app. It’s a chilly 30 degrees here lately, and I do so hate the treadmill; but I hate running in the cold more. Hoping your blog and all the Runner’s World mags. I got from the library will give me the motivation I need so desperately! :)

Do you guys eat out a lot btw? I mean I’ve been reading you for a while now and have a mutual love of all things sugary sweet but I’m just curious if you eat out more than in? Your little girl is so stinking cute!!! Mine are 6 & 9 now, so I do miss those young days. :)


Haha I wish we could eat out more than we eat in. We usually eat out three or four times a month; more if we’re on vacation like we have been for the past month.


Last meal out was for breakfast this morning after my race- let’s just say I didn’t hold back with ordering ;)


I love running with my dog, but he’s a small dog, so he can only handle about 3 miles. When I take him, I just run back by my house and drop him off. Costco closes way to early, don’t they? What’s up with closing at 6:00 on a Sat….drives me crazy!


i went to togo’s yesterday, i’m pretty much addicted :) i actually didn’t have dessert after dinner last night, i had it after lunch, had some froyo :) ran 15 miles yesterday, actually not really sore, only the top part of my thigh is kind of sore. marathon here i come :)


My last run was an 18 miler. The biggest thing about that run is that I finished and didn’t die. That’s my longest distance to date. We just about never go out to eat. My husbands parents invited us out to lunch today. I’m kind of excited to eat out!


Last desert I had was a chocolate chip cookie bar from a church bake sale last night. And maybe another 1 for breakfast this morning…

Last run on Friday it was hilly with 30 mile per hour winds. It made our shirts slap like wings!

No dog for me until I get 1 this summer when I move into a bigger place.


I had carrot cake for dessert last night, and it. was. amazing…I’d been craving it allll week (and I have no idea why) so I decided to get some last night. totally worth it.


I had 5 miles to tackle yesterday. Ran with my little guy in the stroller in 25 mph winds! No matter which direction we ran, the wind was fighting us. At least it was warm!


i did an hour 20 easy on the weekend and doing a 30 min tonight-just keeping my body moving as it is my first EVER marathon on Friday! Dessert-home made brownies and home made caramel sauce (that I am now giving away so I don’t eat them!!)


Totally random question: what do you do about feeding Brooke with the long runs? I have a 3 week old and am having trouble running/ stopping / feeding him for an hour (don’t ask..) etc.. i guess it gets easier?


Yes! I am coveting running outfits. I look forward to Spring. The outfits are even cutier! Janae, what is the benefit of compression socks? I have never used them. Brooke just gets more cute! I think she could hold her own with her own blog ;) I got a trail run in yesterday. The best!


At least I’m not the only one that likes lemonade and chocolate (chip cookies or brownies!!) Last night we went out to eat at Red Robin – usually good for a burger, but absolutely the most UN-flavorful burger I have had!! I went Paleo not too long ago, but this is the 2nd time I have had their “natural” burger and it was cold and bland! Huge disappointment! For dessert I came home and made an individual chocolate cake with almond meal – which was awesome! No lemonade though! LOL My last run was one week ago today – Disney’s Marathon! Totally awesome, Disney can put on a marathon – was too cool! This week I begin training again – I have a tri and 10k in one weekend coming up in 2 months, followed by a half, followed by many more!


The last place I at out at was a Vietnamese restaurant with my dad. We had dumplings, spring rolls, and salad rolls. It was all so good!


brookey’s cheeks are to. die. for. love them, and they make my heart melt!

wrote a post like this last year, about the random things that travel through my mind while running. wish is was 90 degrees here, right now the wind chill is zero with about 20 mph winds. not looking forward to that wind burning my face in a few hours here.


I love your striped top. Where’s it from? Also, are those ironman kona socks? So cool! I can’t believe Costco had the nerve to kick you out of their store. Who closes at 6 on a Saturday?????
I didn’t have dessert last night since I didn’t eat dinner until 9pm… Unless licking the spoon from the peanut butter brownies I made counts.
Yesterday was my first run since the Disney marathon on Sunday. I ran not two miles on the ‘mill, but felt great.
Question for you: do you still use your spin bike? I haven’t seen it in any posts in a while so I was curious! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Me too…I’m coveting the striped top!


Thanks girls! It is from target!! I miss my spin bike so bad… It is still in utah and next time we drive there we are bringing it back!


Oh goodness, 14 miles! I ran 3 miles on a treadmill and it was a lot. Felt good though! I had some chocolate for dessert last night too!


Ha I have thought about bring the chocolate pomegranates on runs but figured they’d be a melted mess. And you’re trail 1/2 will be super easy and speedy for sure :)


I used to run with one dog at a time, I have 2 boxers. But now its just me and the baby. The annoying part about the dogs was picking up the poop. One dog would sometimes go 3 times!


Great job on your 14 miler!

We went to Cafe Rio (I hope I’m not making you too jealous… :)) with Annette and her husband, and then went back to their place to eat the most amazing cookies (I don’t know what their exact title is, but they’re the no-bake chocolate peanut butter oat cookies) and hang out. It was a fun night!

