Brooke loves to foam roll and my new favorite running fuel: Vi Endurance.

How did I forget to show you the pictures of me teaching Brooke to roll out her hamstrings after my run yesterday?

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I really think she liked it.  

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For the past 6 weeks I have been exclusively using a new type of fuel for my runs. I really wanted to use it a lot before I gave it a full review so here we go….

Vi Fuel.  Pretty dang awesome.  First of all, I finally learned what works for me when it comes to gels… I can’t try to eat the whole thing at once but instead I take little sips at a time and really love it that way.  This method is SO much easier to fuel my runs compared to what I used to use (shot blocks or candy).

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The most cool, awesomest parts about Vi Fuel:

-It is the most easily digestible gel on the market (they use dextrose instead of fructose).

-Even and consistent energy (from using dextrose)

-Promotes active recovery.

-Reduces fatigue.

-Limits Muscle breakdown.

-First *true* endurance gel. 

The owners of the company started making their own gels several years ago because they were not happy with any of the other options out there.  They were training for ultras and so they were using quite a lot of gel and saw the advantages to using gels but didn’t like what was out there.  Their biggest complaint about the other gels were that they would tear your gut up and so they really wanted to make something that was easy on your system so they switched it from fructose to dextrose.  After that they added what they call their Vi Endurance Formula which includes different ingredients that all aid in recovery and help to limit fatigue and muscle breakdown.  

They were using these gels that they had created just for themselves and started sharing it with friends and the response was incredible… people were hooked and said that they would never go back to their old gels again.  Their friends were able to recover quickly and run longer with even energy!  They kept making more and more of the gels and finally decided to make a business out of it.  The 3 cofounders spent months researching whether or not what they had was anything different from the other companies and they realized that they did have the superior product.  They didn’t take any shortcuts, they were wanting the best gell they could possibly make for themselves!  They were making this gel not for the profit at first… it was just to help them reach their own running goals!

The owners said, “We are so grateful that Vi Fuel has been able to help folks run harder, longer and more often in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.”

Each pack has 100 calories in it and they recommend to take one 15 minutes before and another one every 30/45 minutes followed with water.  This is what I have been doing and I really can say that I like it.  I have had zero stomach issues with Vi Fuel (which I was experiencing more than ever after having Brooke), I love the vanilla flavor (chocolate and peach cobbler are also pretty good) and I feel like it really did help me to feel more even energy throughout my run compared to the previous fuel that I had been using (shot blocks, candy or chomps).  Billy has also been using Vi Fuel and his favorite part of the gels is that it doesn’t leave a thick aftertaste like the other gels do.  

Brooke really wants to try them but we are going to wait until she is 6 months old.

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Try it out, let me know what you think!  

To get 25% off your first two orders use the code hungryrunnergirl at checkout!  Vi Endurance Fuel.


Random tidbit of the day:

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We finally have our tree all decorated and bangs friend and her husband gave us a very special present, an ornament picture of them.  We will cherish it.  


Do you prefer the multi-colored Chrstmas or the white Christmas lights?  Do you have random ornaments or a specific theme on your tree?

What running fuel have you been using lately?  Ever tried Vi Fuel?  

When did you start eating fuel while running?

Are you a foam roller user?  Favorite muscle group to foam roll?

-My quads.

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Thanks for this info! I am training for my first half marathon and want to start experimenting with different gels, chomps, and blocks etc. One of my biggest concerns was how it would affect my stomach. I will definitely try these out. And Brooke is obviously going to be a fitness queen! First the foam roller then the gel!


Let me know what you think! What half marathon are you training for?


RnR Dallas!! I am counting down the days!


I love the roller for my calves and then I use it on my back, I love when it cracks my back…is that weird? :)


OH YESSSSS…. Kari, I do the exact same thing and I love it so much! Love cracking my back! Hope you are having a fabulous Sunday!


When I was running longer distances raisins were perfect running fuel for me!


I have never tried that… great idea girl!


Good info. I am just starting to think about fueling now that I am training for a full marathon. I need to start trying out the different ways to fuel. So far I have used nothing during training and just drink water and Gatorade during races.


I TRIED to leave a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam… save me!!! What marathon are you training for?!? Yeah, start experimenting with different fuels!


Weird. I haven’t seen a comment come through yet but I’ll check again. I am training for the Green Bay Marathon in May. It was cancelled half way through last year because of the heat and I am really hoping that doesn’t happen again!


I hope they don’t cancel it either! Excited to follow your training!


Tried bloks on my first mile run and now anytime that I do 6 or more. Which unfortunately has been a while.
Thanks for the tip on the new fuel – My hubs and I completely messed up on our half last month when we accidentally checked the fuel with our post race bag. In turn we used the gels provided at mile 8 of the race only, and it was our first time ever trying a gel.

Hubs took it like a shot right away and messed up this stomach, and I sipped it. It helped, but certainly had a ‘thick’ feeling that took a bit getting used to.

**White Lights / Red & White decorations only**


OHHH Deana, I have totally done that too! Such a bummer when you realize that your fuel is gone! I think sipping is the way to do it! HAHA you seem very passionate about your light and decoration colors:)


uh, I keep telling my hubs that we need to buy a 2nd tree just for our boys to put their ornaments on…passionate, one way to say it…um, yup. :)


I’ve tried various gels in the past, but lately have been using gummy bears/worms. The gels I’ve tried leave me with some pretty gnarly “digestive upset”, so I look forward to trying the Vi Fuel. Very helpful review :-)


YES… try it out! Let me know how your stomach reacts to it Crystal!


I am a foam rolling addict!! It is so great for preventing and treating injuries!


I’ve never been a big gel person but maybe this would work! Brooke is too cute on the foam roller. She’s getting so big!! She’ll be running around the house before you know it ;)


haha she looks adorableeeeeee on that foam roller!! She’s gonna be the speediest baby runner!
I’m loving multi coloured lights..actually just went out for a drive around the neighbourhood to check them out!


I’m not really one for themes, we have a tree with multicolored lights and a bunch of random ornaments and I love it!

I’m not training now but while I was I started to really like the Clif brand of gels, they didn’t seem as sweet as the Gu brand, but I still use a lot of Gu Espresso Love.

I didn’t start until I was on a 15 miler during training for my first marathon. Before that I didn’t even know eating while running was a thing, and I sure didn’t know what “gels” were!

I couldn’t live without my foam roller. I can’t say I have a favorite muscle group to roll since they are all pretty painful. Those pictures are way too cute!


How adorable is she! Love the tree! I love putting special ornaments on our tree. ;) Always foam roll!


I usually use Sports Beans to fuel but they are a little annoying to chew when you’re trying to run a good race :) I may just need to try this stuff out!!

I love foam rolling- calves and quads are my fave. Brooke foam rolling may just be the cutest thing ever.


I haven’t tried foam rolling yet but I want to. Do you do it after every run or just workouts and hard runs? Any recommendations on what brand to get or is that important?


Forgot to answer the other one haha I used to drink cherry juice after workouts in college. The nutritionist recommended it because it cuts down recovery time and a bunch of other really good stuff I no longer remember. You might look it up :)


That’s adorable. My 6 year old tries to foam roll all the time, and has all sorts of accidents. I just started foam rolling this year and now have a foam rolling ipod playlist


I have been reluctant to try gels because of the aftertaste. You may have convinced me to try this brand.

I love to foam roll my ITB, piriformis, and calves.


I prefer white lights on my tree.

I have to do the same thing with gel, just take little sips at a time. If I don’t, my stomach is all messed up. I have used mostly GU gels. I’ve never found one that I really love though. I don’t like chewing on anything while I run. Being a HUGE jelly bean lover, I thought I would love the jelly beans but I just don’t like picking my teeth while I run. haha.


V has the very same advent calendar!


I have white lights on my tree – not really a theme but just bigger ornaments – mainly christmas theme (santa, reindeer, etc.).

I started using fuel this summer/fall when I started training for my first marathon (Disney – less than a month to go!) – I have been using the GU gels but when I swallow them they almost make me feel like I want to throw up (Peanut Butter is the only flavor I can semi handle) – not sure if that is common . . . ? I’ve seen some people have commented they have stomach issues so not sure if that’s what they are referring to – I really wish I could run a million miles and not have to fuel :(

No foam roller yet but I am thinking it is time to get one – your daughter is so darn cute!


Disney will be my first marathon, too! Good luck!