We have two labs, and I love taking the younger one with me – he’s my running buddy. Our chocolate lab is too old and gets tired by the time we reach the end of the block. Ha!


oh my goodness, I can’t believe you didn’t buy ANYTHING at Costco! Haha that is a first, and I don’t think I’ve ever done that either!


Omg! I took dark chocolate covered pomegranates on my long run last weekend! I’d like to say I did that because I was out of gels, but really, they just sounded like a yummier option :)


That dinner sounds amazing!
Also, I have that cardi you’re wearing in the pic. It was a Target clearance steal!
I sometimes take one of my dogs on shorter runs, mostly 3 milers. I find it funny that when I run by myself or with the stroller people aren’t as polite about sharing the sidewalk, but when I run with my dog they get right out of the way.


1. I love running by large bodies of water. And always with my dog!
2. Brooke’s Hello Kitty shirt is to die for.
3. My last long run was yesterday and it was 4 miles – the longest run I’ve had so far since injuring myself (again) in December!


My last run was on the treadmill- we had a snowstorm yesterday and I’ve been having back spasms all week so I wasn’t risking slipping outside.. Plus it was COLD :)

I discovered the best way to make time on the treadmill fly by – you tube running videos! I LOVE the My After series with Mirinda Carfrae, Dara Torres and Crowie, there’s a video called “Training Day” with the Raelert brothers going through a training camp in Spain with them and a series called Keeping Up With the Gouchers – go goole it now if you haven’t seen it!! It’s all about Kara & Adam training.

Watching that stuff as I run makes me run harder and love it even more :)


Love your list. Especially the doughnut one. LOL. I totally run with Abby – the puppy – but as she has gotten older, she is more stubborn and only wants to run off leash, so can’t run with her too much, only when we go to a trail or something where there are no cars to worry about!


I spy Hello Kitty!! :)

great job on finishing 14 Janae! it took a bit of committment to finish your run with Brooke!! :)

your “crab boat” looks soo good! :) xoxo


I’ve never heard of Crabaholic before but it looks like a cool place to get seafood! The last place I went out to eat was the Melting Pot for some fondue.


I struggle with the dog thing. They are large, high energy dogs and need exercise. But, I run longer and faster than they do, plus they stop a lot. So, I feel bad if I leave them at home, but I don’t get my best run with them. Usually I take them for a 2-3 mile loop, then drop them off at home and continue on my merry way.


I love Mumford and sons!!!! They make me want to dance while I run, which could really lead to an injury. Aaaand my resolution for 2013 is to convince my husband as well that we NEED a dog. We too live in a rather small 1 bedroom abode, but I want a walking/jogging buddy! :)


We went to a pizza place called Sauce last night. It was GOOD. The last desert I had was probably animal crackers.

My last run was last Saturday and it did not feel great. Which is why I am taking the time off.

I don’t run with my dog. Only one can run and taking her makes the other one too sad. : (

The Kidless Kronicles


1. The last place I went out to eat was Sushi Sams in San Mateo yesterday with my best friend. Delicious.
2. I was going to have my leftover movie candy but I inadevertently left it in my back pocket for the whole hour drive home and melted it all:(
3. I’m so glad you asked because I meant to tell you you HAVE to run on the fire road in Nisene Marks in Aptos now that you live near Santa Cruz. It’s miles and miles of fire road through the redwoods with 8 million trails leading off into the woods and down to the creek. So so so beautiful and cool. My husband doesn’t run but went with me yesterday and it was so fun!
4. And yes, I was jealous of everyone’s dogs we passed running:)


Dessert was a chocolate lava cake from Arby’s. Turns out lava cakes are better from good restaurants than fast food places but chocolate is chocolate!


A company my husband was working for during collage gave the best Christmas party ever. At dinner they gave us $150 gift cards to Costco. Then they told us they were opening it for an hour just for us. We HAD to spend our gift card during that hour or we had to return it.

It was awesome. Costco all to ourselves, and free money to spend frivelously. I wish every costco trip was like that.

You know, if the sample ladies were still there.


I ran 18 miles along the water yesterday with a new friend I met on daily mile – getting to know someone new is the best way to make the miles fly by. We went on a double date with our BFF couple and my husband got a burger that was topped with: Mac and cheese, curly fries, jalapenos, chili, tomatoes, avocado, and a bunch of other stuff. Then we got giant cups of froyo for dessert and I almost passed out from belly pain after, but it was worth it.


I love my pro-compression socks, especially the pink and brown argyles! Also loving Brooke’s hello kitty outfit….I love me some HK!!


Even without child I sometimes do the start on treadmill, and then take it outside. since neither of us mind the TM, I find a way to get in some good miles this way. It is almost like you start over when you head outside.

Ran 7 miles this morning, and making your chicken chili as we speak. My first go at it, but it already smells delicious.

Dessert last night was that new cereal, Frosted mini wheat crunch. If you like cereal to stay crunchy in milk, this cereal is for you!


Make sure to add a can or two of tomato soup to make it so it is more soupy! Without it it is more like a dip ha! Great run girl and you are so right.. It felt like starting over again!


It was delicious!!!
and +1000 wife points.


Oh good!!!!!!