Awesome, I can’t wait – can’t believe it is already in less than a month! Thank you, good luck to you too!


On what distance runs do you fuel? I never fuel on long runs(13-15 miles), but I also know that’s not too smart.


Brooke is just destined to be an amazing runner … she’s probably going to be running marathons before she’s in middle school! ;)


multi all the way!! i’ve never used any fuel type thing before or during my runs, but i would really like to try that!! i do not have a foam roller, lol wow i’m a runner i swear!!


Ah thanks for the new fuel review! I have been trying lots of things and haven’t found something I really like. Nothing bothers my stomach (yet), but I don’t enjoy taking anything yet. Energy Beans were too sticky (although, my problem was probably that I put like half the bag in my mouth at once, rather than one at a time…), GUs/Gels are always too thick, I’m like Billy, I don’t like the sticky, thick aftertaste that I have to wash out with water for the next two miles. I’ve never tried shot blocks and I think I’ll have to try these new Vi Endurance!

I use them on any run over 8 miles. I am training for my first marathon in March, so I’m trying to figure out my fuel plan during long runs.

I like multi-colored Christmas trees and we always have a mix of home made/sentimental ornaments and classic ornaments. The unique ones are my favorite, even though they don’t look as “pretty.”


Love rolling my quads! I hate rolling my IT bands but they feel so great after.
I like multicolored lights but we have plain white ones on our pre lit tree…

I use GU and I had huge stomach issues with it but eventually my body adapted. I’m gonna definitely give that kind a try though. I started using gels when I started training for my half marathon..I do carry them in 10k races just incase I’m having a bad run day and need a kick start.


I’ve never tried vi fuel before.. I almost never try gel fuels like that.. I drink Gatorade or some sports drinks when I know I’ll be working out for a long time. I should give it a try though, I like that it’s so compact!


So I’ve never foam rolled or used gels during runs…lamest runner ever? Check. As my runs get longer I will start experimenting with fuels during runs :)


Awwwr yay for having the tree up! The tree at my parents’ place is multicoloured and doesn’t have any kind of specific theme, but when I got my own tree last year I decided to go with white lights and stick with a woodland critter theme. I like both, but I have to say that multicolored craziness has a sentimental value that I miss.


Thanks for the info on the gel, it’s always nice to hear about people’s firsthand experience with products!


Nom…. can you buy a variety pack?


I have to use energy gels when I run. I can’t chew and run at the same time.

I love foam rolling all muscles–except It is pretty painful on my IT bands.


When I take in fuel while running always depends. Yesterday was 2 fruit/veggie purees baby food things at mile 5 & 9 of an 18 miler. On my 8 miler today, I didn’t take in anything but water. But I usually take Pacific Health Labs Accel Gels around mile 4-6 of my long runs. My back and quads are my fave to foam roll. My back needs it today!


Disney themed tree.. I say it’s for the kids but really i secretly love it!


OK, first of all I’m in China right now and super excited that I can read your blog from here! -I can’t access a lot of blogs from here. And second of all, I cannot wait to try the new gel… lots of stomach issues with gels and I can’t stand to have to chew candy or blocks when running.


We have white lights on our tree. All of our ornaments are white, gold, or silver, so I think colored lights would look strange.

I usually use GU gels for fueling. I just tried a honey stinger gel on Friday and had serious GI issues afterwards. I won’t be switching to that!


I am glad that you posted about this new fuel. I have MAJOR stomach issues and normally when I use gel on my long runs or for a mini my stomach is rough for at least 2 days afterwards. I plan to try this soon! :) Maybe this weekend! Where do you buy it?

Also- random question- good way to use the foam roller for your hamstrings? I always try and don’t do the best job! haha

Thanks! :)


Hi Janae! I am considering trying the Vi gels but I can’t decide what flavor to get. You seem to only be able to order huge boxes of one flavor…. can you compare what the chocolate and vanilla taste like compared to other gel brands- maybe the CLiff shots and GU brand? I like the vanilla Cliff and the GU chocolate OK, but haven’t tried any other gel or flavors yet. Until recently I was really afraid of gels but had to use them during my marathon because I somehow didn’t make it to the start with as many Shot bLocks as I had planned to. OOPS. What do you think?

Oh and thanks for the discount code!

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