I definitely hear ya on no egg sandwiches before a run! I had a similar experience on a 7 miler… Painful in the tummy, to say the least. They taste sooo darn good after the run, though!

Yesterday’s run was an easy three miles before work – six today!


My last dessert was a mint chocolate chip shake. I told my husband I was clearing out room in the freezer. ;)


I love seeing people pushing little babies on runs. It always makes me smile. I do take one of my dogs for a run sometimes and he loves it. He’s small so we’ve topped out at 2 miles at this point but it makes him so happy. Where exactly in Cali are you living now? I can’t remember.


I have an australian shepherd/border collie/blue heeler mix who runs with me all the time. He has boundless energy, so even when we run 10+ miles, he comes home and is ready to play fetch. Crazy. My last run was a 9 mile tempo run (withy my dog) and it was a struggle for me.


Haha I always drink lemonade with my dessert!


Dessert = the JUICIEST oranges ever. My mom always sends me oranges straight from Florida, and they’re SO good this time of the year, I legit need to wear a bib. Plus, dark chocolate. Always need chocolate for dessert.

I wish my dog would run with me! She’s wayyyy to ADD outside to be able to just run. Always looking for food.


I have two dogs, but only one is run-able, and that took some training! Now that I’m an out of shape glob starting to get back into running, running with the dog is a great excuse because if she has to stop to take a bathroom break, well, I guess I’ll just have to stop for a little rest, too! :) I ran with her yesterday, and she was cracking me up because every time we passed another dog, she’d run while looking backwards to watch them. She does keep me entertained!


Last night I made cream puffs for dessert – super yummy!! I only had one though.


I run with my dog all the time! She trained for the last halfmarathon with me. We researched best running dogs before we got one ( we chose a Pointer!)
Your run looks like a pretty one :)


I’m going out to Thai tonight. Super excited! I haven’t been out to eat in a while.

I actually didn’t have desert last night :( We rarely have sweets in the house, but I think I need to buy the giant bag of Skittles at Target for my late night sugar needs :)

I love running on the water, too! The trail I’ve been running on lately is parallel to the water for most of it. It’s so pretty!


I just had to say I covet running/workouts all the time! I am so glad to hear someone else say that.

Dessert last night: blondie from trader Joe’s blondie mix. Yeah, I know you are jealous! ;-)


I have wanted to try that so badly!!!!!


Ha! Ok, I meant to say I covet running/workout outfits! Hope that made sense.

The blondies are yummy!
Happy Sunday!


I thought you were going to tell us you got kicked out for eating too many samples :)


Hahahah I am sure they have wanted to kick me out many times because of that:)


I take my roommates dog out with me when I run. He’s a huge golden doodle and makes me keep up a fast pace.

Are those Kona edition pro-compression socks you are wearing? How did you manage to score a pair of those beauties?


My last run was 4 miles, on the treadmill, awesome, longest run coming back from injury :) My dog is little and we definitely did not train her so I can’t run with her. She can keep up, actually she can run circles around me and everyone else we see which is why I stopped taking her! I am sure your trail half next weekend will feel amazing!


Last night for dessert I had the last of my Reeses peanut butter bells that one of my student’s gave me for Christmas. Teachers have the best perks!

I think Billy needs to go out and get you a dog for your birthday right now. I run more faithfully and faster (not that you need to run more or faster, you are amazing and so fast already!) than I ever have thanks to my rescue Border Collie “Annie”. I got her last summer and she is the best running partner ever. She looks like a mini version of Charlie so I love it when you post pictures of him. Annie runs with a spring in her step and makes ever single mile much more fun. The other perk of running with your dog is that it tires them out so they don’t cause nearly as much trouble when you are just hanging out at home. Win-win!

Good luck on your trail half next weekend. My first half was a trail half in Bend, OR called “The Dirty Half”. I’ve done 4 road races since then and none of them compare to that first one! You will be hooked!


My roommate and I just got back to school and hit up panera for some broccoli cheddar soup! Yum!! I had sea salt dark chocolate almonds from trader joes for dessert also yum!!! My roommates and I are doing a half marathon in April and are going to start training in 2 weeks! One time I tried to take my 20 pound dog out running with me but he got about .5 miles and then went and laid down under a car. He would not move for 20 minutes – it was a good thing the driver didn’t come out!


I run with my dog, but its hard work to take him with me. You have to stay focused or else he’ll drag you into traffic chasing a squirrel. It also does a real number on my pace because he stops to do his business every 3 minutes.

Ella is totally obsessed with sports on tv. I thinks it’s all of the bright colors & movement that sucks her in.


I can’t believe Costco closed at 6PM…. what the heck!? I would have been so mad and sad at the same time!


So fun to run with the family! I am looking forward to running long runs again after the baby is born!


I’ve been kicked out of Costco more than once. Love the socks. Yes, eggs too soon before a run is not a good call. I want to eat crab legs with you guys! :)


I run with my dog and I couldn’t imagine running without her! We did 21 miles yesterday and she still had energy after!


I have a Maltipoo and she doesn’t pace well. we usually get in one fast mile and I have to carry her home.


Yum, that dinner looks delicious!

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